CDC - Item 2 - Internation Council Of Shopping Centers Spring Convention• IRL Rosemead Community Development Commission RCDC 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OMMISSION FROM: ANDY LAZZARETTO, CITY MANAGE DATE: MARCH 20, 2006 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS SPRING CONVENTION MAY 21-24,2006 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This event provides the city with a unique opportunity to evaluate new approaches to economic development and make contact with developers. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Community Development Commission authorize the attendance at City expense, including, if any, expenses in excess of $2,500.00, of any Commission member, the Executive Director and staff designees. 0 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OMMISSION FROM: ANDY LAZZARETTO, CITY MANAGEDATE: M ARCH 20, 2006 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS SPRING CONVENTION MAY 21-24,2006 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This event provides the city with a unique opportunity to evaluate new approaches to economic development and make contact with developers. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Community Development Commission authorize the attendance at City expense, including, if any, expenses in excess of $2,500.00, of any Commission member, the Executive Director and staff designees. a x x IDa _ ! 1 o a o ` a t ` r :i. moo _ F ' M1 - > ~ ` ..e ms s " ,w y } m ie 3 b a'a ga d, ~ ~ " Z f)~ ~ .Y eq 9 Ari' 77c~ ~ lk ~ 1 - S a I t t~ ~ k r a - i 1 ^ 7 . _ ai y V tww L "b~ ~.,X } r•ei r Flu b . Sa 49 w y i w o" 'e.~ y 1 S yt q. H. ✓~k x'. SMt w aF4° fks MW' . :Y . ab, & J ' ' ^ ~ iT - F° Y &v+ 3 l n .aa .M } _ AT @ T R TM(. ¢ 3$t ' + ! krr " . £ i ...psa- ~ x~Sl°' ~•...+n w..y _ nss.x.~ _ ~.._..r..vy.t.= ',.¢-..r., ..,,~ye..a, aas...-.a 'hAZ 94 t3.Kf .M~~ w j~" am- ~.4 ~bry ,.6 •s 4 'Y 4 x. ~•.eys 'T .4y ^4• -42 ) • M. UT YS e•.~t. °f.5 ittt a'4`»*a•`t~.u x ~"b +a. ak ffi .To } n F UaS.3" Cs { iy i wti 4 k E` {may 1p~., ' % A d - ` w 2 g .1 ) " j Y. 4v~'d.F*° 7 [ 'f '7 t < r Y ~ -r. t 4"° %i~yw . ' V p' a 4 F " Lf ` @¢ jc ^c ~A+ d P . ~ ,z3 s ~ffiW r 'm ' i 6 ~g " Yx •s .a.,.: , . w , S... y w r rVj~rjv\ yBt•"^ s+ rc.a Fe ry a a v. 3 ' `y`t"~' l:N'~ ~"yw~vw"`-'v`."`-^" ' o se+ ~ P a . a a ;A qMM66 kNp~y.t,v. y aad dr f 't^, n'~a w k 4 0. .a..-a . . r* 4 `r t o- a 53 ,...v:... fi y - . , swL. m F !i.. t SATURDAY,, MAY,20 10:00. ini,- 5:00 pm W REGISTRATION AND BADGE _V ° 10.OQeain -,5:00 pmx = WECCONIE[CENTER`AND,DESI _,-10:00- am 5:00 pm SPOUSE HOSPITALITY LOU ytv vl r _ y11'# .j:v rn. 1 10.00am_7':10:00 pm'a,,, ,BADGE VALIDATION AT SA7 r- SUNDAY,•'MAY 21 8:00 am - 71:00 pm C• = >'BADGE VALIDATION AT SAl 8 30:am ` 12:30 piY I4: " ft r 9 00.am 5:00 " pm 9,:00_am.- 7.00 pm_ 9 OOam 7:00 pm 9 OO-am 7:00 pm ?y 900 ,1100am , r !.06 am „1.00. pm. 10:15 I'll: 15 am--z 10'15, 1025 an 4 a ~ "lC~ } 34 ~f 10:25° ,,10:35 an 7ro .e ~ f r jj1,1Y , 10:35 10:45 _d na w . , i ' }a ~ a>. : z. mr 11 1;75.