RRA - Item 3 - Caltrans Parcel At Walnut Grove And Hellman Ave_r. r` a ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A t 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770. (818) 288 -6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2000 RE: CALTRANS PARCEL AT WALNUT GROVE AND HELLMAN AVENUES By letter dated July 21, 1999, the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) offered to sell to the City of Rosemead for $10,000.00 the excess parcel at the northwest corner of Walnut Grove and Hellman Avenues. Due to concerns of soil contamination at the site, Caltrans was asked to provide information that addressed this matter. After receiving information from Caltrans, staff felt that Caltrans' study was inconclusive and, thus, requested actual soil sampling and testing. Caltrans' Hazardous Clearance Documentation just indicated that there was potential for asbestos. Subsequently, Caltrans corresponded their request that the City perform the testing for hazardous substances. The City contracted with the environmental engineering firm of Law /Crandall to perform the testing. The results showed that certain levels of contamination exist. Lead was detected in the near surface soil around the perimeter of the site. In addition to lead, some diesel, petroleum hydrocarbons and PCB -1254 was detected around the perimeter as well. Near the center of the property under the existing asphalt, a very small amount of lead was found. The levels of contamination are probably not at a point where immediate remediation is required; however, if /when earthwork is performed at the site, special handling of the soil will likely be necessary. F� AGEN ENDA 000 _ - i . . April 6, 2000 Page 2 Depending on the future use of the site, there are several potential scenarios as to how the contamination may be handled. These are as follows: 1. Only remediate the perimeter near surface soil; 2. Remediate the entire near surface soil; and 3. Cover the entire site with 1 foot of clean soil. Diesel and petroleum hydrocarbons are treatable with relatively low cost; however, lead and PCB are not treatable. Therefore, lead and PCB contaminated soil must be hauled to a Class 1 landfill. Without further testing to isolate the contamination, cost estimates to remediate are difficult to develop. If the perimeter of the site did not contain lead or PCB, the cost to remove the near surface soil would be in the range of $9,000 to $12,000. With lead and PCB, the cost to excavate only the perimeter areas would be about $130,000. If the entire near surface of the site contains lead and PCB and it is necessary to excavate the whole area for future development, the costs could be in the range of $600,000 to $1,200,000. RECOMMENDATION It is not required that the City own the parcel in order for the site to be utilized to make modifications to the off -ramp. In order to make modifications that would be cost effective, it would be necessary to condemn homes on Artson Street. Therefore, unless the Agency has another specific use for the site, we recommend no further action. Attachment STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY - GRAY DAVIS. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY REGION. ���',�,'��.,� District 07 RAN Field Office 120 South Spring Street \ ," Los Angeles, CA 90012 -3606 Excess Land Sales OFFER TO SELL SURPLUS LAND July 21, 1999 Mr. Frank Tripepi City Manager, City of Rosemead 07 -LA -10 -26.44 8838 E. Valley Blvd. DD: 980481 -01 -01 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Tripepi: The Department of Transportation received a letter dated August 5, 1997 from Mr. Robert Bruesch to Senator Hilda Solis indicating that the City of Rosemead was interested in purchasing the Caltrans excess parcel outlined in yellow on the enclosed map. This letter is to notify you that the State is offering to sell the above noted excess parcel at the fair market value of $10,000.00. . I have enclosed a copy of State's Standard Purchase Agreement for your review Please respond within 30 days about your acceptance of this offer. If you have any questions, please contact me at (213) 897 -1803. TV:se Regional Excess Land Sales Southern Right of Way Region PURCHASE SALE AGREEMENT FULL PAYMENT In this agreement dated July 21. 1999 by and between City of Rosemead hereinafter known as BUYER and STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter known as SELLER the parties agree as follows: For the sum of Ten Thousand and 00 /00 Dollars ($ 10.000.00 ). Buyer hereby agrees to purchase and Seller hereby agrees to sell the real property commonly known as, Parcel located at the northwest comer of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue and legally described on director's Deed No. DD 980481- 01 -01, a copy of which is attached. Subject to the following conditions: All sales are made subject to the approval of the California Transportation Commission. H Tendered with this agreement is a check in the amount of $ 1,000.00 as deposit on said property. The remainder of the purchase price in the amount of $ 9.000.00 shall be paid within 30 days from the date of demand from the Seller. Said demand shall be made in writing, following approval of the sale by the California Transportation Commission or its designee, at the time the fully executed D'irector's Deed is available for delivery and recordation. In the event the Buyer fails to pay the balance owing on demand, it is agreed that the sale may be cancelled by written notice and that the Seller may retain the deposit as an offset against its actual damages and expenses in processing this transaction. Ill The Buyer agrees to pay any and all recording fees, documentary stamp tax and monumentation fees chargeable by the County Recorder. At a later date, the Seller will request that these fees be forwarded. IV In the event the California Transportation Commission fails to approve this sale, all monies heretofore paid by the Buyer will be refunded without_ interest thereon. V It is expressly understood to the Buyer that the right, title and interest in the property to be conveyed shall not exceed that vested in the State of California and that no policy of 'title insurance will be furnished by the Seller. If a policy of title insurance is desired, the Seller will obtain one, upon request, at the Buyers expense. The property is being conveyed subject to any special assessments, - restrictions, reservations or easements of record and subject to any reservations contained in the Director's Deed. Buyer may examine any information the Seller has relative to these matters. M The Seller is willing to process this sale at no charge to the Buyer, except as set forth in paragraph III above, or the Buyer, at his option may open an escrow at his own expense. No escrow fees will be paid by the Seller. The Buyer agrees that title to the property being conveyed shall not pass until the purchase price has been paid in full and that buyer shall have no use of the property until the director's Deed has been recorded. The Buyer hereby agrees to the above terms and conditions of sale. Please indicate exactly how title is to be vested date The terms and conditions of the above agreement are hereby accepted, subject to the approval of the California Transportation Commission. Department of Transportation DEBORAH C. MEYERS, Chief Regional Excess Land Sales Los Angeles Office Southern Right of Way Region Department of Transportation THAN VO Right of Way Agent, Excess Land Los Angeles Office Southern Right of Way Region Department of Transportation CAROL DEVORKIN, Manager Regional R/W Real Property Services Southern Right of Way Region City of Rosemead RWPS: SMITH 6 -23 -99 Written by: WBP Checked by: RDS DIRECTOR'S DEED INTERSTATE S'ly of Route 10 Fwy. , W ly of Walnut Grove Avenue District County Route Post Number 07 LA 10 26.44 DD 980481 -01 -01 The STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Director of Transportation, does hereby grant to all that real property in the City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles State of California, described as: For Legal Description See Exhibit " A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof . MAIL TAY STATEMENTS TO: Form RW 6 -1(S) (Revised 4/96) EXHIBIT " A " 07- LA- 10 -PM. 26.44 LEGAL DESCRIPTION DD 980481 -01 -01 All that real property in the City of Rosemead , County of Los Angeles , State of California . described as follows That portion of Block K of the Freer Tract , as shown on map recorded in Book 39, page 82 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said county , acquired by the State of California by Parcel 4 of deed (State Parcel 114) recorded November 18, 1940 in Book 17881 , page 372 of Official Records in said office , described As follows : Beginning at the Westerly terminus of that course in the Southerly line of said Block K, described as N 89 °44'20" E , 192.43 feet in said Parcel 4 , thence along that course described as S 0 0 15'40" E , 30 feet in said Parcel 4 , N 0 0 15'40" W, 30.00 feet to a line parallel with and distant Northerly 30 feet measured at right angles from above first described course ; thence along said parallel line N 89 °44'20" E , 68.19 feet to a tangent curve , concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 13.90 feet ; thence Northwesterly along said curve , through an angle of 90 0 45'01" , an arc distance of 22.02 feet ; thence N 00 °29'21" E , 197.28 feet ; thence N 77 0 45'49" E , 64.08 feet ; thence S 84 °42'45" E , 67.05 feet to that course described as S 5 0 17'15" W , 170.00 feet in the general Westerly boundary of Parcel 1 of State Highway Relinquishment No. 227 , recorded June 4, 1963 in Book R1570 , page 561 of said Official Records ; thence along last mentioned course and said general Westerly boundary the following five courses : (1) S 5 °1715" W, 58.18 feet , (2) N 84 °42'45" W, 8.00 feet , (3) S 5 °17'15" W, 149.57 feet to a tangent curve , concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 19.00 feet , (4) Southwesterly along last mentioned curve , through an angle of 84 °27'04 ", an arc distance of 28.01 feet , (5) S 0 °15'41" E , 25.00 feet to that course described above as N 89 °44'20" E , 192.43 feet in the Southerly line of said Block K ; thence along last said course S 89 °44'20" W , 139.34 feet to the point of beginning . There shall be no abutter's rights of access over and across the courses described above with lengths of 197.28 feet , 64.08 feet and 67.05 feet . Form RW 6 -1(S) (Revised 4/96) This real property description has been prepared by me, or under my direction, in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act. Licensed Land Surveyor LAND S�9 Date SUIV a / 19 9 �`�`' `F� L✓ 9 DD 980481 -01 -01 AOYD014ALDSMrrH No. LS 4243 Exp. 6-30- 0 Farm RW 6 -1(S) (Revised 4/96) Number Subject to special assessments if any, restrictions, reservations, and easements of record. This conveyance is executed pursuant to the authority vested in the Director of Transportation by law and, in particular, by the Streets and Highways Code. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Department of Transportation of the State of California, this day of . 19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVED AS TO FORM AND PROCEDURE Director of Transportation ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Attorney in Fact STATE OF CALIFORNIA ? ss PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of Sacramento 111 On this the day of 19 before me,, Name, Tide of Officer -E.G, "Jane Doe, Notary Public" personally appeared , Name of Signer personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Notary Public's signature in and for said County and State) Form RW 6 -1(S) (Revised 4196) RIGt {T OF WAY ENGINEERING AND UTILITIES RELOCATION D RAN L CA ST4TE APPENDIX "B 07-/-A-/0-PM. 2 (o.44 p D 98 C STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF.TITLE. The fee title to the parcel of land to be conveyed is vested in the STATE OF CALIFORNIA free and clear of all encumbrances except. A. 1. Easements or liens which are not shown by the public (b)oofsthe)county, Di t , said land or any part thereof is situated; 2. Rights or c laim s of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by those public records which impart constructive notice: 3.. Any fact, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by those public records which impart constructive notice, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry'of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey; q. Mining claims reservations in patents, water rights, .claims or title to water; S. Any governmental acts or regulations.rest regulating, or prohibiting the occupancy use Of said land or any building or structure thereon- B. The effect, if any, of the following liens; encumbrances, defects and other matters, to which said title is subject: 0 C sE� ATT�aC 1 Y' ALSO EXCEPT that _ Onion Of Block "r_ of the Freer Tract 'des- cribed as follows: 3eginnin at a point in the Nort'n line of said Block di- tant " along said - North line, 42; .31 feet from the Northeast corner of said Bloc'_-C " t r „ , hence Sou herl,y para -_e- .the East line Gf said lc c: ii, 1773 °eet, more or less, to the South line of said Block F :; thence `;estarl-% alcn- South lire 250 feet; thence :Icrt'_erly :ara'_lel wit:_ 'he e - as line Of said Block E, 1 feet, c ore Or s� to the north line of said Block X; t =as !- ajb'7" sa `d _j or t. 1 e I the point of beginning. ALSO XCEPT that'aor.tlon of the south 1C =_t - new Street, L v acated, lyidP,`iorth of and a_.djrr_,i-, _ .i. -: - ALSO EXCEPT those portions Of said Block E described in three deeds to L. B. Gibbs and wife, recorded November 29, 1940 in Book 17993 Pa 220, in Book 17991 Page 235 in Eook 'SC30 ?a < -e c4, Official records. ALSO EXCEPT all those Portions of said E_ocks 1, and E within the lines of .a_,.el.s '_, 2, 3, and 4. .11'SO EXCEPT those portions of said Blocks described in the deeds to County of Los Angeles, recorded in 300 4433 Page 153 and in Book 6357 Page 14. Of Deeds, SCHEDULE B (A) The Company does not, by t:-is policy by reason of: , insure a`ainst loss 1. Easements or liens which -re not shown by the public rec- ords (a) of the District Court of the Federal District, (b) of the county, or (c) of the city, in which said land or any part thereof is situated. 2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land °rhich are not shown. by those public records which impart con- structive notice. 3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by those _public records which impart c nstructice no- tice, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by massing inquiry of persons in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. 4. 3r,"ining claims, reservations in patents, 'crater rights, clams or title to water. 5. Any governmental acts or regulations restricting, regulat- ing, or prohibiting the occupancy or use of said land or any building or structure thereon. (B) Liens and encumbrances to which said title is subject shown in the order of their. priority, and defects and other matters to which said title is subject: 1. General and special county taxes for the fiscal year 194C- 1941, Assessments 773338, 773886, 778387 and 778389, Amount '2571.31, first installment „1330.97 and penalties. 2 An easement over the Easterly-_20.feet of flock K for pub- lic road and highway purposes, to be known as 'Nalnut Grove Avenue, as granted to County of Los Angeles, in deed recorded in Book 717 Page'327; Official.Records." 3. fin easement for put' - ic roams and highwa pur ose3 Over that portion of Block K within the following described boundary lines: Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of Elock K with the Westerly line of ':Valnut Grove Avenue (20 feet aide) as described in deed to Los Angeles County, recorded in Book 717 Page 327, Official Records; thence South 39 59' 10" '.Vest along the said Southerly line 19.62 feet; thence North 1 23 55" East, 732.07 feet to said 71es line of ',Valnut Grove Avenue; thence South 0 0$ East along said last mention - ed line, 731.8_2�•feet to the point of beginning, as granted to County of Los Angeles, by deed recorded in Eook 8103 Page 18, Official Records. J 4. An unrecorded iaa9e_ r ated December 31, 1939, executed by ~ �• Geo. E. Platt Company, a corporation, to Yoshio Yoshimura, { Masura Shimitzu, Tamotsu Ito and Miyo Sakamoto, as disclosed by the deed from Geo. E. Platt Company, a corp ' Ghar'18s - lv�: 0ooper; recorae oven erZ;' - "I940 in Book _17873 5. The fact that the ownership of said Parcel 5 does not in- clude any rights of ingress or egress to or from Parcels 1 a"nd 2, said rights having been relinquished by deed from Charles M. Cooper, recorded in Boob 17881 Page 372, Official Records. INDORSEMENT ATTACI D TO POLICY NO. 1726355 ISSL-D BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY The Company hereby insures the Insured against any loss which the Insured shall sustain -7- rl r7l._T_Y L JR ®I < a I I a i o LL I IIJ Aru A - nw a IS JENNY J r wv W � L7 EMERS PI �•�� <, .J . z "� JKATI .L' < , a J m 0 I A✓L 19 158 406 157 405 /37998.68 262888 63 u �b N ,W N o) N O O So N 7 '_!' 