CDC - Item 2 - Installation Of Play Equipment at Garvey Park'.Y rr' NI ni TO: FROM: Rosemead Community oemopment Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 BILL CROWE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATIO r� Ile DATE: APRIL 28, 2005 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PLAY EQUIPMENT AND RUBBER SAFETY MATERIAL AT GARVEY PARK AND PLAY EQUIPMENT AT SALLY TANNER PARK As part of this year's Commission Budget, Sixty -Eight Thousand Dollars ($ 68,000.00) was appropriated to replace the play equipment at Garvey Park ($ 42,000.00) and Sally Tanner Park ($ 26,000.00). In addition, the Commission approved the installation of Rubber Safety Material for the play equipment at Garvey Park ($ 5,000.00). The total project's cost is Seventy -Three Thousand Dollars ($ 73,000.00). Attached are the appropriate plans and specifications for each facility. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission approve the plans and specifications for installing new play equipment at Garvey and Sally Tanner Parks, the installation of Rubber Safety Material at Garvey Park and authorize staff to solicit bids. attachments /sb COMMISSION AGENDA NA AY 1 0 2005 ITEM No. 12 - 07- n- b9s /sb City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department NEW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION AT SALLY TANNERAND GARVEY PARKS May, 2005 PLAY EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - 2005 Index FA C. D. E. F. G. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITING BIDS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 Proposals 2.0 Opening Bids 3.0 Award and Rejection of Bids 4.0 Withdrawal of Bids 5.0 Assignment of Contract 6.0 Interpretation of Documents 7.0 Addendum or Bulletins 8.0 Bond and Liability Insurance 9.0 Liquidated Damages 10.0 Guarantee 11.0 Permits 12.0 Hold Harmless 13.0 Prevailing Wages 14.0 Trash Bins 15.0 Worker's Compensation 16.0 Unanticipated Sub- surface Conditions 17.0 Resolution of Construction Claims 18.0 Payroll Record Certification 19.0 Commencement and Completion of Work CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT SPECIFICATIONS Section I - General Section II - Garvey Park Equipment . Section III - Sally Tanner Park Equipment BID PROPOSAL FORM H. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, Los Angeles County, California, acting by and through its Authorized Representative, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive up to but not later than 10:00 a.m., on the 71 of Tune, 2005, sealed bids for the INSTALLATION OF NEW PLAY EQ UIPMENT AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: Garvey Park Sally Tanner Park 7933 Emerson Place -and- 8343 E. Mission Drive Rosemead, California 91770 Rosemead, California 91770 All bids shall be made on a form furnished by the Owner. Bids shall be received in the office of the City Clerk (Secretary, Rosemead Community Development Commission), 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead and shall be opened and publicly read aloud in the Council Chambers, above address, shortly thereafter. Each bid must conform and be responsive to all the pertinent Contract Documents, copies of which are now on file and open for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk at above address, specifications may be obtained for bidding at the office of the City Clerk, A Ten Percent (10 %) Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check shall accompany each bid. Pursuant to the California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Section 1770, 1773 and 1773.1, the Director of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purpose applicable to the work to be done. Said rate and scale are on file with the City Clerk, City of Rosemead, and copies will be made available to any interested party on request. The Contractor is hereby required to post a copy of the above mentioned prevailing wage rates at job site. Any classification shall comply with the prevailing wage rate in effect at the time of this Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids, All Contractors and Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions in Section 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7 of the California Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices. The Contractor and any Subcontractors under him shall comply with the requirements of said sections including applicable portions of all subsequent amendments in the employment of apprentices, however, the Contractor shall have full responsibility for compliance with said Labor Code sections, for all apprenticeable occupations, regardless of any other contractual or employment relationships alleged to exist. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon the Subcontractors under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates of the current minimum prevailing rate in the area where the work is performed, to all workers employed by them in the execution of the Contract. In accordance with provisions of Government Code Section 4590, substitution of eligible and equivalent securities for any monies withheld to ensure performance under this Contract will be permitted at the request of the Contractor and upon the approval of the City. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any irregularities to informalities in any bid. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 PROPOSALS 1.1 Bids shall be made upon the form provided and with all items filled out; numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures, the signature of all persons signing shall be in longhand. The completed form shall be without interlineations, alterations or erasures. Any irregularity may be cause for rejection of the bid. 1.2 Alternative proposals will not be considered unless called for. No oral, telegraphic, telephonic or facsimile proposals or modifications shall be considered. 1.3 Bids shall be accompanied with a certified or cashier's check, or a bidder's bond for an amount not less than ten percent (10 %) of the bid, made payable to the order of the Owner. If a bidder's bond accompanies the proposal, said bond shall be secured with a surety company satisfactory to the Agency, . guaranteeing that the Bidder will enter into a contract if awarded the work, and in the case of refusal or failure to enter into said contract, the check or bond, as the may be, shall be forfeited to the Owner. 1.4 Before submitting a bid, bidders shall carefully read the specifications and shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations and shall include in the bid a sum to cover the total cost of the work included in the drawings & contract. 2.0 OPENING OF BIDS 2.1 Bids will be opened as indicated in the invitation for Bids. 3.0 AWARD AND REJECTION OF BIDS 3.1 The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder complying with these instructions, provided his bid is reasonable in judgment of the Commission and it is to the interest of the Commission to accept it. The Commission however, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality to bids received. The competency and responsibility of Bidders and of their proposed subcontractors will be considered in making the awards. 4.0 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 4.1 Bids may be withdrawn by the Bidder prior to, but not after the time fixed for opening of bids. 5.0 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT 5.1 No assignment by the Contractor of any contract to be entered into hereunder or any part thereof, or if funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be recognized by the Commission, unless such assignment has had the approval in writing of the awarding authority. No assignment will receive the approval of the Commission unless the instrument of assignment contains a clause to the effect that it is agreed that the funds to be paid the assignee under the assignment are subject to a prior lien for services. rendered or materials supplied for the performance of the work called for in said contract in favor of all persons, firms, or corporations rendering such services or supplying such material. A merger, consolidation, bankruptcy, either voluntary or involuntary, or a sale of a controlling interest of the Contractor's business, shall be considered an assignment as that term is used herein. 6.0 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS 6.1 If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or other proposed contract documents, he may submit to the Commission a written request for an interpretation thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation of the proposed documents, which in the Commission's judgment is necessary, will be made only by Addendum duly issued, and a copy of such documents. The Commission will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents. 7.0 ADDENDUM OR BULLETINS 7.1 Any addendum or bulletins issued during the time of bidding or forming a part of the documents furnished to the Bidder, for the preparation of this bid, shall be covered in the bid, and shall be made a part of the Contract. The receipt of each Addendum shall be acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form as submitted by the Bidder. 8.0 BOND AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 8.1 The successful Bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Agreement shall be required to furnish labor and material bond and Faithful Performance Bonds in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100 %) of the Contract Price, said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Owner, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. . 8.2 The signatory agrees to provide the City with proof of coverage of the types and in the amounts specified in Exhibit "I" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and to name the City, the Rosemead Community Development Commision, its officers, employees and agents as additional insureds. 9.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES , 9.1 Work shall commence on or before the date stated in the Commission's notice to the Contractor to proceed and shall be completed by the Contractor in the time specified in Bid Proposal. If the work is not completed in accordance with the foregoing, it is understood that the Commission will suffer damage, it is agreed that the Contractor shall pay to the Commission as a fixed and liquidated damage, and not as a penalty, the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each calendar day of delay until work is completed and accepted. The Contractor and his surety shall be liable for the amount thereof. 10.0 GUARANTEE 10.1 The Contractor must guarantee that the entire work constructed by him under this Agreement will meet fully all requirements thereof as to quality of workmanship, and of materials furnished by him. The Contractor hereby agrees to make, at his own expense, any repairs or replacements made necessary by defects in materials or workmanship supplied by him that become evident within the period of one (1) year after filing of the Notice of Completion or Commission acceptance of the work, and agrees to restore to full compliance with the requirements any item which during said period is found to be deficient with respect to any provision of the specifications. The Contractor also agrees to hold the Commission and City harmless from claims of any kind arising from damage due to said defects. The Contractor shall make all repairs and replacements promptly upon receipt of written - orders from the Commission. If the Contractor fails to make the repairs and replacements promptly, the Contractor will be liable to the City/Commission for the cost thereof. 11.0 PERMITS 11.1 All permits must be obtained by the Contractor from the City's Building Department, at no expense to the Contractor. 12.0 HOLD HARMLESS The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Community Development Commission, City, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilit or expense, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury or property damage resulting from Contractor negligence or willful misconduct in its performance or services hereunder, also including any worker's compensation suits, liability or expense resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct or anyone performing services as an officer, agent, employee or subcontractor of Contractor. 13.0 PREVAILING WAGES 13.1 Pursuant to the California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 4 Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1, the Director of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes applicable to the work to be done. Said rate and scale are on file with the City Clerk, City of Rosemead, (Agency Secretary, Rosemead Community Development Commission), and copies will be made available to any interested party on request. The Contractor is hereby required to post a copy of the above mentioned prevailing wage rates at job site. Any classification shall comply with the prevailing wage rate in effect at the time of this Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids. 13.2 All Contractors and Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions in Sections 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7 of the California Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices. The Contractor and any Subcontractors under him shall comply with the requirements of said sections including applicable portions of all subsequent amendments in the employment of apprentices; however, the Contractor shall have full responsibility for compliance with said Labor Code sections, for all apprenticeable occupations, regardless of any other contractual or employment relationships alleged to exist. 13.3 It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon the Subcontractors under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates of the current minimum prevailing rate in the area where the work is preformed, to all workers employed by them in the execution of the Contract. 14.0 TRASH BINS Contractors that need trash bins for projects in the City of Rosemead must use bins from Consolidated Disposal. The cost of the bins will be at the Contractor's expense. The City's project manager will provide the Contractor with the phone number of Consolidated Disposal. 15.0 WORKER'S COMPENSATION In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code, Contractor shall secure the payment of compensation to his employees. Contractor shall sign and file with the Commission the following certificate prior to performing the work under this Contract: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of the code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract ". The form of such certificate is included as a part of the Contract Documents. 16.0 UNANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. Per Public Contracts Code 7104, trenching or excavations of 4 feet or more require notification of the Agency as to investigations by the Contractor and engineer if any of the following conditions are revealed: Hazardous Materials b. Unusual Site conditions C. Subsurface or latent site conditions different from those indicated on the plans. The contractor is required to specify how these conditions and /or disputes must be addressed. In contracts exceeding $ 25,000, detailed plans are also required for trenches or excavations of five feet or more in depth. California Labor Code 1776. 