CDC - Item 2C - Acceptance Of Bids And Award Of Contract For TRaffic Signal Improvements At Del Mar Ave And Graves AveC� 0 ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: OLIVER CHI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.. —e:. DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE SUMMARY On September 6, 2007, bids were received for the subject project, which provides for left -turn phasing in the north -south direction at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue. The Community Development Commission will consider award of the contract to Steiny and Company, Inc. in the amount of $76,350.00. Staff Recommendation That the Community Development Commission accept all bids and award the project to Steiny and Company, Inc. in the amount of $76,350.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Commission. ANALYSIS The following bids were received for the subject project on September 6, 2007: 1. Steiny and Company, Inc. $76,350.00 2. Christopher R. Morales, Inc. $78,858.00 3. Republic ITS $83,742.00 4. California Professional Engineering, Inc. $90,500.00 5. Freeway Electric $91,232.00 6. OAK Engineering, Inc. $98,013.00 7. Dynalectric $127,900.00 Attached are copies of the three lowest bids, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet reports for each of the three low bidders. The bid submitted by Steiny and Company, Inc., a responsible contractor, is twenty -five percent below the Engineer's estimate of $102,000. The average bid for all of the bidders was $92,370.71. APPROVED FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDA: �1/ 0 6 Community Development Commission Meeting September 25, 2007 Paae 2 of 2 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for the traffic signal improvements is included in the FY 07 -08 Budget utilizing Community Development Commisson funds. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: R y Alf: so, P.E. Deputy City Engineer Interim Community Development Director Attachment A: Three Lowest Bid Proposals, Bid Analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet Reports 71 i CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR OF 76 - 11 41 1 V AND Ca*114ti,; - ;NC. TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required forthe above - stated project as setforth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump -sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern_ over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER 's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. SPC07 -33 C -1 1 UJ ;I i.. i r- r•--t 7 0 0 BID SCHEDULE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT PRICES EXTENDED NO. QUANTITY AMOUNT Traffic signal modification as shown LS 1 $ $ 3dr 1 on Plan. 2. Traffic control. LS 1 $ $ '� a Oo TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN FIGURE $ TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN WORDS r SPC07 -33 C -2 i u 0 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS L�7 BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one - half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK �S' 7i�.�P� 6s� Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. SPC07 -33 C -3 .i REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person.familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: - 11 a v l , SPC07 -33 C -4 Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Construction projects completed as of this date: Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner. Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. More Available upon Request Major construction projects in progress as of this date: EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily fled, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative .actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work. and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SPC07 -33 C -5 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name 1_ East Garvey AV.,", Business Address Baldwin Park, CA 917C6 - OS�i Telephone No. 26 338.9923 State License No. 161273 State Contractor's License No. and Class Class A, B, C-7 & C -10 Original Date Issued R)(u.l . IgSlo Expiration Date 5 av The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Chairman J.O. Vice President Richard Tesorlero . Secretary Gayle C. Kappelman The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership orjoint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this pro posal.was an owner, corporate.officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: SPC07 -33 C -6(a) n L IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. i F ,J Dated: nn 14 a Mh y aw BIDDER: sTEINY AND COMPANY, INC. The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the representatives made hereto are true and correct. Contractor's Signature Richard Tesoriem Printed Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -6(b) 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Riverside Oneforeme, Shawn R. Bradfield, Notary Publ D.R. 0 a Name arE Tim of Olr[er (e,, 'Jam Doe, Not, Pu j personally appeared Richard Tesoriero Nemap) of Slgnegsl ,personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 4AWNT n # 1736 EID Commission 4F 17J049 Notary Public - California Rlvottlae County MpComrn e"MMW 9, 2011 to be the person whose_ name(N is/aw subscribed to the within .instrument and acknowledged to me that he /shelthey executed, the same in his /ba&ltheir authorized capacity, and that by his /heiAl eir signature(,) on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person() acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. �� SOnalura of Ndery Pubic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, if may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this torte to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: OU1 7 � _, ZU A��Cli I �— Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Richard Tesoriero ❑ Partner — ❑Limited El General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Individual `Szl�,orporate Officer — Title(s): Vice President Signer Is Representing: Steinyand Company, INc. RIGHT THUMBPRINT OFSIGNER 0 1999 Naa mat Notary Aswaawn • 9350 De Sob Ave- PO, Box 2402 • Obalsw h. 9 131 12402 • ww Moorelmlaryor9 PM No. 5907 Reorder Cal TWI -Fm 1 8 8]6682) 09/04/2007 12:43 626# -9218 CITY OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR IN THE CITY OF PAGE 02/02 AND GRAVES AVENUE This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents or the above - identified project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract Doculnents as noted below. Portions of the Contract Documents not specifically mentioned in th is Addendum remain in full force and effect. i i Notice Inviting Sealed Bids The first sentence of Paragraph 4 on Page A -2 is hereby All bidders shall be licensed in accordance with Professionals Code and shall possess a State Contn the time of bid submittal- M Rey Alfonso, P.E. No. to read: 3ions of the Business and License, Class A or C -10, at Date I acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1 and Bidder aforementioned. ��s/6? SFC07 -33 Addendum I CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVESAVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2006 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Steiny and Company, Inc. _ as BIDDER, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of WA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws oflhe State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City ofRosemeacl, as AGENCY, in thepenal sum of Ten Percent of the Total Amount of the Bid in [IN WORDS] dollars ($ 10% 1 , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above - stated project if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their names, fi0es, hands, and seals this 4th day of Se tember 20 07 Dated: S y? BIDDER: Name. Steiny and Company, Inc. Address; 12907 E. Garvey Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Tesodero, Vice President Type Name and Title: SURETY: Name: Safeco Insurance Company of America Address: 330 No. Brand Blvd., Suite 680 Glendale. CA 91203 . (Signature) Type Name and Title: Jeri Apodaca, Attorney in Fact Note; Thisbond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknovvIedged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached_ SPC07 -33 C -7 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Riverside On Qj . 5(,QI beforeme, Shawn R. Bradfield, Notary Pu bli to Name and Title of Oeicer (..g., 'Jan. Me, Notary Public personally appeared Richard Tesoriero Namean of Signegs) A personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence NAWN !ilRADFIELD Commfulon s 1738049 f Notary Public - California ! Riverside County WCarr.oplimM ov9.2011 to be the personX whose nameZs) is /ara subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /sheAhey executed the . same in his /4eatheir authorized capacitjZle and that by his /her,4Heir signaturejs�on the instrument the person(9), or the entity upon behalf of which the person( acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Blgnalure al NOtaryPuble OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons retying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: \r 1 1(L r1 LJL YL Document Date: _yam p� , 4o d,C.11 l Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: cl , S � � . Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Richard Tesoriero p • Partner — ❑ Limited' ❑ General • Attorney -in -Fact E] Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator L1 Other: ❑ Individual �CororateOfficer— Till Vice President Signer Is Representing: Steiny and Company, INC. RIGHTTHIIMBPRINT E 01999 National Nola, Association • 9350 De Solo Ave.. P.O. Boa 2402 • Cbalswonb. CA 91313 2402 • vw arionalnoraryorg Prod. No 5907 Reoder Call Tall -Free 1 -800 876 6827 9 9 State of California County of Orange On SEP 0 4 2001 personally appeared Jeri ACKNOWLEDGEMENT before me, J. Barragan, Notary Public (here insert name and title of the officer) personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and offici ea Signature OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) ❑ PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL . ® ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE S- 40671GE 1106 (Seal) FRP 0 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: 0 Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint ' C. ABEL APODACA; LINDA ENRIGHT; JANE KEPNER; NANETTE MARIELLA- MYERS; MIKE PARIZINO; RACHELLE RHEAULT, JAMES A. SCHALLER; Irvine, California'••"'""• --*.••,•'•'••�••••••• «.. « «,.•.... «.. its We and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety fronds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 11th day of J uly 1 2007 STEPHANIE DA SECRETARY TIM MIKOLAJEWSKI SENIOR VICE - PRESIDENT SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By -Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attomeys -in -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced: provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (t) The provisions of Article V, Section 13 of the By -Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power -of- attomey appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power- of- attomey appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I, Stephanie Daley- Watson , Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By -Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By -Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this SEP 0 4 2007 _ OwCORPOMH , SFAL 5 SEAL a� 1953 d! 1 Hof wxslnl NOOr emwas�c 0 . \a S- 0974/DS 4105 No. 9675 day of Ap-Aav lu/k�¢f�l STEPHANIE DALEY- WATSON, SECRETARY Safeco® and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation. WEB PDF CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS x� r' I AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY tilolz•4 1Nc. In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above - stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required forthe entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump -sum prices bid include all appurtenant- expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. SPC07 -33 C -1 I BID SCHEDULE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICES EXTENDED AMOUNT 1 ' Traffic signal modification as shown LS on 2. Traffic control. LS 1 $ O O 0 ,00 $ 000,0 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN FIGURE $ _7B 9-5 re. TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN WORDS S 11CLaL F 1&AT 7 b0ufAAJ12 SPC07 -33 C -2 r I i 3 Y Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. I SPC07 -33 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS 0 BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one - half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK C -3 l • • REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: - J 1 � e Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 2✓ 1. J o SPC07 -33 C-4 Christopher R . M Inc. 15100 E. Nelson Ave., Industry, CA 91744, Phone: 626 - 968 -3771, Fax: RE: REFERENCES- COMPLETED PROJECTS ➢ City of Pasadena Lincoln Ave.- In -Fill Lighting 117 E. Colorado Ave. $499,780 Pasadena, CA 91105 Contact: Quijano (626) 744 -4124 Date of Completion: February 2006 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Jennifer Alvarez ➢ City of Baldwin Park Los Angeles St. 14403 E. Pacific Ave. $438,438 Baldwin Park, CA 91708 Contact: Arjan Idnani (626) 960 -4011 Date of Completion: December 2006 Percentage performed by our own forces: 92% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto ➢ City of Pasadena Sunnyslope Crosswalk 117 E. Colorado Ave. $253,000 Pasadena, CA 91105 Contact: Reny Quijano (626) 744 -4124 Date of Completion: January 12, 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ County of Los Angeles San Bernardino @ Nora - Traffic Signal 900 S. Fremont Ave. $79,255.50 Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Luke Miller (626) 458 -3122 Date of Completion: December 12; 2005 Percentage performed by our own forces: 97.4% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ City of Gardena Normandie Ave - Traffic Signal 1700 W. 162 n St. $113,000 Gardena, Ca Contact: John Felix (310) 217 -9643 Date of Completion: May 11, 2006 Percentage performed by our own forces: 91.5% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ City of La Mirada Rosecrans & Biola Ave. 13700 La Mirada Blvd $88,780 La Mirada, CA 90638 Contact: Gary Sanui (562) 902 -2373 Date of Completion: December 2006 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto C -10 C -10 C -10 C -10 C -10 C -10 0 ➢ City of Monrovia 415 South Ivy Ave. Monrovia, Ca 91016 0 Royal Oaks Drive $129,218 Contact: Jed Rizk (626)932 -5562 Date of Completion: May 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 95% Proiect Manaoer: Jennie Pittman ➢ Cal Poly Pomona Kellogg Drive 3801 West Temple Avenue $82,676 Pomona, CA 91768 Contact: Morris Taylor (909)869 -5173 Date of Completion: April 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ City of Whittier Pickering Avenue 13230 Penn Street $186,488 Whittier, CA 90602 Contact: James Keena (562)464 -3523 Date of Completion: January 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 96% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ City of Pasadena Raymond Ave. 117 E. Colorado Blvd. $58,888 Pasadena, CA 91109 Contact: Reny Quijano (626)744 -6741 Date of Completion: May 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto ➢ LA County Via Princessa 900 S. Fremont Ave. $405,956 Alhambra, CA 91803 Contact: Robert Eisenhammer Date of Completion: September 2006 Percentage performed by our own forces: 90% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto ➢ City of Pasadena Avenue 64 117 E. Colorado Blvd. $409,887 Pasadena, CA 91109 Contact: Reny Quijano (626)744 -6741 Date of Completion: May 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Essen Menjivar ➢ City of Glendora Barranca Ave. 116 E. Foothill Blvd. $76,900 Glendora, Ca 91741 Contact: Michael Maston (626)914 -8200 Date of Completion: August 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto Iowa] C -10 C -10 C -10 C -10 C -10 we] 0 0 ➢ City of Irvine Berkley & Cornell Traffic Signal C -10 6427 oak Canyon $297,997 Irvine, Ca 92623 Contact: Uyenly Buy (949)724 -7559 Date of Completion: July 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Araceli Nieto ➢ City of Cypress Cypress Conduit C -10 5275 Orange Ave. $149,870 Cypress, Ca 90630 Contact: Keith Carter (714)229 -6750 Date of Completion: April 23, 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman ➢ City.of Glendora Gladstone Street C -10 116 E. Foothill Boulevard $149,458 Glendora, Ca 91741 Contact: Michael Maston (626) 852 -4845 Date of Completion: July 3, 2007 Percentage performed by our own forces: 100% Project Manager: Jennie Pittman • • EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid forthe same work. and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. -1 SPC07 -33 C -5 • • BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name 01 It Business Address L7 C� �; 00,�Lor, �2- �Lr�,J� LA GG l Telephone No. State Contractor's License No. and Class Original Date Issued WA -05 Expiration Date l `SO The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: z. ,V �bu 3) �-// The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership orjoint venturer of J which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: !I All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: I SPC07 -33 M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. Dated: q 6 U'\ `7� O,J� / The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the representatives made hereto are true anc g 1 11 V p� Contractor's Signature kf = iz-- HJ'r'4I' Printed Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -6(b) CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California 1 ss. County of LOS ANGELES J On ` �n I ,before me, RAMON C. ARTEAGA , Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Publicl personally appeared CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES Name(s) of Signegs) RAMON C. ARTEAGA 111111 Commission # 1655887 -a T Notary Public - California • Los Angeles County MY Comm. Expires Apr 29, 2010 [N personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WI. ESS my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above — OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Number of Pages: Signer's Name: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES ❑ Individual X Corporate Officer— Title(s): PRERTDRNT • Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General • Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES INC. RIGHTTHUMBPRINT OF SIGNER ®1997 National Notary Association - 9350 De Soto Ave.. P.O. Box 2402 - Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder Call Toll -Free 1 -800- 876 -6827 09/05/2007 10:13 626 # 9218 CITY OF PAGE 02/02 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR IN THE CITY OF AND GRAVES AVENUE This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Document for the above - identified project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract Doci ments as noted below. Portions of the Contract Documents not specifically mentioned in tt s Addendum remain in full force and effect. I Notice Inviting Sealed Bids The first sentence of Paragraph 4 on Page A -2 is hereby All bidders shall be licensed in accordance with Professionals Code and shall possess a State Conta the time of bid submittal. Rey Alfonso, P.E. I acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1 and Bidder SPC07 -33 Addendum 1 RCE No- 2 to read: sions of the Business and License, Class A or C -10, at Date aforementioned. • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE . BID BOND FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 200712008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that CHRISTOPHER as BIDDER, and 1 lVLGC1P1111 V[ 'LL CIl\ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of CA ILIA . and duly authorized to traCY, in the penal enal us under th laws of th e State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY sum of HR Ar• OTINT RTD ON WORDS] dollars ($ 107 OF _BID , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above - stated project, if said bid is rejected, or If said bid Is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER In the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain In full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partles hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this 30th day of AUGUST 4007,. Dated: AUGUST 30 2007 BIDDER: Name: CHRISTOPHER R MORALF4 INC — Type Name and Title: SURETY: Name: INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Address: 2122 E. HIGHLAND AVE. STE. 222 PHOENIX, AZ. 85016 Type Name and Title: SHAWN BLUME ATTORNEY —IN —FACT Note: This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attomey -in -fad must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -7 Address: 15100 E. NELSON AVE. 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of CALIFORNIA County Of RIVERSIDE On Ay' b y_ J 3 0 , 2AU 1 T before me , R. CISNEROS "NOTARY PUBLIC" DATE t NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER E.G.'JANE DOE. NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared SHAWN BLUME NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) ® personally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(,s'f whose name(4 is />Pg' subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he /sty /they executed CISNEROS the same in his /Ir /tlx4ir authorized k@NOT COMM. #1488731 capacity(i�), and that by his /fer /tWr PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY signatureA on the instrument the person(, ,, M Comm. Expires June 7, 2008 or the entity upon behalf of which the person(Af acted, executed the instrument. tgES S my hand and official seal. L SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSONS) OR ENTITYVESI DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE BD -1133 3/94 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION - 8236 Remmet Ave.. P.O. BOX 7184 - Canoga Park, CA 91399.7184 0 0 POWER OF Al "1 FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEiNINFFY COtYIPANY INDERINII 'YCOt1'IPANYOFCALIFOILNIA . PO BOX 19725, IRVINE. CA 92623 (949) 263 -3300 KNOW ALL MEN BY 11 ESE PRESENT "S, that except as expressly limited. DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDBNINI "fy COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, do each, hereby make, constitute and appoint - ** *Michael D. Stong, Rosemary Cisneros, Shawn Blume, Jeremy Pendergast, jointly or severally * ** as their true and lawful Auomey(S) -in -Fact. to make, execute deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporations, as Sureties, bonds, undertakings a m nd contracts of suretyship giving and unting Luna said Atmrney(s) -in -Fact full powerand authority to do and to perform every act necessary, reyuisi a or proper to be done in connection therewith as each of,aid corporations could do. but reserving to each of said corporations full power of Substirwion and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attorncy(s) -in -Fact. pursuant to these presents, arc hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Anonnev is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by muhmity of the fallowing resolutions adopted by the respective Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNI "fY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. effective as of November 1,'_600: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board the ['resident and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is. amhori>ed to execute Powcm of Attorney, yualitving the avorney(s) named in the Powers of AUomcy to execute, on hchalfof the corporations, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporations be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; RESOLVED, FUR'I HER. that the sigmnures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any Such Power (if Attorney or cenificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the c rpination when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN- WITNESS WHEREOF. DEVELOPERS SURETY INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDENINrrY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have severally caused these presents to be signed by their respective Executive Vice President and aucsted by their respective Secretary this Ist day of December, 2005, David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice - President .o'Q+.. • OR4 •'• ?i "• R, r M d' �(yP OCT. 70 +. -\ O P w 1967 1916 :n= Oy Walter A.Crowell.Seeremry ' d7, '•.. /Ow P .k S 9 / /FOP° STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On December 1, 2005 before me Gina L. Gamer, Nnrary public (here insert none and ride oft lie officer), personally appeared David H. Rhodes anti Walter A. Crowell. personally known to me (or proved to tie on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose name(s) is /ire subscribed m tine within instnnnem and acknowledged it) me that he /.shc/t hey executed the same in his1ner /their authorized capaciry(ics), and that by hisAcrAheir signatures) on the inalnumcnt the persons), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand anti official seal. Signature GINA L. GARNER a COMM. # 1569561 (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA 3 ORANGE COUNTY `s _My commit. expires May 13_2009 CENT'IFICA'rE The undersigned, as Assistant Secretory, of DEVE LOPERS SURETY AND INOE VIN n'Y C'OM PAN and IN DEMN I' FY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, does hereby cenify that the tiregoing Power of Attoney remains in ful I force and has not been revoked and furthermore, that the In of the resolutions of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporations set firth in the Power ofAltorney, are in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of In me. California, the — _� V + tay of A� S. v. T Ir — 2 - Albert Hillebmnd, Assistant Secretary ID -1380 (Rcv. 12 (15) CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California I ss. County of LOS ANGELES On \ `n'V� before me, RAMON C. ARTEAGA , Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., 'Jane Doe, Notary Public") personally appeared CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES Name(s) of RAMON C. ARTEAGA _ Commission # 1655887 -s Notary Public - California A. Los Angeles Cowry My Comm. Expires Apr 29, 2010 IN personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WIT SS my hand and offiic'i I seal. Place Notary Seal Above v Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Number of Pages: Capacity(ies) Claimed by. Signer Signer's Name: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES ❑ Individual X Corporate Officer s Title(s): PRF.STnP..NT ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES INC. RIGHr THUMBPRINT d o 0 1997 National Notary Association - 9350 De Soto Ave.. PO. Box 2402 • ChatswoM, CA 