RRA - Item 4 - Engineering Proposal For Asphalt OverlayROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2000 RE: ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY ON VARIOUS STREETS - FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from Willdan for engineering design, design survey, utility coordination, monument restoration, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for an asphalt concrete overlay on various streets: The asphalt concrete overlay is proposed on various streets throughout the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, as listed in Exhibit "A". The streets selected conform to priorities recommended in the Pavement Management System (PMS) report. Generally, all of the street improvements include an asphalt concrete overlay with rubberized asphalt concrete. Each of these streets is in need of an overlay to prevent more serious and costly deterioration, which may lead to complete reconstruction. Work will also include the repair of curb, gutter, and sidewalk; and installation of access curb ramps in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The total construction cost for this project is estimated to be $450,000 and the estimated contract period is 30-working days. The proposed project is currently programmed in the Agency's Fiscal Year 2000-01 budget, where the funds are allocated for non-construction related activities. The project's construction costs and the federal labor compliance fee will be funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur in the Spring of 2001. AGE-n°;;`.'Y F'.:3 L=e`i'af~e OCT `1 G 21300 ITEM No. EXHIBIT "A" ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY ON VARIOUS STREETS FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 • Brighton Street (Garvalia Avenue to Garvey Avenue) • Charlotte Avenue (Graves Avenue to North End) Delta Avenue (Fern Avenue to Garvey Avenue) • Denton Avenue (Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue) • Fern Avenue (Falling Leaf Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard) • Angelus Avenue (Klingerman Street to Fern Avenue) • Gladys Avenue (Graves Avenue to Klingerman Street) • Kelburn Avenue (Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue) • Newmark Avenue (Denton Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard) • Pine Avenue (Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue) o g W w ow c) Lu > 2 2 N o~ Y > Cl O a w N W cq- Z v 2 Q W z o Q-' ao ¢ U ( m WZ F~~3oz W ~ }O LL -10 o "v_~:^ee" O Q tl ( "a J U Q W 0 a e' 77 T I I C - 1 t r £ k~~.~ Tr ~ vro x i _ ~~~_'~at:•:t i•~~ i .r .'m' n¢ u~ ~ It.l; i .ir k ?P r a q a e ~,1 v{ 3a. b F^I cc~d.'~t r~~ 7 f F 115 l+' i a 1~ ( i s(,'p'^~ KT IfY ~ft£'~~Y^~a{?'~ ~t £ y~ ~ r f N a+' ',11E emu, t"I~7 yyYli- i f" - t~ pp tl~ ! : ~r ! tl xf y,yrl y{Irk tTT ei rn~aqua 5 1 fIV~PI_ ~ ~ ,Yx ~ ~iT 2a T ~ M y + I i'I e a ix`` a" 1'J £f- `~~X}`av ~.+y7 £ t 1 2 ~"`6 s. {a fy :yh M-7~ r h a iota msw r"r : .i u t e S ;x r £ (f n iy4 a4 C ' i ~ S~ YI"'(#' ~ "1a ~ i e ~ t n r p h i : r i ~ E .I m t F 3 tp g~ ~ ~ ] t- P9 ~ ~ 0.r .C~Y9£k XC P } ~ , ' ~ iG Z ~~6r ~ t: q x s i i . 1 ~1 e k ~ U az Q '~L o ~ (s1s } fl i d° ac~ r F ~ e~ a f N w ea G~. Iu. 1 Iv9 .i t~~y r ;.I" 1 ty amt i'R [ {I R 0 a a ate d~"~ {+ys Z f Of 111P a ""m3: 3 { k. 1 TTPTM;TRMTMHffTEnff!iFsRm SENT 9Y 12-55-80 WI'LLDAN Serving Public Agencies October 3, 2000 Mr, Frank G. Tripepi Executive Director Rosemead Redevelopment Age P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770-0399 9:150 : 2135952120- 13191 Crossroads Industry, California 562/908-6200 faz www.wl Ildan.com North. Suite :OS 20 bject: Proposal for Profess~nal Engineering Design, Design Survey, Utility Coordination, onument Restoration, Contract Administration, Construction Observation, and Federal Labor Compliance Servicep for the Asphalt Concrete 0+1ay on Various City Streets - Fiscal Year 2000-01 Mr. Tripepi: requested, we are pleased to rve-referenced services. rubberized asphalt concrete ove chibit "A." The streets selecte 3vement Management System erlay to prevent more serious t construction. Work will also inclu access curb ramps in complianc given the opportunity to submit this proposal for the ay is proposed on various streets which arellisted in conform to priorities recommended In th City's MS) report. Each of these streets is in nedd of an id costly deterioration which may lead to cl mplete e repair of curb, gutter, and sidewalk; and installation with the Americans with Disabilities Act (AD propose to provide the followin~ basic services for the project: Survey Perform research at the CoOty of Los Angeles and the Rosemead Agency for survey Information. Locate drive approaches, fire hydrants, street trees, and other interferences in parkway areas, Obtain locations of topograpl is features in the street area between curbs. Obtain locations of pavement to be reconstructed or repaired. Obtain locations of curb, Obtain locations of traffic , and sidewalk in need of repair. and striping. 626 307 92184; 2 SENT BY: .12-56-60 ~ 9~16AM )ctober 3, 2000 age 2 2136952120^ Design 1. Confer with Agency staff to Review avallable informatio 2. Review compiled data. review, in full detail, the requirements for 1 and data assembled by Agency staff. Develop base drawings, a. Plot existing survey ata, b. Identify and plot app rent substructures. C. Conduct field verifca ion of survey data. Determine drainage correc ion requirements, if necessary, in conji. pavement overlay. Develop preliminary improv ment plans for pavement overlay. Define limits of pavement arid concrete removal, Define limits of pavement re lacement. Develop cost estimates for pavement overlay and street lights constru Submit preliminary overlay design plans to all affected agencies companies for review. 