RRA - Item 6 - Additional Geotechnical Investigation For The Garvey Avenue Senior Housing And Community CenterI, C ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT REAL ESTATE CONSULTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1340 VALLEY VISTA DRIVE SUITE 120 DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 T: (909) 395-7714 F: (909) 395-7913 E: arcassoc@earihlL,ik.net Memorandum To: Frank G. Tripepi, Executive Director From: Stephen A.Copenhaver Date: January 19, 2000 Subject: Additional Geotechnical Investigation for the Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center The Staff team assigned to the development of the Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center has been in the process of reviewing the final construction plans, making final adjustments to the floor plans and attempting to evaluate recently adopted changes to the building code. Additionally, the project architect, Bahr Vermeer Haecker, has been working with two construction companies to secure a cost estimate for the project. This construction estimate will be complete within two weeks. Background One of the issues that has received some attention from City staff has been the condition of the site. As the Agency Board members are aware, the project site is a difficult site not only from access limitations and the shape of the site but also from the perspective of the un-compacted fill placed at the site in prior years. In discussing the proposed dcVeiopmeiiL with those involved with the design of the project, we believe that it would be prudent to have an independent engineer conduct additional borings on the site and to provide recommendations on geotechnical engineering matters. Although this independent engineer would not become the Engineer of Record for the project, the expense of this additional investigation is modest and it serves as low cost insurance for the. anticipated $10 million project and the effort will provide additional information on a component of the project that represents a construction risk. To this end, BVH and GRC secured bids from two soils engineering firms and recommends that the City contract with Jerry Kovacs and Associates for this additional work. Their bid was for $7,500 plus $2,000 for an optional test for liquefaction potential if this test is warranted. A copy of their proposal is attached to this report. The second bidder was Law Crandle that suggested only a slightly different scope but requested a budget more than twice that of the recommended firm (proposal also attached). i JA? G..i L6iv~ ITEM No. f A'. Garvey Senior Housing and Community Center Frank G. Tripepi, Executive Director January 19, 2000 We are hopeful that this additional report will result in no changes to the project, but we would feel much more secure with the design and the site by having a third party review. Recommendation GRC recommends that the. Agency Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Jerry Kovacs and Associates pursuant to their proposal. H:\PROJECTS\ROSEMEAD\GARVEY\GEOTF,CH.DOQY3/99 Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 (323) 877-2757 FAX(818)980-1524 RE'^EIVE D NOV s ;,1999 BA6n.',E ::9ciiP~CKEB,LTD. PROPOSAL TO PERFORM A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED SENIOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT GARVEY AVENUE, WEST OF RIO HONDO CHANNEL ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA FOR BAHR, VERMEER AND HAECKER ARCHITECTS PR 99269-H NOVEMBER 24, 1999 Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 (323) 877-2757 FAX (818) 980-1524 November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Bahr Vermeer Haecker Architects 16 North Marengo Avenue, Suite 700 Pasadena, California 91101 Attention: Dale W. Brown, AIA Subiect: Proposal to Perform a Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Senior Housing and Community Center Development Garvey Avenue, West of Rio Hondo Channel, Rosemead, California Ladies and Gentlemen: 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the request for proposal dated November 9, 1999, Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. has prepared this proposal to provide a geotechnical engineering investigation on the subject property. This proposal follows review of pertinent geologic literature, and review of our files. A preliminary plan of the proposed project has not been provided to this firm at this time. 2.0 PROJECT SCOPE - The project consists of 72 unit senior housing and community center project. The structures are anticipated to be of Type V construction and up to 4 stories. Column loads for the buildings are estimated to be between 100 and 300 kips. Wall loads are estimated to be between 2 and 4 kips per linear foot. Grading is expected to consist of removal and recompaction of existing unsuitable soils. 3.0 ANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Jerry Kovacs and Associates has over 28 years of experience performing geotechnical services for projects similar to this one. As part of the preparation of this proposal, files on projects performed November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 2 in the vicinity of the subject site have been reviewed. Jerry Kovacs and Associates has provided geotechnical services at the following sites: • Northwest Comer Montebello and Paramount Boulevards 2616 Walnut Grove Street 1521 Chico Street 705 North Sixth Street The results of past exploration indicate that the soils consist of silty sands and sands which are of moderate strength and expansion potential. It has been reported that the site is underlain by deep uncertified fill deposits. Groundwater is known to occur at shallow depths throughout this region. Preliminary review of pertinent geologic literature indicates that the proposed site is not underlain by any known faults. Fault rupture occurring across the footprint of the proposed facility is considered remote. The site is located in an area designated as "Liquefiable" by the Los Angeles County Safety Element, Leighton, 1990. The 1997 Uniform Building Code requires a boring to a minimum depth of 50 feet to assess liquefaction potential. 4.0 SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 4.1 Field Exploration It is proposed to perform the geotechnical exploration of the site with the aid of a truck-mounted rotary drilling machine. Eight borings are planned. The borings will be excavated to depths ranging between 30 and 50 feet below the existing ground surface in accordance with the 1997 Uniform Building Code requirements for liquefaction analysis. Prior to commencing exploration, the locations of the borings will be marked and coordinated with the City of Rosemead and Underground Service Alert to locate underground utilities in the vicinity of the proposed borings. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 a /3 November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 3 During excavation of the geotechnical borings, subsurface conditions will be observed and noted on the boring logs. Any suspicious odors or discoloration will also be noted. The earth materials encountered will be visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487). Generally, undisturbed and bulk samples of the earth materials encountered in the borings will be collected at 5-foot intervals and conveyed to the laboratory for testing and analysis. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampling will be performed within the granular, cohesionless soils located beneath the groundwater level. Should any potential contaminants or hazardous materials be detected or observed during exploration of the geotechnical borings, the spoils will be placed in drums and the borings backfilled with a bentonite-sand mixture. The costs associated with the drums and the bentonite backfill materials are not included in the fee indicated below. The drums full of spoils will require environmental testing and may require disposal at a specialized landfill. Testing and disposal of these materials are not the responsibility of this firm. 4.2 Laboratory Testing Engineering laboratory testing of undisturbed and bulk soil samples collected in the field will be performed in our laboratory. The types of engineering hbc, ator; tests to be performed is anticipated to be as follows: • Moisture content and dry density • Consolidation • Direct Shears (Saturated and Field Moisture) • Grain-size Analysis • Atterberg Limits Maximum density determination • Expansion Index determination For testing of corrosivity, bulk samples of representative soils are be transported to the laboratory at M.J. Schiff and Associates, Inc. Testing of the soils will include pH levels, resistivity, sulfate content, chloride content, and other major anions and cations. Evaluation of the corrosion character of the site soils will be provided along with recommendations addressing corrosion protection systems and their design lives based on the results of the testing. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. 1430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 ~r- November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 4 1111 , , iYl 1. 4.3 Engineering Analysis and Report Preparation Upon completion of the exploration and laboratory testing, engineering analysis will be performed. The results of the analysis of the boring and laboratory data will be synthesized into a formal report. The geotechnical report will address the nature and distribution of the earth materials underlying the site and their engineering properties will be discussed. The report will contain conclusions and recommendations regarding the following: • Description of subsurface soil conditions and controlling engineering properties of the encountered materials, boring logs, a plan indicating boring locations and their elevations relative to the nearest bench mark, and summary of ground water levels. • Discussion of various foundation types that maybe considered for the planned development, including piles and spread footings. • Site grading recommendations, suitability of the site soils for use as compacted fill and criteria for backfill soils, including imported fill materials. • Recommendations to mitigate the effects of expansive soils, if any. • Recommendations regarding design and construction of floor slabs and pavements, including applicable moduli of subgrade reaction, recommended procedures for subgrade preparation and criteria for subgrade testing during construction. • Discussion of difficulties which may be encountered during construction, including oversized materials, groundwater, caving, etc. • Recommendations for floor slab moisture barriers and subterranean wall waterproofing. • Recommendations regarding temporary and permanent excavations, including permissible slope angles, treatments necessary to provide stable slopes and design criteria for bracing of vertical excavations. Excavations adjacent to property lines will be addressed. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)930-1524 LX4"~ November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 5 • Foundation design parameters, allowable vertical and lateral capacities and expected short term and long term and differential settlements. Allowable passive pressures and coefficient of friction will be provided. • Recommendations regarding the design ofexcavations and retaining walls, including lateral design pressures, requirements for subdrains and discussion of construction techniques. In addition to the above geotechnical design and construction recommendations, a geologic and seismic hazard evaluation will be performed. This evaluation will include the following: • Review and evaluation of pertinent information regarding geologic and seismologic information. • Determination of the location, extent and seismic characteristics of local and regional faults which might affect the site. • Evaluation of expected ground motions from deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis based on historic earthquake data and existing geologic evidence. • Determination of effective peak ground accelerations in accordance with t_!e.4997-UBC requirements. - 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (475 years return period, maximum credible earthquake) - 50% probability of exceedance in 50 years (72 year return period, maximum probable earthquake) • Evaluation of secondary earthquake effects including ground rupture, liquefaction, inundation, earthquake induced settlement and landsliding. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. t l 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 ~J` November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 6 4.4 Review of Preliminary and Final Documents As part of this investigation, review of preliminary and final construction documents will be provided, including plans and specifications. This review is necessary to assure that the recommendations provided in the report are implemented in the documents. 5.0 FEES AND TIME OF DELIVERY It is anticipated that the report can be completed on the order of three weeks after exploration. A detailed topographic survey of the property and a preliminary plan of the proposed project should be provided. Work on this project cannot be finalized until the plans and surveys are received. The fee for this project is $7,500. No retainer is required; however, the fee will be due within 30 days of completion. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. is highly qualified to provide geotechnical inspection and testing services during construction. The purpose of such inspections and testing is to verify that the recommendations presented in the investigation and the requirements of the building code are complied with during construction. It is most prudent to employ the consultant performing the initial investigative work as the inspection and testing firm during construction. This practice enables the project to flow smoothly from the planning stages up to completion. 7.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The services of Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc., are sought because of special skill in engineering and geology. We have a duty to exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of the geoteelutical profession. Those who hire this firm are notjustified in expecting infallibility, but can expect reasonable care and competence. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 y V November 24, 1999 PR 99269-H Page 7 8.0 INSURANCE Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. carries the following insurance and limits for your protection: Professional Liability - $ 1,000,000 General Liability - . $1,000,000 Auto Liability - $ 1,000,000 Worker's Compensation - $ 1,000,000 A certificate of coverage is available upon request. The client may be made additionally insured for a small one-time charge to cover the fee paid to the carrier. 9.0 THIRD PARTY ISSUES This proposal and agreement is intended to address services provided for the named client only. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. agrees that the lender (and other parties to the transaction for which this project was conducted) will also be allowed to use the report(s) produced. HowrC er, the right to use the report(s) will be granted upon said users signing a written agreement providing that Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. shall have no additional liability exposure (in the aggregate) arising from such use than is described in the agreement under which this project was conducted. If a third party requests different liability limits, Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. reserves the right to (1) limit the extent to which any party may rely on the reports produced by Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc., (2) require payments in addition to the agreement amount to compensate Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. for its increased risk as a precondition to providing a reliance letter, and/or (3) refuse to authorize any third party to rely on the reports provided by Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. if an appropriate accommodation on risk management cannot be achieved. 