= 'll I , , 4 r a 11.30,am -<<1 d00 I t ~ 4 nl f ASM/AMU 'SPOUSE + 0 REGISTRA WELCOME PUBLIC SE 'CLSTEST' F , ""_CSM%CMD _WELCOME 1' Overview A Special P Fk c, m_ " -WELCOI SPEAKER !'GORDON } 3 PfIsidern,-. It , F a ,,',The Greeby, - Lake Bluff,a ?4 t THE NE. SPEAKERS i' SCOTT F. "'THE 'SPEAKER SUEj ICSCL LL IA N CE ' C,ty,L' ENTER AND DES OR LOUNGE ,r JIEWI F I:}r t ST REVIEW, I LAS VEGAS: FI Program: Naviga :ntation fog, the INTROPUCTIOI IP .GREEBY Y; 7 panes, Inc.4 3 { 1j ti ir.~ 3 1, t A-n k, %LIDATION AT L V C CS 3N TRENDS OPEN~ LITE LOCATIONS n t x x v ITE LOCATIONS ~ i kt t I H v4 t ft' I•§.Fr4 ~ d. i «r aLIDATIONATL.VC.C 3NTRENDS`OPEN k 4 ? t 3 "y r m r kY ~ ' ~ % STTIMERSORIENTATION',,`' . ng the Convention Maze oastned Attendee _It } 1 k vk i `a S a , Cf , °dl e', " r E „ l I ri ' RSPECTIVE' 1RNS AMANDA: MROZEK in Advisory , Group` Next Generation Advisory Group tL',. _ ion ' Southern Division , o, " Vice President Retail Services " ;rc,al Real Estate ir. CB Richard Ellis RetaJ Services C A Grlando FL':1 r'•r IC'SECTOR P 4 ERSPECTIVE SIENS g' . -'Alliance Co 'Chair { de,. . s r 9 INGNOUR,CONVENTION EXPERIENCE+ t , f I: a ~ <,r d SPtAKhK MII.HAGC LIPSEY k. President 'The Lipsey Company l k ' Longwood. FL' - y a x `a vi~ d o i * NETWORKING BRUNCH T x r c a 0 .u 1 30 - 2.30ypm OFFICIAL OPENING.SESSION . ; ` Y t _W Guest Speaker tes William'Jefferson"Clinton was elected President of the United States'in 1992 Un " 42nJ'P f th t d St de t t p r. i e e a resi n o :-.and again in 1996-the first Democratic president to be awarded a 'second term, ie six decades:Under his leader- , ship, the United States enjoyed the strongest economy in a generation and the Iceboat economic expansion in U.S. history. President Clinton's core values of building community, creating opportunity, and demanding respon-, a. - sibihly resulted in unprecedented. progress for America - = i• 6 WILLIAM JEFFERSON CUNTON % f h i d S „ 1 42,nd President o t e,Un te tates 1 iS i k t .i } _ iT , i *R t , 'SY T I a ,y . r . ! 1 p 7 t @. PUBLIC SECTOR SHOWCASE OPEN TRADE EXPOSITION AND 2.30 - 6:O0 pm , , - 3:30 - 4.30-pm RECEPTION' PUBLIC SECTOR , . . , PUBLIC SECTOR SHOWCASE INTHETRADE EXPOSITION= 6:30 - 9:00 pm._ { b I ,.I r „ a pmWe Uviiuv unJi « , L ss t "j - SPEAKER, 1. ~ t } f y ~ v t Y -r. r ti `I „fi M,$ J 9.30.pm 12:00 midnight wa att-.rnir I GENEFAT/ON i'I I x ( j I IVI OlV DAY, :MAY 2Z"' 6:30 am } 2:00 pm 1 6:30,am 6:00-,-P- 'M 6:30:amp- 6:00iFirn 6 30,am '6:OOApm>, h Ott ' 7,00 jarii 6:00 ptm; 8:00,,- 9:00 am 9-30 Rock Hotel fight Show mow tel & Casino ex( ton DE EXPOSITION #THE ICSC EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION,.. sino Vegas as Jay Leno brings. his unique style of,stand up comedy to the Hard " for ICSC Join Jay Lane as he hosts a benefit dinner for the ICSC Educational fie non profit public charity of the ICSC The ICSC Educauonel Foundation pro. rebumversny programs, mstitutiona,rand centers mvalved,in the study of retail . , JAY LEND 7 Host of Tomght Show' LosAngeles CA n cf f ULTIMATE NETWORKING F ick Hotel & Casino ration isiCSCs educational networkinc develop their careers and build retailer e taken place throughout the US and ist be worn for entry. t , )GE VALIDATION AT SATELI 91STRATION AND=BADGE