CC - Item 4A - San Gabriel River Discovery Center• E M F s ~, ~ O V~~ 4 O ~~~ - - . /~cORPORATED ~g59 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: _ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER C. CHI, CITY MANAGER I~C~ DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 2008 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FUNDING, DEVELOPMENT, AND OPERATION OF THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER DISCOVERY CENTER SUMMARY At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Nunez information regarding the funding, development, and operation of the San Gabriel River Discovery Center was put on ,the agenda for City Council's discussion and possible support (Attachment A). The mission of the San Gabriel River Discovery Center Authority (SGRDCA) is to inspire environmental stewardship by providing accessible and engaging watershed and environmental education to the public. The SGRDCA is asking for the support of cities to collaborate in any future" outreach for the Discovery Center project by approving the attached resolution (Attachment B). Staff Recommendation Staff requests that City' Council formalize the City's position on supporting the funding, development, and operation of the San Gabriel River Discovery Center and discuss whether to approve Resolution No. 2008-76. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: .. ~., d ~.t, l GLORIA MOLLEDA CITY CLERK Attachment A -San Gabriel River Discovery Center Newsletter Attachment B -Resolution No. 2008-76 ITEM 1~®e APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ®~ ITEM NUMBER: ~~ • City of EI Monte .. • City of Industry • City of Maywood • City of Monterey Park.. ` . • The Garvey School District • The Alhambra Unified School District ~ • EI Monte City School District • EI Monte Union High School . District • Azusa Unified School District. • Rio Hondo Community College ~, District I • EI Sereno Middle School I I • South EI Monte High School Our shared vision is to have the Discovery Center serve as an inspiration to future biologists, ecologists, and envirorimen.= tal engineers, who will dedicate them- selves topreserving our natural resources for their children and grandchildren! I look forward to future editions of this. e-newsletter and the opportunity to share the progress that is being made on our Discovery Center. Sincerely, ~~% V ~ t s Belinda Faustinos Interim Executive Officer San Gabriel River Discovery Center Authority . The vision for the Sala Gahriel Riven 1Discovery Center is ~' an educational resource.: that will iinterplref the . San Gabriel River watershed to encourage exploration and to increase understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the revitalized San Gabriel River region. he San Gabriel River DiscoveryCenterAuthor- tices and include"a meeting area classrobms ' ity envisions a healthy and vibrant center and hands on exhibits about conservatiori;the where people can gather to gain theknovrl- river's ecology `and how the watershed works , - edge and desire to improve the San Gabriel River The site includes.outdoor classrooms and`path . region. The mission of the San Gabriel River Dis- ways with interpretive displays:to enhance'the covery Center Authority is to inspire environ- learning experience with~iri the natural setting mental stewardship by providing accessible and ' ' ` ` '` engagingwatershedandenvironmentaleducation Since itsiriception,thedevelopmentoftheDiscovery to the public. Center has been a,collaborative process linking 'numerous federal stateand local;agences m , . ': ,' To move forward with this project, environmen= cooperation with public iristitutions and private tal planners are creating the draft Envirorimen- groups. Once the"draft EIR is available for~public :,:., tal Impact Report (EIR) thatwill be released soon review and comment the Authoritywill hostsev ' " forpublicreview.Whiletheprojecthasbeendevel-. eraleyeningmeetmgsandtakewntten`coin -. oped with community input, the draft EIR will meets for further'commuhity and stakeholder - thoroughly study all of the potentialimpacts an,d Input. :.provide appropriate mitigation measuresi ' 'This level known as "Platinum" as designated_by the The Discovery Center site and facilities are planned ~ U 5 Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and ' to meetthe highest possible level'."green" prat , _,Emironmental Design (LEEC)O) program. ^ Artist's conception of The Discovery Center floor plan. , , 1 ~, J~C I .:^MN . 3RNiv ~y y. vr~iV C ~ ' ~ ~ r .. L ~ C n..t - I ,~ l ,~ ~ ~ .~ „A ~ ,t,r' - y ~ F ia• r~~, - , y ~ '~1 '~ '~i~ CI~I•~lil'I;II• = 1 y 1' J~ ~ fJ v John Tran Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda City Clerk APPROVE AS TO FORM: Bonifacio "Bonny" Garcia City Attorney