CDC - Item 2D - Engineering Proposal For Sewer System Management PlanE M E S y~ O C: 9 ~~RPoftaTED ~q5 ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS FROM: OLIVER CHI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 SUBJECT: ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN SUMMARY In accordance with the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2006-0003- DWQ, public agencies are required to develop and implement a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and schedule to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the sanitary sewer system, and mitigate any sewer overflows that may occur. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends 'that the Community Development Commission approve the engineering proposal from Willdan and direct staff to begin development of the Sewer System Management Plan. ANALYSIS On May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ requiring all public agencies that own or operate a sanitary sewer system comprised of more than one mile of pipes or sewer lines, which conveys untreated wastewater to a publicly owned treatment facility in the State of California, to develop and implement -a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and to electronically report all sanitary sewer overflows to the State Board's database. Development of the SSMP will require extensive computer modeling, flow monitoring and analysis of the entire sewer system to determine flow patterns, system capacity and deficiencies, and identify and prioritize future sewer improvement projects. The analysis will take into consideration the City's projected population growth and ultimate land use as outline in the updated General Plan, especially the flow contributions from high- density nodes such as multi-use developments. This analysis will provide the basis for the SSMP. The State Board's Order established a series of SSMP compliance.-milestones that includes the following: `P U Ile(~, APPROVED FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDA: V L • Community Development Commission Meeting September 25, 2007 Paae 2 of 2 C Task Required Completion Date Provide SSMP Development Plan and November 2, 2007 Schedule, Goals and Organization Chart Develop Overflow Emergency Response May 2, 2009 Program, Operation & Maintenance Program, and Fats, Oil and Grease Control Plan; Review Legal Authority Develop Design and Performance August 2, 2009 Standards, and System Evaluation and Capacity. Assurance Plan; Submit Final SSMP Prior to the submittal of the final SSMP to the State Board, a public hearing to discuss and adopt the SSMP will be held. Willdan has the expertise and experience to perform this work. They have traditionally performed this type of engineering support work for the City under the existing City Engineering Services Agreement. Willdan's proposed fee is $125,000. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for the project is included in the FY 07-08 Budget utilizing CDC funds. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: R y Alfonso, P. E. Deputy City Engineer Su ed by Bri eki Interim Community Development Director Attachment: Willdan Engineering Proposal ~J SWILLIDAN September 19, 2007 Mr. Oliver Chi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 • 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746-3497 562/90846200 fax 5621695-2120 wwm.wil Idamtom Subject: Proposal to Provide Professional Engineering Services for the Sewer System Management Plan Dear Mr. Chi: Willdan is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services for the preparation of the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). As you may know, on May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ requiring all public agencies that own or operate a sanitary sewer system to develop and implement a SSMP and to electronically report all sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) to the State Board's database. The purpose of the SSMP is to provide a plan and schedule to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the sanitary sewer system, and mitigate any SSO's that may occur. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is a complete scope of work to provide a SSMP that meets the requirements of the SWRCB Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ. Since the City of Rosemead's sewer system falls within the Los Angeles County's Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District (CSMD), we understand that some elements of the SSMP have been or are being developed by the County pursuant to their CSMD service agreement. As those elements are defined and accepted by the City, the corresponding work scope items within this proposal can be deleted or revised as needed to meet the City's obligation. This scope of work takes into account that the City's sewer mapping is available through the County's website; however, that data does not contain any vertical (depth) sewer data or related attributes at this time. Therefore, Willdan anticipates the need to supplement the available data by reviewing "as-built" sewer construction plans for pipeline invert information. This information is necessary to develop a hydraulic model for the capacity assurance analysis required as part of the SSMP. Willdan will include other existing record data, as needed, to analyze and report the City's entire facilities into a complete SSMP document. September 19, 2007 Page 2 Upon receiving the Notice-to-Proceed, Willdan will schedule a kick-off meeting with City staff to review the following Scope of Work, Project Schedule, and Project Budget: Phase 1 - Review Records, Documents, Authorities, Mapping and Drawings Obtain copies of all pertinent documents pertaining to the sewer system from City, including those available through the CSMD for services performed within the City of Rosemead. 