CDC - Item 4A - General Plan Update And "Mixed Use" WorkshopE M B 5 9 1 999 9 ~ORPORATEO 'Oti r7 ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2006 SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE AND "MIXED USE " WORKSHOP SUMMARY The City of Rosemead Planning Department has been holding a series of workshops with the Planning Commission which included a presentation to the Commission on the status of the General Plan update and examples of "mixed use" projects that are being developed within and outside of California. Staff has been working with our consultant, EDAW to formulate proposed changes to our General Plan and development codes. Planning department staff has also begun researching appropriate mixed-use design standards to assist in drafting a new set of design guidelines that will ultimately be incorporated into our updated General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Community Development Commission provide input and feedback on the issues presented and provide additional comments, to allow staff to continue with processing the various elements of the updated General Plan and begin developing new mixed-use design guidelines. ANALYSIS Existing Conditions The rise in property values and a market demand for new housing in the San Gabriel Valley has attracted a significant amount of interest from the development community to pursue mixed-use projects that incorporate commercial uses on the ground floor and residential condominiums or apartments above. There are currently several proposals in various stages that have been submitted to the City's Planning Department. The majority of these submittals far exceed our current density allowed within the existing General Plan. There are pros and cons of developing higher densities on infill parcels, with each site requiring unique attention and sensitivity to its surroundings. APPROVED FOR C.D.C. AGENDA: • C.D.C. Meeting October 24, 2006 Pace 2 of 2 • This workshop is intended to stimulate discussion that could ultimately result in adoption of higher densities in the updated General Plan and a new set of design guidelines to assist developers and their architects. A design guidebook will assist in a better understanding by developers and architects, of the City's expectations. When new guidelines are adopted they will ultimately be incorporated into the City's new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Submitted by: Brad Johnson Planning Director Attachment(s): Powerpoint Presentations Introductory to a General Plan and Mixed Use Development Why Update the General Plan? ■,~,Older Genera a i K? Changi,n~g Requirements si C Need 1o plan for~and°guide-new developmE -,t ant • • Planning Program m „Phase 1 I e-f li , ' f'~ Phase What is a General Plan? z-~ ■ The General,Plan is the City's "constitution" and "blueprint" for.future-land-use and.development ■':~rLong;Range Emphasis - : Il ; ; r I - Identify community IandLuse,~arculation, eh3ironmental, , economic, and'social goals and policies r ( t t Provide a basis;for'local government deasion making,p r including deusionsYOn development approvals a;rti + t, r 1 n II J 1 ~ Y ,I, P ovide `citizens wrth,,opporfurnties t participate m the t: t6'1 t Tl r r.~ 1 planrnng andfdecision making 'p,+rocesses for tlaeir\ communities) u. ; ='•t3 r _ Inform citizens, developers, decision=makers, and other jurisdictions of long-range plans GeneralPlan & EIR Z~ Anlno. CMe ~ ~ x5,•ir ~ ~ ~ f • • General Plan Elements (Chapters) ■ Land Use* Economic Development LCrirculation* ?l r f )!Y Housing*; SFr 10 6n Space and Conservation*~ r rim s Noise-* 1 r Safety* Req uired b Y State Law What is an EIR? ~ d Y sr ■ Environmental-analysis regulated by CEQA ■ i Informs public-of-,aossi_ble impacts I i_ Allows--inferr- ied--decisions to be .made i Examines'pot_ential'.envrrdnmental impacts~creafed 4 !by Gene I.Plan„ ■I,` Proposes Imeasures mininiizmg/avoiding impacts _ _ Possible Environmental Issue Areas ■ Natural Resources: Agriculture, Biological, Mineral'Geology- Ciultural Resou'rce's. 1 I I 1 l• f ~ J ■~=Land Us'e/HousingyPapulation ; t Circulation n ■ Publc.Servi;ces/Recreation/Utilities ; t II ] 1 - Hazards/Hgzardo,US Mat'e6ial ,Ihf1 0 ~r }~z, rJ_ Air:Qualrt.Y - Key Issues Facing Rosemead .HEousing Typd`s and-Density pit 1 F-j r ~y Rs?I•SFMF ~D ~ O 4e~nn.'1 rl.n O y 0 ~r Existing ``General 1 ~o Li ~4 ~ M 1 ~ 1.1u ~ f { Plan: Maur- -1 Mixed Use fir, ~sttiil _ ~ CL as t 'i:^• r b a ;Overlay Housing Types Single-Family r~ '=Aliso Viejo CaIiforn I Density 5adu/ac e :ll 0- Housing 3~N~ o• o'f~a U ~ Types Single-Family ~=BENS'OWGL•EN, IRenton,; Washington i-;f F _,.ii ~ bensity 1.