CDC - Agenda 06-27-06• Public Comment from the Audience: • If you wish to address the Community Development Commission, please complete a Speaker Request Card and hand it to the Commission Secretary before the start of the meeting. • The Community Development Commission will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. • Opportunity to address the Community Development Commission (on non- agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. • The Community Development Commission will hear public comments on items listed on the agenda during discussion of the matter and prior to a vote. Rosemead Community Development Commission AGENDA Brown Act: Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Community Development Commission may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Community Development Commission meeting. Americans with Disabilities Act: In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. Persons attending the meeting shall observe rules of propriety, decorum, good conduct, and refrain from impertinent or slanderous remarks. Violation of this rule shall result in such persons being barred from further audience before the governing body. This agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020 June 27, 2006 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Gary Taylor, Chairman John Nunez, Vice-Chairman Margaret Clark, Commissioner Jay Imperial, Commissioner John Tran, Commissioner ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEAPMENT COMMISSION • June 27, 2006 • CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 PM • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Chairman Taylor • INVOCATION - Commissioner Clark • ROLL CALL- Commissioners Clark, Imperial, Tran, Vice-Chairman Nunez, Chairman Taylor 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Community Development Commission matters only) 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Resolution No. 2006.12 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2006-12, for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $1,675,412.05 demands 7900 through 7910. B. 2006.07 Community Development Commission Budget The 2006-07 Annual Budget includes expenditures of $15,984,190 with total funds available of $24,281,782, resulting with an ending fund balance of $8,297,592. The budget document presented for adoption was presented at the Budget Study Session held on June 6, 2006. Recommendation: That the Community Development Commission approve the 2006-07 Community Development Commission Budget by adopting Resolution No. 2006-13. C. Sally Tanner Park Rubber Play Surface Bid Rejection As part of this year's Budget, $21,000 was included for the installation of a rubber surface under the play equipment at Sally Tanner Park. Staff prepared bid specifications and notices inviting bidders were published. In total, two bids were received, and the low bid was $7,000 over budget. Recommendations: That the Community Development Commission reject the bids received and direct staff to reconsider the project during the 2006-07 Fiscal Year. 3. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONERS 4. MATTERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & STAFF 5. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Page 2 of 2 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMORANDUM FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECT DATE: JUNE 21, 2006 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 7910 - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2005-06 As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Community Development Commission of June 27, 2006, Commissioner's will consider Check No. 7910 in the amount of $1,283,227 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $1,326,220 less $42,993 partial reimbursement for Zapopan Public Safety Center equipment which is funded by the City's High Technology Grant. pa, RCDC 0 Rosemead Community Development Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMORANDUM FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECT DATE: JUNE 21, 2006 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 7910 - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2005-06 As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Community Development Commission of June 27, 2006, Commissioner's will consider Check No. 7910 in the amount of $1,283,227 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $1,326,220 less $42,993 partial reimbursement for Zapopan Public Safety Center equipment which is funded by the City's High Technology Grant. The Annual City services payment of $1,326,220 is intended to reimburse the City of Rosemead for services provided to the Community Development Commission during fiscal year 2005-06. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation that has been approved by the City Attorney and City Auditor. Attached is a copy of the,worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated with projects and programs. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07910 "j I P71ONR .c r1 2000-017A CITY .%;C /r, I 0. 00 nrtpuNr1i0 2006-0178 CITY S'%fC/PROD aREa {.c 0. 7v 378320.00 2'006-01%C ZAP'wFAN Pv SA±ci"Y Cti;E~ iC- 12532-?7.00 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENM 1991 BONDS T F-`t t 8838 EAST,VALLEY BOULEVARD r , 2 t b ' e ~r x, ~ r of ' , d v 5 j➢ ~ 1 t { e r y ' ' DATE:. . et ,fi ~ 3x 9 7706 v, ° _ ' PAY To THE ORDER CIT! OF ROGEh1EAR = , I ~ V 11'00791011• 1:i22239775l: 01i10500i9i1' r CITY OF ROSEMAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2100 BILLED TO: ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION SHIPPED TO: ROSEMEAD'COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION w INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE YOUR ORDER NUMBER TERMS CONTACT PERSON MISCELLANEOUS REF Annual Reimbursement for City Services Fiscal Year 2005-06 Partial Reimbursement for Zapopan Public Safety Center - Emergency Generator and other equipment (to be funded by the High Technology Grant) Au Ar homed fly! c! C~ nun! OZ 0 - 6a 60 - 1 00. ~ o ~ S a : a eo No w No Aa , "RETURN rO FINANCE In. Appio Rnance Approval ~~1~4 04t4,01 2006-017 A I B L', June 21, 2006 UPON RECEIPT K. Ogawa $1,326,220.00 ($42,993.00)1 C ; ~I~l.~//~v ( TAXTOTAL $1,2 N/A227.00 Questions concerning this invoice? Call: Finance Department (626) 569-2120 MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABL CITY OF ROS , 8838.East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Finance Department Tran Code: 9900 Account: 4110-3990-Fund01($1,326,220);4300-8250-P41201($(42,993.00)) THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! INVOICE ,283,227.00 PAY THIS 0 CITY SERVICE INVOICE (RCDC6 Fiscal Year 2005-06 Organ. Activity 4100 City Council 4110 Administration 4120 City Clerk 4130 Finance 4140 City Treasurer 4150 City Attorney 4180 Buildings 4200 Community Promotions 4240 City Garage 4300 Law Enforcement 4310 Parking Control 4320 Crossing Guards 4330 Animal Regulation 4340 Street Lighting 4350 Emergency Medical 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 