CC - Item IV.CC-F - Council For Urban Economic Development Real Estate Redevelopment Training Courselj TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 4, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZTION TO ATTEND THE COUNCIL FOR URBAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REAL ESTATE REDEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE, JUNE 8-9, 2000, PORTLAND, OREGON Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Sessions will include the following subjects: How the Redevelopment Process works, The Fundamentals that Drive Real Estate Redevelopment, How to Assess the feasibility of Redevelopment Projects, and How to Negotiate with Developers and Contractors. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Council member, City Manager and staff as assigned by the City Manager. COUNCIL AGENDA APR 112000 ITEM No.C~rP staf epor Areas of blight, obsolete infrastructure, and environmental contamination are obstacles to economic development. Dilapidated properties that formerly generated jobs, tax revenue and economic vitality can be redeveloped and made productive again. CUEDs Real Estate Redevelop-ment provides you with the hands-on skills you need to accomplish redevelopment in your community. The course addresses how to assess private feasibility and public benefits of redevelop-ment projects, as well as financing and other mechanisms to encourage the reuse of these properties. Attendees should bring a financial calculator to class. You will learn: • How the redevelopment process works • The fundamentals that drive real estate redevlopment • How to encourage re-development through tax Affiliates: financing, zoning, and land assetnbly • 'How to assess the feasibility of redevelopent proj ects • How to negotiate with developers and contractors Trainer University Ed Gilliland, currently the Director of Advisory Services Related Research Parks at CUED, has more than twelve years of experience consulting on redevelopment projects. His expertise is in © strategic planning, downtown revitalization, brownfield ationa redevelopment, public private partnerships, financial Association of analysis, transportation economics, and economic impacts. Installation Mr. Gilliland directs CUED's work with the EPA on Developers brownfields, DOE on their energy communities, and the DOJ on their Weed and Seed neighborhoods. He holds an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden Graduate School in Business Administration. The o finger Foundation program at-a-glance EM Day One IN THIS SECTION: conference site Conference session proposal Registration Can't find something? Search the CUED site! Search CUED 9:00am - 10:00am International Network for Introduction to Redevelopment Economic Developers 10:00am - 12:30pm Development Feasability SITESEEKER -am 2:00pm - 6:00pm Corporate Site Real Estate Finance Seekers Center Day Two 9:00am - 12:00pm nteractive Redevlopment Tools and Resources Economic Development 1 30pm - 4:30pm Network RFP's and Developers CUED is located . at: Offered: 1730 K Street, NW 1) April 27-28, 2000 Suite 700 Washington, DC Covington, Kentucky 20006 Northern Kentucky Convention Center Phone: (202) 223-4735 2) June 8-9, 2000 Fax: (202) Portland, Oregon 2234745 Hilton Portland Visitors can contact CUED via • Online Registration phone, fax, or . email. To learn more about this or any other training course that CUED offers, send an email to info@cued.org. BUSINESS t^CILITIES Hits since Jan ^Sourre for Corporate Site Selectors 2000: 9346 © 2000 CUED CUED Online Registration Form CY Training Courses EW Please Note: CUED course tuition includes registration fees, course manual, copies of overheads and other handouts. Back to the main Cancellation policy; Written requests for full refund of prepaid enrollment will CUED site be honored, less a $50 cancellation fee, if received 18 days before the beginning Back to CUED of the specific course. Refunds will not be granted after that date. Substitutions Training may be made at any time without penalty. Course fees are as follows. To review the early registration cut-off dates, please refer to each course's individual web page. 2-Day Course 3-Day Course 4-Day Course * Early Late * Early Late * Early Late Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. CUED $345 $425 $425 $495 $495 $545 Member Non-Member $425 $495 $525 $595 $545 $625 Personal Information: Full Name: I I am a member of CUED: 0Yes ONO First Name for nametag: 1 -1 Title: Organization: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Fax: Email Address: Website: Please send me information on future CUED courses. Please send me additional membership information. Training Courses: I would like to attend the following training courses: CUED Courses COURSE less Retention and Estate Redevelopn Estate DATE(S) March 20-21, 2000 April 10-I1, 2000 April 27-28, 2000 May 8-9, 2000 June 8-9, 2000 June 12-15, 2000 June 22-23, 2000 Economic Development Finance July 10-12, 2000 (Economic Development Planning August 3-4, 2000 7Managing Economic Development Organizations September 7-8, 2000 LOCATION New Orleans, LA Denver, CO Covington, KY Providence, RI Portland, OR Boulder, CO Covington, KY Cleveland, OH Monterey, CA Atlanta, GA _nIntroduction to Economic Development October 16-19, 2000 St. Paul, NIN nBusiness Retention and Expansion November 15-16, 2000Tampa, FL Payment: Credit Card Information: OVISA CMastercard CAmerican Express Cardholder Name: Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: I Submit Registration Clear form and start over r Back to the CUED site!