CC - Item IV B - Extension Of Agreement - Street Sweeping ServicesTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 RE: EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT - STREET SWEEPING SERVICES The City's current agreement with California Street Maintenance, Inc. for street sweeping services expires on January 3, 2001. Mr. Jere Costello, President of California Street Maintenance, requested a three-year extension of the current agreement. The City is currently paying $11,950.00 per month for street sweeping services. Mr. Costello has proposed an adjustment of 2.5% to cover the increased costs of fuel and debris disposal. This will increase the monthly rate to $12,248.75. California Street Maintenance, Inc. has been providing street sweeping services to the City of Rosemead since 1990. During that time, the firm has established itself as a key and cooperative service provider. The company's staff has worked diligently to meet the needs of the community and they have handled service requests in a prompt and courteous manner. Attached for the Council's review is the proposed Agreement, a copy of the letter from California Street Maintenance, Inc., requesting the extension, the current agreement with the company, and an Amendment to the Agreement dated November, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize a three year extension effective January 3, 2001, and approve the amendment to the City's Agreement with California Street Maintenance, Inc. COUNCIL AGEINICA OCT 2 4 2000 ITEM No. iff. W -.3 staf epor Amendment to Agreement Between the City of Rosemead and California Street Maintenance, Inc. This Amendment made into this 24a' day of October 2000, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "CITY"), and CALIFORNIA STREET MAINTENANCE, INC. (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR"), WHEREAS, the parties have executed an Agreement dated, January 2, 1990, and extended said Agreement through January 3, 2001, in which CITY agrees to contract with CONTRACTOR for the performance of certain street sweeping services; and WHEREAS, a true and correct copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has thus far performed the services set forth in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 and in subsequent amendments, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has requested a three year extension to that agreement commencing January 4, 2001 under the terms and conditions specified in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 and in subsequent amendments and NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree: That the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 be amended as follows 1. All provisions, terms, conditions and requirements of the Agreement and amendments, shall continue in full force and effect, except as specifically amended below. II. The Section titled `TERM OF AGREEMENT' shall be amended to read: `TERM OF AGREEMENT' "This contract shall be for a period of three (3) years commencing on January 4, 2001 and ending on January 3, 2004. This contract shall be subject to cancellation by either party, with thirty (30) days advance written notice." Amendment to Street Sweeping Agreement Page 2. III. A new section entitled "COMPENSATION' shall be added to the Agreement as follows: COMPENSATION City agrees to pay CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR agrees to accept a monthly rate of $12,248.75 for all services specified within this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT on the date set forth below. DATE: DATE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAYOR CALIFORNIA STREET MAINTENANCE, INC. PRESIDENT California; IStreet _~-_}M`ai;ntenancel October 5, 2000 Mr. Bill Crowe CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Contract Extension Dear Mr. Crowe, This letter comes to you as confirmation of our desire to extend our street sweeping agreement for three years. All of the terms and conditions of our agreement would remain the same. We have riot requested an increase in our rate of compensation since 1997. Since that time there has been a 7.6% increase in the Consumer Price Index. We would like to adjust our rate of compensation by 2.5%. This would help cover our increased costs of fuel and debris. This would increase the monthly rate from 11,950 per month to 12,248.75 per month. This rate would be adjusted in accordance with CPI increases at the end of the second year of this extension. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere e Costello 1918 W. 169TH STREET, GARDENA, CA 90247 WWW.STREETSWEEPING.COM E-MAIL STSWEEPERSCEARTHLINKMET (800) 225-7316 FAX (310) 538-8015 AGREEMENT This Agreement dated this 2nd day of January, 1990 between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation and CALIFORNIA STREET MAINTENANCE COMPANY, a California Corporation. The parties hereto agree as follows: 1. CONTRACTOR shall furnish the service and materials called for in the bid specifications attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. 