10.0 AUTHORIZATION To authorize this firm please call to discuss timing of exploration and delivery prior to signing the Agreement. Any changes in the Agreement will have to be negotiated prior to proceeding. A signed copy of the Agreement will be returned to you when the project is authorized. Authorization by telephone will not allow exploration to begin. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 koLva-, November 24, 1999 PR 99269-11 Page 8 Jerry Kovacs and Associates appreciates the opportunity to offer this proposal. Any questions regarding the terms and conditions of this proposal should be directed to the undersigned. The prices and terms will be honored for a period of six months from the date of this document. EFH:nk Enc: Agreement Schedule of Charges Brochure FAX Copy to (818) 405-8150 propos 1199269-h Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. Iii 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 FAX(818)980-1524 Bali. Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 11430 VENTURA BOULEVARD, STUDIO CITY, CALIFORNIA 91604-3182 (818) 980-0825 (323) 877-2757 FAX(818)980-1524 Proposal No. 99269-h SCHEDULE OF CHARGES Effective January 1, 1999 A. Professional Services Principal Engineer 150.00/hr. Project Engineer 108.00/hr. Staff Engineer $ 80.00/hr. Drafting 77.00./hs. B. Field Observation During Course of Construction Senior Field Engineer - Footings, Pile Observations $ 108.00/hr. Engineering Technician - Compaction Testing $ 77.001hr. Laboratory Testing 77.00/hr. C. Compaction Report 375.00 D. Pile Report 375.00 E. Travel Per Mile .40/mi. F. A minimum charge of two hours will be made for each site visit during the course of construction. G. Overtime (1) Overtime rates of time and one haljwill be charged for any site visits on Saturdays, weekdays after 6:00 p.m., or on full time projects exceeding 8 hours in one day. (2) Overtime rates of double time will be charged for any site visits on Sundays or National Holidays. H. Expenses (1) Reproduction expenses are charged at cost plus 15 percent. (2) Exploration expenses are charged at cost plus 15 percent. (3) Automobile and truck expenses are charged for vehicle travel to and from project from Kovacs' office at the rate of 40 cents per mile. Hourly charges are adjusted each January Ist. NOTICE "During thecourse ofconstruction, you, oron your behalf. yourarchitect, engineer, contractor, subcontractor, orother representative will request the required site visits, excavation observations, compaction testing, laboratory testing, consultations, and reports pertaining thereto. The fees for any or all of the foregoing will be charged to you on an hourly basis pursuant to the prevailing rates on the schedule of charges in use at the time the services are rendered." Please advise Jerry Kovacs and Associates, Inc. at least 24 hours prior to any required site visit. LAW LAWGIBB Group Member November 22, 1999 Mr. Stephen A. Copenhaver Project Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard P. O. Box 399 Rosemead, Califomia 91770 Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center Garvey Avenue and Rio Hondo Channel Rosemead, California Law/Crandall Proposal 99-00693.131 Dear Mr. Copenhaver We appreciate your request dated November 9, 1999 to submit a proposal to perform a geotechnical investigation of the site of the proposed Garvey Avenue senior housing and community center in Rosemead, California. You have furnished us with plans for the project, and we are familiar with the soil and groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the site of the proposed development. This proposal includes a description of the proposed project, our scope of services, a schedule, and a lump-sum fee, and has been tailored to meet the needs of the project and fulfill the requirements of the modified AIA Document G602. A copy of he modified document is attached. A geotechnical investigation of the site was performed by Sladden Engineering and the results of the investigation was submitted in a report dated May 1, 1997. Although we were provided with a copy of the report, our investigation will be comprehensive as if no prior geotechnical investigation was performed at the site. Relevant Experience As previously stated, we are familiar with the soil and groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the site having performed geotechnical investigations of the sites of the following projects located near the subject site: • Relocatable Classrooms, Geologic-Seismic Hazards Study, Fern Elementary School, 8470 East Fern Avenue, Rosemead, California, for Garvey School District, report dated January 2, 1991 (our Job No. L90463.EO). Law/Crandall, A Division of Law Engineering and Environmental Servic&s, in:. 200 Citadel Drive • Los Angeles, CA 50040-1554 323-889-5300 • Fax 323-721-6700 Cim of Rosemead-Geatechnical Investigation November 22. 1999 Law/Crandall Proposal 99-00693.131 • Three Potential High School Sites, Geologic-Seismic Evaluation, City of Rosemead, California, for Hopen, Hedlund & Darby, Inc., report dated December 14, 1984 (our Job No. E-84379). • General Office Building No. 4 and Conference Center, Walnut Grove Avenue and Rush Street, Rosemead, California, for the Southern California Edison Company, reports dated September 25, 1984 and October 12, 1984 (our Job Nos. A-84264 and DE-84264). • Bank Building, 9000 Flair Drive, El Monte, California, for the Wells Fargo Bank, report dated July 20, 1978 (our Job No. A-78220). • Proposed Buildings, Whitmore Street and Rosemead Boulevard, El Monte, California, for the Development Pacific Corporation, report dated March 13, 1974 (our Job No. A-73237-B). Our experience in the vicinity of the subject project site and with similar projects was used to the extent possible in developing the scope of our proposed investigation. Project Information and Site Conditions The proposed development will consist of a four-story senior housing building and a single story community center building. The community center building will have a partial basement. The senior housing building will be of wood frame construction and the community center will be of wood frame and/or masonry construction with reinforced concrete basement walls. Foundation loads are expected to be relatively light. in addition to the proposed building, site improvements will include landscaped areas and paved parking lots and driveways. The site of the proposed development is vacant and surrounded by a chain-link fence. The ground surface at the site is relatively level and covered with sparse grass, weeds and scattered debris. The Rio Hondo Channel forms the eastern edge of the site. The channel is lined and is about 15 feet deep. The site is underlain by artificial fill soils that were not properly compacted during placement. The fill soils could extend 10 to 15 feet below the existing grade. Proposed Services We propose to perform subsurface explorations, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses to provide recommendations for design of foundations and walls below grade, for floor slab support, and for earthwork. Our services will consist of the following main tasks: o„•., Subsurface explorations to determine the nature and stratigraphy of the subsurface soils, and to obtain undisturbed and bulk samples for laboratory observation and testing. e A limited geologic-seismic hazard evaluation. City of Rosemead-Georechnical Investigation Law/Crandall Proposal 99-00693.131 November 22. 