Rehab Appeals Board - Minutes 11-09-99NOT 0 I'I'IOI_4L UNTIL
NOVEMBER 9, 1999
The special meeting of the Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board was called to order
by Chairman Vasquez at 7:03 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley
Boulevard, Rosemead, California.
The Pledge to the Flag and Invocation were waived as having been completed during the
meeting just adjourned.
Present: Boardmembers Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor, Vice-Chairman Clark, and
Chairman Vasquez
Absent: None
IMPERIAL that the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 1999, be approved as
submitted. Vote resulted:
Clark, Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor
The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.
BRUESCH that the Minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1999, be approved as
submitted. Vote resulted:
Clark, Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor
The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.
The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons wishing to address the Board.
The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family dwelling with a
detached garage which consists of an unpermitted illegal conversion on the lower level and an
unpermitted illegal unit on the upper level. The property is zoned R-1. The aforementioned
garage was constructed with benefit of permits in 1983 as a 525 square foot single story
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This property was previously before the Appeals Board on August 24, 1999 and
September 28, 1999. At the September 28th hearing, the Appeals Board directed staff to meet
with the property owner Ms. Bohne to verify if the unsafe conditions in the bathroom on the
lower level of the garage had been rectified. A time and date were arranged at the hearing. The
inspection was to take place on Wednesday, September 29th at 6:00 p.m. Boardmember
Imperial, Planning Director Lyons and Building Official Bailey met on the site at 6:00 p.m.
when they arrived, they were met in front of the property by Mr. Bohne, the property owner's
husband. Mr. Bohne indicated that he thought the inspection was to take place the following
day. He further stated he could not understand why the City was taking action against them.
When Boardmember Imperial asked if we could enter the property to inspect, Mr. Bohne denied
access. In a further discussion with Boardmember Imperial and staff, Mr. Bohne indicated since
he could not get approval, he performed the work illegally without necessary permits and
approvals. Boardmember Imperial again asked for permission to inspect the property and Mr.
Bohne denied access. Mr. Bohne continued by stating he had no intentions of correcting the
Substandard Conditions and Building/Zoning code violations and that the Attorneys and Judges
would decide the outcome.
The following day Building Official Bailey received a phone call from the property
owner Ms. Bohne. She apologized for the confusion and stated she was trying to convince her
husband to resolve these issues. Ms. Bohne also mentioned she would be in touch with staff in a
few days and advise them of her intentions.
To date, Ms. Bohne has not provided staff with further information nor have building
plans been submitted for plan check.
A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on October 18, 1999. All
interested parties have been notified.
The City Building Official recommends that the Appeals Board find the property
Substandard and order that all Substandard Conditions and Building/Zoning code violations be
removed or corrected by November 22, 1999.
Frank Tripepi, City Manager, reported that staff was unable to obtain photographs of the
property today and that the Board could add to the recommendation that this be a final board
order with no re-hearing.
Ruth Ann Bohne and Kurt Bohne, 7646 Newmark Avenue, property owners were
Ms. Bohne stated that their proposal made to the Building Department was never brought
before the Rehab Board and may have resulted in the confusion at their last hearing. Ms. Bohne
stated that they had originally agreed to remove the bathroom in the garage at the end of
construction. However, those plans changed before they appeared before the Rehab Board for
reasons of occupancy, and that Mr. Bohne is doing the work himself. Ms. Bohne explained that
they thought it would be easier to do the work in two phases and the Board seemed agreeable to
that idea. The problem occurred when they wanted to leave the bathroom in the garage while
building the two bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house.
Boardmember Bruesch asked for clarification of the two phases.
Ms. Bohne explained that phase I would consist of moving the existing bedroom and
bathroom to the rear of the house in order to demolish the remaining house. The new house will
consist of a basement, first floor and second story.
Mr. Bohne stated.that the second story would consist of a single bedroom and bathroom.
Ms. Bohne stated that it would take them 18 months to complete the construction.
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Mr. Bohne stated that they need two bathrooms at all times as his daughters stay there on
weekends. Mr. Bohne stated that he was told by the Building Department that he could not build
a bathroom in the garage, he went ahead and performed the work anyway. However, the biggest
concern now seems to be the footage around the cars.
Boardmember Taylor asked for clarification purposes if the Building Code allows a
bathroom to be built in the garage.
Jim Guerra, Consulting Building Official, responded that is a zoning issue and involves
the ability to maintain clear space in the garage. This issue was discussed at the counter with Mr.