2. CITY shall compensate CONTRACTOR at the rates specified in their proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. CITY OF ROSEMEAD BY: C ATTEST: / CITY CLERY. MAYOR CALIFORNIA STREET A:11-14-9N:5 EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT THIS EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT is entered into effect the 3rd day of January, 1993, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "CITY"), and CALIFORNIA STREET MAINTENANCE (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the parties have executed an Agreement dated January 2, 1990, in which CITY agrees to contract with CONTRACTOR for the performance of certain street sweeping services; and' WHEREAS, a true and correct copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Agreement of January, 1990 provides for an extension of said Agreement for a period of three years; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has thus far satisfactorily performed the services set forth in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990; and WHEREAS,.CONTRACTOR has offered to perform the services required in the Agreement for three (3) additional years under the terms and conditions specified in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990. BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Contractor shall, in person or by his agent, investigate any complaints which may concern, or be involved in, the performance of this contract. Contractor shall report to the City Manager, or his designate, the following working day as to the action or procedure' taken with reference to any complaints, and when necessary, complete the citizen request form which will remain on file at Rosemead City Hall. SCHEDULE All street sweeping shall be performed in accordance with ATTACHED EXHIBIT A. The time schedule shall be coordinated with refuse collection and shall follow one day after the trash pick-up. All commercial streets shall be swept between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. After sweeping, curbs and gutters shall be left in a clean condition. A clean condition is defined as the absence of residue in the streets and gutters upon the completion of the sweeping operation. The sweeping shall include as many passes as are necessary to leave the street in a clean condition. Debris collecting as the result of regular sweeping and/or automobile traffic shall be swept upon the request of the City Manager of his designate. COMMERCIAL STREETS The following commercial streets are to be swept two times each week (days of work to be designated by City, and may be subject to periodic changes). Mission Drive (Western City Limits to Valley Boulevard Valley Boulevard (Western City Limits to Eastern City Limits) - Garvey Avenue (Western City Limits to Eastern City Limits) Temple City Boulevard (North City Limit to San Bernardino Freeway). - Town Center Drive (San Gabriel Boulevard to Montebello Boulevard) - San Gabriel Boulevard (Western City Limits to.Pomona Freeway) - Del Mar Avenue (San Bernardino Freeway to Graves Avenue) - New Avenue (East side from Garvey Avenue to Graves Avenue) - San Gabriel Boulevard (Northern on-ramp of San Bernardino Freeway to Rush Street) - Rosemead Boulevard (Southern City Limits to Northern City Limits) ALLEYS Sweep all dedicated, paved alleys the first week of each month on a regular basis, or provide a program which will result in all dedicated alleys being swept at least once a month. PARKING LOTS Sweep the following parking lots once a week on a regular basis: Rosemead Park, Zapopan Community Center, The Civic Center, Rosemead Community Center, and Garvey Park. All parking lots shall be swept between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. -1- RESIDENTIAL STREETS Sweep all paved and dedicated streets which are not described in these specifications as residential streets. All residential streets are to be swept once every week during the hours posted on each street. DELAYS IN SWEEPING SCHEDULE During inclement weather, the contractor is not required to sweep or otherwise make up sweeping. The contractor will be required to sweep at the discretion of the City Manager to assist with storm damage. Streets, whose sweeping schedules fall on holidays recognized by the City of Rosemead, are not required to be swept or otherwise made up. SWEEPING CENTER MEDIANS Contractor shall sweep the center strip or median of the following streets at least once a week, to 'include the intersections of the major cross streets: - Valley Boulevard (Eastern City Limits to Rubio Wash Bridge) - Garvey Avenue (Eastern City Limits to New Avenue) - San Gabriel Boulevard (Northern San Bernardino Freeway access to Graves Avenue) - San Gabriel Boulevard (West City Limits to Pomona Freeway) - Walnut Grove Avenue (Valley Boulevard to Rush Street) - Del Mar Avenue (Hellman Avenue to Graves Avenue) - Rosemead Boulevard North City Limits to South City Limits) - Town Center Drive (San Gabriel Boulevard to Montebello . Boulevard) APPROXIMATE STREET MILES Residential 74.27 Alley 3.00 Commercial 13.18 ADDITION OF NEW STREETS Any streets added to the City during the term of the agreement, either by new construction or annexation, shall be swept according to the appropriate schedule beginning as soon as such streets are accepted officially by the City. -2- SUPERVISION BY CITY MANAGER The contractor shall' faithfully and regularly provide service in accordance with an agreement. The work shall be done in a prompt, thorough, lawful and workmanlike manner, according to the provisions of this agreement. Performance of each provision of the agreement shall be under the supervision of the City Manager or his designate, to see that the service is carried out by the contractor per agreement. DISPOSAL OF SWEEPING Contractor shall dispose of all refuse collected by hauling the same to legally established dumps. Refuse shall not be stored on the street or dumped within City limits, but shall be loaded immediately into trucks for disposal. WATER The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, sufficient water for the street sweeping equipment, necessary to comply with these specifications. The Contractor will have to make his/her own arrangements with the water companies for connection services. EQUIPMENT To determine that contractor's equipment is safe and dependable, each bid shall include a list of the equipment to be used within the City of Rosemead. The equipment list shall include the following information for each piece of equipment: (I) Repair schedule and list of prior