CDC - Item 2 - Acceptance of Bids And Award of Contract For Traffic Signals11 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: ANDY LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: APRIL 5, 2006 (9 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND HIGHCLIFF AVENUE AND AT GRAVES AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE The following bids were received for the subject project on Thursday, March 30, 2006: Steiny & Company $289,610.00 Christopher R. Morales $296,635.00 Terno, Inc. $334,700.00 Dynalectric $348,176.00 Comet Electric $409,500.00 Attached are copies of the three low bids, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet (D &B) reports for Steiny & Company and FCI Constructors, Inc (parent company of Terno, Inc). Staff was unable to obtain the D &B report for Christopher R. Morales since it was not listed in the D &B. The low bid was submitted by Steiny & Company, a responsible contractor, in the amount of $289,610.00, which is approximately 16 percent less than the Engineer's estimate of $346,800.00. The average bid was $335,724.20. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Community Development Commission accept all bids and award the project to Steiny & Company in the amount of $289,610.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Community Development Commission. Attachments 0 0 IRL Rosemead Community Development Commission RM 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: ANDY LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: APRIL 5, 2006 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND HIGHCLIFF AVENUE AND AT GRAVES AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE The following bids were received for the subject project on Thursday, March 30, 2006: Steiny & Company $289,610.00 Christopher R. Morales $296,635.00 Terno, Inc. $334,700.00 Dynalectric $348,176.00 Comet Electric $409,500.00 Attached are copies of the three low bids, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet (D &B) reports for Steiny & Company and FCI Constructors, Inc (parent company of Terno, Inc). Staff was unable to obtain the D &B report for Christopher R. Morales since it was not listed in the D &B. The low bid was submitted by Steiny & Company, a responsible contractor, in the amount of $289,610.00, which is approximately 16 percent less than the Engineer's estimate of $346,800.00. The average bid was $335,724.20. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Community Development Commission accept all bids and award the project to Steiny & Company in the amount of $289,610.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Community Development Commission. Attachments :� t4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above - stated project . as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump - sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. SPC06 -07 C -1 0 BID SCHEDULE A FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT 1. Traffic signal installation as LS - -- shown on the Plan. $ 3 57 2 Signing and striping as LS - -- shown on the Plan. $ 6 06 . 3. Traffic control. LS TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN FIGURES "A" TO BID SCHEDULE IN WORDS C , m PL/1/ 0,-/ SPC06 -07 C -2(a) 0 0 BID SCHEDULE B FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT Traffic signal installation as LS ___ __ $ �79 shown on the Plan. 2. Signing and striping as LS - - - $ 6 E shown on the Plan. 3. Traffic control. LS - -- - -- TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN FIGURES $r� /�6�• TOTA BID SCHED L "B" IN WORDS Z r G-o t7 0 C�D TOTAL COMBINED BID SCHEDULE "A" AND "B IN FIGURES I Cal ( / (3� od. SPC06-07 C -2(b) ii/ G-o t7 0 C�D TOTAL COMBINED BID SCHEDULE "A" AND "B IN FIGURES I Cal ( / (3� od. SPC06-07 C -2(b) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of . one-half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: PORTION OF, WORK Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. SPC06 -07 C -3 NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE 0 0 DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT - RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire asphalt- rubber BINDER from: Name Address This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary For example, do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt- rubber binder plant. Within three (3) working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the asphalt - rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion, constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non - responsive or disqualify the asphalt- rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the asphalt- rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non - responsive, then if an asphalt- rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within three (3) working days from this declaration .request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the asphalt- rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating asphalt- rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non - responsive. By acknowledging the asphalt- rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt- rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt- rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of Subsection 600 -2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." SPC06 -07 C -4 REFERENCES 0 The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1 . �) u �)AG ttml &uL} Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed OA Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: o �t rLn cJ �� v r1 , o�u`� ci l LM G IndOlt CA �l►2.D EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. SPC06 -07 C -5 0 Major construction projects in progress as of this date: Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. 1 9 4, Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. Owner Project Location Valuation Contact Person Telephone No. More Available upon Request Construction projects completed as of this date: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work, and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SPC06 -07 C -6 0 0 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct Bidder's Name - -.- -- STEINY AND COMPANY INC. Business Address 1 -<07 East Garvey Avenue P.O. Box Baldwin Park, CA 91706.0993 Telephone No. 6-26-338-9923 State License No: 15:273 State Contractor's License No. and Class cuss A, B, CW7 & G10 . Original Date Issued Mew, I Expiration Date I, The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Chairman J. 0.5totny n. '"aat S.t 54'�-40m4 "ice President Richard 71=c�rbso ^vracrecary Gayle C. iKapWlmetn The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: 01 j) SPC06 -07 C -7(a) • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. Dated: `'(Y1 a(.h BIDDER: STEINr AND CCMPA1 \rf, INC. The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the representatives made hereto are true and correct. Contractor's Signature Richard Printed Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC06 -07 C -7(b) 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Riverside On Wh Er 1(1 —before me, Shawn R. Bradfield, Notary Pu bli Data Name and Title of Onicer (e,. 'Jane Doe, Notary Pudk ) personally appeared Richard Tesoriero Name(s) of 5igner(s) personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence Q SHAWN R. BRADFIELD Commission # 1416751 Notary Public - California Riverside County My Comm. Expires May 9, 2007 to be the person whose nameN) is /ace subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /spefifiey executed the same in his /lierJiheir authorized capacity(2s), and that by hislther/tf-reir signatuteN on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the personN ) acted, executed the instrument. WIT ESS my hand and official seal. IQ 6L Signature of Notary Publc OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: �u (� A ch Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: A )6Q Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Richard Tesoriero ❑ Individual �:Corporate Officer — Title(s): Vice President ❑ Partner — ❑Limited ❑General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: Steiny and Company, INC. Top of thumb here 01999 National Nolary Assnooemn -9350 De Soto Ave.. P.O. Box 2102 • CWa.m n. CA 91313 2a02 • ww,e 111iunalnotmy or, P.d No 5907 Reorder. Call Toll -Free 1 800.876.6827 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE/HIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUEIJACK5ON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Steiny and Company, Inc: as BIDDER, and Safeco Insurance Company of America a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of WA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of The State of Canfomia, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of 10% of Bid O N WORDS] Dollars ($ 10� , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above- stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY -for the above - stated project, if said bid is rejected, or 9 said bid Is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be nun and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect imfevor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for an purposes be deemed an original hereof, have been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporateparty' being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. Dated: BIDDER Name: Steiny and Company, Inc. Address: 12907 East Garvey. BAldwin ..Park. CA 92706 SURETY: Name: Safeco Insurance Company of America Address: 330 N. Brand Blvd. #1000, Glendale, CA 91203 (Signature) Type Name and Title: Noemi Quiroz, At to rn ey -in -Fact "yA Note: This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Fubllc, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney-in-bet must be attached. SPCO"7 C -8 Type Name and Title: Richard Tesodbro, Vice P ree<de n t i CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On March 17, 2006 before me, Lisa Clark Notary Public DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared Noemi Quiroz NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) ® personally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence the person(s) whose name(&) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she they executed the same in his /her F authorized capacity(tes), and that by hiF4her /th& signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the LISA CLARK Commission # 1571501 a w`, z -c -ro Notary Public - California entity upon behalf of which the person( &) acted, executed the instrument. Orange County My Comm. Expires Sep 3, 2008 WITNESS my hand and of7cial seal. