CC - Item IV.CC-C - Six Month Extension On Housing Element Updatestaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ~ DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 -7r SUBJECT: AB 1744 (LONGVILLE) SIX-MONTH EXTENSION ON HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE (SUPPORT) Attached for the City Council's review is a copy of AB 1744 (Longville), a current bill status, and a letter from SCAG requesting Rosemead's support for the measure. Current Housing Element law requires that local jurisdictions update their General Plan Housing Elements by June 30, 2000. As introduced, this bill would allow cities an additional six months to complete the required updates. Moreover, this bill is an urgency measure and, in order to pass, requires a two-thirds support vote. If passed, the bill would take effect immediately and extend the Housing Element submission deadline to December 31, 2000. Whereas, current census data is ten years old and staff time is spent researching valid estimations and projections for the Housing Element demographic and market data, many communities- including Rosemead-are finding it difficult to complete their demographic and market need data analyses. Consequently, where research is not possible, staff must rely on the 1990 Census data. Likewise, since the new Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) statistics are based on estimations and require cities in "built-out communities" like Rosemead to look at different ways in which to meet projected unit demands, these RHNA numbers complicate the demographic data and market analysis interrelationship. Hence, in order to allow ample time in which to complete a . Housing Element that will most accurately represent the City of Rosemead and which will be endorsed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), staff recommends that the City of Rosemead support the passage of A81744 (Longville). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council support AB 1744 (Longville) and authorize the appropriate correspondence. aer Attachments COUNCIL AGENDA F E B 2 2 2000 ITEM No. ~ ~ _e January 29, 2000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Mr. Frank Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770-1714 ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Dear Mr.Tripepi: Main Office I am writing to request that the City of Rosemead support Assembly Bill 1744 818 West Seventh Street (Longville), which provides for a six-month extension of the due date for 12th Floor completion of local housing element revisions. Should your City Council vote to support AB 1744, a letter expressing that support should be sent to Assembly Los Angeles, California Member Longville with copies to your State Senator, Assembly Member and 90017-3435 SCAG. The copies to SCAG should be forwarded to Michael Murphy, Senior Government Affairs Officer, Southern California Association of Governments, t (213) 236-18co 818 W. Seventh Street, 12ih Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. f (213) 236 1825 On December 2, 1999, the Southern California Association of Governments www.scag.ca.gov (SCAG) Regional Council voted to have SCAG sponsor state legislation ox;=en: • Rr.ideni: snpeniror ze, rno,la.,ty, providing for a six-month extension of the due date for local jurisdictions within e Mgele, cnnniy • F.... ,,.e Pierideni the SCAG region to complete their housing element revisions. Under existing Coondlmemherder Bams.Goy dms Da-,Sa sarond aY¢Raidenl: SUper.osm Kathy llrvi An law, local governments within the SCAG region must complete revisions of their Bernar&no CaudF ' Immcdlam Pan Rnidenn Minor BOB Barden. C, or.11-iaca general plan housing elements by June 30, 2000. Assembly Bill 1744 proposes ImPea al c.cona"T.role" , dii,n'I Co-,' to extend the housing element revision completion date by six months, from Da,d Dh I]-. El Crono ' lo, Mpdo Cnnnp: Yvonne B aan.ane R.A, June 30, 2000 to December 31, 2000. "Mg=la Counn • k Y,-I-I,. Lm AnBeler Covmy • Fileen Muri, Diamund Bar • &,b George i. ""m Bem,lla ' Hal Br"Le BernBILL— W An ALIge] l, ro Geor ' Assembly Member John Longville (D-Rialto) has graciously agreed to author the Georg, , cb`° mnri Lain, Crack. k. Cocoa Rn Mb a R`n`5e P a - laura measure and introduced Assembly Bill 1744 on January 11, 2000. As AB 1744 onda. Im gan gene i 1 P"'m°""' • Jelin ,elrr, "'m °`""g`'° Ins Miad Feu • is an urgency measure, meaning that it becomes effective immediately upon .`.1'd,, Feuer, Ins Angcl en; "de, r, I'd,, ' Jarlla w'd~or r ign° • " e:,mn:u. Long Bea=n - Dee xaminaon.mrrana passage by the Legislature and signature into law by the Governor, and must be \'Jle Hernandea. Loy Mgder• Nan Hnlden, Lm enacted prior to June 30, 2000, I anticipate that the bill will be moving through Angrier • lams.... Ankle,. Ingle-cl - An M1 Mevnhy. Doanp • Cindy Nhwil nki, Loy the Legislature on an aggressive time schedule. Therefore, immediate action by Mgeler • Sucry AfurpM1y, Buricnk • Pain o Connor. Rama hmnaa - Jenny On', Inn, your City Council and communication with Assembly Member Longville and Reach • .uak Pa=he=o. mr Angeles - Ale. Padma, 14, Mgel=, • Bob Rn.lr,, Redonda Berm - your state legislators is critical to ensure the success of AB 1744. Beau r Rra, Rro Nrv • Marl Rod],nonc Wa MB=ler • Pi[M1a:d Riordan.Im Mgdcs • 1]rcn Rm=mbaL Clammone • 11amne ILL.. Cori.. Rndy s.anm=h, yo~ Angdei - Nod TARIa, Thank you, in advance, for your support of the bill. Should you or your staff Alhambra • Jo. I roach,. Ins Angaer • RIU NSIiera. Lo:Angn,•lE,ic,11,rbhn,n,Calabau,-Pant have any questions regarding this request, please call SCAG Senior Government Zee., Co..,: I.IlL n,Ch Charles h. orange C oumk orange Affairs Officer Michael Murphy at (213) 236-1820. Ron &I,,. I , Al • Ralph B..m A- xuming , Beach • ALL Bn mn. Ru Pr.rk - nizahnh Co-, Co,u Me.- Jan Rb+y. Scram Bnah• Cad, n Sincerely, DeYce- Air . Lule ?igud Naharard dOae rLded Duke a Palma slink) M Mo... Ld. Ar. - Ea,,, PCrp; B,,a M,L,aide Co.., jam=s Venable R,u,de / Cnwmy • Disk Kelly Pala De-- Charles white. \lorenok'alIg- Ron lmaidge. Roenlde• Mdm 01, C"ranaRon RobenyT S.. l K,ihy \~\YJ f/9%J/•"" San Bernardino Coo : gvhy Ra 9n .:mraino ounn - • Ini Bdl AI=:und,, er. Rancho C Mark Pisano a• pm Baglq:T•+emyrdae PaMr Dand y WeniInnan N.rocana•,,ie;a,c:anna=r Executive Director . e.eennuonon.Pe:n: Ch, .n Wk • Ray R Ru=ler. wguma a'eniera Cutup- Judi Mikd,, ven urn Counn - Enclosure (1) Donna De he]'. L+ Buenn=nwn • Mdm. For, Tounnd Oala -Tory Yovng. Pon Hueneme Mwrside County hamyon,don Commission, MPM.32148 Robin Lon, Hemel r2mm. Co.., tt.Rdruuon Cammiadna. Boll Davie, simi Valley I'A Pcn,.a n. I-d.d Rn.r csc-iv°irrc e 7 7 n o_ r a Q^ q=q OT ~i ^ m c ym n o j MS O' fl _ P m u ~ ~ Y ~ W ^ yJ ~ ^p p R>-~f 2d cWS_ m<w -9 G d ~ ^ d 00~ 'J ~J ^1 K' n1 6 w'O O R~ n y~ ~ W i pri ~ 6 A 'mm y- oeoo~'"" c y ao 3, R o°-nom Em np 0 0 ~ ~~'<__~^NBRc S~ _co T R p o N. n N m p- w, o. 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