V) LCOME CENTER AND~DESI1 iLIC SECTOR LOUNGE , )USE HOSPITALITY. LOUNG 'CRAB ;Reta -SPEAKER °KATH cncn Presidt "KB Eric Newpc d.:,i. nrv var +t state Today TEIN ' handising and Management Co_n virig by ICSC members.Seating is limited for this event. formation visit the ICSC website at www.icac.a gfM6SC. EPTION HOSTED BY NEXT GENERATION 'r a reentering program for ietail real estate professionals - within the shopping center industry. Next Generation' da This reception is open to all Convention attendees. t s• ei lxa s i ;,~f`rbf a i 4 t" _OCATIONS SION AT L.V.C.C.~ , tENDS OPEN f r a, kr t ~ t 11N TRADE EXPOSITION F. • ST vaork)`C i i rlevirpoint on Women n 4 f fi n ti t 4 _ : V r y H 't i 5 j£ 'R 1 i,_ ISM m 6 ff {1 )PEN~s, f it It ai ( ,t.. '9:36- 11:00-am TOWN HALL MEETING-'VEET.TACMA) (Heldiin collaboration,wlth U.S. Conferenc a c.n~ 4 ¢ ICSC and the U. S. Conference of mayors IUSCMI bring the r challenges and opportunities for retail real estate Bevelo d ~ Mayors will take your questions a no nd offer their insights on a on a yr tN net `t,r f r. Lr 'Ra a, PANELISTS r 1,7 t! Y _ j )t { * i'' v I e -.rr k v t Y a x n+ a "~wltq;~€ i r t'~ t _v I t' ry a € 71.30=a m„ t ~ rr t 0 n t Fa U't {1 Y_7)7 t air yd 12:30° 1i00'pm 1:00 ,2:15,~pm r it, a 'tM r e 5 h k G r'':'. I ,t' Ax d .."F'. ISPE cr...i ~ t €,r > r V ~ h _ Y L tkr t 2 30 fi14 00 pmt , rr jrt t F+ It tlMODEF opportunity to nave your voice heard n TUCKER CARLSON f h a HOSt, MSNBC j p P r Yu ,.t, 1 e The Situation with Tucker Carlson t, tt~a} Washington DC: L THE HONORABLE MICHAEL GUIDO . Mayor USCM Vice President Dearborn, Ml., d x x 9 F c ,THF Nn MORAPH F.. ? 'I Long Her 12:15 pm BLOCKBUSTE °na'~ Behind the.He Jain two of the most SPEAKERS FRED E Executive Weekly. " 41 1, "LUNCHEOK GUEST'SPE "-Steve Wynn is one c. here, then; w-h W "in 1971, that got hi ' T built another Gold across the Strip fn million dollars brit as the first main i'Boulava'r The:'90! Flamingo and the r' to build and renov C'Malor. change intf " dream to date by < SION .'in Washington in voices in Washington as they ,t r mater ' Iri tf r f e 1" R buildets of todays Las Vegas, He Thomas as a. mentor, he pulled of a '~v? -U, t S" r aSIONS , r Is it a morphing of the Lifestyle, Center or is New Urban ` traditional centers? r MAN THOMAST € ICSCTrustee Chairman : e A Vancouver BC I 4"0' r Thomas Consultants Inc y e t gp t hn > e T. 4 f 3' J y °t ,e-no manager in his early days rardHughes and Caesars Palace trol of the Golden Nugget. Wynn , of land next to Caesars Palace, reported four hundred and forty he ihree thousand room Mirage at Flamingo' flood and Las Vegas am, the Bellagib on the corner of has atinad many others . up The Strip went through 's ge Wynn realized his. biggest _ :'p` ~ J 6 Fu t ' ( r• akx ~ N .R te~Next Wave?: c~ ting:to,transform the industry. WWhy? Will it endure? . creating its own distinct format? What is 'its effect on t r V 'n tIY- ~ ~ $ € . td , t 441 ~ ~ Mayors)' mayors together to discuss with you he menca's cities During this interactive session mge of issues that affect development from d -use and neWtirbanism formats.Take advan- ^e s e J'd u. + S t E } HE HONORABLE WAME'M. KILPATRICK;T ' aver.. - CM Council for the New - tmerican,City Chair n _ trop, MI xr r a i dE HONORABLE OUGLAStH PALMER =rt s. ever fit` „r i( I, tr' a iCMtAdvisory Board Chau% a issuea of the day. LLPRESS, rt t(.a~ e ' f - 'r .a PANELISTS KEMPER ICSC Past '.