CC - Item 2C - Consideration of The Negative Declaration Prepared For The Grand Ave. Storm Drainstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: - ---JUNE-7-12000 -77 RE: PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION PREPARED FOR THE GRAND AVENUE STORM DRAIN Attached for your consideration is a Negative Declaration, prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 21000 et. seq. of the Public Resources Code) for the subject project. The finding of the Negative Declaration is that the proposed --projects-will- not- have a- significant impact on the environment-due 'to the mitigation - measures that have been added to the project. A Public Hearing to consider the adoption-of the-Negative Declaration for the projects has - been noticed for Tuesday, June 13, 2000. Pursuant to Sections 15072 and 15073 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, public notice of the availability, intent to - adopt the Negative Declaration and opportunity for public_rev_iew_of the document were- given. Notice of the Public Hearing regarding the adoption of the Negative Declaration, _.-opportunity-to-comment-,and-the-availability-of the-document-was published in the loc5I__ paper on April-27,_2000. No comments were received.. ^nl t:IC~~ r~~''el7~ J U N 1 qV 2000 ITr- 1 :o. C 'A June 7, 2000 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council: 1. Open the Public Hearing on the adoption of the Negative Declaration for the Grand Avenue Storm Drain. 2. Following the public hearing, adopt and approve the Negative Declaration. Attachments 2000rsmd/staff. tla - - INITIAL STUDY AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project Title: .2. Lead Agency Name and Address: - - _ Grand Avenue Storm Drain City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: 4. Project Location: - 5.- ' Project Sponsor's Name and Address Ken Rukavina, City Engineer (626) 569-2151 Grand Avenue - 280 feet west of Delta Avenue/Walnut Grove Avenue City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 6. General Plan Designation:___.-_ N/A 7. Zoning: N/A 8. Description of Project The proposed project is located in the City of Rosemead in the County of Los Angeles. The regional location is shown on Figure 1,- The project location-is shown on Figures 2 and The proposed project consists_of-a storm,drain,-approxirnately_1,-125 linearfeet in length-.. to be constructed of 36 to 42-inch reinforced concrete mainline storm drain pipe in_Grand _ - - -------Avenue approzimafely 286-fee t west of the intersection of Delta Avenue and Walnut Grove - -=,__=Avenue=in.-the-City=of==Rosemead;-Califoniia=-The-storm=drain---mainline wou e T constructed in a trench'approximately 5 feet wide and at a depth of between 8 and 11 feet. Appurtenant to the storm drain_mainline-would.be. the-construction-of-1 8-inch-and-24-inch storm drain laterals and curb-side catch basins varying in width from 3.5 feet to 14 feet. - . _ - The entire storm drain- system -wouId-be-constructed-in the exsting`public street7ig ht-of-- way. The downstream terminus of the storm drain would be located 280 feet west of Delta Avenue where it would connect to the existing Grand Avenue storm drain which was constructed under Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) Permit No. 94005-D. The proposed project would not result in the removal of any scenic resource such as mature trees or landscaping and would not result in any change in land use or land use density in the project area. City of r?osemead 1- Neoative Declaration IYnrr bl LP C PRr1_I;:rT RITF GyEOU[IOO ONwvv~a _..--~v.~~=~_ t~~---> - a= '-vim _ es..z O ylb~ Gar O 6~[ FVilEFTOM O OCy [ - - - ols ~Iwv 0 011~M0[ O~ 0[~a eEtcw _ .ME[TLIMCTEY ~ fuffl u1P D • - - ~ fOUMT11 . - - ~ l Y~L M0 _ - LET FIGURE 1 - REGIONAL LOCATION ' - City o1 Rosemead 2- Neoative Declaration o. C A P.R. C 0 Ww •~n WEST ~[DS u iC ~ v ul soey~svg seuloyl L55lO W a m 4 O_ ~ y FIGURE 2 - PROJECT LOCATION ~ ~ -rU.33~arri _w Y 3 w>`~0. - --3NVn 0 1 O ul _ )toOaeNSVl G C. W 7 J Y _N4 OOngH Q J m. 1 J w .05 - HL d' ~il' '6"Fai S o C u.1 rI~fWU W 4 31 VONII 3 6 G C Q w . _ W ION3; G ) w N 4 C < ~1 . _OKGJ~ O w '~A&rN CI I 2y ? ul rm w °c N Vl fiS O <w w D . (lr2W~ bOa I =W 3 W > 31rON?3a9 ` I y e D ij 2 13N W 2!)0 < m 1 - - - 1213 _ 0 0-T V ad Vl j ?'7iaV5 I 64 < VSin 7tl ` N n u > p c. N' - molar IIW111m _ 3NKDO a C _ 3L1l1VH= _ -3IIO'SavMD 5fIIADNV S - -HOCJ.aO _ -SON- ? NI/Jd - ygIC3HONiM < 2 ) - Nb'S - Nld I I y-- ~ - _ 53i1r7 I -nVdV 1 0 0 l a D ~ _ - _ NNIVM - NOa3WYD _ D. - I au. J _ - I _ _ ~IOFTVa_1NIV5 J' YW_VBrT'. .r .-~y.0_ VW 130 w N o DA z vNDa3D _ _ S < 3NOa7 VTD~•3S ~ w W n311W ti C C w ON" J N _ -NOSP7vr w i -uDWDav - - Da !t(V W D --311J-.1'1OW I SN3A 15 U ~NVW w N - .NDV:357v e7ra~ _ cJ~ N OWb2J _ - - = 13N 3aDWaD.IS ~ W ~ - -71Ntla3~ z - --v?lvn ✓ aD3A ~ W solo I - u i u r W r . 0 Q _ v J C Ld c ~ 2 S W N 0 - - O z u- • 0 W r w J O • O ~ • v C L - Z O I _ U S r LLj U r W Z d U Q ~^r Tom' ~ .Q ~ 3A~ pti7llM vi _ _ Nr - - - - - - --3na - 31av3'- _ - 3AY-- .130 - - - 3AO 31101MIH] - FIGURE 3 - DETAIL OF PROJECT LOCATION The City has chosen to prepare an Initial Study for the project in order to consider the potential effects of the project as a whole and to fully inform the public, adjacent jurisdictions and concerned agencies about the proposed project. 9. Other agencies whose approval is required (and permits needed): United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (A separate Environmental Assessment for the project has been prepared pursuant to HUD guidelines, and includes a recommendation for the. adoption of a FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact). has been prepared) California State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO did not respond to a letter of - request for review of archeological/historical findings (dated September 13, 1999) within 30 days. This indicates agreement with the findings of the South Central Coast Information Center and the City of Rosemead.) Cou my-of-Los-Angeles,-Build in g-and-Safety/L-a nd-Deve lopment-D ivision-S ubd ivis Plan Checking Section, Drainage and Grading Unit Los Angeles County Flood Control District Southern California Edison 10. References 1. City of Rosemead, Environmental Assessment of Grand Avenue Storm Drain, prepared for the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, City of_Rosemead, General Plan, 1987 - - - ._3:---- City of Rosemead,-General-Plan Environmental-Impact Report,-1986---- - - -z _ -Gty of.Rosemead, Letter.to Lucinda. Woodward, State Office of Historical - - - - - Preservation (SHPO), September 13, 1999. SHPO's failure to respond within 30 Y -days indicat'e's agreement"with t[iFfi?~-diiig-s-of'tie-s7o-utrC~-er-itral' cast _-Information.Center-an_d_t_h_eCity_of-Rosemead _regardingarcheological/historical_--- resource impacts. 5. City of Rosemead, Municipal Code 6. County of Los Angeles, Department of Building and Safety, Land Development Division, Subdivision Plan Checking Section, Drainage and Grading Unit, Conditional Plan Approval, July 27, 1999 7. County of Los Angeles,. Department of Building and Safety, Land Development Division, Subdivision Plan Checking Section, Drainage and Grading Unit, Review of Hydrology Study March 4, 1999 8. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Handbook, April 1993 - _ - City of. Rosemead-- -5- Necative Declaration 9. UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Letter No. 8032, September 2, 1999 10. Willdan Associates, Grand Avenue Storm Drain Conceptual Plan, M.T.D. No. 1591, Line A,"August 1999 .__-City of Rosemead-- 6- Negative Declaration B. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The environmental issue areas checked below would potentially be affected by this project, since there is at least one 'Potentially Significant Impact' or "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigated" identified for these issue areas on the checklist on the following pages. Land Use and Planning X Transportation/Circulation Public Services - Population and Housing Biological Resources Utilities Earth Resources Energy and Mineral Resources Aesthetics Water Risk of Upset.and Human Health. X Cultural- - - - - - - - Resources Air Quality X Noise Recreation Mandatory Findings of Significance D. DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: - I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ - --1 find-that althouoh the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will-not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached-sheet have - ----been added to the-project-A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. _ I find that the-proposed project MAY have a"significant effect on the __-environment,-and-an-ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT-REPORT-is required- - - E1 - -_-Lfind that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but.at,lease,one.effect 1-)-has-been adequately,analyzed-in an-earlier-dbffument pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by_mitigation-_-___ - -------=measures based-on the earlier-analysis as described-on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially significant impact" or "potential significant unless mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. Signature KPH /2u/cari~.-+~ Printed Name - _7_ Date For - - City of Rosemead Negative Declaration E. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM - Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant Unless Significant Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with general plan designation or ❑ ❑ p zoning? b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the ❑ ❑ ❑ vicinity? d)-Affect-agricuItoral-resources or operations - (e.g., impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low- - - Income or minority community). ❑ ❑ - - p - ® 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local ❑ ❑ ❑ population projections? - - - in - -b) Induce substantial growth in_an area either-_ - directly of indirectly (e.g, through projects in _ an_undeveloped- area_or_extension of-major--:-- - ❑ ° - - infrastructure)? especially c Dios lace existin housing- - ) - - ❑ - ❑ _ ® - _ affr_datile.housiing?