4500 Construction-Street 4510 Traffic Administration 4530 Construction-Signals 4600 Street Maintenance 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 4650 Signs & Striping Maintenance 4660 Public Transit 4700 Planning 4710 Building Regulations 4720 Engineering 4740 Community Improvement 4750 CDBG 4780 Solid Waste 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin. 4810 Parks 4820 Recreation 4830 Aquatics 4840 Recreation Fee & Charge 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 4880 Parks Projects Appropriated Reserve Total Amount Due to City 2005-06 Balance Budgeted Applicable Due Expenditures Percentage To City $307,203 N/A $0 1,043,550 40.00% 417,420 171,080 25.00% 42,770 494,230 50.00% 247,115 300 50.00% 150 165,300 N/A 0 587,900 + 30.00% 176,370 317,100 N/A 0 52,000 25.00% 13,000 5,795,260 N/A 0 308,190 N/A 0 139,870 N/A 0 84,000 N/A 0 332,500 N/A 0 7,000 N/A 0 65,600 N/A 0 9,755,800 N/A 0 46,860 N/A 0 75,000 N/A 0 437,000 N/A 0 144,000 N/A 0 253,000 N/A 0 275,000 N/A 0 1,114,270 N/A 0 464,610 30.00% 139,383 1,108,250 30.00% 332,475 478,850 N/A 0 325,620 N/A 0 3,124,135 N/A 0 80,560 N/A 0 352,940 25.00% 88,235 1,512,610 10.00% 151,261 948,000 25.00% 237,000 408,760 25.00% 102,190 310,510 N/A 0 21,120 N/A 0 25,500 N/A 0 372,750 N/A 0 100,000 N/A 0 - $31,606,228 $1,947,369 $1,326,220 klo:cityserv.xls (200506) CITY OF ROSEMEAD/RCDC ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. ZAPOPAN PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER ACCT #47905-P98402 ACCT #4215-4905-P98445 ITEM ORIG CONTRACT C/O TOTAL ADJ CONTRACT RCDC CDBG TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE 9,729.00 9,729.00 7,783.20 7,783.20 DIVISION 15: 15010a 6,325.00 6,325.00 6,325.00 6,325.00 15010b 5,750.00 5,750.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 15400 18,308.00 18,308.00 18,308.00 18,308.00 15700 29,898.00 29,898.00 29,898.00 29,898.00 15800 16,158.00 16,158.00 16,158.00 16,158.00 DIVISION 16: 16010a 41,624.25 41,624.25 14,369.43 27,254.82 41,624.25 16010b 12,761.55 12,761.55 11,485.40 11,485.40 16120 17,515.00 17,515.00 16,639.25 16,639.25 16180 10,350.00 10,350.00 9,315.00 9,315.00 C/O #1 1,657.29 1,657.29 1,657.29 1,657.29 C/O #2 2,060.89 2,060.89 2,060.89 2,060.89 C/O #3 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 C/O #4 •677.45 677.45 677.45 677.45 C/O #5 972.98 .972.98 972.98 972.98 C/O #6 2,355.43 2,355.43 2,355.43 2,355.43 C/O #7 1,765.78 1,765.78 1,765.78 1,765.78 C/O #8 211.32 211.32 211.32 211.32 C/O #9 22,430.40 22,430.40 22,430.40 22,430.40 C/O #10 2,235.60 2,235.60 2,235.60 2,235.60 C/O #11 2,649.94 2,649.94 2,649.94 2,649.94 C/O #12 3,707.10 3,707.10 3,707.10 3,707.10 C/O #13 9,188.04 9,188.04 9,188.04 9,188.04 C10#14 877.00 877.00 877.00 877.00 C/O #15 14,436.82 14,436.82 14,436.82 14,436.82 C/O #16 622.77 622.77 622.77 622.77 C/O #17' 7,596.60 7,596.60 6,077.28 6,077.28 C/o #18 29,165.55 29,165.55 29,165.55 29,165.55 C/O #19 15,451.90 15,451.90 8,498.55 8,498.55 C/O #20 4,164.08 4,164.08 2,082.04 2,082.04 SUB-TOTAL 521,600.00 645,026.94 294,471.21 317,095.24 611,566.45 ALTERNATE #1 2821a 3,642.50 3,642.50 3,642.50 3,642.50 2821b 3,698.75 3,698.75 3,698.75 3,698.75 2821c 8,865.25 8,865.25 8,865.26 8,865.26 2821d 3,584.50 3,584.50 3,584.50 4 3,584.50 282le 4,014.00 4,014.00 4,014.00 4,014.00 16230 63,595.00 O 63,595.00 63,595.00 63,595.00 SUB-TOTAL 87,400.0 87,400.00 lil 87,400.01 0.00 87,400.01 GRAND TOTAL ff 732,426.94 381,871.22 317,095.24 698,966.46 l,61 ~0 0• - .Z 3 fs7\finance\prog pmt:2 6/8/2006 QNTY OVER/(UNDER) CONTRACT (1,945.80) 0.00 (1,150.