CC - Item 4A - Consultant Services Agreementstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 25, 2000 RE: CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT-E. TSENG & ASSOCIATES -AB 939 COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AB 939 requires every city to divert 25% of its solid waste stream from landfills by 1995 and 50% by 2000. The City will not meet its requirement for 50% diversion in 2000. In fact, the City fell below 25% last year; which may trigger an automatic compliance order from the State. Currently, sixty-five local government agencies are under compliance orders. The consequences for not meeting legislated diversion rates can be quite severe. Responsibility for enforcement of AB 939 rests with the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The Board may assess fines of up to $10,000 per day against communities failing to meet state-mandated obligations. By August I' of each year, all cities must send the CIWMB an annual report detailing the jurisdiction's diversion rate and status of waste diversion programs. In order to boost our current diversion rate, Consolidated Disposal Service suggests the City may want to consider additional recycling programs for both residential and commercial users. Prior to such action, staff recommends the expeditious reexamination of solid waste generation statistics and recycling program elements. This should produce a more realistic diversion rate and more accurate picture of options for maximizing diversion and associated credits. E. Tseng & Associates proposes to provide the necessary technical assistance for structuring an AB 939 compliant solid waste source reduction and recycling program. Recognized as an expert in the field, E. Tseng & Associates has assisted numerous communities in attaining AB 939 compliance. COURC{L "iGEND JAN 2 5 2000 J= ITEM No. The proposed scope of work includes: (1) development of a new solid waste generation study; (2) revision and resubmittal of the City's 1998 annual report; (3) conduct of waste reduction and recycling technical assistance workshops and audits; (4) completion of 1999 and 2000 annual reports; and (5) representation before the CIWMB as may be required. E. Tseng & Associates will provide these deliverables for the professional service fee of $48,000 plus reasonable expenses. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the professional services proposal submitted by E. Tseng & Associates and authorize the transfer of $48,000 from unappropriated reserves to fund the required services. Proposal to Implement AB 939 Source Reduction and Recycling and Provide Technical Assistance for the City of Rosemead January 2000 - December 2001 PROPOSER INFORMATION E. Tseng and Associates 30023 West Rainbow Crest Drive Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Telephone: (818) 889-8628 FAX: (818) 889-5458 e-mail: etsene(aaoixom PART I: PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK The proposed scope of work is designed to meet the requirement of developing a new generation study and to develop an infrastructure to provide on-going innovative technical assistance to businesses in the City of Rosemead that will result in increased diversion. The proposed scope of work combines components of education, outreach, technical assistance, and development of programs to recognize exemplary diversion efforts by the business sector in the City of Rosemead. The CIWMB Diversion Guide describes the methodology for collecting the data needed for developing a new base year generation study. During the development of the new generation study, an on-site business technical assistance program will be implemented to identify additional potential waste reduction and recycling activities that will result in additional diversion for the City. Our staff will promote diversion practices consistent with the most recent CIWMB's targeted methodologies focusing on source reduction and recycling. The tasks will then focus on implementing additional programs that were identified during the audits as the most appropriate to obtain the maximum amount of diversion. Please note that the audit program is not meant to replace your other diversion programs, but is designed to complement and enhance the other efforts. The following tasks are proposed to be completed over the next two years, February 1, 2000 to December 2001: Task 1: Develop Sampling Plan The City of Rosemead will provide a business license listing tabular format with the following fields: 1) name of business, 2) address, 3) zip code, 4) number of employees, 5) SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code, 6) contact name, 7) contact telephone number, and 8) description of what business does. As an alternative, Dr. Tseng will utilize a Dunn and Bradstreet database to identify the businesses in the City. Dr. Tseng will develop a sampling plan consistent with the CIWMB