CC - Item II.A - Development Block GrantTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK. G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ~ DATE: APRIL 3. 2000 RE' PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME ALLOCATION FOR FY 2000-2001 As part of the requirements of the federal Consolidated Plan process, the City is required to hold a public hearing regarding the projected use of funds, as well as a public hearing to adopt the. final- Consolidated ,PIan. In order to receive the FY 2000-2001 allocation, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan Final Rule regarding presubmission requirements: 1. Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding projected use of funds; 2. Publish a draft Consolidated Plan for a 30-day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; 3. Hold a second public hearing to receive citizen input regarding the final Plan and to adopt the Consolidated Plan. COUNCIL AGENDA APR 11 2000 i ITEM No. staf epor CDBG and HOME Allocation, page 2 The Consolidated Plan takes all HUD requirements regarding planning, needs analysis, reporting, budgeting, citizen input and certifications and incorporates them into one document. The full Consolidated Plan must be completed once every five (5) years, while the One Year Action Plan must be done annually. The City anticipates that it will receive $1,513,000 in CDBG funds and will reprogram carryover allocation from prior years. Based on this amount, the City estimates that it will have $3,983,812 available for projects in FY 2000. The City anticipates that it will receive $504,000 in HOME funds and will reprogram carryover allocation from prior years. Based on this amount, the City estimates that it will have $955,150 in regular HOME funds and $353,850 in required Community Housing Development Organization funds (CHDO). Currently, there is no CHDO operating in the City of Rosemead. For your review and approval are the attached budget and projects for FY 2000. Please note that in the area of public service grants, there is less funding available in FY 2000 than there was in FY 1999, due to the 15% cap based on full grant amount. The amount available for public service grants for FY 2000 is $226,950. The amount that was available in FY 1999 was $229,126. The following attachments are included: Table: Resources-CDBG; Table: Resources-HOME; Table: Projected vs. Actual Funds Available (includes budgeting); Table: Proposed Budget 2000-2001, CDBG; Table: Proposed Budget 2000-2001, HOME; Table: Public Service Grant Applications; the public service agencies grant applications; FY 2000 requests from Engineering. RECOMMENDATION 1. Staff recommends, after public testimony, review and after any amendments, that the City Council approve the City's proposed CDBG and HOME programs and projected use of funds for FY 2000-2001 and authorize staff to include this in the Consolidated Plan. CDBG and HOME Allocation, page 3 Staff recommends budget amounts as follows: CDBG Administration $178,000 Fair Housing (an admin. expense) $23,000 Code Enforcement $97,500 Housing Code Compliance $54,756 Rehab. Activities $58,968 Res. Rehabilitation $250,000 Commercial Rehabilitation $250,000 Public Services $226,950 Garvey Community Center $900,000 Grand Avenue Storm Drain $235,000 Ralph/Olney/Hart $800,000 Street Lighting Project $425,000 St. Resurfacing $450,000 TOTAL $3,983,812 HOME Administration $25,200 Res. Rehab (low interest loans) - $409,750 15` Time Home Buyer $520,200 TOTAL $955,150 2. That the Council consider the public service applications and award funding, within the 15% cap amount available, to public service agencies that have submitted applications (see table: Public Service Grant Applications) 3. That the City Council authorize the City Manager, or designee, to act as the official representative of the City to submit the Consolidated Plan and all understanding and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to act in connection with the submission of the Consolidated Plan and to provide such additional information as may be required. TABLES E 7 O O o o N C. 