--_-- 3 GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal = result=in-orexpose people'to potential impacts - ` involving: a) Fault rupture? ❑ O ❑ b) Seismic ground shaking? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Seismic ground failure, including ❑ ❑ ❑ liquefaction? d) Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Landslides or mudflows? ❑ ❑ ❑ o/ Rosemead 'e Declaration _ _ _r Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant Unless Significant Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable ❑ ❑ ® ❑ soil conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? g) Subsidence of land? ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Expansive soils? ❑ ❑ ❑ i) Unique geologic or physical features? ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage ❑ ❑ ® ❑ patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? b) Exposure of people or property to water- - ❑ - ❑ ` ❑ related hazards such as flooding? - c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)?T _ ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Changes in the amount of surface water in ❑ ❑ ❑ any water_bgdy?, m.u_ _ _ _ _ e) Changes in currents or the course or- - ;O ® direction of water movements? f) Change in the quantity_of ground waters either through direct additions or ithdrawals or-through.interception-of-ah~== - aquifer by cuts or excavations-or through- - - - - - - - - substantial loss of groundwater recharge - ~capa6ility? - z_ g) AlteFed direction or rate of flow of - ❑ ❑ ❑ ® - groundwater? h) Impacts to groundwater quality? ❑ ❑ ❑ i) Substantial reduction in the amount of n 13 ❑ groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? 5. - AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute ❑ ❑ ❑ to an existing or projected air quality violation? - - City of Rosemead ._Necative Declaration b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? Potentially Potentially Significant Significant Unless Impact Mitigated c) Alter air movement, moisture, or ❑ temperature-or cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors? ❑ 6. TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion?_ b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? ❑ Less- than- Significant Impact No Impact ❑ ❑ c Inade uate-emergency_access or access-to---- _ _-E . ® ~--E nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity onsite or E ® ❑ E offsite? e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or E ® E E bicyclists? - - - Conflicts with adopted policies- suPPortin9 - El El ------alternative transportation (e.g.; bus turnouts, - - - bicycle -racks)? . _ , - - g)-Rail, _waterborne,-or-air-.traffic-impacts?--- ❑ - - = 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the ---~--~-proposal-result-in-impacts-to: - - =a)-Endangered, threatened°or-rare species or - their habitats (including, but not limited to, plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)?- ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage ❑ ❑ ❑ L trees)? c) Locally designated natural communities E ❑ ❑ (e.g-., oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and ❑ ❑ ❑ vernal pool)? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? ❑ ❑ ❑ ID City o' 'Rosemead 10- Negative Declaration Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant - Unless Significant Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES: Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation 0 0 - plans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful 0 0 0 and inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the 0 0 0 State? - 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals, or ❑ ❑ ® 0 radiation)?-- b) Possible interference with an emergency ❑ ❑ 19 0 response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c)-The creation of any health hazard or_ _ _ ❑ 0 --potential-health_hazard?--- d) Exposure of people to existing sources of ❑ ❑ 0 potential-health hazards? e) Increased fire hazard in areas with _ ❑ ❑ flammable brush, grass, or trees? 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: - a)-Increases-in-existing-noise-levels?-:- ----_-0-"--- -0-- --0- - b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 0 ® 0 ❑ 11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? 0 0 0 b) Police protection? 0 0 0 City o' I Posernead 11- Negative Declaration ,l Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant Unless Significant Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact c) Schools? ❑ ❑ ❑ 19 d) Maintenance of public facilities, including ❑ ❑ ® ❑ roads? e) Other government services? ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: - a)-Power or natural gas. - ❑ p p b) Communications systems? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Local or regional water treatment or ❑ ❑ ° facilities?- d) Sewer or septic tanks? ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 ~~~e) Storm water drainage? ° _ ❑ ~P ~_9 - - f) Solid waste disposal?