CC - Item 3A - Resolution 2006-67TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CMC DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2000 RE: CANCELLATION OF ELECTION AND RESOLUTION NO. 2000-67 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT TO THE OFFICES OF MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL THAT WERE TO BE ELECTED ON TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2001 For the first time in Rosemead's history, the General Municipal Election may be cancelled. It is recommended that the City Council receive the City Clerk's Certification that there are no more candidates than seats to be filled and adopt Resolution No. 2000-67. A notice of these facts was published on December 13, 2000. After the fifth day following the date of publication, the City Council may appoint to the offices the persons who have been nominated. Recommendation: Pursuant to Elections Code Section §10229, the City Council shall receive the City Clerk's Certification that there are no more candidates than offices to be filled, and adopt Resolution No. 2000-67, thereby appointing the following persons: ROBERT BRUESCH MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARGARET CLARK MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL JOE VASQUEZ MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL DEC 19 2000 ITEM No. ILL - staf epor RESOLUTION NO. 2000-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDNG FOR THE APPOINTMENT TO THE OFFICES OF MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THIS CITY THAT WERE TO BE ELECTED ON TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2001 WHEREAS, pursuant to § 10229 of the Elections Code of the State of California, as of the close of the nomination period on December 8, 2000, there are not more candidates than offices to be elected and that § 10229 of the Elections Code allows one of the following courses of action to be taken by the City Council: 1. Appoint to the office the person who has been nominated. 2. Appoint to the office any eligible voter if no one else has been nominated. 3. Hold the election if either no one or only one person has been nominated. WHEREAS, a notice was published on December 13, 2000 in a newspaper of general circulation pursuant to law NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to §10229 of the Elections Code of the State of California, the following action is being taken: The following persons are being appointed to the offices to which they were nominated: Robert Bruesch Member of the City Council 4 years Margaret Clark Member of the City Council 4 years Joe Vasquez Member of the City Council 4 years SECTION 2. The election to be held on Tuesday, March 6, 2001, is now cancelled. SECTION 3. The persons appointed, if any, shall qualify and take office and serve exactly as if elected at a municipal election for the office. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 19, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATION THAT THERE ARE NOT MORE CANDIDATES THAN OFFICES TO BE ELECTED I, Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that pursuant to §10229, Elections Code of the State of California, to the following facts relating to the General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, March 6, 2001: As of the close of the nomination period on December 8, 2000, there are not more candidates than offices to be elected. The persons so nominated are: Robert Bruesch Member of the City Council Margaret Clark Member of the City Council Joe Vasquez Member of the City Council That §10229 of the Elections Code allows one of the following courses of action to be taken by the City Council: Appoint to the office the person who has been nominated. 2. Appoint to the office any eligible voter if no one has been nominated. 3. Hold the election if either no one or only one person has been nominated. A notice of these facts will be published on Wednesday, December 13, 2000, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City pursuant to §6061 of the Government Code. After the fifth day following the date of publication, the City Council will meet again to either make the appointments or direct an election to be held. The persons appointed, if any, shall qualify-and take office and serve exactly as if elected as a municipal election for the office. If, by the 75`h day before the municipal election, no person has been appointed to the offices pursuant to (1) or (2) above, the election shall be held. If the City Council makes an appointment pursuant to § 10229, Elections Code, the City Clerk shall not accept for filing any statement of write-in candidacy which is submitted after the appointment is made. Nancy Valderrama City Clerk, City of Rosemead 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD x j NOTICE THAT THERE ARE K NOT MORE CANDIDATES o' THAN OFFICES TO BE ELECTED C7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that m j Pursuant to Section 10229 of the Elections 3 Code of the State of California relating m w the General Municipal Election to be held a on Tuesday, March 6, 2001. a- - As the close of the nomination Ar 'i.. W e on December 8, 2000, there are not more candidates than offices to be elected. That Section 10229 of the Elections Code o _ s of allows one of the following courses of action to be taken by the City Council:- ~ 1. t to the office the person C who h who has been noi n 1 ce any y 2. r t to the office a eligible I vote voter if no one has been nominated. M, - 3. Hold the election if either no one °t or only one person has been nominated. The City Council will meet on Tuesday, December 19, 2000, at 5:00 p.m. to either make the appointment(s) or direct an ns . election. t be held. The person(s) l and take all a e appointed, if any, shal . f l office and serve exactly as s if if elected at a municipal election for the office. If, by the 75th day before the municipal election, no person has been appointed to the office(s) pursuant to (1) or (2) above, Q the election shall be held. If the City Council. makes an appointment pursuant to Section 10229, Election Code, the City Clerk shall not ° accept for filing any statement of write-in . candidacy which is submitted after the uE appointment is made. -NA Dated: December 8, 2000 2 Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk y City of Rosemead 2 AVISE DUE IN ENTES ° CANDIDATOS ATOS -'SE HAN REGtSTRADO PARA , EL PUESTO - EL PUESTO o! ~ FOR MEDIC) DE LA PRESENTE-SE DA AVISO que de acuerdo con la Seccion 10229 tleI Codigo de elecciones del Estado _ de California tocante a la Eleccion - General la cual sera conducida el Manes, = - 6 de Manz de 2000: - Al cierre tleI periodic de Postulacion el 8 'tle' Deciembre de 2000, insuficientes v a candidates han sido nominados Para -coda el Conceio Municipal: La Seccion 10229 tleI Codigo de Z - elecciones Permite Un0 de ]as siguienes cursor de acclon Pro ser tornado Par el y .Conceio Municipal: 1. Nombrar al puesto a la Persona quien no sido nominado. an 2. Nombror al puesto a cualcuier - votanie elegible si nadie ha sido Ial.o; nominado. 3. Conducir una eleccion si nadie o solo una persona ho sido H yj nominca. El Con eiio Muniicipal se reunira el 19 de Deciembre de 2000 at 5:00 P.m.. Paro w oi. hocer el(los) nombromiento(s) o di rigir « m{ 'ItO que una eleccion sea conducida. La(s) persona(s) nombrado(s), Si al9una los es, colificara y tomara el puesto v servira exactament comp si hubiese sido elegida 'P M al Puesto durance una eleccion municipal. - SI en el sepuoge$ImcgUlnta (75) di0 l O anterior a la eleccion mUnlCl Pal nln9 Un0 e . - persona ho sido nom- rara -ab puesto de , mi acuerdo con el ( o el (2) de mvs arriba, ! la eleccion sera c onducida. ` Si el Conceio Municipal hate un v nombramiento de acuerdo con la Seccion 10229, Codigo de Elecciones, la (el) c secretarl(0) municipal no aceptara registro ninguna declarocion de candidatura insertvdo to cual es v, t! presentodo despues que un nombromiento v n.. se ho hecho. Fecho: December 9, 2000 M 7a Nancy Valderrama, Secretoria Municipal mE City of Rosemead Publish: December 13, 2000 m j San Gabriel Valley Tribune Ad No 17636 A z -3 I