1999 • Laboratory testing of soil samples for determination of the static physical soil properties. • Corrosion studies to determine the presence of potentially corrosive soils, if authorized. • Engineering evaluation of the geotechnical data to develop recommendations for design of foundations and walls below grade, for floor slab support, and for earthwork for the proposed development. The current Uniform Building Code (UBC) requires that the geotechnical report for a site include an evaluation of the potential for liquefaction and soil strength loss at the site during a site-specific earthquake. Based on current practices in geotechnical engineering, the presence of liquefiable soils within a depth of 50 feet beneath a building site, with the water table above the 50-foot depth, will have adverse structural effects on the proposed development, and the evaluation of the liquefaction potential becomes more critical. Based on the results of our prior investigations in the vicinity of the subject site and on information available in our files, the historical water level at the site is expected to be less than 30 feet below the existing grade and the granular soils underlying the site below the historical water level may be subject to liquefaction as a result of a major earthquake near the site. We will evaluate the liquefaction potential of the soils underlying the site and present mitigation measures for minimizing the adverse structural effects of the probable liquefaction induced settlements on the proposed development. A more complete description of the methodology to perform the required tasks is presented in the following sections. Subsurface Explorations Before starting our exploration program, we will conduct a field reconnaissance to observe site conditions and mark the locations of our planned explorations. As required by the state of California, we will also notify Underground Service Alert of the locations of our planned explorations prior to drilling. "c propose to explore the site by drilling 9 borings using truck-mounted bucket-type and hollow-stem auger drilling equipment. Three borings will be drilled to depths of 15 feet and five horin_s to depths of 30 feet using bucket-type-drilling equipment. In addition, one boring will be dril led to depths of 60 feet using hollow-stem auger drilling equipment. This boring will be used to measure the groundwater level and to obtain undisturbed deep soil samples in case the liquefaction induced settlements are high and deep foundations are required to support the buildings. The borings will be drilled under the observation of our field technician, who will log the subsurface conditions encountered and obtain undisturbed and bulk samples for laboratory inspection and testing. To evaluate the liquefaction potential of the soils underlying the site, we will perform standard penetration tests (SPTs) in the 60-foot deep boring. We will also obtain bulk samples of the upper soils. 3 City ofRocemead-Geolechnical lnves6garion November 2, 1999 LowlGnndall Proposal 99-00693.131 , To supplement data obtained from the borings, and to perform a liquefaction and seismic-induced settlement study, we will retain Gregg In Situ, Inc. to perform cone penetrometer tests (CPTs) to a depth of 60 feet at a location near the deeper boring. We will also correlate the SPTs data obtained from our deeper boring with data obtained from the CPTs for evaluation of liquefaction potential. We will conduct all drilling and sampling in general accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. At the completion of the drilling, we will transport all samples to our laboratory where they will be examined by one of our engineers and visually classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The health and safety of our personnel require that we be aware of any environmental contamination present on the property. Accordingly, we need to be provided with any reports on the presence of such contaminants. If evidence of such materials is encountered during the course of our investigation, we must stop our investigation and contact you to determine the appropriate course of action. Delays and increased costs caused by such actions are not within the scope of our investigation. Limited Geologic-Seismic Evaluation We will perform a limited geologic-seismic hazards evaluation to define the geologic environment and evaluate geologic-seismic hazards that may effect the site. The evaluation is to be used as a reference source for the future environmental impact report. Using available geologic data, we will develop information on the general geologic and groundwater conditions beneath the site and the locations of nearby active and potentially active faults. The study will address the potential for primary earthquake hazards (ground shaking and surface rupture) and secondary earthquake hazards (liquefaction, seismic settlement, seiches, earthquake-induced landsliding, and lurching) impacting the site. We will also discuss the impact of the hazards of landsliding, flooding, and subsidence. Laboratorv Testing Our engineer will select samples for laboratory testing to determine the pertinent static physical characteristics of the soils. The data obtained will be used in the necessary engineering analyses. The laboratory tests will include: • In-place moisture content and dry density determination tests for each undisturbed sample. • Sieve analyses for grain size distribution and soil classification. • Direct shear tests on undisturbed samples and, if'appropriate, on remolded samples to determine the shear strength of the materials. • Consolidation tests to determine the compressibility of the materials. • Expansion Index tests to determine the expansion potential of the upper soils. City of Rosemead-Geotechnical lnvestigalion November??, 1999 Law/Crandall Proposal 99-00693.131 • Compaction tests for use in preparing earthwork recommendations. • California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests for use in developing paving recommendations. Corrosion Studv We will retain M. J. Schiff & Associates, Inc., Consulting Corrosion Engineers, to determine the corrosion potential of the on-site soils and the effect of the soils on underground metal piping, elevator shafts, and portland cement concrete. (This service will not include corrosion protection consultation during design; if needed, such design should be contracted directly with M. J. Schiff & Associates, Inc.) Eneineerine Analyses and Report The results of our subsurface explorations and laboratory tests will be evaluated, and engineering analyses will be performed to develop recommendations for design of foundations and walls below grade, for floor slab support, and for earthwork. We will prepare a geotechnical report summarizing the data collected and presenting our design recommendations. The report will include: • Results of the subsurface explorations and laboratory tests, with a description of the soil and groundwater conditions encountered. • Results of the geologic-seismic evaluation. • Evaluation of the liquefaction potential of the soils underlying the site. • Recommendations for design of foundations to be used for support of the proposed development, including allowable increase for wind or seismic loads. • Estimated settlements for the anticipated loadings. • Recommendations regarding frictional and passive values for the resistance of lateral forces. • A determination of the applicable site coefficient and seismic zonation based on the current Uniform Building Code. • Recommendations for design of walls below grade and retaining walls. • Recommendations for design of shoring, if required. • Recommendations for earthwork, including site preparation, excavation, and the placing of any required compacted fill. 5 Cirv of Rosemead-Ceotechnical Investigation November 22, 1999 Law1&andall Proposal 99-00693.131 • Recommendations for floor slab support. • Recommendations for design of asphalt and portland cement concrete paving. • Results of the corrosion study. The following graphics will be included in our report: • A plot plan showing the location of the proposed development relative to adjacent streets and existing structures and the locations of our exploratory borings. • A log of each exploratory boring depicting the changes encountered in the soil strata by elevation and depth below ground surface together with a description and classification of each soil stratum. The depth to groundwater will also be indicated. • The results of the CPTs in graphic and tabular form. • Plots and tables presenting the results of the laboratory tests. Insurance Law/Crandall carries statutory worker's compensation insurance and general comprehensive liability insurance (bodily injury, property damage, ind automobile) in the amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit. We also carry professional liability (errors and-omissions) i~isuranze in tlrc amount of $1,000,000. We would be pleased to provide certification of these coverages upon acceptance of our proposal. Schedule I or )our planning purposes, we anticipate that we can begin our subsurface explorations within one %~eek of receiving written authorization to proceed. The drilling of the borings is expected to take two ro three days. We can provide preliminary information within one week of completion of the subsurface explorations and a written report three to four weeks later. Fees The fee for the outlined investigation, including the rental and operation of the drilling equipment and review of project plans and specifications, will be a lump sum of $22,200. We will invoice monthly or upon completion of our investigation. Cirv ofRosemead-Geotechnical Investigation November 22. 