- - - - - - - g) Local or regional water supplies? - ° - ❑ ❑ 13. - AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: - - - a) Affect a scenic vista"df"scenic highway? "'--O ' - ❑ - ® - b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic ° ❑ ® _ c) Create light or glare? ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? ❑ b) Disturb archaeological resources? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ c) Affect historical resources? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ - City of Rosemead-"- 12- Negative Declaration 4 Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant Unless Significant - Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact c) Have the potential to cause a physical 11 p p change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses . p p - ® - - within the potential impact area? 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal., a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or p regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational facilities? p p p - Cityol Rosemead -13- Negative Declaration Potentially Less- Potentially Significant than- Significant Unless Significant Impact Mitigated Impact No Impact 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, - substantially reduce the habitat-of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten t . eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or pre- history? b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? ❑ c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively__ considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects; - - - effects of probable future projects) d)-Does-the-project-have environmental effects - which will cause substantial adverse effects - - - on-human beings,-either directly or ❑ - ---indirectly? - - - - LAND USE AND PLANNING. - ° 1a)--No Impact-The project is consistent with the Rosemead General Plan: Zoning reaulations are not applicable to this case. It conforms with the coals and policies-of the_s- City's Safety Element wfiich encourages the installation of storm drain facilities to ,prevent flooding,and..to_protect.priv_ate_and,publically-_owned.property..(See Source-2;- Safety Element) 1b)- No Impact - The project is consistent with the Rosemead General Plan which has - - received-prior-environmental review and would not-have any growth-inducing impacts. It - would therefore not conflict with any applicable environmental plans and policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. (See Sources 2 and 3) 1c) - No Impact - The project is consistent with the Rosemead General Plan and the Rosemead General Plan EIR Land Use chapter that addresses compatibility with land use. As the storm drain will be located beneath the Grand Avenue right-of-way, it will have no impact on existing land use and land use density. (See Sources 2 and 3) 1 d) No Impact - There are no agricultural uses in the project area. The project will not affect agricultural resources or operations. (See Sources 1 and 2) _ City ~of Rosemead -14- Negative Declaration le) . No Impact -The storm drain project will have no impact on the physical (see Rosemead General Plan) arrangement of Rosemead including the community in which it is proposed to be constructed. (See Sources 2 and 10) POPULATION AND HOUSING.. 2a) No Impact - The project would have no effect on the existing and future housing stock or employment potential of the City. The project is consistent with the General Plan and thus with the official local and regional population projections (See Source 2, Housing Element). 2b) No Impact - The new storm drain facility will extend storm drain protection to an established and fully developed area of Rosemead. The proposed project would not induce new growth since the area is entirely built-out. (See Source 2, Housing Element). 2c) No Impact - The proposed project would not displace any existing housing, including affordable housing. It would not impact future construction of housing consistent with - - -the City's-General-Plan.-(See Source 2, Housing Element). GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. 3a) No Impact - As discussed in the General Plan, two major faults are located near the City, including the Raymond Hill Fault located approximately two miles to the north and - the Whittier-Elsinore Fault located -approximately five-miles to the southeast:' Two inactive fault traces traverse the City from the northwest to the southeast and generally correspond to the Alhambra Wash and the Rubio Wash. The City is not included in an Alquist-Priolo Special-Studies Zone" since no active faults are known or suspected within - the City. The proposed project will not increase the risk of people to potential impacts .T _ - _-associated,with-fault'ruptue.-(See-Source 2; Page PS-7). - - " 3b) No Impact- The proposed prpject-is_not within.an_area_identified in-the. General-Plan-as---- - - g =aa_potential-ground.shaking-area(See -Source-2,- PagerPS=7) 3c) No Impact - The proposed project is not with in-an_a rea_identified_in_the General-P-lan as a potential-liquefaction area-(See-Source 21` Page PS-7)'" - - 3d) No Impact - The project area is not in an a mi oL volcan - --=---nazara-twee-source-z, rage r~ _i~-- 3e No Im act-The, projectarea_is_generally- level-and-is-not-subject-to-landslides,or~ - °~-g- mudflows. The project would not change that condition (See Source 2, Page PS-7). 