CDC - Item 4A - Valley Blvd Vision Plan• • ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER 04_1&e^ DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2007 SUBJECT: VALLEY BOULEVARD VISION PLAN SUMMARY On April 27, 2007, the City Council and staff attended an all day strategic planning retreat at the Double Tree Hotel in Rosemead. During this event, the City Council and staff identified specific goals and objective to be implemented over the next several months. One of the major goals was to improve economic development along Valley Boulevard. In an effort to achieve this goal, the Council requested that a downtown vision or specific plan be prepared for Valley Boulevard. Later, as part of the 2007-2008 CDC Budget, funds were budgeted and approved for this initiative. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Rosemead Community Development Commission approve the proposal from EDAW/AECOM (Attachment A) for the development of a Valley Boulevard vision plan. ANALYSIS Over the last several months, staff solicited proposals from a variety of firms specializing in the preparation of specific or vision plans. The City received a response from two firms: EDAW/AECOM $49,120 Lawrence R. Moss & Associates $41,500 While Lawrence R. Moss & Associates is the lowest bidder, EDAW/AECOM appears to provide a better service to fulfill our needs. EDAW/AECOM is a San Francisco-based company that provides landscape architecture and community planning services to public- and private-sector clients spread across four continents. EDAW is consistently ranked among the world's leading design firms, and boasts hundreds of client and industry awards. It is anticipated to take approximately four months for EDAW/AECOM to complete the Vision Plan APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 ' • • Community Development Commission November 20, 2007 Paae 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development Administrator Sfb' y: B eki Assistant City Manager Attachment A - EDAW/AECOM Attachment B - Lawrence R. Moss & Associates 0 IJ i_UAW I AECOM • • • EDAW Inc 3780 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 250. Los Angeles, California 90010 T 213.368.1608 F213.368.1614 www.edaw.com October 4, 2007 Mr. Brian Saeki, Assistant City Manager CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Proposal to Prepare a Vision Plan for Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard Dear Brian, EDAW Inc. (EDAW) is pleased to submit to the City a proposal to prepare a Vision Plan for Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard. Included in the attached proposal is our proposed scope of services, a schedule for those services, and,a cost estimate. Our approach to the vision plan will rely heavily on site analysis of Valley Boulevard and the City's "Downtown" and having a clear understanding of existing conditions along with guidance and direction provided by.the community, the decision- makers (City Council/Planning Commission) and city staff of the preferred development and places desired for Downtown and Valley Boulevard. Our understanding is that the City is currently undergoing a comprehensive General Plan update that addresses long range planning of land use, community design and circulation. Our baseline scope of work and budget assume that the vision plan will not require technical studies, such as existing land use, traffic or market research. Additionally, we have not budgeted for CEQA documentation assuming that this will covered under the EIR being prepared for the on-going General Plan Update. J To capture the necessary guidance and direction for the Vision of Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard, we have scoped two public workshops. The first public workshop targets response from the community to solicit thoughts and ideas for preferred development of Downtown and Valley Boulevard. The second workshop will take the form of a joint study session with City Council and Planning Commission once the EDAW team has identified potential development opportunities. This joint study session, that will be also open to the public, will provide the decision-makers, who will later see the completed vision plan when it comes up for adoption, an opportunity to provide the EDAW team their vision as well as direct feedback on potential development sites/scenarios. The EDAW team will use this invaluable information to ensure that the vision plan is crafted in such a way that it is responsive to the needs of community, as well as a resource for the local development community in the future development of Downtown and Valley Boulevard. EDAW is an excellent choice for the preparation of the vision plan due to our extensive experience in completing such land use and urban design plans/studies, as well as our knowledge and experience in working firsthand with the development community to create vibrant, responsive, and sustainable places. As Principal-in-Charge and Director of Urban Design, I will provide overall project direction and review of work products. Project Manager Brian Boecking will coordinate staff work and preparation of the vision plan. Gaurav Srivastava, Senior Urban Designer, will also provide oversight for the urban design components of the project. Brian, Gaurav, and I will attend public workshops and hearings associated with the vision plan. Work on the vision plan will be supported by EDAW staff. Following this letter are two attachments: Scope of Work and Qualifications. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of Rosemead. Please contact me or Brian Boecking if you have any questions regarding our proposal. ' Sincerely, Vaughan Davies Director of Urban Design Principal • 0 DOWNTOWN 8 VALLEY BOULEVARD VIISON PLAN I 1 0 Downtown & Valley Boulevard Vision Plan Rosemead SCOPE OF WORK EDAW will prepare a Vision Plan for the extent of Valley Boulevard in the City of Rosemead, including the area referred to as "Downtown Rosemead" approximately bounded by Rosemead Boulevard to the east, Walnut Grove to the west, Scott Street to the north, and Steele Street to the south. Please note that the work efforts associated with each task listed below are not necessarily sequential and may occur concurrently with one another. All work shall be conducted on a lump sum/fixed fee basis. TASK 1 - PROJECT INITIATION/ANALYSIS TASK 1.1 - TEAM KICK-OFF MEETINGISCOPE REFINEMENT EDAW will meet with City staff at the beginning of the process to reach agreement on the final scope of work and an understanding of the City's expectations relative topoth the process and the end product. This will be the first of many project management meetings and routine contact with City staff during the preparation of the vision plan. EDAW will provide the City with a final scope of work, schedule, and budget based on this meeting. TASK 1.2 - COLLECT AND REVIEW DATA This stage involves the initial collection and review of available data (site survey, site context, land use/zoning, • traffic/circulation, market information, etc.) and will require an initial site visit with City staff. This is a key and important part of our work, guiding all future design assumptions/decisions as well as establishing the overall vision and message that clearing defines this effort. _ The EDAW team will visit and photograph the site and context, and analyze and develop a clear set of guiding design principles for client review and comment. These design principles will be informed by the design team's evaluation of the site opportunities and constraints as they pertain to the City's overall goals and objectives as established in our initial conversations and our ongoing and more detailed observations of the following; 1. Site visittvisual and photographic survey a. site edge conditions and adjacencies b. views and orientation c. existing land uses d. site access/egress e. gateways f. key landmarks and site features g. unique architectural, urban/landscape character defining elements h. key adjacent/contextual features (e.g. Metrolink Station, Eastlands) 2. Review past studies/plans if any (to be provided by city staff) 3. Proposed development program/uses (to be provided by city staff) Deliverables As a result of the analytical phase of our work and city staff-team discussion(s), EDAW, together with city staff, will establish an agreed upon and clear set of objectives and design principles that will guide future development of land use and urban design concepts and will assist in evaluating/testing proposed development scenarios. All work during this phase will be a combination of freehand sketches and/or computer-generated diagrams/analysis as appropriate, easily reproducible and provided as scanned electronic documents at various scales. 