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. . CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑INDIVIDUAL DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ® ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) Bid Bond TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES ❑ GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) Safeco Insurance Company of America March 17, 2006 DATE OF DOCUMENT Steiny and Company, Inc. SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 0 0 + POWER Safeco Insurance Companies o a PC Box Box 34526 OF ATTORNEY Seattle. WA 98124 -1526 No. 10688 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint " * " * * * * * * " "** *MARIA LUISA AGUINALDO; VICTORIA M. CAMPBELL; EDWARD N. HACKETT; JOHN D. MILLER; Santa Ana, California; NOEMI QUIROZ; MICHAEL R. SZOT; Los Angeles, California' * "*" its true and lawful attorney(s }in -fact, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 16th December 2005 day of cTPOUANIF nAI FYMA / TSnN SFCRFTARY MIKE PETERS. PRESIDENT. SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By -Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attomeys -in -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, ( The provisions of Article V, Section 13 of the By -Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power -of- attomey appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power -of- attorney appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I, Stephanie Daley- Watson , Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By -Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By -Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this 17th day of SEAL n ' CIMPAIE SEA] 1006 Ja STEPHANIE DALEY- WATSON, SECRETARY Safeco® and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation, S- 0974/DS 4/05 WEB PDF 0 0 CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Riverside On 1(_ 1 "`t %M =Q- before me, Shawn R. Brad field, Notary Publ Data Name antl The al Onirer )e g..'Jane Doe. Notary Public') personally appeared Richard Tesoriero , Names) of Sr,v, e) p ersonally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personk whose name(N) isla+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heFepeFEpey executed SHAWN R. BRADFIEt the same in his{uerLtll authorized @My Ccmmisston # 1416751 z capacity(im g , and that by hislhe�rf Notary Public - California signalure('iJ, on the instrument the person(, or Riverside County the entity upon behalf of which the person(q Comm. Expires May 9,2007 P acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. BjgnaWre of Notary Pudic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this torn to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: L� J� Document Date: "I 1 1�� -h amp Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Richard Tesoriero i] Individual Top of thumb here �Corporate0fficer— Ttle(s): Vice President ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Steiny and Company, INC. 0 1999 Nabonal Notary Assacalmn 9350 be Sob Ave_ an. Box 2432 • ChalsmM. CA 91313 2402 • wee'.naaonalnotary org Proo. No 5907 Reortlou Call Toll Free I BW 6768827 . i '' CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT J DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET AND 'I GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY 1 In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above - stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents.. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID I SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be.based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump - sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. 1 SPC06 -07, C -1 E 0 BID SCHEDULE A FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT 1. Traffic signal installation as LS shown on the Plan. - $ 13, 2 Signing and striping as LS - -- shown on the Plan. $ S,OvO, 3. Traffic control. LS -- _ $ a -,e)D0 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN FIGURES $14i,c 3 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN WORDS Oyy-Vu;, t> �M,el.lxc+nc� DtX �uan,fit.aal- J i J SPC06 -07 C -2(a) Gb 0 0 1 BID SCHEDULE B FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD a ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN WORDS ✓lny tuA n�{���( Z tY U h QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT Traffic signal installation as shown on the Plan. LS - -- - 2 Signing and striping as shown on the Plan. LS - - 3. Traffic control. LS TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN FIGURES TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN WORDS TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN FIGURES IN FIGURES IN WORDS on._itm. &q) $ $�SS,00•�: 'nom �Y rne�z TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN WORDS ✓lny tuA n�{���( Z tY U h TOTAL COMBINED BID SCHEDULE "A" AND "B" IN FIGURES SPC06 -07 C -2(b) i 0 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS 0 BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK P c = I' 7 S G S 4- " i3e14C�ti , ��'L• - 2-1 0S0cl Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. SPCO6 -07 C -3 0 0 R DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT - RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire asphalt- rubber BINDER from: ' Name B1 anCl Suily 2.r�:n Address This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary For example; do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt- rubber binder plant. Within three (3) working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the asphalt - rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion, constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non - responsive or disqualify the asphalt- rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the asphalt- rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non - responsive, then if an asphalt- rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within three (3) working days from this declaration request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the asphalt- rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating asphalt- rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non - responsive. By acknowledging the asphalt- rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt- rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt- rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of Subsection 600 -2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." -I SPC06 -07 C -4 9 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar wor within the past 2 years: 1. C�In�, of Lo 1 on ,r'Ia, qoy r -b✓1 Name and Address of Owner' LLAw Wl III' G Lk 1It {�Zy Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 3 mi,goo 'froUll I Contract amount 9 Type o work Date completed T 2. L1, n( hG�d,a Lnti -46o 4 I'O Name And Address of Owner Name and telepfione number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date'completed 3. L1 J rn(iVwi�, 25S3 5) re, �Ive (OrI x- ,on (A � Z-30 . Name and Address of Owner )q Z Name and telephone number of person familiar with project VA Contract'amount Type of ork Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: i EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may I have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports j are currently outstanding. SPC06 -07 C -5 I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work, and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SPC06 -07 C -6 1 0 BIDDER'S INFORMATION 11 BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name 11 c lo( Business Address 15 00 kon 6I /e. �1 Telephone No. �� ��� ^r� Y7 II / 2 : t State Contractor's License No. and Class I.o Original Date Issued �` ( — 70h5 Expiration Dat The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in.this proposal: P ✓r5�r�.P��. 11��,v I ?- ��,��rk Tir������icl (�7.���- ,�3 -3�7i ZGt�.il- cy Ie._ ��7/ ICS � � �S i Q(� The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal i having an interest in this proposal are as follows: SPC06 -07 C -7(a) v °I 17y() LJ 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative (s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. - Dated: . 0 ZO( :o 1500 of( V?' The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of l California that the representatives made hereto are true and correct. Contractor's Sign ture Printed Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. 11 SPC06 -07 C -7(b) 0 to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and RAMON C.- ARTEAGA acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed eornrninslon S 1349358 the same in his /her /their authorized .4- NotaryPublc- California capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their Los Angeles County signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or My corryn, Exoms Apr 29.2W6 the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. d-Al renQU®A All L.