91313-2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder. Call Toll-Free 1- 800.876-6827 _ 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL `_J FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS i AT DEL MAR AVENUE ? AND F GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY %T s E'' In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above - stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract - Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, —' Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY `;•� at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities a set forth in the'BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final is compensation under the contract will be based upon the- actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM + " FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump -sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. >; If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER 's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. SPC07 -33_ C -1 L a 17J BID SCHEDULE 0 FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT PRICES EXTENDED NO. QUANTITY AMOUNT Traffic signal modification as shown LS $ 900 $ Tn Plan. 2. Traffic control. LS 1 $ $ TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN FIGURE $ 7�! TOTAL BID SCHEDULE IN WORDS 1 7 SPC07-33 C-2 0 0 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one - half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. SPC07 -33 C -3 REFERENCES I'd The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: Ur Name and Address of Owner RbKk - MEs I Name and telephone number of person familiar with pro'ect rreLFfir- s4av%ai &-A LA Pave 2-:7 1-, OGC C*Z%Yvalv4 L66xh 12 20G(o Contract amount Type of work Date completed c4 4-0 2. GL Q f ftLOAA I ;;; rLQ . WO&P<A ZZ Name and Ad rress of Owner I—) py y � k . (q E6 bW I L V1 W�!n I Name and number of person familiar with project Pai Ave a" 5-t' C.+ - Fv-0-6'c- i�v�aj L11 1 K erco Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. QhA OP iY N, 0M ovic cwUrpla24 I IWVU, CA 6 tV-01-3 Name and Address of Owner 45;1) k f "4d AYVtVdMl, TULL (14 q - i� , * t Name and , telephone number of person familiar with project Mm P " Contract amount Type of woW tate-Gdmpleteri The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: \NoodrtA4- - 6awuer cwd rn I SPC07-33 C-4 9z{ g032 r- EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT r; i BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work. and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SPC07 -33 C -5 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true aanndd correct: Bidder's Name IIQ/j�Qh�S Business Address c RI 6 VI.S ,91V � #� Telephone No. (4l sD 2W . / : 3000 State Contractor's License No. and Class (Ai i S�4 ► A 0 c I() , C31 Original Date Issued Z Expiration Date b ZGv The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Wade L Wkife, ► llef ii&nL V C', r�fi�rU Dzpn is L. Wa I W Q. -, VP lie 0 054WG-ti anS The date of arty voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership orjoint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: �I NoN2 All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: n, C- - SPC07 -33 C -6(a) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. Dated: A69 P�('Vl bell 4, BIDDER: &Qab 6l G I TS C (0(a) The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the representatives made hereto are true and correct. Contract is Signature JTameS A . Wagner, VP c ac ri 'n9 Print Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -6(b) 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE A C K NOWLEDGMENT .cr.�rcarrcrr- r,Er.�= ncrcr State of California 1 Iy1„. 1 }ss. County of f" tLUUNX Ll �,f,, 1 On c�Y.f/f ?Y1t�JC.I� before me, f �1M �u.l I Date — Name and Title of fficer (e.g., "Jane boe, Notary Public') personally appeared Named) Xpersonally known to me • _ MEGAN Kil COmmiWon i 1714.1W € �� Nofory Public - Catt/onda ' Morin County Con ". Jan 2011' ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above ' " Signature otary Public OPT/ONA Though the information below is not required bylaw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Docume - 1 �t,,,� 1 ,,� Title or Type of Document: � a 4M �t �K.t.lva �' [I OYh'la' Document Date: r��LJ_LLl�y- A ! C.C.J�'" Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by-Signer(s) Signer's Name: A- Waarje.✓ ❑ Individual X Corporate Officer— Title(s): O Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ Ger ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer's Name: ❑ Individual Z ❑ Corporate Officer— Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee Signer Is Representing: Guardian or Conservator Other: RIGNT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER 0 20D4 National Notary Aseociabom - 9350 De Solo Ave., P.O. Sox 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 Item No. 5907 Reorder. Call Toll -Free 1- 800 -876 -6827 AUG.31'2007 09:44 • • #6591 P.002/002 ADDENDUM NO.1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents for the above- identified project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract Documents as noted below. Portions of the Contract Documents not specifically mentioned In this Addendum remain in full force . and effect. Notice Inviting Sealed Bids The first sentence of Paragraph 4 on Page A -2 is hereby revised to read: All bidders shall be licensed in accordance with provisions of the Business and Professionals Code and shall possess a State Contractor's License, .Class A or C40, at the time of bid submittal. RCE No. 50706 I acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1 and accept the aforementioned. g/ 3 Date VP 1 Sec , TreasWP -r SPC07.33 Addendum 1 DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that as BIDDER, and '`� a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of f lN WORDS] dollars ($ 1 , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project, for i the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above- stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of 20_ Dated: BIDDER: Name: Address: r3 By: (Signature) Type Name and Title: SURETY: Name: Address: (Signature) Type Name and Title: Note: This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -7 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND ? FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that as BIDDER, and '`� a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of f lN WORDS] dollars ($ 1 , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project, for i the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above- stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of 20_ Dated: BIDDER: Name: Address: r3 By: (Signature) Type Name and Title: SURETY: Name: Address: (Signature) Type Name and Title: Note: This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC07 -33 C -7 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FISCAL YEAR 200712008 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD -- REPUBT, =NTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. KNOW ALL MEN SY THESE PRESENTS that as BIDDER, and a oorporalion organized and existing under the laws of the ,-- of CONNECTICUT and duly authorized to transept business under the laws of the state of Califomta, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal' sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE AMOUNT BID -- [IN WORDS) dollars ($ -- --- 1 , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for above stateg project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above - stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered Into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and affect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partes hereto have set their names, files, hands, and seals this 6th day of SEPTEMBER 20 07 Dated: SEPTEMBER 6th, 2007 BIDDER: Noma: RE PUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES_ TN.. Address: 371 BEL MARIN KEYS BLVD. , 11200 NOVATO CA SURETY: Name: HARTFORD.F Address: 33 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET 7TH FL C -7 Type Name and Title: �� � A' " VP O*MeJ J L" Type Name and Title: LAWRENCE J. COYNE, ATTORNEY —IN —FACT This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney *tn•fact must be attached. • s ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Marin On 9/6/07 before me, __K Holtemann, Nota Public. (here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared_ Law rence J. C personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s)„ or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. K. HOLTEMANN COMM. #1702161 U NOTAflY PUBLIC- CAUFOPM n L/y G SOWWA COLTM Signature �` B r � ��— nyc .F MOM M,M (Seal) Direct Inquiries /Claims to: • • THE HARTFORD BOND, T4 POWER OF ATTORNEY P O. BOX 2103,690 ASYLUM AVENUE HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06115 call: 888 - 266 -3488 or fax: 860 - 757 -5835 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Agency Code: 57- 554795 0 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duty organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Hartford casualty Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana 0 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Hartford underwriters Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Twin City Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of lndiana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast, a corporation duly organized under the laws ofthe State of Florida having their home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Companies') do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of unlimited: Stanley D. Loar, Charles R. Shoemaker, Nancy L. Hamilton, Roger C. Dickinson, Rosemarie Guanill, Mark M. Munekawa, Nerissa S. Bartolome, Jeffrey W Parkhurst, Yvonne Roncagliolo, Kelly Holtemann, Lawrence J. Coyne, Thomas E. Hughes, Thomas Edward Hughes of San Francisco, CA their true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named. above, to sign its name as surety(ies) only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof, on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on January 22, 2004 the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney. n u, Qewrr. �t v `r,zt,z •AA yµc v ° 4 ! .