CDC - Item 4A - Steet Tree InventoryE M F S O q a _ /NCORPORATED j9Z9 • ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECT DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 2006 SUBJECT: STREET TREE INVENTORY SUMMARY A GIS-based street tree inventory is proposed to be developed that will provide a complete inventory of all street trees within the City, including a determination of the specie, size, condition and location. This will provide the basis for developing future street tree planting programs and provide a record of maintenance, and to provide accurate records for defense of claims. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Community Development Commission approve the proposal from Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. and direct staff to begin implementing the project. ANALYSIS The purpose of the street tree inventory is to identify and analyze the City's existing street trees, which will be used for the development of future street tree planting and maintenance programs,. The inventory will be GIS-based, with the trees located utilizing a GIPS device. Information collected by Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. will include the tree specie, height, condition, and parkway type. Trees will have a unique ID number and will also be able to be identified by address. Great Scott proposes to perform the inventory for $4.50 per tree. The total cost is not expected to exceed $50,000. FINANCIAL REVIEW Adequate funds have been budgeted for FY 06-07 utilizing Community Development Commission funds. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Ken Rukavina, P.E. City Engineer Attachment A: Proposal from ,G~reatt Scott Tree Service, Inc. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: l%M41 - NOV-21-2006 10:26 r - . a r City of Rosemead Attn: Michael Burbank Parks & Recreation Dept. 8838 F. Valley Boulevard P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 GREAT SCOTT TREE SERVICE • November 21, 2006 RE: City of Rosemead GPS Inventory Proposal Mr. Burbank, 714 826 1753 P.02i02 • state cmtmmav, lsrn.r ISSRA3I /.U [bnl(rAArborinlWGO.'Xlf We at Great Scott Tree Service Inc. want to extend our gratitude for the opportunity to submit a proposal for the City of Rosemead's Street Tree Inventory. Our firm has managed multiple Municipal Street Tree Inventory's and we are confident we can perform to the requirements set forth in your bid specifications. Our data collection is incomplete compliance with the standards the City of Rosemead is seeking. Below is an overview of the collection standards, and I have also attached a list of the standard fields we collect. GPS Inventory • Complete visual survey of each tree using the Standard Street Tree Inventory outline. • Provide sub-meter accuracy positions of the trees by using GPS device. • Price: $4.50' per tree surveyed. *if any extra fields are desired they can be added to the inventory at a price of $0.25 per additional field. Software Features • GIS integrated database with atrial photo/CAD layers for viewing. • Database is located on the web using client login- • Final shape file will be compatible with Arcview"' GIS, or in-house software. • Complete work history report for each site collected. • Querying and Pricing functionality. **The City will be responsible for purchasing this software. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at 714-826-1750. Sincerely, Griffiths 10761 Court Street • Stanton, California 90680.714/826-17.50 • FAX 714/826-1753 www.gstsinc.com TOTAL P.02 NOV-21-2006 09:46 9D GREAT SCOTT TREE SERVICE • • 714 626 17bS P. 04/04 Stage Cmvranorr UMIC M3 Br im CertifiedA,bm."#wC-0401 Standard Street Tree Inventory Data Dictionary MEN affMOV On Street Street that the mailing address is on. _ On Address Actual mailing address. f Fictitious "X" indicates the On Address is a fictitious address. the actual mailing address will be collected in "Side Address" attribute Side Side of the house that the trees are sitting 2n. _ Site _ Site number. Restarts at 1 on every address and increase with the flowing address when there is more than 1 tree on that address.-,_.._-_ Side Address mailin address when the tree(s) are sitting on the side of the house. Side Street Street name that the mailing address is on. _ Species Including Common Name and Botanical Name. DBH Close.messurin of the trees DBH in inches. Height Approximate Height of the trees In 5-foot increments. Condition Routine Diseased/Declining Poor) Structured HardSC2pe Damaged Overhead S acin Stump Removal _ Volunteer Removal Parkway Type Parkway Monolethic Curb and Gutter Tree Well Center Median Park Other _ _ Parkwa Size Planting size in foot Sidewalk Yes/No. Indicates "Yes" when the sidewalk is lifted 3/4 of an inch or more vertically. Utility - Yes/No. Indicates "Yes" when there are high power lines above the trees. Date The date the data was collected. Tree Id Unique ID number for each tree collected. Notes 10761 Court Street • Stanton, California 90680 • 141826-1750 • FAX 7141826-1753 www.gstsine.com TOTAL P.04 • • • • 7rbe'n Lawrence R. Moss and Associates, Inc. Agreement Date: November 17, 2006 This Agreement is made between: Lawrence R. Moss and Associates, Inc. A.S.L.A. 3458 Ocean View Boulevard Glendale, California 91208 . (818) 248-5200 telephone .