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of LOS ANGELES On n P(J before me, RAMON C. ARTEAGA Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., - Jane Doe. Notary Public ") personally appeared CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES Name(s) of Signer(s) N personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence WITNE S my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above Signature of Notary Public' OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 0 Number of Pages: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: CHRISTOPHER R MORALES ❑ Individual X Corporate Officer— Title(s): PRESIDENT ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES INC. RlUFTHUMaPRINT OF SIGNER 0 1997 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave.. PO, Box 2402 • Chatswanh. GA 9t 81:f- -eau[ ru. i.o. le., ­ ... ­ . -. CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE/HIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC. as BIDDER, and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of CALIFORNIA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT OF THE BID J IN WORDS] Dollars ($ 109 OF BID . , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above- stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force'and effect In favor of AGENCY, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) Identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for all purposes be.deemed an original hereof, have been duly executed by Bidder and Surely, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of Its governing body, Dated: MARCH 24, 2006 BIDDER: Name: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES, INC. Address: 15100 E. NELSON AVE. CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91744 By (Slgnsfure Type Name and Title: C HRISTOPHER R. MORALES PRESIDENT SURETY: Name: INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Address: 17780 FITCH STE 200 IRVINE, CA 92614 By, Type Name and Title: SHAWN BLUME , ATTORNEY —IN —.FACT Note: SPC06 -07 This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. MAR 2 7 2006 0 neJ1 1111Tnnwe Al _otiQDIf1CR ArKNOWLEDGMENT State of California } ss. County of RIVERSIDE J , On before me, R. CI Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g..'Jade Doe. Notary Potato') personally appeared SHA BLUME Namels� of Slgnegs) rxl personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence '�� R. CISNEROS to be the person whose name(K is /afz COMM. #148873 „ ¢° s NOTARIVERSIDC COUNT C `; subscribed to the within instrument and M y Comm Expires Jun 7, 2008 p acknowledged to me that he /skel�4eq executed the same in his /heffthiol authorized capacity(ies}, and that by hisir4e44tfl signature(srron the instrument the person(sj, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(W acted, executed the instrument. yft� TINESS my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑ Individual Top of thumb here ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 9 1990 National Notary Assia lmn • 9050 oe Sato A,e Po. Co. 2102 • chiall q CA 91910.2402 •— rallenalnotary one ' Pr. No 5907 Reorder. call Toll Fee I BW 51e tie[/ 0 • POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263 -3300 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, do each, hereby make, constitute and appoint: ** *Michael D. Stang, Susan C. Monteon, Rosemary Cisneros, Shawn Blume, jointly or severally * ** as their true and lawful Anomey(s) -in -Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporations, as sureties, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomey(s) -in -Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be done in connection therewith as each of said corporations could do, but reserving to each of said corporations full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attomey(s) -in -Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, qualifying the attomey(s) named in the Powers of Attorney to execute, on behalf of the corporations, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporations be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attomey; . RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY. COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have severally caused these presents to be signed by their respective Executive Vice President and attested by their respective Secretary this I st day of February, 2005. Cl� o' By: •••'OZr,.AND•j�;o.., O1q,PANy OF David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice - President p F'•., G PPO'9 J "pPOR4 ;P > O 9 �' lk k OCT. F <? OCT .S Alxlu 10 cne c u 1967 X 1936 0 = o o P = Walter A. Crowell, Secretary ° s,Q s s:. , /OW P•,.• ?aa,.• O STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS. COUNTYOFORANGE ) On February 1, 2005, before me, Nita O Hiffineyer, personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NITA Q. NIFFMEYER • @My COMM. 01543481 LIC NOTARY PUB CAL Signature mmm. mpltea.Nn. 10, 2009 CERTIFICATE ' The undersigned, as Executive Vice - President, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the resolutions of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporations set forth in the Power of Attorney, are in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine, California, flit day of � � , By k _ David L. Kerrigan, Executive Vice - President ID -1380 (Rev. 2/05) 4%A1 irnowuA All 1 _IlanCePeSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of LOS ANGELES On - � w o before me, RAMON C. ARTEAGA Date Name antl Ttle of Officer (e.q., "Jane Ooe, Notary Public')' . personally appeared CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES Name(e) of Signers) RAMON C. ARTEAGA ! Commission 0 1349358 z r fit. Notary Public - California £ .3 s,., Los Angeles County Mycomm i Expires Apr 29.20miji IN personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s), is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. my hand and offici seal le I Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: CHRISTOPHER R MORALES ❑ Individual Top of thumb here R Corporate Officer — Tdle(s): PRESTT)ENT IJ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: CHRISTOPHER R. MORALES INC. ® 1997 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave.. PO. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 Pica. No b9N neoraer uan ,o,rnee row o�o-oou • r Term, - • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above - stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and /or lump -sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual: quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and /or lump - sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten (10) working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. SPC06 -07 C -1 0 r BID SCHEDULE A FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT 1. Traffic signal installation as LS - shown on the Plan. $ �.5� ,�� 2 Signing and striping as LS - -- $ shown on the Plan. - 3. Traffic control. LS -- $ 2,2\S TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN FIGURES $ \tic, qc�1 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A IN WORDS 0.1 �w.�w� SPx4�s�\\l \ nOISAWl N1u �. tk (A S\K't`t ON-. l otI'q,�i SPC06 -07 C -2(a) 9 i BID SCHEDULE B FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. $1 G TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" QUANTITY PRICES AMOUNT Traffic signal installation as LS -- A Nd $ shown on the Plan. 325 2 Signing and striping as LS - -- - -- $ 6 i 1 shown on the Plan. 3. Traffic control. LS - -- - -- $ 2 2 \5 TOTAL -BID SCHEDULE "B" IN FIGURES TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN WORDS S-e "ew �GWdwo� �.1� ��ki �a11eti. TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN FIGURES $ \(o (01 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" IN FIGURES $1 G TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" IN WORDS pop lkwy� —k Y TLQULSAtiA, TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" S rUVW H uvc� 0.� ��tli�v IN WORDS 0 1�'1u2, �o \`Rns A Nd TOTAL COMBINED BID SCHEDULE "A" AND "B" IN FIGURES I $ 339,76 SPC06 -07 C -2(b) 0 0 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE `NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS 1 n1 E LkN� S� C IN 0 \ 2 - S06 - 1 l4 45 to C� (0 5u �00 3 M. r� \ -4\ lo CA °\ 2Q66 11�F C�3°� �Ssn S � • � \ ' \S�YJ � \ Q V� � II� .FNS 'DtikP,wt 0 °� I "114 °l�1- X65(0 PORTION OF WORK O \dL tL' (QN 11\ 40✓Z.I AIL V t���(OW 1_,POOS Prior to award of Contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. SPC06 -07 C -3 DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT - RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire asphalt- rubber BINDER from: Pia 1 147 00 Address eft 9 This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary For example, do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt- rubber binder plant. Within three (3) working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the asphalt - rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion, constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non - responsive or disqualify the asphalt- rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the asphalt- rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non - responsive, then if an asphalt- rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within three (3) working days from this declaration request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the asphalt- rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating asphalt- rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non - responsive. . By acknowledging the asphalt - rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt- rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt- rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of Subsection 600 -2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." SPC06 -07 C -4 • REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type.of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. SPC06 -07 C -5 r • • M O w F r7 O O F C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O On- a \ P U eT In [ V1 F z p z H o O Y z V a m U X z> < 0 m a u d> w z m z Q U p w z 0 p z a p m S V a F e w ' O O_ X a z O_ O 'p F H 2 z O Z ' aVF+Fa Q�a Fv .,m Gziwa goa �ozg gCZpviviwaaOviv;p F w a s 0 U z x u z U z_ o' Q z m Q a e w� a w\z rsxzQ > rsz¢�^u \o QU,FZp�Ozu�Z ur0oj,0 p:Q F O O Q F to a z a O U w y a D p w 0v U a P u w O O a C N o o C M ei V1 CI 'i P r T VI M p H t.j Q t\ N eti Q IA M M " Yr �4 O /�; 0 0 N 0 to 0 0 VI 0 t0 0 h 0 W 0 P 0 O H rr ry N N NI ty T N 1(1 H 0 ! AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, -or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this,proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work, and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. SPCO6 -07 C -6 0 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name Business Address Telephone No. ��` � 9 61 State Contractor's License No. and Class 701 Original Date Issued ( 5� — /1 6� E r o Expiration Date o f /"0 The following are the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all . individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and /or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership orjoint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: All current and prior DBA's alias, and /or fictitious business names for any principal 4aving an interest in this proposal are as follows: SPC06 -07 C -7(a) 0 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body. Dated: ' The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under he ws df the State of California that the representatives made hereto are true ect./ Cont ac S' ature T ithv J. Erno, President Printed Name Note: All signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC06 -07 C -7(b) Richard Kulawa, Vice Pres ident CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles Oaj( �� 0[�o2QQ before me, Pearl Lovetere, Notary Public Name aud in o Officer (e.g., ' Doe, .nary Feblic personally appeared Timithy J. Erno & Richard Kujawa Name(s) of Signets) ® personally known to me — OR — ❑ provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and PEARL LOVETERE that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the Commission # 1507356 person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the Notary Public - Califomia f_ person(s) acted, executed the instrument. i Orange County My Comm. Expires Sep 10, 2008 ITNES hand and official eal Signature ofNoary Public OPTIONAL Though the information is not required bylaw, it may prove valuable to persons relving on the document and could prevent fittuduleni removal and reattachment of this font to anodzer document. Description of Attached Title or Type of Document Date: 3 - c2 7 - 6 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Number of Pages: /& Signer's Name: Timilby J Eon & ]Ii chard Krgawa ❑ Individual ® Corporate Officer— Title(s): President & Vice President d ❑ Partner — [] Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Terno, Inc. t 1 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUEIHIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE IN THE CITYOF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that TERNO, Inc, as BIDDER, and Fidelity and Deposit Company ot Marylan a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Stale of Maryland , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penalsumof Ten percent of the total amount of. the bid _(IN WORDS! Dollars ($ 109----- - - - , which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above - stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above - staled project, If said bid is rejected, or a said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain In full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original hereof, have been duly executed by Bidder and Surety, on the date set forth below, the name of each corporata party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative(s) pursuant to authority of its governing body Dated: March 29, 2006 BIDDER: Name: TERNO, Inc. Address: 15701 (Signature) Type Name and La Mirada, CA SURETY: Name: Fidelity an& beposit Company of Marvlan Address: 801 North Brand Blvd., Penthouse Suite Glendale, CA 91203 (Signature) Type Name and Tie: Jeri Apodaca, Attorney —in —Fact Note: This bond must be executed and dated, all signatures must be acknowledged before a Notary Public, and evidence of the authority of any person signing as attorney -in -fact must be attached. SPC06 -07 C -8 F L �J CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles 0 n ` � 3 � �(ii /(o before me, Pearl Lovetere, Notary Public D ate N ame and I n e o t 0 it mer e.g.,' 9 ane Doe, NOMry PILb lic personally appeared Timithy J. Emo Name(s) of Siger(s) ® personally known to me - OR - ❑ provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the PEARL IOVETERE person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the Commlulon # 1507356 person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public - California -0 Oronge Count' My Comm. Expkes Sep 10, 2008 Sig amre ofNomry Public OPTIONAL Though the information is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraurhdent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document_ Title or Type of Document: Document Date: —a -' f/ /J Number of Pages: 3 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Timithy. J Emo ❑ Individual ® Corporate Officer- Title(s): President ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attomey -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: WITNESS rui hand and official seal. G4LIFUKNIA ALL- I`UKI`UZjMI:KNUWLt UhMtIN I No. 5907 Slate of California County of Vra On March 29, 2006 DATE personally appeared before me, G.L. Reza, Notary Public NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., 'JANE DOE, NOTARY Jeri Apodaca ® personally known to me - OR - ❑ NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. G. L REZA - � `.:OMM. #1395003 �-r NU_1ARr PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA uKA4E COUNTY W 1I My Comm. ,xp. len_ 21, 2007 [ WITN� S my,han" nd official seal. i S ATURE OF G.L. Reza OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) IF', pro � IF H GENERAL ® ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 5- 4067 /GE 2/98 © 1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION - 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box FRP 0 E Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, by PAUL C. ROGERS, Vice President, and T. E. SMITH, Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article Vl, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Company, w l set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof d� s r�nate, constitute and g appoint Jeri APODACA, of Irvine, California, its true and lawful a e ac execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed s , and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these el in pany, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been t o c t acc gularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Mtl�pers e attorney revokes that issued on behalf of Jeri APODACA, dated 7, The said Assistant c o oe:Z hat the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By- C any, and is now in force. IN WITNESS W R OF, the said Vice - President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 14th day of April, A.D. 2003. ATTEST: 0 State of Maryland 1 ss: City of Baltimore f FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND T. E. Smith Assistant Secretary Paul C. Rogers Vice President -ClrwA By: On this 14th day of April, A.D. 2003, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came PAUL C. ROGERS, Vice President, and T. E. SMITH, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. °1 F000� 77 Sandra Lynn Mooney Notary Public My Commission Expires: January 1, 2004 11U! iii f ��.Y�Y.I.111 0 EXTRACT FROM BY -LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior Vice - Presidents or Vice - Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice - Presidents, Assistant Vice - Presidents and Attomeys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice- President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice - Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attomey -in -Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the I Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice - President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company, this 29th day of March 2006 Assistant Secretary Q 0 W LL 2 N w N N O � J LL Q 0 z Q _0 U m C Q N G W w Q 0 H t7 w Q 0 Z LU Z Q > w ~ W Q LU 0 > F N ONY aU¢ � J LU Q = Z Z W 0 LU N W Q U M LL Z LL W 9a H 0 ~ O O N Z O O O m o � O N O D O � n N U 0 U l6 0 w N o U z O � Q m � N c� .n o o E N vri Q Q m ro m M V O M [D 0 w T m m o � 0 � w Q � K O m E C6 C (Q � n N U F U l6 0 w N o U z O � Q m � N c� .n o o E N vri Q CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID ANALYSIS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT DEL MAR AVENUE /HIGHCLIFF STREET AND GRAVES AVENUE /JACKSON AVENUE ANALYSIS ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY. ENGINEER'S AVERAGE LOW BID ESTIMATE BID Amount Bidder SCHEDULE A 1 Traffic signal installation as shown on the Plan. 1.00 $ 175,500.00 $ 157,711.20 $ 134,635.00 Christopher R. Morales 2 Signing and striping as shown on the Plan. 1.00 $ 2,500.00 7,731.80 $ 5,000.00 Christopher R. Morales 3 Traffic control. 1.00 $ 5,000.00 1 $ 3,360.20 $ 2,000.00 Christopher R. Morales SCHEDULE B 1 Traffic signal installation as shown on the Plan. 1.00 $ 157,000.00 $ 157,187.20 $ 133,979.00 Steiny & Company 2 Signing and striping as shown on the Plan. 1.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 6,373.60 $ 4,000.00 Christopher R. Morales 3 Traffic control. 1.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,360.20 1 $ 2,000.00 Christopher R. Morales 3131/2006 AF:jmk 15727/0801 /06 -155 W 0 LL W LL ui ui N N N J LL Q O Z Q F U m Q N O m Ah m E in Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z a a a 0 a a 0 s a J O N O N N O O N O O O O O O d W v L O U (j N 0 O O W O O U d Z O O O p O 0 O O O 0 F O O O O O O O W J Y N OI N N C w L L O O O O O O U V V LL N N F_ VQ Vf O W O r M M J F o o O o O o 0 o O J T N V N n O N N W p ¢ V1 Vi tp m N 19 f0 l7 N K ¢ N L M f9 p a J y _ Z N m O °o O g m O O O O rt J n a e o 0 0 0 0 F n w W e w w U z w w Z OZ J n¢ a w v n w w m M m v w o ¢ v w w v w �_• 4 ' m m o ° m r o Z � J o S E0 w w w w m N Q ¢ v w w m w w W - a v o' W N N a N Z J w W F o o O o 0 0 Q m V O W h 3 W N O N N O J x m J Z W W O O n U U = O 0 _ O N 0 W n a N a N O UI LL U 0 N LL O c U N a o p 5 c N 01 N N N OI N A O Vl i: H f W N cl M H m E in Q D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, fNC Page 1 of 12 •aa Decide with Confidence Business Information Report To save report(s) to your PC, click here for. instructions. I Print this Report Copyright 2006 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L ATTN: mchristian @willdan.com STEINY AND COMPANY, INC 221 N Ardmore Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 This is a headquarters location. Branch(es) or division(s) exist. Mailing address: PO Box 74901 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Web site: www.steinyco.com Telephone: 213 382 -2331 Fax: 213 381 -6781 Chief executive: SUSAN STEINY, PRES+ Year started: 1953 Employs: 300 (65 here) History: CLEAR Financing: SECURED SIC: 1731 Line of business: Electrical contractor Report Printed: APR 04 2006 In Date D -U -N -S Number: D &B Rating: Number of employees: Composite credit appraisal: D &B PAYDEX@: 00 -284 -7499 1R4 1R is 10 or more employees. 4 is limited. 