CDC- Item 2C - Development Projects UpdateROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nbaw DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2007 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UPDATE SUMMARY Provided below is a summary of the major development projects within Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 in the City of Rosemead as requested by the Rosemead Community Development Commission on February 13, 2007. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Community Development Commission receive and file this report. DISCUSSION Over the last several months, the Rosemead Community Development Commission has authorized three (3) property appraisals and entered into two (2) Exclusive Negotiating Agreements (ENA) with local developers to assist in the development of key sites in Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2. Property Appraisals The three (3) properties authorized by the Commission to be appraised are listed below. • 9416 Valley Boulevard - An appraisal of this property was completed in July 2006. The property is currently in escrow with the adjacent parcel owner to the west for a 34-38 unit mixed used project. • 9020 Steele Street - An appraisal of this property was completed in September 2006. It is currently being considered by several developers to be included as part of the proposed development on the Bank of the West parcel to the north. • 9056 Garvey Avenue - This property is currently being appraised. There is an opportunity to combine the properties at 9056 and 9048 Garvey Avenue for a 5 acre mixed use development. The final appraisal is due to the City in early March 2007 and will be presented to the Commission soon thereafter. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Oe-G ~ • Community Development Commission Meeting February 27, 2007 Pape 2 of 3 C The following table provides the background information for each appraised property. Pro a Pro a O Existina Use(s) Date A i d Status Address wner ppra se 9416 Valley Felipe Orozco Liquor store, July 2006 Currently in escrow with Boulevard flower shop, adjacent property owner for substandard a 34-38 unit mixed used residential units project. 9020 Steele Alan Kao Chinese Yellow September Several developers have Street Pages building 2006 shown interest in developing this property. 9056 Garvey Robert & Carol Furniture Due early The appraisal is due to the Avenue Carson distribution and March 2007 City in early March. manufacturing The Commission also authorized staff to have an appraisal prepared for the property at the southwest corner of Valley and Temple City Boulevards. While the appraisal was being prepared, staff was informed by the property owner that they would be submitting a development proposal for this site. Since the property owner was prepared to improve and develop the property privately, staff requested that the appraiser stop all work on this property. Since then, this property has sold and staff anticipates receiving a revised proposal from the new property owner. Exclusive Negotiating Agreements Over the last several months, the Commission has entered into two (2) Exclusive Negotiating Agreements with local developers for the development of two key sites in the City of Rosemead. Manarino Realty - The Commission approved an ENA with Manarino Realty on November 28, 2006. Manarino is proposing to develop a commercial/retail project at the northeast corner of Temple City and Valley Boulevards. This project is proposed to include a non-ethnic grocery use like a Trader Joe's, Tesco, Bristol Farms, etc., and other neighborhood serving commercial and retail. Staff has been working closely with developer to determine the feasibility of the project and will continue to update the Commission as new information becomes available. YK America - The Commission approved an ENA with YK America on December 19, 2006, for the development of the southwest corner of Rosemead Boulevard and Glendon Way. YK is proposing to develop the site with a major home improvement type user. Staff will continue to work closely with YK to determine the feasibility of the project and will continue to update the Commission as new information becomes available. 0 0 Community Development Commission Meeting February 27, 2007 Paoe 3 of 3 Private Proiects There are several privately funded projects located in the City's redevelopment project areas which are currently in the development process. Most are in the conceptual design phase and have yet to submit a formal entitlement application. The following project is fully entitled and the design has been approved by the Commission: Grae Ventures: On behalf of the owner of the Bank of the West property located at the southeast corner of Rosemead and Valley Boulevards, Grae Ventures is proposing to demolish the existing bank and build two new buildings including approximately 12,000 square feet of new retail and restaurant uses. The Planning Commission has approved their proposed design (and tentative parcel map) which includes outdoor dining, a water feature and other pedestrian friendly amenities. Grae is working closely with staff to ensure commitments from desired retail and restaurant tenants. CONCLUSION The development activity in Rosemead continues to grow. Within the coming months, the Commission will be presented with the General Plan update including mixed use design standards that will enable staff to process projects more efficiently. The overall permitting process in Rosemead is also being adjusted to provide businesses and homeowners with a more consistent and streamlined process. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. LEGAL REVIEW This staff report and attachments have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Submitted by: A`~" J e Duff Community Development Director Prepar d by: V B ~ Saeki Redevelopment Administrator/RCDC Deputy Executive Director