Bohne, informing him that the City could not allow a bathroom to be constructed that reduced
the required clear space.
Boardmember Taylor stated there may have been misunderstandings between the owners
and the City, but this issue was discussed at the last two meetings and that the Board was in
agreement to them keeping the bathroom during the construction phase.
Ms. Bohne stated that at the last hearing the Board would only allow them to keep the
bathroom until the end of phase I, and that she did not agree to those conditions.
Boardmember Taylor stated that he is in agreement with letting them keep their bathroom
until the construction is completed, if it is within the 18 month time period. Mr. Taylor asked if
the garage is a two-car garage and that they stated that they will abide by a 9'x18' space, and that
they are asking for the other conditions to be dropped.
Boardmember Bruesch went over the list of conditions in the garage.
Mr. Bohne stated that the garage is used for storage only and that the room addition is
safe, referring to the wiring.
Boardmember Imperial stated that he and staff were not allowed to inspect the property
on the pre-arranged date, and that the Board should follow staffs recommendation.
Boardmember Taylor requested that the Board go over the list of defects item by item to
avoid any confusion and to try and resolve these issues.
Boardmember Bruesch stated that he would like to see some resolution between staff and
the Bohne's. Mr. Bruesch commented that should these items be allowed to go uninspected and
unpermitted, the City could be liable should something go wrong.
Boardmember Taylor asked what else is wrong with the electrical.
Steve Bailey, Building Official, stated that upon inspection today, a GFI outlet had been
installed in the bathroom, however, he was unable to test it as the area did not have power. Mr.
Bailey continued that there have been other installations in the garage area that are unpermitted.
James Guerra, Consulting Building Official, stated that staff's focus has been on the
plumbing, electrical and ground fault wiring came out of specific discussion about what could be
done to allow the Bohne's to continue to use the bathroom for the extended period of time, and
that is what the two corrections on the list refer to. Mr. Guerra stated that at no point did staff
ever say that was all that was wrong with the property. In general, the property has been rewired
into a workshop on the ground floor, the storage area has been rewired and finished - none of
that has been done under permit or inspection. Mr. Guerra continued that the storage room was
not likely to be permitted over time, given the engineering problems that it had on design and
that their focus was to covert the storage room back since it was never approved as a storage
room. Mr. Guerra stated that they did not focus on a detailed list of the storage room that they
could not keep. Mr. Guerra continued that the inadequate or faulty electrical in bathroom and
garage interior has been on their list of defects from the beginning and they do not know how the
garage was wired and if it has any permits. Upon request, they can do a more detailed
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inspection. Mr. Guerra stated that access and communication with the owners has not been
satisfactory from their standpoint.
Ms. Bohne quoted Mr. Guerra, at the August 240s hearing, stating that the storage area
could stay.
Boardmember Taylor responded that it has always been listed that the attic/storage must
meet code requirements.
Ms. Bohne quoted Mr. Guerra's comment from the August 14"i hearing, that the Building
Inspector was going to specifically inspect the storage and bathroom with the understanding that
those areas were going to remain throughout the 18 months, and the stairs and storage area might
stay if that was their (the Bohne's) desire. Ms. Bohne stated that that was the purpose of the
inspection, and upon the inspection on August 31", she was informed that there were only two
things wrong, the GFI circuit and the vent pipe. Ms. Bohne stated that Mr. Bailey did not say
that the storage area was inadequate or unsafe, and that he had his opportunity then to list them
on the list of defects.
Boardmember Taylor stated that the attic and storage still needs to be inspected and asked
the Bohne's if that was or was not agreeable to them.
Ms. Bohne responded that they are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep the
storage area.
Mr. Tripepi asked Ms. Bohne if she was now willing to allow the inspectors to inspect the
attic and storage area.
Ms. Bohne stated that she has never denied the inspector's access and Yes, she would be
willing to let them inspect the storage area.
Boardmember Taylor stated that the load of the storage ceiling could be a safety problem.
Mr. Bohne stated that it was not.
Ms. Bohne stated that they were under the impression that there were only two items to
be corrected, and that the 26' floor beam was never mentioned.
Boardmember Taylor stated that a prior comment was made that the City is liable
because something has been done without permits or inspections, and if the Board allows this for
them, then it sets a precedent for others.
Boardmember Imperial stated that an appointment was made at the last meeting to meet
with the Bohne's on Wednesday to inspect their property; however, they were not allowed on the
premises. Boardmember Imperial stated that he will make the Motion to accept the Building
Official's recommendation. More discussion ensued.