1. Kick-off meeting 2. Aerial mapping (GIS) 3. Illustrative site/context diagram(s) • 4. Summary Site Context and Site Analysis 5. Establish approach to site, landscape elements EDAW INC DESIGN, PLAIJNING ALID ENVIR014MENTS WORLDWIDE n U • 6. Consolidation/summary of available background information 7. Draft Design Principles TASK 2 - VISIONING . TASK 2.1 - CONDUCT COMMUNITY VISIONING WORKSHOP • DOWNTOWN & VALLEY BOULEVARD WILSON PLAN 1 2 At the conclusion of the Analysis Phase of our work we will conduct a Community Workshop with the community, City staff, and appropriate stakeholders. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to make a meaningful necessary contribution to the visioning, planning and design process, as well as take 'ownership' in the eventual vision of Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard. This also affords a significant degree of transparency to the process and avoids any unnecessary surprises in the development of the vision plan. The draft design principles created in Task 1 will be presented at this workshop for feedback and later refinement. EDAW will support the development of an agenda, list of participants, and deliverables for the workshop as well as facilitate the meeting. TASK 2.2 - PREPARE NOTES/SUMMARY REPORT OF COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Following the Visioning Workshop, notes and other recorded materials from the workshop will be synthesized into a summary report that will be provided to City staff and later integrated into the Vision Plan. Deliverables As a result of the visioning phase of our work, community workshop and city staff-team discussion(s), EDAW, together with city staff, will establish an agreed upon and clear set of preliminary design principles which will guide our future development of land use and urban design alternatives and will assist in evaluating/testing the alternatives. All work during this phase will be a combination of freehand sketches and/or computer-generated diagrams/analysis as appropriate, easily reproducible and provided as scanned electronic documents at various scales. 1. Prepare for Community Visioning Workshop 2. Confirmed and refined Design Principles • 3. Notes/summary report of Workshop TASK 3 - DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TASK 3.1 - DRAFT IDENTIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIESISCENARIOS On completion of Task 2, EDAW will identify development opportunities and potential scenarios based on the agreed-upon land use, urban design and development direction provided by city staff, the refined design principles at completion of Task 1, and the feedback provided in the Community Visioning Workshop and analysis conducted in Task 1.2. To identify these opportunities, we will also rely on our extensive knowledge of redevelopment and urban infill projects. These development opportunities/scenarios will be conceptual in nature and will show configurations of orientation, land uses, parking options, focal points, circulation, lots and development pad areas, community facilities, and/or potential amenity concepts. The development opportunities and scenarios will be formulated in close coordination with the City to ensure that these are consistent with the expectations expressed during the project initiation meeting in Task 1. TASK 3.2 - CONDUCT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT STUDY SESSION Following identification of development opportunities/potential scenarios for Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard, we will conduct a Joint Study Session with City Council and Planning Commission and city staff that will be open to the public. This is an opportunity for the decision-makers to review and provide guidance on the refinement of the visioning, planning and design process, as well as to provide necessary feedback on the identification of development opportunities and potential scenarios. EDAW will support the development of an agenda, list of participants, and deliverables for the joint study session as well as facilitate the meeting. TASK 3.3 - PREPARE NOTESISUMMARY REPORT OF JOINT STUDY SESSION Following the Joint Study Session, notes and other recorded materials from the study session will be synthesized into a summary report that will be provided to City staff and later integrated into the Vision Plan. • EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 2 • • Deliverables Deliverables for these tasks include: 1. Illustrative development opportunities/scenarios diagram(s) 2. Prepare for City Council/Planning Commission Joint Workshop 3. Notes/summary report of Joint Study Session TASK 4 - PREPARE ADMINISTRATIVE DRAFT VISION PLAN TASK 4.1 - PREPARE ADMINSTRATIVE DRAFT VISION PLAN 0 DOWNTOWN 8 VALLEY BOULEVARD VIISON PLAN 1 J To prepare the Draft Vision Plan, we will take all of the analysis and feedback received through the Community Visioning Workshop and Joint Study Session, as well as direction from city staff to create a vision plan for Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard that includes: 1. Graphically illustrated Concept Plan for Land Use and Urban Design 2. Character/precedent photos - 3. Vehicular Circulation Plan (incl. parking and entry gateway elements) 4. Typical sections 5. Pedestrian Circulation Plan 6. Open Space Plan (incl. special places) 7. Development scenarios 8. Outline Design Guidelines EDAW will prepare a Vision Plan that recommends land use and urban design graphically illustrated in a concept plan for the Downtown and Valley Boulevard. Diagrams and typical sections that illustrate recommended vehicular and pedestrian circulation, public open space linkages, and parking will provide a vision of the ground floor public realm. Diagrams and Photoshop and/or freehand illustrations depicting development scenarios with suggested building envelopes/massing will provide a vision for the vertical private realm. • As our understanding is that the City has recently adopted Mixed-Use Design Guidelines, we will develop an abbreviated section of design standards and guidelines relevant to Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard. Guidelines will be provided for the public realm addressing the aesthetic of Valley Boulevard as well as the design and formulation of public spaces within the Downtown. Additional guidelines will be provided for the private realm where they are lacking in the Mixed- Use Design Guidelines as relevant to Downtown Rosemead and Valley Boulevard. These standards might address site planning, architecture, massing, signs, facades, storefronts, parking, and/or landscape/hardscape. The Administrative Draft will be submitted to City staff for review. EDAW will make revisions to the amendment, as directed by the City. Once deemed complete by City staff and the EDAW team, it will become the Public Review Draft. Deliverables 1. An electronic version of above 2. A master reproducible copy TASK 5 - PREPARE PUBLIC REVIEW VISION PLAN TASK 5.1 - PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT VISION PLAN Based on comments received on the Administrative Review Draft Specific Plan and direction provided by City staff, EDAW will prepare a Public Review Draft for consideration and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. Deliverables 1. An electronic version of above 2. A master reproducible copy - TASK 6 - FINAL VISION PLAN TASK 6.1 - PREPARE FINAL VISION PLAN • EDAW will prepare the Final Specific Plan pursuant to City staff direction. EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE • • Deliverables 1 An electronic version of above. 