01ST. COUNTY RTE. P.M. 07 /-A 126. PARccL ". 9PO49 ( o _ t oQ 49 "E S84 ' 4 2'45'E - o 67.05, �` ? . I N84 Z g,293 0 98048/ O / -O/ L �d O ya e . .r 56 4D4 q 9 0 68./9 � 89° 44 ?O. E' � ptljs'iv!'w39 -¢o s00'15'41 25.00 �N99'441D EJ /91.43% i °1 I 1 1 z o S HELL MAW AVZ,- � _ _ y . LLL STATE RETAINS ACCESS RIGHTS /�7'6'RST I'[ O STATE OF CALIFORNIA — DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION — DISTRICT 07 PLAT ACCOMPANY7NG SCALE: IVCAle D IRECTORS DEED DD c1 .00 8 (-- al - o 1 DRWN: CNKD: t•✓ DATE: 6 - 1 7- C?? REf..d/AP.• � -.�- I� 8400 )7— RE -20 Rev. Aug. —r4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA- BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GRAY DAVIS. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION — SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY REGION District 07 R/W Field Office 120 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 -3606 Excess Land Sales City of Rosemead 5838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Ken Rukavina City Engineer Dear Mr. Rukavina: August 4, 1999 07 -LA -10 -26.44 DD# 98048 1 -0 1 -01 Attached, please find a Hazardous Waste Clearance Report. . If you have any questions please contact George Ghebranious at (213) 897 -0693. THAN VO R/W Agent Excess Land Branch State of California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency Memorandum To: Deborah Myers Senior Right of Way Agent Ofice of Project Development C Date: June 9, 1998 File No.: 7 -LA -10 -26.44 Parcel No. 980481 -01 -01 E:A: OH0300 From: George T. Ghebranious, P.E. DEPARTMENT. OF TRANSPORTATION Office of Enviromrieiital Planning Subject:: HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEARANCE DOCUMENT This is in response to your request for a Hazrdous Waste Clearance for parcel 980481 -01 -01 for the LA -10 P.M. 26.44 project. Based on our Vista Review and Site Inspection, our Hazardous Waste investigation result is indicated below: NO POTENTIAL of HW CONTAMINATION appears to exists at this location. This property can be declared clear of hazardous waste. X POTENTIAL of HW contamination appears to exist at this location as noted below. Note: The parcel is the location of Caltrans electrical maintenance. Two buildings exists on both sides of the main entrance. Since the age of buildings is unknown, the possibility of asbestos containing material may be present. An asbestos survey is recommended prior to demolition. Since the entire parcel is asphalt covered, there is no potential for aerially deposited lead. No other potential source of contamination exists at the site per the review of the Vista Report. HAZARDOUS WASTE appears to exists at this location and a Site Investigation (SI) needs to be conducted at this location(s). If you have any questions please call me at extension 7 -0693 or Carol Green of my staff at 7 -0292. � � GEORG T. HEBRA US, P. . District 7 Hazardous Waste Coordinator cc: R. Kosinski, Chief, District 7 Office of Environmental Planning B.Geiss, Chief, HQ Hazardous Waste Management DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - DISTRICT 7 4 ` EXCESS LAND MANAGEMENT. TO: ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING DATE ,- iLuEIVED Attn: George Ghebranious MAY 1 1998 7 l0 _.... \,�. Map No. FROM: EXCESS LAND MANAGEMENT Parcel No. (s) �1D�� a/ SUBJECT: CLEARANCE REVIEW FOR SALE OF EXCESS LAND The excess land shown on the attached map is being prepared for disposal. Please complete and return this form with the determination that, A) Excess property is clean, or B) the type of further investigation required. RETURN TO: Excess Lands Branch HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEARANCE NO POTENTIAL FOR H.W. contamination appears to exist on this property or immediately adjacent to this property. YES, A POTENTIAL for H.W. contamination appears to exist on this property, and an ISA will be needed. A Preliminary site Investigation is needed. REMARKS: c-4U 0JJ0_ W °n1erwc �6o CeYll (o /a� ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Date Rev. 11/97 Oct -07 -99 12:21 Fron- T -368 P.02/03 F -179 State of California Business TianSDPrtatlon and FlousinQ Aaency Memorandum To: Deborah Meyers Excess Land Managemont F rom George T. Ghebranious, P.E. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Environmental Engineering - Hazardous Waste Date:.. September 9, 1999 File: 07- LA -10 -PM 26.44 Map No. F1856 -5 E.A. 952137 Parcel No. 980481 -01 -01 subject: Initial Site Assessment for Parcel 980481 -01 -01 Thi is in conjunction with your request to conduct an Initial Site Assessment for the above Caltrans Electrical Maintenance yard located in the City of Rosemead. Our initial response indicated the concern for asbestos. An asbestos survey was conducted by Caltrans in 1996. The survey noted the areas that have asbestos containing materials. A copy of the survey is attached. Also, lead based paint may .have been used. Abatement of this and the asbestos containing materials should be addressed before demolition or renovation of the existing building structures. �J The assessment conducted did not see a potential for soil contamination. Aerially deposited lead could not be present in the soil since the area has all been paved. Soil contamination under the pavement could also not exist since records indicate that the area has been generally residential. The database that provides information regarding existing groundwater contamination has also be reviewed. Records did not indicate any groundwater contamination on or adjacent to the parcel. If you have any other questions, please call me at extension 7 -0693 or Zenaida 'Villamor of my staff at 75950. (hem � GEOR T. GHS, P.E. District 7 Hazardous Waste Coordingtor Attachment, m<w9 mw A» \ m \ � ). . W[w / ! > ! = § ( z $) U \ ) ) ( )} \ ;02 e cl /. §¥ / ! u \ L) c) ` \\\ 5 \. N&2 = $M � � V / cz � � E E 3 � \ � j 0 § _ 2 \ ). . \ / w § ( . U \ ( )} \ , §¥ / ! u c) ` 5 \. N&2 = $M § ( ] ƒ§ §g} a Lnq§ § }� �( \ _ \(/ ° //` \ \j\[§j� z c ) 2 . \ / w . U m 8 �( \ -... z c ) : : \ j\j _ } § a {E ® /} , )\\ T-368 QQ£ wa } 2 § MA § !(\ \ §! �§ \e\ \ \k(/ j MAYOR: JOE VASOUEZ MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: ROSERTWERUESCH JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR oscmead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288 -6671 FAX (626) 307 -9218 October 12, 1999 Mr. Robert Crisp Excess Land Management State of California Department of Transportation 120 S. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Re: 07- t.A -10 -26.44 DD: 980481 -01 -01 Dear Mr. Crisp: Pursuant to our telephone conversation today, the City is hereby requesting an extension of time to consider Caltrans' offer for the City to purchase the excess land at Walnut Grove /Hellman Avenues. The City has concerns regarding' the potential for contaminated soil at the site and we need to be assured that the area is free of contamination prior to committing to the purchase. I have reviewed the Initial Site Assessment memorandum (07- LA -10 -PM 26.44; Map No. F1856 -5; E.A. 952137; Parcel No. 980481- 01 -01) for the subject parcel, that was submitted to Deborah Meyers by George T. Ghebranious, District 7 Hazardous Waste Coordinator. Although the findings that no soil contamination likely exists at the site are based on sound analysis of existing data by Caltrans' staff, the City of Rosemead still requests that soil samples of the site be taken and analyzed for contamination. Test results based on hard data from actual testing would give the City Council the necessary information to make an informed decision. The City Council must be confident that they will not be taking on the burden of remediating a contaminated site prior to agreeing to a purchase of the property. Please let me know your position in this matter. If you need to discuss this matter further, please contact me at (626) 288 -6671. Very truly yours, CITY OF ROSEMEAD Ken Rukavina, P.E. City Engineer Copy City Manager ul /1J /UU '1'kiU 15:26 FAX 213 507 8802. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION U 002 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BUSINESS. TRANSPOR AND HOUSING AGENC GRAY DAVIS, Go.emo/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY REGION 1 District 07 RNd Field Office i'$ 120 South Spring Streot Los Angeles, CA 00012 -3606 - Excess Lend Sales Ken Rukavina, P.E. - January 13, 2000 City Engineer 5838 E. Valley Blvd P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 07- L.A. -10 -26.44 D.D. 980481 -01 -01 Dear Mr. Rukavina, The Department of Transportation is requesting that the City of Rosemead perform and pay for any and all testing of hazardous waste for the above referenced parcel. For any questions please call me at (213) 897 -1823. Respectfully, 1 �A l t') ROBERT W. CRISP Associate R1W Agent Fxcess Land Branch E LAW LAWGIBB Group Member REPORT OF LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT CALTRANS MAINTENANCE YARD INTERSTATE 10 and WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: . WILLDAN C 12900 Crossroads Parkway South, Suite 200 Industry, California 91746 -3499 L March 23, 2000 L L LAW - LAWGIBB Group Member March 23, 2000 Mr. Adel Freij Willdan 12900 Crossroads Parkway South Suite 200 Industry, California 91746 -3499 Subject: Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment CalTrans Maintenance Yard Interstate 10 and Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California Law /Crandall Project 70111 -0 -0054 Dear Mr. Freij: We are pleased to present our Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment for the CalTrans Maintenance Yard project in Rosemead. Law /Crandall, a division of Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (LAW) was retained to conduct a limited subsurface investigation of the area prior to the City of Rosemead purchasing this site. The site is located at Walnut Grove Avenue and Interstate 10 in Rosemead, California. Our services were performed in accordance with our proposal dated February 9, 2000. Willdan authorized LAW to perform this work by signing the Proposal Acceptance Sheet on February 11, 2000. This report details work performed by LAW and presents the results of our field activities and our evaluation of the data obtained. Our professional services have been performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable environmental consultants practicing in this or similar localities at the time of service. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. This report has been prepared for Willdan and the City of Rosemead to be used solely in evaluating potential environmental implications at the subject site. This report has not been prepared for use by other parties, and may not contain sufficient information for purposes of other parties or other uses. Background The City of Rosemead is planning to purchase the CalTrans Maintenance Yard located at Walnut Grove Avenue and Interstate Highway 10. A limited Phase I Environmental Assessment had been performed previously for the subject site by another consulting firm. Environmental soil sampling had not been conducted on this property, and before acquiring this property, Willdan and the City of Rosemead wished to obtain limited data to provide a preliminary assessment of soil conditions at the property. This limited Phase II Environmental Assessment focused on shallow soil (i.e., depth of five feet and less) at five locations within the subject site. Lay.!Crandall, A Division of Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 200 Citadel Drive • Los Angeles, CA 90040 -1554 323 - 889 -5300 • Fax 323 -721 -6700 CalTrans Maintenance Yard, Rosemead — Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment March 23, 2000 Lau /Crandall Project 70111 -0-0054 Preliminary Fieldwork A site - specific health and safety plan and a work plan were prepared prior to beginning field work. These plans, dated February 10, 2000, were submitted to Willdan for transmittal to CalTrans so that CalTrans would grant access to the site for the field work. Field Activities i On February 17, 2000, LAW conducted the intrusive activities at the site. LAW personnel hand augered five borings at the site, each to a depth of approximately 5 feet. Figure 1 shows the _ approximate locations of the five borings, identified as locations Cl through C5. Location C3 was in the approximate center of the site, with the other four borings located near the site's comers. The borings were each extended to depths of about five feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were collected at depths of approximately six inches and five feet bgs. A total of 10 soil samples were collected from the CalTrans Maintenance Yard. The soil samples were also field screened with an organic vapor analyzer (OVA) for qualitative assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Upon completion of the field activities, bentonite granules were placed in the hand angered borings and hydrated. These procedures were conducted to minimize the potential of surface water infiltration that could possibly come in contact with impacted soil and subsequently affect groundwater beneath the site. Soils encountered in the field primarily consisted of silty sands. Some gravel was observed near the _ surface at location C2 and at depths from about three to five feet bgs at locations C3, C4 and C5. Field Observations LAW's field personnel collected soil samples at depths of about six inches and five feet bgs in each boring. These samples were examined for odors and discoloration and were field screened with an OVA. Organic and/or hydrocarbon odors were not observed in the 10 soil samples collected at the site. Analytical Program Soil samples collected were placed on ice in a cooler chest and transported to American Environmental Testing Laboratory in Burbank, Califomia for analysis. Standard chain -of- custody procedures were used. Analyses performed were for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), by EPA Method 8015 Modified, lead by EPA Method 60108 and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using EPA Method 8080A. The TPH analyses were performed for gasoline range (carbon range of 4 to 12 carbon atoms, or C4 to C12), hereafter termed TPH — gasoline (TPH -G), diesel range, or TPH —D, (C1 to C22) and heavy oil range organics (C23 and greater), or TPH -H. 2 Caf7rans Maintenance Yard, Rosemead— Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment March 23, 2000 Lain /Crandall Project 70111 -0 -0054 Analytical Results All 10 soil samples collected were analyzed per the analytical methods discussed above. Results of the TPH and PCB analyses were: PCB (specifically, Aroclor -1254, or PCB -1254) was detected at a concentration of 0.098 mg/kg in the soil sample taken from the near surface (i.e., approximately 6 inches bgs) at location Cl. It must be noted that the laboratory method detection limit for PCBs is 0.02 mg/kg, and that the practical quantification limit (PQL) is 0.1 mg/kg. The detected concentration is less than the PQL, which indicates that the actual concentration of PCB - 1254 is uncertain. PCBs were not detected in the remaining nine soil samples. • Total petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline range), or TPH -G, were not detected in the 10 soil samples, with the laboratory detection limit of 0.5 mg/kg. • TPH -D (diesel range) was detected at a concentration of 21 mg/kg in the soil sample taken from the near surface at location C2. TPH -D was not detected in the other nine soil samples, with a laboratory detection limit of 1 mg/kg. • TPH -H (heavy hydrocarbon range) was detected in three of the near surface soil samples: — At location C I, a concentration of 1 I mg/kg was detected; — At location C2, a higher concentration of 209 mg/kg was detected; and — A concentration of 60 mg/kg was detected at location C4. A summary of analytical results from the analysis of 10 soil samples for lead is presented in Table 1. Lead concentrations less than the laboratory detection limit of I mg/kg were identified in four of these samples. The concentrations of lead detected in the other six soil samples ranged from 9.3 mg/kg to 274 mg/kg. Given the location of this site, near a freeway on and off ramps for this freeway, the elevated lead detected in near surface soils is probably due to vehicle exhaust from the lengthy period of time when leaded gasoline was used. Table I also shows the total threshold limit concentration (TTLC) and soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) established by the State of California for lead. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board ( RWQCB) apply the TTLC and STLC limits to aid in defining a waste material as being hazardous (i.e., if a waste has a lead concentration greater than the TTLC value of 1,000 mg/kg, that waste is defined as being hazardous). The DTSC and RWQCB typically also compare the magnitude of metals concentrations in soil with the STLC established magnitude. If the detected concentration magnitude is less than 10 times the STLC magnitude, the metal is generally deemed to be of no significant environmental concern. Analytical results, as shown in Table 1, indicate that all lead concentrations in the 10 soil samples were below the TTLC value of 1,000 mg/kg. However, the lead concentrations in the near surface soil samples collected at locations Cl, C2 and C4 were more than 10 times greater in magnitude than the magnitude of the STLC (which is 5 mg/L). The near surface soil in these three locations is of some environmental concern due to the concentrations of lead detected (i.e., from 64.5 mgfkg to 274 mfg) Laboratory reports (see Appendix A) identify the suite of compounds analyzed by the EPA methods used. The chain -of- custody forms are also presented in Appendix A. 3 i CalTrans Maintenance Yard. Rosemead — Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment March 23. 2000 Laiv /Crandall Project 70111-0-0054 Whereas the soils at the CalTrans Maintenance Yard do not present a significant environmental concern as they exist, they may not be considered "clean" for off -site disposal purposes. Landfills and others recipients of export fill often use concentrations as low as 5 parts per million of TPH as a threshold for "clean soil ". Accordingly, impacted soil exceeding this criterion that may be excavated and transported off -site may need special disposal considerations. The low level of PCB detected at location Cl may be an issue for some disposal and treatment facilities. The presence of lead is of more environmental concern if the soil is disturbed. Because_of the. findings, from this assessment, LAW has provided.the Recommendations, below. Conclusions and Recommendations Soil sampling and analysis performed in this environmental assessment identified low levels of TPH - D and TPH -H were present in the near surface soil at locations Cl, C2 and C4. The near surface soil at location CI also contained a low concentration. of Aroclor -1254 (a PCB) of 0.098 mg/kg. The detected concentrations of TPH and PCB are low enough that the site soil, if surficial soils at other locations on the site are similar to those sampled, would probably not be considered hazardous. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, has established a set of Preliminary Remedial Goals (or PRGs). These PRGs establish concentrations of various contaminants that might be left in place during remedial action at a site. A concentration of a given contaminant that was less than that material's PRG would thus likely be left rather than remediated. PRGs have been established for PCB -1254 for both residential and industrial uses of a property. These PRG concentrations for PCB -1254 are 0.97 mg/kg for residential sites and 18 mg/kg for industrial uses. The detected concentration in the near surface soil at location CI was 0.098 mg/kg, which is less than the PRG for residential use of the property. Elevated concentrations of lead were detected in the near surface soil samples collected at locations C1, C2 and C4. These are the same locations where TPH was detected, and a PCB compound was also detected at location C1. The lead concentrations are elevated to levels (especially at locations C2 and C4) to present some environmental concern. Based on results obtained in this limited environmental assessment, we recommend no further assessment be performed. However, the possibility does exist that contaminated soil could be present at locations not sampled. Although five hand augered borings were drilled, with soil samples field screened and analyzed, only a very small portion of the total area of the CalTrans Maintenance Yard was thus assessed. LAW can not preclude the potential for encountering petroleum, lead, PCBs or other contaminants in the soil. Because of the known concentrations of lead and TPH in near surface soil at locations Cl, C2 and C4, special precautions should be taken if excavation or grading is performed at this site in the future. - In the event that such construction activity is to be conducted later, the following procedures should be implemented: • Construction workers should be informed of the presence of lead in soil. • A site - specific health and safety plan should be prepared and implemented by the construction contractor. This plan should address the lead and TPH, along with the low concentration of PCB known to exist in near surface soil at the three locations assessed by LAW. 4 Cal7rons Maintenance Yard, Rosemead — Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment March 23, 2000 Laiv /Crandall Project 70111-0-004 • Dust control must be performed to minimize blowing of dust containing elevated lead. • A Waste Discharge permit should be obtained from the RWQCB before soil from the site is taken off -site. • Additional soil sampling and analysis would likely be required by the RWQC13 before a Waste Discharge permit would be issued. Specifically, the RWQCB requires �. characterization of the amount of contaminated soil, which can be achieved by stockpiling such soil on site and sampling the stockpile (with one soil sample per 500 cubic yards of i soil). Analyses required would include volatile organic compounds, including methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). Because lead concentrations exceeding 10 times the STLC for lead have been detected, analysis using the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (or TCLP) would also be required to verify the soluble lead concentration is less than the STLC. If soluble lead is found to exceed the STLC, then the soil would likely be classified as i.: hazardous waste, thus requiring handling as such. • Environmental monitoring of exposed soil during excavation or grading is recommended. An environmental professional or field technician qualified to conduct these activities should perform this monitoring. • Excavated soil would then need to be covered with plastic sheeting and kept on -site until analytical results are received from the laboratory. LAW appreciates the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please call if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, - LAW /CRANDALL A DIVISION OF LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Larry Barker Senior Project Manager William J. O'Braitis, R.G. Principal Geologist 170111 UO00 PRO"005400054 -/RL D0C 1Le:.n-b (3 copies submitted) Attachments: Table I - Analytical Data - Lead in Soil Figure I - Site Plan Appendix A - Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain -of- Custody Documentation 5 •�: � CalTrans Maintenance Yard, Rosemead— Report of Limited Environmental Site Assessment March 23, 2000 Law /Crandall Project 70111 -0 -0054 TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL DATA — LEAD IN SOIL CALTRANS MAINTENANCE YARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared by LKB on 03/13/00 Checked by DR on 03/13/00 Notes: TTLC and STLC are regulatory standards * STLC concentrations are in units of mg/L, Value in Bold = detected concentration magnitude exceeds 10 times STLC magnitude Value in Italics = detected concentration magnitude exceeds the STLC magnitudc T -1 of I Detected Concentrations of Lead . _ .. (mg/kg) Sample Depth (feet) Concentration C1 0.5 64.5 C1 5 <1 C2 0.5 274 C2 5 <1 C3 0.5 9.3 C3 5 <1 C4 0.5 177 C4 5 17.2 C5 0.5 17.5 C5 5 <1 TTLG 1 000 t STLO' S '. 5:0 .