2. Review the City's legal authorities applicable to the SSMP. 3. Review sewer design and construction standards for possible recommendations. 4. Review inspection and testing standards for possible recommendations. 5. Review City's existing emergency overflow response practices and reports. Phase 2 - Updates, Modeling and Evaluations Update the City's sewer system mapping, as needed. Evaluate CSMD (e.g., CCTV) and construction work records in development of elements of the SSMP. Review "as-built" sewer construction plans and integrate the pipeline inverts into a hydraulic model of the City's sewer collection system. Run a hydraulic model utilizing HYDRA Sanitary Sewer Analysis Software with consideration given to proposed future land use. 5. Identify any high priority inspection or repair locations for action. 6. Identify capacity problems in the system and assess possible SSO events. 7. Prepare a report identifying needed sewer upgrades along with prioritized capital improvement program. The report will include a map showing the existing sewer system, its deficiencies, and the corresponding recommended improvements. 8. Evaluate need for FOG Controls. Phase 3 - Develop SSMP Elements In accordance with the State Water, Board, SSMP's must include provisions to: 1. Provide proper and efficient management, operation, and maintenance of sanitary sewer systems, while taking into consideration risk management and cost benefit analysis. 2. Contain a spill response plan that establishes standard procedures for immediate response to an SSO in a manner designed to minimize water quality impacts and potential nuisance conditions. September 19, 2007 Page 3 Willdan will be responsible for providing the City of Rosemead a complete SSMP, including but not limited to the following, unless directed by the City to eliminate or revise certain elements due to work performed by the CSMD on behalf of the City: A. Goals and Actions: The goal of the SSMP is to provide a plan and actions and schedule to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the local sanitary sewer system. The purpose is to help reduce and prevent SSOs, as well as mitigate any SSOs occurring within a sewer collection system. B. Organization: The SSMP must identify: The name of the responsible or authorized representative as described in Section J of Order No.2006-0003-DWQ. The names and telephone numbers for management, administrative, and .maintenance positions responsible for implementing specific measures in the SSMP program. The SSMP must identify lines of authority through an organization chart or similar document with a narrative explanation. The chain of communication for reporting SSOs, from receipt of a complaint or other information, including the person responsible for reporting SSOs to the State and Regional Water Board and other agencies if applicable (such as County Health Officer, County Environmental Health Agency, Regional Water Board, and/or State Office of Emergency Services (OES). C. Legal Authority: The City of Rosemead must demonstrate, through sanitary sewer system use ordinances, service agreements, or other legally binding procedures, that it possesses the necessary legal authority to: 1. Prevent illicit discharges into its sanitary sewer system (examples may include ill, storm water, chemical dumping, unauthorized debris and cut roots, etc.). 2. Require sewers and connections be properly designed and constructed. 3. Ensure access for maintenance, inspection, or repairs for portions of the lateral owned or maintained by the Public Agency. 4. Limit the discharge of fats, oils, and grease and other debris that may cause blockages. 5. Enforce any violation of its sewer ordinances. September 19, 2007 Page 4 Willdan shall review the existing ordinances of the City that pertain to the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Sanitary Sewer System, and shall make recommendations as to amendments to the City's ordinances that if adopted, will comply with WDR & SSO guidelines. D. Operation and Maintenance Program. The SSMP must include at minimum the following elements: 1. An up-to-date map of the sanitary sewer system, showing all sewer line segments, manholes, lift stations and interconnections with other agencies. 2. Description of routine preventive operation and maintenance activities by staff and contractors, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the sanitary sewer system with more frequent cleaning and maintenance targeted at known problem areas. The Preventative Maintenance (PM) program should have a system to document scheduled and conducted activities, such as work orders. 3. A rehabilitation and replacement plan to identify and prioritize system deficiencies and implement short-term and long-term rehabilitation actions to address each deficiency. The program should include regular visual and TV inspections of manholes and sewer pipes, and a system for ranking the condition of sewer pipes and scheduling rehabilitation. Rehabilitation and replacement should focus on sewer pipes that are at risk of collapse or prone to more frequent blockages because of the pipe defects. Finally, the rehabilitation and replacement plan should include a capital improvement plan addressing proper management and protection of the infrastructure assets. The plan shall include a schedule for implementing the short- and long-term plans, plus a schedule for developing the funds needed for the capital improvement plan. 4. A list of materials for use in training on a regular basis for staff in sanitary sewer system operations and maintenance, and training requirements for contractors who work on sewer systems. 