2. A master reproducible copy TASK 7 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task 7.1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT • DOWNTOWN A VALLEY BOULEVARD VIISON PLAN 1 4 This task involves managing the project to ensure the program remains on schedule and on budget. For all of our projects, we use standardized and proven methods of tracking program progress and budget, ensuring that the schedule is maintained, that the budget is adhered to, and that appropriate staff is assigned as needed. Tools utilized include a company-wide labor schedule that is updated weekly to allocate staff hours over a four-month period. We also employ accounting and project management software that allows the project manager to check weekly on the budget and staff. utilization. The meetings with City staff will allow us to discuss progress and invoices throughout the program. SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CURRENTLY NOT INCLUDED IN EDAW FEE) TASK 8 - ATTEND PUBLIC HEARINGS (OPTIONAL) To save costs, the EDAW team has not budgeted attending public hearings for Planning Commission and City Council for the review/adoption of the Vision Plan. For an additional fee, to be billed on a Time and Materials basis, a representative from the EDAW team could attend public hearings associated with the Vision Plan. EDAW TEAM • Vaughan Davies, Principal of Urban Design, will serve as the Principal-in-Charge. Brian Boecking will serve as the project manager. Gaurav Srivastava, Senior Urban Designer, will provide oversight on the production of the urban design components of the project. Additional planning staff will support these efforts as needed. SCHEDULE We anticipate four months to complete the Vision Plan. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 1. Project Initiation/Analysis 2. Visioning 1 1 1 1 3. Development Opportunities 1 dw N 1 1 I 4. Admin. Draft Plan 1 + 1 ME } 1 I 5. Public Review Plan 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 I I 6. Final Plan I I I 1 Deliverable -Visioning Workshop a' Dry Council/Planning Commission Study Session t Project Management Meeting w @h Oty • Optional Task (Attend Hearing) EUAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE i 10 DOWNTOWN 8'VALLEY BOULEVARD VIISON PLAN 1 5 • FEE SCHEDULE • • EDAW Labor Hourly Rate: $245 $90 $85 $125 Total Senior Urban Labor Total A. LABOR COSTS/TASKS PIC PM Planner Designer Cost Cost 0 Project lnitialionlAnalysis 1 T ^ . 1 Team Kick-off MeetinglScope Refinement 1 6 6 6 $2,760 $2,760 . 2 Collect and Review Data 1 20 4 $2,300 $2,300 . 3 SralContext Diagram(s) and Relevant Precedents/Scale Comparisons 1 20 4 $2,300 $2,300 , SUBTOTAL 6 46 0 14 $7,360 $7,360 0 Visioning 2 } . 1 Conduct Community Visioning Workshop 2 6 40 6 $5,820 $5,820 . 2 Notes/Summary Report of Workshop 2 16 $1,440 $1,440 . 6 56 0 6 $7 260 $7,260 SUBTOTAL , 0 Development Opportunities 3 . 31 Draft Identification of Development Opportunities/Scenarios 40 8 $4,600 $4,600 2 City Council/Planning Commission Joint Study Session 3 6 20 _ 6 $4,020 $4.020 . 3 Notes/summary report of Study Session 3 20 4 $2,300 $2,300 . SUBTOTAL 6 80 0 18 $10,920 $10,920 0 Prepare Administrative Draft Vision Plan 4 A, ^ s ' W'' 'Sa'-'tf, . 1 Prepare Adminstrative Draft Vision Plan 4 4 80 20 16 $11,880 $11,880 . SUBTOTAL 4 80 20 16 $11,880 $11,880 0 Prepare Public Review Vision Plan 5 r . 51 Pmfened Public Review Vision Plan 20 4 $2,300 $2,300 0 20 0 4 $2 300 $2 300 SUBTOTAL , , 0 Final Vision Plan 6 ' . 1 Prepare Final Vision Plan 8 4 20 0 4 $3,280 $3,280 . 4 20 0 4 $3 280 $3,280 SUBTOTAL , 0 Project Management 7 . 1 Project Management 7 8 24 $4120 $4,120 . 8 24 $4 120 $4,120 SUBTOTAL , TOTAL LABOR COSTS 34 326 20 62 47,120 $47,120 Total Cost B. DIRECT COSTS TelephoDerrmvel/POStage $1,000 $1,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $1,000 C. DELIVERABLES Dehveables will be bdtied on a reimbursable basis due to tlitriculty in estimatin g costs. Based on City's number of deliverables identified in the RFP, we Provid e this estimate for project budgeting purposes. $1,000 $1,000 COST SUMMARY TOTAL LABOR COSTS $47,120 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $1,000 TOTAL DELIVERABLES COSTS $1,000 TOTAL VISION PLAN COSTS $49,120 The labor fee budget above does not include out-of-pocket expenses including, but not limited to, blueprinting, printing, duplicating/copying, reproduction, photography and delivery costs, or outside services performed by others for unexpected. work, additional meeting and or deliverables which will be billed on a Time and Materials basis. Reimbursable expenses shall be invoiced in accordance with the attached Fee Schedule. A 10%o retainer is required prior to commencement of this work effort. QUALIFICATIONS EDAW's firm profile and team resumes are shown on the following pages. EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE • RESUME 1 1 E • • EDUCATION Master of Science, Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University, 1987 Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cape Town, Sohn Africa. 1984 Studio Ads Center International, Firenze, Italy, 1982 Bachelor of Architecture Studies (BAS), University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1982 AFFILIATIONS Institute of South African Architects (ISAA) Board Member Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) Urban Land Institute (ULI) West Side Urban Forum, LA Congress of New Urbanism (CNU) Institute for Urban Design, Fellow E VAUGHAN DAVIES, ISAA Principal/Director of Urban Design As an architect and urban designer, Vaughan Davies has produced dynamic urban plans for waterfront, retail/entertainment destinations, transit centers and mixed-use environments with an emphasis on creating pedestrian urban neighborhoods in cities nationwide and abroad. Vaughan's visionary plans and designs, developed with a solid basis in reality both in their authenticity and in their ability to be implemented successfully, have identified him to be a "pragmatic visionary." Collaborating with major developers, cities, and agencies, he has demonstrated a unique ability to create significant added value for all interests involved, by creating one-of-a-kind addresses and focusing his design solutions on the establishment of a superior public realm as a one-of-a-kind amenity. Based in Los Angeles, Vaughan has led the design efforts for many of the region's precedent setting projects, including: Paseo Colorado; Union Station; Hollywood & Highland; Rainbow Harbor; the 'Bridge to Breakwater Master Development Plan' in San Pedro for the Port of Los Angeles; and, currently is involved in the re-visioning of the Bay of Dublin in Ireland as a zero-carbon, cutting-edge plan for expansion of this historic