1999 Law/Gandoll Proposal 99-00693.131 Our fee may be broken down as follows: Subsurface Explorations $ 8.500 Limited Geologic-Seismic Evaluation 1,000 Evaluation of the Liquefaction Potential 1.500 Laboratory Testing 3.000 Engineering Analyses and Report 7,000 Corrosion Study 1.200 TOTAL $ 22,200 The lump-sum fee will be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of this proposal. Our fee does not include additional services or work requested by you or your other consultants, or by the controlling public agencies during the review process. Our fee also does not include disposal of contaminated soils or hazardous materials. Authorization To authorize us to proceed, please sign the attached Proposal Acceptance Sheet and return one copy to us. A self-addressed envelope is included for your convenience. Any exceptions to this proposal or special requirements not covered in the proposal should be listed on the Proposal Acceptance Sheet. Please note that the terms attached to the Proposal Acceptance Sheet are part of this proposal. Geotechnical Inspection and Testing Geotechnical observation and testing services during construction are considered a_ continuation of the geotechnical investigation. We would be pleased to furnish you with a proposal to perform geotechnical inspection services during the construction phase of the project. Other Available Services In addition to the geotechnical services presented in this proposal, Law/Crandall can provide the following services: • Construction materials inspection and testing. • Environmental site assessments. • Ground motion studies. • Underground storage tank removal. • Remediation services for decontamination of soil and groundwater. 7 City of Rosemead-Geotechnical InvesaKation LawlCramlall Proposal 99-00093-131 November??, 1999 Asbestos abatement services, including survey, plans and specifications, monitoring, and project management of removals. We would be pleased to furnish you with additional information on the above services. k We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and would be pleased to work with you and your design consultants on this project. Please call if there are any questions regarding the scope of the outlined investigation. Sincerely, LAW/CRA"ALL A DIVISION OF LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Mike Shahabi - IaKe KlJ' C~ Senior Engineer Principal Engineer enggeol99-propW693ap0l.doclYK. bam Q copies submitted) Attachments: Proposal Acceptance Sheet Self-Addressed Envelope Modified AIA Document G602 LAW LAWGIBB Group Member Project Name Geotechnical Investigat Project Location Garvey Avenue Proposal No. and Date 99-00693.131 CLIENT PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE SHEET ?roposed Garvey Avenue Senion Housting and Rio Hondo Channel, Rosemead, California (31 (Rev. 4/99) Center Name City of Rosemead Attention Mr. Stephen A. Copenhaver Address 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA Zip Code 91770 Phone Number Address Billing to TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED. law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. ("LAW") is an independent consultant and agrees to provide Client, for its sole benefit and exclusive use, the consulting services ("Services") set forth in the pmpoml referenced above ("Proposal"), which is incorporated by reference. There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 2. PAYMENT TERMS. Client agrees to pay LA Ws invoice upon receipt. If payment is not received within 30 days from the date of LA W's invoice, Client agrees to pay the greater of I% per month or the allowable legal rate on the past due amount, plus reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. LAW may suspend services if payment of any invoiced amount not reasonably in dispute is not received by LAW within 60 days of Client's receipt of LAWS invoice. Client receipt of invoice will be presumed three days after mailing with adequate first class postage attached. 3. STANDARD OF CARE. LAW will perform its services using that degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of LAWS profession practicing in the same or similar locality at the time the smites are performed. NO OTFIER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE OR INTENDED. INSURANCE. LAW maintains the following insurance coverage: a. Workers Compensation Insurance - statutory amount. b. Commercial General Liability Insurance - $2,000,000 per occumenceA3,000,000 aggregate. c. Automobile Liability Insurance- 52,000,000 combined single limit. d. Professional Errors R Omissions - S1,000,000 per clairWS2,000,000 aggregate. 5. SAMPLE AND WASTE DISPOSAL. Samples generally are consumed or altered during testing and are disposed of immediately upon completion of tests. If Client wishes LAW to retain any samples, at Client's written request, LAW will use its best efforts to retain preservable samples or the msidue therefrom but only for a mutually acceptable time and for an additional charge. LAW reserves the right in refuse storage ofany samples. Client agrees that LAW is not responsible or liable for loss of samples retained in storage. If Client requests LAW to containerize drilling wastes and/or nuids produced by LAWS activity ("Wastes"), Client will provide a secure storage location at or near the project site to prevent tampering with the Wastes. Non-hazardous Wastes will be disposed of by LAW form additional charge Man appropriately licensed facility. In the event that Samples or Wastes contain asbestos, toxic or hazardous constituents ("Contaminants"), LAW •oill eithn: 1) return the Samples or Wastes to Client for proper disposal: or 2) using a manifest signed by Client as generator and for an additional fee, have the Samples or Wastes transported to a location selected by Client for final disposal. Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport, and disposal of Samples and Wastes. Client recognizes and agrees that LAW is acting as a bailee and at no time assumes tide, concoctive or express, to such Samples or Wastes. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL INDEMNITY. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Client shall defend, indemnify and hold LAW hamdess from any suit or claim for damages, losses, penalties, fines, settlements, judgments, costs and attorneys fees, including personal injury ("Losses") related to or arising from exposure to or release of Contaminants at or from the site before, during or after the Services, unless such losses are determined in have been caused by LAWS negligence. 