~ 4'` l r 7:2 du/ac` fl 4i3 units?on l ~Ei 62 6 Housing Types Townhomes ' - -=`EI,ORE~GARDENS, Tf ousan'd Oaks,,Califomia Density f i y i _l'O du/ac r 5'3 units4ith°pri,vater=te, county It" i1 i ~ f1 r i n. Housing Types Townhomes' - aai~,~wi ~=1= y .il -R.tOSE ODURT.,- I P_asaden'a California_ ` K - Density , • . ~ ~ ~ ' _ -_]12:du/ac 4'8 units,', X41 18~ I •o 'D~au~N~ a• a'b u D I Housing Types Townhomes r THHE FARM,==, , - I I' Soquel, California l Density -13fdu/a6 415 units~on=4:2 acres Childcare center~'2,01 bqsq. and Townhouses ----VILLAS Family HousingJ''- f F 1 , -VILLA CALABRIA Senior Hbusing ~ J , 7 ! Davis, Cal_if_omia; ` De'nsity 115 d ulq c. 3b unitsfon 2( , `2 ac Housing Types i Housing Types Apartments -::STONEY GREEK APARTMENTS, J Livermore, Californian l l Density ~ ' r f -116jdu/act , 70 units{5acres • L-` II J I ~u) J u 'o •~~bG~~N~ o' o'b U ~ ".o.Gl Housing Typ Multi-Family SOUTHSID_E-P.ARK %'--Sac-ramento,-Califc -q Density i _20 du/d J' 25 unit' on"I 27, a Housing Types _1 ` Apartments .:w CASA SAN-JUAN, " -Oxnard,' California.-_. j JIDensity, ; _01 duldc- 6i4` units vaith 2;4! and ° L' . , 6iabedroom units~N u , B GASH SAN JVAq' .o •p • r~+N~ o' o'F~ u ~ o Housing Types Townhomes -MATSUSAK TOWNHOM Tacoma, Washington--T,t- D,ensity u ac, 26 units~on-0:89 acres- r ( 1L ' o • ~ Gti/:~ ~ ~ o ' o ' b if ~ o'GI Housing Types Multi-Fami I ~LosAngeles,'California_ 1: I Density = 365 duMLc ~ . wCbo~ 2j acres`, 118 units o-W5 r_1 Housing Types Mixed Use-- ~ r Density -47i'du/ac li4 uniWon 03 acres + Rental mixed-use stacked Flats E Housing Types Senior_ I n _ ICS 'Vu -Brea, California I.9 ,~1f ~Density ~ 7.~r i ~z•rt~ F1` ~ I C}I du/ac 105 units on 2105 acre`s'; I !11 z+ Li n • What is Mixed Use? • Creative and complementary combination.of'residential and non- iresidentidl uses'includirig:, ■ Retail lbffice t~ it x ~ ~ - s Personal-services - I Publicspaces` and other community meniiii f Mixed, Use development is intended to revitalize,deteriorating _ ,comn ercial' areas bye;'{, ~ Integrating residentiaPuses into the _commercial fabric-creating,an active `S pedest ori=oriehted street life throughout the day and-enhancing 'the vitality of businesses. Types of Mixed Use ■ Vertical Mfixe&Use--Same Structure ■ 'Retail and service: commercial uses at I' ithe.ground;floor' Office and/or resid'eriti l single fdmil attached 'and/or multMamily dwelling t•- unitsatrthe'upper floors ■ ;Horizontal Se,parate_:Structu :Structures u~ II m Reside4aliand Non-residential uses -located within`'separate structureU.on o . i >y~S same p sarcel of land Mixed Use Misconceptions ■ MORE TRAFFIC ~■-Mixed UUse typically lowers daily trips as opposed #o,iocreasing 1 f tFaffic volumes On-street parking i_s typically I reduced byishared u`seibetween` I the'com`mercjal=and residential components •(~I ICI .}V _ D Crgh~ ~,n~'1"IYY~^A^t41. Dv FG s ~^J ii I (I 'kL_~j Gil _ rl Mixed Use Misconceptions ■ "BAD" HOUSING ■ Mixed Use-projects provide an excellent opportunity to utilize ' land,,in a built-out-community for higher density housing to meet.,regional housing needs-and to provide housing options to A First time,Homebuyers, t j.~irr i f By concentrating multi-familylelsewhere; single familyi~ neighb`ohoocls-are retained as single-family ■ Mixed'Use'can_provide'a great,transtion from comme'r"cial to' ,x ? residential?distncts'--'.c ` ■ For-sale housin &is tfie col if e "-forddrvingitHe'mize~d'use=p~roic 'I§ the value_of the housing, the hig occunv the commercial soace-s. I that. s`typically the financials' ct for a-developer. The higher ier. quality a retail tenant will What makes for a successful Mixed Use project? ■ High Quality Architectural Design and Site Planning that utilizes the followin°g-_design features: atio}Building Articu -ad Modulation - horizontal breaks in the building plane every 50:to 100 feet-reduce the appe