17.0 RESOLUTION OF CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS. All claims of $ 375,000 or less, arising out of the construction contract between Contractor and Owner shall be resolved per the procedures set forth in sections 20104- 20104.7 of the Public Contracts Code. 18.0 - PAYROLL RECORD CERTIFICATION. Payroll records must be certified and maintained per California Labor Code 1776. 19.0 COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK. The work shall be commenced within ten (10) working days after execution of the Contract Agreement, receipt of required bonds and shall be completed within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days from and after the date stated in the notice to proceed. 20.0 RELEASE OF LIENS 20.1 Prior to final payment, the Contractor will provide City/Commission with executed copies of "Release of Liens' from all vendors and /or subcontractors used on this project. Final payment will not be made until all documents are received.. EXHIBIT "I " CONTRACTOR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor agrees to provide insurance in accordance with the requirements set forth here. If Contractor uses existing coverage to comply with these requirements and that coverage does not meet the requirements set forth herein; Contractor agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. The following coverages will be provided by Contractor and maintained on behalf of the City and in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Commercial General Liability/Umbrella Insurance. Primary insurance shall be provided on ISO -CGL form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. Total limits shall be no less than 2 million dollars per occurrence for all coverages and 2 million dollars general aggregate: City and its employees and agents shall be added as additional insured using ISO additional insured endorsement form CG 20 10 11 85 (in no event will City accept an endorsement form with an edition date later than 1990). Coverage shall apply on a primary non - "contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self — insurance, primary or excess, available to City or any employee or agent of City. Coverage shall not be limited to the vicarious liability or supervisory role of any additional insured. Umbrella Liability Insurance (over primary) shall apply to bodily injury/property damage, personal injury/advertising injury, at a minimum, and shall include a "drop down" provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $ 25,000.00 self - insured retention for liability not covered by primary policies but covered by the umbrella policy. Coverage shall be following form to any underlying coverage. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion. Policies shall have concurrent starting and ending dates. Business Auto/Umbrella Liability Insurance. Primary coverage shall be written on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 including symbol 1 (Any Auto). Limits shall be no less than 1 million dollars per accident. Starting and ending dates shall be concurrent. If Contractor owns no autos, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. , Worker's Compensation/Employer's Liability shall be written on a policy form providing workers compensation statutory benefits as required by law. Employer's liability limits shall be no less than one million dollars per accident or disease. Employer's liability coverage shall be scheduled under any umbrella policy described above. Unless otherwise agreed, this policy shall be endorsed to waive any right of subrogation as respects the City, its employees or agents. Contractor and City further agree as follows: 1. This Section supersedes all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 2. Nothing contained in this Section is to be construed as affecting or altering the legal status of the parties to this Agreement. The insurance requirements set forth in this Section are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this Agreement and shall be interpreted as such. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided pursuant to this agreement shall apply to the full extent of the policies involved, available or applicable. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this Section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other requirements, or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only and is not intended by any party to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage, or a waiver of any type. 5. For purposes of insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards, performance of this Agreement. 6. All general or auto liability insurance coverage provided pursuant to this Agreement, or any other agreements pertaining to the performance of this Agreement, shall not prohibit Contractor, and Contractor's employees, or agents from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Contractor hereby waives all rights of subrogation against City. 7. Unless otherwise approved by City, Contractor's Insurance shall be written by insurers authorized to do business in the State of California and with a minim "Best's" Insurance Guide rating of "A: VIL" Self - insurance will not be considered to comply with these insurance specifications. 8. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not comply with these requirements or is canceled and not replaced, City has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and. any premium paid by City will be promptly reimbursed by Contractor. 9. Contractor agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein, satisfactory to City, consisting of certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contractor's eeneral liability and umbrella liability policies (if any) using ISO form CG 20 10 1185. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice of any cancellation of coverage. Contractor agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation; and to delete the word "endeavor" with regard to any notice provisions. Contractor agrees to provide _ complete copies of policies to City upon request. 10. Contractor shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Such proof will be furnished within 72 hours of -the expiration of the coverages. 11. Any actual or alleged failure on the part of City or any other additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Agreement in no way waives any right or remedy of City of any additional insured, in this or any other regard. 12. Contractor agrees to require all subcontractors or other parties hired for this project to provide general liability insurance naming as additional insureds all parties to this Agreemeht. Contractor agrees to obtain certificates evidencing such coverage and make reasonable efforts to ensure that such coverage is provided as required here. Contractor agrees to require that no contract used by any subcontractor, or contracts Contractor enters into on behalf of City, will reserve the right to charge back to City the cost of insurance required by this agreement. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors or others with whom _Contractor contracts with on behalf of City will be submitted to City for review. Failure of City to request copies of such agreement will not impose any liability on City, or its employees. li. If Contractor is a Limited Liability Company, general liability coverage must be amended so that the Limited Liability Company and its Managers, Affiliates, employees, agents and other persons necessary or incidental to its operation are insureds. 14. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor that includes City as a defendant. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. T H E A M E R. I C A N I N S T,I T U T E O F A R C H I T E C T S AIA Document A305 Contractor's Qualification Statement 1986 EDITION This form is approved and recommended by The American Institute of Arcbitects (AIA) and The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) for use in evaluat- ing the qualifications of contractors. No endorsement of the submitting party or verification of the information is made by the AIA or AGC. The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and suffi- ciently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED TO ADDRESS: NAME OF PROJECT (if applicable): TYPE OF WORK (file separate form for each Classification of Work): General Construction HVAC Electrical Plumbing (please specify) I Copyright 196 19691 1979, 01986 by The American Institum of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N. W., Washing- - to the pld 0006.. R- o O no t he of the United States tantial u be subject [ I to I fe3al prosecvunon.t written permission and will AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICAT ION STATEMENT • 11H6 E — AIA' D . (9RG - A305-1986 I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 11 NEW YORK AVENUE, N. Corporation ❑ SUBMITTED BY: Partnership ❑ NAME: Individual ❑ ADDRESS: Join[ Venture ❑ PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Other ❑ NAME OF PROJECT (if applicable): TYPE OF WORK (file separate form for each Classification of Work): General Construction HVAC Electrical Plumbing (please specify) I Copyright 196 19691 1979, 01986 by The American Institum of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N. W., Washing- - to the pld 0006.. R- o O no t he of the United States tantial u be subject [ I to I fe3al prosecvunon.t written permission and will AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICAT ION STATEMENT • 11H6 E — AIA' D . (9RG - A305-1986 I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 11 NEW YORK AVENUE, N. 1. ORGANIZATION 1.1 . How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? 1.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following 1.3.1 Date of incorporation: 1.3.2 State of incorporation: 1.3.3 President's name: 1.3.4 Vice - president's name(s): 1.3.5 Secretary's name: 13.6 Treasurer's name: 1.4 if your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organization: 1.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s): 1.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1.5.1 Date of organization: 15.2 Name of owner: AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CUNTBACTOR'S QCALIFICATION STATEMENT • 1986 EDITION • AIA- • ' 1986 T11E AMKRICAN INS-7I T E OF ARCHITECTS, I'i5 NEB' YORK A %'ENCc, N.C., U ASHINGION. D.C. 31111116 A3�5 -1986 2 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: 2.. LICENSING 2.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership of trade name is filed. 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or ourstanding against your organization or its officers? 3.2 .3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construc- tion contracts within the last five years? 3.3 within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (if the answer is yes, please attach details.) A!A DOCUMENT A305 - CO.N1 R.ACTOR'S Qt ALIFICAT ION STATEMEN1 • 1980 EDITION • AIA" • 19WI TnE .AMERICAN INS Ill 'I FE OF.ARCUn ECTS, I -3; NESN� YORE A%ENUE. N �c., \%. sS HINCTON. 1) C. 20000 A305 -1986 3 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: 3.5 On a separate sheet, list. the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years,' giving the name of project, owner, architect, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individ- uals of your organization. , 4. REFERENCES 4.1 : Trade References: . 4.2 Bank References: 4.3 Surety: 4.3 ,1. Name of bonding company: 4.3.2 . Name and address of agent: AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATENIENT • 1986 EDITION • AIA" • 6 %1986 - A305-19B6 4 TI1E AMERICAN INSTITI'TE OF ARCHITECTS. 1715 NESS 1'ORK AVENUE. N.X', �ASHINGTON, D.C. 201X16 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. j.l.l Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, pro- vision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes); Ocher Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and dace thereof: 5.1.3 is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page onc? 5.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial respondibiliry of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent - subsidiary). 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for con- struction? AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CONTRACTUR 5 Qt'ALI FICA'I'ION STATEMENT • I9R6 EUI'nUN • AIA' F 1980 THE A.`.IERIt:d :N INSTITI'TE OF ARCi1iTECIS. I - 1i NEC' rose A\ ENVE. N.V., V :ASHING ruN, n.C. sxxm A305-1986 5 6. SIGNATURE 6.1 Dated at Name of Organization: B Title: 6.2 this 19 day of M being duly sworn deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this Notary Public: My Commission Expires: day of 19 ' CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT A305 • CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT • 1986 EDITION • MA* • 01986 - THE AMERICAN INSTT T U7E OF ARCHIT--CTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NAY'., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20oo6 _ A305 -1986 6 Rosemead Community Development Commission Contract Agreement For Installation of Play Equipment At Garvey and Sally Tanner Park This Contract Agreement is made and entered into for the above - stated project this day of Development Commission,'and BY AND BETWEEN the Rosemead Community as CONTRACTOR. W ITNESSETH that COMMISSION and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed as follows: ARTICLE I The contract documents for the aforesaid project shall consist of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Specifications, Project Manual, Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction - 2003 Edition and 2004 Supplement, and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices; together with this Contract Agreement and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, and affidavits; and also including any and all addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying or extending the work contemplated as may be required to insure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the provisions of said contract documents are made a part hereof as through fully set forth herein. ARTICLE II For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by COMMISSION, CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all materials and perform all work required for the above - stated project, and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the aforesaid contract documents. ARTICLE III CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices set forth in the Proposal as full compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses., damages and consequences arising out of the nature of the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the aforesaid contract documents; and also including those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work. ARTICLE IV COMMISSION hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials, do the work and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the contract documents. ARTICLE V CONTRACTOR acknowledges the provisions of the State Labor Code requiring every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation, or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and certifies compliance with such provisions. ARTICLE VI CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless COMMISSION and THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and all of its officers and agents, from any claims, demand, or cause of action, including related expenses attorney's fees and costs based on arising out of, or in any way related to the work undertaken by CONTRACTOR hereunder. In the event the insurance coverage is on a claims made basis, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, City of Rosemead, and all of its officers and agents, from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that arise after the expiration of the Contractor's current policy or after the service contract has ended, for any occurrences arising out of, or in any way related to the work undertaken by the Contractor. The liability insurance coverage requirements shall be as set forth in Exhibit "I", California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. ` Insurance shall name the City of Rosemead, Rosemead Community Development Commission, its officers, agents and employees as additional insured by endorsement of the Contractor's policy. A copy of the endorsement, showing policy limits, shall be provided to the Commission and City on or before signing this contract. ARTICLE VII CONTRACTOR affirms that the signatures, titles, and seals set for the hereinafter in execution of this Contract Agreement represents all individuals; firm members, partners, joint ventures, and /or corporate officers having principal interest her ARTICLE VIII Records and Audits. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, and financial records, adequate to identify and account for all costs pertaining to the contract and such other records as may be deemed necessary by the Agency to assure proper accounting for all project funds. These records will be made available for audit purposes to the Commission of any authorized representative and will be retained for 5 years after the expiration of this contract unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigned do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained and have caused this Contract Agreement to be executed in triplicate by setting hereunto their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of CONTRACTOR: Contractor's License No: Class: City Business License No: Federal Tax Identification No: Subscribed and sworn to this day of 2005 NOTARY PUBLIC: COMMISSION: Chairman of the Rosemead Community Development Commission Commission Secretary Approved as to Form: Commission Counsel Date: Date: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION I - GENERAL 1.0 SCOPE OF PROTECT 1.1 Furnish labor, material and equipment necessary for the provision and installation of the playground equipment, structure or modular unit as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1.2 Garvey Park: See Section II Sally Tanner Park: See Section III Work shall include, but not limited to the following: excavation, lay -out, and the provision and installation of playground equipment, structure or modular unit in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, including all appurtenances and accessories as required for a full and complete installation. - 1.3 All Play Equipment shall be from Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. Acceptable manufacturers include Miracle Recreation or equal. Contractor shall submit or "Equal" products to the Director of Parks and Recreation for approval prior to submitting bids. 2.0 LOCATION The projects are located at Garvey Park, 7933 Emerson Place, California 91770 and at Sally Tanner Park, 8343 E. Mission Drive, Rosemead, California. 3.0 CONTACT PERSON The project representative is Michael Burbank, Director of Parks and _ Recreation, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, 91770, (626) 569 -2160. 4.0 REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Before acceptance and final payment, it is required that the Contractor shall construct, install, clean -up and leave all work in an operable and acceptable condition. 4.2 A job walkthrough for all bidding Contractors will be held on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, at the job sites, beginning with the Garvey Park jobsite, 7933 Emerson Place, Rosemead, California, at 10:00 a.m. 5.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The work shall be in accordance with the Equipment Manufacturer's Specifications and the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ", latest edition, published by Building News, Inc., 3055 Overland Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90034, and are referred to elsewhere in these Specifications as SSPWC. Copies of the "SSPWC' are on file in the office of the City Engineer and are open to public inspection during regular business hours. 6.0 WATER AND POWER The City shall supply the Contractor with all water and power and temporary fencing required during construction. 7.0 LINES GRADES AND MEASUREMENTS 7.1 All lines required for proper execution of the work shall be furnished by the Contractor who will be held responsible for constructing the work to the lines shown on the drawings. , 8.0 RESTORATION 8.1 All surface improvements which are damaged by actions of the Contractor shall be restored to their original condition by Contractor at his expense. 9.0 CONTRACT DRAWINGS The drawings applicable to the work be performed under this contract are bound herein or attached hereto. 10.0 INSPECTION The City shall provide inspections for a 10 -hour day and 40 -hour work week for Monday through Thursday. The Contractor can work Mondays - Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 11.0 CONSTRUCTION INTERFERENCES 11.1 During the progress of work, the Contractor shall not disturb, but shall support and protect against injury and maintain in good operating condition at his own expense, all subsurface, surface and overhead utilities, fences, . structures and other facilities whether or not they are shown on the Drawings. 11.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall make good on all damage due to utilities, structures or other facilities as shown on the drawings due to his operations. 12.0 SCHEDULING OF WORK The Contractor shall perform the work according to the specifications. Conflicts will be resolved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The hours of work are 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Contractor must be cleaned up by 4:30 p.m. 13.0 INSTALLATION 13.1 Instructions: Explicit, printed installation instructions, written in English, shall be provided by the manufacturer, which shall include detailed, scaled plan views, elevations, and footing drawings and details when applicable, as well as, sequential assembly instructions to assure proper installation of the playground equipment, structure or modular unit. Equipment must be installed by a manufacturer- certified installer and must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Installation crew leader must be CPSI- certified. If not installed by a manufacturer- certified installer, the equipment shall be inspected after installation by a CPSI not employed by the installer and signed off by said CPSI before the playground is opened for the first time. 13.2 Close Out: Contractor shall provide the Owner with one copy of complete manufacturer's installation instructions and maintenance kit if provided. Most manufacturers send at least two sets of installation manuals with each order. Additional sets of installation instructions should be purchased from the manufacturer if originals are lost or damaged. It is the Contractor's responsibility to secure the installation instructions from the installer. Miracle Recreation mails one complete set of installation instructions directly to the Owner, and the Contractor shall not be required to supply additional sets to the Owner. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION II - GARVEY PARK EQUIPMENT 1.0 MATERIALS 1.1 EQUIPMENT: See diagram "1" for type, style, configuration and structure or modular unit to be provided. 1.2 COLOR SCHEDULES: See color rendering illustration 1 for the color schedules of the various elements of playground equipment, structure or modular unit to be provided. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS /COMPONENTS: Design and specifications are based upon equipment from Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. See Section I - General Specifications 1.3 for "or equal provisions ". 1.4 COMPONENT LIST QTY MODEL DESCRIPTION 2 7145019 ' Triangle Deck (attaches to 3 posts) MTII 3 7145029 Square Deck (attaches to 4 posts) MTII 2 714552 5" OD x 136" Post (3' to 5' Decks) 8 714572 5" OD x 144" Post for Roof (3' Decks or less) 4 714573 5" OD X 168" Post for Roof (3'6" - 5' Deck) 1 714700 5' Side by Side Slide with Canopy (3' Deck) 1 7147133B Window Panel (below deck only) 1 7147147B Pilot Panel w /wheels (below deck) 1 7147153 Jump Panel (3' Deck) 1 7147265 Mogul Slide -one piece (5' Deck) 1 7147342 Safety Panel - Ages 2 -12, Free Standing 1 71474859 6'2" Typhoon II Slide 360 Degrees (5' Deck) MTII 1 7148053 Hula Climber Ground to 3' Deck 1 714815 Vertical Ladder Climber (5' Deck) 1 714816 Wall Enclosure 1 7148559 8' Suspension Bridge with Full Barrier, MTII 3 7148624 Roof for Square Deck, Perf Steel 1 7149599 ADA Stairs between Decks w /2' Rise, MTII 1 7149659 Transfer Point w/ Single Step (3' Deck) MTII 1 71499269 Kids Perch w /Wheel, MTII 1 71.49941 Fun Fone Pair (2 Fones) w /one (1) Post 1 7149941Z Fun Fone, price included in 7149941 1 ' 7149961 Cargo Climber w /Handrails (3' Deck) . 2.0 INSTALLATION: RUBBER SURFACING /GARVEY PARK Furnish labor and materials necessary to install Rubber Surfacing in the 1422 square foot playground area north of the Snack Bar, after the above Playground Equipment has been installed (see Diagram 1). Note. The Rubber Surfacing must be made from recycled materials. The recycled content certification that the product meets the criteria of the "Playground Safety and Recycling Act ", and the California Integrated Waste Management Board. 2.1 Save Concrete Curb: Save and maintain the concrete curb for the installation of new rubber surfacing. 2.2 Demolition of existing rubber surfacing, Demo and haul away existing rubber. 2.3 Sub -base Preparation: Excavate to a minimum depth of 8 inches, add a minimum of DG, 5 1 /2 " thick and compact to a minimum. of 95% compaction. 2.4 Compaction Test: Prior to installation of any rubber, the Contractor is responsible for providing a report via a qualified soils engineer documenting a soil compaction test of the DG sub -base, which verifies 95% soil compaction. 2.5 Clean Concrete Curb: Clean all surfaces of the existing concrete curb for installation of new rubber surfacing. 2.6 Cushion Layer. The thickness of the rubber surface's cushion layer in the fall zone (422 square feet), (Diagram 1) is 2.5 inches. The depth of the cushion layer in the remaining square footage (1000') within the playground area is to be 2 ". 2.7 Wear Layer. Install the new rubber surfacing, wear layer 1 /2" thick over the cushion layer. The color of the rubber surfacing wear layer is to be 25% Tan 706, 25% red H56 and 50% black. Use a urethane sealer on the rubber surfacing wear layer. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS : GAR V E Y PARK I SAFETY STANDARDS& GUIDELINES All public playground equipment supplied shall meet all applicable provismn ;of the current'Hand000k for Public Playground Safely' published by the Consumer Product Safety Comnision (CPSC), and of ASTM 1`1487 -01 'Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use,' published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Froduce bearing the certification seal of the Inlainationai Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) have received wriften validation of compliance with ASTMF14E7 -01. r TRADEMARKS Miracle (R), Miracle Recreation (R), Kids' Choice (R), Tots' Onoice (R), Center Stage (R), Toddlers' Choice (R), Lokville (R), Spray Stations (R), Hang -.A -Round (R), Fun Tunnel (R), Versalok (R), Rock -Ite (R), Flippopoti m is (R), Dupe -Gator (R), Nalureworks (R); Mega Tower (TIM), Ozone (TM), Big Timber (TM), Tensile Tough (TM), Tensile Tower (i M), Timber (TM), Wavy Waffle Waf Walker (TM), X- Cavalor (TM), Power Pesetas (TM), Bongo (TM), Flippo (TM), Big K.ahuna (TM), Camel Back (TM), Mogul (TM), Groove (TV.), Toboggan (TM), Typhoon (TM), Onameleon (TM), Whidwmd (TM), Funnel Tunnel (TM), Thunder Tunnel (TM), Serpent Trek (TM), Triple Play (TM), Kids' Perch (TM), View Groove (TM), Fun Fore (TM), Timber (TM), Rodeo Rocky (TM), Schnozz Womp (TM), Offspring (TM), Pali Bend ( TM), Funshades (TM), Sneak -A -View (TM), Mira -Cote (TM), Mira -Therm (TM), Mea -Lam (TM), Mica -Lene (TM), Sun Sparkle (TM), and 'rem i -Guard (TM) are hademarks of Miracle Recr eation Equipment Company. Tornado (TM), Muhi -Pondo (TM), and Pirouehe (TM) are Vademarks of HAGS (TM). Meade and HAGS are divisions of PlayPower, Inc, PlayPower (R) is a trademark of PlayPower, Inc. QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFICATION The manufacturers quality system is caddied 10 ISO 90DI since December 1998, PRODUCT CHANGES At Meacle Recreation Equipment Company, we strive for the utmost in quality and safety in our entire product line. Therefore, in order to honor this commitment to you, our customers, we reserve the right to make changes on any product released arrUOr published in our annual catalog and other promotional or technical literature, , WARRANTY Buyer agrees that products sold by Miracle Recreation Equipment Company only carry the following vamanty 1. LIMITED ONE HUNDRED (100) YEAR WARRANTY on aluminum deck posts, steel deck posts, the Varsalok (R) fastening system, and associated fastening hardware against structural failure caused by corrosion or deterioration from exposure to weather, or defective materals or defective workmanship. 2. LIMITED FIFTEEN (15) YEAR WARRANTY on steel support legs and Mira-Therm 11 components on TOTS' CHOICE (R), KIDS' CHOICE (R), and CENTER STAGE (R) against structural failure mused by corrosion, defective materials or defective workmanship °. LIMITED FIFTEEN (15) YEAR WARRANTY on playsyslem steel component=_ including railings, rungs and rigid climbers against structural failure caused by defective materials or defective workmanship.. 4. LIMITED FIFTEEN If 5) YEAR WARRANTY on Rockte (R) against structural failure caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. 5. LIMITED FIVE (5) YEAR WARRANTY on RAINBOW BEND (TM) and enclosed walerskde fiberglass sections against structural failure caused by .defective male als or defective workmanship. Limbed one (1) year warranty on all waterside and pool slid=_ support structures, stairways, landings, and railings against structural failure caused by defective materials a defective workmanship. 6. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on TODDLERS' CHOICE (R) main support materials and decks against structural relive caused by defective maleals or workmanship. - 7. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on bleachers againsl structural IailUre caused by defective materials or detective workmanship. E. LIMITED SIX (5) MONTH WARRANTY on sewn fabric components on Early Childhood products. 9. LIMITED THREE (3) YEAR WARRANTY on Slashproof Seals and 360 degree Bucket Tot Seats for swings against structural failure caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. 10. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on all products not listed above tndudmg all moving pads and flexible climbers against structural failure caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. - 11. These limited warranties do not include lading of colors, damage due to excessive wear and tear, vandalism, w negligence. These warranties are valid only f products are installed accordmg to manufacture's installation instructions. 