30 Less than Significant Impact - The project, involves some excavation for storm drain construction and minor soil erosion may occur during construction. Best management practices, as required by the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), - - will-15f td control erosion (See Source 2, Page PS-7).- I g) No Impact - Soils within the project area are stable. No subsidence of land is anticipated (See Source 2, Page PS-7). 3h) No Impact - Soils within the project area are stable. No expansive soils have been identified in the project area (see Rosemead General Plan, page PS-7). 3i) No Impact - The proposed project is located within a relatively flat, urbanized area. There are no unique geologic or physical features in the project area (See Source 2, Page PS-7) ty o/ Rosemead Live Declaration WATER. 4a) - Less than Significant Impact - The proposed project would not alter the amount of ground cover or the grade in the area and thus absorption rates would not change. The construction of the storm drain in Grand Avenue would result in a beneficial (but less than significant change) in drainage patterns (See Sources 6, 7, 10) 4b No Impact - The proposed project, although not located within a recognized flood hazard area, is subject to periodic flooding during rain events. The proposed project will have a beneficial impact by eliminating street and property flooding during the rainy season. (See Source 2, Page PS-7). 4c) . No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a change in the discharge into surface waters. Construction of the storm drain would improve the channeling of storm water into the storm drain system but would not substantially alter the amount of water entering the system (See Sources 6, 7, 10) 4d) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a change-in-the-amount-of-water -in-any surface body-(See-Sources 6, 7, 1D) 4e) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a change in the current or course of any water body (See Sources 6, 7, 10) 40 No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a change in the quantity_ of ground- ._._:_.._waters:=-Project construction-would not result in cuts or excavations of sufficient depth to impact aquifers in the area (See Sources 6, 7, 10) 4g) No Impact -For the reasons outlined in Responses 4a) to 40 above, no impact to the rate of flow of groundwater is anticipated. (Lee Sou_rces_6,_7,_1.0) 4h) No Impact - For the reasons outlined in Responses 4a) to 4f) above, no impact to - - - - groundwater quality is anticipated. (See -Sources-6, 7,-10) - - - - - - No Impact- For the reasons outlined in Responses-4a)-to 40 above, no reduction in the - - amount of ground water otherwise_available_for_public-water -supplies _is anticipated_(See--- -:-Sources 6,-7; 16) - - - - =_AIR=QUALITY: " y__5a)_a No Impact - Emissions-from-the-proposed project would-not exceed•the-signifcance'- thresholds established-by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) _-CEQA-Handbook, 1993-Table 6=2; Screening-Table 'for Operation - Daily Thresholds'-of " " - Potential Significance for Air Quality. Therefore, no adverse impacts are anticipated. (See Source 8) 51b) No Impact - The project area is primarily a residential neighborhood which includes senior care facilities. There are, therefore, potential sensitive receptors in the project area. However, emissions from the proposed project would not exceed the significance thresholds established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) CEQA Handbook; 1993; Table 6-3, Screening Table for Construction Quarterly Thresholds of Potential Significance for Air Quality. Therefore no adverse impacts are anticipated. (See Source 8) 5c) No Impact - The proposed project would not affect air movement, moisture temperature or cause any change in the climate. (See Source 8) - - - - - - - - City of Rosemead 16- _ _ Ne?alive Declaration e 6a) 5d) No Impact - The proposed project does not include any component which would create objectionable odors.(See Source 8) TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION. Significant unless mitigated - No long-term impacts on trip patterns or traffic congestion are anticipated to result from the project. The project would, however, result -in short-term traffic impacts during project construction resulting from construction activities in the Grand Avenue right-of-way. Implementation of the following recommended mitigation measure would reduce the impacts to a less than significant level.