maintenance performed (II) Total number of miles or hours.each vehicle has been in service (III) Date equipment was acquired by contractor (IV) Specification of whether equipment was new or used at date acquired Contractor shall utilize TYMCO 600 Vacuum Sweepers (or equivalent, as determined by the City of Rosemead), model year 1989 or newer, as primary equipment. Backup or "standby" equipment of same model listed shall be made available at all times, resulting in uninterrupted levels of service in times of breakdown. No sweeper utilized in the City of Rosemead during the life of this agreement shall be more than three (3) years old. All sweepers utilized shall be equipped with "Mobile Radios." -3- EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE The equipment used by the Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be properly maintained, both as to condition and appearance, and have sweeping capability so as to ensure a high level of street sweeping services. The Contractor shall have the ability in-house to perform all necessary repairs on such equipment. The Contractor shall have sufficient additional sweeper(s), a minimum of one (1), so that if a unit breaks down, a replacement unit is immediately available. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 1. The contractor, at all times, shall be fully insured, at this own expense, including all persons employed by him in connection with the contract, as required by Workman's Compensation Insurance and all applicable State and Federal Employment and Labor Laws. The contractor shall abide by the provisions of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and shall hold the City free and harmless from all liabilities that may arise by reason of injuries to any employees of contractor who are injured while performing any work or labor necessary to carry out the provisions of the agreement. The contractor shall, during the life of the agreement, keep on file with the City, evidence that the contractor is fully and properly insured as required by said Act. Failure to comply with this provision shall be cause for revocation of said agreement. 2. The successful bidder will be required to provide at his own expense, public liability insurance during the term of the agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for injuries, including accidental death, and property damage coverage in the amount of not less than $1,000,000. 3. The policies required by the above shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to their form and sufficiency. -4. Contractor will be required to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees from any claims, damages, or expenses, including attorney's fees and court costs, arising out of contractor's performance under the agreement to be.awarded to the successful bidder. EXPERIENCE The Contractor must possess a minimum of five (5) years contract municipal street sweeping experience. Contractor shall provide the City of Rosemead with the names, contact persons, and phone numbers of those cities with whom he/she has contracted for sweeping services -4- FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND Contractor shall secure and deliver to the City of Rosemead a good and sufficient surety bond, to be approved by the City Clerk and the City Attorney, in the amount of one months cost, to secure the full, true and faithful performance of all terms, obligations, and conditions to these specifications on the part of contractor to be kept and performed; and contractor agrees to secure and present said bond for approval to the City Clerk concurrently with the execution of the agreement. BIDDER'S GUARANTEE All bids shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bidder's bond, in the amount of one Thousand Dollars ($1,000). If not in the form of lawful money, such bond will require approval of the City Attorney before acceptance of the bid. PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR Payment for services rendered per the specifications will be made at the first regular city council meeting following the month during which services have been performed, provided that the specified reports have been submitted. SUB-CONTRACTORS The name, complete background and experience of any and every firm to which any work outlined in these specifications is to be sub-contracted by the person or firm to which the prime agreement is awarded must be submitted to the city Manager for his approval. Unless a sub-contract is approved by the City Manager, the holder of the prime agreement must do all the work outlined in these specifications, using his own equipment and personnel. It must be clearly understood that the holder of the prime agreement, irrespective of any approved sub-contract, will be held entirely responsible for the quality and quantity of work done under the terms of the agreement. No sub-contract agreement to do any work outlined in these specifications is to run longer than one year, and the extension or renewal of any such sub-contract agreement can only be made with the approval of the City Manager. The agreement will not be assignable in whole or part, without the express written approval of the City Manager. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Agreement awarded to the successful bidder under those specifications shall be for a maximum of three (3) years from the date of execution by both the controller and the City, and may be extended for an additional three (3) years upon the mutual consent of both parties. This contract shall be subject to cancellation by either party, with thirty (30) days advance written notice. -5- ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT Contractor may request an annual accordance with the most current on the yearly anniversary of the provided that the cost-of-living cost-of-living adjustment in consumer Price Index (CPI) figures date of execution of this Agreement, adjustment does not exceed 5%. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice to the City for the street sweeping services indicated in Schedule #1. The invoice shall specify the monthly charges for sweeping Commercial Streets, Alleys, Residential Streets, and Center Medians per these specifications. In the event any new streets are added, the invoice shall indicate that addition at the rate specified in Schedule #2. For further information concerning this bid, contact Jeff Stewart, Executive Assistant to the City Manager, (818) 288-6671. -6- BID PROPOSAL FORM .SCHEDULE 1 17,770.00 Per Year Commercial Streets $ (Including City Parking Lots) Alleys . . . . . . . . Residential Streets. . Center Medians . . . . . . $ 4,050.00 Per Year $ 100,360.00 Per Year . , $ 6,770.00 Per Year Total $ 128,950.00 Per Year SCHEDULE 2 In the event any new streets are added within the City of Rosemead, the monthly charge for each additional curb mile swept shall be: Curb mile per month . BIDDER INFORMATION $ 15.00 Name of Bidder: California Stieet Maintenance, Inc. Address: 1918 w. 169th Stret, Gardena, CA 90247 Telephone: (213.)' ,538-5M8_., Signature: EQUIPMENT 1. Primary Equipment We intend to purchase a new Tymco 600 Vacuum Sweeper, model year 1989, for the purpose of this contract, with the city of ,Rosemead. II. Standby Equipment A. Model year 1986, Tymco 600 Vacuum Sweeper. (I) Regular service at 200 hour intervals, complete overhall at 2000 hrs. (II). Total hours: 5600. (III). Purchase date 1986; purchased new. B. Model year 1985, Tymco 600 Vacuum Sweeper. (I) Regular service at 200 hour intervals, complete overhall at 2000 hours. (II). Total hours: 7800. (III). Purchase date 1965; purchased new.- C. Model year 1985,'Tymco 600 Vacuum Sweeper. (I) Regular service at 200 hour intervals, complete overhall at 2000 hours. (II). Total hours: 7300. (III). Purchase date 1985; purchased new. D. Model year 1984, Tymco 600 Vacuum Sweeper. (1). Regular service at 200 hour intervals. Complete overhall at 2000 hours. (II). Total hours: 8600. (III). Purchase date 1964; purchased new. SUBCONTRACTORS No subcontractors will be used by California Street Maintenance, Inc. Amendment to Agreement Between the City of Rosemead and California Street Maintenance, Inc. This Amendment made into this 28,.th day of November, 1995, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "CITY"), and CALIFORNIA STREET MAINTTENANCE, INC (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the parties have executed an Agreement dated January 2; 1990, and extended said Agreement for a period of three (3) years through January 3, 1996, in which CITY agrees to contract with CONTRACTOR for the performance of certain street sweeping services, and WHEREAS, a true and correct copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and WFIEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has thus far performed the services set forth in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 and extended January 3, 1993, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has requested a five-year extension to that agreement commencing January 4, 1996 under the terms and conditions specified in the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 and extended January 3, 1993, and NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree: 1. That the Agreement dated January 2, 1990 be amended as follows: I: All provisions, terms, conditions and requirements of the Agreement dated January 2, 1990, and extended January 3, 1993, shall continue in full force and effect, except as specifically amended below. II. The Section titled "TERN4 OF AGREEMENT" shall be amended to read: "TERM OF AGREEMENT "This contract shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on January 3, 1996 and ending on January 3, 2001. This contract shall be subject to cancellation by either party, with thirty (30) days advance written notice." III. The Section titled `EQUIPMENT" shall be amended to read: EOUIPM ENTT "CONTRACTOR shall utitize TYMCO 600 Vacuum Sweepers (or equivalent, as determined by the City of Rosemead) model year 1996, or newer, as primary Amendment to Street Sweeping Agreement Page 2. equipment . Backup or "standby" equipment of same model listed shall be made available at all times, resulting in uninterrupted levels of service in the event of a breakdown. No sweeper utilized during the life of this Agreement shall be more than three (3) years old. All sweepers utilized by the CONTRACTOR shall be equipped with mobile radios. N. A new section entitled "CITY ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY" shall be added to the Agreement as follows: CITY ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY . "Contractor shall adhere to the City of Rosemead's policy on the prohibition of harassment in the work place. Contractor shall distribute a copy of City of Rosemead Resolution No. 89-68 to all employees assigned to perform work in the CITY. CONTTRACTOR shall be required to maintain records indicating that said employees have read and understand the City's prohibition of harassment policies, as indicated in Resolution No. 89-68. Said records shall be submitted to CITY upon request of the City Manager. A certified copy of Resolution 89-68 shall be included in this Agreement herein as "Attachment A." V. A new section entitled "COMPENSATION shall be added to the Agreement as follows: COMPENSATION CITY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR agrees to accept a monthly rate of $11,950.00 for all services specified within this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT on the date set forth below. DATE: November 28, 1995 DATE: ~ 2-C61 lg45 C. CITY OF ROSEMEAD