12 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 44 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 48 days beyond terms. o 100 -•W 120 days sk m w days slow Prompt Aafic4xi ea Based on trade collected over last 12 months. GM Enhanced _payment-trends-and-industry benchmarks are available on this business D &B Rating: 1R4 Number of employees: 1R indicates 10 or more employees. Composite credit appraisal: 4 is limited. The 1R and 2R ratings categories reflect company size based on the total number of employees for the business. They are assigned to business files that do not contain a current financial statement. In 1R and 2R Ratings, the 2, 3, or 4 creditworthiness indicator is based on analysis by D &B of public filings, trade payments, business age and other https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ. 1 183. 3321618026 .tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 2 of 12 important factors. 2 is the highestkosite Credit Appraisal a company not supong D &B with current financial information can receive. For more information, see the D &B Rating Key. Below is an overview of the company's rating history since 09/13/91: D &B Rating Date Applied 1R4 11/29/04 1R3 05/27/03 1R4 07/17/01 3A3 03/02/99 1R4 07/21/95 -- 07/12/94 4A3 02/03/93 -- 10/15/92 4A2 01/24/92 4A3 09/13/91 The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D &B's file as of April 3, 2006. A Payment Trends Profile will show you - View_Now I CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S. contact your local D &B office. * ** Additional Decision Support Available * ** Additional D &B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at www.dnb.com. HISTORY The following information was reported 01/17/2006: Officer(s): SUSAN STEINY, PRES+ JOHN O STEINY, CHB- TREAS+ DIRECTOR(S): The officers identified by ( +) and Nancy T Steiny. Business started 1953 by John O & Nancy Steiny. 100% of capital stock is owned by John O & Nancy Steiny & Family John O & Nancy Steiny own the majority of stock Interest, with no other shareholder owning 10% or more of the stock. SUSAN STEINY born 1955. 1982 - present active here. 1979 -1982 graduated at University of California, Berkeley, CA. 1978 -1979 employed by the University of California, Berkeley, CA. Graduated 1978 from Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH. JOHN O STEINY born 1922. 1953- present active here. 1957- present active as president of Computer Service Co (Inc), Los Angeles, CA. AFFILIATE: Computer Service Co (Inc), Los Angeles, CA. DUNS # -555 -2791. Started 1957. Operates as a manufacturer of traffic signals and control equipment. Intercompany relations are confined to sales on regular terms and loans as needed. JKYUKf Click below to buy a Business Information Report on that family member. https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery /32/ 326249 /326249.BIRHQ.1183. 3321618026 .tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re orl: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 3 of 12 For an expanded, more current cor #ate family view, use D &B's Global Family Line product. Buy;Selected Reports) ;: Branches [- Steiny and Company Inc El Cajon, CA DUNS # 11_ 550.1231 {� Steiriy and Co mpany Inc ; ;. Vallejo; {A a .,' ,.; . D UNS # 06x656 4444. BUSINESS REGISTRATION CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF MAR 24 2006: This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Registered Name: Business type: Corporation type: Date incorporated: State of incorporation Filing date: Registration ID: Status: Where filed: Registered agent: Principals: 01/17/2006 STEINY AND COMPANY. INC. CORPORATION PROFIT MAY 08 1956 CALIFORNIA MAY 08 1956 CO320336 ACTIVE SECRETARY OF STATE /CORPORATIONS DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA SUSAN STEINY, 27 SHERIDAN ST, VALLEJO, CA, 945900000 SUSAN STEINY, PRESIDENT, 27 SHERIDAN ST, VALLEJO, CA, 945900000 Description: Operates as a contractor of general electrical work and safety or security systems (100 %). Contracts call for. Terms are. Sells to commercial concerns and government. Territory : Local. Nonseasonal. Employees: 300 which includes officer(s). 65 employed here. Facilities: 13,000 sq. ft. in a two story concrete block building. Location: Suburban business section on side street. Branches: Maintains branch locations at 12907 E Garvey, Baldwin Park, CA, 1083 Cuyamaca St, El Cajon, CA and 27 Sheridan St, Vallejo, CA. SIC: NAICS: https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ.1 183.3321618026.tng.print.htm?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 4 of 12 Based on information in our file, Ahas assigned this 238210 Electrical CoOactors company an extended 8 -digit SIC. D &B's use of 8 -digit 561621 Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4 -digit code. The 4 -digit SIC numbers link to the description on the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Web site. Links open in a new browser window. 17319903 General electrical contractor 17310400 Safety and security specialization D &B PAYDEX GM Enhanced_ payment trends -and "ndustry..benchmarks are.available_on this business The D &B PAYDEX is a unique, dollar weighted indicator of payment performance based on up to 92 payment experiences as reported to D &B by trade references. 3 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 44 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 48 days beyond terms. 0 100 Q - ,. 12D days days slow 30 days slow Prompt Anticipams 12 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 44 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 48 days beyond terms. 0 140 zuuwv+a+a++t�:cruon 120 days slow 30 days slaw Prompt Andelpatas Based on trade collected over last 3 months. Based on trade collected over last 12 months. When dollar amounts are not considered, then approximately 71% of the company's payments are within terms. The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D &B's file as of the date of this report. Below is an overview of the company's dollar- weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: Top industries: Who electrical equ ip ". ., ., Total Total Dollar Largest High Within Days Slow µ °6 . Rcv'd Amts credit Terms � <31 31 -60 61 -90 90> � 35,000 100 - ($) ( ( Top industries: Who electrical equ ip ". ., ., ", 13 1;003100 'x; :400,00 0 ; , '' „' u _5 µ °6 ,23 0 Short-trm b usn cred 11 106,650 35,000 100 - - - - Misc equipment rental.♦ f - .7 _`'94,500 ' *: 90,000: 3 - - - =,49 - •- 48- Nonclassified 6 21,600 15,000 88 12 - - - Public finance - , _ -5 „ ;- `10,400 ' ;- .7;500 -i 24 - — �47 Radiotelephone commun 5 10,500 5,000 29 - - - as service statio : -r , ;4 _';18,000 7,500 6100 ,; ; -- Mfg asphalt mix /block 2 37,500 35, 000 50 47 3 - - Mfg publiEbldg furn.:. - °'1, 2,'000,000 c 2,000,000 - . `100 Ret auto supplies E T -_ _ .., OHER INDUSTRIES 1 4 35 80,000 44;550 80,000 m.w 10,000 - !�' - 1 � 69 50 ; "14,' �50 �' - - Oth paym ent categories: Cash expe riences Payment r ecord u n kno wn 1 0 0 �� rab — le comments i0 0 0 Placed fo collections: https: / /www.dnb.com/ delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ. 1 183. 33216 18026.tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re rt: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 5 of 12 Other — o A ( N/ �_.�_..... — ±�— The highest Now Owes on file is $2,000,000 The highest Past Due on file is $2,000,000 Dun & Bradstreet has 92 payment experiences in its file for this company. For your convenience, we have displayed 80 representative experiences in the PAYMENTS section. A Payment Trends P r o file will show you - View -Now PAYMENT DETAILS Detailed Payment History Date Reported Paying Record High Credit Now Owes Past Due Selling Terms Last Sale (mm /YY) J ($) ($) I$) Within ( 0 0 I (months) 03/06 ' Ppt 250 I 0 1 mo .� Pp 250 0 l;mo Ppt 0 0 4 - mos tpt I mo, Ppt 2,500 0 2 -3 mos �_;��; "Ppt -`750 500 2 -3m ' os .;.� Ppt 5 00 0 2 -3 mos 7 =s Ppt _ '25o -' 0--- 'q 6 = 12 mos>' Ppt 100 0 0 4 -5 mos �-^ �.-- r PPt . .w,�- Ppt Slow 60 '.: 50 7,500 "- ti 0 -! 750 r . _....- 0 750 -7--7- 6-12 mos ^ 1 mo r:- 02/06 T III I Ppt M ' 400 ;000 , 100000 yy Ppt 35,000 750 0 1 mo t _•0 f ,, l ,mo -, Ppt 20,000 1,000 0 1 mo ��°�� Ppt k r'� •,J 15 ;000 •• 15 000 � mo l — �. Ppt 10,000 0 0 N30 2 -3 mos !S 000 �e� 0 4 5 }mo Ppt 7,500 7,500 0 N 30 1 mo r'- ---*---'-� {_...,._�.,. P.pt';` =.:.. '•'� '7 „500 -'N30: lmo ...... ..�. Ppt 2,5001,000 0 1 --- ---° — Ppt`. .. 2 ; 500 -_ 12,500 .0 ___.. Imo -`. Ppt 2,500 1,000 0 N30 1 mo E - - - . — P p t o ��, e � . ` 1;000 ”. 1,0 00 I ?.,; - 0 p 0 !Lease Agreemn Ppt 1,000 500 1 mo Ppt a ' x.500 - 250 � `, °'. _ -0 N30 _;P mo . _ Ppt 500 500 0 1 mo -500 500 ,. ; -._ ' .0 -' r .1 °,mo' Ppt 500 250 0 1 mo Ppt . -_' ;:,. . ;., : "250 - >; ,100 k�. ' _. 0: - Ppt 100 01, 0 2 -3 mos _ i inn I° _ n https: / /www.dnb.com/ delivery /32/ 326249 /326249.BIRHQ. 1 183. 33216 18026.tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 6 of 12 Ah Ak Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. Each experience shown is from a separate sup plier. U pdated trade experiences re place those previousl reported. https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ.1 183.3 3216 18026.tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 Ppt 100 100 0 ! 1 mo . —_ _ .. loo _ .v_ Ppt 0 0. 0 1 6-12 mos L ; Ppt -Slow 30 1 00,000 25 ,000 20,000 '1 m ` 35,000 10,000 100 Ppt -Slow 300 1 mo 2 -3 m os ` i Ppt -Slow 30 1,000 0' 0 6 -12 mos _ 500 250 „ v 0' ..�`- •- 1"mo. y Ppt -Slow 60 15,000 0 0 4-5 mos ,Ppt- SIow60' '- 2;500 ' '= 1,000' 100 rhmo Ppt -Slow 60 1,000 0 0 N30 4 - mo pt-Slow 60 ',1;000 0 �,�'� ;T 0 �N30 ?� 4-45 mos = Ppt -Slow 60 250 250 t 50 1 mo _ _6.12 most - 1 Ppt -Slow 90 60,000 2,500 - ; 2 ,500 mo ' Ppt —Slow 90 .. 45 00 50 „ -, 250 W ' 2,3 Ppt -Slow 120 +� 250 0 : 0 6-12 mos Slow 30 1,000 0 } 0 z N300 6 -iZ mos.; _-' v Slow 30 -60 80,000 80,000 20,000 1 mo — � - -T - low 60 1 2,500 ; 0 - 0 (2,000 r -, 2v3'mos Slow 90 2, 000,000 2,000,000 000 � � —"- - 60-90 100,000 - - O :. - 0 6-12 most. S l o w 30-90 2,500 1 750 500 1 mo (— 01/06 -- Ppt _100 ` 0 _ '_- . _ N_30 7 '_ 2 -3 mos;,( 12/05 Ppt 2,500 0 0 1 mo ( 'Ppt:` w - :2;500 -_ 500 Lease Ag reemnt '- 1 Ppt 1,000 5 00 0 mo PpY � 500 250: 0 ' lmo' Pp 100 50 , 0 1 mo Ppt 1 10 0 0 v_ 0` 0 1 p l 2j3 mos 6-12 mos Slow 30 60 '- 1',000 - ��0 j q ei 01 -; 0 t ��� - ,< PROX 2 - 3. mos; S l o w 6 0 -9 0+ 90,000 0' 0 N30� 4 -5 mos it /OS -c Ppt' N ;. f 0 a 0 0 ,. 6-12 mos` S low 30 50 0 1 0 6-12 mos 10/0 Slow 60-90 = - 100 �^ 0I. ` 0 �: , - 6,12 mos 09/05 Ppt 500 250 0 1 mo Ppt °:.: ...: 50 O -• 0 _ 6 -.12 mos. Ppt 0 0 0 1 mo Slow �40+ , X2.500 . .2,500` .