acebf mass an'd~bulk. Building fa4ades appear separate p a W, r :T l t _ L~ 1F What makes for a successful Mixed Use project? ■ High Quality Architectural Design and Site Planning that utilizes the following design features: Up,p, er f floors ~are.setba& at varying heights utilizing varying roof forms to,' reduce'the appearance of-mass and building height> What makes for a successful Mixed Use project? ■ High Quality Architectural Design and Site Planning that utilizes the follo iwiw ng;design features: Upper floorslvary_irr height reducing the appearance of mass and bulk ` to a f r7 r; 'r■ Fenestration and fa`4ade modUlatibn`isasymmetricahalso f ; reduang-the appearance of mass. ~'jt~ `s G~ T pus . ,mac .F Scalerelative to the=street'and the adjacent Ik.andJuses r~ ul~ I I n 11 f I I cr 1~~ r ~ i _ What makes for a successful Mixed Use project? ■ High Quality Architectural Design and Site Planning that utilizes the follo iwiw ngtdesign features: -j■ Pedestrian linkages,befween uses are emphasized. Res dential uses and"fron ages-are privately accessed. - -■.~Automobile and pedestrian circulation-ha's been separated ti P-1 'to the full;extent p 6ssib16-" ( e f - i~ Ground fl (oo_r is pedestrian oriented with setback areas - 1 - 1~ ! I r ~~..,.1 to incorporate plazas, courtyards, outdoor dining.fandtother public- , --go}t'her ang` paces:arid community, } amenities. What does Mixed Use Look Like? lr b . 1 .J Brea, California Birch Street Lofts • For rent lofts above retail • 80 units/acre ` 0;3 acre site 31stories; 24 loft.units at 773 sq. ft. ~ 1 1 ~ f I { ~ II~f3 .N Rosemead, California Garvey Community Center/ Senior Housing r i - - - rfl Pasadena, California Holly Street Village • Rental, apartments, artist lofts, and SRO (20%affordalile>-very low income) over ground-floor retail • 4-5 stories 99_acre sit - ■ 395 Units tl 9 w 41 r e wt:. lj f (1 Yt . rI y 1 PM'v~ F~~ i San Diego, California Brickyard • For sale, lofts over retail • 64 units/acre • '28 ies • 6 028 acre site ~ 77- f 8 a-L A LIP A - " f ~ tr L~'J San Diego, California Uptown District • For sale, stacked flats, rowhouses • 55 units/acre 24 stories - • Nlixed„U'se (Retail, Offices)`-%[- I~ L' Redwood City, California City Center Plaza • Rental apartments and townhouses over,retail-,.,, (1.00%offorda6le) ■ 46 units/acre T i. ■ 3-A st6ries_ i If, ~i v Alhambra, California ■ For sale condos above retail ■ 5 stories_ • Average 60-units/acre 1h i. la. • o • D C, n• • GG/•~ r, G~~D o • o • I D o '1 i - Fullerton, California • Housing above retail ap • 3-5 stories ! Average 50 units/acre ~arrezsas~- ~ L1.S4~L.Y2 n ~ 46 r L` 1 I 'O ~D0.l/~.~2~~D !(tom O' O':~ 1D ~O Valencia, California • Housing above retail • 3 stories lp r Boulder, Colorado Loft housing above retail 3-4 stories Phoenix, Arizona • Housing above retail 3 stories ■ Average 60 units/acre Portland, Oregon Museum Place Lofts & Townhouses ■ 140lofts i I ~l Ir r - •o •D~b DN.~ o• o•E~ u D I Mixed Use Projects approved to be built in Surrounding Cities Mixed Use Projects approved to.be built in Surrounding Cities ■ AlhambW' yF ■>>,Temple City MINE Mixed Use Projects approved to be built in Surrounding Cities ■ Alhambra J~ III Ali i ~dJ'_ ....n y t~{. [t u. a 'In ■rlTemple City creme= mew= -■=San Gabriel r In GUttF San Gabriel-Bivd. and Live Oak Mixed Use Projects approved to be built in Surrounding Cities ■ ~Alhambra"- ,,Temple City 1, - -San Gabriel - r .Arcadia ~c - - _ - " _b 1. . r P.. fi eIS.Y 6~ -rig F =1,"if First-Avenue/ I ~F ~California`Street v'd , . Mixed Use Projects approved to be built in Surrounding Cities ■ Alhambra r J ~ ~ 1¢ ca Z 1 4 C C I+[ 1 fd 10 VYII! ~'.~,E[IR~ f{ M L Jemple City °I}U f AIM" _ ■=Stan Gabriel ~L J App I } , 6_ 1 Arcadia!-~-=~:-^~+,, ~ •1 Monrovia + ' t.•..._-~~ - I` t ~ 1 - 1,,rGolorado Commons a w.r ~ q LIS 'O •DpU;~.~l AU~.~D~ O' O.~~ U D O r Possible 'Mixed ~-D.istri`cts: - 71 iI l;tc A ~ Corridors (Y T4N ( I~m~~e VmVO•ed Gewnl VOn ROW1 . e e \ I .Possible..`' _ gMixed Use, ~ UIS trIGtS : ~ t 1 ~ i1 0/1 1 v m o~ o o Rs%~F"F. AD •o ~o•I/y~~,~~ O• o•~, loo I k- i Key Mixed Use Issues Facing Rosemead • Open Space/Recreation Public Art/Public Spaces Linkages`' J I; l L ■ !Design/Architecture ! v ■r i Guidelines F,~ 'Planning .0nding 7 c' JLsi'~D r>