CDC - Item 2 - Affordable Housing ConferenceE M P • S O 40hf.~,. ~ S O a. NCORPORATED 'Q5 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONE S FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECT DATE: SEPTEMBER 26.2006 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONFERENCE SUMMARY Attached for your review is information regarding the CRA Affordable Housing Conference, set to take place October 25-26, 2006, in San Jose. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize any Council Member, the City Manager and staff designee to attend the CRA Affordable Housing Conference at City Expense. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include Inclusionary Housing, State Housing Programs, Propositions 1C and 90, Managing for the Long Term, Affordable Housing, New Development in Property Taxes, and Community Land Trusts. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funds for attending this conference are included in the 2006-07 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Name: Jan Saavedra b Title: Executive Ass taut Attachment A: Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: D U,A 7. t A CALI. o Cho c 0 00• `f~~`~o 10~ Do o ••~ro~' ~ o~' s Workshop, Wednesday, October 25 -moOKE 1 8:00 a.m. Conference Registration Opens 8:30 -11:30 a.m. Pre-Conference Workshop q .r?141'i Inclusionary Housing-Understanding How It Works and Doesn't Work y, 4 Inclusionary Housing is a complicated and often controversial method of developing affordable housing in local ' communities. 'his two-part workshop will define and describe inclusionary housing programs appropriate for many different types of communities, explore the economic models on which inclusionary programs are based, and explain how to get your local programs approved and implemented. 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Inclusionary Housing - Part I t Creating Affordability or Killing the Golden Goose? Designing a Program that Works and r Getting It Approved by Council c Y `E` ~fT Ibis session will detail the program elements of an inclusionary housing ordinance, delineating options for jurisdictions with different types of housing market, redevelopment production requirements, and housing element fair share requirements. Panelists will present a tested economic methodology to quantify the effect of alternative - inclusionary requirements and approaches to establishing in-lieu fee levels. Attendees will learn the key elements of a public review and stakeholder consultation process required to best assure adoption of your program. a "T 3a* r• fib.. Moderator: } David Rosen, PhD., Principal, David Rosen & Associates y t.• Panelists: . 2 r" Frank Benest, EdD., City Manager, City of Palo Alto - Nora Lake Brown, Principal, David Rosen &Associates , aN YrY ALL, d" Greg Chin, Senior Economist, David Rosen &Associates y 10:00 -10:15 a.m. Break 10:15 -11:45. a.m. Inclusionary Housing - Part II 1.5 hours MCLE credit Ks = The Devil is in the Details: Practical, Tested Elements of Programs that Work and How to Avoid What Doesn't 'This session will discuss how local communities can effectively use and implement an Inclusionary Housing program to meet their redevelopment obligations and housing needs. Panelists will describe how to avoid costly, ineffective and s.+,~,,.,3. ' Z• unpopular program components, highlighting what has worked and not worked in other communities. Attendees will learn successful techniques for calculating affordable home price levels, establishing and,monitoring resale restrictions, -administering down-payment assistance programs, and crafting effective legal documents. Moderator: Libby Seifel, President, Seifel Consulting Inc. Panelists: fyE~ I" Polly Marshall, Partner, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Margalit It, Account Executive, Bank of America 11:45 a.m. -12:45 p.m. Lunch for Workshop Attendees ; . 5 q b ,d I~ r L 5 4 ~ ' Conference, Wednesday, October 25 `.I d":r:,• 1:00 - 1:15 p.