5. Recommendations for capital equipment purchases and replacement part inventories, including critical replacement parts for capital equipment, and materials that should be kept in inventoryto allow for rapid response to SSO events. The SSMP will include recommendations on the type of equipment needed, and the type and quantity of materials required to have available for incident response. E. Design and Performance Provisions: The SSMP shall include design and construction standards and • 0 September 19, 2007 Page 5 specifications for the installation of new sanitary sewer systems, pump stations and other appurtenances; and for the rehabilitation and repair of existing sanitary sewer systems. 2. Procedures and standards for inspecting and testing installation of new sewers, pumps, and other appurtenances and for rehabilitation and repair projects. F. Overflow Emergency Response Plan Willdan shall prepare, in the form of a manual, a spill response program. The program will cover the complete incident response sequence, from report of the overflow, through the correction of the cause of the overflow, the spill containment, the spill cleanup, and the report of the spill to the necessary outside agencies. At a minimum, this plan must include the following: 1. Proper notification procedures so thatthe primary responders and regulatory agencies are informed of all SSOs in a timely manner. 2. A program to ensure an appropriate response to all overflows. 3. Procedures to establish prompt notification to appropriate regulatory agencies and other potentially affected entities (e.g., health agencies, Regional Water Boards, water suppliers, etc.) of all SSOs that potentially affect public health or reach the waters of the State in accordance with the MRP. All SSOs shall be reported in accordance with this MRP, the California Water Code, other State Law, and other applicable Regional Water Board WDRs or NPDES permit requirements. The SSMP should identify the officials who will receive immediate notification. 4. Procedures establishing appropriate staff and contractor personnel training and awareness of and follow the Emergency Response Plan. Procedures to address emergency operations, such as traffic and crowd control and other necessary response activities. A program to ensure all preventable measures are taken to prevent the discharge of untreated and partially treated wastewater to waters of the United States, and to minimize or correct any impact to the environment, resulting from SSOs, including such accelerated or additional necessary monitoring to determine the nature and impact of the discharge. G. Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) Control Program: It is unclear at this time what agency will administer the FOG program, since the business district, including the majority of the restaurants are served bythe County Sanitation District. Willdan shall evaluate the City's service area in conjunction with City and County Sanitation District Staff to determine whether a FOG control ~J September 19, 2007 Page 6 E program is needed. If a FOG program is not needed, Willdan shall work with City and County Sanitation District Staff to provide such justification. If FOG control is a system problem, Willdan will prepare a FOG source control program to reduce those substances discharged to the sanitary sewer system. 1. An implementation plan and schedule for a public education outreach program promoting proper disposal of FOG. 2. A plan and schedule for the disposal of FOG generated within the sanitary sewer system service area. This may include,a list of acceptable disposal facilities and/or additional facilities needed to adequately dispose of FOG generated within a sanitary sewer system service area. 3. The legal authority to: a. Prohibit discharges to the system and identify measures to prevent SSOs and blockages caused by FOG (see Legal Authority Section above). b. Requirements to install grease removal devices (such as traps or interceptors), design standards forthe removal devices, maintenance requirements, BMP requirements, record keeping and reporting requirements (see Legal Authority Section above). C. Authority to inspect grease producing facilities, enforcement authorities, and whether the Enrollee has sufficient staff to inspect and enforce the FOG ordinance (see Section C above). 4. An identification of sanitary sewer system sections subject to FOG blockages and establishment of a cleaning maintenance schedule for each section. 5. Development and implementation of source control measures for all sources of FOG discharged to the sanitary sewer system for each section subject to FOG blockages. H. System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan The SSMP shall include a capital improvement plan (CIP) that will provide hydraulic capacity of key sanitary sewer system elements for dry weather peak flow conditions, as well as the appropriate design storm or wet weather event. Evaluation: Actions needed to evaluate those portions of the sanitary sewer system that are experiencing or contributing to an SSO discharge caused by hydraulic deficiency. The evaluation must provide: a. Estimates of peak flows (including flows from SSOs that escape from the system) associated with conditions similar to those causing overflow events. b. Estimates of the capacity of key system components, hydraulic 0 September 19, 2007 Page 7 deficiencies (including components of the system with limiting capacity) and the major sources that contribute to the peak flows associated with overflow events. 2. Design Criteria: Where design criteria do not exist or are deficient, undertake the evaluation identified above to establish appropriate design criteria. 