RRA - Item 2 - Authorization of Payment to Southern California Edison For Design And Right-of-way Acquisition Services For Utility UndergroundingTO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER Yom'" DATE: APRIL 18, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON FOR DESIGN AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES FOR UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING Southern California Edison Company (SCE) has been in the process of preparing the engineering plans and acquiring the right-of-way for the undergrounding of utilities on Walnut Grove Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. SCE has requested payment for effort to date as well as an engineering advance to finalize the plans and complete right-of-way acquisition as follows: ITEM WALNUT GROVE SAN GABRIEL DEL MAR TOTAL Progress Billing $73,910.82 $28,162.39 $42,093.68 $144,166.89 Engr. Advance $25,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $185,000.00 Total Payment $329,166.89 Following is the status of each project: Walnut Grove Avenue - Rule 20B (Fern/Hellman) This project provides for the undergrounding of local electrical distribution service only. The design is complete. Right- of-way is still pending; 6 of 27 required easements are still required. Two of the properties appear ready to sign pending revisions to the easement documents; the other four either refuse to sign or will not return calls or correspondence. Caltrans permits have been obtained. Construction can begin 90 days after SCE receives payment, the easements are obtained and the Joint Use Agreement is executed. APR 2 5 2000 n1 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 April 19, 2000 Page 2 San Gabriel Boulevard - Rule 20B (south City Limit/Newmark): This project provides for the undergrounding of both local electrical distribution service and high voltage electrical transmission lines. Distribution design is complete. Transmission plans must be finalized; design of steel transmission poles still needs to be completed. Telecommunication design is pending. One easement is required for distribution; the number of easements required for transmission is still pending. Construction on the distribution system can begin 90 days after SCE receives payment, the easement is obtained and the Joint Use Agreement is executed. Construction on the transmission facilities will follow 9 months later due to the long procurement period required for specialty steel transmission poles. Del Mar Avenue - Rule 20B (south City Limit/north City Limit)- This project provides for the undergrounding of both local electrical distribution service and high voltage electrical transmission lines. Distribution design is complete. Transmission plans must be finalized; design of steel transmission poles still needs to be completed. During the design process for the transmission system, it was determined that a double circuit line must be installed underground to provide for adequate power conveyance as opposed to one as initially thought, thereby doubling construction costs. Telecommunication design is pending. 22 easements are required for distribution; the number of easements required for transmission is still pending. Construction on the distribution system can begin 90 days after SCE receives payment, the easements are obtained and the Joint Use Agreement is executed. Construction on the transmission facilities will follow 9 months later due to the long procurement period required for specialty steel transmission poles. The current estimated cost to complete each project, including SCE, Pacific Bell and Charter Communication facilities, is as follows: Walnut Grove Avenue: $1,470,000 San Gabriel Boulevard: $2,940,000 Del Mar Avenue: $7,750,000 At this time, Redevelopment Agency funding is available for the construction of the utility undergrounding on Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. There will be a budget shortfall for performing the undergrounding on Del Mar Avenue; an additional $5 million dollars is required. Upon completion of construction of the Garvey Senior Center, the remaining Agency fund balance will be assessed and funding for the Del Mar project will then be reconsidered. Therefore, it is recommended that further work on the Del Mar Avenue undergrounding be deferred. RECOMMENDATION Authorize payment of invoices in the amount of $144,166.89 and an engineering advance in the amount of $105,000 (for Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard only) to Southern California Edison Company. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 'EDISON A. FursON INIVRMV rONAL- Compam Ken Rukavina City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead CA 91770 Dear Ken: February 29, 2000 SUBJECT: Relocation of Facilities - Rule 20B Projects -Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates City of Rosemead San Gabriel Blvd., from Newmark Ave. to Potrero Grande Dr. (CRE File No.'REL960190) Del Mar Ave., from 10 Fwy. to Graves Ave. (CRE File No. REL960184) Walnut Grove Ave., from 10 Fwy to Fern Ave. (CRE File No. REL980177) The following Order of Magnitude Cost estimates are being provided for the three proposed underground conversion projects at the above mentioned locations. The Order of Magnitude cost estimates are preliminary, and are being provided without the benefit of final engineering and field studies. All estimates include the estimated labor of Edison's Corporate Real Estate Department. Underground Conversion of Facilities along Del Mar Avenue from the 10 Fwy to Graves Avenue Estimated Cost - "(Without ITCC Tax) Transmission $3,497,347 Telecommunication 123,492 Distribution 3,216,550 Sub'rotal $6,837,389 Less Eng Adv (520,000) TOTAL $6,817,389 Underground Conversion of facilities along San Gabriel Boulevard from Newmark Ave. to Potrero Grande Dr. Estimated Cost - "(Without ITCC Tax) Transmission $ 441,064 Telecommunication 35,855 Distribution 2,165,031 Sub Total 2,641,950 Less Eng Adv ($15,000) TOTAL $2,626,950 14805 Cheswut St. \Vc<trimsts r. CA 92685 800-817-5677 1=a~ 714-931-0837 Ken Rukavina - 2 - February 29, 2000 City of Rosemead Underground Conversion of Facilities along Walnut Grove Avenue from 10 Fwy to Fern Ave. Estimated Cost - **(Without ITCC Tax) Distribution $812,363 Less Eng Adv (^$5,000) TOTAL $807,363 Note: (ITCC Tax was applied to the street light work order for Walnut Grove Avenue, which is included in the total amount shown) **1TCC'fax - Section 118 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) requires contributions in aid of construction (CIACs) or any other contributions made by customers or . potential customers to be included in the recipient's taxable income. In response to this provision of the Code, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), in Decision 87-09-026, stated that, "To the extent reasonable, the entity causing the taxable event should bear the tax", and, as such, authorized California investor-owned utilities to collect the income tax component of the contribution (ITCC) from contributors. There is an exemption from ITCC Tax for a Rule 20B project, when paid for by a governmental customer, and the Rule 20B project is funded through a governmentally created assessment district (which includes language stipulating public safety, interest, and necessity). Edison believes that this is the case with these three relocation/underground conversion projects. However, in all instances where Edison deems a customer exempt from ITCC, the customer (City of Rosemead) will need to sign the following clause to indemnify Edison in the event the CIAC is determined by the IRS or other tax authority to be taxable to Edison. "7n the event the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state, city, and/or local governmental taxing authority determines that this project is taxable, the City of Rosemead will reimburse the Southern Califomia Edison Cornpany for the full amount of the tax liability determined by the IRS, state, city, and/or local governmental authority, plus interest, penalties, fees, and related costs. Such amounts will be paid to Edison within 60 days after notification of such euent by Edison to the City of Rosemead." The amount of the ITCC Tax is roughly thirty-four percent (34%) of the cost of all new construction and the associated labor. These estimates are provided with the assumption that Edison will be installing the ducts and substructures. Of the twenty-seven (27) easements required for the relocation /underground conversion of distribution facilities along Walnut Grove Avenue, twenty-one (21) have been secured, and six (6) are still outstanding. All easements will need to be in place prior to scheduling the relocation work. Ken Rukavina -3- February 29, 2000 City of Rosemead A preliminary estimate indicates that Edison will need to acquire approximately twenty-two (22) distribution easements from the property owners along Del Mar Avenue, and one distribution easement for the project along San Gabriel Avenue. It has not yet been determined if any