CC - Item IV.CC-I - Petition To The State Water Resources Control Boardstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL AGENDA "APR 1' 2000 ITEM No. -� FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 11, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO JOIN THE CITY OF SIGNAL HILL'S PETITION TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CONTESTING ACTION TAKEN BY THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD IN CONNECTION WITH STANDARD URBAN STORMWATER LARWQCB ORDER NO. 96 -054 At the regular March 28 meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 00 -13 supporting the City of Signal Hill's petition that appeals a recent Regional Water Quality Control Board unilateral action imposing more restrictive standards for stormwater clean -up. At this point twenty -seven Los Angeles County cities have confirmed interest in formally joining the petition. By joining the petition, a city is named in the appeal action to the State Board. Based on the Council's support for their petition, Signal Hill has offered the City of Rosemead the option of joining as a petitioner with these other cities. Signal Hill management staff has estimated expense costs for the petition appeal at less than $70,000. They anticipate each City's cost share at between $2,000 42,500. Expenses may include professional services, presentation development and incidental travel. Signal Hill is hopeful expenses will be significantly less than their estimate. If the petition appeal proves unsuccessful, then the question of litigation may need to be addressed. At that point, staff would return to the City Council with an analysis of the options available. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize joining the City of Signal Hill's petition to the State Water Resources Control Board contesting action taken by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board in connection with Standard Urban Stormwater LARWQCB Order No. 96- 054, and approve the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $2500 from appropriated reserves.