Uniform Waste Characterization Method `s 80/20 sampling protocol and/or another sampling plan currently being researched for the CIWMB. The City will assist the contractor in obtaining the required (route list) data from the haulers servicing the commercial and industrial sectors of the City. The information will be kept confidential. Task 2• Develop Technical Assistance/Audit Approach Attached is a detailed description of the audit methodology and protocol to be used for the Waste Reduction and Recycling Audits for your businesses The methodology and protocols are consistent with the what is being performed in over 30 other Southern California jurisdictions and also consistent with technical methodology and protocols of utilized in the City of Ventura Waste Characterization and Waste Reduction and Recycling Audit Program, and also the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works' Business Recycling Technical Assistance Program. Another sampling plan that may be tested in your jurisdiction is the "Optimal" sampling plan that involves selective targeting of the largest businesses (using a statistical formula to determine the exact number of large ones) and then randomly sampling for the smaller and medium sized businesses. Task 3: Conduct Waste Reduction and Recycling Technical Assistance Audits The audits can be scheduled to start in February 2000 and can be completed by December 2000. A total of approximately 180 - 200 audits will be completed. 'The audits will take approximately six (6) months to complete (some additional follow-up time may be needed for a complete database). Additional audits and follow ups will be conducted in the year 2001. Task 4: Document Exemplary Programs and Nominate for CIWMB Waste Reduction Awards Program (WRAP Awards) As part of the on-site waste reduction and recycling technical assistance audit program, the auditors will identify and/or nominate businesses with exemplary waste reduction and recycling practices for the CIWMB WRAP Award (Year 2000) or a City of Rosemead sponsored waste reduction award program. Dr. Tseng will work cooperatively with the City to develop the evaluation criteria for the City-sponsored waste reduction and recycling awards. 2 Case studies of exemplary waste reduction and recycling programs can be documented at a later date (as an additional task) in a format to enable other businesses to duplicate the benchmark or model diversion programs implemented by the businesses in Rosemead. In addition, the auditors will evaluate if the businesses will qualify for the CIWMB Waste Reduction Award. Task 5• Develop a Generation Based Study for a New Generation Study and/or a New Baseveaz The data obtained from the audits will be utilized to create a new generation study and/or a new base year. The City of Rosemead will provide data on the City's owned and operated diversion programs. Dr. Tseng will work with the City to calculate the diversion tonnage of various programs after the City collects the data regarding the programs. Dr. Tseng will interface with the CIWMB on behalf of the City of Rosemead to petition for a new base year. If travel is required to Sacramento, the City will reimburse expenses. (Please note that additional audits and follow-ups will be needed, approximately 30 - 50 new audits per year are scheduled for the year 2001, to keep the database current each year. This is included in this proposal) Dr. Tseng will be "scrubbing" the audit database information and providing it to the CIWMB and/or other peer reviewers for assessment of technical methodology and for researching statistical methods for the measurement of diversion. The data will be utilized in teaching models / case studies for other jurisdictions. In addition, CIWMB staff and recycling coordinators will be accompanying the waste reduction and recycling auditors working with Dr. Tseng in different training programs designed to increase the technical infrastructure of the industry. We request the City's cooperation in hosting and participating in the training visits by CWIMB staff. Task 6• Conduct Waste Reduction and Recycling Workshops for Businesses and/or Professional Business Associations E. Tseng and Associates will hold a minimum of two (2) workshops. Workshops can be conducted for local service organizations (e.g., Rotary, etc.) and through the Chamber of Commerce. We will work with the City to select the best forum for the workshops. E. Tseng and Associates will be conducting a number of regional workshops for the County and for the CIWMB. The workshops for the City can be combined with the regional efforts to increase attendance and participation. Task 7• Complete 1998, 1999 and Year 2000 Annual Reports E. Tseng and Associates will refile the 1998 AB 939 Annual Report. The new generation study will be incorporated into the 1998, 1999 and year 2000 annual reports. E. Tseng 3 and Associates will prepare the 