CC - IV C - Request For Speed Bumps On Rockhold Ave Between Marshall Ave And Olney Ststaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 20, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED BUMPS ON ROCKHOLD AVENUE BETWEEN MARSHALL AVENUE AND OLNEY STREET DISCUSSION This is a request by resident Lupe Herrera, for the installation of speed bumps on Rockhold Avenue between Marshall Avenue and Olney Street, in order to reduce the number of speeding vehicles on the street. Based on afield review of Rockhold Avenue, staff found that the street had light to moderate on-street parking and appeared "wide" which may lead driver to increase driving speeds. The installation of speed bumps was not recommended since it is city policy not to install such control devices. Staff recommended, instead, for the installation of 25-mph speed limit signs on Rockhold Avenue. At the January meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to approve the staff recommendation to install 25-mph speed limit signs on Rockhold Avenue south of Marshall Street (southbound) and north of Olney Street (northbound). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council APPROVE the installation of 25-mph speed limit signs on Rockhold Avenue south of Marshall Street (southbound) and north of Olney Street (northbound). EXHIBITS: Exhibit A -Staff report, dated December 15, 1999 Exhibit B - Traffic Commission Minutes for January 6, 2000 COUNCIL MAR 2 S 2000 ITEPA No. ~ ~ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1999 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED BUMPS ON ROCKHOLD AVENUE BETWEEN MARSHALL STREET AND OLNEY STREET REQUEST A request has been received, letter attached, from Ms. Lupe Herrera of 3632 Rockhold Avenue. Ms. Herrera is requesting the installation of speed bumps on Rockhold Avenue to reduce the number of speeding vehicles on the street. CONDITIONS Rockhold Avenue is a 36-foot wide north/south residential roadway with no striping on the street. Rockhold Avenue is stop controlled at its "T" intersection with Marshall Street. Rockhold Avenue is uncontrolled at its "T" intersection with Olney Street. Streetlights exist on the east side of the roadway. The prima facie speed limit on Rockhold Avenue is 25 mph. Figure 1 depicts the existing conditions on Rockhold Avenue. DATA The reported accident history on Rockhold Avenue between Marshall Street and Olney Street was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1999. This review indicated no reported accidents on Rockhold Avenue. DISCUSSION The City's current policy is to deny the installation of speed humps on public streets. This is primarily due to the lack of approved standard designs for the speed humps: Other cities have installed speed humps on a "trial or study" basis and have determined, under their own legal advice, whether their city is taking on additional liability. Field review of Rockhold Avenue found light to moderate on street parking. This added to the perception of a "wide". street that often leads to higher than EXHIBIT "A" Request for Speed Bumps on Rockhold Avenue Between Marshall Street and Olney Street Page 2 expected speeds. The street, in fact, was wider than Earle Avenue (30 feet) which is the next street west of Rockhold Avenue. Based on driving in the neighborhood, it is likely the motorists traveling on Rockhold Avenue live on Rockhold Avenue or Olney Street at the immediate end of Rockhold Avenue. On Olney Avenue, there are two "dips" in the street between Rockhold.Avenue and Earle Avenue. For "speeding" traffic trying to find a "quick" way home, these two dips would discourage this specific travel pattern. However, to remind motorists traveling on Rockhold Avenue, the installation of 25-mph speed limit signs is recommended. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that 25-mph signs be installed on Rockhold Avenue south of Marshall Street (southbound) and north of Olney Street (northbound). Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachments J11Rsd\Rockhold Marshall Street Install R2(25) sign on existing post. Existing street sweeping sign to remain. O Q) O Q 1 a I o Y U O cl~ ffl 36 feet Not to Srak \ Install R2(25) sign on existing street light pole. Olney Street August 25, 1999 Traffic Department Communications City of Rosemead 8938 East Valley Bou Rosemead, California Gentle.mien: ?dy name is Lu?e He=- and live at 3632 Roc ov 0 AUG 30199 770 a resident of the City of Rosemead for 26 years, Id Avenue, between Marshall and Olney Streets. There is a hazardous s'tuation on Rockhold that i wish to call your attention to - that of speeding cars which endanger both the children and residents. The high-s eed incidents occur most frequently on Fridays, t.._cat's , and Sundays. It-is my suggestion t the legal speed limit Tha-ik you for consider Sincerely, 47V W-~ L•-^e Herrera 3632 Rockhold Avenue Roe_=emead, California 9 626/220-7604 speed humps be installed to slow the traffic to 25 mph. g this serious problem. .770 Commissioner Ruiz asked what happens when students are