city. HONORS . AWARDS Harry Crossley Scholarship PROJECT EXPERIENCE Des Baker Award Osborne Prize Guasti Village, Ontario, CA Helen Gardener Travel Prize Design Principal-in-Charge Premmio Vittoria CLIENT: OliverMCMillan Co./City of Ontario Thornton White Prize The historic Guasti Estate, perhaps once the US's largest "company town," was also once the largest vineyard in California. Today, the estate is a mere remnant Fulbright Scholarship of its former heyday - surviving are the historic villa, great stone sheds, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce numerous workers' cottages, and an historic church based on one found in Asti, LA Chapter AIA the family's hometown in Italy. EDAW's plan calls for the preservation of the historic core, and a recasting of the once working vineyard as a new and SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS inspired environment; including a cultural center, historic rail museum, new e Urban Land boutique and market rate hotels, a mini-conference center, as well as residential Urban F Urban Forum W neighborhoods. Set in a unique 'urban-agricultural' setting, the plan is to i conference Rlvolution a promote learning, discovery and a sustainable lifestyle for its visitors and C aliforni fomi hapter APA a Chapter residents alike. National APA Dublin Bay Vision, Ireland TEACHING Design Principal-in-Charge University of Southern California - CLIENT: City of Dublin, Ireland Guest Critic 2005 As one of Europe's most spectacular heritage sites, Dublin has experienced EDAW Summer Student Program 2005 unprecedented growth in the past ten years - growth anticipated to be sustained CAL Arts, Pasadena- Guest Critic for the next 20 years or more - putting increasing demands on the city, its School of Architecture, University of Cape infrastructure and resources to grow in a sustainable way. EDAW, led by Town, Design Instructor, 2000-2001 Vaughan has envisioned a new model for growth - one which is challenged to have a zero-carbon footprint. The EDAW plan evaluates the merits and demerits of relocation for the heavy industrial and petroleum storage uses of the port to accommodate the expansion of the city; an expansion which anticipates the creation of 80,000-100,000 new households, parks, public transit and schools. The vision plan is set to establish new criteria for growth, dealing with global - warming issues and socio-economic balance and sustainability. Los Angeles Waterfront Revitalization Project, Wilmington-San Pedro, CA Design Principal-in-Charge CLIENT: The Port of Los Angeles The LA Waterfront, formerly "Bridge to Breakwater," project consists of a comprehensive revitalization development plan for this 400-acre underutilized port district including, but not limited to, a comprehensive open space system EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 6 C 0 RESUME 12 • VAUGHAN DAVIES, ISAA with an expansive water's edge promenade, a great civic "central park," public gardens, new public piers, a cruise terminal and new harbors for additional boat activity areas, future public parking structures, major landscape improvements, roadway realignments and improvements, and public art installations. Additionally, the program will include retail and restaurant design/build packages. Vaughan successfully completed the recent master plan phase of the. project, guiding the design team and its response to fulfilling the client and community needs, goals, and objectives. Drawing on his extensive experience of interaction with public agencies and diverse stakeholder groups, Vaughan has been able to skillfully navigate the design process to accomplish the desired goals of the project and its sponsors. The project is currently in the entitlements phase with the new "Downtown Harbor" identified as the next phase to be moved forward to completion in 2008/9. Vaughan continues his relationship with the Port of Los Angeles and the community as a "trusted advisor," facilitating the implementation of the vision. NBCU Residential, Los Angeles, CA Design Principal-in-Charge CLIENT: Thomas Properties Group, NBC Universal Located on the current "backlot" of universal studios in the hills of Los Angeles is a 130-acre hillside site destined to become LA's next great neighborhood. EDAW is engaged to develop a master planned community, entitlements and design guidelines for the development of up to 2,900 new residential units in this unique setting. The approach has been to create a new address, a great hillside boulevard which will become synonymous with other great boulevard addresses such as Sunset Boulevard and Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles. NSCU/MTA Studios, Los Angeles, CA Design Principal-in-Charge • CLIENT: Thomas Properties Group, NBC Universal The METRO Red Line Station site of Universal Studios will be home to new state-of-the-art television/broadcast studios for NBCU and two new corporate office towers totaling one million square feet. EDAW is engaged with DMJM Design to plan the site and integrate the historic Campo de Cahuenga into a dynamic new front door to Universal Studios. The program integrates the existing subterranean METRO station and the above grade inter-modal bus facility and commuter parking needs into a truly transit oriented district (TOD) focused around a new urban square. . C J Hollywood & Highland, Los Angeles, CA Design Principal-in-Charge CLIENT: TrizecHahn This TOD mixed-use project, built over a major transportation center, includes retail, a grand public space, the new Kodak Theatre (home to the Academy Awards), subterranean parking, and a refurbished 400-room hotel. It has recently been acclaimed as having "saved Hollywood". In addition, the historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the "HOLLYWOOD" sign on the hill were incorporated as significant elements of this new LA landmark. The project also includes a new portal entry to the Los Angeles Metro system's new station, and has been a catalyst in the City's Community Redevelopment Authority's plans to revitalize Hollywood Boulevard both as a local and international tourist destination. The project was initiated some 6 years ago and completed in the fall of 2001 at the cost of approximately $400 million. As a principal at EE&K, Vaughan designed and assisted in facilitating this public/private partnership involving the City of Los Angeles, the CRA, and TrizecHahn development, a process in which design issues were addressed with significant public participation as is anticipated in any complex large-scale design. EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE RESUME 1] • VAUGHAN DAVIES, ISAA Paseo Colorado, Pasadena, CA Design Principal-in-Charge CLIENT: TrizecHahn A landmark and precedent-setting vertical mixed-use project in the heart of downtown Pasadena, Paseo Colorado has re-envisioned an aging 1980s shopping mall with a new mixed-use commercial retail and urban housing development. The project restored the original historic 1923 Bennett Plan for the civic core of downtown with the reinstatement of a public street, new paseos, and courts, as a complement to the previously successful revitalization of Old Pasadena. Paseo Colorado was completed in November 2001, in record- breaking time - three years from inception, through entitlement, to completion - producing significant savings for all. While at EE&K, and working closely with Marsha Rood, former Redevelopment Director for the City of Pasadena and the Developers, TrizecHahn and Post Properties, Vaughan was able to structure and lead a process for successful completion of the project, receiving unanimous approvals every step of the way. The project has already set a precedent for urban