3. Capacity Enhancement Measures: The steps needed to establish a short- and long-term CIP to address identified hydraulic deficiencies, including: a. Prioritization, alternatives, analysis, and schedules. b. The CIP may include: i. increases in pipe size ii. 1/1 reduction programs iii. increases and redundancy in pumping capacity iv. storage facilities v. an implementation schedule, and vi. shall identify sources of funding. 4. Schedule: The CIP shall include a tentative schedule of completion dates for all portions of the capital improvement program developed in (1)-(3) above. This schedule shall be reviewed and updated consistent with the SSMP review and update requirements as described in Section D. 14 of Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ. Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications Willdan shall work with City staff to: 1. Provide a system or program to efficiently maintain relevant information that can be used to establish and prioritize appropriate SSMP activities. 2. Provide a system or program to monitor the implementation and, where appropriate, measure the effectiveness of each element of the SSMP. 3. Provide a system or program to assess the success of the preventative maintenance program. 4. Provide a system or program to update program elements, as appropriate, based on monitoring or performance evaluations. 5. Provide a system or program to identify and illustrate SSO trends, including: frequency, location, and volume. J. SSMP Program Audits As part of the SSMP, the City must conduct periodic internal audits. At a minimum, • 0 September 19, 2007 Page 8 these audits will occur every 2 years and a report must be prepared and kept on file. This audit shall focus on evaluating the effectiveness of the SSMP and the enrollee's compliance with the SSMP requirements identified in the order, including identification of any deficiencies in the SSMP and steps to correct them. Willdan shall provide a SSMP that will be easily audited and includes measurable performance standards as noted in the requirements listed in Section H 1-4 above. Audits are not a part of this proposal. Willdan can perform the audits under a separate scope of work and fee at the time they are required. K. Communication Program The City shall communicate on a regular basis with the public on the development, implementation, and performance of its SSMP. The communication system will provide the public the opportunity to provide input as the program is developed and implemented. Therefore, Willdan and City staff shall make a presentation of the draft Plan to the City Council in the form of a Public Hearing. The public hearing will take place before the preparation of the final draft of the SSMP. Both the SSMP and the City's program to implement the SSMP will be certified by the City to comply with the requirements setforth in Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ and must be presented to the City Council for approval at a public meeting. Willdan will participate in the presentation of the final draft of the SSMP to the City Council at a second public meeting. L. Annual Sewer Maintenance Budget Willdan shall assist City staff with the preparation of an annual base budget for sewer maintenance, as required under the SSMP. The budget will include, but not be limited to, recommendations relative to staffing levels, recommendations on Capital Improvement and Capital Purchase costs. Willdan will prepare the first base budget; future annual budgets are not a part of this proposal, but can be performed under a separate scope of work and fee at the time they are required. Phase 4 - Review Inputs and Prepare Final Report Provide revised draft report to City and meet to discuss review comments. 2. Prepare final report for submission. The final written Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) will be made available to the State and/or Regional Water Board upon request. A copy of this document must be publicly available at City Hall and the Rosemead Public Library. September 19, 2007 Page 9 FEE • Our proposed fixed fee for the above scope of services is $125,000. SCHEDULE The final SSMP is not due to the State Water Board until August 2, 2009. However, there are several intermediate compliance milestones as described in the scope of services that must be met prior to final submittal. ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY City and/or County will provide copies of all sewer system operations and maintenance records, related agreements, codes, policies, criteria, and related facility information to the consultant. 2. City will provide copies of all sewer "as-built" construction plans, within the City, to the consultantfor use in developing the hydraulic model forthe capacity assurance element of the SSMP. 3. City will provide copies of its Standard Drawings, Design Policies and other sewer system design, construction and inspection criteria for reference use by the consultant. Video recording and flow monitoring of the existing sewer system are not included in the scope of work. It is assumed that the CCTV digital and/or video records from the CSMD maintenance operations are available, if needed for review during the evaluation and assessments work efforts. City or County will provide copies of all applicable data concerning the flow measuring results and the devices at the sewer connection points to the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist the City of Rosemead. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bill Pagett at (552) 908-6214. Respectfully submitted, W I LLLDAN /J v/. WillWiam 'a- C. Pagett, P.E Senior Vice President RA:mh 95610-07106-1401P07-230