double parking. Deputy Robles stated that they cite the older students who is jaywalking and should know better, and it penalizes the parents of the younger students that allow their children to cross. Speaking before the Commission was: Barbara Larson 3850 N. Ellis Lane Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Larson asked what the Sheriffs Department will be doing when the parents park across the school and walk their child across to the school. Lt. Stu Heller stated that when they are walking their children across, they are assuming that they are doing that in a safe manner, if not, then they are in violation of pedestrian outside of a crosswalk who interferes with traffic. Ms. Larson also asked about the cars that are not stopping when a school bus has their lights flashing. Deputy Robles stated that they amended that law as it pertains to unloading children in front of a school. The bus driver is no longer required to activate their red lights. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, and carried unanimously to approve Ordinance No. 801 as written. B. RLt urar rvnoi.n..- MARSH ALL STREET AND OLNEY STREET I Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request came from Ms. Lupe Herrera of 3632 Rockhold Avenue. Ms. Herrera is requesting the installation of speed bumps on Rockhold Avenue to reduce the number of speeding vehicles on the street. Rockhold Avenue is a 36-foot wide north/south residential roadway with no striping on the street. Rockhold Avenue is stop controlled at its "T" intersection with Marshall Street. Rockhold Avenue is uncontrolled at its "T" intersection with Olney Street. Street lights exist on the east side of the roadway. The prima facie speed limit on Rockhold Avenue is 25 mph. The reported accident history on Rockhold Avenue between Marshall Street and Olney Street was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1999. This review indicated no reported accidents on Rockhold Avenue. The City's current policy is to deny the installation of speed humps on public streets. This is primarily due to the lack of approved standard designs for the speed humps. Other cities have installed speed humps on a "trial or study" basis and have determined, under their own legal advice, whether their City is taking on additional liability. Field review of Rockhold Avenue found light to moderate on-street parking. This added to the perception of a "wide" street that often leads to higher than expected speeds. The street, in fact, was wider than Earle Avenue (30 feet) which is the nest street west of Rockhold' Avenue. Based on driving in the neighborhood, it is likely the motorists traveling on Rockhold Avenue live on Rockhold Avenue or Olney Street at the immediate end of Rockhold Avenue. On Olney Avenue, there are two "dips" in the street EXHIBIT "B" between Rockhold Avenue and Earle Avenue. For "speed" traffic trying to find a , these two dips would discourage this specific travel pattern. he installation of 25 "quick" way home However, to remind motorists traveling on Rockhold Aveme, t-mph speed limit signs is recommended. RECO lr'JENDATION: It was recommended that 25-mph signs be installed on Rodtnold Avenue south of Marshall Street (southbound) and north of Olney Street (nwLhbound). Speaking before the Commission was, Susana Johnson 9230 Steele Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Johnson inquired as to what determines a street to havea speed bump, because she feels Steele Street is notorious for excessive speeding. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that currently the C" of Rosemead's policy is not to install speed bumps, because it brings upon some liabilityto the City. Sul out the continuously sends the parking control officers to troubled locations and p speed trailer. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V1, STAFF REPORTS - NONE VII. COMMiSSJONER REPORTS that the light on Walnut Grove going northbound, making a Commissioner Herrera stated left hand turning going west, the signalization is off. Commissioner Knapp stated that people are not stopping at the stop sign at Rio Dell. She felt perhaps some housekeeping could be done at this location. the "Keep Clear" sign on San Gabriel Boulevard may Commissioner Knapp stated that agaki have been knocked down. Deputy Traffic Engineer It stated that shewould check into it. ssioner ion uiz the " would ommilike to see if the 2"d° lthat on ane could also make asr ght turn lane at the right turn lane, he Commissioner Ruiz also stated that the truck route on Temple City Boulevard, there are trucks parking overnight on Temple City Boulevard. Speaking before the Commission was: Barbara Larson 3850 N. Ellis Lane Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Larson stated that Foothill Transit Bus Company is using Temple City Boulevard as a training route and the problem with the Von's trucks using their Jake-Breaks continues to be a problem. Ms. Larson also stated that she has noticed diesel trucks parking on Ellis Lane, just before Temple City Boulevard.