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks _ John Shirey, Executive Director, CRA Marcia Rosen, CRA President Elect, Executive Director, San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Mary Ellen Shay, Executive Director, CAL-ALHFA Tim O'Connell, CAL-ALI-IFA President, and Director, Legislation and Policy, Century Housing Corporation 1:15 - 2:00 p.m. General Session-Keynote Speaker Lynn Jacobs, Director, California Housing and Community Development s' The Economic Benefits of Housing- Why We Can't Afford Not to Build Affordable Housing Ms. Jacobs will discuss conclusions of a recent report by the Sacramento Regional Research Institute demonstrating that housing production is essential for continued economic growth of California's communities. As a former affordable housing developer and Ventura planning commissioner, she is the first HCD director with a local government background. Ms. Jacobs will share her experiences and her ideas for how to focus policy attention and incentives on actual production of housing, not just on planning. ;ZQ" 2:00 - 2:15 p.m. Break C$' h •r~I 2:15 - 3:45 p.m. General Session Foundation for Building Better Communities: State Housing Programs - Current and Future Financing P*,r` 5? Since its passage in 2002, Proposition 46 has provided financing for numerous affordable housing programs around the slate. With its last finding cycle imminent, Prop 46 supporters are pushing hard for the passage of Prop IC, '•a mil'. ~:1 the 2006 housing bond that will provide additional housing resources if approved. This panel will explore the ways that Prop 46 funds have been used with other housing resources and programs, and will describe expectations for affordable housing development in 2007 and beyond. Moderator: Mary Ellen Shay, Executive Director, CAL-ALHFA Panelists: Anita Adams, Vice President, Community Investment Department, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Rich Friedman, Deputy Director, California Department of Housing and Community Development r e wul~^xm;Joanie Jones Kelly, Executive Director, California Debt Limit Advisory Committee Theresa Parker, Executive Director, California Housing Finance Agency Bill Pavao, Executive Director, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. Break 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. General Session Propositions 1C and 90 and Iheir Impact on Redevelopment Agencie s and Affordable Housing Activities Two crucial measures affecting affordable housing development in California are on the November ballot. Hear the latest information on Propositions 1C - the Housing Infrastructure Bond, and Proposition 90 - the eminent domain and regulatory takings measure. Experts on these two measures John Shirey, CRA Executive Director, and Jeffrey Loustau, California Housing Consortium Executive Director-will discuss the impact these propositions could have . on redevelopment agencies and affordable housing activities in California. Speakers: John Shirey, Executive Director, CPA ' Jeffrey Loustau, Executive Director, California Housing Consortium 530 - 7:00 p.m. Reception-Housing Idea Exchange DMOMP-1hursday, October 26 a Concurrent Sessions 8:30 - 9:40 a.m. Session A-Managing for the LongTerm Affordable rental housing must be rent restricted for 55 years and ownership housing must he resale restricted for 45 years. How do we manage for the long term? What are the asset management challenges and problems that you will encounter. How do you avoid them, and how do you solve them when they occur? A panel of experts will answer these questions as well as other questions related to long-term management of affordable housing. Moderator: - Greg Chin, Senior Economist, David Paul Rosen &Associates Panelists: Bill Pavao, Executive Director, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Jack Gardner, President and CEO, John Stewart Company Nora Lake Brown, Principal, David Paul Rosen & Associates Session B - Preserving and Providing for Affordable Housing - Condominium Conversions 1 hour MCLE credit and Expiring Affordable Uses Are you aware of the laws relating to the regulation of condominium conversions? How about the laws relating to affordable housing conversion to market rate housing because their existing use restrictions are expiring? "Ibis panel will address these two topics, and discuss other state legislation which is designed to promote the development of affordable housing. The panel will review new laws affecting condominium conversions, and will explore legal and financing methods to preserve, rehabilitate and extend the affordability of existing projects. Moderator: Steve Mattas, Esq., Shareholder, Meyers Nave Riback Silver & -Wilson Panelists: Sara Pasquinelli, Attorney at Law, Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson William Pickel, Director of Housing and Development, Christian Church Homes - Lynn Hutchins, Partner, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Session C-What Happened to my PropertyTaxes? New Developments in PropertyTax Exemptions for Affordable Housing 1 hour MCLE credit The California Board of Equalization has implemented new rules regarding property