12. All warranties begin on the date of Miracle's invoice. Repaired or replacement pad(s) are only warranted for the balance of the original limited warranty. BUYER'S REMEDY If any of the products prove to be defective or nonconforming under normal operations within the above- presctbed warranty penods, Buyer must promptly notify Miracle In wring at PO Box 420, Monett, MO 65708 USA Miracle will within a reasonable time repair or replace such defective or nonconforming product by providing tree of charge replacement part(s) to the site. Miracle 11 no, be responsible for the cost of labor for the removal of net the cost of labor for the installation of repaired or replacement par(s), - These limited warranties do not apply to structures not erected in conformity with Miracle's Installation instructions, structures not maintained or inspected in conformty with Mira it instructions, parts trial have beer. modified, aaerad or misused, parts that have not been used as designed or intended, structures that have had parts added or substituted, damage or reduction in value due to vandalism, abnormal use, or abuse. Buyer, by acceptance and use of this warranty, agrees that a waives any rights a may have to claim or assail that this kmAed warranty fails of he essential purpose. Buyer agrees venue for any action shall be in Barry a Greene Counties in the State of Missouri. BUYER AGREES THIS UNDERTAKING BY MIRACLE IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTIBILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FURTHER, NO REPRESENTATION, ORAL OR WRITTEN, BY ANY MIRACLE REPRESENTATIVE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE AFORE DESCRIBED EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY. BUYER FURTHER AGREES THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL MIRACLE ON ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO BUYER FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFITS OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Consul. Mineola s'Glossary oy Technical Data fa Materials. Processes and Finishes' Far sp,c ficationc of items listed in bold type. - KIDS' CHOICE MIRA -THERM II DECKS: The deck models in the 714.50X -9 series shall consist of a (3) sided equdaferal triangle deck: Model 714. 501 -9, with a deck top surface area of 7 sq. ft. (1008 sq. in.), a (4) sided square deck: Model # 714 - 502 -9, with a deck lop surface area of 16 sq. ft (2304 sq. in.): (4) sided (3) opening half hex decks'. Model Ws 714.503 -9 and 714. 504 -9, with a deck top surface area of 21 sq, f. (3024 sq. in.), (4) sided (6) opening rectangular decks: Model ks 714 506-9.714-509t and 714- 510 -9, with a deck lop surface area of 32 sq, ft (4508 sq. in.) and (4) sided (5) opening parallelogram decks: Model Its 714 -505 9.714-506-9 and 714 - 507 -9, with a deck lop surface area of 25 sq. ft(4032 sq. in.). Model @ 714.511 c shall be a, isosceles triangle split deck (single section) designed to serve Rs a step plaham for lower deck heights: 18' or lower for 2 -5 year olds, and 30' a lower for 5.12 year olds. All other Model to 714- 511 49 spin, decks shall feature two triangular deck sedans which shall be mounted between lour posts at different heights so that a 6' 12',18', or 24' (X) rise shall be fumed along the hypotenuse between two posts. Models which rise greater than 6' shall contain a rise plate, models which rise greater than 12' shall also contain an arched enclosure assembly. That deck lop surface area ofsplif deck models shallbe E sg ft each for both section, or total 16 sq. ft Riser plates shall be constructed of 11 ga. A -50 Galvannealed sheet: risers for 18' and 24' rises shall contain a rung and vertical supports of 1" tube, solid welded, finished in Min -Cote. The arch enclosure assembly accompanying models which rise 15' and 24' shall comprise top and bottom supports and an arched upright constructed of I" pipe, drilled, formed and mashed, all solid welded, and vertical rungs of 1" tube, with plastic pipe plugs inserted n open ends, and finished in Mira -Cote. Decks shall be designed fa maximum flexibility 67 height of deck, surface, from V to 6'-6' (in 6' increments.) though 3', 5 and 6-6' shall be considered standard heights.. Decks shall be designed on a 48' center -to- center spacing on 5' deco: posts, at equal a varied heights. All desk -to -post : connections shall be made beneath deck with no exposed fasteners on desk connections shall be made win a deck. support clamp All dad perimeter. Decks with 8' wide open side shall be designed to attach fo anther deck won 6 wide open side a1 same deck, height, or to a Mgoal a 714- 770-6 Fnppopolamus SWe/Climber. - All decks shag be constructed with folded 11 oa, steel sheet lamina 3' tall sides. Decking sheets shall be perforated with a staggered pattern of 3 diameter holes at 518 apart center- tocenter, The decking shall have 7 ga. by 2' flat steel braces and corner braces of 7 ca. steel The entire assembly shall be sold welded prior to PVC coating. Each assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. Air deck surfaces shall be coaled in Min- Therm. KIDS' CHOICE POSTS: STEEL POSTS: The steel posts shall be constructed of 5" tube with 5" round end caps mechanically fastened to the lop end. After fatomall0n, all posts and end caps Shan have a Mira -Cote finish.. • MIRA -THERM II TYPHOON II SPIRAL SLIDES Shan be 350 degree, one-piece. open bedwey spiral slideswth two-color barrel canopy and step or ramp assembly, designed for attachment to 4', 5', 6' and 6' -6' decks. The slide bedway shall be constructed of 114' to 5116' wall Rockite. The side becimay shall be 30' wide win a 15' high side wall. The center post shall be constructed of 4- 112" tube. The step assembly shall be condrucled OF 11 po . steel speed folded and perforated with a staggered pattern of 3 diameter holes at 5'8' apart center- tocemis. solid welded to stringers of 7 ga. black, steel. The handrail assembly shall consist of atop and bottom rail and newel post, formed, constructed of 1" pipe with kill of 314' x 1" oval tube. The step enclosure assembly shall be solid welded and plastic pipe plugs Shan close open ends. The deck enclosures shall consist of a vertical rail, and top and bottom rail, formed, constructed of 1" pipe with an upright of 314" x 1 "oval tube, and 318' aluminum insets in the rail ends for attachment 10 the step enclosures. The deck enclosure assemblies shall be wild welded. The 35' phhonn barrel shall be Rockile, with a canopy painted aternaling colors with polyurethane paint. The barrel shall have molded -in view grooves for viewing children. The back -up plate used to conned: the Step assembly and the barrel shall be constructed of 114' x 1' x 6' flat steel. The front leg shall be constructed of 2" pipe and shall be attached to the slide using a channel constructed of 7 ga. sheet. Each assemby shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The Rockite slide and plahorm canopy shall have color molded in. The step shall be finished in Mira Them. The handrail assemblies, desk enclosures, front leg, and clamps shall have a Mio -Cote finish. The back -up plate shall have a zinc plate finish. MOGUL 8 GROOVE SLIDES shall be oneViese wave and straight slides respectively, with a sit -doom canopy for deck attachment. Mogul and Groove Slides shall be desioned to attach to decks of several heights wan corresponding bedway lengths. d' deck models shall have bedwayS E'-6' long 5' deck models shall have bedwsys 10 -6' long) 6E' deck models Shan have bedways 13'-6' long', and 8' deck models shall nave bedways 16' long. The one -piece slides and canopy shall be constructed 61 double wall Roc kite and shall have 6' high side rails with a 26' long exit be dway, an overall width d 25', and an 18' wide sliding solace. The rung for canopy panel attachment shall be constructed of 1" pipe. The front lea and middle leg each shall be constructed of a vedioal 2" pipe welded to an 11 ga. A -60 Galvannealed mounting bracket The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The legs, rungs and clamps shall have a Mira -Cote finish. The Roc kite slides and canopy shall have molded in color - • ROCKITE SIDE-BY -SIDE SLIDE shag be open, dual bedway slides which connect to a 3' deck and shall have a bedway length of approxenaiely 5' -5'. The slide shall be constructed of Rockite with 'T' nuts incorporated internally for field attachment of beg(s) and in top end for field attachment W deck. Slide dimensions shill be: each bedway width 17', outside overall 42', rail vwbin 3', fop of bedway to lop of rail 4.12', and bedway thickness 3'. The front leg shall be constructed of a vertical 2" pipe measuring 37 -114' long with a 1-1/4'x 3 -1/4' channel top construced of 11 ga sheet, welded to the upright in a'T' configuration. The wide slide canopy shall be constructed of Rockite with threaded fasteners incorporated internally for assembly. The canopy shall have an inside width of 39' and an outside width of 44' and shag be slanted at 37 degrees. It snail be field assembled to the posts viz clamps and a rung of 1" pipe. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The Rockite slide and canopy shall have color molded in. The canopy stubs shall have a galvanized fmish. The clamps, leg, and rung shall have a Mira. Cote finish. MIRA -THERM II ATA STAIRS BETWEEN DECKS shall be stair assemblies, with spoked a open handails, designed to connect decks of different heights. The steps shall be constructed of 7 ga. steel stringers with treads constructed of 11 ga. steel sheet perforated with a staggered pattern o13/8' diameter holes at 578' apart center -to- center, solid welded, with PVC coating: The braces shag be constructed Of 11 ga. black. The spoked handrails small consist of a lop and bottom rail and newel post, all of I" pipe, and uprights conslruded of 314" x 1' oval tube, all solid welded, with plastic pipe plugs inserted in open ends. Top rails shall have 318' aluminum inserts. The open handrails shall consist of a top and bottom rail and newel post of 1" pipe, all sold welded, with plastic pipe plugs inserted in open ends. Top rails shall have 3/3' aluminum inserts. - i he top deck enclosure shall consist of enclosure rails and an upright, both in be constructed 011" pipe, drilled and solid welded, with one end of upright mashed for field attachment to deck. The bottom deck enclosure shall consist of horizontal rails and an upright of 1" pipe, drilled and solid welded, and a spoke upright o1314" x 1" oval tube. The upright shall be mashed on one end for field attachment to deck. Inserted in open ends wig be plastic pipe plugs. The assembly shall include Fastener Style A hardware and Versalok Fasteners. The step onembtice shall be finished in Mira - Therm. The deck enclosures, handrails, and clamps shall be finished in Min -Cole. MIRA -THERM II TRANSFER POINTS shag be designed to assist disabled users in moving between wheelchairs and a deck system. Transfer point decking shall be constructed of I I ga. steel sheet perforated with a staggered pattern of 3 /8' diameter holes at 5 18' apart center -to- renter. The deck frame stall be constructed by folding edges to form 3' tall walls. The deck support shall be constructed of 7 ga. by 1 -12' flat. The entke assembly shall be solid welded. The stair shall be constructed of 7 ga. steel stringers with decking constructed of 11 ga. steel sheet perforated with a staggered pattern of 318' diameter holes at 5 apart centeclo-center. The step assemblies shall be solid welded, with each transfer- point -to -deck step measuring 41 -12' wide by 14' deep. The botom step also shall be constructed of 11 ga. steel sheet win folded edges and an identical ped pattern, and shag measure approximately 26' wile by 14' deep and rise approximately 6 -12'. Braces and brackets shall be 11 ga. black sheet steal. Support strips shall be 3116' x 1 -12' flat The transfer - point -to -deck hanbrail assemblies shall each consist of a formed top and bottom rail of 1" pipe, a bolting plate, and a vertical handrail support. The bottom step handrail shall consist d a single 'U'-shaped handrail, to be constructed of 1" pipe, a bolting plate, and a vertical handail suppot. Bolting plates shall be constructed of 7 ga. G -90 galvanized. Each assembly shall be solid welded The Legs each shall be 1" pipe with ends mashed and punched for held assembly to bottom step. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The transfer point platform and step assemblies shall have a Mira -Therm finish. The handrails, legs, and clamps shall be finished in Mira -Cote. • HULA CLIMBERS shall comprse a series o. large, rail - mourned rings through which users may climb. Models spanning from ground to 3' deck and between decks with a 2' rise (and 8'span) shall be available. The ground -to -deck hula climber shall comprise two main support rails of 1 -12" pipe whin sir 4 &5/8' O.D. rings of formed 1" pi pe solid welded between them atop the rings. The main support rags shall have threaded insects mechanically fastened in lop ends for field attachment to enclosure assembly. The distance between the rings shall be 13'; distance between top ring and red lower ring shall be 125116'. The hula climber between decks shall comprise two main support rails or 1.112" pipe with seven 40.518' O.D. rings of formed 1" pipe solid welded between them and a rail of 1" pipe solid welded atop the rings. The main support rails shall have threaded Insertsmechanically fastened in top ends for field attachment to enclosure assembly. The distance between the rings shall be 12- 1116'; the distance between the lop ring and neX lower ring, as well as the distance between the bottom ring and next higher ring shall be 11- 5116'. The arched enclosure assemblies to loom models shall consist of top supports, a bottom support, and an arched upright, which shall be constructed of t" pipe, drilled, formed, and mashed, and vertical rungs which shall be constructed of 314" x 1" oval tube. The enclosure assembly shall be solid welded. The assembly shall contain Vemlok fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The hula climber, arched enclosure, and clamps shall be finished in Mira -Cote. VERTICAL IADDERILOOK -OUT LADDER shall be designed tot use as an entrance and exit for decks of various heights. Each assembly shall consist of side rails and rungs constructed of 1" pipe, all solid welded. Models shall have threaded insects in the ends of the side rails and a deck enclosure. The Kids' Choice enclosure assembly shall consist of top supports, a bottom support , and an arched upright, constructed of 1" pipe, formed, mashed and punched, and vertical infll of 314" x I" oval tube. The Tons' Choice enclosure assembly shall consist of lop supports and an arched upright, constructed o.1" tube, famred, mashed_ and punched. The enclosure assemblies shall be solid welded. The ladders and enclosure assemblies shall have a Mira -Cote finish. CARGO CLIMBER shall be available with and without side handholds, and shag consist of a bracket construded C 11 ga. sheet and rungs constructed of 1" tube connected by four vertical supports of 410 straight link coil chain. The rungs shall be welded to the chain. The chain shag be attached 10 an anchor and the bracket by 5116 ' S' - nooks. The cargo climber for 5' deck shall be 83- 11116' in length; for 3' decK 50-515` and for 4' deck 67. 