1999 annual report along with the required CIWMB Petition for New Generation Study/New Base Year. E. Tseng and Associates will also prepare the Year 2000 AB 939 Annual Report for the City of Rosemead. For the Year 2000 annual report, we will research the options of a new generation study or utilizing the CIWMB "Adjustment Method" and will utilize the methodology that provides the most accurate diversion rate measurement. Part 11: PROJECT COST AND SCHEDULE Project Schedule: The new generation study will be completed by the September 2000. The other tasks will be completed before December 2001. The other tasks (workshops, follow up audits (if additional tasks are added on) will be coordinated with Regional (County) and CIWMB efforts for technical consistency and to avoid conflict of schedules. Proposal Cost: E. Tseng and Associates proposes to complete the above-described tasks for a cost of forty eight thousand dollars ($48,000) plus reasonable expenses (e.g., mileage, volume printing, trip to Sacramento (CIWMB) if required for compliance hearing, etc.). Total Project Cost: $48,000 Task Cost Detail: 1. Task 1: Develop Sampling Plan ($1,000) 2. Develop Technical Assistance Approach (included in Task 1) 3. Conduct 180-200 Waste Reduction and Recycling Audits ($38,000) 4. Document Exemplary Programs /Nominate for CIWMB WRAP Awards ($1,000) 5. Develop New Generation Study and/or a New Baseyear (included in Task 7) 6. Conduct Waste Reduction and Recycling Workshops ($2,000) 7. Complete 1998, 1999 and 2000 Annual Reports ($6,000) Additional Tasks Requests The project team recommends that the follow-up audits (30-50 additional new audits be completed in 2001 and each year afterwards) and that detailed follow-up with the existing businesses be conducted to implement programs identified as having the highest potential. This task is estimated to be approximately $18,000 to $20,000 per year, depending upon the number and type of requests received from the businesses in the City. 4 Additional tasks can be completed on a fixed not-to-exceed cost basis or on a time and material basis according to the fee schedule below: Eugene Tseng, Principal $ 120 per hour Senior Technical Waste Management Specialist $ 85 per hour Project Manager / Administrator $ 60 per hour Student Supervisor / Senior Auditor $ 30 per hour Student Interns / Researchers $ 25 per hour PART III: QUALIFICATIONS Firm Information E. Tseng is a sole proprietorship and primarily involved with assisting cities with meeting AB 939 compliance. The firm also works with the CIWMB, various cities, waste haulers in providing training to their staff on AB 939 programs and issues. Dr. Eugene Tseng is the Principal of the firm. Dr. Tseng also works as a part time UCLA Extension instructor and as a Principal Investigator on UCLA Extension / California Integrated Waste Management Board Interagency Research Projects. Much of the firm's work is done through a cooperative partnership between UCLA Extension and 501(c)(3) environmental non-profit organizations so as to provide student intems with actual job experience. Qualifications and Related Experience Dr. Eugene Tseng is uniquely qualified to design, manage, and conduct "new AB 939 .generation studies" and/or "new base year studies. Dr. E. Tseng assisted in the development of the California Integrated Waste Management Board's Waste Reduction and Recycling Training Manual, the CIWMB "Jurisdiction Diversion Measurement Guide". Dr. Tseng also is the primary instructor for the CIWMB for training jurisdiction recycling coordinators on how to conduct a new generation study and developing a new base year (4 training workshops conducted for the CIWMB in November 1999) Dr. Tseng has extensive experience in the development and preparation of AB 939 Annual Reports. Dr. Tseng served as the Principal Investigator at UCLA Extension in the development of the CIWMB Adjustment Method and on the CIWMB advisory committee for development of solutions to Base Year Reporting Problems. His background and experience provides an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of the measurement of a jurisdiction's diversion rate. 5 Dr. Tseng has successfully assisted a number of jurisdictions in conducting studies and petitioning the CIWMB for a new base year because of inaccurate Solid Waste Generation Studies (SWGS) and Source Reduction an&Recycling Elements (SRRE). The efforts prevented the issuance of a CIWMB compliance order. A detailed statement of qualifications is attached for your review. Dr. Tseng has provided services in the preparation of new base year and/or new generation studies for various jurisdictions in Southern California: City of Carson City of South Gate City of Ventura City of Compton City of Hermosa Beach City of San Clemente References City of Los Angeles City of Santa Fe Springs City of Oxnard City of Sierra Madre City of Santa Ana City of Irvine 1. Chris