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,276.15) (875.75) (1,035.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,519.32) 0.00 (6,953.35) (2,082.04) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 EAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ZAP SAFTY/PMT#£A ZAP PUBLPFC@I TY/PMT#S O. OA ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Q 1991 BONDS T.F.. FIRST AMERICAN BANK &~ffi .;.D7894 . 8939 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD BWl E VALLEY BLVD. .1"222- HOSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 _ Ra28-W41100 000078'94 - 626989-2100 DATE PAY EXACTLY 6/13106 *****46167A.1*** PAY TO THE ORDER OF: ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC 267 EAST BADILLO STREET NOT NEGOTIABLE COVINA, CA 91723 "•0078941i° 1:1222397r5r: 011105001911' C. W u o U o Q a _Z x LL m a W = G _ ~ LL° as c~.v Z W I C LL 2 O Q U 4 C uL Q Q V J a a . Q c 0 a m m c m m u a tq Qo ~ ~ V Lm' 0 ~ W ~ O Q LL pa1U Q m U $ UF m 5 2 && m 3 a m Cq m C m z N N a n r fr v m h r G E m U p m C m ` ~m U o ~m m W r U m K N F Q LL ai y m L m m $ E o g a m a _n U Q ~ ° ~q$ea $ E U g 2. m m 0 ~ 0 15 p S E 6 m~5 u c m m~C}CS ~ ;~a3'p c p a H S ~ 6 ~ L U 3 5 m m W m m a ~0 p y. ~Z qO U c c D 2 °c U O QU K O U m W y 6 U. 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Charlotte Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 to the following extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equipment or materials fumished to Rosemead Public Safety Center Renovation through 4130/06 only and does not cover any retention or items furnished after that date, except for disputed claims for additional work in the amount $ -0-. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, the party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Company Name: Abeam Construction Inc. Signed: c(i Date:_ Title: Accounting Officer O • UNCONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT The undersigned has been paid and has received a progress payment in the amount of $ 76.169.82 payable for labor, services, equipment, or material furnished by Abeam Construction Inc. on the project of Rosemead - Public Safety Center Renovation located at 3018 N. Charlotte Avenue Rosemead. CA - and does hereby release pro tanto any stop notice, bond rights, liens, and claims the undersigned has on the above referenced project to the following extent, but said release shall not exceed the amount of this progress payment This release covers a progress payment for :labor, services, equipment, and materials through 3131106 only and does not cover any retention or items furnished after that date. Notice : This document waives rights unconditionally and states that you have been paid for giving up those right. This document is enforceable against you if you sign it, even if you have not been paid. If you have not been paid, use a conditional release form. Company Name: Abeam Construction Inc. Signed: i Dater Title: Accounting Officer CITY OF ROSEMEAD/RCDC ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC ZAPOPAN PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER ACCT #4750-4905-P98402 CCT #4215-4905-P98445 RCDC not to exceed $304,500 CDBG CHANGE QNTYINCR/ NET CONTRACT DATE PAYMENT # ORDERS (DECR) INVOICE BALANCE 08/09/05 Original Contract iuZnuo emt X 122,729.43 217,270 57 01124/06 Pmt#4 22,077.14 195,193.43 03128/06 Pmt #5 31,845.31 163,34812 03/28/06 Pmt #6 10,689.17 152 658.95 04/25/06 Pmt #7. 