revitalization, not only in California but nationally. The provocative mix of residential uses above retail in an urban setting, a product formerly shied away from in California, is now state-of-the-art for revitalizing and realizing the added value of such joint development projects. Fisherman's Wharf Vision, San Francisco, CA Design Principal-in-Charge CLIENT: Fisherman's Wharf CBD The Fisherman's Wharf Community Benefits District, comprising both residents and businesses, as well as the Port of San Francisco, retained EDAW to help craft a community vision of the district's future - one that would once again make it San Francisco's destination of choice for both locals and tourists. Part of EDAW's work included leading an interactive two-day community visioning • workshop with business owners, adjoining residents and public agencies. Alameda District Master Plan, Los Angeles, CA Project Designer CLIENT: Catellus Development/Ratkovich Villaneuva Partnership The Alameda District plan has set the standard for future TOD development in Los Angeles. As senior designer for the Alameda District Master Plan, Vaughan Davies has begun what "city leaders see.... as the nexus of a new public realm". Consisting of 70 acres the plan proposes a cohesive and rich urban fabric that links the historic birthplace of Los Angeles - El Pueblo, Union Station and terminal Annex with downtown Los Angeles; rekindling the historic heart of the city with a new and bold vision of the future. Central to the plan is an Inter-modal Center, the largest in the country, which together with the proposed 7-10 million square feet of new offices, hotels, services, residential and retail uses seeks to promote public transit as a desirable alternative to the freeway and a competitive alternative to suburban development. The plan, rich in public environments, new courtyards, streets and plazas, is in marked contrast to the rest of downtown where the emphasis has been on the architectural object at the expense of the public environment. A new urban model, visionary but not revolutionary which we hope is the precursor to a new appreciation of the 'value - added' approach to the design of our public realm. u EOAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 8 • 0 RESUME 1 1 • BRIAN BOECKING Urban Planner/Designer EDUCATION Mr. Boeckirg's primary responsibility at EDAW involves preparing planning, Graduate Work in Landscape Architecture zoning, and urban design documents. He also assists in the preparation of California State Polytechnic University, CDBG Grants Management reports and housing-related studies. Prior to joining Pomona B.S., Urean and Regional Planning, EDAW, Mr. Boecking worked for the City of San Marino's Planning and California State Polytechnic University. Building Department, where he produced and illustrated the City's Commercial Pomona. 1998 Design Guidelines and APA-award winning Residential Design.Guidelines. AFFILIATIONS Urban Planning/Urban Design. Mr. Boecking has been involved in a diverse Amencen Planning Association range of planning projects, contributing his design and writing talents to Amedcan Society of Landscape Architects numerous General Plans including cities such as Monrovia, Riverside, Temecula, Specific Plans for projects in Alhambra, Glendora, Santa Ana and La Habra, Design Guidelines for the City of Riverside and the Woodbridge community in the San Joaquin Valley, and zoning ordinances for the cities of Baldwin Park, La Mirada, Montebello, Folsom, Salinas, Riverside, Santa Monica, Temple City, and Westminster, among others. Mr. Boecking has also assisted developers with the procurement of entitlements for their development projects in the cities of Temple City and Inglewood. Mr. Boecking also contributes his talents to the Urban Design Studio at EDAW by currently assisting with the conceptual design of master planned communities and developments such as the Collinsville Soccer Village in Illinois, Lincoln Place in Venice, California, and the NBC Universal Studios Backlot in Universal City, California. Graphic Desili Mapping. Mr. Boecking has created numerous computer • graphics and GIS-based maps for planning and environmental documents, including graphics for the MCAS El Toro Millennium Plan and EIR, subsequent Orange County Great Park Plan and EIR, the EIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MICAS Tustin, the Eastvale Community Plan and FIR, the Plaza Pasadena Renovation FIR, the Riverside General Plan and Zoning Code, the Salinas General Plan and Zoning Code, and the San Juan Capistrano General Plan and EIR. In addition to these various plans and EIRE, Mr. Boecking prepared graphics for various EDAW environmental projects in San Diego County. These projects include the Escondido Promenade Center EIR, the Citricado Middle School FIR, Bressi Ranch Development EIR, the Carlsbad Golf Course FIR, the Santee Square FIR, and EIRE for three proposed school sites in San Diego. Mr. Boecking's GIS experience includes support for the City of Riverside General Plan, City of Santa Paula Development Code, the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan, and three proposed school sites in San Diego. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Riverside Citywide Design Guidelines and Sign Design Guidelines Assistant Project Manager, Planner, Urban Designer, Graphic Designer CLIENT: City of Riverside, CA Assistant Project Manager, Planner, Urban Designer, Graphic Designer, provided planning and urban/graphic design support as assistant project manager and lead urban designer/ project planner to the Riverside Citywide Design Guidelines, including a companion set of Citywide Sign Design Guidelines as part ofEDAW's effort in updating the City's General Plan and Zoning Code. In this capacity, Mr. Boecking is the primary author and illustrator for both sets of Design Guidelines. • EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 0 • RESUME 13 _J BRIAN BOECKING Temple City Mixed Use Ordinance Planner/Urban Designer CLIENT: City of Temple City, CA Planner/Urban Designer/Graphic Designer, assisted with the preparation of the City's Mixed Use Ordinance. Alhambra Library Site Specific Plan Planner/Urban Designer CLIENT: J.h. Snyder Co. Planner/Urban Designer prepared the Specific Plan for J.h. Snyder Co.'s proposed mixed use development in Downtown Alhambra. In this capacity, Mr. Boecking prepared technical analysis, development standards and design guidelines for the Plan. _ Santa Ana. Specific Plan Planner/Urban DesignerlGraphic Designer 'CLIENT: The Olson Company Planner/Urban Designer/ Graphic Designer, served as assistant project manager for the Specific Plan prepared for the Olson Company's proposed Santa Ana Civic Center Walk housing development. This project encompassed the proposed development area as well as outer lying historic neighborhood, commercial and industrial areas adjacent to the City of Santa Ana's Civic Center. In this capacity, Mr. Boecking prepared technical analysis, development standards and design guidelines as well as prepared all illustrative graphics and GIS mapping. - • Piaua Las Tunas Mixed Use Development Entitlements Planner/Urban Designer CLIENT: TCD Enterprises Inc. Planner/ Urban Designer, assisted TCD Enterprises with the procurement of entitlements for their controversial proposed mixed use mall development in Temple City. In this capacity, Mr. Boecking assisted with the preparation of the project's development agreement in which development standards were created. Salinas Zoning Code and Downtown Rebound Mixed Use Zoning Study Planner/Urban DesignerlGraphic Designer CLIENT: City of Salinas, CA Planner/ Urban Designer /Graphic Designer, assisted with the