+' " � .. .� 1 .i. 17 10 : ^I raze { t C� \ 7979 t OF Paul A. Bergenholtz, Assistant Secretary M. Ross Fisher, Assistant Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD On this 1" day of February, 2004, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Assistant Vice President of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that. he knows the seals of the said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. 4x e. aq �P /J . � * u" , • Soon E. PazeAa Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires October 31, 2007 I, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force effective as of SEPTEMBER 6th, 2007 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. ,Ill' l4y 6v ^ � I� i � 8 ' n. peN.. 8 ��., 1 01 i 1170 'I979 A._ �� ��Wwp ` �iip . r�� ,fi r ',y - \` ../ '�'S'+,., , —,si,• Gary IA. Stumper, Assistant Vice President 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of /1 n , i ,n I ss. On Ai�Xnl 41 u� �l before me, I t Date personally appeared A - j "Jana CA, Notery (personally known to me MEGAN KELLY Corrlmlasbn 0 1714398 -� Nofary Public - Calllorr W � Mann Count' Canm. .Imf 21D11 ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand a d ff' ial seal. Place Notary Seal Above Signature of Nofa Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this torn to another document. Description of Attache Title or Type of Document: Document Date: 5!jj1MLTK ((f I 2wT Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ,SOW0. WGf nW ❑ Individual J& Corporate Officer — Title(s):VV • Partner — ❑Limited ❑General • Attorney,in Fact • Trustee • Guardian or Conservator • Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer's Name: • Individual • Corporate Officer— Title(s): _ ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OFSIGNER 0 2004 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 Item No. 5907 Reorder Call Toll -Free 1- 800 - 876 -6827 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 Z Q LU � 0 Z O Q 0 0 z Q 00 C N D Co r- O � N O N m 0 O N LO (O d' J � r D Q f-- W D Q W I� LU mV5QJ LLI O W LL. U) }' Q Z U) Z LL Q cn LL M O U D m W o 0- W W Q r C 6 J Q Z S2 y LLJ 9 N (� U_ LL N LL U C y U S c O N U) C vi Q CL U F . m w c C U w D O) w Y O U c a c O w C7 Q W 0 O m O_ ,� D m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r- O m N O N m 0 O LO (O d' O M r O f-- M w I� LO N O m M (O 00 M O r C 6 N a� r N Vf 6-1 6-3 V> V) V3 Vi V). 0 6 S o� c a� N U C U S c O N U) C vi Q CL U U Q m w c C U U N Li O) w Y O U c a c O w C7 Q W 0 O m O_ ,� o N 0 w O m LL W N 0 J LL ¢ O } ~ m U 0 Z Q w Z W > O a N_ Q O N W a O } } Q J � Q a Z � � W LL W w O O z m W j J W aW , z V N � 0 N N ❑ � N n � ry x 0 m a r E h m ss s z O N V O m n F E w w w _ V Q a � w ° o ° o p U O y N a - � m w p ] o O 0 00 n w n 0 Q w w S w ° O ° o 02 m o ° o n m m o a � L � U ti H r O n C+ u n Q w w 0 U o °o W c U ry K m o c a s� w N 7 E � O o 0 w 0 o rn W M c U o o 0 0 m¢ c a r ui z 2 J J 7 0 a c o 3 y z 6 O w a w n F O ~ � a N W w O 9 0 E _ � o c VN cc U A � F r W N 0 N N ❑ � N n � ry x 0 m a r E h m 0 M �E| w §c )�) 6 $| § c� ;c. [§ �k � \& Lu ;co •Lu c ; §m ;2 U) �§ � � \ \/ |) § }§ \/ cr ( `- \ / § k ) #t � � \ L 0 U C N L N 9 Z � m D m Q m W Q � � L O J Z y W L U Q O O 0 O Q N � S Q n O O J N Q 0 CR R d D LU C C O Q W m m W fn U) fn Q V W } J W LL J Q LL Z2Wz OQWZQ o 0 z� N w w U m W aQ > of Z J J J Q LL � 0 Z `m � C7 0 3 z O L N U a N 10 0: U o m LL H L 0 n °o M o � N r � a 0 V W CL U) J z Z Q 0 m U C � U C N L N 9 c � m D m E m U Q � � L O J C y to L U ° o ° o 0 O M - O - S Q n rn » w m CR D M O W m m M Q �» w y w ~ o 0 w w o 0 z� N w w ui of Z J J 0 `m a 0 3 z O L N a N 10 0: U o m (n w o E c � o c o N U U U m H m H LLJ � N 0 n °o M o � N r � a 0 V W CL U) J z Z Q 0 m i Mona Christian From: mchristian @willdan.com Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 11:10 AM To: Mona Christian Subject: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC: D &B Business Information Report Attachments: 326249. BI RHQ.2145.3366886163.tng. emai I. htm Page 1 of 12 The following e-mail was sent to you by Personal Note: D &B has more options to help you decide with confidence Is this an important decision? Get more with D &B's Enhanced Comprehensive Report: • Business failure and credit scores • Context behind the scores • Added industry and Financial comparisons Orde th e Enhanced Comp Repoli on this bu Order reports on other bus Learn more about D &B Produc and se rvices. Click hereto- pro_v_ide feedback on this report I Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L ATTN: Mona Christian Report Printed: SEP 10 2007 In Date --- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- -- --- - ----- --- --------*-* * BUSINESS SUMMARY STEINY AND COMPANY, INC 221 N Ardmore Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 * ** Rating Change * ** This is a headquarters location. Branch(es) or division(s) exist. Mailing address Telephone: Fax: Chief executive: Year started: PO Box 74901 Los Angeles, CA 90004 213 382 -2331 213 381 -6781 SUSAN STEINY, PRES+ 1953 D- U -N -S Number: D &B Rating: Number of employees: Composite credit appraisal: D &B PAYDEXO: 12 -Month D &B 00- 284 -7499 1R4 Formerly 1R3 1R is 10 or more employees. 4 is limited. 45 9/10/2007 n Employs: History: Financing: SIC: Line of business: 300 (65 here) CLEAR SECURED 1731 Electrical contractor 191 PAYDEX: when weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 45 days beyond terms. Based on trade collected over last 12 months. ----------------------------------------------------- * * * SUMMARY ANALYSIS * * * D &B Rating: 1R4 Number of 1R indicates 10 or more employees. employees: Composite credit 4 is limited. appraisal: The Rating was changed on January 8, 2007 because of changes to D &B's file on this business. The 1R and 2R ratings categories reflect company size based on the total number of employees for the business. They are assigned to business files that do not contain a current financial statement. In 1R and 2R Ratings, the 2, 3, or 4 creditworthiness indicator is based on analysis by D &B of public filings, trade payments, business age and other important factors. 2 ie the highest Composite Credit Appraisal a company not supplying D &B with current financial information can receive. Below is an overview of the company's rating history since 10/15/92: D &B Rating Date Applied 1R4 01/08/07 1R3 10/02/06 1R4 11/29/04 1R3 05/27/03 1R4 07/17/01 3A3 03/02/99 1R4 07/21/95 -- 07/12/94 4A3 02/03/93 -- 10/15/92 The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D &B's file as of September 10, 2007. * * * CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S. contact your local D &B office. * ** Additional Decision Support Available * ** Additional D &B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations Page 2 of 12 9/10/2007 are available to help you evate this company or its indus•. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at www.dnb.com ------------------------------ ------------ ---- --------- - - - - -- - --- * * * HISTORY The following information was reported 01/08/2007: Officer(s): SUSAN STEINY, PRES+ JOHN O STEINY, CHB- TREAS+ GAYLE KAPPELMAN, SEC DIRECTOR(S): The officers identified by ( +) Business started 1953 by John O & Nancy Steiny. 100% of capital stock is owned by Steiny Family. SUSAN STEINY born 1955. 1982 - present active here. 1979 -1982 graduated at University of California, Berkeley, CA. 1978 -1979 employed by the University of California, Berkeley, CA. Graduated 1978 from Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH. JOHN O STEINY born 1922. 1953 - present active here. 1957- present active as president of Computer Service Cc (Inc), Los Angeles, CA. GAYLE KAPPELMAN born 1960. 