Rehab Appeals Board - Item III.A,B,C - Status ReportsADDRESS 3223 Alanreed 3232 Alanreed 3233 Alanreed 3245 Alanreed 4732 Bartlett 8127 Baruch 9057 Bentel 3017 Brighton 3040 Brighton 2219 Charlotte 0 E CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES STATUSREPORT November 15, 2005 DATE OF LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 08/31/05 Unsightly, multi -unit Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. 10/04/05 Unsightly, 2 units Mailed "Please" letter. 10/04/05 Unsightly, 3 units Mailed "Please" letter. 05/25/04 SFD w /conversion Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. 05/23/05 SFD w /conversion Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. $15,000 on deposit with City to lift Declaration of Substandard for refinance. 09/07/05 SFD w /conversion Mailed "Please" letter. See City Attorney Update $15,000 on deposit with City to lift Declaration of Substandard for refinance. 01/24/05 See City Attorney Update 08/02/05 Vacant SFD 02/01/05 Unsightly SFD 2222 Charlotte 02/02/05 Unsightly SFD TOTAL NUMBER OF ACTIVE CASES: 55 Mailed "Please" letter & Notice to Barricade. Property is secure and demolition is scheduled. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permit issued. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified REFIAB AC-EW®A NOV 2 2 2005 ITEP,,2 ego. A10 0 COMMENTS To Hearing 11/22/05. Mailed "Please" letter. Plans submitted for plan check. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified Mailed and posted 30 -day certified Case has been to Hearing and was to be scheduled for conference. However, plans are approved for 2 new homes at this location. Will hold further action provided permits are issued by end of the month. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailedandposted15- day certified. Permits obtained. Good progress. Permits obtained. Meeting with property owner and interpreter to be scheduled. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Case closed 1111105. DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER STATUS 2745 Charlotte 07/13/05 Unsightly SFD 3 1 1 1 Charlotte 06/06/05 Unsightly multi -unit 3345 Del Mar 08/26/03 See City Attorney Update 3347 Del Mar 08/17/05 Multi -unit w /conversions 3220 Delta 08/16/05 Unsightly, multi -unit 2426 Denton 2461 Earle 06/08/05 Unsightly SFD 2550 Earle 08/19/04 See City Attorney Update 3924 Earle See Appeals Board Report 7620 Emerson PI 10/12/05 2 units 3301 Evelyn See City Attorney Update 3313 Evelyn 10/04/05 SFD w /conversion 7717 Fem 08/16/05 SFD w /conversion 7521 Graves 05/09/02 Unsightly, 2 units 8908 Guess 04/07/05 Unsightly SFD 7807 Hellman 11 /02/05 Unsightly multi -unit 8125 Hellman 07/14/05 SFD w /conversion 7959 Hershey 0 COMMENTS To Hearing 11/22/05. Mailed "Please" letter. Plans submitted for plan check. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified Mailed and posted 30 -day certified Case has been to Hearing and was to be scheduled for conference. However, plans are approved for 2 new homes at this location. Will hold further action provided permits are issued by end of the month. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailedandposted15- day certified. Permits obtained. Good progress. Permits obtained. Meeting with property owner and interpreter to be scheduled. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Case closed 1111105. 0 9039 DATE OF 08/17/05 ADDRESS LETTER STATUS 3039 Isabel Unsightly SFD See City Attorney Update 3802 Ivar 11/08/05 See City Attorney Update 3811 Ivar 07/25/05 Unsightly SFD 2428 Kelbum 9520 See Appeals Board Report 2439 Kelburn SFD w /conversion 3853 2446 Kelbum 07/13/05 Unsightly multi -unit 2547 Kelbum Strathmore 09/29/04 3429 Lafayette 07/12/05 Unsightly, multi -unit 8655 Mission See City Attorney Update 2707 Muscatel 08/10/05 Unsightly, multi - family 2729 % Muscatel 02/12/03 Unsightly SFD 9039 Newby 08/17/05 SFD w /conversion 8412 Norwood 06/20/05 Unsightly SFD 2514 Paljay 11/08/05 SFD w /conversion 9434 Ralph 03/16/05 SFD w /conversion 9520 Steer 11 /08/05 SFD w /conversion 3853 Strang 11/08/05 SFD w /conversion 2423 Strathmore 09/29/04 Unsightly multi -unit 3919 Temple City COMMENTS Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Case closed 11/9/05. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Case closed 10/31/05. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Permits issued. Property sold. 30 -day certified to new owner. Plans for 2 new homes in plan check. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Case closed 11/7/05. 0 4912 Walnut Grove 10/04/04 STATUS 2 units w /conversion See City Attorney Update Unsightly, 2 units See Appeals Board Report Unsightly SFD Unsightly SFD COMMENTS Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permit issued. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permit issued. 8006 Whitmore 10/12/05 2 units w /conversion Mailed "Please" letter DATE OF ADDRESS LETTER 9432 Valley 10/04/05 2718 Walnut Grove 3152 Walnut Grove 07/13/05 3360 Walnut Grove 4908 Walnut Grove 03/15/05 4912 Walnut Grove 10/04/04 STATUS 2 units w /conversion See City Attorney Update Unsightly, 2 units See Appeals Board Report Unsightly SFD Unsightly SFD COMMENTS Mailed "Please" letter. Mailed and posted 30 -day certified. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permit issued. Mailed and posted 15 -day certified. Permit issued. 8006 Whitmore 10/12/05 2 units w /conversion Mailed "Please" letter 0 0 ADDRESS 3924 Earle 2428 Kelbum Cl CITY OF ROSEMEAD REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD STATUS REPORT November 15, 2005 BOARD DATE OF ORDER HEARING DEADLINE STATUS 11/23/04 01/03/05 06/28/05 08/01/05 Permit issued. Tenant eviction in progress. Extension granted. Defects have been abated, however inspector will continue to monitor condition of the property until the end of the year. 3360 WalnutGrove 10/25/05 12/01/05 Maybe extended to 1/3/05 if sufficient progress is achieved. CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE STATUS REPORT November 15, 2005 BOARD ORDER ABATEMENT CONFERENCE ADDRESS DATE DATE STATUS 9057 Bentel 01/03/05 04/19/05 $15,000 on deposit with City to lift Declaration of Substandard for refinance. 3017 Brighton N/A CPA conference to be scheduled. 3345 Del Mar N/A '02/04/04 Arraignment to be scheduled. 2550 Earle 04/01/05 04/19/05 Extension granted. Plans in plan check. 3301 Evelyn 09/01/05 CPA conference to be scheduled. 3039 Isabel 03/03/03 06/25/03 At Court 1/11105. Property owner plead "No Contest' and received 18 months probation. Restitution of $1,002.35 paid on 6/28/05. Back to Court 11/10/05. 12/13/05 deadline to complete all. 3802 Ivar 04/19/05 Arraignment to be scheduled. 8655 Mission 07/01/04 09/01/04 No -show at Court 11/10/05. Bench warrant issued. Continued to 12/13/05. Vehicles to be towed by City contract 11/28/05. 2718 Walnut Grove N/A CPA conference to be scheduled.