� `� -. _ .; _ .. v -1 mo - 08/05 Ppt-Slow 60 2,500 0 0 2 -3 mos 750 mo .,fit f i_Sa[ isfactory . s.. '•, .. 07/05 Ppt 2,500 1 mo ,_...._. 5� .Ppt . .._..._.._...., Ppt -Slow 30 Slow:S 30 -r. 7;500 1,000 T 2,500 0 o' �.,._,�.,........,_.v. 0 0 ._ : 1 mo'_. 6 -12 mos 6 =12 mos 03(05 Slow 60 100 0 0 0 6 -12 mos 02105 .IIL (080) - ".i 0 0 0 6 -12 mos ACCOUntin d ispute Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. Each experience shown is from a separate sup plier. U pdated trade experiences re place those previousl reported. https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ.1 183.3 3216 18026.tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 7 of 12 How does STEINY AND APANY, INC's payment record comp a re s, industry? - A Payment Trends Profile will show you - View-Now 01/17/2006 On January 17, 2006, attempts to contact the management of this business have been unsuccessful. Outside sources confirmed operation and location. BANK: City National Bank, Los Angeles, CA. The following Public Filing data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. Judgment award: $12,282 Status: Unsatisfied CASE NO.: 04- 1995345 Judgment type: Judgment Against: STEINY COMPANY, BALDWIN PARK, CA In favor of: TOM MALLOY TRENCH SHORING COMPANY Where filed: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA Date status attained: 08/03/2004 Date entered: 08/03/2004 Latest Info Received: 03/31/2006 Judgment award: $1,484 Status: Unsatisfied CASE NO.: AA08260 Judgment type: Judgment Against: STEINY & CO, EL CAJON, CA In favor of: STEWART MCLURE APACHE ASPHALT & SEAL CO Where filed: SAN DIEGO COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT /VISTA, VISTA, CA Date status attained: 10/26/1999 i Date entered: 10/26/1999 Latest Info Received: 03/14/2001 Judgment award: $1,939 Status: Unsatisfied DOCKET NO.: 97SCN96011 Judgment type: Judgment Against: STEINY AND COMPANY, VALLEJO, CA and OTHERS In favor of: CITY OF SAN BRUNO Where filed: SAN MATEO COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT /S SAN FRANCISCO, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Date status attained: 07/24/1997 Date entered: 07/24/1997 Latest Info Collected: 09/05/1997 Judgment award: $422 https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery /32/ 326249 /326249.BIRHQ.1183. 3321618026 .tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 8 of 12 $1,871 • Status: satisfied CASE NO.: PC84117 Judgment type: Default judgment Against: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC, EL CAJON, CA In favor of: ALBERTO VILLA Where filed: SAN DIEGO COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT /ESCONDIDO, ESCONDIDO, CA Date status attained: 09/19/1996 Date entered: 09/19/1996 Latest Info Collected: 08/13/1997 Suit amount: $1,871 Status: Pending DOCKET NO.: 99MSC- 155325 Plaintiff: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC INC Defendant: STEINY & COMPANY, INC, VALLEJO, CA Where filed: SONOMA COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, SANTA ROSA, CA Date status attained: 11/10/1999 Date filed: 11/10/1999 Latest Info Collected: 12/17/1999 Suit amount: $718 Status: Pending DOCKET NO.: 99MSC- 155326 Plaintiff: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC INC Defendant: STEINY & COMPANY INC, VALLEJO, CA Where filed: SONOMA COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, SANTA ROSA, CA Date status attained: 11/10/1999 Date filed: 11/10/1999 Latest Info Collected: 12/17/1999 Suit amount: $1,871 Status: Pending DOCKET NO.: 99MSC - 155325 Plaintiff: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC INC Defendant: STEINY & COMPANY, INC, VALLEJO, CA Where filed: SONOMA COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT, SANTA ROSA, CA Date status attained: 11/10/1999 Date filed: 11/10/1999 Latest Info Collected: 12/17/1999 Suit amount: $718 Status: Pending DOCKET NO.: 99MSC- 155326 Plaintiff: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC INC Defendant: STEINY & COMPANY INC, VALLEJO, CA Where filed: SONOMA COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT, SANTA ROSA, CA Date status attained: 11/10/1999 Date filed: 11/10/1999 Latest Info Collected: 12/17/1999 If it is indicated that there are defendants other than the report subject, the lawsuit may be an action to clear title to property and does not necessarily imply a claim for money against the subject. A lienholder can file the same lien in more than one filing location. The appearance of multiple liens filed by the same lienholder against a debtor may be indicative of such an occurrence. Status: Open FILING NO.: 0419860313 Type: Judgment lien https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ.1 183.3321618026.tng.print.htm?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 9 of 12 Filed by: 0 MALLOY CORP., DBA TRENCH SHORING C&ANY Against: STEINY COMPANY, BALDWIN PARK, CA Where filed: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date status attained: Date filed: Latest Info Received: 07/06/2004 07/06/2004 07/21/2004 Status: Open FILING NO.: 0218260406 Type: Federal Tax Filed by: IRS Against: STEINY & CO INC , A CORPORATION 221 N ARDMORE AVE, BALDWIN PARK, CA Where filed: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date status attained: 06/28/2002 Date filed: 06/28/2002 Latest Info Received: 07/05/2002 Collateral: All Inventory and proceeds - All Account(s) and proceeds - All Equipment and Sec. party: proceeds - All General intangibles(s) and proceeds - All Chattel paper and Type: proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 9915960447 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 06/01/1999 Latest Info Received: 06/12/1999 Type: Amendment Sec. party: COMERICA BANK - CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, Type: CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 02052CO914 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/20/2002 Latest Info Received: 02/27/2002 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Type: Continuation Sec. party: COMERICA BANK - CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE, CA IMPERIAL BANK, LOS ANGELES, CA Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 03352CO409 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/16/2003 Latest Info Received: 12/23/2003 Original UCC filed date: 06/01/1999 Original filing no.: 9915960447 Collateral: Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Leased Equipment including proceeds and products Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0018860363 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 0710512000 Latest Info Received: 07/17/2000 https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ. I 183.3 321618026 .tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Type: Oendment • Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 02311CO790 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Page 10 of 12 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Date filed: Latest Info Received: Original UCC filed date: Original filing no.: 11/07/2002 11/25/2002 07/05/2000 0018860363 Collateral: Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including Debtor: proceeds and products - Leased Vehicles including proceeds and products Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0018760636 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 07/03/2000 Latest Info Received: 07/17/2000 Type: Amendment Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA and OTHERS Filing number: 02311CO796 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 11/07/2002 Latest Info Received: 11/25/2002 Original UCC filed date: 07/03/2000 Original filing no.: 0018760636 Collateral: Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including Sec. party: proceeds and products - Leased Vehicles including proceeds and products Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA _ Filing number: 0011760261 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 04/21/2000 Latest Info Received: 05/08/2000 Type: Amendment Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA and OTHERS Filing number: 0231100804 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 11/07/2002 Latest Info Received: 11/25/2002 Original UCC filed date: 04/21/2000 Original filing no.: 0011760261 Type: Termination Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA and OTHERS Filing number: 0329000027 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 10/14/2003 Latest Info Received: 10/21/2003 Original UCC filed date: 04/21/2000 Original filing no.: 0011760261 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery/32/ 326249 /326249.BIR14Q. 1183.3321618026.tng. print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Page 1 I of 12 Debtor: OINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, Filing number: 0401360366 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: Latest Info Received: 01/08/2004 01/26/2004 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds- General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles Collateral: and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0336360279 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/23/2003 Latest Info Received: 01/09/2004 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0335160432 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/15/2003 Latest Info Received: 12/29/2003 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0310760304 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 04/16/2003 Latest Info Received: 05/05/2003 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0305560638 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/20/2003 Latest Info Received: 03/10/2003 Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Leased Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GELCO CORPORATION DBA GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Debtor: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC., BALDWIN PARK, CA Filing number: 0304460386 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 02/10/2003 Latest Info Received: 03/03/2003 There are additional UCC's in D &B's File on this company available by contacting 1- 800 - 234 -3867 The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. https://www.dnb.com/detivery/32/326249/326249.BIRHQ.1 183.3321618026.tng. print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: STEINY AND COMPANY, INC Activity summary Borrower (Dir /Guar): NO Administrative debt: NO Contractor: NO Grantee: NO Party excluded from federal program(s): NO Possible candidate for socio- economic program consideration Labor surplus area: YES (2005) Small Business: N/A 8(A) firm: N/A The details provided in the Government Activity section are as reported to Dun & Bradstreet by the federal government and other sources. Page 12 of 12 Copyright 2006 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery/32/ 326249 /326249.BIRHQ.1183. 