- { F __ 3 -. -. :. _ v <_4�•�r- _. -c- w.. r..r... -, Prepared by LKB on 03/13/00 Checked by DR on 03/13/00 Notes: TTLC and STLC are regulatory standards * STLC concentrations are in units of mg/L, Value in Bold = detected concentration magnitude exceeds 10 times STLC magnitude Value in Italics = detected concentration magnitude exceeds the STLC magnitudc T -1 of I FIGURE I -10 ONRAMP Y I i4 D I T 7 L _j Q a f a LL LL O O N x C I� I x 9 m n X W z a J a T 0111111111, C4 x I x HELLMAN AVENUE REFERENCE: Sketch by L/C Representative. LEGEND: C5 ® Approximate Hand Auger Boring Location C2 ^ I w D o z 0x W n > a W W > ~ z O a D= J C7 a X F- z J Q- x C5 N Not to Scale SITE PLAN CALTRANS MAINTENANCE YARD ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA LAW /CRANDALL Zk ASPHALT LOT C3 BUILDING FIGURE 1 APPENDIX A LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT AND CHAIN-OF- CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION l e ordered By Law /Crandall, Inc. ;. � �� 200 Citadel Drive Los' Angeles CA Telephone: (323)889 -5300 Attention: Larry Barker 'Number of Pages' 201 Date Received! 02/17/2000' Date 03/08/2000 •Job: - ;Number 'r sukimitted "= American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. - 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 •DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288 -AETL. • (8 18) 845 -8200 • Fax: (S 18) 845 -8840 l e ordered By Law /Crandall, Inc. ;. � �� 200 Citadel Drive Los' Angeles CA Telephone: (323)889 -5300 Attention: Larry Barker 'Number of Pages' 201 Date Received! 02/17/2000' Date 03/08/2000 •Job: - ;Number 'r sukimitted - Client 14596 02/17/2000 LC Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 Enclosed please find results of analyses of 10 soil samples which were analyzed as specified on the attached chain of custody. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Checked By: ri Approved By: o A Cyrus Razmara, Ph.D. Laboratory Director LL Q W U Q d v a m < 0 J W a C C L LL } Q U g m C ro LL D a Z m (p N Q J m m Im m c o U N a F- o � rn y , N C ` E U O m C a W n fu C E o V = L E m Q N rt� ' Y • Y �• 6 Y a M rn w N_ � Ql C d E J ^ J 1 o J y J � m m ❑ ❑ q� o /o n Q a > o 1 © � ao F d , ?m M ^1 F- O N ❑ U � rJ ft li � � M N U ¢ � m a } ' o < ., 3 w Z M 02 w N or a Q a Z O Q 4 12 o ❑ N h o �-� n ❑ m C 0 Z W S, `\I h V m z F- w Q ti F W p fl M h o H o ® U = Q Q W W Z N ® ® U Q' N OU U CL F- A NALYTICAL RESULTS erl: Submitted -,I ,_ Cl 02/17/2000 Our Lati LD: _ r .. American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. _= - an 2834 North Naonu Street Burbank, CA 91504 •DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 ''•-,(!� �!�,_'' Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (8 18) 845 -8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS erl: Submitted -,I ,_ Cl 02/17/2000 Our Lati LD: _ r .. AE6969.0. ';AE69691 ;'AE69692 ' .¢_ 1E69693 Client Sample I.D. Method Blank CI @0 " -6 ". CI @5- 55'C2 @0 -6" C2 @5 -5.5' Date Sampled 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 Date Prepared 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 Preparation Method 30508 30508 30508 3050B 30508 Date Analyzed 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Units mg/Kg mg /Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Dilution Factor I I 1 I I 1 _ PQUI Results '•.Resul ts:� Re cults Results : iResultr.' Lead 2.5 5.0 ITD 64.5 ID 274 ND ' American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. ' 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS i. Nu mbgr.l. - Submitted I .Client 596 02/17/2000 1 LC Method: (6010B.LEAD), Lead, ICP - ..,.>, u.....Y. >r• na�aonnnimo�7nnn Our Lab LD: i '_ A 69694 ,'':_AE69695:. AE69696., j.AE69697, AE69693 Client Samptc I.D. C3@ 6 " -1' C3@ 5 -5.5' C4@ 0 -6" C4@ 5 -5.5' C5@ 0 -6" Date Sampled Date Prepared 02/17/2000 02/21/2000 o2/17/2000 02/21/2000 02/17/2000 02/21/2000 02/17/2000 02/21/2000 02/17/2000 02/21/2000 Preparation Method 3050B 30508 3050B 30508 30505 Date Analyzed 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 02/22/2000 IvSatrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Units mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg - mg/Kg Dilution Factor 1 1 1 I 1 Analytes - MDL^ ;iPClL ..Results :Results . Results Results Results Lead 2.5 5.0 5.3 ND 177 17.2 1 17.5 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. � 2834 Nosh Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 DOF IS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 101 S l '"- .� Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By 200Ci t andalhInc 200 Citadel Dnve , LosAngeleg, A CA 90040 -1554 ' Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Pale: 4 Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 - :F ,Submitted - -- : 1 4596 02/17/2000 Tent LC Method: (6010B.LEAD), Lead, ICP QC Batch Number: 02222000/02222000 Our Lab I.D. _.. AE69699_ ,'' - Client Sample I.D. C5@ 5 -5.5' Date Sampled 02 /17 /2000 Date Prepared 02/21/2000 Preparation Method 3050B Date Analyzed 02/22/2000 Matrix Soil Units mg/Kg Dilution Factor 1 Aiialytes - _ o[MDL -PQL 'Results Lead 2.e s o . ND American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. , 2534 Noah Naomi Suect Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS N0: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 - `',�1� �!�,•_`- Tel: (888) 288 -AETL (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NIALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall, Inc. 200 Citadel Dyne Los A igeles, CA 90040 -1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 . Attn: Larry Barker Page: 5 ProjectlD: 70111 -0 -0054 Job Number_,I Submitted. I; Client 14596 1 02/17/2000 1 LC Method: (8080A), PCBs by GC QC Batch Number: 02192000/02212000 OurLatiT.D: A_E06901-1. AE69691 AE6969_ AE69693 ` Client Sample I.D. Con Method Blank CI @0 " -6" I CI @5 -55' I C2@ 0 -6" C2@ 5 -5.5' Date Sampled I 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 102/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 Date Prepared 1 102 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 Preparation Method 35508 3550B 35508 35509 35509 Date Analyzed 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2 000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Units mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Dilution Factor 1 I I I I I Analytes -�� MDL :PQL .'Results '.Results: Results ,Results Results �. Aroclor- 1016 (PCB -1016) 0.02 0.10 Nn ND ND ND ND Aroclor -1221 (PCB -1221) 0.02 0.10 ND r+n rD rro No Aroclor -1232 (PCB -1232) 0.02 0.10 ND No I .ND ND rrD Aroclor- 1242 (PCB -1242) 0.02 0.10 No ND ND rm rm Aroclor- 1248 -1248) 0.02 0.10 ND rro No rm 111) Aroclor- 1254 (PCB -1254) 0.02 0.10 ND 0.0981 ND ND ND Aroclor- 1260 (PCB-1260) 0.02 0.10 ND rro ND rro Nn Our, Lab I.D. ! AE69690 AE69691 ''AE69692 AE69693. Surrogates = - Con ,. _$ Reci'.$ :- Rec. $ Rec.: -.' .$'..Rec .',$Rec.`;' Tetrachloro- m- xylene 1 75 -125 1 1 81 92 93 93 1 102 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 Noah Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 - "' " %1 Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -5200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 - A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall, Inc. 206 Citadel Dave i Los Angeles; CA 90040 -1554 - Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 6 ! - Project lD:. 70111 -0 -0054 AETL;JOb : :Numb er Snbmi tted:. - Client f 14596 02/17/2000 L Method: (8080A), PCBs by GC QC Batch Number: 02192000/02212000 Our Lab LD ; - ; AE69694 - AE6969� AE ' AE6969 _AE69698, Client Sample I.D. Con: imit C3@ 6 "-I' C3@ 5 -5.5' C4@ 0 -6" C4@ 5 -5.5' C5@ 0 -6" Date Sampled I 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 102/17/2000 Date Prepared _ 98 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 02/19/2000 Preparation Method - I 3550B 3550B 3550B 35508 I 35508 Date Analyzed 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 02/21/2000 Matrix Soil Soil 1 Soil Soil 1 Soil Units mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Dilution Factor I 1 1 1 1 Ariaytes .;• '� l .- :. MDL I ..: rPQL :Results, .R Results :..._ Results .. Results- ... Aroclor- 1016(PCB -1016) 0.02 I 0.10 ND ND ND No ND Aroclor- 1221 (PCB- 122 1) I 0.02 0.10 No No ND ND ND Aroclor- 123 2 (PCB- 1232) 0.02 0.10 Nn No rrD ND ND Aroclor- 1242 (PCB- 1242) 0.02 0.10 rD ND No rm rm Aroclor- 1248(PCB -1248) 1 0.02 I 0.10 ND ND ma ND Nn Aroclor- 1254 (PCB- 1254) 0.02 0.10 ND No ND ND I ND Aroclor -1260 (PCB -1260) 0.02 0.10 No rD rm rrD rrD O_urLabLD. _.: - :'AE69694_ `AE69.695; 'AE69696 _'AE69697 - 'AE69608 Surro ates - , - - q -_ ;.,; Con: imit ,•, --.