626 307 9216: 3 Design Phase Based on the Agency's and utility companies' comments and requireme plans. Prepare detailed final plans nd attend coordination meetings, as nece. Agency personnel at variou times during the design phase to obtain input and review work. Prepare specifications and contract documents to conform to requirements of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency. Prepare final project cost estimates. project. on with utility revise with onal SENT BY: ;12-56-60 9:16AM 2135952120- 526.307 92164 4 3 3.2000 Coordination Submit copies of plans to < Coordinate with affected improvements prior to pav( Coordinate with water coy needed, wlthln the project. Send notification of precon Attend the preconstruction affected utilities and agencies. ity companies to provide for any ant construction. to implement an upgrade of fire hyd conference to affected utility com utility as Review project scope of wbrk with each utility company at the preconstruction conference. Identify possible conflicts and work with each utility to assure that its facilities will be protected if properly identified. Coordinate with Agency co Istruction observer during construction to expidlte the Identification of any unknown utilities found during excavation. ument Restoration Set centerline ties for existintl centerline monuments found with no existing ties, and file preconstruction corner record. Reset centerline monument and any ties damaged during construction construction corner record. Provide the Agency with an Opdated set of centerline tie notes. Administration Provide Agency with 30 s Assist the Agency in secu Attend preconstruction co Provide contract adminlst specifications. Provide engineering supp plans. of final plans and speclflcatlons for bidding. I bids and awarding project. rence and prepare minutes. on for proper enforcement of the contract pl as needed, to make as-built revisions to le post- and original SENT BY: :12-56-80 ; 9:17AM 2136952120- 526 307 9218;; 5 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. October 3, 2000 Page 4 - Provide the necessary between the.Agency and Review and approve prog Answer inquiries and com ruction Observation Mark locations of repairs of ing services required to coordinate the ctor, I > payment requests. nts for the Agency relating to the project. efforts ent, sidewalk, drlveway, and curb and' utter. Provide daily construction observation during the construction period. Provide the necessary weekly, monthly, and final reports, as needed. Provide copies of daily col structlon observation reports on a weekly requested. Provide necessary coordina ion with other agencies to provide final inspect) project. Provide record drawings and project completion, Provide report to Agency following final inspection stating that the project t completed, and provide nec ssary data for Agency acceptance of the prc eral Labor Compliance Attend pre-bid conference t clarify new minority participation requiremer Present the CDBG requirements to the contractor at the precon. conference. Monitor requirements and su mittal of miscellaneous federal compliance do from contractor and subcontractors, for Affirmative Action and Equal EmF Opportunity. Forward all required docum ntation to HUD, including required notlficatio Monitor compliance with lab r laws, Clean Air Act, Federal Water Pollutior Act, and federal, state, and local safety laws. Monitor Section 3 HUD 194 of contractor participation. if of the ;been ct. ction Control SEENT BY: ;12-56-80.; 9:17AM ; 2136952120- 525.307 9218;4 6 October 3, 2000 Page 5 7. Monitor weekly payroll d limited to, fringe benefit deductions, and other r thoroughly checked to me requirements, imentation on a continuous basis, including tatements, apprentice documents, special ulred supporting documents. Document: all Davis-Bacon regulations and miscellanea 8. Follow up by certified mail a I tel coordinate with City staff to ithh 9. Conduct random employee follow up on any discrepant 10. Make recommendations cooperate in labor comp) 1._ Prepare and transmit, by City. 2. Prepare complete files of format preferred by HUD: 3. Perform a complete final with HUD requirements. proposed fixed fees are as Preliminary and Final Design Design Survey Utility Coordination Monument Restoration Construction Observation Contract Administration Federal Labor Compliance TOTAL (Fixed Fee) ie current estimated construction c ased on the fee curve schedule frc e, excluding utility coordination, m conformance with that portion of .sign engineering services. The irking days. Compensation forwe irking days and hours of the const one assistance on delinquent funds, if required, ews as required by HUD and verify special actions to be taken if contractor mail, all necessary notifications on b ral compliance documentation with the co of federal compliance files to ensure $ 36,300 7,550 3,500 4,500 28,500 8,650 7.450 $96,450 st forthe total project is $450,000. The desl( the American Society of Civil Engineers. I ument restoration, and federal labor compli ie City's agreement with Willdan which per )nstructlon contract period Is estimated to ;end Inspection and inspection beyond the a ction contract will be on a time-and material but not payroll will be us HUD and Its and not of the and lance fee is total ce, is ns to 30- basis. SENT BY: ;12-56-80 Q:18AM 2135052120 626,307 92184" 7 ber 3, 2000 :6 Fine cost for testing materials, such as asphalt testing, will be provided through a separate :ontract with a testing laboratory. Wilidan will assist the Agency In the selection of a esting laboratory and will fully coo dinate the servlces to be provided. f you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Mr. Ken Ruloavina at 562) 908-6228. Ily submitted, ~LILLDAN liam C, Pagett, P nior Vice President