tax exemptions for affordable housing that strengthen the roles of nonprofits in operating exempt affordable housing complexes. How the property tax exemption is to be used to benefit tenants could affect repayments to redevelopment agencies and the ability to leverage low-income housing tax credit funds. this panel will discuss these new rules and explore the issues related to long-term benefits of the tax exemption and its effect on redevelopment agencies. Moderator: - M David Kroot, Partner, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Panelists: Amy DeVaudreud, Attorney at Law, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP James Buckley, Executive Director, Citizens Housing Corporation Kara Douglas, Affordable Housing Program Manager, Contra Costa County 9:40 - 9:50 a.m. Break Thursday, October 26, Continued 11 Affordable Housing Bus Tour 9:50 a.m. -12:20 p.m. Affordable Housing at its Best: Take a Tour of San Jose's Award Winning Developments -'Ihe San Jose . Redevelopment Agency and Housing Department are providing a bus tour of San Jose's award-winning affordable housing projects. Visit successful developments serving seniors, families, special needs residents and SROs.(single- room occupancy). You'll have the opportunity to visit a revitalized neighborhood where the City, property owners, and tenants partnered to create unique solutions to long-standing community challenges. Learn how you can apply simple tools to develop, rehabilitate, and preserve valuable housing stock. Bus seating is limited. 'Ihose interested in going on the bus tour must check the "San Jose Bus Tour"box on the registration form. Moderator-Tour Guide: Norberto Duenas, Deputy Executive Director, San Jose Redevelopment Agency Concurrent Sessions 9:50 -11:00 a.m. Session A-Community Land Trusts: Creating Permanently Affordable Housing As the.subsidy needed to create new affordable units has risen, maintaining long-term affordability has become increasingly important and more agencies have turned.to land trusts to help with this task. A land trust retains the . ownership of the land and the right to repurchase the housing units at an affordable price. Learn first-hand why the City of Irvine chose to establish a land trust and some of the lessons learned in the process. Moderator: Adam Eliason, Principal, CivicStone, Inc. Panelists: Mark Asturias, Housing Manager, City of Irvine John Trauth, Principal, CivicStone, Inc. Rick Jacobus, Partner, Burlington &Associates Session B-Carrot and Stick: Can Redevelopment Agencies and Housing Finance Agencies Stimulate More Affordable Housing by Working Together? Are affordable housing incentives and requirements more effective when redevelopment and housing authorities work together? Can agencies better meet the affordable housing needs in their communities by working independently? Representatives from redevelopment and housing finance agencies in both northern and southern California will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of seeking common ground with regard to the types of incentives offered, the enforcement mechanisms used to ensure affordable housing development, and resolving conflicting policy goals and regulatory standards. Moderator: Paul C. Marra, Principal, Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Panelists: Jim Cook, Housing and Redevelopment Director, County of Monterey Cissy Fisher, Housing and Development Finance Director, San Diego Housing Commission Dale Royal, Senior Project Manager, Centre City Development Corporation 11:00 -11:10 a.m. Break Thursday, October 26, Continued ' Concurrent Sessions 11:10 a.m. -12:20 p.m. Session A-Challenges in Building For-Sale Workforce Housing The session will discuss the challenges for creating affordable for-sale housing sponsored by redevelopment agencies. Topics to be discussed include what [Hakes for a good agency partner from the developer's perspective (other than more subsidy and fewer restrictions); affordability restrictions vs. project feasibility - how to walk the line and keep your investors interested; the role of "soft seconds" in increasing project feasibility and affordability; and Disposition and Development Agreements - deal terms that comfort (and scare) financing sources. Moderator: Mary Kaiser, President, California Community Reinvestment Corporation Panelists: Percival Vaz, President and CEO, AMCAL Housing Joe Seager, Managing Partner, Community Builders Group David Neale, Principal, The Core Companies Session B-CEQA and Affordable Housing Projects: Avoiding the Full Monty i hour MCLE credit