CDC - Item 2 - Refinancing Of Certain Debt-Redevelopment Project• • TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BILL CR'OWE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OCTOBER 18, 2005 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-18: A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE REFINANCING OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING DEBT ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Staff is recommending the refunding of a portion of the Community Development Commission's (formerly the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency) Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1993A. Long-term interest rates have declined since the issuance of the 1993 Bonds. Staff has discussed the feasibility of refunding the outstanding bonds with a variety of potential underwriters and with Commission bond counsel Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. After consultation with our bond counsel and Public Financial Management, Inc., an independent financial advisor, staff believes that we can take advantage of the decline in rates to refund a portion of the 1993 Bonds and obtain savings which ~qual or exceed the industry-standard 3% net present value savings threshold. Staff is recommending Public Financial Management, Inc. (PFM) to serve as financial advisor. PFM is one of the nation's leading providers of independent financial and investment advisory services. Public Financial Management has a solid reputation in the municipal bond marketplace, assisting in financing programs totaling in excess of $290 billion. Last year, PFM advised on 793 bond transactions with a total volume of over $33 billion. Compensation, in an amount not-to-exceed $47,500 is contingent upon the bond sale. Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, represented by William Bothwell, will serve as Bond and Disclosure Counsel. Mr. Bothwell was Bond Counsel on the 1993 Bonds. To round out the investment team, staff proposes that an RFP for investment banking services be issued to bond underwriting firms. Both the Bond Counsel and financial advisor believe a negotiated sale is the most efficient means for going to market. We have already received interest from five underwriting firms. With the assistance of our financial advisor and bond counsel, staff will interview underwriters making proposals and make a selection based on the best overall proposal taking into COMMISSION AGENDA OCT 25 2n05 ITEM No. a REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 1 • P j account financing concepts, price, experience with redevelopment agency financings and marketing capabilities. fie 2005 Bond proceeds will be used to fund a refunding escrow and to pay transaction costs. We will also be exploring with the underwriters the opportunity to generate additional proceeds through the issuance of new debt. Staff believes the proposed refinancing is a prudent strategy to generate savings to the Commission by refunding higher interest cost debt. All issuance costs will be paid from bond proceeds. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-18. • • RESOLUTION NO. 2005-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE REFINANCING OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING DEBT ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. I WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission (the "Agency") is a redevelopment agency, duly created, established and authorized to transact business and exercise its powers, all under and pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Part 1 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California and referred to herein as the "Law") and the powers of such Agency include the power to issue bonds for any of its corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, a redevelopment plan, known as the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (the "Plan") has been adopted and approved in accordance with the Law; and WHEREAS, the Plan contemplates that the Agency will issue its bonds to finance and refinance a portion of the cost of such redevelopment; and - WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore issued its Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1993A (the "Series 1993 Bonds"), the proceeds of which were used by the Agency to finance or refinance redevelopment activity in Redevelopment Project Area No. 1; and WHEREAS, the Agency in now considering the issuance of Redevelopment Project Tax No. I Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2005A (the "Series 2005 Refunding Bonds") for the purpose of refinancing portions of the redevelopment project through the prepayment of a portion of the Series 1993 Bonds; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Approval of Financing. The Agency hereby approves the refinancing of a portion of the Series 1993 Bonds through the issuance of Series 2005 Refunding Bonds; provided that the savings which occur as a result of such refunding are at least equal to 3%, on a net present value basis, of the Series 1993 Bonds being refunded. The City Manager, the Assistant City Manager and the City Attorney, on behalf of the Agency, and Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, as the Agency's Bond Counsel and Public Financial Management, Inc., as the Agency's Financial Advisor, are authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to accomplish such refinancing on such terms, including the drafting of documents. The City Manager is authorized to engage a fiscal consultant to prepare a report on the tax increment revenues generated in Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. DOCSLA1504719.1 1415040 WWB • • SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Resolution immediately upon adoption. APPROVED and ADOPTED this October 2005. shall take effect CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SECRETARY DOCSLA1:504719.1 1-415040 WWB 0 PI The PFM Group Public Financial Manaaament, Inc PFM Assaf Management LLC PRA Advisors Memorandum To: Rosemead Redevelopment Working Group From: Keith D. Curry Re:-. Schedule 0Suile 750 949721-9422 660 Newport Center Drive 949 721-9437 fax Newport Beach, CA www.pfm.com 92660-6408 October 19, 2005 October 25 City Council authorizes transaction October 26 Release RFP for Investment Bankers November 4 Investment banking proposals due November 4 First draft of legal documents/POS November 7 Select bankers November 8 City Council approves bankers (if necessary) November 11 Second draft of documents/POS November 15 Docket council transmit documents to S & P and insurers November 22 City council adopts bond documents November 28 Receive S & P rating November 29 Receive insurance commitments November 30 Print and mail Official Statement 7 Pre-price bonds 8 Price bonds 16 Pre-close ovember 17 Close transaction