CC - Item IV.CC-F - Sponsor For 16th Annual Awards Dinner And Auction March 4, 2000TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL. iGENDA JAN 2 5 2000 ~ ITEM No. -s-~ • FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 17, 2000 RE: REQUEST FROM LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER TO SPONSOR 16' ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER & AUCTION MARCH 4, 2000 Attached for your consideration is information on the Annual Affair of the Heart awards dinner put on by the Lincoln Training Center. In the past the City has placed an ad in the program. It is recommended that the City place a full-page ad at a cost of $225.00. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the expenditure of $225.00 for the placement of a full-page ad in the program for the 16d' Annual Affair of the Heart dinner. Staf epor - - - . Ot •t l tber 1 I. 1000 Mr. Donald Wa!-u•r (:its of fiosellic•ad. (:its- 1 hill (;';38' Vlllcy 131\ d. Rownit-wl. Clk (11 -70 De;lr 11r. \C~aRner. OnMarch •t. 2000. Lincoln lr,rinin= Center will celeltrate 11 10" annual .Affair of the 1-heart awar(1, dumer and auc•tiorl at dw lndlrstry Hill, C:o11fi•rctire Center aa'r.a(nl. -nits anmal fund raisin_ event celc•1lralc•• the o(Itsuuldinrt acluevcnleln, of adult, \%ith disallillnes WId tlic• individuals ,uld conllrulics that sultllon their successc,. Lust year over ::100 friends. Ilroducuoll contractors. elected of(ic•ials.- clients and cdcltniles amended the gala evening. h was all oltllont]nlTV 1fi Ret to Umv each other. cheer the award rec•ipic•nts and fturchas(• f,llndou, ,dent and IIVC auction Itt•I11,. Founded in 106-t. Lincoln is an acm-diied. not-fir-profit orIganlzaTion llrovidi training and employment ollf.tonIlnitic•s for over -00 disabled adults. our clic•ntiwork-ers. Some of the companies %%-hc1 provide these opl:lonurlities include Fibre Comainers. Advanulge Staffing. Inc.. Plastic Dress-Up. Nordstrom. L nile ver IJP(:. Mission Foods and nlanv_ tllruly More. Your past particilIll loll is enormously appreciaied and Nvc hope you will ag,Iin consider sullfloning this eyc•rlt by bec•omma a trdlle or ad sponsor donanll2 an auction item, or Purchasing tickets. All such flarticip;mon is rec•o«nized ill the event %ribiar•./onnad that is distributed to all attendee Ind donors. llle cliclosed ifOnlls firo ide „il(ifno,l,tl 1,1f( rllat'(t11 111r111ml dlsal)llllles Into posslltllllles! President, CEO .ldvwitage Staffing. hlc. Affair of the Hear Chair 1 -hank- you For your p:m ill r~ Organizational Effectiveness Group Strategic Human Resources Services for Businesses and Nonprofits • Executive Coaching • 360 Degree Performance Review • Board Retreat Facilitation, Training and Development • Pay & Performance Management Systems For further information contact: Diana Peterson-More The Organizational Effectiveness Group ' (626) 441-9518 dpmoeg@aot.com AM CONSERVATION GROUP, INC. 430 Sand Shore Road #7 Hackettstown, NJ 07840 M.P. Romano & Associates CONSULTANTS TO THE BANKING INDUSTRY M.P. "Chick" Romano President 3315 Botzoc Street • Athomt)ro, CA 91803 • (323) 222-2201 CONGRATULATIONS to Lincoln Training Center Yours is truly "An Affair of the Heart! " Rosemead City Council JOE VASQUEZ MAYOR PRO TEM ROBERT BRUESCH MAYOR GARY TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBER MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBER JAY IMPERIAL COUNCILMEMBER LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER Affair 16TH ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER & AUCTION Of the Saturday, March 4, 2000 - 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Sheraton Industry Hills Heart sponsorsM Reservation Ad P, vertisement dorm SPONSORSHIP PLEDGES Sponsareh;p pledg. mill lx inuoicad in Jpnuary 2000 Yes, I would like to participate in the Affair of the Heart. I pledge: CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS at $5,000 each - includes premium seating for 16 plus private VIP reception, 2 group photos, 8 valet parking passes, special full page ad, company name featured in invitation (if committed by Nov. 12), commemorative award with sponsor name, two bottles of champagne per table, hyperlink to LTC website, corsages and boutonnieres, table sign recognizing Corporate Sponsorship. PLATINUM SPONSORSHIPS at $3,500 each - includes preferred seating for 10 plus private VIP reception, 5 valet parking passes, one group photo, full page ad in program book, two bottles of wine per table, commemorative award with sponsor name, hyperlink to LTC website, table signage. DIAMOND SPONSORSHIPS at $2,500 each - includes preferred seating for 10, 5 valet parking passes, one group photo, full page ad in program book, hyperlink to LTC website, signage at table. GOLD SPONSORSHIP at $1,500 each - includes seating for 10, 5 valet parking passes, '12 page ad in program book, signage at the table. SILVER SPONSORSHIP at $1,000 each - includes seating for 10, 5 valet parking passes, '/4 page ad in program book, signage at the table. TABLE SPONSORSHIP at $750 each - includes seating for 10, signage at the table. TICKET RESERVATIONS ❑ Please reserve ticket(s) at $75 each ❑ Please reserve ticket(s) for the disabled clients of LTC at $20 each ❑ Yes, I want to sponsor LTC disabled clients at $20 each ❑ Sorry, I/we are unable to attend, enclosed is my contribution of $ ADVERTISEMENTS ❑ Full page (7'/2" x 10") ..............$225 ❑ Quarter page (3 s/s., x 4,/4,.) 590 ❑ Half page (7'/2" x 4'/4") $175 ❑ Business Card $50 All inside pages are black and white and will be enclosed within a set border. Black and white, camera-ready art is preferred at sizes stated above, however a draft copy of your ad may be submitted and we will typeset. Your black and white, camera-ready logo may also be included. All ads must be in by Feb. 4, 2000. Please remit payment (payable to Lincoln Training Center) with ticket reservations and advertisements. Name Company Address City State Zip Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mail: Contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law. For information: 626/442-0621; Fax: 626/442-0177 Website address: http://www.lincoinic.orR Af Lir of the Heart LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER 16TH ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER & AUCTION Saturday, March 4, 2000 • 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm • Sheraton Industry Hills Auction Item Donation Form Dear Donor, Thank you for providing auction item(s) for the Affair of the Heart Awards Dinner & Auction. Piease complete the following and return it in the enclosed envelope. Thank you. Donor Name: Contact Person/Title: Donor Address: City Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) How you wish to be listed in the program book: E-mail: DONATION ITEM DONATION DESCRIPTION V1 I Please state any limitations, special conditions, or time constraints Enclosed Gift Certificate Cash donation Call for delivery arrangements Date for ❑ delivery Description of item or ❑ pick-up Signature of DONOR Date State Zi Value of donated item