•Pmsldent ' ' ` .:Bellevue $ Bellevue, ...DONALD - Principal . ° Alberta De Englewood 't Z Perm -°Fged-rate a 'You expac =MODERATOR SIMON aIFF +"President . s Ir,.•: TFeAckm sd' a Newyork,, PANELISTS ALICE M Managing } I J' Teachers l T E NewtYOrk ` ' • + MICHAE managing t ° v.x ` f dam, ` BaiclaYSC z! 9 f} r r ~ 3.'Hovu. Retain; C R E W : Commertci h ~i I „fides to all 'C 'am i -theindust 3`HEfWOPR will discus " s -.Imowledg`e - ~co`mpames _y- t- :disciplines MODERATOR ELIZABE Director r '*-The ArcJto -s _ `Irv'ing TX PANELISTS GINGER c ^ - P ,n r ..fit Regional V SARES/RE mJ 'I ;,.Sah.Mateo n~nn _ an nm . -.ANNII i ~ r 5` z n I I a .;,,TUESDAY, MAY 23~~ 7:00, am 6:00 pm ~R , ~ =N - 7:00 ~61'-6:00 PM 7:00''am -'6:00 pm P 7:00 am 6:00 pm 7:30 u S:OO am °B 8:00:- 9:00 am " B -A h B< an GUEST SPEAKER s t~ tp l l ~ i sa 4 , } f Riff loans come from a variety of structures -first°mortgages, mezzanine and peferredequity. What can 'the .Commercial -Real Estate'lndustry`Can Develop ^ ~ a ry can better understand the things that need to be done to address these issues. dmaddition, the panel and skills that audience members will take away from the session will be primarily two-fold: (t) How „ - e t ry A., pkr }lay i t.n FREEMAN .:DANIELT. MCCARFERY csm Chevman, I. President ' McCallery Interests quare Managers,Jnc., ?Chicago; IL. x • . ; , ; ~ ' PROVOST , YAROMIR STEINER CHUCK STILLEY' „ 'CEO . T. ,''ICSCTrustee . , velopment Partners ~ Steiner and Associates. President:, _ , CO_-- I ~ Columbus, OH.. ' `aAMC Realty (AMCTheatres) P, 'Kansas Gry„MO orient Financing Outlook - t in.I006?Will these lenders continue to be aggressive? Whainew%protluds will wesee? , Siff Peal Estate Group LLC r NY CONNELL ` 'RICHARD KATZENSTEIN Director; r,c { r •SenmrlManag11 ing Director xr 1 nsurance&Annuity Association MMA'flealty Capital; Inc A-' NV' (t t If : }New Vark NV r i 3r i t r ~ a - L J. MAZZEI Ir i - x t Director 4 apical Y r and-Benefit!From Percale Leadership; z al Real'Estate Women (CREW) Network recently completed a reseerch,study,Co ascertain the status m theindustry.Thefindings were compelling add. provide clear dueciwn for the industry in terms of ract and retain top talent. By understanding where women have advanced and where-they haven't; s what an need to do individually to advance their own careers ih commercialrealestate.The have been successful by instituting programs thatreach out to women and (2) How women in various of commercial real estate can advance then career.' THILAMBERT SAUL - ~ - n Group, LP BRVANT' -..DEBORAH OUOK ' 'KATHLEEN: P. WILKE,_rsAl, ice 'President 4- Professional SSles IC' I'J k' ice President, Producer • ' GIS, CB Richard Ellis 3, a;. GMAC Commerdial Mortgage - CA San Francisco, CA - _ w 'Tucson AZ - 4L MEETING OF,MEMBERS r rt ° ~ t ka j t-~ b a N f' 't r < i r rk t Y I ~i I a*t ,r dr t r;u:i '00, N e , sue:` ~~~~=ti , '•'i: .L.r t~ ' 4' 4;:, ~ 5s ,,.