CC- Item IV.CC-B - City Council Use Of Owned Computersstaf epor TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2000 RE: CITY COUNCIL USE OF CITY OWNED COMPUTERS As we complete the city hall computer upgrade, we are now addressing how bet to provide Councilmembers access e-mail messages, fax messages, the city hall network and Internet access. We are fortunate in Rosemead to have several Councilmembers serving in leadership roles in Contract Cities, the League of California Cities and the National League of Cities. These organizations frequently send out urgent a-mails and faxes to officers and committee members that are currently received by the city manager and delivered to the Councilmembers. If the City Managers away fro his office, such messages may not be delivered in a timely fashion. As you know the cost of personal computers has dropped dramatically in recent years. At the same time, the information age increasingly demands that Councilmembers have instant access to communications from constituents and state and local municipal organizations. Accordingly, I recommend that the Council approve the use of a city-owned computer by each Councilmember, during their term of office, at their personal residence. The computer set-up, including fax modem, printer, telephone line and Internet access would be paid for by the city and made available for council use. All of the equipment would be labeled and inventoried as the property of the City of Rosemead. At the end of the Councilmember's term of office, the computer equipment would be returned to the City and the Internet access and telephone line would be either disconnected or the billing transferred to the individual. The City's startup cost for this program would be $2,000, plus installation for each Councilmember who wished to have computer access in their home. Ongoing annual charges for telephone and Internet access would be approximately $600.00 for each participating Councilmember. Since the City has already purchased two computers for the Council office, we would only have to purchase an additional three computers. t F E B 0 8 2000 !E M ~~!0.1~-. °C CITY OWNED COMPUTERS Several members of the City Council are active in California Contract Cities, the League of California Cities, and National League of Cities and frequently receive urgent a-mails and faxes. At the same time the information age increasingly demands that Councilmembers have instant access to communications from constituents and state and local municipal organizations. Since the City has already purchased two computers for Council use, the start up cost of the program would be $2,000, plus installation, for each computer. Ongoing annual charges for telephone and internet access would be $600 for each participating Councilmember.