CDC - Item 2C - Mixed Use Development Projects UpdateE M E Q~Q 9 ~DRPofl>TED X89 • ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSION MEMB RS FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: May 8, 2007 SUBJECT: MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UPDATE SUMMARY Provided below is a summary of a proposed mixed-use development project in the City of Rosemead. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Community Development Commission receive and file this report. DISCUSSION The property owner/developer of 7419-7459 Garvey Avenue has submitted a proposal to the City to develop a mixed-use project on the 5.35 acre site. He is proposing to construct the project in two phases. Phase I would include the front portion of the site with 130 residential units (30 one bedroom units, 94 two bedroom units, 6 three bedroom units) and approximately 59,000 square feet of new restaurant and retail space. Phase II would include relocating and demolishing the mobile home park at the rear of the Site and constructing 30 condominium'units. Staff is currently working with the City Attorney and the property owner to develop a legal and equitable relocation plan for the mobile home residents. Attached to this report is the preliminary project rendering and site plan for the project. Proiect Entitlement Based upon the current General Plan and Zoning Code requirements, all applicants requesting to build mixed-use projects will have to apply for several entitlement processes. They include General Plan amendments to address increased residential densities, zone changes to rezone the property to allow for mixed-use development, and a conditional use permits for projects proposing a condominium component. It should be noted that staff is currently in the process of updating the General Plan including the Mixed-Use Design Standards to better address these types of projects. The proposed updates will be presented to the Community Development Commission for consideration in the coming months. If approved, the entitlement process will be APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: `eA • Community Development Commission Meeting May 8, 2007 Page 2 of 2 simplified and staff will be able to process mixed-use development projects in a more efficient and timely manner. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Pre are y: Bnan ki Redevelopment Ad mini strator/RCDC Deputy Executive Director ~yf ~IIe~ e r-~ ~-F ■ 7 - t L~IIS SZC 5 € IN -.s= s= Q 3 C i 3 ~ G y r Y r r th c d L/1 P+7 Cr9 M V 7 N < b N 0 0 J v N N O N O 0 J f p 4 4 i - e ! sJ - Q iF 3 3° 4 F ~ - _ ~ ~ ~ G 6G .r4 4 Y m - i ~ >y 4 1 l~ i a le p ° ~ Q Q i p 4 r a 'a"=====~== di ono~~nonnn~a y a t 55 - 0 0 o a o 0 _ Y uv mw m Y Y _ } (Y , yyja }0 ~ l~fz All M I A, I i R s 6 d > ~ - - ~ ~ I , " V ~ d x ~ t Z rflZ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° i m ~ ~ y e ! r A V 7 G ~ a a n a ~ - - d a ~ 0 S vex !i L d ~tYe3 ~~9 V a~rrV { ~ 5 agf i 0 6 Q D Pg 7 a r g s ¢ ~ A & a ~ a x r 5 ;l v r e a a a A ~ r g~5 fl d gq ~ q d 6s , - - - e ~ x Y Y Y ~ ~ rdF j x ~fl p ~ - . . ~ { ~ ~ q ~ t 5 x Se 6~ ~ V r d S ~ ,Y q~ ° - - - 9 r k 4~SK r4 s ' r A i r .a ' y tl • S 6 s Y = 7N-JIL GAMEY AVE rE s»i smemooosmrvomoe