5116'. All models shall include a horizontal handhold rung. The 36 -12' handhold rung shall be constructed of t" tube. The anchor shall be constructed d 1" pipe, formed, with four 'U' shaped loops of 5116' diameter wire welded at a 40 degree angle from the top. The side handholds shall be constructed of I" pipe, driled and formed, with 318' aluminum inserts. The ho: izonial handnold rung, side handholds, and anchor shag have 2 Min -Cote finish. The bracket, climber rungs, and chain shall have a Mira -Therm finish. . MIRA -THERM II SUSPENSION BRIDGE shaO be dynamic assemblies designed to permit users to travel between deck systems, and shall contain spoked hanarails, open handrails, a a raitand -chain enclosure assembly. The enclosure assembly la Model # 714 -855 -9 shall consist of a top and bottom rail, end uprights, and spoke uprights. The enclosure assembly fa Model # 714- 855.19 shall consere of a top and bottom rail and spoke uprights only. Top and bottom rails shall be constructed of 1" pipe. The uprights shall be constructed of 314" x 1" oval tube. Both entire assemblies shall be solid welded. The enclosure assembly for Model 714-8 shall each comprise a top and bottom rail and spoke uprights, all solid welded. The top and bottom rails shall be constructed of 1 -14" tube, while the spoke uprights shall be constructed of 314" x 1 "oval tube. The enclosure lot Model # 714855-PVCg shall consist of a top rail constructed of 1.114" pipe with stubs of V pipe, and a chain assembly. The top rail shall have a V- shaped loop of 5116' rod steel welded near each end from which to hang the chain assembly, and 1 -1/4' plastic pipe plugs in the open ends. The top chain of the chain assembly shall be 316" proof coil chain. The upright chains shall be constructed of 410 straight link coil chain. The chain shall be hung by means 015116 "S' -hooks constructed of steel rod. Bridge sections and fill blocks shall be welded. The bridge sections shall be constructed with folded 11 pa. steel sheet forming 3'tali sides with 3116' x 1 -12' flat steel braces. Decking sheets shall be nationalist with a staggered pattern of 3/8' diameter holes at 5 /6' apart cente,4o -center. Sections shall measure 1412' x 4P. Fill blocks shall be constructed as bridge sections and shall measure 4' x 40'. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The bridge sections and fill blocks shall have a Min -Therm finish. The enclosure assemblies, rails, and clamps shall have a Mira -0ote finish. The chain assembly and'S' -hooks shall be zinc plated ' . WALL ENCLOSUREJWALL WITH STEERING WHEEUCLOSURESIHANDHOLD FOR TRANSFER POINTRREEHOUSE SEAT shall be barrier assemblies. The handhold for transfer point shall be used as a support rail to assist wheelchair user access on a 1'S' fransfer point deck The wall enclosure and transfer point handhold supports shall consist of a welded assembly handrail system with atop and bottom rail constructed of 1" pipe (except Told' Choice models which shal/be 1" tube) and uprights constructed of 314" x 1' Donal tube (except Tois Chon:e models which shall be 1" tube), solid welded. The mounting bracket shall bell pa. A-60 Galvannealed sheet steel, welded to the wall enclosure. The steering wheel on vehicle- themed panels shall be constructed of a high- density bbwmolded polyethylene produced from high performance, U.V. slaphzed resins wth a comprehensive additive package. These resins shah be tested in accordance with ASTM testing procedures 04505. D -1246, D- 1693(b), D- 638, D -790 and 0-746. Resin's properties exhibit a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature impact performance, Wall thickness shall be 1/8'. The clearing wheel hub cover shall be constructed of injection molded polypropylene which shall contain U.V. light stabilizers. For the treehouse seat, the wall enclosure supports shall consist of a welded assembly handrail system with a top and bottom rail, and end uprights constructed of 1" pipe and inftl constructed of 314" x 1" oval tube. The sea! shall consist of the seat frame constructed 011" pipe and crass rungs of 318' steel rod. The entire assembly shall be solid welded. The enclosure rungs, uprights, handhold for transfer point, enclosure with seat assembly. steering wheel, and steering wheel mounting bracket shall have a Mira -Cote finish. The sleeting wheel shall have molded in cola. - . IMAGINATION PANELS and Activity Panels shall be constructed of Mira -Lene and snap measure 36.1/7 x 40' with all corners rounded. The panels shelf have routered designs, including themes of a general store counter, a bank, teller window, a television front, a puppet stage, a window, a computer screen, a door, a park ranger, a fire truck, a police car, a train engine, a taxi cab, two airplanes (both containing two steering wheel assemblies, one also containing a clear polycarbonate window, mechanically fastened to panel), a race car, an alphabet finger maze, an abstract finger maze, a calculator, a bus sep/oench, a rest sloplbench, jump height measurements for a 3 and 5' deck, a sign language alphabet, a Spanish - English translation, brailie alphabet with riddles, welcome and age appropriate messages, interconnected gears, gear - driven pistons, and sliding tiles: Rung aackets shall be constructed o. 1" ppe and 11 ga. A -60 Galvannealed labs solid welded (except Tots' Choice models which shall have brackets constructed of t" tube and 11 ga. A -60 Galvannealed tabs solid welded) The steering wheel(s) on vehicle Chemed panels shall be constructed of a high - density blow molded polyethylene produced it= high performance, U.V. stabilized resins with a comprehensive additive package. These resins shall be tested in accordance with ASTM testing procedure=_ 0 -1505. D -1246, 0- 1693(b), D -636, D -790 and D -746. Resin's - Properties shall exhibit a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature impact pedorrnance. Wall thickness shall be 1/8'. The steering wheel hub cover shall be conslmded of injection molded polypropylene which shall contain U.V. light stabilizers. The Piston panel and Gear panel each shall contain a clear polyarbonate cover mechanically fastened over sets of 114'thick gears (drive gears not covered by window). The gears shall be constructed of high -density polyethylene, which shall turn on nylon bushings, except her the black nylon handles and drive gears which shall turn on bronze bushings. The piston panel shall also contain connecting rod and piston shapes of 114' thick. hig h - density polyethylene. The reverse side of both panels shall contain Peered lead anchor designs. The Sliding Tile panel shall contain 15 moveable, tongue- and -aroove tiles with routed numerals lobe constructed of 114' thick highdensity polyethylene. The Panels and steering wheel shall have molded in cola with each panel assembly having a laminated, two -mho: scheme. Each assembly shall Include Fastener Style A, hardware and Versalok Fasteners. Panels and steering wheels Shall have cola molded in, and rang brackets and clamps shall be finished in Mira - Cote. . MI RA -THERM 11 KID'S PERCHIKID'S PERCH WITH WHEEL shall each consist of a curved deck extension /overhang and an enclosure which provide for im aginative play. Model 4 714 -99259 shall feature a steering wheel ahached to the enclosure. The platfom shall be constructed with 11 pa. steel sheet perforated with a staggered pattern of 3/8' diameter holes at 518' apart center -W- center. The frame shall be constructed by folding edges to form 3' tall walls and shall be suppoted by sold welded supports of V4' x 1 -12' flat steel. The platform shall be approximately 40' long with a radius of 9- 7116'. The enclosure shall consist of enclosure rails, uprights, and a center stub which shall support the bottom rail. The enclosure rails and center stub shall be instructed of 1" pipe. The uprights shall be constructed of 314" x 1" oval tube The entire assembly shall be solid welded. The steering wheel mounting !racket (d applicable) shat be 11 ga. A -60 Galvannealed sheet steel welded to the wall enclosure. The steering wheel (11 applicable) shall be constructed of a highdenshy blow-rnolded polyethylene produced from high performance, U V. stabilized resins with a comprehensive additive package. These resins shall be tested in accordance with ASTM testing procedures D-1505.0-1248, D- 1693(b), D- 638, D -790 and D -746. Resin's properties shall exhIrk a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack ressance and excellent low temperature impact performance. Wall thickness shall be 1 /B'. The steering wheel hub cover shall be constructed of inprnionmolded polypropylene which shall contain U.V. light stabilizers. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The platiorm shall be finished in Mina- Therm. The enclosure and clamps shall have a Mira -Cote finish. FUN FONE shall consist of a simple tube and mouthpiece system designed to allow children to talk to each other iron a aben distance. The mouthpiece suppai tube assembly shall be constructed of 2" Sch 40 pipe. The mouthpiece shall be made of 16 ga. galvanized steel sheer;. The connecting stub shall be made of 1" pipe. The tube assemblies shall be solid welded. The 1 I.D. tube shall be 50' long and constructed of polyethylene. Some Kids' Choice models shall contain a 76' post (before endear) 015" tube or 5" aluminum tube with a mechanically fastened 5" . round end cap la geld attachment of Fun Fines. Some Tats' Choice models shall contain a 70' post (before sodded) of 3.12 tube or 3 -111" aluminum tube with 3412' round end cap for field attachment of Fun Fones. The posts and Fun Fone tube assembly shall have aMira -Cote. finish. MIRACLE SAFETY PANEL shall be designed fo help ensure safe play IT all children. L' shall be the wainmers'responsibllily to install the panel near their playsystem(s) and to enforce safety guidelines in their play areas at all tines. The panel shall contain 'age appropriate' information on one side and safety rules on the other. The panel shall be constructed of Poodle measuring 3 -114' x 36'x 41' with all corners rounded. Safety information shall be silk - screened and molded into the Rockhe during the manufacturing process. The legs shall be 16 ga. 2 - jobs, which shall be fabricated of 1010 hot rolled, Flo -Coat galvanized tube manufactured Irom steel, mid formed and high frequency induction welded continuously It shall conform to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -500 and be tested in accordance with ASTM E -B. The minimum mechanical properties of the tube shall be a yield strength of 40,000 ps.1. and tensile strength of 45,000 ps.i. The legs shall have threaded means installed at the factory list geld mounting of the sign. All fastening hardware shall be Fastener Style A. The panel shall have mix molded in, and the legs shall be finished in Mira -Cote. Technical Data for Processes and Finishes of the Highlighted Items . aluminum alloy conforms to the following: ASTM 356, ANSI 322, Chrysler MS 2417 and General Motors GM 4323 -M. Parts or components consirucled of aluminam alloy are either sand castor she cast Sand call abrninum alloy is 319 vilh tensile strength of 27,000 ps.L and yield sgength of 18,000 p.s.i. Die cast aluminum albyis 363.1 with Tensile strength 0145,000 pa.i. and yield strength of 22,000 p.s.i. WE" proof coil chain is hot dipped galvanized with a 2,650 pound working bad limit. All chain shall be manufactured To ASTM A467 -BBA Class CS specifications , . 410 straight link coil chain is hot dipped galvanized with a 670 pound working load limit. All chain shall be manufactured to ASTM A467 -B6A Class CS specifications. • Versalok Fasteners (R) are cast aluminum alloy. Each fastener constants of two die cast aluminum alloy 'hall ring' pieces, which were designed to fasten onto the round posts by use of a malefiemale interlock. For 3 -12' post, outside dimension of the completed fastener (joined 'halt-ringe') is 5'. For 5' post, outside dimension of the mfli fastener is 5 -10. Rungs and components connecting to a 3 -12' poll attach to clamps by means of a sand cast aluminum alloy costal receptor which shoes now a clamp hall before it is joined win its counterpart. Rungs and components connecting to a 5 post attach to clamps by means of a die cast aluminum alloy, two -piece snkst receptor which may be assembled to a previously - installed clamp ring and secured to the clamp and component by at screws. Decks attaching to both 3-12' and 5' posts ahach to clamps by means of die call aluminum alloy deck support oastings. The clamp assembly and socket receptor have aMira -Cote finish. On year 20D0 models and after, components with 2" pipe mounting points attach to 5' posts using aluminum alloy sand cast header suppods. (Older models will be upgraded to this attachment method) . 3 -112" round end cap is die cast aluminum alloy. . 5" round end cap is die cast aluminum alloy. . Fastener Style A is a corrosion resistant, 16 -6, stainless steel, vandal resistant fastener_ . Flo -Cwt (R) is a patented triple coal conosion pro iecimn process of Allied Tube and Conduit's Mechanical Tube Division, wheein steel pipe or tube first receives a hotdieped unilorm zinc galvanized coating followed by a conversion coating followed by a clear, high performance organic polymer coating. The interior of the tube has an 81% minimum zinc rich pruner applied, capable of providing excellent rust projection and fabrication characteristics. Ail coatings are applied inside and out after welding. Flo-Coal processed tube exceeds the lest results of galvanized Sch 40 pipe in salt spray tests conducted in accordance with ASTM 3-117. The ten 'Flo -Cost' is a registered trademark of Alfred Tube and Conduit, used with permission, . G 90 galvanized indicates that a coating 0190 ounces of zinc per square foot has been applied on each surface side. . A -60 Galvannealed indicates that a coating of .60 ounces of zinc per square foot alloyed with substrate steel has been applied on sash surface side Mira -Cote (TM) is a Super Durable formulation of a polyester powder coating finish that is applied to a thickness of 3.5 mil. This ficosh gives metal pads lone term protection from chipping, lading and peeling. Miracle's finishing system washes the metal parts with detergent and etches the metal for spin= adhesion. The part is then rinsed clean with water. Next the pad is coated with a non - chromic sealer and dried. The Mira -Cote powder is then applied electrostatically to the metal part. The metal pans are then baked at a high temperature to fuse a hard, smooth durable finish to the metal. Mira-Cole has an impact value of 160 in Ins., fropplity value of 1B0 degrees -1/4' mandrel, shore hardness value H and a crosshatch adhesion of 100% Mlfe-001e is tested in accordance with ASTM 0-792, D -523, D -2794, D -1737, D -3363, D -3359 (b), Bl17 and D -2247. Mica -Cole will withstand over a 1,500 hours of sail spray exposure and 1,500 hours of weatherometer testing with minimal loss of gloss and Sour. Mira Le no (TIA) is compression- molded, 314' thick, high density polyethylene that has been specifically formulated to optimum U.N. stability and cola retention. Compression molded products have a density of .952 glco3 per ASTM D1505 and tensile strength 013900 PSI per ASTM DE38. • Mira -Therm (TM) is a polyvinyl chloride mating applied to a thickness of 1116' to 112'. Pined metal parts are heated and then dipped in a vinyl plastisol solution. As the vinyl plactisol is heated, fusion takes place and the liquid is converted into a tough, homogenous mass with excellent abrasion, aging, corrosion and electrical resistance. Mira -Therm also contains U.V. light stabilizers and color pigments. Mira -Therm is a proprietary brand of PVC. Materials are tested in accordance with ASTM 0 -638, ASTM D -412, ASTM D -2240 and ASTM D -1004. Mica -Therm meets the FMVS 302 flammability rating. , pipe sized tube is 1010 hot rolled, Flo -Cool galvanized pipe manufactured from steel, mid formed and high frequency induction welded continuously. It conforms to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in accordance with ASTM E -B. schedule 40 galvanized pipe consists of a hot dip process of coating the pipe inside and out with not less than 1.6 ounces per square loot with an average 04 1.8 ounces par square fool. Schedule 40 pipe conforms to ASTM standards A -53. 