1996 - present active here. AFFILIATE: Computer Service Cc (Inc), Los Angeles, CA. DUNS # 555 2791. Started 1957. Operates as a manufacturer of traffic signals and control equipment. Intercompany relations are confined to sales on regular terms and loans as needed. The payment experience indicating slow $2,000,000 has been placed in litigation and is in dispute. -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- = - = = --- * * * CORPORATE FAMILY * * * The following global corporate family members are related to this business. Members are listed alphabetically first by company name, then by country or U.S. state, then by city. Branches (US) Steiny and Company, Inc Baldwin Park, CA 08- 377 -5122 Steiny and Company, Inc E1 Cajon, CA 11 -550 -1231 Steiny and Company, Inc Vallejo, CA 06- 656 -4444 ---------------- * * * BUSINESS REGISTRATION * * * CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF AUG 31 2007: Page 3 of 12 9/10/2007 • • Page 4 of 12 This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Registered Name: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. Business type: CORPORATION Corporation type: PROFIT Date incorporated: MAY 08 1956 State of incorporation: CALIFORNIA Filing date: MAY 08 1956 Registration ID: CO320336 Status: ACTIVE Where filed: SECRETARY OF STATE /CORPORATIONS DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Registered agent: SUSAN STEINY, 27 SHERIDAN ST, VALLEJO, CA, 945900000 Principals: SUSAN STEINY, PRESIDENT, 27 SHERIDAN ST, VALLEJO, CA, 945900000 ____ ___ __________ * * * OPERATIONS 01/08/2007 Description: Employees: Facilities Location: Branches: Contractor of general electrical work and safety or security systems (100$). Contracts call for. Terms are. Sells to commercial concerns and government organizations. Territory : Local. Nonseasonal. 300 which includes officer(s). 65 employed here. Occupies 13,000 sq. ft. in a two story concrete block building. Suburban business section on side street. Maintains branch locations in Vallejo, CA, Baldwin Park, CA and E1 Cajon, CA. * * * SIC & NAICS SIC: Based on information in our file, NAICS: 9/10/2007 • • Page 5 of 12 D &B has assigned this company an extended 8 -digit SIC. D &B's use of 8 -digit SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4 -digit code. 17319903 General electrical 238210 Electrical Contractors 238210 Electrical Contractors contractor 17310400 Safety and security specialization -- ----- --------- - ----- ----------------- * * * D &B PAYDEX The D &B PAYDEX is a unique, dollar weighted indicator of payment performance based on up to 102 payment experiences as reported to D &B by trade references. 3 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 44 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 48 days beyond terms. 12 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 45 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 45 days beyond terms. Based on trade collected over last 3 months. Based on trade collected over last 12 months. When dollar amounts are not considered, then approximately 75% of the company's payments are within terms. -------------- - - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- = = ---- -----*-* * PAYMENT SUMMARY * * * The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D &B's file as of the date of this report. Below is an overview of the company's dollar- weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: 9/10/2007 Total Largest W /In Days Slow Total Dollar High Terms <31 31 -60 61 -90 90> Rcv'd Amounts Credit M ($) - --- -- ($) ---- - -- --- (U - --- --- ( %) - ---- - - - -- --- Top industries: --- -- -------- Short -trm busn credit 13 148,850 45,000 99 1 - - - Whol electrical equip 8 344,750 200,000 22 58 20 - - Radiotelephone commun 5 13,000 5,000 58 - - - 42 Hvy const eqpt rental 4 150,000 55,000 13 - 60 - 27 Gas service station 4 14,250 7,500 100 - - - - Mfg misc elect. equip 3 410,000 300,000 100 - - - - Whol industrial suppl 3 27,500 20,000 - 100 - - - Mfg public bldg furn 2 2,001,000 2,000,000 - - - 100 - Ret auto supplies 1 35,000 35,000 100 - - - - Electric eqpt repair 1 20,000 20,000 50 50 - - - OTHER INDUSTRIES 56 63,950 7,500 64 17 15 4 - 9/10/2007 • . Page 6 of 12 Other payment categories: Cash experiences 1 0 0 Payment record unknown 1 600,000 600,000 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collections: With D &B 0 0 Other 0 N/A Total in D &B's file 102 3,828,300 2,000,000 The highest "Now Owes" on file is $2,000,000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $2,000,000 Dun & Bradstreet has 102 payment experiences in its file for this company. For your convenience, we have displayed 80 representative experiences in the PAYMENTS section. ______ _____________ * * * PAYMENT DETAILS Detailed payment history Date Paying High Now Past Selling Last Sale Reported Record Credit Owes Due Terms Within (mm /yy) ($) ($) ($) (months) 08/07 Ppt 10,000 2,500 0 1 mo Ppt 5,000 0 0 2 -3 mos Ppt 5,000 5,000 2 -3 mos Ppt 2,500 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt 1,000 1,000 0 Lease Agreemnt Ppt 750 0 4 -5 mos Ppt 750 0 4 -5 mos Ppt 500 0 2 -3 mos Ppt 250 250 0 1 mo Ppt 50 50 0 N30 1 mo Ppt -Slow 30 20,000 20,000 7,500 1 mo Ppt -Slow 30 2,500 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt -Slow 45 7,500 0 0 2 -3 mos Slow 30 5,000 0 0 6 -12 mos Slow 30 2,500 2,500 2,500 N30 07/07 Ppt 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt 500 0 1 mo Ppt 250 0 1 mo Ppt 250 0 1 mo Ppt 300,000 90,000 0 1 mo Ppt 85,000 5,000 0 1 mo Ppt 45,000 40,000 0 1 mo Ppt 35,000 35,000 0 1 mo Ppt 20,000 20,000 0 1 mo Ppt 20,000 15,000 0 1 mo Ppt 20,000 20,000 0 1 mo Ppt 7,500 7,500 0 N30 1 mo Ppt 5,000 5,000 0 N30 1 mo Ppt 2,500 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt 2,500 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 N30 1 mo 9/10/2007 Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. Each experience shown is from a separate supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. FINANCE 01/08/2007 Page 7 of 12 9/10/2007 0 • Ppt 1 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt 1,000 100 0 N30 1 mo Ppt 1,000 0 0 N30 6 -12 mos Ppt 1,000 1,000 0 1 mo Ppt 750 750 0 1 mo Ppt 750 250 0 1 mo Ppt 750 0 0 N30 1 mo Ppt 500 0 0 4 -5 mos Ppt 250 250 0 1 mo Ppt 250 0 N30 4 -5 mos Ppt 250 250 0 1 mo Ppt 250 0 0 4 -5 mos Ppt 100 0 0 2 -3 mos Ppt 100 50 0 1 mo Ppt 50 0 0 4 -5 mos Ppt 0 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt -Slow 30 750 50 50 2 -3 mos Ppt -Slow 60 70,000 70,000 10,000 1 mo Ppt -Slow 60 1,000 1,000 100 PROX 1 mo Ppt -Slow 60 500 100 50 1 mo Ppt -Slow 90 5,000 0 0 6 -12 mos Slow 30 200,000 200,000 200,000 1 mo Slow 60 2,500 2,500 2,500 2 -3 mos Slow 30 -60 1,000 1,000 1,000 2 -3 mos Slow 60 100 100 100 1 mo Slow 90 2,000,0002,000,0002,000,000 Slow 90 1,000 0 0 6 -12 mos 06/07 Ppt 250 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt 0 0 1 mo Slow 30 -60 2,500 250 100 1 mo 05/07 Ppt 500 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt 50 50 0 1 mo Ppt 0 0 0 1 mo Ppt 0 0 0 1 mo (067) 600,000 400,000 250,000 PROX 1 mo 04/07 Ppt 5,000 1 mo Ppt 250 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt 50 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt -Slow 60 15,000 0 0 6 -12 mos Ppt -Slow 90+ 25,000 5,000 1,000 N30 1 mo Slow 60 55,000 0 0 6 -12 mos slow 60 -90+ 55,000 35,000 25,000 N30 1 mo 03/07 Ppt 2,500 0 0 N30 6 -12 mos 02/07 Slow 25 2,500 2,500 Slow 30 20,000 1,000 Slow 90+ 2,500 2,500 2,500 1 mo Slow 90+ 2,500 2,500 2,500 1 mo 01/07 (080) 0 Sales COD 6 -12 mos Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. Each experience shown is from a separate supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. FINANCE 01/08/2007 Page 7 of 12 9/10/2007 0 i On JAN 08 2007 Vincent Mauch, Controller, deferred financial information. --------------------------------------------------- * * * BANKING BANK: City National Bank, Los Angeles, CA. * * * PUBLIC FILINGS * * * The following Public Filing data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. ----------------------------------------------------------------- * * * JUDGMENTS * * * Judgment award: $12,282 Status: Unsatisfied CASE NO.: 04- 1995345 Judgment type: Judgment Against: STEINY COMPANY, BALDWIN PARK, CA In favor of: TOM MALLOY TRENCH SHORING COMPANY Where filed: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA Date status attained: 08/03/2004 Date entered: 08/03/2004 Latest Info Received: 06/08/2006 LIENS A lienholder can file the same lien in more than one filing location. The appearance of multiple liens filed by the same lienholder against a debtor may be indicative of such an occurrence. Status: FILING NO.: Type: Filed by: Against: Where filed: Date status attained Date filed: Latest Info Received Open 0218260406 Federal Tax IRS STEINY & CO INC , A CORPORATION 221 N ARDMORE AVE, BALDWIN PARK, CA SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA 06/28/2002 06/28/2002 05/23/2006 Page 8 of 12 9/10/2007 Date filed: 06/01/1999 Latest Info Received: 