Complying with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) can add many months to the approval of affordable housing projects. This session will identify techniques that do not require the preparation of negative declarations or environmental impact reports; show how to draft land disposition agreements so that they are exempt from CEQA; and discuss the statutory exemptions for affordable housing. The session will present case studies of these models, and will discuss how local public agency staff can help in these efforts. Moderator: Barbara Kautz, Attorney at Law, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Panelist: Claudia Cappio, Development Director, City of Oakland Community and Economic Development Department 12:20 a.m. =12:30 p.m. Break 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Luncheon Luncheon Speaker: Gary Collord, Planner, California Energy Commission New Solar Homes Partnership: Opportunities for Going Green in Affordable Housing The California Energy Commission and the Public Utilities Commission are developing new solar programs for housing in California. At least 10% of that housing must be affordable. Gary Collord will describe the New Solar Homes Partnership and the implementation plans that are being developed to make the program available to affordable housing developers and residents. 2:00 - 2:10 p.m. Break Y -t V x~ ¢ . -c w ~Doubletree Hotel San Jose x- San`Jose,CA 95110 tTel (408) 453-'400W`.-` FO::(408) 437 2898 w F r f apt v~ 4 Rt e 5 Ifa. `,'6b ki Supe for K ng N/S?rates from X129:00/night' a` ' , } ` r s r w Superioi Double Queeri N/S. rates from, 5129.00/night 4 Book b October 3rd to reserve our room ) N t u~ Fi; "'~isltwww calredeyeloporg for,complete hotel' lnformatlori a,~ il sf..a~.~.-,c... u xr. , ti. .l. .0.s wce5s-n I KANOPP-1hursday, October 26, Continued Concurrent Sessions 2:10 - 3:20 p.m. Session A-Affordable Homeownership Programs: Solving the Puzzle A panel of leading practitioners will guide you through the key challenges of affordable homebuyer programs. Panelists will present how agencies, lenders and developers cultivate, screen, pre-qualify and educate homebuyers. Topics to be discussed include: outreach to first time homebuyers; pre-qualification screening procedures; underwriting guidelines for different mortgage products; equity sharing techniques; compliance with resale restrictions and occupancy requirements; covenants against illegal third mortgages; and other issues related to regulatory compliance and asset management. Moderator: Libby Seifel, President, Seifel Consulting Inc. Panelists: Tom Casey, Director, Homebricks Kwame Reed, Senior Housing Analyst, City of Brentwood Greg Chin, Senior Economist, David Rosen &--Associates Session B-California's Housing Affordability Crisis - Creative Financing Solutions Related to Urban In-fill Redevelopment Today, many redevelopment agencies are pursuing in-fill redevelopment as a viable alternative to increase the supply of quality affordable housing. Learn from a panel of experts on how to finance affordable housing in today's "in-fill" marketplace. The panel will present a case study on how it was financed and discuss other creative ways to finance affordable housing in an urban in-fill redevelopment project area. The panel will also discuss both the pitfalls and opportunities in designing a successful financial package for redevelopment in-fill projects. Moderator: Hank Cunningham, Vice President, Community Development Banking, Bank of America Panelists: , Jennifer Gaudin, Vice President, CIM Group, Inc. Frangel Cannizzaro, Vice President, Community Development Banking, Bank of America Session C-the HCD Report: Instructions for Completing the HCD Housing Activities Report for Redevelopment Agencies Agencies are required each year to report to the California Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD) information on housing units assisted with expenditures from the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. This session will provide instruction from HCD staff on how to complete the forms. The session will examine correct accounting for housing units, required information to complete forms, and review the on-line filing option for submittal of the HCD forms. This session will also identify common mistakes in completing the HCD forms and how to avoid them. Moderator: Glen Campora, Housing Policy Manager, California Department of Housing and Community Development Panelist: Rita Levy, Housing Analyst, California Department of Housing and Community Development 3:20 p.m. Adjournment