Schmidle California Integrated Waste Management Board 8800 Cal Center Drive Sacramento, CA 92658 (916) 255-2200 Served as Principal Investigator for the development of the CIWMB Uniform Adjustment Method in 1993-1994, and development of CIWMB Model Diversion Measurement Guide 2. Jaime Lozano City of Carson 2390 East Dominguez Carson, CA 90220 (310) 952-1799 x3508 Preparation of 1995 -1998 AB 939 Annual Report / Conducting new generation study and petitioning CIWMB for new Base Year approval, and conducting jurisdiction wide waste reduction/recycling audits using stratified sampling protocols. (First CI `MB-approved New Generation Study using Audits) 3. Sue Gordon Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department 320 North Flower, Suite 400 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 834-4176 Conducted workshops on waste reduction/recycling audits, AB 939 compliance, and diversion measurement for jurisdictions, haulers, and consultants 6 ATTACHMENT Technical Approach and Protocols for Waste Reduction and Recycling Technical Assistance Audits The audits will be conducted for approximately two hundred (200) businesses (determined by the number of employees). Student interns from UCLA and/or other universities, along with professional staff, will conduct waste reduction and recycling audits for businesses located in the City of Rosemead. The auditors will also distribute California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) brochures and fact sheets on waste reduction and recycling programs to each business audited as part of a commercial sector technical assistance and outreach effort. The students/auditors will be assessing current diversion activities as well as making recommendations for additional diversion programs. The student interns and professional waste management specialists will also assist in the implementation of source reduction and recycling programs for each business if requested. Technical literature from the CIWMB and resource guides (e.g., locations of recycling centers, etc.) will be provided to businesses. The students can also assist the businesses in estimating resource and cost savings of various programs (if applicable). As a separate program to be implemented in the next phase, follow-ups can be conducted after program implementation (consistent with the methodology used by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Business Recycling Technical Assistance Program). All company data will be treated as confidential. The auditors will be trained using the CIWMB and US EPA developed business waste reduction audit training programs. Data verification and crosschecking are provided by members of the technical subcommittee reviewing the CIWMB draft model diversion reporting guide and/or by independent statisticians that will review the technical methodology. A recommendation form with suggested programs will be provided to each business after the site visit if requested by the businesses. The auditor for documentation purposes retains a copy of the recommendation form for each business. Hard copies of the calculations and on-site visit observations will be compiled and kept by Dr. Tseng and treated as confidential materials. If the CIWMB or the City would like to review the documentation, arrangements can be made to view the materials but no copies can be made without the written permission of the businesses. We will need the assistance of the City in conducting the audits. A letter from the Recycling Coordinator or the City Manager requesting the participation of local businesses would be very helpful to obtain the cooperation of the businesses. Any residents or City staff who are interested in volunteering can contact Dr. Eugene Tseng at (818) 889-8628 for waste reduction and recycling auditing training. 7 The survey methodology utilized in the study was based on draft CIWMB and US EPA forms. The quantification methodology for estimating source reduction diversion quantities is based upon a draft US EPA document titled "Business Waste Prevention Quantification Methodologies, Business Users' Guide and Technical Appendices". The training program for the waste reduction and recycling auditors was based on the CIWMB training program document titled "Establishing a Waste Reduction Program at Work". Copies of the training program are available on the CIWMB Web site. Please note that the technical protocol may change due to requests by the CIWMB for field-testing specific protocols and other issues. 8 Cities in Southern California That Have Conducted or in the Process of Conductint=- a New Generation Study City of Carson Jaime Lozano (Pager) 310-249-0379, City Phones being changed City of Buenaventura (Ventura) Ray Olson 805-652-4525 City of Los Angeles Lupe Vela 213-847-1444 City of South Gate David Lopez 323-563-9537 City of Santa Fe Springs Susan Bergeron-Vance 562-868-0511 City of Compton Kareemah Bradford 310-605-5595 City of Hermosa Beach Sol Blumenfeld 310-318-0235 City of Dana Point Cindy Asher 949-248-9890 City of San Juan Capistrano Douglas Dumhart City of Lomita Paul Hogan 310-325-7110 City of Sierra Madre Suzie Mc Connell 626-355-7135 City of Santa Ana Will Hayes 714-565-4048 EUGENE TSENG AND ASSOCIATES SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE May 1995 SECTION 1: COMPANY DATA Eugene Tseng E. Tseng and Associates 30023 West Rainbow Crest Drive Agoura Hills, California 91301 Telephone (818) 889-8628 FAX (818) 889-5458 Bachelor of Science (Engineering, Materials Science/Environmental), UCLA 1973 Juris Doctorate, University of La Verne, 1985 Program of hrstruction for Lawyers, Harvard University, 1986 The proposer is a Minority Business Enterprise. The Proposer 's Los Angeles business tax license number is #208762-79. E.Tseng and Associates is registered as an MBE in the City of Los Angeles and with the City of San Francisco. SECTION 2: SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE E. Tseng and Associates is uniquely qualified to provide the wide range of technical assistance in municipal solid waste management projects and hazardous waste management projects. The firm also has extensive experience in corporate environmental management issues dealing with environmental compliance, corporate greening and green marketing. The firm's founder, Eugene Tseng is an environmental engineer and a licensed California attorney specializing in environmental law. He has over 21 years of engineering experience in the municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management field. Mr. Tseng has extensive mechanical process design and site layout experience for materials recovery facilities and refuse-derived-fuel facilities as well as densification plants and composting plants. Mr. Tseng was selected by the United Nations Development Programme to be their international specialist in municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management to assist developing countries in organizing their environmental regulatory, industry, and educational programs. Dr. Tseng is also an Adjunct Law Professor for Environmental Law at the University of La Verne. Mr. Tseng has extensive experience in developing training seminars and workshops for critical issues on the environment. He has organized workshops on behalf of the 10 California Integrated Waste Management Board, City of Los Angeles, the EPA, and the California Department of Health Services, and with the University of California at Los Angeles. He also assisted in developing workshops to provide training on solid waste issues to journalists specializing in environmental news. E. Tseng and Associates provided technical oversight and management for the City of Los Angeles' AB 939 Solid Waste Generation Study. E. Tseng and Associates prepared the RFP and designed the technical methodology and format of the AB 939 generator- based study. The firm also under contract to the Department of Environmental Affairs to provide technical and legal services in starting up the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) effort for the City of Los Angeles. Eugene Tseng served an Adjunct Professor at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. He teaches a pilot course entitled "Business and the Environment". This class was developed in response to an EPA and United Nations Environmental Programme request to develop model MBA curriculum to address environmental issues as part of the business management training. Mr. Tseng teaches the corporate greening and green marketing subjects in addition to compliance/Superfund topics. As a member of the U.S. EPA's National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, Mr. Tseng works with the Environmental Protection Agency Region D{ office to develop integrated solid waste management training programs. Mr. Tseng serves as the Program Director and as instructor at UCLA's Municipal Solid Waste Management Program. Mr. Tseng teaches a national model course on MSW Management Technology at both UCLA and UC Davis. The course covers materials recovery facility and waste -to-energy facility design. Mr. Tseng serves as faculty advisor to university joint intern research projects done with regulatory agencies and municipalities. SECTION 3: SUMMARY OF RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE Technical and Regulatory Experience in MSW Management Projects Eugene Tseng has over 18 years experience in the recycling, secondary products manufacturing, and municipal solid waste management field. While Mr. Tseng was with National Ecology (an American Ecology company) he was a senior member of the professional staff and later Vice President of American Ecology Corporation. Eugene Tseng professional duties included mechanical process design and site layout for material recovery facilities and refuse-derived-fuel (RDF) facilities as well as densification plants and composting plants. He has extensive experience in performing technical and economic analysis on recycling and mechanical solid waste processing systems. Mr. Tseng has also performed economic and needs assessment studies along with technical feasibility studies for solid waste planning. His experience includes 11 developing and conducting waste composition analysis procedures for US and international municipal and private clients for recycling, materials processing, and waste- to-energy projects. Mr. Tseng has designed and constructed bench scale technologies for waste tire gasification and pyrolysis. He directed research projects in developing secondary products from waste tires. Mr. Tseng served as moderator for the California Integrated Waste Management Board's waste tire conference. Mr. Tseng was the technical director under contract to the City of Los Angeles to provide technical oversight and management of the City's "generator-based". AB 939 Solid Waste Generation Study. In the area of regulatory compliance and enforcement of solid waste facilities, Mr. Tseng assisted in the preparation and documentation of the City of Los Angeles' Local Enforcement Agency's Enforcement Program Plan (EPP) and also served as the LEA's interface with the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Mr. Tseng is developing the permitting and enforcement procedures manuals for solid waste facilities. Part of the services is to provide technical support to LEA staff in the review of landfill closure plans, permit modifications, and permit revisions. Mr. Tseng is the principal investigator for the Interagency Agreement between UCLA and the CIWMB in the development of the AB 2494 uniform disposal based quantification compliance method. Mr. Tseng designed the technical approach and developed the regulatory compliance measurement. scheme use by jurisdictions to measure their progress towards the waste diversion goals. Mr. Tseng developed secondary product manufacturing and technology in the recycled glass field and has received two US patents 1) Ash Coated Cellular Glass Pellets, 94,143,202 and 2) Method for Forming Coated Cellular Glass Pellets, #4,081,259 for process and equipment systems design for the manufacture of secondary products using materials recovered from the solid waste stream. He has also assessed European secondary manufacturing technology for application in the United States. E. Tseng and Associates was under contract to the Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling, to provide technical assistance in analyzing technology, legislation, and integrated program assistance for the California beverage container recycling effort (AB 2020). Eugene Tseng is also the founder and Program Director of the University of California at Los Angeles Extension's Municipal Solid Waste Management Program. He serves as an Advisory Board Member and is also the Industry Program Coordinator. He has organized and co-taught the following courses: i) Principles of Municipal Solid Waste Management 12 ii) Recycling: Design, Marketing, and Operations iii) Siting of Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities iv) Municipal Solid Waste Management Technology V) Case Studies in Municipal Solid Waste Management vi) Regulatory Framework for MSW Management This is the first integrated training program for solid waste managers in the country. The program is designed to meet the personnel demands of industry, regulatory agencies, and grassroots environmental organizations in trying to meet the solid waste planning and implementation requirements for industry and municipalities. Mr. Tseng also serves on the Advisory Board for the University of California at Davis Solid Waste Management Program. 2. Regulatory and Legislative Experience Eugene Tseng is a licensed California attorney specializing in Environmental Law. While with American Ecology Corporation as Vice President of Environmental Affairs, part of his job responsibilities was to provide legal and impact analysis on proposed state and national legislation and regulations in hazardous waste and municipal solid waste management. He currently serves on the California Integrated Waste Management Board's Composting Regulations Committee. Mr. Tseng assisted the City of Los Angeles develop its Local Enforcement Agency's Enforcement Program Plan for solid waste facility permitting, inspection, enforcement, and corrective action. Eugene Tseng has organized and taught the following UCLA Extension courses: i.) Regulatory Framework for Hazardous and Toxic Materials Management ii.) Environmental Law iii.) Regulatory Framework for MSW Management These legal courses on Hazardous Materials are utilized to train the new hires from Los Angeles County Health Hazardous Waste Inspection Program and also for in-house training for new hires for personnel from the California Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Division. In 1988 Mr. Tseng was selected by the United Nations Development Programme to be their international specialist in municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management for assisting countries in organizing their environmental regulatory, industrial, and educational programs. Mr. Tseng was in the People's Republic of China in February 1990 to assist in prioritization of hazardous waste management activities. He has trained MSW regulatory personnel from Saudi Arabia and many other countries. Mr. Tseng has assisted the State of California in the development of many solid waste regulations. He was under contract with the California Integrated Waste Management 13 Board to assist in the development of regulations for implementation of the Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Bill (SB 235). The firm also participated in the research of the impact of household batteries in the solid waste stream as part of the Household Battery Study for the Board. Mr. Tseng is currently under contract with the California Integrated Waste Management Board to develop the disposal based compliance quantification methodology. He is responsible for the technical direction and legal support documentation for regulatory development. Mr. Tseng also serves on the Compost Advisory Committee for the California Integrated Waste Management Board. 3. Information/Clearinghouse Experience From 1990-1992, Mr. Tseng served as the Executive Director for the EPA's Region 9 Institute of Cooperative Environmental Management (ICEM) Technical Assistance and Information Center for hazardous waste and municipal solid waste management. The ICEM is a non-profit organization called EcoSource International. Its primary focus is developing private-public partnerships to promote the concept of cooperative environmental management and to provide integrated technical assistance to academia, industry, and government for the purpose of developing and implementing model environmental education/training programs. Mr. Tseng also serves on the Technical Advisory Committee for the California Museum of Science and Industry for their project on "Our Urban Environment". He provided technical review for exhibits on recycling, solid waste management and hazardous material/waste management. Mr. Tseng currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of MSW Management magazine. 4. Hazardous Materials Management Experience Eugene Tseng has experience in the interface between municipal solid waste and hazardous waste and he teaches this topic in the UCLA MSW program. Mr. Tseng has also been involved with preliminary design and process engineering of an integrated hazardous waste treatment facility. Mr. Tseng has extensive international technology assessment experience in evaluating European hazardous waste treatment technology. He served on the EPA's technology peer review committee for a manual titled "Summary of Treatment Technology " Effectiveness for Contaminated Soil." As the Industry Advisor and Assistant Executive Director (1987-1989) of the National Science Foundation's Engineering Research Center for Hazardous Substances Control at UCLA, Mr. Tseng assisted in raising over $15 million for research at UCLA and assisted in developing the Hazardous Waste Information Center to serve the informational requirements of industry, regulatory agencies, communities, and basic research needs of 14 the research institutions. Mr. Tseng was also responsible for developing joint public- private partnerships in developing innovative hazardous waste management technologies. Mr. Tseng worked with the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers in developing training programs for the recognition and evaluation of environmental risks (Phase I Audit) during real property "walk-throughs" for appraisals. Mr. Tseng performs various types of technical feasibility studies for private investment groups for environmental technology related projects. Mr. Tseng served on the UCLA Hazardous and Toxic Materials Management Certificate Advisory Board at UCLA and was an instructor for its Hazardous Waste Management Technology course as well as the Regulatory Framework and Environmental Law courses. As Vice President of Environmental Affairs of American Ecology Corporation, Eugene Tseng was responsible for obtaining hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF) permits and other permits for various hazardous waste projects. Mr. Tseng also participated in developing permitting and siting strategies for the construction of California's only low-level radioactive waste disposal facility. The successful siting process is studied as a case model in a course titled "Siting of Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities" offered through the University of California. Mr. Tseng was one of the co-instructors of the course. 15