1" pipe is 14 ga.; 1' diamond embossed pipe sized tube (1.315' OD; approx, 1 -5116' OD.) 1 -114" pipe is 1 3 ga., 1 -114' pipe sized tube (1 -660' OD; approx. 1-i V16' 0D.) _ 1.112" pipe Is fl ga.. 1 -112' pipe sized tube (1.900' OD; approx. 1 -7y8' OD I 2" pipe is 12 ga., 2' pipe sized tube (2375' OD; appox. 2 -316' OD.) Y' Sch 40 pipe is 2' schedule 40 galvanized pipe (2.375' OD: approx. 2 -3B' OD.) plastic pipe plugs are injection molded polypropylene containing U.N. light stabilizers. Rock to (R) )(Rotational Molded Polyethylene) is a low density polyethylene producediran high performance, U.V. slabilized rotational molding grade resins win a comprehensive additive package. These resins are tested in accordance with ASTM tasting procedures D -1505. D -1246, D- 1693(b), D -638, 0-790 and D -746. Resin's properties exhibit a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature impact performance. Wall thickness of molded components is Xili'to 114'. • round tube is fabricated of 1010 hot rolled, Flo -Coat, galvanized tube manufactured from steel. mid funned and high frequency induction welded continuously. It conforms to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in accordance with ASTM E -8. The minimum mechanical Properties Of the tube are yield strength of 50 000 p.s.i. and tensile strength of 55,000 ps-i, . 3 -112 aluminum tube is a 35' O.D. (.125 wall) aluminum post that receives a five stage oxidation wash pia to painting. This 6005-T5 alloy and temper extruded aluminum tube conforms Io ASTM-B-221 and 00- A -20DB with yield strength of 1 5,030 p.s.i, and tensile strength of 38,ODO ps.i. 5" aluminum tube is a 5' O.D. (.125 wall) aluminum post that receives a five stage oxidation wash prior to painting. This 6005 -T5 alloy and temper extruded aluminum tube conforms to ASTM -5-221 and QC A -2008 with yield strength of 35,000 p.sa and tensile strength of 38,000 p.s.i. 314' x 1" oval tube Is 15 ga. wall. It is fabricated of 1008 hot rolled, Flo-Coat galvanized tube manufactured from steel, cold lamed and high frequency induction welded continuously. It conforms to ASTM AA 35 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in amadance wrf ASTM 6B. The minimum mechanical properties at the tube are yield strength of 50000 ps.i. and tensile strength of 55 p.s.i. 1" tube is V OD, 15 ga. fluted round tube. 1.114" tube is 1,315' OD (approx. 1 -5116' OD), 14 ga. diamond embossed round tube. . 3.112" tube is 3 -1Q' OD, 13 ga. round tube. 4.112" tube is 4.112' OR, 7 ga. round tube. • 5" tube is 5' OD, I! ga. round tube. welded refers to welds that are made by certified welders, tested in accordance with AWS D1.1-94, structural welding code specifications for steel. Welds coniorm to AWS A5.17 AS ME SPA -5.17 EML3K and AWS A- 5.18ER70S3 ASME SFA -5.18 ER70s3 LE332. C and LE-559 -L. Specification Policy: Specifications were current at the fime of publication. Miracle Recreation Equipment Company has a policy of ongoing product improvement and therefore reserves the right to modify specifications or discontinue products without notice. I U4 I � z z z D D OD �x O � 2 N jq O 3 m$ m; 0> p + 1 Z>o J�V +i m Z i m 2 im J D _ Z > C m� D m NN v Z mJ v O � Z $$ N .o o C Q � �4 m O y r m - o a y _ rn p C S m z , (m a U4 I � t b b0 m N J v 0 \V rn / II rn 'CA `D V � II N N m �CS I�jA> U N J T 0 0 m > N . >, • +mm I A J uN I> NNm O r nlAr.PAM jq O p + 1 Z>o J�V +i i m 2 im J b2 mos 6AT mmin ♦z IZ m ± JK J J m9 �Sm j o �Cm CFO N�2 N A, OImN yam Jl1m mvr iF . = << 1 1mN A9 JO m 'U m Um(n O F O nu m m m _ Um N. m N I i'� Vr b b Z � m mZ J > J 2Ff 0 jo Gov mm �,mW o .• Kn2 m Nx Fm p N oar r C N 9 WL NmF2m NAm W r J om Jr u N m t b b0 m N J v 0 \V rn / II rn 'CA `D V � II N N m �CS I�jA> U N J T 0 0 m > N . >, • +mm I A J uN I> NNm O r nlAr.PAM SPECIFICATIONS SECTION III - SALLY TANNER PARK EQUIPMENT 1.0 MATERIALS 1.1 EQUIPMENT: See diagram 2 for type, style, configuration, and structure or modular unit to be provided. 1.2 COLOR SCHEME: See color rendering, Illustration 2 for the color schedules of the various elements of playground equipment, structure or modular unit to be provided. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS /COMPONENTS: Designs and specifications are based upon equipment from Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. See Section I - General Specifications 1.3 for "or Equal Provisions ". 1.4 COMPONENT LIST QTY MODEL . DESCRIPTION 1 71452639. CST 3' Hexagon Deck, MTII 1 71452659 CST 5' Hexagon Deck, MTII 1 7147155 Jump Panel (5' Deck) 1 7147285 Bump and Glide Slide, one piece (5' Deck) 1 714734 Safety Panel - Ages 5 -12, Free Standing 1 71474859 6'2" Typhoon II Slide 360 Deg. (5'Deck), MTII 1 71475725 Sloped Climbing Wall (4' & 5' Deck) 1 7148153 Vertical Ladder Climber (3' Deck) 1 714900 Wall Enclosure w /Steering Wheel 1. 7139071 "L" Slide RH, Rockite (3' Deck) 1 7149599 ADA Stairs between Decks w /2' Rise, MTII 1 7149659 Transfer Point w /Single Step (3' Deck), MTII 1 714968 Curved Loop Climber (3' Deck) 1 7149695 Spiral Climber (3' or 5' Deck) 4 2840 SWG Part Slash Proof Seat w /Chain (8' TR) 2 2990 SWG Part Tot Seat 360 Deg. w /Chain (8' TR) 1 7188526 3 OD Arch SWG Frame only 6 Seats Req. MC 2.0 PROTECT - SALLY TANNER PARK 2.1 Furnish, assemble and install the Miracle Playground System "Kid's Choice Custom - Ages 2- 12 at Sally Tanner Park 2.2 Add 4" of new sand throughout entire play area 1 I u GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SALLY TANNER PARK SAFETY STANDARDS d GUIDELINES All public playground equipment suppled shall meet all applicable Wuviscns al the current 'HandO ok for Public Playground Safety' published by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). and of ASTM F1487 -01 'Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground E quipmen t for Public Use,' published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Products bearing the certdication seal of the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) have received written validation of compliance win ASTM F1487 -01. _ TRADEMARKS Miacle (R), Miracle Recreation (R), Kids Choice (R), Tots' Choice (R), Center Stage (R), Toddlers' Choice (R), Lokvile (R), Spray Stations (R), Hang -A -Round (R), Fun Tunnel (R), Versalok (R), Rock -Ile (R), Flippopotamus (R), Dupli -Gator (R), Natureworks (R), Mega Tower (TM), Ozone (TM), Big Tenbe' (TM,), Tensile Tough (TM), Tensile Tower (TM), Timber (TM), Wavy Wattle Wall Walker (TM), X- Cavata (TM), PDwr, Pedeler (TM), Bongo (TM), Flippo (TM), Big Kahuma (TM), Camel Back (TM), Mogul (TM), Groove (T M), Toboggan (TM), Typhoon (TM), Chameleon (TM), Whirlwind (TM), Funnel Tunnel JM), Thunder Tunnel (TM), Serpent Trek (TM). Trple Play (TM), Kids' Perch (TM), View Groove (TM), Fun Fone (TM), Timber (TM), Rodeo Rocky (TM), Schnozz WOMP (TM), OOspring (TM), Rainbow Bend (TM), Funshades (TM),Sneak -A -View (TM), Mira -Cote (TM), Mire-Trrem; C, Mira -lam (TM), Mira -Lene (TM), Sun Sparkle (TM), and Pena-Guard (TIM) are trademarks of Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. Tornado (TM), Multi -Pondo (TM), and Pirouette (TM) are trademarks of HAGS (TM). Miracle and HAGS are divisions of PlayPower, Imp. PlayPower (R) is a trademark of PlayPower, Inc. QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFICATION The manufacturer's quality system is cedifed to ISO 9001 since December 1998. PRODUCT CHANGES At Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, we strive for the utmost in quality and safety in our entire product line. Therefore, in Order to honor Ins commitment to you, our customers, we reserve the right to make changes on any product released andror published in our annual catalog and other promotional or technical literature. WARRANTY Buyer agrees that products sold by Miracle Recreation Equipment Company only arty the following waranty. 1. LIMITED ONE HUNDRED (100) YEAR WARRANTY on aluminum deck posts, steel deck posts, the Versalok. (R) fastening system, and associated fastening hardware against structural failure caused by corrosion a deterioration born exposure to weather, or defective materials or defective wwkmanship 2. LIMITED FIFTEEN (15)'YEAR WARRANTY on steel support legs and Mira -Therm II components on TOTS' CHOICE (R), KIDS' CHOICE (R), and CENTER STAGE (R) against structural failure caused by corrosion, defective materials or defective workmanshp. "s. LIMITED FIFTEEN (1 5) YEAR WARRANTY on playsystem steel components including railings, rungs and rgid climbers @gains! structural failure caused by defective materials o detective workmanship. 4. LIMITED FIFTEEN (15) YEAR WARRANTY, on Rockhe (R) against structure tature caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. 5. LIMITED FIVE (5) YEAR WARRANTY on RAINBOW BEND (TM) and enclosed waterside fib sections against structural failure caused by defective materials or detective workmanship. Limited one (1) year warranty on all waterslide and pool slide support structures, stairways, landings, and ratings ecainst structural failure caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. 6. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on TODDLERS' CHOICE (R) main supped materials and decks against structural failure caused by defective materials or workmanship. 7. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on bleachers against structural failure caused by defective materals or defective wokmanchip. E. LIMITED SIX (6) MONTH WARRANTY on sewn fabric components on Early Childhood products. 9. LIMITED THREE (3) YEAR IN on Slashpme, Seals and 350 deoree Bucket Tot Seats for swings against struclual tature caused by defective materials or defective workmanship. 10. LIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY on all products not listed above Including all moving pads and flexible clarifies against structural failure caused by defective materials or detective workmanship. 11. These limited warranties do not include lading of colurs, damage due to excessive weir and fear, vandalism, or negligence. These warranties are valid only 9 products are installed according to manufacture's installation instructions. 12. All warranties begin on the date of Miracle's invoice. Repaired or replacement battle) are only warranted for the balance of the Original limited warranty. BUYER'S REMEDY If any of the products prove to be defective or nonconforming under normal operations within the above - prescribed warranty periods, Buyer must promptly notify Miracle in wiling at P.O. Box 420, Monett, MO 65708 USA Miracle will within a reasonanle time repair or replace such defective a nonconlorming product by providing free of charge replacement pals) to the she. Miracle will not be responsible for the cost of labor to- the removal of nor the cost of labor for the installation of repaired or replacement palls). These limited warranties do not apply to structures no, erected in conformity win Miracle's installation instructions, structures not maintained or inspected in conformity with Miracle's instructions, parts that have been modified, shared car misused, pads that have not been used as designed or intended, structures that have had pads added or substituted, damage or reduction in value due to vandalism, abnormal use, or abuse. Buyer, by acceptance and use of this warranty, agrees that t waives any rights t may have to claim or assert that this limited warranty fail=_ of its essential purpose. Buyer agrees venue for any action shall be in Barry or Greene Counties in the Stale of Missouri. BUYER AGREES THIS UNDERTAKING BY MIRACLE IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTIBILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, FURTHER, NO REPRESENTATION, ORAL OR WRITTEN, BY ANY MIRACLE REPRESENTATIVE MAYBE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE A70RE DESCRIBED EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY. BUYER FURTHER AGREES THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL MIRACLE ON ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND HA\ E ANY LIABILITY TO BIKER FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFIT S OR FOR ANY INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL, OR CONSeQUEN T IAL DAMAGES. Consult Mracle's'Gloasary of Technical Data for Materials, Processes and Finishes' for sped6calions oyiients listed in bold type. . CENTER STAGE MIRA -THERM 11 DECKS shall consist of pedestal- mounted decks in 4, 6, and 8 -sided configurations. Each deck shall be available for installation at 3', 4',5. T -6', and 8' heights. Decks with model numbers in the 714 -52X series shall be designed to have capped posts with no roof. Decks with model numbers in the 714 -53X series shall have posts designed to allow field adachmenl of a roof assembly. Deck frames shall be constructed with folded 11 ga. steel sheeting immure 3'tall sides. Decking sheets shall be perforated with a staggered pattern. of 3/8' diameter holes at 518' apart center -to center. Each section shall contain deck support members of 3116' x 2' flat and decking supports of 114' x 1' flat. The deck assemblies shall be solid welded and primer waled prior to PVC coating. Each model shop also contain pours famed and solid welded to pedestal assemblies. The posts shall be constructed of 5" tube with or without 5" round end caps mechanically fastened to lop ends. Octagonal (6- sided) decks shall mnsel of a 46' square deck piece surrounded by four hexagon - shaped deck sections which shall combine to form a single octagon deck wan a deck lop sudace area of 77.3 square feel (11,131.2 sq . in.) and deck length of 125.4' postaoecionne -post or 116' flat - edoe-to-tiafedge. Octagonal deck pedestal shall be a single 24' diameter x.134 wall A139B spiral wed tube. Hexagonal (6- sided) decks shall consist of two mina image hahfiexaoornioned sections which shall combine to form a hexagon deck with a deck top surface area of 41.6 square feet (5,990.4 mi in.) and deck length of 96' post- to-opposite -post or 83.2' fleedge-to-flatedge. Hexagonal deck pedestal shall be a single 18' diameter x .134 wall A1398 spiral weld tube. Square (4- sided) decks shall consist of a 48'square section with a deck fop sudace area of 16 square feet j2,304 sq. in.) : Each assembly shall con ain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A and Fastener Style B hardware. Dec: pedestals shalt be hot doped galvanized before being coaled in Mira Cote. Posts and end caps shall also be finished in Mira -Cote. The deck sections shall be finished in Mira. Therm. • MIRA -THERM II TYPHOON ll SPIRAL SUDES shall be 360 decree, one - piece, open bedway spiral slides with Mncola barrel canopy and slap or ramp assembly, designed lot attachment to 4', 5', 6' and 6' -6' decks. The slide bedway shall be constructed of 1/4' to 5116' wall Roc kite. The slide bedway shall be 30' vide with a 15' high side wait The came post shall be constructed of 4-1R" tube. The step assembly shall be constructed of!! ca. steel sheet iDlded and pedecated with a staggered pattern o. 3 diameter holes at 5 apart center- tocenler, solid welded to stringers of 7 ga. black steel. The handrail assembly shall consist of a top and bottom rail and newel post, formed, constructed of t" pipe with mill of, 314" x 1" oval tube. The step enclosure assembly shall be solid welded and plastic pipe plugs shall close open ends. The deck enclosures shall consist of a venial