06/12/1999 --------- - -- - -- Type Amendment Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0205200914 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/20/2002 Latest Info Received: 02/27/2002 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Type: Continuation Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 03352CO409 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/16/2003 Latest Info Received: 12/23/2003 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Type: Termination Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0771242763 Page 9 of 12 9/10/2007 • *�* UCC FILINGS * * * Collateral: All Negotiable instruments including proceeds and products - All Inventory including proceeds and products - All Account(s) including proceeds and products - All Fixtures including proceeds and products - and OTHERS Type: Original Sec. party: CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC, BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 067072182093 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 05/31/2006 Latest Info Received: 06/12/2006 -- -- — - ------- --- Collateral: ------- --- ------ - --- All Inventory and proceeds - All Account(s) and proceeds - All Equipment and proceeds - All General intangibles(s) and proceeds - All Chattel paper and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 9915960447 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 06/01/1999 Latest Info Received: 06/12/1999 --------- - -- - -- Type Amendment Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0205200914 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/20/2002 Latest Info Received: 02/27/2002 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Type: Continuation Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 03352CO409 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/16/2003 Latest Info Received: 12/23/2003 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Type: Termination Sec. party: COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0771242763 Page 9 of 12 9/10/2007 9/10/2007 • Page 10 of 12 SECRETARY Filed with: OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 08/06/2007 Latest Info Received: 08/07/2007 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 -- --- --------- - ----- Collateral: -___ _ Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Leased Vehicles including proceeds and products Type: original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0018760636 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 07/03/2000 Latest Info Received: 07/17/2000 Type: Amendment Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA and OTHERS Filing number: 0231100796 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 11/07/2002 Latest Info Received: 11/25/2002 Original UCC filed date: 07/03/2000 original filing no.: 0018760636 ------- -------- ----- Collateral: ----- ------- Account(s) and proceeds - Chattel paper and proceeds - Contract rights and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: JOHN DEERE CONSTRUCTION & FORESTRY COMPANY, JOHNSTON, IA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., VALLEJO, CA Filing number: 077111799507 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 04/27/2007 Latest Info Received: 05/10/2007 -- ------------- - - - - -- Collateral: -------------- ------- _- --- ---- - - -- Account(s) and proceeds General intangibles(s) and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALT LAKE CITY, UT Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA and OTHERS Filing number: 067064632953 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 03/31/2006 Latest Info Received: 04/12/2006 --- ---- Collateral: ---- - - Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original 9/10/2007 Sec. party: * GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET • VICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0401360366 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 01/08/2004 Latest Info Received: 01/26/2004 -------- ------ -- Collateral: ----- ------ Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) -- --- --- Collateral: and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET SERVICES, EDEN Type: PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0336360279 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/23/2003 Latest Info Received: 01/09/2004 ------- - - ---- ___------ ______ _____ -_ Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0335160432 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/15/2003 Latest Info Received: 12/29/2003 -- --- --- Collateral: -------- ----- -- - proceeds - General Account(s) and P intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0310760304 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 04/16/2003 Latest Info Received: 05/05/2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0305560638 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/20/2003 Latest Info Received: 03/10/2003 There are additional UCC's in D &B's file on this company available by contacting 1- 800 - 234 -3867. The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. Page 1 I of 12 9/10/2007 • Page 12 of 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- * * * GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY * * * Activity summary Borrower (Dir /Guar): NO Administrative debt: NO Contractor: NO Grantee: NO Party excluded from federal program(s): NO Possible candidate for socio- economic program consideration Labor surplus area: YES,(2007) Small Business: N/A 8(A) firm: N/A The details provided in the Government Activity section are as reported to Dun & Bradstreet by the federal government and other sources. Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L FULL DISPLAY COMPLETE 1 9/10/2007 A l I* Mona Christian Page 1 of 5 From: mchristian @willdan.com Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 11:11 AM To: Mona Christian Subject: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC.: D &B Business Information Report Attachments: 326249. BI RHQ.2152.3366886267.tng.e mail. htm The following e-mail was sent to you by Personal Note: D &B has more options to help you decide with confidence. Learn more about D & B products and s ervices , Is this an important decision? Get more with D &B's Enhanced Comprehensive Report: • Business failure and credit scores Click hereto provide • Context behind the scores feedback on this report • Added industry and Financial comparisons Order the Enhanced Comprehensive Report on this b_u Order repo on other bu sine ss es Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L ATTN: Mona Christian Report Printed: SEP 10 2007 In Date _____ __ _________ * * * BUSINESS SUMMARY * * * CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC. 15100 E Nelson Ave City Of Industry, CA 91744 This is a single location. D- U -N -S° Number: 80- 641 -6744 Telephone: 626 968 -3771 D &B Rating: -- Chief executive: Year started: Employs: History: SIC: Line of business: CHRISTOPHER R MORALES, PRES 2004 40 INCOMPLETE 3669 Mfg communications equipment 9/10/2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * SUMMARY ANALYSIS D &B Rating: -- The blank rating symbol should not be interpreted as indicating that credit should be denied. It simply means that the information available to D &B does not permit us to classify the company within our rating key and that further enquiry should be made before reaching a decision. Some reasons for using a " -" symbol include: deficit net worth, bankruptcy proceedings, insufficient payment information, or incomplete history information. Below is an overview of the company's rating history since 08/23/07: D &B Rating Date Applied -- 08/23/07 The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D &B's file as of September 10, 2007. ___________ * * * CUSTOMER SERVICE * * * If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S. contact your local D &B office. * ** Additional Decision Support Available * ** Additional D &B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at www.dnb.com ------------------------------------------ * * * HISTORY * * * The following information was reported 08/23/2007: Officer(s): CHRISTOPHER R MORALES, PRES RAYMOND MORALES, V PRES DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) This is a Corporation formed in the State of CA on December 9, 2004. Stock Ownership Undetermined. Business started 2004. CHRISTOPHER R MORALES. 2004 - present active here. RAYMOND MORALES born 1971. 