3321618026 .tng.print.htm ?printPr... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC • Page 1 of 10 Decide with Confidence Business Information Report To save report(s) to your PC, click-here-for—instructions. O Print. this Report Copyright 2006 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L ATTN: mchristian @willdan.com FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC (SUBSIDIARY OF FLATIRON CONSTRUCTORS, INC, LONGMONT, CO) 2585 Business Park Dr Vista, CA 92681 Report Printed: APR 04 2006 In Date This is a headquarters (subsidiary) location. Branch(es) or division(s) exist. Telephone: 760 727 -9767 Chief executive: GARRY K CRABTREE, CEO -CHB+ Year started: 1991 Employs: 300 -400 (40 here) Sales F: $183,132,194 Net worth F: $19,567,041 History: CLEAR Financial condition: FAIR SIC: 1611 1622 Line of business: Heavy highway contractor D -U -N -S Number: D &B Rating: Financial strength: Composite credit appraisal: D &B PAYDEXO: 4A3 4A is $10 to 50 million. 3 is fair. 12 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 64 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 19 days beyond terms. 0 0 100 MENMEMEM 120 darn Wow 36 days Wow Prompt Antidpaies Based on trade collected over last 12 months. Enhanced. payment trends and._Industry. benchmarks are available on this business D &B Rating: 4A3 Financial strength: 4A indicates $10 to 50 million. Composite credit appraisal: 3 is fair. This credit rating was assigned because of D &B's assessment of the company's financial ratios and its cash flow. It is D &B's policy not to rate a subsidiary higher than its parent. Therefore, this company also has a Composite Credit https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR. 1 181. 3321619316 .tng.print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 2 of 10 Appraisal of "T'. For more informal see the D &B Rating Key. Below is an overview of the company's rating history since 06/10/92: D &B Rating Date Applied 4A3 08/06/02 4A2 07/22/00 -- 04/22/00 4A3 09/29/99 3A3 07/11/96 1R3 07/21/95 -- 05/18/95 3A3 09/02/93 -- 06/10/92 The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D &B's file as of April 3, 2006. MM — HaveTCI I CONSTRUCTORS INC's payment habits changed over time?' A Payment Trends Profile will show you - View CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S. contact your local D &B office. * ** Additional Decision Support Available * ** Additional D &B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1.800.234.3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at www.dnb.com. HISTORY The following information was reported 06/21/2005: Officer(s): GARRY K CRABTREE, CEO -CHB+ R W FRENCH, EXEC V PRES THOMAS J RADEMACHER, PRES -GEN MGR - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIV CURTIS E WELTZ, PRES -GEN MGR - NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DIV JAMES KEEP, V PRES -CHIEF ESTIMATOR PAUL ROBERTS, V PRES -BUS MGR PAUL R DRISCOLL, V PRES- SEC- TREAS+ JOHN D NELSON, V PRES DIRECTOR(S): The officers identified by ( +) Incorporated in Delaware on August 24, 1999 Business started 1991. On Oct 31 1999 the Company incorporated as a Delaware corporation with 100% of the stock owned by Flatiron Structures Company. Business started 1991 by Flatiron Structures Company and Frontier Kemper Constructors, Inc as FCI Constructors as a partnership. On October 31, 1999, the Company incorporated as a Delaware corporation with 100% of the stock owned by Flatiron Structures Company (now known as Flatiron Constructors, Inc. GARRY K CRABTREE born 1952. Antecedents are undetermined. R W FRENCH born 1954. Antecedents are undetermined. THOMAS J RADEMACHER. Antecedents are undetermined. CURTIS E WELTZ. Antecedents are undetermined. https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery/32/ 326249 /326249.BIR. 1 181. 3321619316 .tng.print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 3 of 10 PAUL R DRISCOLL born 1955. 1983 to present active here. 1977 -83 employed by Deloitte & Touche, Denver, CO. 1977 graduated from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO receiving a BS degree in accounting. Received a MS degree from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO in 1983. JAMES KEEP. Antecedents unknown. PAUL ROBERTS born 1953. Antecedents not available. JOHN D NELSON born 1939. 1995- present active here. 1967 -95 Daley Corporation, San Diego, CA. Lastly as vice president of field operations. Business address has changed from 2585 Business Park Drive, Vista, CA, 92083 to 2585 Business Park Dr, Vista, CA, 92083. C ORPOR ATE FAMILY Click below to buy a Business Information Report on that family member. For an expanded, more current corporate family view, use D &B's Global Family Linkage product. Global Ulti Domestic Ultimate: _ (` Hbg Usa Inc „ - „ `. .' _ Longmont, CO _t . DUNS # 1,3_683- 8831 P arent: Flatiron Constructors Inc f - 3 , ; Longmont, CO ' , DUNS Branches (US): IF] '- Fci: Constructors Inc ,� -`. Benicia,.CA DUNS #- 10,341.,7122 Affiliates (International 0 KWH Constructor Ltd Burnaby, CANADA DUNS # 24_880_8610 OPERATIONS 06/21/2005 Description: Subsidiary of Flatiron Constructors, Inc, Longmont, CO started 1970 which operates as a highway and civil contractor. Parent company owns 100% of capital stock. Operates as a heavy highway contractor (100 %). Contractor specializing in highway and bridge construction. This business contracts 30% of work to others. Contracts are obtained through bidding 100 %. Retainages, if any, generally 10 %. Contractual basis. Territory : regional. Nonseasonal. Employees: 300 -400 which includes officer(s). 40 employed here. Facilities: Owns 8,000 sq. ft. on second Floor of a two story brick building. The above facility information is for https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR.1 181.3321619316. tng.print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 4 of 10 the Southern Division 0 Location: Central business section on main street. Branches: This business maintains branch locations in owned facility in Benicia, CA with operations similar to the headquarters. SIC: Based on information in our file, D &B has assigned this company an extended 8 -digit SIC. D &B's use of 8 -digit SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4 -digit code. The 4 -digit SIC numbers link to the description on the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Web site. Links open in a new browser window. 16119901 General contractor, highway and street construction 16229901 Bridge construction NAICS: 237310 Highway,Street and Bridge Construction 237310 Highway,Street and Bridge Construction D &B PAYDEX 1M Enhanced_ payment trends_ and_ industry- benchmarks_are.available on-this-business The D &B PAYDEX is a unique, dollar weighted indicator of payment performance based on up to 111 payment experiences as reported to D &B by trade references. 3 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 63 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 20 days beyond terms. o V 100 120 days sloe 70 days slow Prompt Andclpats 12 -Month D &B PAYDEX: 64 When weighted by dollar amount, payments to suppliers average 19 days beyond terms. o Q 100 120 days slow 10 days slow Prompt Andntpatm Based on trade collected over last 3 months. Based on trade collected over last 12 months. When dollar amounts are not considered, then approximately 79% of the company's payments are within terms. The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D &B's file as of the date of this report. Below is an overview of the company's dollar- weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: Top industries: Nonclassfietl Total Total Dollar Largest High Within Days Slow Rcv'd Amts Credit Terms <31 31 -60 61 -90 90> 61,750 M 82 17 - ( %) %) Top industries: Nonclassfietl 9 121,700 r ' % 100 000 f 59 +F 41 Short trm busn credit 9 61,750 15,000 82 17 - 1 Whol rnetal 7 77T .' 200,210 90,006 68. ,16�16 ^. ". Whol const /mine equip 4 700,000 3 00,000 36 - 64 - - Steel works ,.. :-2 • ',1,100;0 1,000,0 50..: 45 - :5 _ Who plumb /hydrom 2 150,000 8 72 28 _ Misc busmess service. __._.. 2 v.- ..�.._7�,000 . -. . 50 000, 1 https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR. 1 181. 3321619316 .tng.print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 5 of 10 Public finance 2 as . p h ai mx / ck 1 iblo OT H RI Hvy const eqpt rental 1 i E R'.I N DUST ES Other oavment cateaories: L a EW experie 0 i 0 0 , ? - - � ';. 75,000 45,000 loo - - oo;000 10 0 000 sod so 55,000 55,000 50 4 50 - - '217.60050,000-i .�..,.�.._ 68 I' - 25 ',4 - 2 L a EW experie 0 i 0 0 , ? - - � ';. Paymen record un known 2 1 30 25 0 L ($) Unfavorable comments .`,0 ,., o _ _ - ° 0: Within Placed for collections: The highest Now Owes on file is $250,000 The highest Past Due on file is $200,000 Dun & Bradstreet has 111 payment experiences in its file for this company. For your convenience, we have displayed 80 representative experiences in the PAYMENTS section. A Payment Trends Profile will show you - View Now PAYMENT DETAILS Detailed Payment History Date Reported Paying Record High Credit I Now Owes Past Due Selling Terms Last Sale (mm /YY) i ($) ($) ($) ;: N30;..'l..mo';.. Within Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 (months) 03/06 Ppt 10,000 0 0 6 -12 mos Pp,Y - ' ' .''.7,500 =''°7 500 `; -�: ' 0 _ ;: N30;..'l..mo';.. Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 1 mo ' . +: • • ( �ppt„ ,• -- �I .�..,.�.._ •,: ,, 0 ,....�.._.z� :_ 0 t i `- : Y ; m o.: . , Ppt 500 0 0 2 -3 mos p Pt '- Ppt -Slow 60 1" r, x.: 50 .,4 p� 0 s. 0 0 = ..= ,limo ='d 2 -3 mos Ppt x 0 00 -�, 0 "'. 0 - .� N30 °., ^ .' 4 =Smos - Ppt 90,000 7,500 0 1 mo ., yPpt- - - .65,000 _ 1;000, � " 0 _ -- _ " -1`�mol -. "- Ppt 50,000 0 7,500. 0 '. 