preparation of the Zoning Code update and its graphic illustrations as well as assisted with the Downtown Rebound Mixed Use Study that will be implemented as a Downtown Mixed Use Overlay chapter of the new Zoning Code. Westminster Zoning Code Update PlannerlUrban Designer CLIENT: City of Westminster, CA - Planner/Urban Designer/Graphic Designer, assisting with the preparation of . the Zoning Code update and its graphic illustrations. Monrovia Nursery, A Specific Plan for Glendora • Planner/Urban Designer CLIENT: Monrovia Nursery Planner/Urban Designer assisted with the preparation of the Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan for Glendora. Monrovia Nursery proposes to develop their existing 95-acre nursery in the City of Glendora into a master-planned residential community. The Specific Plan aims to complement the rural residential character of the existing surroundings while preserving the horticulture legacy of the nursery. The Plan includes single-family detached residences with a community center, park, and a trail. In this capacity, Mr. EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 10 RESUME 1 3 • BRIAN BOECKING Boecking prepared technical analysis, development standards and design guidelines for the Plan. Riverside Zoning Code PlannerlUrban Designer/Graphic Designer CLIENT: City of Riverside, CA Planner/Urban Designer/ Graphic Designer, assisted with the preparation of the Zoning Code update and its graphic illustrations. Riverside General Plan Planner/Urban DesignerlGraphic Designer CLIENT: City of Riverside, CA Planner/Urban Designer/ Graphic Designer, conducted background research and preparation of technical reports, helped organized community workshops, prepared the structure and format for the Plan, has assisted with the preparation of several general plan elements, conducted land use analyses, provided CIS analyses and mapping, and helped manage the preparation of the Plan. Mr. Boecking also assisted with the preparation and management of the City's General Plan website. Temecula General Plan Planner/Urban Designer/Graphic Designer CLIENT: City of Temecula, CA Planner/Urban Designer /Graphic Designer, assisted with the preparation of plan elements, conducting community meetings, and providing CIS mapping and analysis associated with the project. This program focuses on managing growth while sustaining the community's quality of life, ensuring high quality design for new development, expand ing. and maintaining public • Services/ facilities, and addressing significant transportation challenges. Monrovia General Plan, Land Use Element Update Planner/Urban Designer/Graphic Designer CLIENT: City of Monrovia, CA Planner/Urban Designer/Graphic Designer, assisted with the preparation of the Land Use Element Update and its graphic illustrations. Orange County Great Park Plan and Executive Summary Planner/Graphic Designer CLIENT: City of Irvine, CA Planner/Graphic Designer, provided planning support, CIS direction and analysis and graphics production direction. In this capacity, Mr. Boecking conducted background research and preparation of technical reports, prepared the structure and format for the Plan and Summary, provided CIS analyses and mapping and graphic illustrations, and managed the preparation and production of the Plan and Summary. • EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 11 E 0 RESUME 1 1 • • EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master in City Planning June 2003 School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, India, Bachelor of Architecture, June 1997 HONORS . AWARDS Ford Foundation International Fellowship, 2001-2003, MIT. Lloyd and Nadine Rodwin Fellowship, 2003 MIT - Travel fellowship for Masters thesis research Tana Scholarship and Travel Grant, 2001 JN Tata Endowment, Mumbai, India. PRESENTATIONS Masters Thesis-Indian Streets outside India: the Construction of Identity in Southall and Jackson Heights at Crossing the Boundaries XI: Identity and Space, conference at Dept. of Art History, SUNY, Binghamton, NY, May 2003 Illustrated two published works - a collection of short stones in Bengali, Saheb Babur Baithak Khana (New Delhi: Falisse, 1999), and a research document, Citizens and Governance: Civil Society in the New Millennium (New Delhi: PRIA, 1999) GAURAV SRIVASTAVA Urban DesignerlPlanner Gaurav Srivastava is an urban designer and planner well experienced in the preparation of master plans as well as long term visioning strategies for areas ranging from intimate neighborhood redevelopments to the design and planning of campus and housing developments. Gaurav has contributed to all phases of project management, analysis, public process, visioning, design development, and report production and is proficient in GIS and census analysis, synthesis and diagramming of issues, site planning, free-hand illustrations, and report writing and production. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Dublin Bay Vision Project Manager CLIENT: Dublin City Council, Ireland Dublin City Council has retained EDAW to prepare a study as a first stage in developing a framework for the future strategic role of Dublin Bay and the Dublin Port area as a multi-faceted resource in the local region and beyond. The plan envisions an unparalleled expansion of any European City in the last few decades - 80,000 new residents adding 10% to the City's population over a 25- year period in a fully sustainable manner. Lincoln Place Residential Redevelopment, Venice CA Project Manager CLIENT: All EDAW is the lead master planner and urban designer for this 40-acre redevelopment parcel located in Venice Beach, CA with several historically significant apartment buildings. The plan envisions a sensitive and contemporary mix of new and existing units. The retained units are planned to undergo extensive upgrades to provide them contemporary amenities. The initial tasks include a master site plan and design guidelines for the site. Monrovia.General Plan Amendment and TOD Project Manager, Urban Design CLIENT: City of Monrovia The client is amending the General Plan Land Use Element to establish new land use policy for properties surrounding the future Gold Line light rail station, as well as along the south Myrtle Avenue and West Huntington Boulevard corridors. Inspired by an Urban Land Institute study completed for the Station . Square area and Myrtle Avenue corridor, the City has retained EDAW to provide urban design services to'create a vibrant urban village surrounding the proposed Gold Line station, and to create distinctive gateways into Monrovia. San Pedro Red Car Extension Project Manager CLIENT: Port of Los Angeles EDAW is involved with the on-going implementation of the San Pedro waterfront enhancements, central to which is the revitalized Red Car, once heralded as the greatest public transit system in the country. Today the Red Car is on the come- back. EDAW is currently working on station design plans for the four existing stops between the existing cruise ship terminal and 22nd street, and new extensions are being planned northwards to Wilmington and Banning's Landing, and southwards to Cabrillo Beach. The station area plans are being designed to promote convenient access between the historic core of downtown Wilmington and San Pedro, as well as providing visitor access to the various attractions. Anticipated shared parking opportunities will also greatly enhance rider ship on the Red Car line. In addition, EDAW will provide conceptual design for a maintenance facility and museum. EOAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 12 L E RESUME 12 • GAURAV SRIVASTAVA Guasti Village, Ontario, CA Project Manager CLIENT: OliverMcMillan Co./City