~i 'E ,aA i': -r 'RATION AND"BADGE VALIDATIOMAT L V C C" r ~ IME CENTER AND iDESIGN TRENDS OF SECTOR LOUNGE EHOSPITALI,TY LOUNGE' ing with. PI tided as one of enthusiasm, hu ~ sa ATION WITH GUEST; SPEAKER rums inning Newyork Giants his insights on leatlership persevere aimed broadcaster r PHIL`SIMMSY ta_ c NFL Legend + v d r t S Franklin Lakes NJ + I ~ uc r arj`7 + 2' E s~ ro•7 n 1' oaf I F r1 rnalyst, Phil Simms will tar career with the Super k, and his current role as t'. t 9 00 am 6 00 pm LEASING MALL, TRADE EXPOSITION , AND PUBLIC SECTOR SHOWCASE OPEN <n 9 15 10.304am CONCURRENT SESSIONS ` 4 z 1s Disposition Strategies for OpemAlr-Center's Haw dgyou plan for"disposition of your asset even if you are a lomg-term holder? When is the right time?,How do you ' a a ;u' ,r -'*r + compare recent transactions in defining the cap rate that is appropriate for your asset? How do you identify a broker r f and how should the property be packaged for sale? What are some tactics that sellers employ tomsximize N01 in i- s+,! „s m Y t r m - oral- prior,tdthe sale? Where will the buyers of tomorrow come from? Our panel will explore these and your questions ' If from the floor le demystify the process at a time when buyers are shopping for healthy open-air centers f a ' r ;MODERATOR "'GLENN J.~RUFRANO x' - ICSCTreas'uFar,andTrustee - - Chief Executive. Officer o - - R - New Plan Excel :Realty Trust; Ina ` • f ' - r Newyork, NV ' PANELISTS - EMILIO A-AMENDOLA - RANDALL BENDERSON Principal -Tresident . -D JM Asset Management LLC • '.Bendersen Development Company, Inc _ i ! "NV c wh v University Park, FL- Melville, ROY MARCH ~..•y` x Chief Executive Officer. + $ u , nA .EastCil Realty Co,+LLC~~ t ' x Santa Monica CA_ ' ~ - ` c q n,f k r ~.Z> a p "S fi'r' ° 2 -Retail Opportunitiesin Underserved Mark"ets ThetProblems Facing the Redevelopment of the Urban,Core and How to Succeed t'Retail in major U.S. markets is well established and many new regulations are making further expansion difficult r The urban communities are demanding better retail services and the local leaders are 1 rymg to find ways to r` iMalize long neglected retail'and industrial areas Instinctively it seems that there is opportunity to operate at a „ ° z a M r > *a profit due to lack of services and density of population. But how do you do a project with all the hurdles of rede- re „velopmem? How do you convince retailers to enter these markecs?This panel of experts who era currently involved in redevelopment in the urban core will discuss strategies they are using to bring successful develop - t ment to Underserved comm_unities.They will discuss man`ynf the financial aspects of making these deals happen; F y " ..,"!'detad marketing¢echniques to convince retadeisto get 6n board; discuss how to work witM1 c$mrnunitygroups . t ? " "3- so you can get the lob done in a'timely mannei.This will be a quick moving and informative panel with examples - , `Dram proletts being done today in t e urban core., „rtINTRODUCTIONS BY BEVERLY MAYO DIET2x REAP Board Chair Partner The Winfield Group, Inc I ..;•ri ...p dr k,:: o r „McLean; VA t,- '="Yrni .'s s< S - r MODERATOR ,.REBECCA MACCARDINISCmp iCSC Past Chairman and Trustee° 7..'