I. and top and bottom rail, formed, constructed of 1" pipe with an upright of 314" x 1" oval tube, and 318' aluminum insects in the rail ends to attachment to the step enclosures. The deck enclosure assemblies shall be solid welded. The 33 platform barrel shall be Roc kite, with a canopy painted ahernaling mloxs with polyurethane paint. The barrel shall have molded -in view grooves for viewing chill The back -up plate used to con meet the step assembly and the barrel shall be mnstructed of 114' x 1' x 5' flat steel. The front leg shall be constructed of 2" pipe and shall be at ached to the slide using a channel constructed o17 ga. sheet. Each assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The Recline slide and platform canopy shall have color molded in The step shall be finished in Mira -Them. The handrail assembles, deck enclosures, front leg, and clamps shall have a Mira -Cote finish The back-up plate shall have a zinc plate finish. • ROCKITE "L" SLIDE shah be an open bedway slide which mall exit to the right from a 3' deck and shall include a canopy panel. The one -piece slice and his canopy panel shall be constructed of double wall Rockite. The slide shall have 6-114' high side rata, an overall width of 25 -5 and an 1S' wide sliding sudace. The front leg shall be constructed of 1.112" tube, solid welded to a 7 ga. A -60 Galvannealed mounting bracket. A top rail used for mounting the canopy between decl; posts shall be 1" pipe. Each assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The top rah, front leg, and clamps shall be finished in Min -Cote. The Rockite slide and can shall have color molded in. • BUMP AND GLIDE SLIDES shall be double bedway, Rockite slides available for 4' and 5' decks, with one bedway mogul -style and the other groove- style. Each, slide shall feature a Rockite Wide Slide Transition Sh -Down Canopy supported by a rung. The slide shall be constructed of Rockite with aluminum inserts incorporated internally for securing me legs and in the end connecting to the deck. The dinensions shall ben bedway width, 16 -114'l outside overall, 40'; inside rail width, 1d 14'; outside rail widths, 1.12'; top of bedway to lop of rail, 7 -12' to 6 -12'l and bedway thickness, 4.12' to 5112'. The front and middle legs shall each consist o. an upright and a top. The upright shall be constructed of 2" pipe with a 1- 114' x 3-110 channel top constructed of 11 ga. sheet, welded to the upright in a'T' configuration. The wide slide canopy shall be constructed of Rockite well Threaded fasteners incorporated internally for assembly. The canopy shall have an inside width of 39' and an outside width of 44' and shall be slanted at 37 degrees. It shall be field assembled to the posts via clamps and a rung of i" pipe. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The Rockite slide and canopy shall have color molded in. The legs, rung, and clamps shall have a Mira -Cote finish. . MIRA -THERM TI ATA STAIRS BETWEEN DECKS shall be stair assemblies, vrith spoked or open handrails, designed to connect decks of different heig hts. The steps shall be constructed of 7 ga, sleet stringers with treads consoidad of 11 ga. steel sheet perforated wil h a staggered pattern of 310' diameter holes at 518' apart center -lo- center, solid welded, with PVC coaling. The braces shag be condruded of 11 ga, black. The spoked handrails shall consist of a top and bottom rail and newel post, all of 1" pipe, and uprights constructed of 314" x 1" owl tubri, all solid welded, with plastic pipe plugs inserted in open ends. Top fails shall have 3r8' aluminum inserts. The open handrails shall consist DIE top and bottom rail and newel post of 1" pipe, all sold welded, with plastic pipe plugs inserted m open ends. Top rails shall have 318' aluminum inserts. The top deck enclosure shall consist of enclosure rails and an upright, both to be constructed of 1' pipe, drilled and solid welded, with one end of upright mashed for field attachment to deck. The bottom deck enclosure shall consis of ho¢onel rails and an upright of 1" pipe, drilled and solid welded, and a spoke upright of 314" x 1" owl tube. The u ? right shall be mashed on one end for field attachment to deck Inserted in open ends will be plastic pipe plugs. The assembly shall include Fastener Style A hardware and Versalok Fasteners. The step assemblies shall be finished in Mira - Therm. The deck enclosures, handrails, and damps shall be finished in Mira -Cote. . MIRA -THERM 11 TRANSFER POINTS shall be designed to assist disabled users in moving between wheelchairs and a deck system. Transfer point decking shall be constructed of 11 ga. steel sheet perforated with a staggered padem of 3 /8' diameter holes at 518' aped center -lo c nee. The deck frame shall be constructed by folding edges to form 3 tall walls. The deck support shall be cnnstruded of 7 ga. by 1- 1/2'tlat. The entire assembly shall be solid welded. The stair shall be construded of 7 ca sisel with decking constructed d 11 act. steel sheet perforated with a staggered pattern of 3/8' diameter hales at 5 /8' apart center- lo-center. The step assemblies shall be solid welded, with each transle'-poet -to -deck step measuring 41.12' wide by 1G' deep. The bottom step also shall be constructed of tt ga. steel sheet Will folded edges and an identical pad - pattern, and shat measure approximately 26' wide by 14' deep and rise approximately 6 -1/2 Braces and brackets shad be 11 ga . black sheer steel. Support strips shall be 3A6' x 1 -12' flat. The transfer - point- to-deck handrail assemblies shalt each consist o' a {opined top and Dottom mild 1' pipe, a bolting plate, and a vertical handrail support. The bottom step handrail shall consist of a single 'U'- shaped handrail, to be constructed of 1° pipe, a bolting plate, and a vertical handrail support. Bolling plates shag be constructed d 7 ga. G.90 galwnized. Each assembly shall be sold welded. The legs each shall be 1" pipe with ends mashed and punched fa laid assembly to bottom step. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardware. The transfer point platform and step assemblies shall have a Mira -Therm finish. The handrails, legs, and damps shall be finished in Mira -Cole. . CLIMBING POLEISPIDER CUMBERIBUM PER LADDERISPIRAL CLIMBERICLIFF CLIMBERITRAP DOOR CLIMBER Shall each be used as an entry to or an ad Iron a deck. The cliff climber side rails and rungs shall be constructed of 1" PIPE, formed, drilled and all solid welded construction. The Vap door timber pole shall be lamed 1.114" pipe_ The 'U rungs shall be formed 1" 0Pe. The extension snail have a 3/B' aluminum insect. The climber shall be a welded assembly. The climbing pole shall be constructed of 1" pipe, 17 ga. The spider climber pole and 'U' shaped rungs shag be formed 1" pipe, solid welded. The spiral dimbershag be constructed of l" pipe, toned, drilled and all solid welded construction with plastic pipe plugs inserted in open ends. For he tors' Chaice system, the spiral climber center pole shall be constructed of 1" pipe, formed, orilled and all solid welded consirudion with plastic pipe plugs inserted in open ends and the spiral shall be constructed of 1 " tube' and shall be attached to the center pole by means of sib spacers, also construded of 1" tube. The assembly shall be solid welded. The bumper laddershall be constructed of Rocldte bumpers supported internally by a pole constructed of 1" pipe, 10 ga. Each bumper shall measure 18' high x 19' wide. The enclosure assembly shall consist of top supports, a bottom support, and an arched upright, which shall be constructed of 1" pipe, formed, mashed, and punched, and vertical rungs which shall be constructed of 314" x 1" owl tube (except Tols' Choice enclosures which shall conslsl of two top supports and an arched upright all constructed o11" tube, tom ed, mashed and punched). All enclosure assemblies shall have an extension tube of V pipe, 109a Enclosure assemblies shall be solid welded. The cliff climber, cap door climber, climbing pole, spiral timber, bumper ladder pole, and enclosure assembly shall have a Mira -Cote finish. The Roc kite bumpers shag have cola molded in . VERTICAL LADDERILOOK -OUT LADDER shall be designed to use as an enhance and all la decks of various heights. Each assembly shall consist of side rails and rungs constructed of 1" pipe, all solid welded. Models shall have threaded inserts in the ends C the side rails and a deck enclosure. The Kids' Choice enclosure assembly shall consist of lop supports, a bottom support , and an arched upright, constructed of 1" pipe, formed, mashed and punched, and vertical infill of 314" x 1 " owl M1rbe, The Tots' Choice enclosure assembly shall consist of top supports and an arched upright, constructed of 1" tube, formed, mashed and punched. The enclosure assemblies shall be solid welded. The ladders and enclosure assemblies shall have a Mira -Cote finish. . CURVED LOOP CLIMBERSAIPHILL CLIMBER shad be ground- to-deck climbers. The side raps shall be curved 1 -12" pipe with blind fasteners inside top end, with curved rungs constructed of 1" tube, die formed and welded to side rags (except Tod Choice curved bop clincher models which shall have side rails of curved 1" pipe). The deck enclosure assembly la Kids' Choice models shall consist of top supports, a bottom support, an outer upright, and an arched upright, which shall be constructed of 1" pipe, formed, mashed and punched, and vertical rungs which shall be constructed of 314" x 1 "Oval tube with bohing tabs of 11 ga. sheet. The enclosure assembly for i ots' Choice models shall consist of lop supports and an arched upright, which shall be constructed of 1" tube turned, mashed and punched. For all systems, the deck enclosure shall be solid welded. Loop climber and handholds shall have a Mira -Cote finish. .. CLIMBING WALLS, VERTICAL AND SLOPED (KIDS' CHOICE ONLY) shall consist of an arch entry deck enclosure and panel sections with climbing holds fastened to a steel frame. The rails and archway of the enclosure assembly shall be constructed of 1" pipe, with vertical rungs of 314" x 1 "owl tube, solid welded. The panels shall be constructed of high deri dry polyethylene sheets, The climbing holds shall be constructed of molded sand and polyester resin mature. The frame shall comprise vertical outer rails (which serve as legs) constructed of 2" square tube, solid welded to horaomal support rails of 1.12" square tube and 11 ga. galvanibed 1 -117 x 3' redaneular tube. The ftll block shall be folded 11 ga. steel sheet, perforated with a staggered pattern of 318' diameter holes at 518' aped, centerto-cemer, solid welded with 7 ga. by 2' flat steel braces. The assembly shall contain Versalok Fasteners and Fastener Style A hardvam. The enclosure, frame, and clamps shall have a Mira -Cote finish. The fill block shall be finished in Mire- Therm. WALL ENCLOSUREANALL WITH STEERING WHEELICLOSURESIHANDHOLD FOR TRANSFER POINTITREEHOUSE SEAT shall be barrier assembges. The handhold fa transfer point shall be used as a support rail to assist wheelchair user access on a 1'-6' transfer point deck The wall enclosure and transfer point handholo supports shall consist of a welded assembly handrail system with atop and bottom rail construded oft" pipe (except Tots' Choice models which shallbe 1" tube) and uprights constructed of 314" x 1 " oval tube (except Tots'Choice models which shall be 1 "tube), solid welded. The mounting bracket shall be It ga. A -60 Galvannealed sheet steel, welded to the wall enclosure. The steering wheel on vehicle - themed panels shall be constructed of a high - densely blow molded polyethylene produced from high pedonnance, JAI stabilized resins with a comprehensive additive package. These resins shag be tested in accordance with ASTM testing procedures D -1505. D -1246, D. 1693(b), D- 63B, D -790 and D -746. Resin's properties exhibit a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature impact pedonnance. Wall thickness shall be 1/8'. The steering wheel hub cover shall be constructed of injection molded polypropylene which shall contain U.V. light stabilizers. Fa the treehouse seat, the wall enclosure supports shall consist of a welded assembly handrail system with a top and bottom rail, and end uprights constructed of 1" pipe and infill constructed of 314" x 1" oval tube. The seat shall consort of the seat tame constructed o11" pipe and cross rungs of 316' steel red. The entte assembly shall be solid welded. The enclosure rungs, uprights, handhold for transfer point, enclosure with seat assembly, steering wheel, and ste"l; wheat mounting bracket shall have a Mira -Cote finish, The steering wheel shall have molded in color. IMAGINATION PANELS and Activity Panels shall be constructed of Min -Lene and shag measure 36 -1? x 40' rah all corners rounded. The panels shall have routered designs, including themes of a general store counter, a bank teller window, a television front, a puppet stage, a window, a computer screen, a door, a park ranger, a has truck, a police car, a train engine, a taxi cab, two airplanes (bath containing two steering wheel assemblies, one also containing a clear polycarbonate window mechanically fastened to panel), a race car, an alphabet finger maze, an abstract finger maze, a calculator, a bus stopbench, a rest stop/bench, jump height measurements fa a 3' and 5' deck, a sign language alphabet, a Spanish. English translation, braille alphabet with riddles, welcome and age appropriate messages, inte¢onnected gears, pear - driven pistons, and sliding files. Rung brackets shall be constructed of 1" pipe and 11 ga, A -60 Galvannealed tabs solid welded (except Tots' Choice models which shall . have brackets conshucled of 1" tube and 11 ga, A -60 Galvannealed tabs solid welded.) The steering wheels) on vehicle themed panels shall be constructed of a highball blow molded polyethylene produced it= high perfgnnance, U.V. stabilized resins with a comprehensive additive package. These resins shall be tested in accordance win ASTM testing procedures D -1505. D -1248, D- 1693@), D. 638, VD) and D -746. Resin's properties shall exhibit a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature Impact performance. Wall thickness shall be 116'. The stewing wheel hub cover shall be constructed of injection molded polypropylene which shall contain U.V, lighl stabilizers. The Piston panel and Gear panel each shag contain a clear polyarbonate cover mechanically fastened over sale of IIA' thick gears (orive gears not covered by widow), The gears shall be constructed of high - densely polyethylene, which shall turn on nylon bushings, except fa the black nylon handles and drive gears which shall turn on bronze bushings. The piston panel shall also contain connecting rod and piston shapes of 114' thick high- denary polyethylene. The reverse side of both panels shall contab routered text and/or designs. The Sliding Tile panel shall contain 15 moveable, tongue- andyrogve tiles with routed numerals to be constructed of 114' thick high-densay polyethylene. The panels and steering wheel shall have molded in WIT win each panel assembly having a laminated, two -color scheme. Each assembly shall Include Fastener Style A hardware and Versalok Fasteners. Panels and steering wheels shall have color molded in, and rung brackets and clamps shall be finished in Mira. Cote. MIRACLE SAFETY PANEL shall be designed to help ensure safe play for all children. It shag be the metalS'rasponsibiMy to install the panel near their playsystem(s) and to enlace safety guidelines in their play areas at all lines. The panel shall contain 'age appropriate' information on one side and safety rules