7. DOCUMENTS. All documents generated by LAW under this Agreement ("Work Product'), shall be LAWS sole property. LAW will furnish Client the agreed upon number of written reports and supporting documents for Client's exclusive internal use and reliance and for regulatory submittal in connection with the project or Services. Client agrees that under no circumstances shall any Work Product be distributed to any third parties, be published, used in advertising, or be reused at any location or for any project not expressly provided for in this Agreement without LAWS prior written permission. Any unauthorized use or distribution of LAW's Work Product shall be at Client's and recipient's sole risk and without liability to LAW. Client agrees to indemnify and hold LAW harmless from any unauthorized use or distribution of LAW's Work Product, including attorney's fees and costs. If Client wishes to distribute LA W's Work Product to any third party not described above, or for any third party to rely on LAW's Work Product, Client and the third parry must first concoct LAW and execute LAW's Standard Secondary Client Agreement. Reports provided for disclosure of information only will not require a separate agreement. LAW makes no representation as to the suitability of LAW's report for the third party's purposes. Client acknowledges that LAW's repon(s) reflects conditions only at the time tribe study and may not reflect conditions at a later time. Client acknowledges that any request for LAW to release its Work Product to a third party creates a potential conflict of interest and agrees that its request for LAW to release any Work Product to a third party shall serve as a waiver of any conflict of interest. Client agrees that all Work Product furnished to Client or Clients agents or designees, if not paid for or if improperly used, published or distributed will be returned upon demand and will not be used for am' purpose whatsoever. LAW may retain a file copy of its Work Product and related documents, including Client-provided documents. Upon Clients request, LAWS Work Product may be provided on electronic media; however, the written copy retained by LAW in its files shall be the official base document. LAW makes no wananty or representation that the electronic copy is accurate or complete. Any modifications of the electronic copy by Client shall be at Client's sole risk and without liability to LAW. The electronic copy is subject to all conditions of this Agreement. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION FROM LAW OF S 10.00, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WWCH IS ACKNOWLEDGED, CLIENT AGREES THAT LAWS LIABILITY, AND THAT OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. TO CLIENT, ANY SECONDARY CLIENTS OR ANY THIRD PARTY DUE TO LAW'S BREACH OF CONTRACT OR NEGLIGENT PROFESSIONAL ACTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO AN AGGREGATE OF $50,000 OR THE TOTAL FEES PAID BY CLIENT TO LAW UNDER 'I I IE PROPOSAL, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. NEIT'1IER PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, ECONOMIC OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE, INCOME, PROFITS, FINANCING OR REPUTATION) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT. 1 of 2 PAS - Rcviud by MC54/19/99 Request for Proposal - Geotechnical Services AIA Document G602 - Electronic Format GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER [ X ] OWNER [ X ] ARCHITECT [ ] THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED wrni RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHEIMCATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AIA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AIA DOCUMENT D401. Copyright 1979, 1983, 1993 by The A ncricmt Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N. W:4 Washington, D.C., 20006--5292. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. PROJECT: (Name and address) Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Multi-Purpose Recreation Curter OWNER: (Name and address) Rosemead Housing Development Corporation 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: (Name and address) , DATE: 4 October 1999 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO.: C98073 ARCHITECT: (Name and address) Bahr Vermeer Hmcker Architect, Ild 16 North Marengo Avenue, Suite 700 Pasadena, CA 91101 ATTENTION: ()n Architects office) ,'a!e W Brown AiA' REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Oxxner requests the Geotechnical Engineer to submit to the Owner a proposal for geotechnical investigation and engineering sen'ices for the proposed Project at the property described below. /The Geotechnical Eneineer shall submit the proposal by attaching hereto (and identifying in Article 10) the material required, and retumintz three signed copies of this document to the Owner. The GeotechnicaP Engineer shall include with the proposal a statement definin_, an, proposed deviations from the requirements of this Document, including additions, deletions, exceptions and revisions. If the Oxsncr accepts the proposal, all three copies of this document will be signed by the Owner; one will be returned to the Geotechnical Eneineer and one to the Architect. Upon execution and receipt by both parties, this Document and all attachments listed in .Antcles 9 and 10 shall form the Agreement between the Owner and the Geotechnical Engineer. The Geotechnical Engineer shall hold the proposal open for acceptance by the Owner for a period of ninety ( 90 ) calendar days after the date of submittal to the Owner. :UA DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - AIA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. cop) right laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 10/5/1999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 12/7/1999 - Page #1 GEOTECHNICAL PROPOSAL ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 TIME /1.1.1 Subject to any limitations stated in this proposal, the specified investigation shall be completed and the logs and report(s) delivered to the Owner and the Architect within twenty - eight ( 28 ) calendar days after written authorization to proceed is received, barring circumstances beyond the Geotechnical Engineer's control which force a delay. In such an instance, the Geotechnical Engineer will inform the Owner of the cattse of the delay. 1.2 COMPENSATION 1.2.1 The Geotechnical Engineer shall attach the lump sum fee or rate and price schedule information or both to the proposal. The cost of the geotechnical investigation and engineering services (including the famishing of all materials, apparatus, labor and any required insurance) for soil and rock boring and other exploration procedures, sampling, field and laboratory testing, preparing and submitting boring logs and report(s) and providing geotechnical services during construction, shall be based upon the method(s) checked below. 1.2.2 Preconstruction Phase. For Preconstruction Phase services, charges shall be computed: in accordance with the Geotechnical Engineer's current attached rate schedule, stating the maximum cost that will be incurred without prior written authorization by the Owner, OR [ ) as otherwise specified below. 1.2.3 Construction Phase. For Construction Phase services, charges shall be computed: as specified in 1.2.1, above; OR as otherwise specified below. Not a part of this Agreement If work requested by the Architect pursuant to Article wolves additional charges, prior written approval of the Owner shall be obtained prior to proceeding. 1.3 BILLING AND PAYMENT 1.3.1 Billing for the investigation shall be as checked below: f X] to the Owner's address as shown herein, with a copy to the Architect; OR [ ] to the Owner in care of the Architect, in duplicate, at the Architect's office address. 1.3.2 Pas ment shall be made as follows: rHere m3err pm men, provisions./ In pan at conclusion of field portion of the work. In full. at conclusion of (receipt and acceptance of Owner and Architect of the Final Report). 1.4 INSURANCE 1.4.1 The Geotechnical Engineer shall provide a list of all insurance coverages in effect on the date of this proposal. For each coverage. this list shall identify the type of coverage, the name of the insurer, the limit of liability and the date of expiration of the .AI.A DOCUMENT G602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - ALA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN IFSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 200065292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA end can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 10/511999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 12/7/1999 - Page #2 applicable poliry(ies)- The minimum coverages shall be those required by law. 1.4.2 Unless otherwise specified in Article 8, the Geotechnical Engineer agrees to maintain each insurance coverage specified on the list in effect with identical of greater limits of liability until Substantial Completion of the Project, plus any additional time period specified in Article S. 1.4.3 Certificates of insurance acceptable to the owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to the commencement of services and after each renewal date of the policies listed on the certificates. These certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be cancelled until at least thirty days' prior written notice is given to the Owner. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS 1.5.1 All work shall be performed by qualified personnel under supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer. All reports shall bear the seal of a Registered Professional Engineer. 1.6 REPORTS AND LOGS 1.6.1 Deliver one copy of Geotechnical Report(s) and logs to the Owner and copies thereof to the Architect It is understood that the Owner, or the Architect on the Owners behalf, may make and distribute copies of the reports including boring logs, as necessary in connection with the proposed Project without incurring obligation for additional compensation. ko -k-IAe- P~oc1U'~ ARTICLE 2 -yhe_ er5 ~t5r , nkCAded PROPERTY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OWNER cpcs~ ,6.- PfOJe`} 2.1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ° (Insert legal description of the property.) 2.2 COMMON DESCRIPTION: (Imeri property name and address.) 9108 Garvey Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 2.3 Property Lines and Access. Property lines and means of access are shown on the attached drawings and identified in Article 9. Site access is provided by the arrangement checked below: I X) The Owner has title to this property and the right of entry for this subsurface investigation. [ X) The Owner has secured permission from the present owner and tenant for entry to the property for this subsurface investigation, subject to the following conditions: The present owner is: Redevelopment Agency - City of Rosemead, Federal Government The present tenant is: Vacant Parcel Other conditions: Geotechnical Investigator shall contact the Owner and the Architect prior to visiting the site. Geotechnical Investigator shall secure entry with present Owner. I X) The Geotechnical Engineer shall contact the following person(s) in order to schedule site access and make necessary arrangements. (Insert comes, addresses and telephone numbers. if arty.) Mr. Donald Wagner, Assistant, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 .AIA DOCUMENT G602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - ALA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unliarised photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with perinission of the ALA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 10/5/1999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 12f7/1999 - Page #3 (818)288-W] - voice • (818) 307-9218 - fax [ X] other: t,l over-b er da I (Speco) The proposal shall be tenoned to the Arcbiteces office no later titan doo, Beleber 29, 1999. ARTICLE 3 PROJECT INFORMATION 3.1 Materials have been attached in accordance with the options checked below and identified in Article 9. [ X] 3.1.1 Preliminary Investigation and Report Prior to commencing building design, a preliminary analysis is required. Project information is limited to: [ X] A site plan showing building locations being considered. [ X] A general description of the building type being considered, provided as an attachment hereto. [ ] Other. (Spec) A four story wood frame (type v 1 hour) apartment building. First floor is slab-on-grade foundation with continuous perimeter and spread footings as required located on parcel 2. A one story multi-purpose community building with a basement. The first floor, is slab-on-grade foundation with perimeter and spread footings as required located on parcel 1. 3.1.2 Design Investigation and Report The Design Investigation and Report shall include: [ ] A site plan showing property lines, means of access to the site, proposed outline and location of the building(s). -Information regarding exis*ings"m res %vhic :,ate, be anccted by`the ;uroposed construction..- [ ] Other: (Spec) ARTICLE 4 SAMPLING AND TESTING 4.1 BENCHMARKS 4.1.1 Benchmarks shall be established.as checked below: »c Lt: [ ] Benchmark elevation, feet, located , shall be used as reference for ground elevations. [ ] The Geotechnical Engineer shall establish a benchmark at the site, record its location, and reference its elevation to: [ ] National Vertical Geodetic Datum (NVGD) 1929; OR [ ] Official town datum; OR [ X] Other: (Speck) A topical survey will be provided. A topographic survey has not been provided. The geotechnical engineer shall establish a benchmark at the site using a known reference. Alf. DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - AIA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C.. 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below, Electronic Format G602-1993 I Icpr nnrnmpnh rsn9RMr, nn(,.,- 1nistiggcl AIA I irons . Niimhp.r 1n9R9ci whirh P.Ynirpa nn 1777/1ggq - PAnp it4 +4.2 BORINGS 4.2.1 The location and depth of the borings proposed by the Geoteehniral Engineer shall be shown on a sketch accompanying the Geotechnical Engineer's proposal. If the Geotechnical Engineer-finds-it necessary to change the location or depth of any of these proposed borings, the Architect shall be notified and a new location or depth shall be agreed upon between the Architect and the Geotechnical Engineer. 4.2.2 If unusual conditions are encountered, including but not limited to unanticipated materials which cannot be penetrated by standard sampling equipment, the Geotechnical Engineer shall immediately consult with the Architect. 4.2.3 The Geotechnical Engineer shall advise the Architect as to any further exploration and testing required to obtain information that the Geotechnical Engineer requires for a professional interpretation of subsoil conditions at the building site and shall perform such additional work as authorized by the Owner after consultation with the Architect. The extent of exploration undertaken shall be consistent with the scope of the Project as indicated by the information given above and by any drawings attached hereto. 4.2.4. See Attachment A 4.2.5 See Attachment A. 4.3 DRILLING AND SAMPLING METHODS 4.3.1 Unless otherwise stipulated, drilling and sampling will be performed in accordance with current applicable ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) standards and other standards, including, but not limited to ASTM standards D1586, D1587 and D2113. 4.3.2 The samples shall be preserved and field logs prepared either by a Geotechnical Engineer or by an experienced soils technician acting under the supervision of a Geotechnical Engineer. 4.4 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY 4.4.1 ' The Geotechhical Engineer shall contact the Owner and all utility companies for information regarding buried utilities and structures, shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage to property bath-visible an4-senaeaNid, and shall reasonably restore the site to the condition existing prior to the Geotechnical Engineers entry. Such restoratiosshall include, but not be limited to, backfilling of borings, patching of slabs and pavements, and repak of WN%s and plami°gs. Each boring should be temporarily plu ed, pending additional groundwater readings. At the completion of the groundwater readings, the borings shall be permanently plugged. including patching of slabs and pavements. 4.4.'