CDC - Item 3 - Garvey Avenue Concept Plans - Landwin InvestmentsTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: BILL CROWE,'EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 2004 RE: GARVEY AVENUE CONCEPT PLANS — LANDWIN INVESTMENTS The City and Commission have been approached by a developer /owner of property located at the northwest corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue with a proposal to construct a major mixed -use project. The developer is Landwin Investments and the firm has contracted with Onyx Architects to develop conceptual plans. . The project site consists of approximately five acres and the proposed development tentatively consists of 50 senior citizen units, 150 for -sale condominiums and a 120 -room hotel project. The project is designed around a semi - circular street system which traverses the site from Garvey Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard. Parking is provided both on -site and in a subterranean structure. The design is a true mixed -use project that is very pedestrian oriented with ownership housing located over commercial space along the private street. The proposed hotel fronts on San Gabriel Boulevard. The development wraps around the Burger King restaurant and the Gale Motel located at the intersection. To achieve the proposed configuration, the hotel and condominium buildings are seven stories in height and the senior housing is anticipated to be six stories. The development company is led by Sunny Chen who is developing a very substantial hotel project in the City of San Gabriel and has the ability to undertake complex projects. Mr. Chen will ultimately need to prepare several technical reports to finalize the scope and design of the project. The reports include traffic, parking, relocation, engineering, environmental and architectural studies to determine the feasibility of the project. Mr. Chen is reluctant to initiate the technical studies without the Commission first indicating an interest in the project through a finding that the proposed plan is in compliance with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan. Overall, the project represents a product that is rarely found in southern California. Although many developers are increasingly interested in mixed -use projects because of the high cost of the COMMISSION AGENDA FEB 2 4 1004 ITEM No. ff land, not many have been developed outside of Pasadena, Santa Monica and other highly urbanized areas. The subject development site is currently in very dilapidated condition consisting of older trailer park development and the proposed project would make a significant statement at one of Rosemead's most important intersections. The hotel and commercial components, if successful, could ultimately become tax revenue generators for the community. The downside to the proposal is that the development details such as parking ratios, residential density and type of commercial tenants will not be known until the project evolves. Consequently, any finding that the project is consistent with redevelopment goals should be subject to the review and approval of future technical studies and the final design of the project. Attached, please find copies of the conceptual plan and a summary of the proposed land uses. Onyx Architects will present the conceptual plans in detail at the Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Commission find that the subject concept plan is consistent with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan subject to determining that the traffic, parking, environmental and architectural design studies indicate the project is feasible. // NA, Rosemead. Community Development Commission ROL8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COA51ISSION FROM: BILL CROWE; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 2004 RE: GARVEl' AN'EINTUE CONCEPT PLANS — LANDWIN INV'ESTMEN'TS The City and Commission have been approached by a developer /owner of property located at the northwest corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey .Avenue with a proposal to construct a major mixed -use project. The developer is Landwin Investments and the firm has contracted with Onyx Architects to develop conceptual plans. The project site consists of approximately five acres and the proposed development tentatively consists of 50 senior citizen units, 150 for -sale condominiums and a 120 -room hotel project. The project is designed around a semi- circular street system which traverses the site from Garvey Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard. Parking is provided both on -site and in a subterranean structure. The design is a true mixed -use project that is very pedestrian oriented with ownership housing located over commercial space along the private street. The proposed hotel fronts on San ` Gabriel Boulevard. The development wraps around the Burger King restaurant and the Gale Motel located at the intersection. To achieve the proposed configuration, the hotel and condominium buildings are seven stories in height and the senior housing is anticipated to be six stories. ✓ The development company is led by Sunny Chen who is developing a very substantial hotel project in the City of San Gabriel and has the ability to undertake complex projects. Mr. Chen will ultimately need to prepare several' technical reports to finalize the scope and design of the project. The reports include traffic, parking, relocation, engineering, environmental and architectural studies to determine the feasibility of the project. Mr. Chen is reluctant to initiate the technical studies without the Commission first indicating an interest in the project through a finding ihat the proposed plan is in compliance with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan. Overall, the project represents a product that is rarely found in southern California. Although many developers are increasingly interested in mixed -use projects because of the high cost of the COMMISSION AGENDA FEB 2 4 2004 ITEM No. 5 land, not many have been developed outside of Pasadena, Santa Monica and other highly urbanized areas. The subject development site is currently in very, dilapidated condition consisting of older trailer park development and the proposed project would make a significant statement at one of Rosemead's most important intersections. The hotel and commercial components, if successful, could ultimately become tax revenue generators for the community. The downside to the proposal is that the development details such as parking ratios, residential density and type of commercial tenants will not be known until the project evolves. Consequently, any finding that the project is consistent with redevelopment goals should be subject to the review and approval of future technical studies and the final design of the project. Attached, please find copies of the conceptual plan and a summary of the proposed land uses. Onyx Architects will present the conceptual plans in detail at the Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Commission find that the subject concept plan is consistent with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan subject to determining that the traffic, parking, environmental and architectural design studies indicate the project is feasible.