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O N ~ V O M (0 V N t0 J a m 0 H v~ v3 E 0 U C E m 0 0 ` a F» fn F» o Q ° a) 0 o Z o 0 J o o 0 0 ~ rn o 0 a r N ~ W ~ E U N t/1 p^ W v _ a E» Ev 0 0 o Q o ~ 0 Z 0 o o m ~ o r M c m o r ~ ~n C J LL U N O a` e» F» m v m E - 0 F- m 2 t v o E c ~ o y E ` c IL 0 0 0 N N D) 0 0 0 N oc~ M m m 0 0 0 N co r N 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 F» O 0 0 N C6 N fA 0 Z w O Q x U W O m S c CITY OF ROSEMEAD Proposed Budget, FY 2000-2001, CDBG z 5 T' trier fvr L r =,PROGRAM, s i- < ;,1999 2000 f, i 1 200022200 PRORO~SED'L Administration 178,000 178,000 Fair Housing 23,000 23,000 Rehabilitation Inspections 100,000 0 Code Enforcement 97,500 97,500 Housing Code Compliance (formerly Rehab. Inspections) 54,756.00 Rehabilitation Activities (formerly Rehab. Inspections 58,968.00 Residential Rehabilitation 250,000 250,000 Commercial Rehabilitation 250,000 284,638.17 Public Services 229,126 226,950 Garvey Community Center 750,000 900,000 Grand Avenue Storm Drain 235,000 235,000 Ralph/Olney/Hart 800,000 800,000 Water Quality (Adams Mutual) 150,000 0 St. Resurfacing '98 55,000 0 Valley Close Out 60,000 0 Lorica Close Out 32,000 0 Rosemead High School 25,000 0 Handicapped Access Ramp 10,000 0 Street Lighting Project 0 - 425,000 St. Resurfacing '01 0 450,000 TOTALS 3,244,626 3,983,812.17 CITY OF ROSMEAD Proposed Budget, FY 2000-2001, HOME PROGRAMu X1999 2000"=BUDGET,e 2000E20011PROPQSED; Administration 50,300 25,200 Res. Rehab (low interest) 479,750 409,750 1 Time Home Buyer N/A 520,200 Does not include required CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization) set-aside. Current CHDO set-aside: $278,250; anticipated addition of $75,600, for a total required set-aside of $353,850. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Public Service Grant Applications _Pub ie ServicertAgency 99 00) Budget4{S 00 01#Reguesff0 t;Coun61 Allocation ; Boys and Girls Club 24,600 24,600 Family Counseling 40,000 40,000 Juvenile Diversion Program 48,000 78,487 Senior Nutrition 87,000 87,000 Rosemead School District 12,134 12,134 A & R Childcare 9,133 47,971 People for People 8,259 8,259 WYCA of San Gabriel Valley N/A 20,000 TOTALS 229,126 318,451 Total available for Public Services: 226,950. Public Service grant amounts capped at 15% of current CDBG grant. REQUESTS 1 DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS FY 2000-2009 NEW PROJECTS DEPARTMENT: NAME OF PROPOSED PROJECT: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT/: / TYPE OF POPULATION TO BE ASSISTED (e.g. +51% low/mod income, handicapped/disabled, homeless, low/mod income youth, business, microenterprise, etc.): lcw / rn~-.4 ANTICIPATED PROJECT START DATE: h d-L ANTICIPATED PROJECT END DATE: /,u 3 / , Yo uv PROPOSED FUNDING BY (circle or CDBG,~ R HOME: Community Development Only: National Objective to be met: 1) low/mod_, 2) Slum/blight-, 3) Urgent Need (if URGENT NEED, Define why it meets this criteria) Consistent with Consolidated Plan? Y N Does Plan need to be amended? Y N What are quantifiable objectives: Other comments: DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS FY 2000-2001 NEW PROJECTS DEPARTMENT: NAME OF PROPOSED PROJECT: D TYPE OF POPULATION TO BE ASSISTED (e.g. +51% low/mod income, handicapped/disabled, homeless, low/mod income youth, business, microenterprise, etc.): / ' _ . Gi= w rv~-mac ANTICIPATED PROJECT START DATE: r / ANTICIPATED PROJECT END DATE: G ' /aG o l PROPOSED IF BY (circle on ~DD R HOME: `s0 vvv Community Development Only: National Objective to be met: 1) low/mod_, 2) Slum/blight 3) Urgent Need (if URGENT NEED, Define why it meets this criteria) Consistent with Consolidated Plan? Y N Does Plan need to be amended? Y .N What are quantifiable objectives: Other comments: