CC - 01-27-87APPROVED CITY OF ROSE ILAID DAT . RY ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 1987 AT 8:00 P. M. The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Imperial at 8:12 p. m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California. The Pledge to.-the Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tem Cleveland. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Gunderson. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen Bruesch, Cleveland, Taylor and Mayor Imperial Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DECEMBER 9, 1987 - REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that the Minutes of the December 9, 1987 Council Meeting be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JANUARY 13, 1987 - REGULAR MEETING Councilman Taylor stated that:there were a couple of minor corrections, one on page #8, which the Clerk had corrected and one on page #28, paragraph #3, Mrs. Weidemann statement should state "less" homes not "all those" homes. Councilman Bruesch stated that on page #4, middle of page, there is a double negative, "not" should be removed between "were" and "addressed". MOTION BY.COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that the Minutes of the January 13, 1987 Council Meeting be approved as corrected. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mayor Imperial stated that he had.received several requests to speak regarding the proposed high school sites in the City of Rosemead. Ermilee Burdick, 2433 Denton, a long time resident of Rosemead stated that she is now a widow and has no'income, and inquired where she or any of her neighbors could go if the Alhambra` School District should decide on Site I. She was against the high school being placed anywhere in Rosemead. She inquired where the Alhambra School Board gets the authority to do such a thing. Mayor Imperial stated that he did not have a problem with Mrs. Burdick speaking about this high school situation nor any.of the other three speakers who have requested to speak on the high school site selection; however, he stated that it has been made a matter 'of record that this City Council is unanimously in opposition to any, school site being used in the entire City.of:Rosemead'. He commented that the Council is constantly aware of what is taking place and he added that everything possible will be done so that this will not happen. Mrs. Burdick reiterated her inquiry as to-how does the School Board get the authority to be able to make the decision on the site selection. Mayor Imperial stated that the School Board has the same power of condemnation, that every other elected body has. He remarked that it was;a shame that the Alhambra School District has that authority within the City of Rosemead as well as four other cities. CM 1-27-87 Page #1 Mayor Imperial continued by saying that all that the Council can do is to fight them every step of the way, which includes the court system when the time comes'.to do that. Mrs. Burdick thanked the Mayor and stated that they would,,support the Council and are also willing to fight for their homes. Councilman Bruesch reiterated that this Council is not a re- active, but a pro-active Council". He remarked that he. and two Council colleagues spent all of last Wednesday from 9.:00 a.m., to 10:00 p.m., up in Sacramento talking to legislators about the proposed high school site.and they lobbied against the Alhambra School Board's decision to place the high school in Rosemead with no valid reason. He felt that there had been a very positive line of communications established in Sacramento. Mayor Imperial added that they not only had gone to Rosemead's elected representative in the State Assembly, but to the elected representative in the State Assembly of the City of Alhambra, and both understood and were'aware of the problems and stated that they would do everything possible to help the City of Rosemead. He re- marked that they had also contacted the Senate representative of Rosemead; however, a positive reaction was not received from him. He requested that all concerned write to their higher elected of- ficials in Sacramento. Mrs. Mabel Thomas, 2437 Denton, stated that her question was answered already when the Mayor told the people to contact the. higher elected officials. Councilman Bruesch stated that the Rosemead Calendar was just received by all the residents of the City and at the back of that calendar all the addresses of the legislators are there, and all the letters should be addressed to them. Steve Blackburn, 2717 Denton Avenue, stated that he was opposed to the destruction of his home for a new high school. He requested that a.liaison person be placed in City Hall, so that the people who live in the proposed sites can call to find out what is happening. Councilman Taylor stated that he felt that questions should be directed to the Alhambra School Board because they then have to re- spond. He stated that people can call City Hall, but they should not rely on the City's information as this is out of the City's juris- diction, and the Alhambra School Board is accountable for everything that happens. He reiterated that the primary source of information should be the Alhambra School Board.and whatever information is re- ceived from them should be documented. Mr. Blackburn stated that what he was interested in primarily was to have someone that the people could call in the City that could coordinate the information for them. Councilman Bruesch stated that at the last meeting it was sug- gested that a registered receipt requested letter be sent to the Alhambra School Board requesting all information regarding the pro- posed sites. Councilman Taylor stated that this information would probably not be sent to the person requesting it; however, it would be made available to that person or people who are interested. Copies will be made and a charge for each page will be required. Mayor Imperial stated that as far as a liaison person, there are two people in the City, Holly Knapp and Estelle Holtz, who act as a liaison between the people and the City. He felt that it would be best to contact them and they can keep the residents most current. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that he understood what Mr. Blackburn was suggesting; however, he felt that the City has not been too successful in getting the cooperation of the School Board and if the City was the clearing house for information, there would be a good possibility that the City would hot have all the needed information. CM 1-27-87 Page #2 He added that as.he had suggested at the last meeting, a certified mail return receipt requested letter be sent to the Alhambra School District Board, and in the letter request to be informed of each meeting at which the school sites selection matter will-be consi dered. He stated that the School Board would have to honor that request although they may charge you a fee for it. He did not feel that a letter requesting everything would be appropriate as maybe everything may not be wanted and a very large bill would be incurred. He reiterated the Mayor's statement in that the residents are very welcome here; however, the School Board Meetings are the ones that are important to attend. Mayor Imperial stated that the entire Council is supporting the residents of this community with every ounce of strength that they have,right to the bitter end. Councilman Bruesch commented that there were some residents from Site C in the audience, and he commended them for their con- cern although at this point in time Site C is not being considered for an EIR.' He felt that the community should stick together and only with tenacity, the Alhambra Board will be shown that the resi- dents of Rosemead will not buckle under. He also suggested writing letters,to the person or persons who had suggested Site I. Mayor imperial reiterated behind the residents and as far be one home taken away. again that the City Council is 10007 as he is concerned there will not Barbara Serna stated that some people had been removed from the Alhambra School Board Meeting last week and these people were told that it did not concern them. Mayor Imperial stated that they could not stop people from talking because under the Brown Act it is a public. meeting. Mrs. Mabel Thomas, 2437 N. Denton, stated that they had attended the Board Meeting and they were allowed to speak at this last meeting; however, the residents from Monterey Park were totally ignored and did not allow them to say what they really wanted to say. Mayor Imperial stated that they would be in violation of the Brown Act if they did not allow people to speak. He requested that if that should happen to anyone here in Rosemead, that a statement should be prepared regarding that type of activity and brought to City Hall. Mrs. Serna inquired if the City would want copies of the letters that will be sent to the Alhambra School Board. Mayor Imperial stated that he would appreciate that and he would see to it that copies would be given to the Councilmembers. II. PUBLIC HEARING A. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONE CHANGE REQUESTED FROM R-1 AND R-3 TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (P-D) ZONE AT 8470 MISSION DRIVE Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that it was the staff's recommendation that the Public Hearing be re-opened and continued to the next'regularly scheduled meeting on February 10, 1987 at 8:00' p. m. He commented that at this time there is a new developer work- ing with the property owners with a new plan and all the information is not complete as yet, so therefore, it is recommended that the Public Hearing be reopened and continued. Mayor Imperial stated that the Public Hearing was reopened and continued to February 10, 1987 at 8:00 p. m. Councilman Taylor commented that Ordinance No. 593, Moratorium on the issuance of Building Permits for a period of 45 days is 1/3 over and he wanted to know what action is going to be taken in this 45 day period. CM 1-27-87 Page #3 Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the law provides that 10 days prior to the scheduled public hearing, the City must issue a report which details the efforts that have been taken with refer- ence to the research and documentation that is necessary and-which led to the imposition of the Urgency Ordinance. This new provision was shown to the Planning Director and a public hearing will be scheduled prior to the expiration of.the 45 days. He added that at that time the Council will be considering an extension of the moratorium for a period up to ten months and fifteen days. He felt that the moratorium that was originally adopted was.somewhat broad and research may indicate that a smaller area should be impacted for the extension of the moratorium; however, that will be a decision for the City.Council to make. Councilman Bruesch stated that in order that a duplication of effort does not take place, and noting the fact that the Council is about to study the new Zoning Ordinance in conjunction with the new General Plan, he suggested that the Council look at the new Code as well as the current Code. He wanted to have a larger lot size put in there, and to make sure some language would be written in that would alleviate problems with drainage on a complex of this size. III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 87-4 - CLAIMS & DEMANDS Councilman Taylor inquired about Warrant No. 18521, Robert Hinderliter & Assoc., wondered what the contract was. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that he was a Sales Tax Consultant, and he prepares the report. Councilman Bruesch inquired what Warrant No. 18576, 18577, and 18578, Christmas Tree Deposit refund was. Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that was for the Christmas Tree lots and it is a refund of the cleaning deposit which they paid the City prior to opening their businesses. RESOLUTION NO. 87-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUMIOF $552,211.68 NUMBERED 00054-00076/18480 THROUGH 18580 INCLUSIVELY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that Resolution No. 87-4 be adopted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. ORDINANCE NO. 594 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT PUSHCARTS ON CITY STREETS Councilman Bruesch inquired where and if there is a penalty clause in the Ordinance. Mayor Imperial stated that it was an automatic misdeamnor to violate the municipal code. ORDINANCE NO. 594 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING REGULATIONS PROHIBITING PUSHCARTS MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that Ordinance No. 594 be introduced on its first reading and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C. ORDINANCE NO. 595 URGENCY ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HOTELS AND MOTELS IN ROSEMEAD Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that it was staff's. recommendation to adopt this moratorium to have an opportunity to develop some sort of standard to regulate these establishments. CM 1-27-87 Page H4 L 11 ORDINANCE NO. 595 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESTRICTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HOTELS AND MOTELS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO INITIATE A STUDY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE :ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES, MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that Ordinance No. 595 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Taylor requested that the staff prepare a report for the past three years on all the Hotel and Motel units that have been built in the City. Councilman Bruesch requested information on the vacancy rates on these motels and hotels, and felt that it was important to know. Mayor Imperial remarked that he would like the report to show all the motels and hotels in a two mile radius. Councilman Bruesch stated that he had been informed by some of the owners'of motels that because of the high vacancy factor they are hardly able to make a living. Mayor Imperial commented that on the other hand, there are motels that are not renting rooms'by the day but monthly, and this also should be investigated and considered. D. ORDINANCE NO. 596 - AMENDING SECTION 3300 OF ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PROHIBITION OF "FOR SALE" SIGNS IN PARKED VEHICLES. Councilman Taylor stated that he wanted a clarification in the Municipal Code so that in the future when there is a new Parking Control Officer someone will riot have to be on guard to tell them not to be so energetic With their citing. He recom- mended that a section be added.after Section 3314 which states: "No person shall park or place.any vehicle on any public street for the purpose of offering that vehicle for sale, lease or rent in any portion of the City zoned for commercial and manufacturing uses." Adding: "One vehicle may be parked temporarily on a public street for 30 days (or 45 days) subject to all other parking restrictions for such street. The vehicle must be registered to the occupant living at the address where a particular vehicle is placed for sale. The vehicle may only be parked on the street within the curb space that fronts on the property where the ve- hicle is registered." This would .not•-';allow commercial car dealers parkingicars in residential areas, and he felt that this recommen- dation would clarify the reason for the ordinance. Mayor Imperial stated that he had no problem with that addi- tion, and he added,that there should be a statement added.that the sign should not hinder the view of the driver of the vehicle. Councilman Bruesch stated that he felt uncomfortable with this whole situation and after reading the Traffic Commission's Minutes he felt that they,too,.were not comfortable with it. He commented that when this was initially brought up about a year ago, some people were complaining because they were being ticketed for having a small "For Sale" sign in their vehicle, and yet, there were corner lots in the City with 10 or 12 cars on it with all kinds of signs on their windows, and they were not being cited. He now feels that if there are exceptions made by this ordinance, it could cause more confusion. Mayor Imperial stated that he felt that it was ridiculous that he could not have a "For Sale" sign in his own car. Councilman Taylor stated that the cars for sale on corner lots are a separate issue, and that is something that can be handled by the cooperation of the owner of the land. CM 1-27-87 Page #5 Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the recommendation presented by Councilman Taylor can be added as Section 3315 and 3315 can be changed to 3316. He stated that it would be prepared for the Council for the next Council Meeting. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that this item should be deferred to the next meeting, and although it is a good suggestion, it does need staff's reflection as to how it can be enforced. Councilman Taylor stated that in regards to the enforcement of such an ordinance, the parking officers are traveling the streets and when they see a "For Sale" sign in a car, they can list it in a notebook with the address where the car is parked. Mayor Imperial suggested that a warning notice could be placed on a car. Councilman Taylor stated that the Parking Control Officer could knock on the door and give a leaflet to the owner stating the require- ments. This would give the owners notice that they are not to have cars out there on a continuous basis. Mayor Imperial stated that a Warning Citation in duplicate could be placed on the car and that would help expedite the paperwork. Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, commented on the many cars that are parked on residential streets that auto shops are working on and that don't have room for on their lots. Councilman Taylor stated that can be handled when there is a complaint registered to the City regarding such activity, it can then be investigated. Mr. Pina suggested.that a standard size 12 X 20 "For Sale" sign that can be purchased from any hardware store be the only kind allowed. and be placed only on the side quarter-panel windows in order not to obstruct the view and as long as the car is operable, it can be parked in the street in front of their home. Mayor Imperial stated that was the reason that he had suggested that the view not be obstructed, and thanked Mr. Pina for"his sug- gestions. There being no objection,.this item was deferred to the next meeting. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-C and CC-D deferred) CC-A ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LOADING ZONE ON 3000 BLOCK OF MUSCATEL AVENUE CC-B AUTHORIZATION REQUESTED TO ATTEND CPRS SAN FRANCISCO, MARCH 12-15, 1987 IN CC-E AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STRANG AVENUE(VALLEY/LOFTUS) AND BENTEL(IVAR/ROSEMEAD BLVD.) RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CC-F REJECTION-OF BUILDING MAINTENANCE BID AND AUTHORIZATION TO RE-BID CONTRACT MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that the foregoing Items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-C APPROVE NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION/GARVEY PARK RECREATION OFFICE/RESTROOM COMPLEX Councilman Bruesch inquired when the punch list would be completed. Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager,,stated that Michael Burbank had told him that the punch list would be completed before the 35 day period is up. "CM 1-27-87 Page #6 . Councilman Bruesch inquired if the roof was flooded and the walls checked for leakage? Don Wagner stated that those items had not been taken care of as yet; however, they will be prior to the 35 days. Councilman Bruesch stated that he just did not want any pro- blems. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that the Notice of Substantial Completion for the Garvey Park Recreation Office and Restroom Complex be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor'declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-D APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN OF SAN GABRIEL BLVD., OVERPASS WIDENING.PROJECT Councilman Taylor requested a clarification on the cost of the Engineering proposal of $156,800 from Willdan Associates, and inquired if this cost would be part of the $1,000,000 budgeted for this project. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that it was part of the $1,000,000 budgeted. Councilman Taylor inquired about the inspections of the project and wondered if that was going to be added to the cost or would the $1,000,000 cover it. Don Wagner stated that from the figures provided from Caltrans the $1,000,000 should take care of everything. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that since it is also a Caltrans facility, Caltrans will have inspectors on the job, and all expenses would be covered by the budgeted $1,000,000. Councilman Taylor stated that the project would then be constructed with approximately. $1,000,000 from the Agency. Frank G. Tripepi stated that was true MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that the Engineering Agreement with Willdan Associates for the design of San Gabriel Blvd., Overpass Widening Project be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly.carried and so ordered. VI. STATUS REPORTS A. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD,MEDIANS Receive and File. B. C C & R'S ON PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Councilman Bruesch inquired if this CC&R is the strongest regarding liens. He stated that his concern is over the fact that someone might not pay their fair share where a street storm drain has been plugged. He inquired if the Owners Associations could go to court over a small amount of money. Robert Kress, City Attorney; stated that typically a lien is recorded against the property and that usually gets their at- tention. If there is only one or two that are refusing to pay their fair share, and if the Association has enough funds to op- erate, it will just have to wait for those who pay more slowly; however, the ultimate security is a lien on the property. Councilman Bruesch requested the City Attorney to find some sort of back-up.that shows that someone has taken an Association to Court because a lien has been filed against the owner. He stated that his concern was that on these long private streets that have drainage problems on them, and maybe one resident does not want to pay their fair share, and then the rest of the residents.in that Pg.N7 0 neighborhood or street be stuck with the cost of it nor does he want to see the City obliged to pay the cost of it. He wanted to see if there had been a case that tested the ability of the Homeowners Association under the C C & R's to prosecute a lien against a person's property to make sure that the gutters remain clean and storm drain pumps keep on operating properly. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that a lien can be placed upon a persons property only for money, and Homeowners Association can create either a general or a special assessment for that pur- pose and then they contract with someone to provide the service. He added that because the Homeowners Association has easement rights in the common as well as the duty to maintain it, the work get done; however, as far as saying if there are 12 people who want to pay the money and the 13th owner doesn't, there is only so much Govern- ment can do to make people cooperate. He felt that the set of CC & R's that has been presented to the Council was an excellent example, and he did know that Homeowners Association have successfully liened property. He stated that liens are an excellent collection device. He added that in all the CC & R's that the City has any particular interest in, it is required that a provision is put in, that inthe event that the Homeowners Association Board fails-to act, the City can take the action, and then cause these liens to be placed. VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. Councilman Taylor inquired about the Ballot Argument and stated that he wanted an up-date on what has transpired. The City Clerk stated that the Argument in favor had been sent on Wednesday to Martin & Chapman to be included in the Sample Ballot Booklet. Councilman Taylor inquired of Don.Wagner if there had been any changes to the Ballot Argument. Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that there had been no changes made to the Argument.in Favor of the Measure after Council- man Taylor had seen it. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the only changes were the ones that Councilman Taylor had made. Councilman Taylor stated that he had not received a copy of the completed Argument as sent to Martin & Chapman:Co. Don Wagner stated that that had been his oversight and apologized. B. Councilman Taylor commented on his request for copies of all the CRA Ordinances,that were to have been filed by December 31, 1986. He requested copies of what has been filed by the other CRAs. Frank G. Tripepi stated that Milt Farrell,,Director of the State Association of CRAs, stated that he would make available the copies when they have them. Councilman Taylor stated that he was primarily interested in the copies of the ordinances which were adopted in Los Angeles County because of the lawsuit with them. He inquired how does the City know that each Agency will send a copy of their ordinance to the State Redevelopment Association. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that there would not be any reason for the cities not to, and he felt that since the Association is in the business to serve the Agencies, they felt that they should have a copy of each ordinance which was adopted statewide. Councilman Taylor requested that a letter be sent to the Association inquiring what has transpired for the past month and again reiterated that he was primarily interested in the Cities within L. A. County because of the suit: against the City of Rosemead. CM 1-27-87 Page H8 0 C. Councilman Bruesch complimented Bonnie Culbertson and members of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce who were in Solvang for the Plan- ning Conference and stated that he was totally impressed with.the list 'aot_ten priorities that they wanted to accomplish and felt that even if three were accomplished, it would be great. Councilman Bruesch requested that an investigation take place of the Garment Factories along Garvey Avenue in Rosemead who work all night long, seven days a week and with trucks going in and out at all hours of the day and night. He wanted to.know if these gar- ment manufacturers were breaking any laws or in violation of any municipal codes. He remarked that he has had complaints about busi- nesses located at Stingle and Garvey and the other one was Garvey and Ivar. He questioned Mr. Gary Chicots, Planning Director, if it was a violation of the M-1 Zone to have a business who works all night long. Gary Chicots, Planning Director, stated that Garment Manufac- turing is a permitted use in a M-1.Zone and he did not recall any limitation of hours of operation in the M-1 Zone. Councilman Bruesch stated that there is a provision in the Code that states that if a business becomes a public nuisance it cannot operate.there. He also requested that in the new Zoning Ordinance consideration be given to limiting deliveries to certain hours of the day and night. Mayor Imperial stated that there would be a problem with stores like Alpha Beta when limiting the hours of delivery, but directed all the information that is needed .be gathered,;and then go from there. D. Mayor Imperial requested that violations that exist in the City should be looked into, and added that an A-Frame goes out in front of the little shop next to the Palms Restaurant' after 5:00 p.m. and he has noticed furniture out on the sidewalks on Saturdays. He felt that somebody should be enforcing these violations. Councilman Taylor stated that either the Parking Control Of- ficer or the Code Enforcement Officer could be utilized for this investigation, and possibly a rotating of shifts could handle the problem. Mayor Imperial stated that if the City has an Ordinance then it should be enforced, and he felt that it was disgraceful to keep the City clean and then on the week-ends things are a mess. He requested that this be enforced even if someone is put on this for seven days a week to get it done. Councilman Taylor stated that he felt that there was adequate staff to do that enforcement with the Sheriff's Department, Code Enforcement and Parking Control Officers. E. May Imperial requested an up-date on applications that have been submitted for Fortune Telling in the City of Rosemead. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Bonnie Culbertson, Manager of the Chamber, expressed her appreciation to the Council for their support of the Chamber and appreciated those who were able to attend the conference in Solvang. She complimented Lt. Volker Niewisch on the speech he made and that he had presented a.whole hour of information that was just tremen- dous and that was very much appreciated. Ms. Culbertson introduced the new President-elect, Louise Edens, who represents California Federal Savings and Loan Association. Councilman Taylor inquired what the ten points.were that".were dis- cussed at the conference: and.asked.°if':'that-Ahformation.had.-.been provided for the Council. . Ms. Culbertson stated that they were able to imaginablq; however, the goals have been pared dow able amount. She added that the discussions went for the Chamber which is the number one goal to a literacy, and because of the quantity of material discuss everything 1 to a more reach- from a new facility discussion on il- CM 1-27-87 Page #9 that was being covered,.business was not concluded. She added that the Planning Conference will be continued on the local level and as soon as it is provided to the Board in February, then the Council will receive a list of their goals and objectives for 1987. B. Holly Knapp, 8367 E. Whitmore St., commended Jeff Stewart for taking care of a flooding problem at the Park. Holly Knapp remarked to Beth Wyckoff that there was some word- ing in the Calendar that bothered her. They were words describing certain locations, one word was "above" Garvey Avenue and the other was "below" Garvey Avenue. She felt that the words should have been north or south instead of above and below. Holly Knapp commented about some really interesting information regarding site "B" that they had discovered and this was that site "B" starts back 200 ft. from Garvey Avenue. She stated that she had just found out that new developers had purchased the Mobile Home Park on Garvey between Muscatel and the Wash.and they have plans to build store fronts on the first 200 feet of this property. She felt that someone must have known along the line 'that 200 feet would be able to be developed. She was 'very upset with what is happening re- garding the site selection of the proposed high school. She suggested to Bonnie Culbertson that possibly a letter from the Chamber of Com- merce to the Alhambra School Board protesting the site selections and trying to protect the businesses along Garvey Avenue, particularly in Site I. Ms. Culbertson stated that had been one of the issues that had been discussed at the conference and a resolution will be on the Agenda for the Chamber's meeting next month, and this Rosemead Chamber will go on record opposing any site in Rosemead. Holly Knapp stated that it