. a -ma r u° ° '.,President ' - _ -.7 L -rRebecca Maccardmi Resources ' 3 'Ann Arbor Ml PANELISTS ,-THEODORE M.AMENTA G. LAMONT BLACKSTONE L. ° ALYSSA STEWART LEE . ~4r f, President f- Principal' I Senior Research Analyst, r.Ao LLC. "G.LsBlackstnne& Associates > 'Urban Marked Irnnabve' - a 3 r ,.New York NY Mount Vernon NV The Brookings lnstuutwn Is..' tv' Washington, DC ;CARL MULLER • LVNEIR RICHARDSON LISA ROSENSHEIN; cis jYce President of Oesi n ` • Vice President of Urban ` V,ce'Presidentt _ :fleal Estate Department - Land Development `.n -,Rosenshein Associates, -ro «m 3,,: ~5 Walmart Stoies. Inc ',General Growth Propel ies Inc ~ c Mamaroneck, NV Bentonville Afl Chicago, IL °`s z ' i x r :i v } ^sv 3 ~ _r s- a$ b- t § r v-?+ ~ x 2:- a ` t 6. t u J,1 IF . ( a _ i tin ff~ arv , °.h° r 2 { , , ' 3 Developing Retail in a Smart Growth, Environment r t ALLIANCE Smart growth is occurring across Ina country in new and existing commuraties,Space for retail and commercial " ' i 5 "PROGRAM onal retailers do not always reciprocate in kind. So why aren t users are planned for and much desired but nat 'retailers completely sold on the smart growth? Onare they'?This session allows,nanonal retailers an opportunity to discuss [heir needs, requirements and anitudes as they pertain to the commercial component of smart growth - x " - - -cr , ' projects: Explore what makes for a successful retaikng. experience that is also profitable to a retailer and devel- . _oper. What is your company's ppalUOn on Emerging/New Markets, Main Street formats and new town concepts? - • . - gie What are the key strategies to profitability when rolling out these formats MODERATOR - c. SUE MURPHY--,_1 '-n . - President i "P&M Consulting Group Inc.', ` Tampa FL _ { d • :,'r 4i J. i~ .1 1 f Tomorrow - , 4 ,~Beyond the,Horizon'=Trends Impactmg 0- 'v a4 1 ~ , , . This panel of atnoiially recognized experts in real: estate, finance and law will analyze the reasons for and the - • short and long term impact of, the spate of mergers and acquisitions in refadreal eatate, seemingly accelerating a ' - Y _e _ 7 consolidation. In addition, otherirends and thou impact willalso be identified and analyzed, 'continuing industry - • ' ""'G' such as (tithe increased velocity of change; (21the off-the-mall migration of some retailers vs. the on-the-mall` migration of others; (3)the'increasing demands of the financial, markets, (4) new development vs. redevelopment; „ , ` _ 15) the impact of "Wall Street" on the industry and; (6)the "atomizatu n° of previous retailing segments - x y MODERATOR JEFFREY H ..NEWMAN, Esa - -o Senior Partner/Chair Real Estate Department f v v Sill Cummis Epstein & Gross PC + x r+ Newark NJ t 4 r . , , LI a PANELIST JONATHAN LITT ,r„y„ •-y, Senior Real Estate Ana vat - ` Smith Barney = s~ ~ 9 ~ • -Newyork, NV;- • - 11 "00`am - 12:15 pm GENERAL SESSION t Retailer Awards 4th Annual H a . , o s These~wmners Join us for the 4th Annual Hot Retailers Awards as we unveil the trend sane rsof th e Retai I World x r a = ^ tt have been selected. through