RRA - Item IV.B - League Of C.A. Cities Redevelopment ConferenceI~ As~►~ ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY • Vl® 8838 VALLEY BLVD.. ROSEMEAD. CA 91770 9 (818) 2886671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 7, 2000 - - RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ELECTED OFFICIALS REDEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, JULY 28-29, 2000, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Since several members of the Council will be attending the League's Executive Forum Wednesday through Friday, some of you might want to take this opportunity to attend RECOMMENDATION- _ It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency authorize the, attendance of any Agency member, Agency Attorney, Executive Director and staff as assigned by the Executive- Director. AGEND _ FITEN! A U N 2000 r~ to®s~ s. omw :0®®ok LEAGUE OF -CALIFORNIA- CITIES--- . 1400 F STRI717T - - - SKRA ENT0,.C.a 95814 916 658.8200 ELECTED OFFICIALS REDEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Fred, - Saturday Jul 28 : 29,-2000 Monterey Conference Center You'll Want to Attend If You Are A... • Mayor • Council Member • Redevelopment Director • Official involved with redevelopment You'll Benefit-By Learning...__.____._ _ • How to improve the quality of life in your city using redevelopment • How to win support for your redevelopment project How tides use.redevelopment.to.reiitaliz its-downtown -.•-T -Get hvo'electiue neditr towards completing the League's Ekrted OffiadG lsaderthip-Aiademy by auending this conference. The Academy rumculum is designed to procideyou udth a solid understanding of all the kg - subiecrs and skillsyou need to be an eedioe and successful mayor or council member, melt prepared to s-your city andyour constituents. The intention of the Academy is to encourage and proeide recognition for education. It functions on the bonor system. Completion of the Academy presumes one has participated in the educational sessions cWmed. Hotel Reservation Deadline: Friday, June 30, 2000 Advance Conference Registration Deadline: Wednesday, July S, 2000 - Preliminary Program Noon - 5:00 p.m. 1Ffs Z72; 00 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday, July 28, 2000 Registration and Cityllooks Open - Pariah Loby, Alonterey Confe"nce Center (Note: G'h'Bookr a411 only be open on Fr*,.) - Opening General Session: Welcome and Overview REDEVELOPMENT RETROSPECTIVE - A GLIMPSE AT THE PAST, LOOKING TO THE FUTURE _ A presentation from experienced professionals in the field of redevelopment who will give their perspectives on where redevelopment has been, and where it is headed. A short video will be shown that capitalizes the history of redevelopment. This video has been produced as an initial effort to document redevelopment successes and look at what redevelopment needs to be focused on as we proceed in the 21" Century. Objeetimr - - - • Trends in redevelopment over the past 50 years - • Nature of projects that are being implemented today • What types of projects that are foreseen in the future General Session USING REDEVELOPMENT TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE - ITS PURPOSE, POWERS, AND FUNDING This panel will present the basics of what a redevelopment agency can do and how it is financed. You will gain an understanding of the fundamentals in state laws that apply to every agency. - - - 3:45-- 5:1S-p.m. 5:15 - 6:30 p.m. • Legal basics and powers of a redevelopment agency • How project areas are adopted • How property tax increments work • Buying and selling property • Basic organization of an agency • Affordable housing requirements • Use of and limitations on eminent domain General Session ' _ - --WINNING SUPPORT FORYOUR-PROJECTS UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING TO REDEVELOPMENT POLITICS AND POLICYMAKING _ Redevelopment is frequently controversial. When government intervenes in thc-private marketplace, there are critics of the process. This session will deal with common criticisms of redevelopment and how- to respond. Objectives: • Learn the typical criticisms of redevelopment activities • Learn how to effectively respond to the critics • Learn how to get across a positive portrait of redevelopment • Learn how to build public support for your project Reception (joint with Elected Officials Leadership Academy)- - ---Page 2- Saturday, July 29, 2000 7:30 - 9:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast 7:45 - 9:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions 1. WALKING TOUR OF DOWNTOWN Representatives of the City of Monterey will lead a walking tour of the downtown area. You will - - visit the Monterey C-21 Project, an unusual downtown in-fill development of a difficult small - - - site. Created on a 1.25 acre parcel is a six-screen theatre, retail space and senior housing. - , Monterey overcomes many challenges, and captures the opportunities to create the downtown they currently enjoy.. - II. IMPLEMENTING REDEVELOPMENT - UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE A DEAL FEASIBLE When a redevelopment agency is involved in working with the private sector in a development or revitalization deal, there is always the question of whether or not the developer or property owner needs public assistance in order to make the project financially feasible. Objectives: • If the project needs help from the agency, how much is enough? • How an agency can determine what public funds are essential to do a project and when the developer or property owner is asking for too much How an agency can best explain to the public the basics of complex real. estate.transactions 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. General Session REVITALIZING YOUR CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT - CASE STUDIES ON STRATEGIES FOR ATTRACTING AND RETAINING THE RIGHT BUSINESSES TO AN OLDER COMMERCIAL AREA - Central business districts in communities throughout California are being revitalized. Lean -the techniques and strategies that are successfully used to accomplish revitalization that works. - Objectives: _ • The nature of in-fill projects and mixed use commercial developments that diversify the urban neighborhood • Design and zoning issues to consider the help or hinder your redevelopment plans - - • How to evaluate your market and gain developer and retail interest 10:45 a.m. - Noon General Session DEVELOPING SUCCESSFUL AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN YOUR COMMUNITY Redevelopment agencies by law-are required,to-dedicate financial-resources-toward preserving and creating affordable housing. Meeting the housing needs of our residents, not to mention the additional 20. million projected to come to the'state during the next two decades, is a challenge to be considered. This panel of experts will present strategies you need to know in developing affordable housing in your cite. Objectives: • How to determine demand • Critical design features and amenities • Overcoming and/or working with the "?vimby''s" • Design and management techniques you can use to ensure you are not building tomorrows slums today Noon Adjourn Reminder: The Ralpb Al. Brown Act does not appb, to conferences simph, because a majority of the city counsel or other covered body attends. However, a majority of the body may not discurr among themselves specific substantive issues at such conferences. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a meeting that compk'es with its requirements. Page 3