CDC - Item 3 - Remodel Of City Hall Council Chambers0 IRL Rosemead Community Development Commission RCDC 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNIT DE LOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: ~ CUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: ~l FEBRUARY 21, 2006 RE: REMODEL OF CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Council at their last meeting requested that staff bring this item back for discussion purposes. At the July 12, 2006 meeting, the Commission discussed the various options available to the City in regards to the remodeling of City Hall. It was requested that staff return with a proposal for remodeling the Council Chambers. Attached is "a letter agreement from Onyx for architectural services and some estimated cost figures for the various elements of the project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that after discussing the matter, that the Commission direct staff to take the appropriate action. CDC AGENDA 2/28/06 Item No: 3 • • TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNIT DE LOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: I~~,XECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: ~~11 FEBRUARY 21, 2006 RE: REMODEL OF CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Council at their last meeting requested that staff bring this item back for discussion purposes. At the July 12, 2006 meeting, the Commission discussed the various options available to the City in regards to the remodeling of City Hall. It was requested that staff return with a proposal for remodeling the Council Chambers. Attached is a letter agreement from Onyx for architectural services and some estimated cost figures for the various elements of the project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that after discussing the matter, that the Commission direct staff to take the appropriate action. • 27 December 2005 Mr. Bill Crowe City Manager 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Crowe C SUBJECT: LETTF_R OF AGREEMENT Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber Renovation and Remodel Onyx Project No. P05066 We are pleased to continue our work with you on the renovation of City Hall. At this time you are interested in completing the work at the council chambers only. In addition the scope of work at the council chambers has increased from the original scope of work - which is outlined in Section II below. Following below you will find the Letter of Agreement for the project. This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Rosemead California hereinafter called the "Owner" and Onyx Architects, Inc., hereinafter called the "Architect." DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Renovation and remodel of the existing council chambers which will generally include the following: New Council Chamber dais- work includes design and documentation for: • Construction of dais casework • New Audio and Video systems, including sound reinforcing, video presentation systems, voting systems, video recording system rough-ins, and computer network connections • Council Chamber remodeling- work includes design and documentation for: • Renovation and reupholstering of existing auditorium seating • Selection of Movable seating and other equipment and accessories for the functional operation of the space • Repainting, new wall covering and wood trim refinishing • New carpeting • Modifications of fighting systems and installation of new lighting and switching, as appropriate • Coordination of new signage • Interior design and redecoration as is applicable to the renovation of this space O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S PRINcIPAI.$ ROBERT H. CARPENTER, MA DALE W. BROWN, AIA AssocmT Pa clrAts STEPHEN A. KUCHENSKI, ALA DouGus D. JOYCE III, ALA CHUONG V NCO, AIA KENNETFI P. SCOFIELD, AIA V 626.405.8001 F 626.405.8150 16 NORTH MARENGO NO. 700 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 W W W.ONYRARCHI'1I.UFS.COM • Mr. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 II. SCOPE OF WORK C~ The Architect shall furnish and perform the following basic professional services required during the project: a. Participate in a maximum of three initial meetings with administrative staff to determine scope of work and basic program and design goals b. Develop Schematic Design Package for review and approval by the Owner including: • Plans and elevations of renovation features • 3-dimensional sketches of new council dais • Program functional features ofA/V systems • Outline specifications • A maximum of two progress meetings and one status presentation to the Council C. Develop Design Development Package for review and approval by the City (Owner), including: • Develop documentation of agreed upon Schematic Design, including plans, elevations, sections, and finish schedule • Basic design for approved A/V systems, including features and performance criteria • Design Development specifications • One progress meeting and one presentation to Council • Assist City with obtaining refined budget (separate consultant) d. Develop Construction Document Package, including: • Plans and specifications, based on the City's approval of the Design Development package, prepared for final review by the City, and then for bidding • A maximum of two progress meetings and one presentation to Council • Work with City Staff to prepare "front-end" bidding instmctions and conditions to the specifications e. Bidding Phase, including: • Distribution of documents to City, consultants, and bidders • Assist in answering bidder's questions through the addendum process • Participate in public bid opening • Analyze bids on behalf of the City in order to recommend contract award. Includes one meeting with City. O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S C Mr. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 E Construction phase, including: • Construction meetings (anticipated every two weeks), to a maximum of G meetings • Construction Administration tasks, including shop drawing review, RFI's (Request for Information), Observation reports, and other related tasks. Any re-design tasks are a Change of Service • Approve Contractor payments on a monthly basis • Punch List and project close-out services The Owner shall furnish and perform the following: a. Review and signed approval of Schematic Design package b. Review and signed approval of Design Development package C. Provide information in a timely manner to establish configuration and function goals for A/V system III. COMPENSATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES a. The basic professional design services specified above in "Scope of Work" will be completed for a lump sum fee of $ 52,100.00 plus consultant fees and reimbursable expenses as outlined below. b. Reimbursable Expenses, which may include but not be limited to printing, staff travel, long-distance and cellular telephone calls, photography, reproduction of drawings, postage, delivery/messenger service, filing fees, miscellaneous supplies, etc. are in addition to the basic professional design services listed above and will be billed at our invoice cost times 1.15. C Consulting Engineers, are in addition to the basic professional design services and fees listed above and will be billed at our invoice cost times 1.25. d. Any additional work not described in this Letter of Agreement or any Change in Service will be performed at our Standard Hourly Billing Rates per the attached schedule, or on a mutually agreed upon lump sum amount. IV. BILLING Billing is done on a four-week schedule. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. V. TERMINATION, SUPSPENSION OR ABANDON\IFNT In the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of the project, the Architect shall be equitably compensated for services performed. Failure of the Owner to make payments to the Architect in accordance with this Agreement shall be considered substantial nonperformance and is sufficient cause for the Architect to either suspend or terminate services. Either the Architect of the Owner may terminate this Agreement after giving no less than seven days' written notice if the other party substantially fails to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S Mr. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 VI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a. The Architect will provide to the Owner a Certification of Substantial Completion of Construction when the Contractor has reached substantial completion of construction. b. Services required for governmental agency reviews, securing approvals, etc., other than normal review by the City Building, and County Fire Departments will be considered as a Change in Service. C. If governmental funded projects require a wage rate determination, services associated therewith will be considered as a Change in Service. d. Limitation of Liability: The Owner agrees to limit the Architect's Liability to the Owner, due to the Architect's established negligent acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Architect to the Owner, shall not exceed $ 250,000.00. e. The Architect will exercise his best professional effort to interpret the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and other applicable state, local and federal requirements. The Architect cannot and does not guarantee that his interpretation of the ADA legislation will be the same as other interpretations and, therefore, cannot guarantee the buildings or project's compliance with the law. The scope of services provided by the Architect is limited to the requirements of Titles II and III of the ADA. The Architect cannot provide recommendations or advice concerning which ADA requirements or measure may be "readily achievable" nor can the Architect determine the priorities or phasing of selected measures. These issues must be addressed by the Owner with assistance from his or her financial and legal counsel. f. The Drawings, Specifications, and other documents, whether in hard copy or machine readable form (CADD or disk), prepared by the Architect and marked with the copyright symbol ((D) for this project are instruments of the Architect's service for use solely with respect to this Project and, unless otherwise provided, the Architect shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all copyright interests. This is to include all sketches and renderings, hand-drawn or computer-generated, and the use or reproduction of same for news releases or any other purposes is to be done only with the permission of and with credit given to the Architect. g. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement does not contemplate handling of asbestos or any hazardous waste material, and the Owner agrees to indemnify the Architect for all claims, lawsuits, expenses of any kind including the Architect's time, or damages arising from or related to the handling, treatment, storage or disposal of asbestos, asbestos products, or any hazardous waste materials. Nothing in this Agreement shall impose liability of any kind on the Architect for any matter related to, the exposure to, or the handling, manufacture, or disposal of asbestos, asbestos products, or hazardous waste in any of its various forms, as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. h. Inasmuch as the remodeling and/or rehabilitation of an existing budding requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and because some of these assumptions cannot be verified without expending great sums of additional money, or destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building, the Owner agrees that, except for willful negligence on the part of the Architect to hold harmless and indemnify the Architect for and against any and all claims, damages, awards, and costs of defense arising out of such professional services involving those assumptions. 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S C Mr. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 0 Notxvithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Architect will provide up to three ] 3 ] design options, the cost of which is included in Basic Services, for the Owner's review. Additional design options requested by the Owner will be considered a Change in Service. j. Prior to the Architect being obligated to perform work on subsequent phases, Owner shall approve of the work performed for the current phase by initialing two (2) sets of said drawings. Owner and Architect shall retain one (1) set each. k. Making revisions or additions to drawings, specifications or other documents (or consulting with Project Engineers with respect to revisions of additions to the work) which are not the result of errors by the Architect when such revisions are inconsistent with design for criteria approved by the Owner or when not a logical or consistent evolution of prior approved designs or Owner criteria previously given by Owner or by Owner's engineers, consultants, contractors, or estimates shall be considered a Change in Service. 