of Ontario The historic Guasti Estate, perhaps once the US's largest "company town" was also once the largest vineyard in California. Today, the estate is a mere remnant of its former heyday - surviving are the historic villa, great stone sheds, numerous workers' cottages, and an historic church based on one found in Asti, _ the family's hometown in Italy. EDAW's plan calls for the preservation of the historic core, and a recasting of the once working vineyard as a new and inspired environment; including a cultural center, historic rail museum, new boutique and market rate hotels, a mini-conference center, as well as residential neighborhoods. Set in a unique 'urban-agricultural' setting, the plan is to promote learning, discovery and a sustainable lifestyle for its visitors and residents alike. "The Duck Form" San Gabriel River, Los Angeles County, CA Project Planner CLIENT: CA Rivers & Mountains Conservancy The site of the former Woodland Duck Farm on the banks of the San Gabriel River is one of the first projects to be implemented as part of the comprehensive San Gabriel River Corridor Master Plan. The 57-acre project site will explore opportunities for sub-surface water re-charge and the creation of new habitat, while still providing public access for equestrian and passive recreational activities. The site is separated from the adjacent community by a major freeway and railroad lines, and 'land-bridge' connections for both visual and physical crossings of the river are being explored. Additionally, the site, like many other river corridors throughout the nation, offers the challenge of incorporating high voltage power lines and freeway billboards into a unique and state-of-the art sustainable solution. EDAW has been retained by the Watershed Conservation • Authority to conduct extensive public outreach efforts, prepare a master plan for the site, and complete necessary environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Ultimately, this site will provide a much needed open space and recreation area for residents and visitors to this highly urbanized area. L Residential Overlay Zone Master Plan, Cerritos, CA Project Planner CLIENT: City of Cerritos To alleviate the inordinately high demand for housing in the City of Cerritos, this master plan focuses on converting existing light industrial uses to high density residential uses. The site, about 160 acres in area, presently contains a mix of light industrial, manufacturing and medical offices. EDAW's proposed vision proposes a dynamic mix of residential types with some mixed-use developments integrated into a comprehensive system of tree-lined streets, landscape improvements, pedestrian walkways, and urban open spaces and parks to enhance the park-like setting of the existing industrial park. A major goal of the master plan is to create an enduring neighborhood that contributes to the quality of life within Cerritos. The Cerritos Residential Overlay Zone will provide a strong and appropriately scaled framework of streets, parks, and urban open spaces, while simultaneously defining the mechanism that will allow an industrial area to seamlessly transition to a residential neighborhood recognizing the needs and visions of all stakeholders. EDAW INC DESIGN. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 13 9 • RESUME 1 • HELEN CHOI Associate EDUCATION Helen Choi is a planner and designer whose has been educated and trained in M.A., Urban Planning, UCLA 2005 architecture, urban design, and urban planning. She believes in balancing the B.A., Architecture, UC Berkeley, 2001 environment, economic, and equity through community planning and policy. As Denmark International School, 2000 a planner, Helen's responsibilities include writing elements for general plans, specific plans, and environmental reports; graphic recording at community meetings; facilitating workshops during public outreach process; and preparing graphics for documents and publications. Prior to joining EDAW, Helen worked - as an urban designer and architect for two architecture firms and an urban design firm. She has completed construction documents for affordable housing developments, high-end hotels, and urban design projects in Los Angeles and Palestine. She has helped design and publish guidelines for award-winning streetscape and urban design publications. She has also worked as a policy intern for a public agency and a nonprofit organization. In addition to writing and research skills, she is also trained in graphic presentations such as perspectives, elevations, and plans. For her graphic presentations she employs computer drafting, GIS mapping, three-dimensional scale models, photo- realism, and hand-drawing. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Claremont General Plan Update Planner CLIENT: City of Claremont, CA Helen has prepared and written several elements for the general plan update for the City of Claremont including community services, public safety and noise, and governance elements, community design section of the land use element, • draft of the initial study, and transportation section of the EIR. The City is endowed with a wealth of concerned citizens who emphasized the incorporation of sustainabilily concepts in all elements of the General Plan. The Claremont General Plan is also one of the few cities in California with a Governance Element that focuses specifically on empowering the citizens and encouraging their participation in decision-making. Yucaipa Specific Plan Planner CLIENT: City of Yucaipa, CA Helen is currently assisting with the preparations of the specific plan update including facilitating groups at community charette workshops and graphic- recording at community meetings. The Specific Plan is solely derived from the recommendations of the community and the geological constraints in the hillsides of the specific plan area. The resulting land uses abides by the three guiding principles: economic viability, hillside preservation, and preservation of rural quality. City of Orange General Plan Update Planner CLIENT: City of Orange, California Helen is assisting with the Orange general plan update for all elements. City of Orange is a vibrant city that strives to both preserve a historic downtown and expand modern entertainment centers. The General Plan will result in a culmination of progressive goals and policies with emphasis on historic preservation and economic growth. • EDAW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 14 RESUME 1 2 • HELEN CHOI Montebello General Plan Update Planner CLIENT: City of Montebello, CA Currently, Helen is writing elements of the General Plan update for the City of Montebello. Montebello is a diverse city in terms of demographics and land uses. The City is conveniently located near regional freeways and downtown Los Angeles. The General Plan aims to provide amenities for the thriving industrial sectors without negatively, impacting the residential neighborhoods. The proximity of industrial and residential land uses requires numerous mitigation measures and policies to balance and meet the needs of residents and businesses. Helen is also writing the City's Housing Element for the 2000 to 2008 period. Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan Planner CLIENT: City of Glendora, CA Monrovia Growers proposes to develop an existing nursery in the City of Glendora into a master-planned residential community. The Specific Plan aims to complement the rural residential character of the existing surroundings while preserving the horticulture legacy of the nursery. The Plan includes single-family detached residences with a community center, park, and a trail. The Plan emphasizes the use of a wide variety and abundance of plants to landscape residences, community facilities, open spaces, and roadways that is reminiscent of the site's former use as a nursery. As a planner, Helen established guidelines and implementation plans for the circulation and open space components of the Specific Plan. City of Colton General Plan Update Planner • CLIENT: City of Colton, CA City of Colton is located in the San Bernardino County and presents many opportunities for land use and circulation improvements. Like many cities that rely economically on industrial businesses, the City struggles to balance the needs of industrial economy and quality of life of existing and future residents. To encourage developments, the City plans to overcome existing development constraints through street realignments, and to preserve neighborhoods through density adjustments. Helen will participate in the preparation of graphic presentations and coordination of community workshops as well as assist in writing Circulation and Land Use Elements of the General Plan Update. Dallas Trinity Park Proposal Planner CLIENT: City of Dallas, CA Helen assisted in building a scale model for a park proposal near Trinity River in Dallas. The proposal included tiered parkways and density increase to revitalize an underutilize boulevard. Friant Ranch Specific Plan Planner CLIENT: Community of Friant, CA The Friant Ranch Specific Plan proposes the County's first retirement community specifically designed for 'active adults' in Fresno County. Helen completed the housing element and the design guidelines for this retirement community. • EDCW INC DESIGN, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE 15 JUL 1 6 2007 BY: LAWRENCE R MOSS ASLA Lawrence R. Moss and Associates, Inc. 8 ASSOCIATES INC Agreement 3458 OCEAN VIEW BLVD GLENDALE CA 91208 818 248-5200 Date: July 12, 2007 FAX 818 248-6574 CALIF. LICENSE #1201 This Agreement is made between: Lawrence R. Moss and Associates, Inc. A.S.L.A. 3458 Ocean View Boulevard Glendale, California 91208 (818) 248-5200 telephone (818) 248-6574 fax and the Client: Mr. Brian T. Saeki Redevelopment / Economic Development Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569-2151 telephone (626) 307-9218 fax bsaeki(a),citvofrosemead.ore email for the following services: Landscape Architectural for the following project: - Specific Plan for Valley Boulevard from Temple City Boulevard to just west of Walnut Grove Avenue City of Rosemead, California Dear Mr. Saeki: We shall provide a Specific Plan for the downtown area of Valley Boulevard for the City of Rosemead in coordination with you and any other interested parties. The intent is to extend our philosophy of design for the already created Town Center Park from Rosemead Boulevard to Muscatel Avenue. The Specific Plan will serve to establish and enhance the quality of design of a particular area with a complementary but distinct set of recommendations separate from established City Guidelines. The Plan will be presented in an 11" x 17" booklet format with explanatory text, color photographs of plants, buildings, and site amenities. Scope of Work will include: 1. Provide Guidelines for adherence to a specific style of architecture and a distinctive planting palette to highlight and define the selected area's design potential, including these design principles: a. Balance: Building massing and site design should reinforce a sense of balance, scale, and proportion within the project and within the immediate neighborhood context. R osemead SpecificPl an2.doc LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE b. Rhythm: Repetition of major elements should establish a rhythm, and should generally not exceed seven in number; to avoid monotony. c. Inte i : Integrity of building and site design should allow durable design features to resonate. and to be carried forward to all views as appropriate. d. Detail: Detail and vertical graduation shall be used as appropriate to the scale and character of the project and surroundings, and integrally designed to avoid a generic, applied, appearance. e. Substance: Dimensions shall be given to design elements to give a building the appearance of structural substance; to give a pergola or bench the lightness needed to avoid overpowering a garden, as appropriate to the setting. f. Transition: Building and landscaping elements should maximize opportunities for lavering, entry expression, and other transitional elements. g. Character: Through composition using the other principles as appropriate, and observing the best aspect's of Rosemead's heritage, the project's area shall improve its content 2. Plant Selection: a. Historically and environmentally sensitive landscape design will use plants reflecting the City's history and regional native environment. These choices, along with appropriate drought tolerant plant material, will complement the existing landscape. Where commercial areas abut each other or the larger streetscape, effective, attractive, and well- integrated screening and buffering materials will be provided. Plant materials will be chosen according to both context and water requirements. 3. Hardscape Design and Site Amenities a. Paving materials will be consistent with the overall design intent. Paving will be chosen as an integral part of the design and appropriately reflect the style of each individual space. b. Site amenities including planting pots, benches, trash receptacles, tree grates and guards, bollards. and water features will help establish a unique and consistent identity. 4. Parking: Establish improved design standards for parking as part of an economic revitalization strategy for that area. Assessment includes the viability of the following parking options: a. 90° Parking b. 601 Parking c. 45° Parking d. Parking using End-Lot Access e. Cross-Slope in Parking Areas f. Parallel Parking RosemeadSpecificPlan2.doc • , g. Aisle Spaces for Pedestrians h. Handicap Access i. Drop-Off Areas with Lighted Bullard Seating Barriers j. Plant Material to provide protection from glare and heat, avoiding trees that drop excessive amounts of debris 5. Attend general meetings to review existing signage, public works requirements, and other City standards. Attend meetings to review Specific Plan with the City at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% completion. 6. Deliverables: Six (6) 11" x 17" booklets with colored text, maps, photo images, isometric drawings, and vignettes relating to each subject. Fee: $41.500.00 Fee Schedule Due upon 25% completion of Specific Plan, and review: $ 9,000.00 Due upon 50% completion of Specific Plan, and review: $ 9,500.00 Due upon 75% completion of Specific Plan, and review: $ 9.500.00 Due upon 100% completion of Specific Plan, and review: $13,500.00 The following shall not be considered part of the above fee and will be charged for as noted: Revisions(s) to any previously approved drawings shall be charged for at the rate of $100.00 per hour. 2. Expenses including, but not limited to, printing, plotting, deliveries, etc. shall be charged for at our cost. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party, upon written notice, should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its terms. In the event of termination, Lawrence R. Moss and Associates shall be paid for services provided to the date of termination. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED in accordance with the General Terms of Agreement for Consulting Services: awrence R. Moss, President LAWRENCE R. MOSS AND ASSOC., INC. A.S.L.A. Brian T. Saeki, Redevelopment / Economic Development Manager CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date: / 7-1 0 Date: RosemeadSpeci ficPlan2.doc