CC - Item IV.CC-C - Request For Red Curbs on San Gabriel Blvd.TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS RO EMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 000NC11. :GEzi l,DA JAN 2 5 20,Pi0, ITEM 14o. a 7-, ee- DATE: ' JANUARY 25, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF RED CURB MARKINGSAT3319-3333 SAN GABRIEL BLVD. SOUTH OF HELLMAN AVENUE At the December 14, 1999 meeting, City Council requested a clarification in Figure 1 of this report. Attached to this report is an updated map. The number of off-site parking spaces that will be lost due to the parking restriction will be 4 spaces. However, the subject site provides over 48 on-site parking spaces. The neighboring businesses have sufficient number of off-site and on-site parking spaces. DISCUSSION This is a request from Ms. Connie Ta, property owner of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Blvd., to install "NO PARKING" signage and red curb markings in front of her property. Ms. Ta has indicated that there is poor visibility when exiting subject site due to vehicles parked along the curb in front of the property. The subject site has on-site parking for tenants and customers. There is on-street parking allowed on San Gabriel Blvd. in front of the property with a 2-hour parking restriction. San Gabriel Blvd. is a north/south arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 35"mph. The reported accident history (January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998) for this location identified one reported accident involving a southbound vehicle being rear-ended by another southbound vehicle. The average traffic volume on San Gabriel Blvd. is 31,900 vehicles per day. Field observation by staff identified very few vehicles parked in front of the subject site thus not impacting visibility. However, there may be occasions when on- street parking is heavy, at which time visibility would be obstructed. staf epor Rosemead City Council January 25, 2000 Page 2 of 6 Based on these findings, staff ~ec6mmend6a the installation of "NO PARKING AT ANY TIME"signage in front of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Blvd. At the November 4, 1999 meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to approve the staff recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council APPROVE the installation of "NO PARKING AT ANY TIME" signage in front of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Blvd. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A - Figure 1 Exhibit B - Staff report, dated October 26, 1999 Exhibit C - Traffic Commission Minutes for November 4, 1999 mm O ~ O ~ , a l l ICI u ~ U w Z 2 W N J C x ~ ~ 6 V w C w 7 Z a 0 a I I W Q W V J X I I rr) M O _ 11l Ll; I fl) m m w m C- m Mm m o z m Lr) m Y F _ 2 I I N W ~ ! J Y ( ¢ O~ S~ O K W V V- 4 a I ~ - -1~-__ Z x o~ N U A\ V N ~ 3 x a I O I L . EXHIBIT "All 01/11:'00 16: J4 FAX 6952120 WILLD.4N ASSOC ROSEMEAD 0 002:002 piveapoe ppapo uoSfCfC-Flff\w'\~~P\ [ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC E14GINEERING DEPUTY (v+~ DATE: OCTOBER 26. 1999 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 3319-3333 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTH OF HELLh4AN AVENUE REQUEST A request, letter attached, has been received from M,s. Connie Ta, property owner of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. Ms. T a is requesting the installation of "NO-PARKING Sign's and paint in front of this property. She indicates there is poor visibility when vehicles park along the curb in front of the property. CONDITIONS The property at 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard has three access points from San Gabriel Boulevard. The property has on-site parking for tenants and customers. On-street parking is allowed on San Gabriel Boulevard in front of the property. However, there is a 2-hour parking restriction on San Gabriel Boulevard. San Gabriel Boulevard is a no th/south arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 35 mph. There are two lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Figure 1 depicts conditions in the vicinity of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. DATA The reported accident history in the vicinity of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review identified one reported accident summarized below: 653 feet south of Hellman Avenue - Southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a southbound stopped vehicle (unsafe speed). The average daily traffic volume on San Gabriel Boulevard is 31,900 vehicles per day. E"ArCHIBIT "B" P,equest forP,ed Curb at 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard South of Hellman Avenue Page 2 DISCUSSION Field observation of the location identified very few vehicles parking on the street in front of the subject property. The parking on-site was approximately 50% occupied. With few vehicles parking on the street, visibility was not significantly impacted. However, there may be occasions when on-street parking is heavy. During these times, visibility would be