2004 - present active here. Page 2 of 5 9/10/2007 Christopher R. Morales, Inc, Los Angeles Signal Construction Inc (Duns #: 01- 245 -6856) and RC Equipment Inc (Duns #: 07- 190 -8292) are affiliated through common ownership. ------------------------------------- --------------- - - - - -- -- * * * BUSINESS REGISTRATION CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF AUG 31 2007: This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Registered Name: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC. Business type: CORPORATION Corporation type: Date incorporated: State of incorporation: Filing date: Registration ID: Status: Where filed: PROFIT DEC 09 2004 CALIFORNIA DEC 09 2004 C2709108 ACTIVE SECRETARY OF STATE /CORPORATIONS DIVISION, SACRAMENTO. CA Registered agent: CHRISTOPHER R MORALES, 15100 E NELSON AVE, INDUSTRY, CA, 917440000 Principals: CHRISTOPHER R MORALES, PRESIDENT, 15100 E NELSON AVE, INDUSTRY, CA, 917440000 _____ ________ ___ __________ __ ____________________________ * * * OPERATIONS * * * 08/23/2007 Description: Operates as a manufacturer communications equipment, specializing in pedestrian traffic control equipment (100 %). Terms are undetermined. Sells to Undetermined. Territory Undetermined. Employees: 40 which includes officer(s). Facilities: 55,000 sq. ft. in frame a building. Page 3 of 5 9/10/2007 * * * SIC & NAICS SIC: Based on information in our file, D &B has assigned this company an extended 8 -digit SIC. D &B's use of 8 -digit SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4 -digit code. NAICS: 334290 Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing 36690203 Pedestrian traffic control equipment -------------------- ------------------- - - - - -- -- * * * PAYMENT SUMMARY D &B has not received a sufficient sample of payment experiences to establish a PAYDEX score. D &B receives over 600 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and updated experiences into D &B Reports as this information is received. At this time, none of those experiences relate to this company. ----------------------------------- * * * FINANCE * * * 08/23/2007 On August 23, 2007, attempts to contact the management of this business have been unsuccessful. Outside sources confirmed name and location. As of August 23 2007 a search of Dun & Bradstreets Public Record database found no open suits, liens, judgements or UCCs to which Christopher R. Morales, Inc. at 15100 E Nelson Ave, City of Industry CA was named defendant or debtor. Public records received hereafter will be entered into the database and will be included in reports which contain a Public Filings section. * * * PUBLIC FILINGS * * * _______ _____________ _ __ _ __ ________________ A check of D &B's public records database indicates that no filings were found for CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC. at 15100 E Nelson Ave, City Of Industry CA. D &B's extensive database of public record information is updated daily to ensure timely reporting of changes and additions. It includes business - related suits, liens, judgments, bankruptcies, UCC financing statements and business registrations from every state and the District of Columbia, as well as select filing types from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. D &B collects public records through a combination of court reporters, third parties and direct electronic links with federal and local authorities. Its database of U.S. business - related filings is now the largest of its kind. Page 4 of 5 9/1 0/2007 • • Page 5 of 5 ----------------------------------------------------------- * * * GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY * * * Activity summary Borrower (Dir /Guar): NO Administrative debt: NO Contractor: NO Grantee: NO Party excluded from federal program(s): NO Possible candidate for socio- economic program consideration Labor surplus area: YES (2007) Small Business: N/A 8(A) firm: N/A The details provided in the Government Activity section are as reported to Dun & Bradstreet by the federal government and other sources. -- ---- - -- --- - - -- Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L FULL DISPLAY COMPLETE 9/10/2007 • • Mona Christian From: mchristian @willdan.com Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 11:13 AM To: Mona Christian Subject: REPUBLIC ITS: D &B Business Information Report Attachments: 326249. BI R.2173.3366886374.tng.email. htm The following e-mail was sent to you by Personal Note: Page 1 of 4 D &B has more options to help you decide with confidence. Lear mor about D & B prod ucts and - services. Is this an important decision? Get more with D &B's Enhanced Comprehensive Report: • Business failure and credit scores Click here to prov • Context behind the scores feedback on this re port • Added industry and Financial comparisons Order the Enhanced Comprehen Report on this business Order reports on other busines Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L ATTN: Mona Christian Report Printed: SEP 10 2007 ____ * * * BUSINESS SUMMARY * * * REPUBLIC ITS 1513 Sports Dr Ste 250 Sacramento. CA 95834 This is a single location. Telephone: 916 515 -0855 Employs SIC: Line of business: D &B Rating: 1731 Electrical contractor D- U -N -S° Number D &B Rating: 00- 200 -3141 DS --- --- * * * SUMMARY ANALYSIS * * * DS 9/10/2007 The DS rating indicates that the information available does not pefmit D &B to classify the company within our rating key. A Summary Analysis is not available at this time. ------------------------------------------------------ * * * INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES * ** Update available on request * ** This information is being provided to you immediately in the interest of speed. This report may not reflect the current status of this business. D &B can investigate this business and update the information based on the results of that investigation. By ordering a standard investigation the same day you order this report, an updated report will be provided to you at no extra cost. ---------------------------------- -- ------------ - - - - -- - -- * * * CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S. contact your local D &B office. * ** Additional Decision Support Available * ** Additional D &B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at www.dnb.com --------------------- ----------- ---------- - --- -- -- -- -- * * * HISTORY The following information was reported 02/01/2007: ------------------------ -------- --------------- -- - - -- -- * * * OPERATIONS 02/01/2007 Description: Contractor of electrical work. Employees: UNDETERMINED. Facilities: Occupies premises in building. Page 2 of 4 9/10/2007 Ll PI ----------------------------------------------------------- * * * SIC & NAICS SIC: Based on information in our file, D &B has assigned this company an extended 8 -digit SIC. D &B's use of 8 -digit SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4 -digit code. NAICS: 238210 Electrical Contractors 17310000 Electrical work ___ _______________ * * * PAYMENT SUMMARY D &B has not received a sufficient sample of payment experiences to establish a PAYDEX score. The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D &B's file as of the date of this report. Below is an overview of the company's dollar- weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: ----------- ----------- -- - - -- ----- ------ =----------------- -- - - -- -- * * * PAYMENT DETAILS * * * Detailed payment history Page 3 of 4 9/10/2007 Total Largest W /In Days Slow Total Dollar High Terms <31 31 -60 61 -90 90> Rcv'd Amounts Credit (4) - ------ ($) --- - --- ($) ---- - -- --- ( %) ---- --- ( %) - ---- ----- --- Top industries: -- --- Nonclassified 1 1,000 1,000 100 - - - - Other payment categories: Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collections: With D &B 0 0 Other 0 N/A Total in D &B's file 1 1,000 1,000 The highest "Now Owes" on file is $750 The highest "Past Due" on file is $0 D &B receives over 600 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new andupdated experiences into D &B Reports as this information isreceived. ----------- ----------- -- - - -- ----- ------ =----------------- -- - - -- -- * * * PAYMENT DETAILS * * * Detailed payment history Page 3 of 4 9/10/2007 • • Date Paying High Now Past Selling Last Sale Reported Record Credit Owes Due Terms Within (mm /yy) ($) ($) ($) (months) 08/07 Ppt 1,000 750 0 1 mo Each experience shown is from a separate supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- - * * * BANKING & FINANCE D &B has researched this company and found no information available at this time. - --------------------- - - - --- -------------------------- * * * PUBLIC FILINGS * * * A check of D &B's public records database indicates that no filings were found for REPUBLIC ITS at 1513 Sports Dr Ste 250, Sacramento CA. D &B's extensive database of public record information is updated daily to ensure timely reporting of changes and additions. It includes business - related suits, liens, judgments, bankruptcies, UCC financing statements and business registrations from every state and the District of Columbia, as well as select filing types from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. D &B collects public records through a combination of court reporters, third parties and direct electronic links with federal and local authorities. Its database of U.S. business - related filings is now the largest of its kind. -- -- - -- - ---- Copyright 2007 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L FULL DISPLAY COMPLETE Page 4 of 4 9/10/2007