a survey of nearly 3,000 North Am'erlcan shopping center management protoseionals This session will feature the latest up and comingretailers thetrendsetters companies to watch 12:30'' 1i00'pm~ LUNCHEON,SERVED - 2:15-pm 1 00 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION . , -4:00 prn ° 2:30 ':CONCURRENTSESSIONS • 1Makirig Retail Successful Ina Mixed Use Development I (Held In'collaboration wlthiNAIOP) 1 41 . °t1cud With the mcreaseddernand for mixed use development, retail'is a major driving factor. What makes the retail p P ' r " 5 Qy~iq « component of 'a mixed-use development successful? How: can you sustain. the demand? Senior rexecutives ' . involved in mixed-use development projects discuss why retail is so important iei as mixed-use project and what } r . - makes it thrive. r MODERATOR a S ALAN J. BEAUDETTE a • w° , Senior Vice President . , Loew Enterprises'. Real Estate Group - e + "Irvine, CA w t a 2. Lifestyle Centers Past Present and Futurea • Explore the lifestyle center and what has worked and what hasn't The session will start with the basin dehmnons ' " i G 6 . s { that various developers and retailers have said. define a successful lifestyle center'Fmm there, the panel w ill •a ` l~.. r ,l' " ``examine multiple completed projects to descrilie'the intricacies of lifestyle centers This exploration will include ' ?j the issues facing'anyone developing or designinga bfestylementer today. Not only°w,lfpragmatic areas such - ' n ` as parking, streets, tenant orientation and storefront design and implementatiom{be reviewed, but also leasing, - - ti strategies, operation issues and management concerns willbe explored.The futuieof.this project type will also - ; t be debated; including, whether or not this is a project type that is here to stay.The panel will also review the latest fad; mixed-use developments - do they really to nefitthe'center,'or just add 66 stale omphcatiii Corns, - - - - ` participate in a lively Q & A on lifestyle centers=. find our about"double wide mamstreets,""pods two IeOeljr` - 11 open-air, regional lifestyle canters and that now famous any outy . a ,y MODERATOR J THOMAS PORTER 6 13 il t" 3 d k a f ,o f, 7 P y qt 'Principal r i;" i y "^t a °r n 9 a , Thom pso`n Ventulett Stainhack &'Assoo t € ' - l G A s At anta CO FACILITATORS -.,GORDON SKIP GREEBY^ DALE SCOTT - + - President "'-senior Vice President TheGreeby Companies Inc ' -SIKON Construction dorporanon , Bluff, IL "BOia• Raton rFL - t . Lake ' P _ i III a «,Lq. f.u#+ ae; , ,g F, , , r .:er~.l s, i, ai. 3 Retail Leader s'ofToday Building Relationships in Our , r y v' •j- Rapidly Evo(vingNnilust'ry ` tS~E~renai/or "?his dynamic panel. of retail leatleis will provide an insider s view of the key factors to deal making in today's ATERA L LJ , , world and their perspective on the future of our rapidly evolving industry. TThe panelists will also share expenF r -Fences that shaped' their careers and discuss fiow.theyeHect their decision making today: In addition; they will ° - _ , , ~ . discuss the importance of6uildingand maintaining successful relallonships m our husiness. This'is agreat oPPOr r ' kf tunity