will be very much appreciated by all the residents of Rosemead to have this input from the Chamber.. C. Katherine Regaldo, 4547 Earle-, commented that in the.past her family has received five or six parking tickets. She stated that her mother had been requested to put pebble stones to park their cars on. She said that she had brought in 170 addresses of cars that were parked on the lawn and added that those cars are still there. She felt that the Parking Control Officer was pick- ing on them, and was repeated given tickets. She stated that her brother had not been able to get renewal of his vehicle until re- cently because the State said that his tickets had not been paid. The tickets had been paid for almost a year and yet it did not show up as being paid in the computers. Roger Gonzales stated that Donald Wagner had given him the papers to get the abstract that was required so that his vehicle could be registered. He commented that he was told that the tic- kets were sent to Marina Del Rey for processing, and he was also told that the City used Marina Del Rey instead of E1 Monte in order to save a dollar. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the problem did not have anything to do with the Court location, and remarked that the parking citation itself to be processed, the City of Rose- mead uses Optimal Data, a data base that went into business to service communities when the new law went into effect which made it basically, mandatory that the Department of Motor Vehicles not renew Vehicle registration if there were any parking warrants out- standing. He assured Mr. Gonzales that Marina Del Rey is not used to save $1, and stated that there is no Optimal Data available in E1 Monte. The courts do.not process parking citations any longer and by using Optimal Data the City is assured that the parking cita- tions are paid. Councilman Taylor inquired in what period of time the five or six parking tickets were received and when were they received. Mr. Gonzales stated that it was about two years ago and in a period of about three months his family had received those tickets. CM 1-27-87 Page #10 Councilman Taylor inquired what happened to the list of 170 addresses that Ms. Regalado had brought in to Tim Kerr a couple years ago. list. Mayor Imperial inquired if they still had a copy of that Ms. Regalado stated that she did not have a copy; however, she could get another list prepared in no time at all. Mayor Imperial requested that the list be given to the City Manager and that an up-dated report on the status of it be pre- pared for the Council. Ms. Regalado stated that she had told Jeff that on Muscatel off of Garvey or maybe Bartlett, there was a diesel truck parked in the yard on the grass. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, commented that there were a few weeks when there were 700 or 800 citations written for front lawn violations. Ms. Regalado stated that there may have been citations given; but they"felt singled out because they were required to put stones on the lawn. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that they had been pro- vided with the opportunity to put those stones in because Mrs. Gon- zales had asked how to keep from getting tickets and it had been suggested that the stones could provide a parking area for their cars. Melody Nutt, 4537 Earle, stated that if others had been cited, then why.were the vehicles not removed from the lawn. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that a citation does not mean that the car.. is removed. It only means that they are in violation of the front yard ordinance. Mayor Imperial inquired how many citations must be received before some type of action is taken. Councilman Taylor inquired what the address is where the car has been parked in the front yard for two years. Ms. Nutt stated that she didn't know the address, but it is on the corner of Wells and Earle Street. She stated that it was a white van. Mayor Imperial stated that Mrs. Gonzales will receive some kind of information on that vehicle as she deserves that kind of courtesy. Councilman Bruesch stated that he had heard of another incident that the vehicle registration could not be issued because of the loss of the records which showed the citations were paid, and he wondered if this has become a problem :_or if it was just.'.two,iso- lated cases because of the Data service that is being used. Mayor Imperial stated that he felt that although this problem may not be an isolated one, there are not that many that something cannot be done to help the residents so that they don't have to run across the City of Los Angeles trying to get their problem resolved. Councilman Taylor inquired if there was a summary list of all the citations sent to the collection agency, and after they are paid is there any"receipts sent to the City showing a cancellation of the citation. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the City is sent a.list of all citations sent to the Agency and there is a follow up of the cancellations; however, the instances that it is neces- sary for the City to send a letter with the person to the DMV is an isolated incident. CM 1-27-87 Page #11 Councilman Taylor inquired if there was an itemized list with the citation numbers on it, or are they all bunched together. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that it is an indivi- dual list with all the citation numbers, the date and the violation on .it. Councilman Taylor inquired how does the City know from the Agency in Marina Del Rey if the citations have been paid. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that an up-dated list is received on a monthly basis, and if some problem arises as this, then a call is made to Optimal Data, and they are able to verify that the citation has been paid. Councilman Taylor inquired what happens to this list after the citation has been paid and has been sent to the City. Donald Wagner stated that they are on file; however, it is easier to call Optimal Data and the information is available in a matter of minutes:. Councilman Taylor inquired then why did Mr. Gonzales have to drive to Marina Del Rey. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that he did not have a reason why Sacramento was not notified that those citations had been paid, even though Optimal Data had them listed as being paid. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that in response to Councilman Taylor's question, there is no reason why anyone has to go to Marina Del Rey, and as a matter of convenience a letter can be issued by the City to be taken to the DMV stating that the citations had been paid. Mr. Gonzales stated that Mr. Wagner had.given him that letter. He stated that two months after the citations had been paid in Jan- uary of 1986, a letter was sent to him saying that the fines had not been paid so a xeroxed copy of his cancelled checks and the t=icket back to Marina Del Rey, and at the end of'1986 he received his renewal tags, and Mr. Wagner had provided him with the letter to the Automobile Club to take care of his renewal tag, and was told at that time, he could not receive the renewal tag until an abstract is received from Sacramento, and then he waited three or four weeks. He added that the letter itself was not enough,.and he had to go down to Marina Del Rey to get a signature for proof and after that to send it in to Sacramento. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that hopefully, this will not happen again, but should it, he could merely come back to City Hall and he would get someone from Optimal Data to come to City Hall to give him the required signature. Councilman Taylor felt that was a brilliant suggestion made by Mr. Tripepi, and he requested that a letter be sent to the company and be recorded in the minutes that if Optimal Data fouls up and do not get things cleared through Sacramento, that they will drive here instead of making the resident drive all the way to Marina Del Rey. He.requested that a letter from Optimal Data stating that this will be done as the solution to this kind of problem. Frank G. Tripepi stated that Optimal Data would have no way of knowing that the State computers had not received the informa- tion and logged it and that it may have been lost between the wires or terminals until such time someone like Mr. Gonzales inquires and it shows in Sacramento that he had some outstanding parking tickets. He agreed; however, that the residents of Rosemead should not have to take a day off from work to drive to Optimal Data and that they can come and sign off on it. Councilman Bruesch stated that a to the citation, "Should your payment please call City Hall". little comment could be added of this ticket not be recorded CM 1-27-87 Page #12 Mayor Imperial stated that he did not feel that was necessary; however, his concern was that when this problem was brought forward that City Hall should react. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that was done by pre- senting Mr. Gonzales with a letter although it was not enough for the Automobile Club to accept, and that was not known at the time and he apologized for that. A lady questioned how many citation must be received by one person before something is done about, it. Mayor Imperial stated that question will be researched; how- ever, as far as he was concerned if someone got more than three parking citations, it would be time to react, and that information will be forthcoming. Councilman Taylor commented that it was his understanding that each day it is a separate violation, and if a ticket is "received each day in the amount of $28 and in ten days that would be $280. He felt that if someone does not cooperate a ticket should be written every day on the violation. Sometimes these things seem to be harrassment andthe resident does not feel that he has been given enough time to react, but if that white van has been there for two years, there is definitely a problem. It seems that the Parking Control Officers should have passed that vehicle in the past two years, and it is obvious that something is not being done properly. Katherine Regalado stated that she drives by Walnut Grove and Marshall every day and there is body work being done there and there are inoperable cars there. There being no further action to be taken, the City Council Meeting was adjourned to February 3, 1987 at 7:00 p. m. for the purpose of the interview process for a Planning Commissioner. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City erk MAYOR CM 1-27-87 Page #13