inhibited for vehicles exiting the property. RECOMMENDATION The installation of "No Parking Any Time" signs is recommended in front of 3319- 3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. This recommendation is depicted in Figure 1. Attachments JI1Psd'331 X3333 San Gabriel red curb JOHN TA STATE FARM INSURANCE AGENCY LIUFC0629772 3333 N. SAN GABRIEL BLVD ROSEMEAD CA 91770 TEL: (626) 571-2847 FAX: (626) 571-5012 8-16-99 TO: ROSEMEAD CITY HALL 8838 E. VALLEY BLArD ROSEMEAD CA 91770 ATTN=TRAEEIeCOM IISSIOIF r DEAR SIR, WE ARE THE PROPERTY OWNER ON 3333,3327,3319 N. SAN G.ABRIEL BLVD.,ROSEMEAD, CA 91770. DUE TO MANY COMPLAINTS FROM OUR TENANTS ABOUT THE STREET CURB PARKING IN FRONT OF OUR BUILDING HAS CAUSED POOR STREET VIEW WI-3EN THEY TRY TO PULL OUT TO THE STREET. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE CITY TO INSTALL "NO-PARKING SIGN' AND PAINT THE STREET CURB TO PREVENT FUTURE ACCIDENTS. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM THE CITY REGARDING OUR REQUEST. YO S TRULY, NIE T C~PROPERTY OWNER. Lei=LL! L'•~' a~..:;(~:i ALH, i' T 1° is 1 Speaking before the Commission was: Frank Quintanilla Golden Rose Florist 9228 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Quintanilla stated that he feels the recommendation is a good idea and will help business. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commission Ruiz, to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. Vote Results: Ayes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Baffo, Commissioner Ruiz Noes: Noes Abstain: Commissioner Quintanilla Absent: Commissioner Herrera Commissioner Quintanilla abstained his vote, due to the fact that the resident is his relative. Mr. Frank Quintanilla stated that on October 4, 1999, his wife had their I' baby girl. W. NEW BUSINESS A. REOUEST FOR RED CURB AT 3319-3333 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTH OF HELLMAN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a request was received from Ms. Connie Ta, property owner of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. Ms. Ta is requesting the installation of "NO PARKING" signs and paint in front of this property. She indicates there is poor visibility when vehicles park along the curb in front of the property. The property at 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard has three access points from San Gabriel Boulevard. The property has on-site parking for tenants and customers. On- street parking is allowed on San Gabriel Boulevard in front of the property. However, there is a 2-hour parking restriction on San Gabriel Boulevard. San Gabriel Boulevard is a north/south arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 35 mph. There are two lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The reported accident history in the vicinity of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review identified one reported accident summarized below: 653 feet south of Hellman Avenue - Southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a southbound stopped vehicle (unsafe speed). The average daily traffic volume on San Gabriel Boulevard is 31,900 vehicles per day. Field observation of the location identified very few vehicles parking on the street in front of the subject property. The parking on-site was approximately 60% occupied. With few vehicles parking on the street, visibility was not significantly impacted. However, there may be occasions when on-street parking is heavy. During these times, visibility would be inhibited for vehicles exiting the property. EXHIBIT "C" RECOMMENDATION: The installation of "No Parking Any Time" signs is recommended in front of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Sgt. Robles stated that they have been working Olney Street and have also had the radar trailer up and running. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Baffo stated that at San Gabriel Boulevard in front of Don Bosco Tech, there's a left turn lane that goes into Don Bosco Tech, and sign that says "No U-Turn" People are disobeying the sign, and would like to see enforcement at this location. Commissioner Ruiz agrees with the comments made earlier regarding the Jack-Brakes on Temple City Boulevard, and would like to see something done at this location. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he noticed the radar trailer was not working properly last week. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he spoke to Mr. Gil Pedregon of Olney Street and wanted to let the Commission know that he will be writing a letter to the City Council regarding Olney Street, and the possibility of closing Olney Street and making it a cul-de-sac. Chairperson Knapp stated that she enjoyed going to the Commissioner Workshop on Saturday in Pomona and looks forward to some new ideas for Temple City Boulevard and the possibility of closing it as a truck route. Commissioner Quintanilla congratulated the owner of Golden Rose Florist on the new addition to his family. . _ , VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for December 2, 1999.