RRA - Item 3 - Eaton Village Presentation (Robert McCoy)ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 8836 VALLEY.BLVD.. ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSE-MEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1 DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2000 RE: EATON VILLAGE PRESENTATION-ROBERT McCOY This item was deferred at the last meeting in order to provide Mr. McCoy additional time to update his proforma. The City Manager will meet with Mr. McCoy's attorney Monday morning, September 25"', at 10:30 a.m. to discuss the specifics of the economic assistance the developer needs from the Agency. We Nvill provide you with copies of an), information we receive. GE N1 D 1% LP 9 r 2000 (TEI I No. 3 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY • 8838 VALLEY BLVD.. ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 Q REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANDUM FROM:. EXECUTIVE DIRECTO~.~ RE: - EATON VILLAGE PROJECT UPDATE DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 Today, we met with Mr. McCoy, the developer on the proposed Eaton Village project. As of this time, he has modified his list of requirements of the Agency in order to make this project viable. He has reduced his subsidy to $8.6 Million dollars. He is willing to settle for 50% of our sales tax generated by the proposed center. He says that El Monte is giving 100% of their sales tax. He says that there is a good possibility that Walmart may be one of the tenants, with the possibility of Sam's Club being the other. We have some issues with that proposal as it relates to parking, but those can be discussed later. He does require condemnation help with some of the properties, and he hopes to have a final update by tomorrow night. At the conclusion of today's meeting, we asked him for a list of tenants, which we haven't seen yet and without one, it's very difficult to put together an. accurate Proforma. Mr. McCoy will be here tomorrow evening with his attorney to speak to the Agency. _ AGENCY A(xE.N-Di!l SEP 26 ITEM: No. N3. D O Z r r D C~ r S O z n n m Z 1 m A J T D D r w O r m < A v c 3 v T O Z y m O w '0 `o> 4 ~ .nor 0 coal W Q10~ O z Pok V 0 n CL 0 n *h A .Z 0 w® W A 0 4 0 u W fop 0 A ILQ A 0 t0 q~ •r A N k ago m c PIL 0) PIL Ac Y• n D ~ O a O A N 0,4 4 A CL O~ %O C • L" W A O . ~ .a p us r to r. A ~ A = l0 ~ A ~ A A d C tn A o + A ? A N A O A d ® . plo- x CL 8 . f* -k w to N C7 W OR k d 3 ~Q n Oe O %O O C N 1 O Z IA ri; Z m z n N D z t9 M m on MR 3 ut CL f. O Y L. V A 0 0 J )p 10: 29A C=1 .f Y OF L L MUlVTE c c.)NrAa LINK Y RT.nE VTr.UPM F.NT ~tGh'NCY 1-1?.3.1 VALt.ky BOULEVARD • FL MONTE, (-.A 917:VI-329:1 (62(W)80-2249 • I AX: (626) 4.14-2183 September 25, 2000 Robert E. McCoy 417 South I Till Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles CA 90013-1112 Rc: Eaton Village Shopping Center Dear Mr. McCoy: This is to inform you that the Redevelopment Agency Board, at its regularly scheduled September 12, 2000 meeting, reviewed your request, and approved, in concept, that the Agency would: i . Participate in the formation of a Parking District, which would have the authority to use eminent domain, both within and potentially outside the boundaries of the Northwest LI Monte Redevelopment Project Area, for the acquisition of properties for the proposed shopping center, and 2. Participate in the financing of parking structures within the Parking District through the issuance of.tax-exempt bonds, which would be repaid through increased sales tax revenues. The final legal and financial documents will require review and approval ol'the El Monte City Council as well as ol'thc E-1 Monte Community Redevelopment Agency. We look forward to working with you toward the implementation of the project. - Sincprcly, old O Joh nson xecutive Ur ctor lJipjl I ,1, mflv h:f MON 11. HAROLD U. JO tAWMN IMMY L. GWIRRREL EUGENE W. MOY n;nN n. MIRFLES ) -,..,.,i..,-.,,l nbu.,,,u P.02