Mr. Bohne replied that he did not allow them on the property because he just painted an
antique car that that he is restoring and did not want anyone walking in there stirring up dust.
Mr. Bohne stated that Mrs. Bohne told him the appointment date was for Thursday, the next day.
Boardmember Taylor stated that the two issues that need to be resolved are the electrical
and floor structure. Mr. Taylor stated those two items need to be inspected. Mr. Taylor asked
what else needs to be inspected so that the Bohne's will have a complete understanding of what
needs to be done.
Mr. Guerra stated that the difficulty lies in the fact that the stairway to the top and the
enclosure of the attic was constructed without permits. Mr. Guerra stated that in order to
adequately list the defects, they have to remove the material and physically inspect it, the wall
coverings have to come out and flooring would have to be exposed. Mr. Guerra stated he will
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follow the Board's recommendations; however, he stands by the staff report recommendation of
10 days.
Boardmember Taylor stated that the aforementioned items need to be inspected and
brought up to code. However, his main concern is with the flooring, the rest of the items should
be relatively simple to fix. Mr. Taylor asked what other items are there.
Boardmember Bruesch asked about the patio overhang.
Mr. Bohne stated that it is not a patio cover, it houses the washer and dryer, otherwise
they would be exposed.
Boardmember Taylor asked if those appliances could be brought indoors, "possibly in the
garage which is large.
Mr. Bohne replied that the garage is big, but he is a hobbyist with two vintage cars in
there, and many other projects.
Boardmember Taylor stated that is asking for an exception to the building code
requirements since he has a large garage and hobby shop, therefore, he should be allowed to put
his appliances out in the back. Mr. Taylor stated that this issue has to be resolved also.
Ms. Bohne stated that the only person that would be affected negatively by this would the
adjoining owner.
Boardmember Taylor asked if the Board should then allow another 100 people to do this.
Ms. Bohne stated that they could under the requirements for a variance because of the
limitations of their lot.
Mr. Bohne requested an example of a variance.
Robert Kress, City Attorney, responded that an example of a variance would be if a house
was built 15' back from property line instead of the required 20'. Variances include such things
as sideyard and frontyard setbacks, height, those types of building standards, not as to whether
something is or is not allowed.
Vice-Chairman Clark asked if Mr. Cherrington would be willing to sell the Bohne's 5' of
his property in order to make the overhang legal.
Mr. Bohne stated that that would then stagger the backyard boundaries from the others.
Mr. Bohne continued that may not work as their property and Mr. Cherrington's, as they are not
parallel lengthwise.
Boardmember Taylor referred to a letter from Ms. Bohne dated August 5, 1999 which
states that Mr. Bohne will'modify the parking allowance in the garage to compliance (18' deep x
9' wide) by removing the bathroom area downstairs and clarified that will result in two full
length parking spaces in the garage. Mr. Taylor stated again, the Bohne's need to give their
approval for inspection or the Motion will be to declare the property substandard.
Ms. Bohne stated that they want to cooperate and they want inspections to take place, but
the problem is when the inspectors come out and go "haywire", and that they are giving up some
privacy rights by allowing these inspections.
Boardmember Taylor asked what do they want 'done?
Ms. Bohne responded that pursuant to Section 9906, of the "Rights to Privacy" book, the
Council shall adopt rules and regulations for conducting its investigations. Ms. Bohne requested
that they be given a letter from the Building Inspector stating specifically what is going to be
inspected, itemized, who is going to be doing the inspection, and the date and time of inspection.
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Boardmember Taylor stated that he is trying to work with them, but they have to arrive at
some type of agreement. Mr. Taylor stated again that the entire garage needs to be inspected.
Ms. Bohne stated that they came to tonight's hearing expecting to have these problems
worked out, but they are being denied. Ms. Bohne continued that they also asked that further
inspections be limited to what they consider reasonable rules and regulations, and they are being
denied that too.
Boardmember Taylor asked again when can the Inspectors come down and inspect the
Mrs. Bohne stated that without the Board adopting their request for reasonable rules and
regulations they cannot grant inspection.
TAYLOR that the Board find the property substandard and order that all Substandard Conditions
and Building/Zoning code violations be removed or corrected by November 22, 1999. Vote
Clark, Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor
The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.
A recess was taken at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of meeting as the City Council and
reconvened at 9:31 p.m.
No action was required on the aforementioned items.
There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32
p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 28, 1999, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Board Secretary
Pap 96