27,662.12 124.996.83 06/13/06 Pmt Total 0.00 0.00 285,385.72 54,614 28 RETN CALC GROSS INVOICE 10% RETN NET PAYMENT CUMM RETENTION Pmt #1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Pmt #2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pmt #3 136,366.03 13,636.60 122,729.43 13,636.60 Pmt #4 24,530.16 2,453.02 22,077.14 16,089.62 Pmt#5 35,383.68 3,538.37 31,845.31 19,627.99 Pmt#6 11,876.85 1,187.69 10,689.17 20,815.67 Pmt #7 30,735.69 3,073.57 27,662.12 23,889.24 Pmt#8 78,202.83 7,820.28 70,382.55 .31,709.52 TOTAL 317,095.24 31,709.52 285,385.72 CITY OF ROSEMEAD/RCDC ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC ZAPOPAN PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER RCCT #4750-4905-P98402 CCT #4215-4905-P98445 RCDC not to exceed $304,500 RCDC RCDC not to exceed $304,500 CHANGE QNTYINCR/ NET CONTRACT DATE PAYMENT # ORDERS (DECR) INVOICE BALANCE 08/09105 Original Contract 11/22/05 Pmt #2 133,988.28 116,914.97 11/14/05 C/O #1-5 6,568,61 123,483.58 11/14/05 C/O #6-7 4,121.21 127 604.79 12/15105 C/O #8 211.32 127,816.11 12/19/05 C/O #9-11 27,315.94 155,132.05 01/18/06 C/O #12 3,707.10 158,839.15 01/24106 Pmt #4 33,348.08 125,491.07 03/28/06 Pmt #5 38,635.33 86,855.74 03/28/06 Pmt #6 24,940.94 61,914.80 03/28/06 C/O #13-18 61.886.78 1914 ant sn #19-20 19.615.98 06/13/06 Pmt #8 46,167.01 48,742.85 . Total 123,426.94 0.00 343,684.09 48,742.85 RETN CALC GROSS INVOICE 10% RETN NET PAYMENT CUMM RETENTION Pmt #1 $20,107.50 $2,010.75 $18,096.75 $2,010.75 Pmt #2 148,875.87 14,887.59 133,988.28 16,898.34 Pmt #3 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 16,898.34 Pmt #4 - 37,053.41 3,705.34 33,348.08 20,603.68 Pmt #5 42,928.14 4,292.81 38,635.33 24,896.49 Pmt #6 27,712.16 2,771.22 24,940.94 27,667.71 Pmt #7 53,897.44 5,389.74 48,507.70 33,057.45 Pmt #8 51,296.70 5,129.69 46,167.01 38,187.14 TOTAL 381,871.22 38,187.14 343,684.09 Balance of Contract $ 103,357.13 Total Payment (CDBG and RCDC) $ 629,069.80 Total Retention $ 69,896.67 .CITY OF ROSEMEAD/RCDC ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC ZAPOPAN PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER ACCT #475905-P98402 ACCT #4215-4905-P98445 ITEM ORIG CONTRACT C/O TOTAL ADJ CONTRACT RCDC CDBG TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE DIVISION 1: 1100a 24,380.00 24,380:00 24,380.00 24,380.00 1100b 18,270.00 18,270.00 18,270.00 18,270.00 11000 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1330 1,495.00 1,495.00 1,495.00 1,495.00 1500 6,900.00 6,900.00 6,762.00 6,762.00 1730 5,750.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 1740 6,900.00 6,900.00 6,762.00 6,762.00 1770 600.00 600.00 240.00 240.00 DIVISION 2: 2071 70,780.90 70,780.90 70,780.90 70,780.90 2110 3,450.00 3,450.00 3,450.00 3,450.00 2225 1,725.00 1,725.00 1,725.00 1,725.00 2580 575.00 575.00 0.00 2787 8,395.00 8,395.00 0.00 DIVISION 3: 3200 1,840.00 1,840.00 1,840.00 1,840.00 3300 5,750.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 DIVISION 5: 5500 1,725.00 1,725.00 1,725.00 1,725.00 DIVISION 6: 6100 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00 6200 24,127.00 24,127.00 24,127.00 24 127.00 DIVISION 7: 7210a 2,530.00 2,530.00 2,530.00 2,530.00 7210b 13,062.00 13,062.00 13,062.00 13,062.00 7210c 9,365.00 9,365.00 9,365.00 9,365.00 7210d 5,162.50 5,162.50 5,162.50 5,162.50 7920 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,035.00 1,035.00 DIVISION 8: 8110 4,025.00 4,025.00. 4,025:00 4,025.00 8200 4,140.00 4,140.00 4,140.00 4,140.00 8307 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 8500 11,155.00 11,155.00 11,155.00 11,155.00 8710 5 1,437.50 1,437.51 T,437.51 DIVISION 9: 9250 5,980.00 5,980.00 5,980.00 9300 V 4,830.00 4,830.00 4,830:00 9510 284. 