easements for the transmission facilities will be required. The Edison Company will require the City of Rosemead to become an active partner with us in obtaining the necessary easement rights from the existing property owners. Edison will not be able to set a construction date without securing all of the easements. We cannot stress enough the importance of acquiring all the required easements. On October 15, 1999, Edison submitted a progress billing to the City in the amount of $144,166.89. This figure represents the amount of costs incurred through August 1999. The previously submitted engineering advance of $40,000.00 was appropriately applied to each underground project. The $144,166.89 progress billing amount must be paid prior to Edison continuing with any further work on these projects. In addition, an additional engineering advance of $185,000.00 must be paid in order for each of Edison's business units to finalize its cost estimates. The engineering advance will be applied to the total cost of the projects. Edison's work is being performed on an actual cost basis. At the completion of the projects, the City will be billed or refunded any difference covering the actual cost of the jobs. If you have any questions please call me at (714) 934-0836 Sincerely, JANET LICHT Right of Way Agent JL Frank Tripepi - City of Rosemead John Steelesmith - SCF, EUDISON An LO/SON /NTCRNAT/ON,IL Company INVOICE To: City of Rosemead Progress 60rag Page 1 of 3 INVOICE NO.: 08-643-13-99 INVOICE DATE: August 26, 1999 CONTACT: Janet Licht TELEPHONE:'.. (714) 934-0836 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cost to date for the relocation of facilities at Walnut Grove Boulevard RP File No. REL980177 SCE Work Order Nos. 6022-7169 Detail Attached 6422-7129 Detail Attached $7,115.63 71,795.19 Subtotal Deposit Received $78,910.82 (5,000.00) 'AMOUNT..'DUE: $73,910.82 Make checks payable to: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON P.O. Box 800. Rosemead, Ca. 91770, Attention: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. ROOM G-44 PLEASE REMIT ONE COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT ~79 50L-)W:[IN CALIFORNIA EDIS~N Paoe 2 of 3 LOCATION I WORK ORDER NUMBER NUMBER ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF COSTS 6022 7169 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL: MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL COSTS LOT TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS 0.00 LABOR: NORMAL TIME 65.00 MAN HOURS 1,866.91 OVERTIME 3.50 MAN HOURS 141.22 PAYROLL TAX 145.46 TOOL EXPENSE 127.92 MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE 442.93 DIVISION OVERHEAD 1,780.56 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 4,505.00 OTHER COSTS: EMPLOYEE EXPENSE JOB ORDER COSTS - REAL PROPERTIES JOB ORDER COSTS - TRANSMISSION MISCELLANEOUS COSTS SUBTOTAL OTHER COSTS 0.00 SUBTOTAL 4,505.00 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 1,735.94 CONTRACT WORK 874.69 JOINT POLE COSTS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 2,610.63 TOTAL CHARGES 7,115.63 CREDITS: JOINT POLE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL COSTS 7,115.63 SOU.HFRN CALIFORNIA py Vg EDI SON mummommmm %n 6'O150w l.v'1"E/: nw"/"/On'nL Com Puny Page 3 of 3 LOCATION NUMBER WORK ORDER NUMBER ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF COSTS 6422 7129 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL: MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL COSTS LOT TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS 0.00 LABOR: NORMAL TIME 522.50 MAN HOURS 15,497.01 OVERTIME 13.50 MAN HOURS 476.68 PAYROLL TAX 1,305.30 TOOL EXPENSE 1,215.34 MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE 3,162.58 DIVISION' OVERHEAD 12,694.15 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 34,351.06 OTHER COSTS: EMPLOYEE EXPENSE JOB ORDER COSTS - REAL PROPERTIES 5,643.53 JOB ORDER COSTS - TRANSMISSION MISCELLANEOUS COSTS SUBTOTAL OTHER COSTS 5,643.53 SUBTOTAL 39,994.59 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 14,703.86 CONTRACT WORK 17,096.74 JOINT POLE COSTS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 31,800.60 TOTAL CHARGES 71,795.19 CREDITS: JOINT POLE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL COSTS 71,795.19 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON An LU/lON /%t CRA',V/IUO llL Coin panv Page 1 of 3 INVOICE To: City of Rosemead Progress Rg6inQ INVOICE NO.: 08-643.12-99 INVOICE DATE: August 25, 1999 CONTACT: Janet Licht TELEPHONE: (714) 934-0836 