(818) 248-6574 fax and the Client: Mr. Andrew C. Lazzaretto, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569-2101 telephone (626) 307-9218 fax aazzaretto@cityofrosemead.ore email for the following services: for the following project: Phase One: Rosemead Street Tree Inventory Phase Two: Rosemead Residential and Commercial Street Tree Master Plan Rosemead Street Tree Program Rosemead, California Dear Mr. Lazzaretto: After our meeting with Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, and Mike Burbank, Director of Parks and Recreation, we look forward to participating in the City of Rosemead's Street Tree Program.. This project will be divided into two separate phases. Phase One will involve taking the city's first inventory of its current street trees and tree wells. This information will be fully digitized to interface with the city's current GIS program. Phase Two will provide the city with a Street Tree Master Plan for the city's residential and commercial districts. This plan will serve as a guide for the city in future development and improvement projects. The plan will also enhance the aesthetics of the city's streetscapes, support the city's overall character, and provide environmental benefits. RosemeadGIS2.doc 0 Our scope of work is provided in further detail below: Phase One: Rosemead Street Tree Inventory fLawieftce R. OSS Associates 1. All applicable streets in the City of Rosemead will be canvassed. A. Current regulations require that sidewalks have a 6' minimum width for a street tree placement. As a result, only streets that meet this sidewalk width will be surveyed. B. Street trees may also be placed on 8' parkways that include 4' of grass. These parkways will also be included in the study area. 2. Streets / tree wells without existing trees will be recorded. A. Streets that meet the minimum width requirements but do not have tree wells will be recorded. B. Empty tree wells will be located by GPS coordinates (and potentially street addresses). 3. Street trees will be inventoried. A. Location by GPS coordinates • B. Location by street address C. Tree species D. Trunk diameter E. Tree condition 4. Collected data will be integrated with the city's current GIs database. A. LRM will coordinate with Digital Map Products B. Data will be turned into a shape file/ tree inventory layer C. Digital Map Products will enable query and modification capabilities through GIs for the tree inventory. 5. Three reviews with staff will occur at the critical points of 30%, 60%, and 90% completion. • ROsemeadGIS2.dOc C Phase Two: Rosemead Residential and Commercial Street Tree Master Plan Residential and commercial districts will be subdivided into zones for implementation of the plan. The three zones are: A. Neighborhoods B. Corridors to connect to existing open spaces and green areas. C. Portals that serve as visual entrances into the city and main commercial districts. 2. Zone conditions will be evaluated based on several factors. A. Neighborhood / community character B. Existing tree canopy C. Visual screening D. Visual consistency E. Condition of current trees F. Traffic and utility constraints . 3. Tree palettes will be recommended for each zone based on the above factors. 4. Alternative tree species will be suggested to replace current problem tree species. 5. Zones will be prioritized to help organize and maximize city improvement efforts. 6. Maintenance recommendations will be developed to help ensure the health and visual , • quality of the Street Tree Master Plan. 7. Three reviews with staff will occur at the critical points, of 30%, 60%, and 90% completion. 8. The Street Tree Master Plan will be compiled into a color booklet presented to the city in digital form and in one finished printed copy. The booklet will include: A. Maps of the city's neighborhoods, corridors, and portals B. Summary of current conditions C. Analysis of needs D. Tree Palettes based on zones E. Maintenance and replacement strategies F. Implementation plan G. Planting details . H. Trees Species information I. Botanical and Common name it. Tree type Ili. Mature height and width measurements iv. Growth rate of trees v. Color photograph vi. Description of visual characteristics vii. Cultural requirements including sun, water, and soil conditions viii. Maintenance requirements • RosemeadGlS2.doc • • • Fees: Phase One: Flat rate includes software applications, technological supplies including GPS-enabled PDAs, visits to the site, and data administration. Flat rate: $9,000 Additional rates will be tied to the actual number of street trees and empty tree wells that are inventoried. Per tree: $8.33 Per empty tree well: $4.15 The following figures are provided to aid the City in estimating the costs of tree and empty tree well inventory: Rate for trees: Rate for empty tree wells: 2,000 trees: $16,660 2,000 empty tree wells: $8,300 5,000 trees: $41,650 5,000 empty tree wells: $16,600 10,000 trees: $83,300 10,000 empty tree wells: $32,000 Phase Two: . Flat rate of $50,000 Payment will be made monthly based on work completed and invoiced within that period. The following shall not be considered part of the above fee and will be charged for as noted: Revisions(s) to any previously approved drawings shall be charged for at the rate of $100.00 per hour. F- I L 2. Expenses including, but not limited to, printing, plotting, deliveries, etc. shall be charged for at our cost. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party, upon written notice, should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its terms. In the event of termination, Lawrence R. Moss and Associates shall be paid for services provided to the date of termination. ROsemeadGIS2.dOc 0 • APPROVED AND ACCEPTED in accordance with the General Terms of Agreement for Consulting Services: Lawrence R. Moss, President Andrew C. Lazzaretto, City Manager LAWRENCE R. MOSS AND ASSOC., CITY OF ROSEMEAD INC. A.S.L:A. Date: /110 ✓ Date: • RosemeadGIS2.doc