00 21,084.00 16,867.20' 16,867.20 9660 23,172.80 23,172.80 23,172.80 9900 20,700.00 20,700.00 19,665.00 19,665.00 DIVISION 10: 10155 2,990.00 2,990.00 2,990.00 2,990.00 10400 2,580.00 2,580.00 1,806.00 1,806.00 10630 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,035.00 1,035.00 .10810 3,542.00 3,542.00 3,010.70 3,010.70 DIVISION 11: 11030 21,792.50 21,792.50 21,792.51 21,792.51 DIVISION 12: QNTY OVER/(UNDER) CONTRACT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (138.00) 0.00 (138.00) (360.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (575.00) (8,395.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (115.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 (4,216.80) 0.00 (1,035.00) 0.00 (774.00) (345.00) (531.30) 0.01 fslVinancelprog pmt•2 6152006 CITY OF ROSEMEAD/RCDC ABEAM CONSTRUCTION, INC ZAPOPAN PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER O ACCT #475905-P98402 ACCT #4215-4905-P98445 ITEM ORIG CONTRACT CIO TOTAL ADJ CONTRACT RCDC CDBG TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE 9,729.00 9,729.00 7,783.20 7,783.20 DIVISION 15: 15010a 6,325.00 6,325.00 6,325.00 6,325.00 15010b 5,750.00 5,750.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 15400 18,308.00 18,308.00 18,308.00 18,308.00 15700 29,898.00 29,898.00 29,898.00 29,898.00 15800 16,158.00 16,158.00 16 158.00 16,158.00 DIVISION 16: 16010a 41,624.25 41,624.25 14,369.43 27,254.82 41624.25 16010b 12,761.55 12,761.55 11485.40 11,485.40 16120 17,515.00 17,515.00 16,639.25 16,639.25 16180 10,350.00 10,350.00 9,315.00 9,315.00 C/O #1 1,657.29 1,657.29 1,657.29 .1,657.29 C/O #2 2,060.89 2,060.89 2,060.89 2,060.89 C/O #3 1,200.00 1,200.00 . 1200 ' 00 1,200.00 C/O #4 677.45 677.45 677.45 677.45 C/O #5 972.98 972.98 972.98 972.98 C/O #6 2,355.43 2,355.43 2,355.43 2,355.43 C/O #7 1,765.78 1,765.78 1,765.78 1,765.78 C/O #8 211.32 211.32 211.32 211.32 C/O #9 22,430.40 22,430.40 22,430.40 22,430.40 C/O #10 2235.60 2,235.60 2,235.60 2,235.60 C/O #11 2,649.94 2,649.94 2,649.94 2,649.94 C/O #12 3,707.10 3,707.10 3,707.10 3,707.10 C/O #13 9,188.04 9,188.04 9,188.04 9,188.04 C/O #14 877.00 877.00 877.00 877.00 C/O #15 14,436.82 14,436.82 14,436.82 14,436.82 C/O #16 622.77 622.77 622.77 622.77 C/O #17 7,596.60 7,596.60 6,077.28 6,077.28 C/O #18 29,165.55 29 165.55 29,165.55 29,165.55 C/O #19 15,451.90 15 451.90 8,498.55 8,498.55 C/O#20 4,164.08 4,164.08 2,082.04 2,082.04 SUB-TOTAL 521,600.00 645,026.94 294,471.21 317,095.24 611,566.45 ALTERNATE 1 2821a 3,642.50 3,642.50 3,642.50 3,642.50 2821b 3,698.75 3,698.75 3,698.75 3,698.75 2821c 8,865.25 8,865.25 8,865.26 8,865.26 2821d 3,584.50 3,584.50 3,584.50 3,584.50 2821e 4;014.00 4,014.00 4,014.00 4,014.00 16230 63,595.00 63,595.00 63,595.00 63,595.00 SUB-TOTAL 87,400.00 87,400.00 87,400.01 0.00 87,400.01 GRAND TOTAL 732,426.94 381,871.22 317,095.24 698,966.46 ONTY OVER/(UNDER) CONTRACT (1,945.80) 0.00 (1,150.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,276.15) (875.75) (1,035.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,519.32) 0.00 (6,953.35) (2,082.04) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 B1\finance\pmg pmt2 615/2006 m 3 - o 3 0 cn N d J C 1 A z O H m m v m ~ m d N ~ N 9 n - m n d v ~ N y N < N r D• ~ N j ~ d j N d m Q ~ n v N n n 0 c 3 v 0 D r x O C y D n v m v 0 3 -I 2 T N C ~ 2 O C cn 2 T N (n c ° ° c N ~ 0m m 3 v .n d ~0 3 ~ z d 3 M -0 d d O O T -0 d N ac C D n n 0 < 00 C T z -0 z N Om O m 7J D v n r v C-) O n A < O i X < i