$ Rec. :;,$ Rec. TetrachIoro- m- xyIene 1 75-125 1 94 93 90 1 94 98 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. _= � - 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS N0: 1541, LACSD N0: 10181 - "'••,�! 1 �,!�,••' Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall, Inc. 200 Citadel biive Los Angeles CA 90040 -1554 Telephone: (323)889 -5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 7 � Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 .'AETL Job .,.Number '..Submitted ji, Clie — 14596 1 02/17/2000 LC Method: (8080A), PCBs by GC QC Batch Number: 02192000/02212000 Our Lab I.Dr , , 3AE69699.; Client Sample I.D. Con'. - Limit C5@5-5.5 $. Rec.; Date Sampled Tetrachloro- m- Xylene 62 /17 /2000 I 106 Date Prepared I 02/19/2000 Preparation Method 3550E Date Analyzed I 02/21/2000 Matrix Soil Units mg/Kg Dilution Factor 1 Analytes = _ .' MDL Aroclor- 1016 (PCB -1016) 0.02 6.10 rro Aroclor- 1221 (PCB- 122 1) 0.02 I 0.10 No Aroclor -1232 (PCB -1232) 0.02 I 0.10 No Aroclor -1242 (PCB -1242) 0.02 0.10 rrD Aroclor -1248 (PCB -1248) 0.02 0.10 ND Aroclor -1254 (PCB -1254) 0.02 0.10 No Aroclor- 1260 (PCB -1260) 0.02 0.10 No Ou Lab LD. 'AE69699 Surrogates: _ Con'. - Limit :`; $. Rec.; Tetrachloro- m- Xylene 1 75 -125 I 106 Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc i 200Cttadel_Dnve L CA 90040 1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 I Attn: Larry Barker Page: 8 r Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 I, 1 14596 I 02/17 Method: (M8015D), TPH as Diesel and Heavy Hydrocarbons Using GC/FED QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 Number LC Our;LatiI.D. American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. -- 2S34 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 101SI ''•,�)�.•' Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (S I S) 545 -8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845 -8840 Con. Limit A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc i 200Cttadel_Dnve L CA 90040 1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 I Attn: Larry Barker Page: 8 r Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 I, 1 14596 I 02/17 Method: (M8015D), TPH as Diesel and Heavy Hydrocarbons Using GC/FED QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 Number LC Our;LatiI.D. AE69690,..I:- AE69691 AE69692 - i;'AE69693 Client Sample I.D. Con. Limit Method Blank CI @0 " -6" CI @5 -5.5' C2@0-6" C2@ 5 -5.5' Date Sampled Chlorobenzene 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 Date Prepared 108 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Preparation Method 35508 35508 3550E 35508 35508 Date Analyzed 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Units mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Dilution Factor I 1 I I I Arialytes -. =° :. MDL - -;PQL 7Results;' Results Results Results -. CResul.ts .. TPH as Diesel (C9 -C23) I 5.0 10. o No rm No 21 No TPH as Heavy Hydrocarbons (C23+) 5.0 10.0 ND 11 No 209 No TPH Total as Diesel and Heavy HC. C9 -C40 5.0 10.0 No 11 No 230 No tted /2000 Our Lab LD: -; _• ,' , , ;AE69690 ''AE69691 EAE69692 AE69693 Surrogates ',;;i ?_ Con. Limit . $ Rec- ;;$ Rec . : & Rec:' % -Rec. %..Rec:': ' Chlorobenzene 75 -125 108 li3 io6 109 108 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. "sa 2834 North Naomi Street Btubanl, G\ 91504 DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10I81 Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -5200 • Fax: (81 S) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By 200 Cita I Di ry e 200 Citdel Die = - i Los Angele-s;'.CA 90040 -1554 Telephone: (323)889 -5300 Attn: Larry Barker _. Page: 9 1 Project M: 70111 -0 -0054 `AETL Job ;.Number Submitted :Client 1459 02/17/2000 LC Method: (M8015D), TPH as Diesel and Heavy Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 OurLabl.D _: AE6969'' - r�E69695s ;.AE69696., - - AE69697 `- AE69698 Client Sample I.D. Con. Limit ., C3@ 6 %l' C3@ 5 -5.5' C4@ 0 -6" C4@5-5.5 C5@0-6" Date Sampled I 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 Date Prepared 106 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Preparation Method. 35508 3550B 3550B 35508 35503 Date Analyzed 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil I Soil Units mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Dilution Factor I I I I 1 Anal tes ? ;, y MDL PQL - ::Results ':.Results "; It Results Results ;:Results.:. TPH as Diesel (C9 -C23) 5.0 10.0 ND rm rro ND No TPH as Heavy Hydrocarbons (C23+) 5.0 10.0 ND I No I 60 ND ND TPH Total as Diesel and Heavy HC..C9 -C40 5.0 10.0 No ND 60 No No Our Lab LD.;' AE69694 ; AE69695 -:. 'AE69696 AE69697 f AE69693 Surro ate -= .,: ,-. 4 ,.. ... Con. Limit ., d . - II-Rec .. , '_As Rec... ,.. Ss Rec_: .... .. As ?ReC ... - -$ Rec- - ... Chlorobenzene 75 -125 105 114 103 102 106 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 North Naomi Street Burb.vik, CA 91504 -DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL • (8 18) 845-8200 • Fax: (818) 845-8840 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By FLaw/C,andall, Inc 7 ,31. 200 Citadel D Los Angeles, CA 90040-1554 t. Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 10 Project ID: 70111-0-0054 I:AETL Job.!Numbe . r Submitted' 14596 02/17/2000 Method: (M801 5D), TPH as Diesel and Heavy Hydrocarbons Using GC/FlD QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 LC 06r Lab LD. AE69699 % F.. Client Sample I.D. Con�:Limi t: C5@ 5-5.5 Date Sampled Chlorobenzene 102/17/2000 1 110 Date Prepared 92/23/2000 Preparation Method 3550B Date Analyzed 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Units mg/Kg Dilution Factor I -- -PQL - 4 R6s lts 7 r.", TPH as Diesel (C9-C23) 5.0 10.0 tm TPH as Heavy Hydrocarbons (C23+) 5.0 10.0 M TPH Total as Diesel and Heavy HC. C9-C40 5.0 10.0 ND (i* At qi F.. surrogates �J Con�:Limi t: Chlorobenzene 7s - 1z5 110 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. " 2834 North Naomi Strcet Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 `' ,! [�;,,• Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845 -8840 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By rrojec111I: /U111 11 - t1Ub4 .AETL;J0 Number 'Order Date 1459 02/17/2000 Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Li .ght Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 Our.Lab LD: ITPH as Gasoline and Light HC. (C4 -C9) I Soo 1 1000 1 ND I ND I I ---� Date Sampled I 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 urrogates' [ Trifluorotoluene Con.. Limit Date Prepared Re romofluorobenzene 02/23 /20 00 02/23/2000 75 -125 Preparation Method I 5030B 50308 75 -125 Date Analyzed toe 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Soil VV Units ug/Kg I ug/Kg - Dilution Factor I 1 ITPH as Gasoline and Light HC. (C4 -C9) I Soo 1 1000 1 ND I ND I I ---� AE69690. urrogates' [ Trifluorotoluene Con.. Limit Re romofluorobenzene 75 -125 I 100 I 65 75 -125 toe 71 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. - � = 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: I0181 -- ' "�(!,� 1,!�•' Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc 200 Cltadel'Dnve Los Angeles, CA 90040 -1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 12 Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 ':AETL Job Number Submitted Client 14596 1 02/17/2000 I LC Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02242000/02242000 Our Lab LD c: AE69691 •' Client Sample I.D. Con -L1m1t Method Blankl C1 @5 -5.5' Rec. -. Date Sampled Bromofluorobenzene 02/17/2000 02 /17/2000 106 86 Date Prepared 02/24/2000 02 /24/2 000 103 1 92 Preparation Method 5030B 5030B Date Analyzed I 02/24/2000 02/24/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Units I ug/Kg ug/Kg Dilution Factor I 1 Analytes S!^ MDL =PQL Results - Results TPH as Gasoline and Light HC. (C4 -C9) 500 1000 ND tm Our Lab LD ? AE69691 Surrogates - Con -L1m1t - �'.,$ R Rec. -. Bromofluorobenzene 75 -125 I 106 86 Trifluorotoluenc - 75 -125 103 1 92 _^ American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. as 2334 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: lOISI •�� I 1,�� „ °` Tel: (883) 288 -AETL • (8 18) S45 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 ANALYTICAL RESULTS i Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 1'- --"L 1 9 -- rl 02/17/ I ..C1 14 LC Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 Our Lab I.D ': '.I '!. �, `'. 