CC - 04-24-84i Cl MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL APRIL 24, 1984 AT 8:00 P. M. APPROVED CITY C.P EOSI_ImE..D DATE The Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:15 p. m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, Calif. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tem Tury. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Walter Jackson. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen Bruesch, Cleveland, Imperial, Tury and Mayor Taylor Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APRIL 17, 1984 - ADJOURNED MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that the Minutes of April 17, 1984 be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. PRESENTATION: "PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING DELINQUENCY PREVENTION WEEK" Mayor.Taylor presented the plaque designating Delinquency Prevention Week as May 13-19, 1984 to Nita Carlton, Director of the West San Gabriel Valley Juvenile Diversion Project. Miss Nita Carlton expressed her appreciation and stated that the City of Rosemead has been tremendously supportive of the services for the youth, and was happy to be part of that. III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 84-21 - STATE HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Councilman Tury commented on the error on page 8 of the Agreement which read: Wilmore St. and should be Whitmore St. He inquired if both sides of the street were being swept, since the east side of Rosemead Boulevard is in E1 Monte and the west- side is in Rosemead. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that both sides were swept, however, the cost is being reimbursed by the State. Councilman Bruesch inquired about an encroachment permit that was required on page 4 of the agreement. Tom Howard, Deputy City Engineer, stated that an encroach- ment permit is a permit that is granted to the City to encroach into the State Highway to do the sweeping work. Councilman Bruesch inquired that if the City should add additional medians on Rosemead Boulevard and ground cover, would the City get money for the maintenance of the present area. Michael Burbank, Park & Recreation Director, stated that the State does not reimburse the City for the.maintenance since their basic premise is that if the City improves the area then the City is obligated to maintain it. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that this agreement only pertains to street sweeping and the additional programs that are mentioned in attachment H1 are programs that are not covered and is just a standard agreement that is dis- tributed by Cal Trans. CM 4-24-84 Page 111 The following Resolution No. 84-21 was presented for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that Resolution No. 84-21 be adopted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. 84-22 - DESIGNATING TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AS FAU ROUTE The following Resolution No. 84-22 was presented for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE REVISION TO THE FUNCTIONAL USAGE SYSTEM AND THE DESIGNATION OF AN ADDITIONAL FEDERAL AID URBAN ROUTE IN THE CITY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that Resolution No. 84-22 be adopted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C. RESOLUTION NO. 84-23 - CLAIMS & DEMANDS The following Resolution No. 84-23 was presented for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $60,933.50 NUMBERED 8913-8926/9058 THROUGH 9180 INCLUSIVELY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that Resolution No. 84-23 be adopted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Bruesch inquired what the total cost of the Election Officers were in the April 10th Election. The Clerk stated that she would give him that information. D. ORDINANCE NO. 566 - ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO R-1 AT 8709 STEELE STREET The following Ordinance was presented for adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 566 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8709 STEELE ST., ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEVELAND that Ordinance No. 566 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CM 4-24-84 Page H2 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-B & CC-H Deferred) CC-A CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY ON BEHALF OF FLORENCE AMOUR CC-C ACCEPTANCE OF WHITMORE STREET IMPROVEMENT (ROSEMEAD PLACE AND SULLIVAN) CC-D AWARD OF CONTRACT--GARVEY POOL PAINTING CC-E AWARD OF CONTRACT--EMERSON STREET SEWER CC-F AWARD OF CONTRACT--STRATHMORE STREET IMPROVEMENT CC-G AUTHORIZATION REQUESTED TO ATTEND NEW MAYORS AND COUNCILMANS SEMINAR IN SANTA CLARA, APRIL 17-19, 1984 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that the foregoing Items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-B APPROVAL OF TRACT MAP 1142132--3853 MUSCATEL AVENUE Councilman Bruesch requested a point of clarification on this item. Mayor Taylor stated that the Council is being asked to accept the improvements made on behalf of the public, and that there are no changes being requested. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that Tract Map #42132 be approved and the dedications be accepted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-H APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS FOR GLENDON WAY PROJECT 84-6 AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS Councilman Bruesch inquired if it was part of.the project to put sidewalks in all these areas that do not have sidewalks. Tom Howard, Deputy City Engineer, stated that this project does not include sidewalks for the entire area. Since the pro- perty owners are assessed for the installation of sidewalks so they only place sidewalks in areas where the property owners are in favor of.it. Owners on Glendon Way and Ellis Lane and Steele Street have requested that sidewalks be installed. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that the Plans and Specifications for Glendon Way be approved and authorization to seek bids be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION & ACTION A. STUDY SESSION FOR STREET ASSESSMENT POLICY Councilman Tury requested a study session regarding this . matter and he stated that the last report was more comprehensive and he requested that _a more detailed report be prepared for the study session. A report that shows the footage needs to be in- cluded. Mayor Taylor stated that this information should be pre- pared and a study session will be set at the next meeting. B. PLANNING COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT Councilman Imperial nominated Howard Mattern to be reappointed to the Planning Commission for a period of two years. CM 4-24-84 Page H3 Councilman Bruesch stated: (verbatim) Mr. Mayor, in the recent campaign and the recent elections there was a lot of comment about the people not..in our community not becoming involved in the political process. And there are great numbers, that our voter turn-out showed, that there are great numbers that are not involved in our political process in our community. I think that one of the ways that we can get these people in- volved in our City-body politic is to get them involved directly in the Commission.process in our community. I know that there are.many qualified people in our community that are available for service. I realize that a lot of names are not on file, mainly because the feeling might be prevailent that throughout the community-well, why turn in an application cause it doesn't do much good. I think it would be incumbent on our deliberation or at least our selection of our commissioners to make an effort to get more people to put in their applications for commissioner- ship. I would like to see a lot more people ...I would like to see that file bulging with qualified people because I know that in our packet we have three or four names. I know that we have more than three or four people within our community that.have the interest of the community primary in their minds, and have the ability to serve. I would kind of like to see the City make an overt effort to get more of these type of people involved in our city politics. For this reason, I am moved to vote against re- naming of commissioners. Not because I feel the commissioners have done a poor job, but I do think that it is about time that we begin our search for infusing new people into our system. Councilman Tury stated that the commissioners, including Mr. Mattern, have served only for one or two terms. Both com- missions have turned over in the last four or five years. Mayor Taylor stated that if there are no other nominations the vote for Howard Mattern would be in order. The vote for Howard Mattern as Planning Commissioner for two more years was taken and the result was four to one, with Councilman Bruesch voting "no". Howard Mattern expressed his appreciation to the Council for their vote of confidence in his reappointment to the Plan- ning Commission. Councilman Bruesch requested that his comments be verbatim for the record. C. TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT Councilman Tury nominated Glenn Clanton to be reappointed to the Traffic Commission. Mayor Taylor inquired if there were any other nominations. There being none, he requested a vote on Glenn Clanton's nomination to the Traffic Commission, and it was a unanimous vote for his reappointment for a two year period. VI. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. SB 1585--MONTOYA REPORT--EMINENT DOMAIN This item was deferred to the next meeting for additional information and clarification regarding this bill. B. Councilman. Bruesch stated that there is a Senate Bill that relates to the 7-13 year olds who are not presently being served by.any other type of latch key program. There are many child care services provided for the younger children, however, not for the 7-13 year olds. This would provide for child care in the off-school hours by qualified contractors. CM 4-24-84 Page k4 C. Councilman Bruesch requested staff to check into the possibility.of contracting with the County Juvenile Alter- native Work Services Program to keep freeway ramps clean and free of weeds during the Olympic Games this summer. The cost will be $250 daily for a 12 man crew with the County supplying trans- portation and tools. This has been done by the City of Monterey Park, and he felt that it could be useful on our off-ramps also. Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Wagner can obtain information regarding that program. D. Councilman Tury commented on an article in the L. A. Times regarding Proposition #20 which relates to State and Local elected officials who lie about their campaign opponents. He requested a copy of the proposition for consideration of endorse- ment. Mayor Taylor stated that he has one problem with that item and that would be the legal fees involved if an incumbent was challenged. He inquired who would be paying those legal fees for the incumbent officeholder and the challenger. E. Councilman Imperial stated that conversation of the involvement of citizens in community affairs, and he felt that it might be well to look into a Human Resources Committee to bring more people into civic involvement. This would not be a decision making body. It would be a fact finding body regarding some of the problems throughout the community. F. Robert Kress, City Attorney, requested a brief closed session to discuss litigation. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Holly Knapp, 8367 Whitmore, reminded the Council about the Prayer Breakfast on April 28, 1984 at 8:30 at the Community Center. Mayor Taylor inquired if there was anyone else who would care to speak: No one came forward. Mayor Taylor recessed the Council Meeting to a closed session. The Council Meeting was reconvened. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the Council met in a closed session and received a report from Counsel on several matters of litigation. No action was taken. There being no.other business to handle, the Council Meeting was adjourned to May 8, 1984 at 8:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted: Cit Clerk CM 4-24-84 Page #5