to learn what it iakes:to get in their dooiand liow,to succeed in making 'aidial as you establish - s 'yourself in the shopping center industry 1 th MODERATOR GAR HERRING• ? i y. + y a" r r •i; v + t b. i +q ai n k 11% Executive Vice President - 0, The MG HernngOroup .s. o:.o ..:Dallas TX 4 Micropolitan Statistical Areas - R defining the.Marketplace' ALLIANCE y If you are defining your community or your market share as urban, suburban; or rural then you maybe missing out ` ~PROG RAM -on one of the fastest growing segments of the American Landscape - Micropolitan Areas. Are.you, readyfor this G new'rmtrketplace phenomenon7The Navonal Association of Counties and the International Council of Shopping - 3 P'' NA~rO Centers Partnership,for Economic Opportunity focused on economic developmentopportumnes in America's small ^'r ryo ,-r I and midsized communities Anend this session to learn more about the Partnership's findings on this growing market ' { q + c _ i i and''why it is important to your site selection strategy t +.jr " d.a'`t -MODERATORS' 'THE HONORABLE COLLEEN LANDKAMER "GORDON SUD_BECK, sc`sM;'scmo, cLS~m NACo President-Elect t b"vice President:, y _Ar T, County Corn missioner a Nodule Companies q Blue ue EarthCountg MN r "fi '.Omaha, NE, t-'t 5.30 7"11:60, pm " DIVERSITY. RECEPTIONt • 1 M f x, 4 F n d Caj 0.1+1 ~+'.,i f i I-gig L'a Fleur Room Wy6n,Las Vegas i - % Sponsored by Ninon Peabody:LLF,, General Grown Properties, Forest Qty Enterprises`Simon Properties, Urban d - Amenca,The Limited, Concordia Real Estate, REAP,Taiget and ICSC' -7 - Reception to celebrate inclusion and to promote relationship buddi4in the retail and - , - Joinlus atthe Diversity 9 shopping cemerindustries. Network at this dynamic cocktail reception and connect with other. real estate decision _ Tl~ p + makers and business peoples Space is limited Please RSVP before May 16 2006 to Ihenson@nixonpeabody com I v F PIf ase contact ApriI Stephen at 12021585 8514 with questions 3 y ii' + tT i w F AT IT ' nT f t^ + SA f d/} . / - a a t , v a. g Lti~ > as P t WEDNESDAY,.MAY-24 f _ k 7.30.--.9:30 amp ALLIANCE CO CHAIRS' BREAKFAST AND ANNUAL MEETING ° (By, Invitation,Only) a t r - 8 30 am 12:00 noon SPOUSE HOSPITALITY, LOUNGEA, " + Fn 7~ , kt' t t. r .xY 3 ' X { 4 f • {1 T~ _ ? i ~ fi r- L t • [ t ~ a „ 8130; am vt5:00 REOISTRATION'AND BADGE VALIDATION AT L V.C.C.C 8-'30 am - 5:00 pm f WELCOME CENTER AND DESIGN TRENDS' PEN r2 , rt 8,_ 9 00 am 5 00 pm LEASING MALL OPEN 9 30 'l l 00 am ; WORKSHOPS a µ h I k; ~J i ty,~,y I , ; 1.;SSurvival7ools of the Trade+, . , I . ` d'' t ~ y I Gf NER T/ON a, y~. ° ,cecw` _ 2.:Letter'of Intent LIVE.+' ta. , y T. ,;q. * r; !y~~ 3. Latmo Psychograph cs i 4Stress Management ALLIANCE '5 +Brownflelds The Best.Kept Secret m,Real Estate Investment ;~~PROG RAM zw + r cr, `"r °,t pd r+ a+ i .f e g; T. T, I 6. Strategies-for Improved Communication"Between Landlords andTenanfs; 7 "The WOW! Feel-'See It on Your Customers Face Day After,Day % 8.ReversingaTrend What to do if Your Mail is One of theThirty- Percent wi that Isn t Supposed to Make It7 # Pt a' t`` + , E x{+ ~a Ik .n e +~i J i+ 7ir~=mot i T4 jt'1 r~ r. 'n s