CC - Item 4E - Additional Traffic Control Signs At The Intersection Of Arica Ave. & Rio Dell St.staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL P SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ARICA AVENUE AND RIO DELL STREET FROM: ~ INK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 23, 2000 DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell Street in response to a recent complaint citing a need for additional traffic signs at the curve of this intersection in order to slow down traffic. Based on a review of the existing conditions; the reported accident history, and field observations, staff found no evidence of high-speed turns or difficulty in turning at the subject site. However, staff did-find-a-need-for additional trafficsigns-identifying-the curve and recommended the following: - Eastbound Rio Dell approximately 150 feet west of Arica Avenue -advance curve warning sign. 2. Eastbound Rio Dell in "head-on" position at Arica Avenue -single head arrow sign pointing right. 3. Northbound Arica Avenue in "head-on" position at Rio Dell - single head arrow sign pointing left. At the March-2 meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to approve the staff recommendation. The recommendation was amended to include the installation of double yellow centerline markings and large botts dots on the curve portion of the subject intersection. - MAY 2 3 2040 -.CG=E ITEitf? No. IV Rosemead City Council May 23, 2000 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of warning signs, double yellow centerline markings and large botts dots at the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell Street. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A - Staff report, dated February 22, 2000 Exhibit B -Figure 1 Exhibit C - Minutes, dated March 2, 2000 ~SF,NT BY: ;12-53-60 ; 2:32AM ; 2136952120 626 307 9216;4 2 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RE: ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ARICA AVENUE AND RIO DELL REQUEST Staff was requested to review the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell. There was a recent complaint that the curve'at this intersection needed additional signs to slow down traffic. Specifically, vehicles traveling eastbound on Rio Dell are "speeding" around the curve. CONDITIONS The intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell forms a "90-degree" curve. There are no stripes on the roadways. There is an existing curve warning sign for northbound Arica Avenue .(north _of Rose Street) south-of the..curve. -.The prima.-- facie speed limit on both streets is 25 mph. An exhibit will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting showing the general conditions of the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell. _.DATA The reported. accident history at the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1996 through September 30, 1999. This review indicated one reported accident at the intersection. This accident _ involved a southbound vehicle making a U-turn sideswiping three parked cars. The primary collision factor was reported as "unsafe speed/improper turn". DISCUSSION Field observation of the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell revealed no physical evidence (such as tire marks on the street, run over objects) of vehicles having difficulty executing the turn. However, there does appear to be a need for additional traffic signs identifying the curve. - E`C'riIBYT "All _$ENT BY: ;12-53-80 ; 2:32AM 2136952120 526 307 92184 3 Additional Traffic Control Signs at the Intersection of Arica Avenue an Rio Dell Page 2 RECOMMENDATION The installation of the followin warning signs on Arica Avenue and Rio Dell is recommended: 1. Eastbound Rio Dell approxi ately 150 feet west of Arica Avenue - advanced curve warning sign. 2. Eastbound Rio Dell in "hea -on" position at Arica Avenue - single head arrow sign pointing right. 3. Northbound Arica Avenue in "head-on" position at Rio Dell - single head arrow sign pointing left. These recommendations will be depicted on Exhibit 1 available at the Traffic Commission meeting. X\R6dlArica cnd Rio cell 05/16/00 NO SCALE 19:09 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ylnll W5'I(RT) do naw paaia+ curb wtr>n ~,o~re~t~ "4ZC7 ~ "9Z67%z" and °g26q"' Fa~•,'~ on Curk~ X l D DELL 2ny+nll W36U) on hc'J ?6b+ bft+w Vl aclar~ "9zz4 4rtd ••9228" Con tk'tll+ double yellow e~.,rtier~;nQ w~~ rca~sccl ~ ROSEMEAD v Q 9OSE - EXHIBIT !!B" [a 002 In tizj 51 (LT) SttCG+ Karma b'«'r7 and 11tig1,bo~1~ ~~t, grgn. Exi ~9 w3ILT) -Exh~b~ f 1 RO.SEMEAD TRAFFIC COAT R&WON MARCH 2. 2000 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla Commissioners: Knapp, Baf3b, Ruiz Absent: Commissioner Herrera Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Baffo I- APPROVAL OF MJNUTES- Deferred to the next Meeting IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Helen Gunthrie IH. IV. 4 Ms. Gunthrie thanked the Commission for the increase in patrol on Marshall Street. OLD BUSINESS - None - - NEW BUSINESS A. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION . OF ARICA AVENUE AND RIO DELL, Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff was requested to review the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell. There was a recent complaint that the curve at this intersection needed additional signs to slow down traffic.- Specifically, vehicles traveling eastbound on Rio Dell are "speeding" around the curve. The intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell forms a "90-degree" curve. There are no stripes on the roadways. There is an existing curve warning sign for northbound Arica Avenue (north of Rose Street) south of the curve. The prima facie speed limit on both streets is 25 mph. The reported accident history at the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1996 through September 30, 1999. This - review indicated one reported accident at the intersection. This accident involved a southbound vehicle making U-turn sideswiping three parked cars. The primary collision factor was reported as "unsafe speed/improper turn". Field observation of the intersection of Arica Avenue and Rio Dell revealed no physical evidence (such as tire marks on the street, run over objects), of vehicles having difficulty executing the turn. However, there does appear to be a need for additional traffic signs identifying the curve. - - - V. VI. NTH. EXHIBIT "C" RECOMMENDATION: The installation of the following warning signs on Arica Avenue and Rio Dell was recommended: I. Eastbound Rio Dell approximately 150 feet west of Arica Avenue, advanced curve warning sign. _ 2. Eastbound-Rio Dell in "head-on" position at Arica Avenue, single head arrow sign pointing right. 3. Northbound Arica Avenue in "head-on" position at Rio Dell - single head arrow sign pointing left. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded-by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the addition of double yellow striping and bolt dots be installed at this location, approximately 100' ft. from the curve. V. STAFFREPORTS Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that the signage at Marshall and Vane will be installed soon. Traffic Operations has been backed up with the recent rains. Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that the budgeting for Crossing Guards, Bill Crowe is currently handling the Crossing Guard Program and he will be looking at available Grant funding. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ruiz stated that at Loftus and Temple City Boulevard, the large trucks are blocking the intersection as the light turns red, and would like to see a "Do Not Block Intersection" sign installed. In addition, when entering the freeway, they are merging from the right turn lane into the left turn lane. Commissioner Ruiz also stated that at Guess and Rio Hondo at the northwest corner, there is green/beige mailbox that is obstructing the view of traffic, and should be moved to the southwest corner. Commissioner Knapp stated that People for People is having a birthday luncheon on Monday, 20i1, at 11:30 a.m. at Charley Browns. VII. AD.IOURNNiFNT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular scheduled meeting is set for April 6, 2000.