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cost to date for the relocation of facilities at Del Mar Avenue. RP File No. REL960184 SCE Work Order Nos. 6422-7128 Detail Attached $51,407.47 4305-4996 Detail Attached 10,686.21 Subtotal $62,093.68 Deposit Received (20,000.00) AMOUNT. DUE: $42,093.68 Make checks payable to: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON P.O. Box 800. Rosemead. Ca. 91770. Attention: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, ROOM G-44 PLEASE REMIT ONE COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MIS®N ,fin EM/SON 1%7 ERNAT/ONAL Compunv Page 2 of 3 LOCATION NUMBER WORK ORDER NUMBER ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF COSTS 6422 7128 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL: MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL COSTS LOT TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS 0.00 LABOR: NORMAL TIME 438.00 MAN HOURS 12,845.77 OVERTIME MAN HOURS PAYROLL TAX 1,430.84 TOOL EXPENSE 950.39 MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE 2,328.54 DIVISION OVERHEAD 8,641.39 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 26,196.93 OTHER COSTS: EMPLOYEE EXPENSE 157.13 JOB ORDER COSTS - REAL PROPERTIES 1,921.60 JOB ORDER COSTS - TRANSMISSION MISCELLANEOUS COSTS 77.53 SUBTOTAL OTHER COSTS 2,156.26 SUBTOTAL 28,353.19 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 9,892.23 CONTRACT WORK 13,162.05 JOINT POLE COSTS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 23,054.28 TOTAL CHARGES 51,407.47 CREDITS: JOINT POLE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL COSTS 51,407.47 E DII SLOtN nn li U1J'UN /h"/'E/LV.t )')p NnL Com Pn ny INVOICE Page 1 of 3 Prooress Si/lino To: City of Rosemead INVOICE NO"-:. 09-643-05-99 INVOICE.DATE:: September 11, 1999 CONTACT: Janet Licht TELEPHONE: (714) 934-0836 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cost to date for the relocation of facilities at San Gabriel Boulevard. RP File No. REL960190 SCE Work Order Nos. 6422-7127 Detail Attached $33,098.59 4305-4997 Detail Attached 10,063.80 Subtotal Deposit Received $43,162.39 (15,000.00) AMOUNT DUE: $28,162.39 Make checks payable to: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON P.O. Box 800. Rosemead, Ca. 91770. Attention: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. ROOM G-44 PLEASE REMIT ONE COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT X EDISON .%n POISON l \'I ER,Y.l Y]ONAL Company Page 2 of 3 LOCATION WORK ORDER NUMBER NUMBER ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF COSTS 6422 7127 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL: MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL COSTS LOT TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS 0.00 LABOR: NORMAL TIME 186.50 MAN HOURS 5,963.73 OVERTIME MAN HOURS PAYROLL TAX 647.45 TOOL EXPENSE 439.06 MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE 845.63 DIVISION OVERHEAD 4,001.54 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 11,897 41 OTHER COSTS: EMPLOYEE EXPENSE JOB ORDER COSTS - REAL PROPERTIES 10,207.30 MISCELLANEOUS COSTS SUBTOTAL.OTHER COSTS 10,207.30 SUBTOTAL 22,104.71 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 7,727,75 CONTRACT WORK 3,266.13 JOINT POLE COSTS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 10,993.88 TOTAL CHARGES 33,098.59 CREDITS: JOINT POLE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL COSTS 33,098.59 1 '.=3+t IOUiHraN ClUrORNIA Page 3 of 3 MISON Awl EOISO,% 1%1'1-R,%A7"10NAl- Company LOCATION NUMBER WORK ORDER NUMBER ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF COSTS 4305 4996 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL: .MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL COSTS LOT TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS 0.00 LABOR: NORMAL TIME 127.00 MAN HOURS 3,981:28 OVERTIME 6.00 MAN HOURS 277.28 PAYROLL TAX 381.26 TOOL EXPENSE 323.11 . MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE 731.30 DIVISION OVERHEAD 1,151.04 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 6,845.27 OTHER COSTS: EMPLOYEE EXPENSE JOB ORDER COSTS - REAL PROPERTIES 947.86 JOB ORDER COSTS - TRANSMISSION MISCELLANEOUS COSTS SUBTOTAL OTHER COSTS 947.86 SUBTOTAL 7,793.13 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 2,649.08 CONTRACT WORK 244.00 JOINT POLE COSTS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 2,893.08 TOTAL CHARGES 10,686.21 CREDITS: JOINT POLE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0.00 TOTAL COSTS 10,686.21