'AE69692 ' AE69693,;' AE69694 AE69695 -= Client Sample I.D. Surrogates C2@ 0 -6" C2@ 5 -5.5' C3@ 6 " -I' C3@ 5-5.5', $ Rec' }l Date Sampled 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 02/17/2000 105 Date Prepared 103 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 84 Preparation Method 85 5030E 50309 5030B 503013 Date Analyzed 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Soil Units ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg Dilution Factor 1 I I I Arialytes '_ _ = MDL '_PQL Results; :Results, - : Results Results = TPH a s Gasoline and Light HC. (C4 -C9) 500 1000 ND No No No OviLabLD. AE69692 °;AE69693 AE69694 "6695 Surrogates Con.I:im1t e,$ Rec. -$ Rec:� -;= $ Rec' }l $ Re�c Bromofluorobenzene 75 -125 70 105 99 103 Trifluorotoluene 75 -125 1 84 94 85 100 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541,LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (SS8) 288-AETL • (8 18) 845-8200 • Fax: (8 18) 845-8840 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc..- 200 Citadel - Drivd' - s Los Angeles, CA Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 14 Project ID: 70111-0-0054 0 Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02242000/02242000 Tent LC Our Lab LW' AE69W Client Sample I.D. Con:'Limit C4@0-6" Re Date Sampled Bromofluorobenzene 02/17/2000 1 72 Date Prepared 102/24/2000 75-125 1 69 Preparation Method 5030B Date Analyzed 02/24/2000_ Matrix Soil Units Dilution Factor Q Res I -, TPH as Gasoline and Light HC. (C4-C9) 500 1000 No Our Lab LW' AE69096 Surroga Con:'Limit Re Bromofluorobenzene 75-125 1 72 T-n—fluorof0-1-u-"—e 75-125 1 69 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. �) 2834 Nonh Naomi Sueet Burban}:, CA 91504 •DOHS N0: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 "�,1 I,(,•••" - Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (S 18) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc 200 Citadel Dnve Los Ange]es,.CA 90040 1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 15 Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 ASTyJT b Number - Submitted _Client 14596 1 02/17/2000 1 LC Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Li ,ght Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 Our Lab LD: +''. '` °AE69697 AE0698 AE69699 Client Sample I.D. C4@ 5 -5.5' C5@ 0 -6" C5@5-5.5' . Date Sampled Con.Limit 02 /17/2000 o2 /17/2000 02/17/2000 = - Date Prepared _ Bromofluorobenzene 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/21/2000 97 101 Preparation Method 50308 s030B 5030B 96 Date Analyzed 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 02/23/2000 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Units ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg Dilution Factor 1 I I I TPH as G a so line and Light HC. (C4 -C9) I Soo 1 1000 I No I No I No 069698 . AE69699 . Surrogates Con.Limit ; $ - Rec: ':$ Rec. = - Bromofluorobenzene 75 -125 1 96 97 101 Triltuorotoluene 75 -125 1 96 100 Ordered By I,* AETL,:Job Ni1mbier 1,: Submi - 1, Client ' 1 14596 1 02/17/2000 1 LC Method: (6010BLEAD), Lead, ICP QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02222000 Ms M American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. MS DUP 2834NorLhNaomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541,LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: 288-AETL • Fax: 845-8840 MS DUP (888) • (818) 845-8200 (818) MS/MSD ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By I,* AETL,:Job Ni1mbier 1,: Submi - 1, Client ' 1 14596 1 02/17/2000 1 LC Method: (6010BLEAD), Lead, ICP QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02222000 QC Batch Number: 02222000 / 02222000 Ms M MS MS DUP MS DUP MS DUP RPD MS/MSD MS RPD A 9 Concen Recov % REC % Limit A��I t na ' once C n R e. ,. C Concen Recov % REC % % Limit % Limit Lead i.o 0.9 94 1.0 0.9 90 4.3 80-120 <15 QC Batch Number: 02222000 / 02222000 LCS LCS; LCS LCS/LCS A 9 Concen Recov % REC % Limit Lead 1.0 1.0 101 80-120 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 North Naonti Strcct Burbank, CA 91504 •DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD N0: 10181 '••.,!,� �,�;._' Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall Inc. 200 CibAeLDrive Los, n eles,`CA 90040 =1554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 17 Project rD: 70111 -0 -0054 AETLU' Jo. Method: (8080A), PCBs by GC QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02192000/02212000 Sub=tteti_ I Client 02/17/2000 1 LC QC Batch Number: 02192000 / 02212000 Aralytes MS MS MS MS DUP MS DUP MS DUP RPD MS /MS=PPD Analytes - Concen Recov % REC Concen I Recov % REC % % Limit Aroclor- 1254(PCB 1754) 1.0 0.8 79 1.0 0.9 86 8.5 l 75 -125 <20 QC Batch Number: 02192000 / 02212000 Aralytes LCS Concen LCS Recov LCS % REC LCS /LCS % Limit Aroclor- 1254 (PCB 1254) 1.0 1.0 100 75 -125 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. ua 2834 North Naonti Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 - -,��•� ��!,,., ^` Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (818) 845 -8200 • Fax: (818) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Law /Crandall 200 Citadel Dnve j Los Angeles, CA 900401554 Telephone: (323)889-5300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 18 Project ID: 70111 Method: (M8015D), TPH as Diesel and Heavy Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 QC Batch Number: 02232000 / 02232000 - LCS MS MS MS DUP MS DUP MS DUP RPD MS /MSD MS RPD Analytes = - Concert Recov % RE C Concert Recov %REC % % Limit % Limit TPH as Diesel (C9 -C23) 500.0 455.0 91 500.0 445.0 89 2.2 <20 QC Batch Number: 02232000 / 02232000 - LCS LCS LCS LCS /LCS Analytes = +x - Concen J Recov % REC % Limit TPH as Diesel (C9-C23) 1 500.0 1 435.0 87 75 -125 American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 Noah Naonti Street Burbank, CA 91504 • DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288 -AETL • (S 18) 845 -8200 • Pax: (S 18) 845 -8840 A NALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By 1 Project ID: 70111 -0 -0054 'AETL Job::_Number Submitted .Client:. 14596 02/17/2000 LC Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FID QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02232000/02232000 i „ Analytes MS Concen MS Recov MS % REC MS DUP Concen MS DUP Recov MS DUP %, REC RPD % MS /MSD % Limit MS RPD % Limit LCS - m,p Xylenes 100.0 99.0 99 100.0 99.0 99 <1 75 -125 <20 Benzene 50.0 56.0 112 50.0 56.0 112 1 <1 75 -125 <20 Ethylbenzene 50.0 55.0 110 50.0 54.a 108 1.8 75 -125 <20 Toluene (Methyl benzene) 50.0 54.0 108 50.0 54.0 108 <1 75 -125 <20 o- Xylene so.o sa.o 108 50.0 55.0 110 1.8 75-1251 <20 lC Batch Number: 02232000 /02232000 - Analytes •= '� LCS Concen LCS Recov LCS % REC LCS /LCS % Limit LCS - m,p- Xylenes 100.0 104.0 104 75 -125 Benzene 50.0 56.0 112 75 -125 Ethylbenzene 50.0 56.0 112 75 -125 Toluene (tvlethyI benzene) . s0.0 54.0 108 75 -125 0- Xylene 50.0 57.0 114 75 -125 American Environmental Testinc Laboratory Inc. 2834 North Naomi Street Burbank, CA 91504 -DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10I81 Tel: (888) 288-AETL • (818) 845-8200 • Fax: (818) 845-8840 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ordered By Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FED QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02242000 1 02242000 200 Citadel Dnver ° -, 4 e, L'os`Angelea ACA 0`0040715'54�'�-`: MS DUP ---- --- �, C RPD IISIMSD Telephone: (323)889-5,300 Attn: Larry Barker Page: 20 Project ID: 70111-0-0054 Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GC/FED QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QC Batch Number: 02242000 1 02242000 2C Batch Number: 02242000/02242000 MS MS MS M$ DUP MS DUP MS DUP RPD IISIMSD MS RPD Concen Recov % REC Concen Recov % REC % % Limit % Limit CC - 2 Lc m,p-Xylcnes 100 .0 99.0 99 75-125 m,p-Xylenes 100.0 88.0 88 100.0 91.0 91 3 .4 7i <20 Benzene 50.0 55.0 110 50.0 55.0 110 <1 75-125 <20 Ethylberaene 50.0 49.0 98 50.0 51.0 102 4.0 75-1251 <20 Toluene (Methyl benzene) so.o 51.0 102 50.0 52.0 104 1.9 75-125 1 <20 o-Xylene S o . o 4 9 . 0 98 50.0 51.0 102 4.0 75-1251 <20 2C Batch Number: 02242000/02242000 I LCS LCS LCS LCS /LCSl Concen Rewv % REC % Limit CC - 2 m,p-Xylcnes 100 .0 99.0 99 75-125 Benzene 50.0 54.0 log 75-125 - Ethylb=ere: 50.0 54.0 108 75-125 Toluene (Methyl benzene) 50.0 52.0 104 75-125 o-Xylene 50.0 54.0 108 75-125 I