on the other. The panel shall be constructed of Recline measuring 3 -114' If 36'x 41' win all owners rounded. Safety , information shall be silk- screened and molded into the Rockite during the marina luring process. The legs shag be 16 ga. Thuds, which shall be fabricated of 1010 hot rolled, Flo -Coat galvanized tube manufactured tram steel, cold formed and hgh frequency induchon welded continuously. It shall contain to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -5DO and be tested in accordance with ASTM E5. The minimum mechanical properties of the tube shall be a yield strength of 40,000 ps.i. and tensile strength of 45,DDD p.s.i. The legs shall have threaded inserts Installed at the factory for field mounting of the sign All fastening hardware shall be Fastener Style A The panel shall have cola molded in, and the legs shall be finished in Min -Cote. • ARCH SWING FRAMES (TOTS' CHOICE) shallconsort of arches, headers) andtwo devises perbay Mich shall assembletioform a swing frame. The swing frames shall be available in 1, 2, 3, or 4 bay models providing for 2, 4, 6, or B swing configurations, Arch assemblies shall consist of the arch, which serves as the legs its the swing theme, and the arch stub, which supports the header. Aches shall be constructed 813.112" tu6e- and shall measure 118' from leg end to the plane of the underside of the arch apex. Stubs shall measure approximafety 5 314' with Iwo 518' holes drilled 1 -112' from flush end and shall be solid welded to the arches. The header assembly must be installed T -4' above the finished surfacing. The header shall be constructed of 3" pipe, Top tails shall measure 10'5' king and shall have 1.114' O.D. steel bushing housings solid welded 10 them with 9116' oil - impregnated bushings installed Star painting. Clevises shall be cast of ductile tor, grade 60.40 -18 and shall be zinc plated All faslenr hardware shall be Fastener Style A. The arches and header shall be finished in Mira -Cote. Some models shall contain Slashproot Seats or 360 Degree Slashproof Tot Seats. - . SWING SEATS shall reference one of the following in Miracle's 'Glossary of Technical Data for Materials, Processes and Finishes': Slash proof Seat 360 Degree Slashproof Tot Seat, or Therapeutic Chat Seat Technical Data for Processes and Finishes of the Highlighted Items aluminum alloy conforms to the following: ASTM 356, ANSI 322, Chrysler MS 2417 and General Motors GM 4323 -M. Pads or components constructed of aluminum alloy are either sand cast a die mat Sand cast aluminum alloy is 319 with tensile strength of 27,OOD pxi and yield an ength o1.18,000 p.s.i. Die cast aluminum alhy is 383.1 win tensile strength of 45,000 p.ai. and yield strength of 22,000 p.s.i. . 478 straight link coil chain is hot dipped calvanized with a 670 pound working load limit. All chain shall be manufactured to ASTM A467 -86.4 Class CS specifications. . Vemalok Fasteners (R) are cast aluminum alloy. Each fastener consols of two die cast at unit num alloy 'hall ring' pieces, which were using rted to Wien onto the round posts by use of a malelfeneIs interlock Fa 3 -12' post, outside dmenson of the completed festene (pined 'hal4rinps') is 5'. For 5' post, outside dimension of the completed fastener is 6 -12'. Rungs and components connecting to a 3 -12' post attach to clamps by means of a sand calf aluminum alloy socket receptor which slides onto a clamp half before it is joined with its counterman. Rungs and components connecting to a 5' posl attach to clamps by means of a die cast aluminum alloy, two-piece socket receptor which maybe assembled to a previously - installed clamp ring and secured to the clamp and component by set Sdr"Is. Decks attaching to both 3 -12' and 5' posts attach to clamps by means of die cast aluminum alloy deck support castings. The clamp assembly and socket receptor have a Mira -Cote finish. On year 2003 models and after, components with 2" pipe mounting points attach to 5' posts using aluminum alloy sand cast header supports. (Older models will be upgraded to this altachmenl method.) Fastener Style A is a corrosion resistant, 18-8, stainless steel, vandal resistant fastener. Fastener Style 8 is an so aluminum blind rivet or aluminum drive rivet with stainless steel pin. Both are corrosion resistant and vandal resistant fasteners. . fiberglass components are sprayed -up sophthalic molding resin with fiberglass reinforcements, The resins and hissing less are tested in accordance with ASTM D -790, D -38 -0651 and D -638. All sprayed up fiberglass components have a Gel coat finish which is molded in during the spray up process. • Ro-Coat (R) is a patented hole coat corrosion protection process of Allied cube and Conduit s Mechanical Tube Division, wherein steel pipe or tube firs receives a hot -dipped uniform zinc galvanized coating followed by a conversion mating followed by a Gear, high performance organic polymer maing The interior of the tube has an et% minimum zinc rich primer applied, capable of providing excellent rust protection and fabrication characteristics. Ali coatings are applied inside and out after welding. Fla -Coat processed tube exceeds the lest results of galvanized Son 40 pipe in salt spray tests conducted in accordance with ASTM BA 17. The ten 'Fiotcal' is a registered trademark of Abed Tube and Conduit, used with permission. Gel coal is formulated with tough flexible polyester resins containing omr acrd and neopentyl glycol for maximum pedomame. GelMd s U.V. light stabilized and is blister resistant after longterm exposure to water. Gelcoat meets IJSAS standard E 124.2 and Canadian standard Can 3- B45- Series -M -B1. ' G 90 galvanized indicates that a coating of .90 ounces of zin. per square fool has been applied on each surface side. . A -60 Galvannealed indicates that a mating of .60 ounces of zinc per square foot alloyed with substrate steel has been applied on each surface side. Mira -Cote (TM) is a Super Durable formulation of a polyester powder coating finish that is applied to a thickness of 3 -5 mil. This finish gives metal pans long term protection from chipping, fading and peeling. Miracles finishing system washes the metal parts with detergent and etches the metal for optimum adhesion. The part is then rinsed clean with water. Next the pad is coated with a non - chromic sealer and died. The Mira -0ote powder to then applied electrostatically to the metal part. The metal pans are then baked at a high temperature to fuse a hard, smooth durable finish .. to the metal. Mia-Cote has an impact value of 160 in, lbs., flexibility value of 180 degrees -114' mandrel, shore hardness value H and a crosshatch adhesion of 1 ON. Mira -Cote is tested in accordance with ASTM D -792, D -523, 0-2794, D.1737, D -3363, 0-3359 (b), 8117 and D -2247. Mra -Cote will withstand over a 1,500 hours of salt spay exposure and 1,500 hours o; wastherometar testing with minimal loss of gloss and color. Mira -Lese (TM) is compression - molded, 314' (hick, high density polyethylene that has been specifically formulated for opfmum U.V. slabilyy and cola retention. Canpressbn- molded products have a density of 952 g /vn3 par ASTM D1505 antl tensile strength of 3900 PSI per ASTM D638. Min -Therm (TM) is a polyvinyl chloride mating applied to a thickness of Ill S' to 118'. Primed metal parts are heated and then dipped in a vinyl plasirsol solution. As the vinyl plamisol is heated, fusion takes place anc the liquid a convened into a tough, homogenous mass Will excellent abrasion, aging, corrosion and electrical resistance, Mira -Therm also contains U.N. light stabilizers and color pigments, Mira Therm is a proprietary Nand o1 PVC. Materials are tested in accordance with ASTM D-636, ASTM D -412, ASTM D -2240 and ASTM D -1004. Mia -Therm meets the FMVS 302 flammability rating. • pipe sized tube is 1010 hot ruled. Flo -Coat galvanized pipe manufactured from steel, mid formed and high frequency induction welded continuously, It mnionns to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in accordance with ASTM E -8. - 1' Pipe is 14 ga., 1' diamond embossed pipe sized tube (1.315' OD; approx. 1-5116' OD.) - 1" pipe, 10 ga. is 10 ga., 1' pipe sized tube (1.315' DD; approx. 1.5116' OD.) 1" pipe, 12 ga. is 12 ga„ 1' pipe sized tube (1.315' OD', approx. 1 -5116' OD.) 1.114" pipe is 13 ga., 1 -19' pipe sized tube (1.660' OD; approx. 1- 11116' OD.) 1.112' pipe is 13 ga,, 1.12' pipe sized tube (1.900' OD; approx. 1 -716' OD.) 2" pipe is 12 ga., 2' pipe sized tube (2.375' ODl approx. 23 OD.) - 3" pipe is 5 ga., 3' pipe sized tube (3.500' OD', 3 -12' OD.) plastic pipe plugs are injection molded polypropylene containing U.V. light stabilizers • Roclate (R) (Rotational Molded Polyethylene) is a low density polyethylene produced from high performance, UV. stabilized rotational molding grade resins will a comprehensive additive package. These resins are tested in accordance with ASTM testing procedures D -1505. D -1248, D- 1593(b), D -638, D -790 and 0-746. Resin's properties exhbA a balance of toughness, rigidify, environmental stress crack resistance and excellent low temperature impact performance. Wall thickness of molded components is 3116' to 114'. Slashproof Seat is a flexible gal single strap seat Oth end attachment points and an exterior surface of blue EPDM rubber. Models wth chain have two segments of 410 straight link coil chain to suspend the swing from a swing frame header. The slashproof seal is constructed of a 4' was inner steel insert of type 301 stainless spring steel, 0.020' thick. The skshproof seat is 26' long (excluding mounting mangles) x 5' Ode x 5l8' thick at the front and near leading cushion edges. The rubber molded to the steel core is 70 durometer blue EPDM. At each end, a 16 ga. galvanized steel clip 3' Ode is attached by three stainless steel rivets through the clip and seat subassembly. A 318' diameter galvanized steel mounting triangle is encompassed by the steel clip at each end of the seat. For Model H 284 -74, the lower 30' of the chain is finished in Mira - Therm. • 360 Degree Slaehproof Tot Seat is a flexible seat fabricated into a configuration of a wide strap under and though the bo0am, a wide strap running completely around at the top, and two (2) interconnecting straps at the front and rear of the seat for complete enclosure of the smat user. The exterior surface is blue EPDM rubber. Models with chain have two segments of 416 straight link coil chain to suspend the swing from a swing frame header. The 35D degree lot seat is consimded of a one piece de out 0.020'thck, martinsdic spring steel insert with 70 decameter blue EPDM rubber, 114' thick molded to the insert. The main seat strap is 5' wde, the back strap is 4' wide, and the front strap is 2' wide. The Iwo (2) places where the straps are inierconneded and form the suspension points for the seat are held by a clip and grommet system. The clip is 4' wde 16 ga. galvanized steel. There are two grommeis pa clip, each of which is 314' OD by 14 ga. wall galvanized steel tube, flared to securely aflach the clip to the seat. The Iwo (2) mounting triangles are secured to the seat by clips and are made it= 318' steel round stock, formed and galvanizetl. For Model 0. 299 -74, the lower 30' of the chain is finished in Mira - Therm. • Therapeutic Chair Seat is a fiberglass seat molded to tam a single piece chair with a red Gel coat finish. A'T' configuration chain assembly attached to the front of the char encloses the small user. All chain is VID straight link coil chain. All rubber surfaces are blue EPDM. All exposed metal surfaces are bright zinc plated. • round tube is fabricated of 1010 hot rolled, Flo -Cwt galvanized tube manufactured Iron steel, cold lamed and high frequency induction welded continuously. 11 conlomts to ASTM AA 35 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in accordance with ASTM E -8. The minimum mechanical properties of the tube are yield strength of 50,000 ps.i. and tensile strength of 55,00 p.s.i. square tube is fabricated o11010 hot rolled, Flo -Coat galvanized tube manufactured from steel, mid tamed and high frequency induction welded continuously. It conforms to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A -500 and is tested in accordance with ASTM E -8. The minimum mechancal properties of the tube are yield strength of 50.0D0 p.s.i. and tensile strength of 55,000 p.s.i. . 314" x 1 "owl tube is 15 ga. wall. It is fabricated of 1008 hot rolled, Flo -Coat galvanized tube manufactured it= steel, cold loaned and high frequency induction welded continuously. It contomns to ASTM A -135 and ASTM A and is tested it accordance with ASTM E3. The minimum mechanical properties of the tube are yield strength of 50,000 be.i. and tensile strength of 55,000 be.i. 1.112" square tube is 16 ga., 142' square tube. 1" tube is 1' OD, 15 ga. fluted round tube. 1.12" tube IS 1 -12' OD, 16 ga. round tube.. • 3. 112" tube is 3 -12' OD, 13 ga. round tube. 4 -112" tube is 4 -12' OD, 7 ga. round tube. . 5" tube is 5' DD, 11 ga. round tube. . welded refers to welds that are made by certified welders. tested in accordance with AWS DI.1 -94, sUuctural weldinc code specfkafions for steel. Welds conlam to AM A5.17 ASME SPA 5A7 EML3N and AWS A- 5.18ER70S -3 ASME SPA-5.1B ER7N -3 LE332 -C and LE- 559-L. . Specification policy: Specifications were current at the time of publication. Miracle Recreation Equipment Company has a policy of ongoing productimprovement and therefore reserves the right to modify specifications or discontinue products without notice. BID PROPOSAL FORM TO: Rosemead Community Development Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 'I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Drawings, Instruction to Bidders; Specifications, Agreement, Contractors Qualification Statement, Bid Proposal Form, and Addendums #. # # & # I have satisfied myself as to the scope of work and conditions of the site. In submitting this Proposal, I agree 1. To hold my bid open for sixty (60) calendar days from the date of this Proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications and Drawings. 3. To furnish bonds and Insurance as noted in the Instruction to Bidders. 4. To begin work within ten (10) working days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. 5. All work must be accomplished within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. 6. Owner will retain 10% of the incremental payments pending resolution of Notice of Completion. 7. I have completed and enclosed the Contractor's Qualification Statement and List of Sub - Contractors. . 8. Sign and Submit Agreement 9. To name the Rosemead Community Development Commission and the City of Rosemead as additional insureds on the Insurance Certificate. I will provide all labor, materials, supplies and equipment and perform all the work as specified in these documents for the following amounts: Garvey Park Play Equipment: Garvey Park Rubber Safety Material: Sally Tanner Park Play Equipment: Total Lump Sum Bid: go W DATE: Street City Zip Code FAX NO: TELEPHONE NO.: CONTRACTOR'S LIC. #: VII. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The following is a true and complete list showing the name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work, or labor or render service to the Contractor in or about the Work in an amount in excess of one -half of the one percent (0.5 %) of the Contractor's total bid. (List the portion of the work, which will be done by each subcontractor and list only one subcontractor for each such portion). WORK PORTION SUBCONTRACTOR'S NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS �N, i O H H a a - , a I � U I Z W 1� (W I O 1 F- U 5