_ Should any potential contaminants or hazardous material be detected or observed during the excavation of the geotechnical borings. the spoils will be placed in drums and The architect is to be notified immediately upon discovery. y_y.3 ' ke, ~,CO~echn'~i tnq,nexr ,5 nod respnonsible {n.r a^y ~dMa_y or loss die tv and i SLIOS2rj or Un1CnOWn SUr. CXC_e of 5U bSV race C. >Adt 1: ons Or.J neel ny O~.Incr or 4 \ir0 ARTICLE5 ?"t-'S' exc~~ -'t y+e REPORTS 5.1 FORMAT CFk2n~ 'SV~ d--O- e- Or \osS .s -Ck, r)e_'SQ\V o-~ -teoi'erJ'~nicel tn5incrccrecs, All segments of the reports covering the investigations and analyses shall be made on white paper, 8 12 x 11 inches, suitab fur photocopy ing. and shall be liewmal in boek4e;-~ copies of the report shall be in booklet form. 5.2 FIELD AND LABORATORY REPORTS The Gemechnical Engineer shall prepare reports in accordance with the items checked below: 5.2.1 All data required to be recorded according to the ASTM standards or other standard test methods employed shall be obtained, recorded in the field and referenced to boring numbers; soil shall be classified in the field logs in accordance with applicable ASTM standards and other standards, including, but not limited to, ASTM standard D2488, but the classification AIA DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL . GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - AIA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright law's and is subject to legal pmsecution. This document was elecoonically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the dam of expiration as nomd below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 10/5/1999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 12/7/1999 - Page #5 for final logs shall be based on field information, plus results of tests, plus further inspection of samples in the laboratory by the Geotechnical Engineer preparing the reports. [ ] 52.2 Include with the report a chart illustrating the soil classification criteria and the terminology and symbols used on the boring logs. [ ] 52.3 Identify the ASTM standards or other recognized standard sampling and test methods utilized. [ 1 52.4 Provide a plot plan giving dimensioned locations of test borings. [ ] 52.5 Provide vertical sections for each boring plotted and graphically presented showing number of borings, sampling method used, date of start and finish, surface elevations, description of soil and thickness of each layer, depth to loss or gain of drilling fluid, hydraulic pressure required or number of blows per foot (N value for each sample) and, where applicable, depth to wet cave-in depth to artesian head, groundwater elevation and time when water reading was made and presence of gases. Note the location of strata containing organic materials, wet materials or other inconsistencies that might affect engineering conclusions. [1 5.2.6 Describe the existing surface conditions and summarize the subsurface conditions. [1 52.7 Provide appropriate subsurface profiles of rock or other bearing stratum. [1 5.2.8 Estimate potential variations in elevation and movements of subsurface water due to seasonal influences. [ 1 5.2.9 Report all laboratory determinations of soil properties. [ X] 5.2.10 Other (specify) Copies of the report shall be provided in an unbound form Moisture content and dry density - Consolidation Direct shears ( saturated and field moisture) Grain - size analysis Maximum density determination Expansion index determination Corrosivity, testing including ph, resistivity, chlorides, magnesium, calcium, sodium, bicarbonate, and sulfates. 5.3 DISPOSITION OF SAMPLES 5.3.1 After all laboratory tests have been completed, dispose of samples as checked below: ( X1 Discard. J Ship to the Architect's office, or other location. as directed. J Retain at the Geotechnical Engineers office, and remain open to inspection: [ 1 until the end of the Bidding or Negotiation Phase. OR J until foundation installation is complete. ] Other: tsprofp n)A DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECFINICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - ALA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. cup ~ right la..s and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation untd the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 1015/1999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 12x7/1999 - Page #6 • ARTICLE 6 11 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 The Geotechnical Engineer shall analyze the information developed by investigation or otherwise available to the Geotechnical Engineer, including those aspects of the subsurface conditions which may affect design and construction of proposed structures, and shall consult with the Architect on the design and engineering requirements of the project Based on such analysis and consultation, the Geotechnical Engineer shall submit a professional evaluation and recommendations for the necessary areas of consideration including, but not limited to, the items checked below: 6.1.1 Foundation support of the structure and slabs, including bearing pressures, bearing elevations, foundation design recommendations and anticipated settlement. 6.1.2 Anticipation of, and management of, groundwater for design of structures and pavements. 6.1.3 Lateral earth pressures for design of walls below grade, including backfill, compaction and subdrainage, and their requirements. [ J 6.1.4 Soil material and compaction requirements for site fill, construction backfill, and for the support of structures and pavements. [ J 6.1.5 Subgrade modules for design of pavements or slabs. [ ] 6.1.6 Temporary excavation and temporary protection, such as excavation sheeting, underpinning and temporary dewatering systems. - . [ ] 6.1.7 Stability of slopes. [ ] 6.1.8 Seismic activity. [ ] 6.1.9 Frost penetration depth and effect. [ ] 6.1.10 Analysis of the effect of weather or construction equipment or both on soil during construction. [ ] 6.1.11 Analysis of soils to ascertain presence of potentially expansive, deleterious, chemically active or corrosive materials or conditions, or presence of gas. [ ] 6.1.12 Evaluation of depth of material requiring rock excavation and methods of removal. ( X] 6.1.13 Other: (fksrnbe special requirements. such to specification clauses, for the items designated above.) The eeotechnical engineer shall consult with the structural engineer on the design and engineering requirements of the project prior to initiation of field work, completion of the report and during the schematic design phase of the project. 6.1.14 See Attachment A AIA DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION ALA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006.5292.. WARNING; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. tops right laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 User Document: G602RMG.DOC - 1015/1999. AIA License Number 102329, which expires on 1217/1999 - Page #7 • ARTICLE 7 CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES (Herrin describe geotechn(oal services to be provided during vartovs cntnnctor operwianc) Not a part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 8 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (Describe any additional rrgvircmenu specific to this Project.) 8.1 The geotechnical engineer shall participate in a maximum of three (3) meetings at the Architects office or at the City of Rosemead to review and provide recommendations to the design. 8.2 Attachment A, Testing, Engineering Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations. ARTICLE 9 ATTACHMENTS BY OWNER (IdentifY and attach drawings as described in Paragraphs 2.7 and 3.1, and any other doameew that ate incorporated by reference below.) 9.1 Attachment A, Testing, Engineering Analysis, Conclusions, and Recommendations. 9.2 Attachment B, current Construction Documents. 9.3 ARTICLE 10 ATTACHMENTS BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER (Identify and attach any other terms or eonduionr, aceompanyinF sketches and any other documents that am incorporated by reference below.) 10.1 C' ~echn; f-a15 E11115 cnepre Proir'c'so'k QO. 10.2 ~Crr -5 ar"A C"a"d'-"e-`t; 0'p ze~kec-hn;c.al Eno~;nee~s ProFpsal AcL~,&Ance Sheep-. 10.3 ARTICLE 11 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL B. si_ning this document, the Geotechnical Engineer represents that all appropriate attachments and additions have been made and that anv proposed deviations from the requirements of the Owner's request have been clearly identified. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER r.S,,cnut,,e/ PROPOSAL DATE (Month, day and year) arm _ nneanon Ro~orn~ /Pnnred name and title/ AIA DOCUMENT 6602 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - 1993 EDITION - ALA - COPYRIGHT 1993 - THE ANfERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292.. WARNrNG; Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to lcgal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date olexpiration as noted below. Electronic Format G602-1993 I Isar nnci impnt (:Fin)Rmr f)flR - 1 oiSri 999. AIA I icpnsa Numhtar 1(19379 whioh eYnirpc nn 19(7/1999 - PpnP SR