0 _ '� 2 -3 mos 7 Ppt 20,000 0 0 6 -12 mos ,LL Ppt . '.t, �Ppt ' {'.15000.7,500 10,000 500 ,,. —0'E 0` 1 mo 5 ,0 00 .250 2 50 V.^ _ -,. 1 mo -, �„ Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 0 _._._.. Of i - N30 6 =12mos Ppt 2,500 2,500 0 N30 1 mo P2,500 ; ..;.1, 000 _,. Dm.�.�.....�•_.�..,_._ ._._'_. Pp 2, 500 2 0 N3 0 1 mo • P p t °` "' Ppt - .2;S 2,500 :,,..• O 2,500 :0 l ,0 �. 50� ,'.:.;. -'4,Smos:_ . 1 mo https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR.1 181.3 321619316 .tng.print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 6 of 10 - - Ppt Ppt Ppt Pp t Ppt - 500 2 - - __ 0 0 0 N30 4 -5 mos _ 0 .3,000 1,000 75 0 500 0 750 a _ _ 0 0 0 - 0 N30 N30 - 6 12 mo_s:] 1 mo 1 mo Ppt - J . 100 100 �Ppt 500 0 0� 4-5 mos j Ppt' Ppt ';250 250 0 250 •.. 0 0 i N30 6'12 mos'" 1 mo ' Ppt- .... (Ppt ..._..... .. "''250 ,..� -�--- ,. 0 • 0 - -- j , ,..,, ° ,:. . 2 2 50 250 0 0 ��•� 1 mo 6 -.12 mos Pp 100 0 0 [ N30 4 -5 mos Ppt { - 50 0 0 ° 1 mo Pp 50 50 0 1 mo -.i Ppt -Slow 30 1,000,000 •' .250,000 ': 30,000 •� N30. mo' - Ppt -Slow 30 100,000 50,000 7,500 1 mo ..__w i _Pp t . Slow 3 . 3 0 ." . 55,0 0 '= 5 0,000 x•7,500 N30 i Pp t -Sl 30 ( 15, 000 10,000 0 � Ppt - Slow 30 Ppt -Slow 30 ° 1 : Ppt -Slow 30 ` 0 00. 5,000 " - 2;5 .'.7 1;000 2,500 T :V 0 2 500 0. - 60, ;F.. __l 1 mo 1 rmo "; I Ppt -Slow 30 + µPpt -Slow 30' :- 1,000 °' 1'y000 0 ; 50 0 N30 2 -3 mos '', >S:m Ppt -Slow 30 750 750 0 1 1 mo 1' PPt- SIow30SO •" 50 .,' �. ' S - 6 `;'^� _, " Ppt -Slow 60 7, 1,000 500 1 mo -� pt- slow '. 5,000 Y 1;000 = 7s0_:. .l.mo.- 4 Ppt -Slow 90 5,000 2, 0 1 mo � - ^-- Ppt -Slow 90 .. • " -, Ppt -Slo 120 t Ppt- S Slo 30 1,000 1 2,5 00 35,000 1,000 3 5,000 500 100 '- - 0 1 35,0001 - 500 0 -. -N30 N30 -- 1, mo 2 -3 mos 4 -5 mos 1 mo "Slow 30 ... ° .2;500 r,.,:2 50 ,,,;.. 950 - T - �1 - Slow 60 300,000 200,000 200,000 N30 1 mo , Slow ° 30 90 65,000 55 000 55,000 II( Slow 30-90 1,000 50 0 1 mo Slow 90 01/ IPpt _ :250 1,000 - 0; 500 0 100 "'• • "� N30 4 =5�mos ;. 1 mo r* t Ppt ° .. � . -100 •: ....� 100` .. . Slow 5 10,000 5,000 100 N30 1 mo 12/05 i Disc-Ppt .-- "2,500 `'2,500 - `O I 1 Mo Disc -Pp 2,500 2,500 0 �: 1 mo i Ppt _ 7 2;500 500 Lease Agreemnt Pp 1,000 0 0 1 1 mo r. Ppt. ; f. ". - _750 b 0 t .. I.s 6 -12m Ppt 500 50 01 1 mo Ppt 100 100 50 0 t: 0 • ' PROX 1'mo, . 1 mo " ; Ppt _ _50 0. 0 • -� -� "- -2 - m os' 11/05 Ppt ...'..� � ; Ppt ' 2,500 0. 0 0 01 ' 0 i 6-12 mos 6 -12 moss., _ https: / /www.dnb.com/ delivery/32/ 326249/ 326249.BIR.1181.3321619316.tng. print.htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 7 of 10 Ppt 0_ 0 0 6 -12 mos 0 f 0 !' 0 6.12 mos �Ppt 0 0 0 6-12 mos Ppt4 45, _ T. 1 mo 1 Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. those How does - FCI CONSTRUCTORS':INC's payment record compare to its '.industry7 , - ? A Payment Trends Profile will show you - V Now 06/21/2005 Three -year statement comparative: n } yi a F F � s i�;rs;N# !'x +n ` " �, +tEi,, F, t sc4a �'",rf ��i�:�ij i,,,TIi� rConsolidated; T �..f I ,.; : Der'31:2002 31`' c 20U4 Current Assets 51,945,823 40,087,899 61,023,422 Current Liabs 41,992,483 30,030,580 50,853,092 Current Ratio 1.24 1.33 1.2 Working Capital 9,953,340 10,057,319 10,170,330 Other Assets 15,688,161 16,314,066 14,973,770 Net Worth 13,535,421 15,411,223 19,567,041 Sales 134,739,076 183,132,194 193,692,633 Long Term Liab 12,106,080 10,960,162 5,577,059 Net Profit (Loss) 15,411,223 4,155,818 From JAN 01 2003 to DEC 31 2003 annual sales $183,132,194. Statement received by mail JUN 21 2005. Prepared from statement(s) by Accountant: Ernst & Young LLP, Denver, CO. ACCOUNTANT'S OPINION A review of the accountant's opinion indicates the financial statements meet generally accepted accounting principles and that the audit contains no qualifications. STATEMENT ITEM EXPLANATIONS - - - - -- The complete balance sheet was reviewed in its entirety and the above highlights were extracted for publication. It is noted there are no intangibles. The statement includes deferred credits of $397,964. Contingencies None. Non - current assets consist of property, plant and equipment -net, construction materials and other assets. Long term liabilities consist of long -term debt, deferred gain on sale of assets and deferred income taxes. FIXED ASSETS Net $5465289 depreciation. CURRENT ASSETS Consist of cash, accounts receivable, costs in excess of billings, deferred income taxes and prepaid expenses and https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR. I 181.3321619316.tng.print.htm?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 8 of 10 other current assets. • CURRENT LIABILITIES Consist of accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other, current maturities of long -term debt and billings in excess of costs. LIQUIDITY Liquid assets provide full coverage of current liabilities. On June 21, 2005, the financial information was updated. KEY BUSINESS RATIOS Statement date: DEC 31 2004 Based on this number of establishments: 34 Firm $1,789 Industry Median Judgment for defendant Return of Sales: UN Return of Sales: 3.9 Current Ratio: 1.2 Current Ratio: 1.8 Assets / Sales: UN Assets / Sales: 52.1 Total Liability / Net Worth: UN Total Liability / Net Worth: 78.6 UN = Unavailable 12/05 Account(s) averages low 5 figures. Account open 1 -3 years. (Same bank)Account(s) averages moderate S figures. Account open 1 -3 years. The following Public Filing data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. Suit amount: $1,789 Status: Judgment for defendant CASE NO.: 02CS001395 Plaintiff: JEFFREY VICTOR BEAT Defendant: FCI CONSTRUCTORS AND OTHERS Where filed: ORANGE COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT /SANTA ANA, SANTA ANA, CA Date status attained: 09/10/2002 Date filed: 02/22/2002 Latest Info Collected: 03/17/2003 If it is indicated that there are defendants other than the report subject, the lawsuit may be an action to clear title to property and does not necessarily imply a claim for money against the subject. Collateral: Account(s) and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: JOHNSON MACHINERY CO., RIVERSIDE, CA Debtor: F C I CONSTRUCTORS INC. Filing number: 0033260718 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 11/13/2000 Latest Info Received: 12/08/2000 https://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR. I 181.3321619316.tng.print.htm?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Report: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Page 9 of 10 Type: Termination Sec. party: JOHNSON MACHINERY CO., RIVERSIDE, CA Debtor: F C I CONSTRUCTORS INC. Filing number: 0033260718 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 05/01/2001 Latest Info Received: 05/16/2001 Original UCC filed date: 11/13/2000 Original filing no.: 0033260718 Collateral: Vehicles and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Filing number: 51574384 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, DOVER, DE Date filed: 05/21/2005 Latest Info Received: 06/06/2005 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Filing number: 5153476 8 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, DOVER, DE Date filed: 05/18/2005 Latest Info Received: 02/06/2006 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Filing number: 50745647 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, DOVER, DE Date filed: 03/09/2005 Latest Info Received: 03/31/2005 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Filing number: 5073496 3 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, DOVER, DE Date filed: 03/08/2005 Latest Info Received: 03/31/2005 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS /BALFOUR BEATTY Filing number: 057018372770 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 03/08/2005 Latest Info Received: 03/22/2005 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION, ADDISON, TX Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Filing number: 5024710 7 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, DOVER, DE Date filed: 01/23/2005 https: / /www.dnb.com/delivery/32/ 326249 /326249.BIR.1181. 3321619316.tng.print. htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006 D &B Business Information Re ort: FCI CONSTRUCTORS INC Latest Info Received: 16/2005 0 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: PETERSON TRACTOR CO., SAN LEANDRO, CA CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC., SAN JOSE, CA SERVICES, LISLE, IL Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC., SAN JOSE, CA Filing number: 0119560877 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 07/12/2001 Latest Info Received: 07/30/2001 Type: Termination Sec. party: PETERSON TRACTOR CO., SAN LEANDRO, CA CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL Sec. party: SERVICES, LISLE, IL Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC., SAN JOSE, CA Filing number: 0231600420 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 11/08/2002 Latest Info Received: 11/19/2002 Original UCC filed date: 07/12/2001 Original filing no.: 0119560877 Page 10 of 10 Type: Termination Sec. party: PETERSON TRACTOR CO., SAN LEANDRO, CA CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL Sec. party: SERVICES, LISLE, IL Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, INC., SAN JOSE, CA Filing number: 0235000245 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 12/12/2002 Latest Info Received: 12/24/2002 Original UCC filed date: 07/12/2001 Original filing no.: 0119560877 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION, TEMPE, AZ Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Filing number: 0028460425 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 09/28/2000 Latest Info Received: 10/20/2000 Collateral: Equipment and proceeds Type: Original Sec. party: CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION, TEMPE, AZ Debtor: FCI CONSTRUCTORS, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Filing number: 9930960700 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE /UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Date filed: 10/28/1999 Latest Info Received: 11/19/1999 There are additional UCC's in D &B's file on this company available by contacting 1- 800 - 234 -3867 The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. Copyright 2006 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber 053012900L hups://www.dnb.com/delivery/32/326249/326249.BIR. 1181.3321619316.tng.print. htm ?printPromp... 4/4/2006