1. The Architect shall not be responsible for the accuracy of its statements of costs of construction. In the event Owner wishes to obtain information concerning cost of construction, Architect shall assist Owner in selecting a cost estimator or Contractor with whom Architect shall consult, upon request by Owner, in order to achieve a completed design which is consistent with Owner's cost objective, in. The Architect retains copyright interest and property rights of publicity and press release information regarding the Project. This information includes design information, photography, renderings/models, or plans produced and/or provided by the Architect. The Architect agrees to grant a nonexclusive license to the Owner, with no associated fee, to utilize these items for press releases and other publicity packages providing that all such publicity/press releases, project brochure and other advertising include the name of, and give credit to, the Onyx Architects. n. The Owner shall, at its cost and expense, maintain general public liability insurance, naming the Architect as an additional insured, insuring against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage accruing in or about the construction site, with limits of not less than $1,000,000. The Owner's obligations to insure may be provided by appropriate amendments, rider or endorsement on any blanket policy or policies carried by the Owner. The Owner agrees to deliver to the Architect certificate of insurance evidencing the Owner's compliance with the foregoing agreements. Upon the Architect's written request, duplicate copies of such certificates of insurance will be delivered address. Said certificates shall provide that said insurance may not be canceled except upon ten days prior notice to the Architect. o. The Owner agrees that the sole recourse for damages to the Owner arising from services provided to the Owner, by the Architect under this Agreement shall be against the Architect, and the Owner waives any claim of liability against any employees of Architect as individuals. P. Should either party be required to bring suit to enforce any provision of this Agreement, or for the breach of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party, reasonable attorney's, administrative and expert fees, expenses and costs. O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S L ' Ih. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 J We trust this Letter of Agreement meets with your approval. Please sign both copies, return one copy to out office and retain the second copy for your records. If you have any questions, please contact me. Respectfully, Accepted: Onya e Inc. City of Rosemead California By By Dale W. Brown ALA Bill Crowe Vice President City Manager Dale W. Brown, AIA-Architect-CA License No. C17744 Typists InitialsPNobs\P05066.rehee\Work Plan\Contraets\LCA Council Chambers 12_27_05.doe Enclosure 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S • Mr. Bill Crowe 27 December 2005 • ATTACHMENT A ONYX ARCHITECTS STANDARD HOURLY BILLING RATES Staff Level Rate Principal $200.00/hr Associate Principal $180.00/hr Associate $165.00/hr Architect $120.00/hr job Capt= $100.00/hr Technical Support $80.00/hr Administrative/Clerical $75.00/hr Reimbursable expenses are billed at our invoice cost x 1.15. Billing Rates are effective until 31 December 2006. 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S 0 Design objectives: The proposed renovations would provide the first update to the chamber since it opened in 1969. The proposed renovations include re-working of the council dais to allow for better council/staff communications, and to facilitate public presentations. Sound system and voting system improvements will greatly facilitate public communications. Accessibility to the disabled will be brought up to current code for the room. Council Chamber Redecoration: The renovations will provide for an update look to the chamber. This work includes new wall paint and wall covering, re-upholstering of the auditorium public seating, installation of new carpeting, evaluate lighting systems and switching-work will include some new fixtures and re-tamping. This scope includes new loose furniture and equipment. Budget for redecoration: $100,000 - $150,000 New Council Dais: The existing council existing casework will be removed, and new casework will be installed, per July 2005 schematic design drawings. Budget, for new muncil dais: $50,0004100,000 Sound Reinforcing System/Multi-media: A new sound amplification system will be provided, including speakers and microphone, custom engineered for the space. The sound system will be audible by the hearing impaired, and a wireless microphone provision accommodated. A video projection system and screen is part of the project scope. The system will also tie into the facility networking and voting systems, and a video system will be "roughed-out" for future cameras. The final configuration to be reviewed and approved by council before a bid package is prepared. Budget for new sound and multi-media systems: $25,000 - $75,000 Council VotinaSystem: A new visual and networked voting system will be provided, tied into the room audio/visual system. The final configuration is to be reviewed and approved by council before a bid-package is prepared. Budget for new voting system: $10,000 - $50,000 Council Chamber Sienaee: Work includes new identification and directional signage elements to as well as signage for the disabled. Budget for new signage: $1,000 - $5,000 • Total Project Budget The cost figures expressed herein are based off a range of possible configurations and combinations, and should be budgeted accordingly. The budget summary is as follows: Council Chamber Redecoration: New Council Dais: Sound Reinforcing System/Mull-media: Council Voting S sue: Council Chamber Signage: $100,000 - $150,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $25,000 - $75,000 $10,000 - $50,000 $1,000 - $5,000 General Conditions and fees: $50,000 - $150,000 Total Project Budget: $236,000 - $530,000