(See Sources 1, 10) Mitigation Measure 6a The City of Rosemead shall develop a plan to address traffic, circulation and parking in the project area during construction. All streets shall be adequately posted to inform - motorists and pedestrians of all street or lane closures and/or traffic detour routes. The plan shall develop emergency access routes and access routes to nearby uses. The plan shall also address temporary on-street parking restrictions and provide parking instructions for construction vehicles and the private vehicles of construction workers. The plan shall provide remedies for hazards and/or barriers to pedestrians and bicyclists during project construction. - - -6b) --No Impact"=The project-does-not include any element which would 6e-considered a- - - " - traffic safety hazard. (See Sources 1, 10) 6c)-. Significant unless mitigated - During construction; project compliance with Mitigation - significant level. (See -Sources 1, 4 0)- ` - 6d-__Significant -unless -mitigated - The project may create temporary parking restrictions in_ =--the-project'area during'constructionJ Project-'corn`pliance-with-Mitigation-Measure 6a' --above would reduce the project's impact on parking capacity to a less than significant - - le-vel.(See-Sources-l. 10) _ - - _ - --.6e)-----Significant-un less- mitigated- During-construction, the project-may-introduce hazards-- . and/or barriers for-pedestrians_and,bicyclists._;Project-compliance with Mitigation,- to a -less than significant Ievel.(See Sources 1, 11 6f) No Impact - The proposed project would not conflict with the provision of alternative =trans ortation See=Source 2 - 6g) Nc Impact --The proposed project is not located in the vicinity of any rail, water or air traffic resource.(See Sources 1, 2, 10) - BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. 7a) No-Impact.- No rare or endangered plant or animal species have been identified within the City, which is highly urban in nature. The existing plant and animal species are _ consistent with those found in an urban setting (See Source 3, page 31). 71b) No Impact - No locally designated species have been identified within the City, which is highly urban in nature. The existing plant and animal species are consistent with those found in an urban setting (See Source 3, page 31). -City of Rosemead---- - -17- Negative Declaration 7c) No Impact - No locally designated natural communities have been identified within the City, which is highly urban in nature. The existing plant and animal species are consistent with those found in an urban setting (See Source 3, page 31). 7d) No Impact - No wetlands habitat exists in the project area, which is highly urban in nature. The existing plant and animal species are consistent with those found in an urban setting. (See Source 3, page 31). 7e) No Impact- No wildlife dispersal or migration corridors exist in the project area, which is highly urban in nature. The existing plant and animal species are consistent with those found in an urban setting. (See Source 3, page 31). ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ----8a)---No-Impact- The_proposed-project-will_have_a_negligible-e-ff_ect on the amount of energy consumed. The project does not conflict with any adopted energy conservation plans. (See Sources 1, 2). 8b) No Impact - The proposed project will not result in wasteful or inefficient use of non- renewable resources. (See Sources 1, 2). 8c) No Impact - No known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the state is known to be available in the project area. (See Sources 1, HAZARDS_ - - 9a) - Less than Significant lmpact = The proposed project-does not include any elements- - which could result in-the release of hazardous substances.-lt-is,possible.that -ad omes.,tic gas line could be cut during excavation. Clear identification of all such lines and the - presence of a Gas Company repair crew during` excavation would preclude-this-------- - '==possibility--All construction-will•be-conducted=in_accordance.with-building; health-and safety codes and regulations and will comply with applicable OSHA guidelines. (See- - Sourced).- - - - 95) = Less tfiaH-SignifcantlFnpact - The proposed=project;when operational; will-not alter---__ the circulation system or its operation. During construction, as discussed in response 6c above, emergency access in the project area may be impacted. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 6a would mitigate this short-term impact. In the unlikely event that an emergency occurs during construction, this mitigation would ensure that project will not interfere with the implementation of the emergency response plan. (See Source 1, 2) 9c =No Impact - The proposed project does not include any element which could result in a health hazard. All construction will be conducted in accordance with building, health and safety codes and regulations and will comply with applicable OSHA guidelines.(See Source 1). - - - City of Rosemead g_ Negative Declaration 9d) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in the exposure of people to any known-health hazards..(See Source 1). 9e) No Impact - There is no flammable brush, grass or tree in the project area.(See Source 1). - NOISE 10a) Significant unless Mitigated - Operation of the project would not result in the generation of additional traffic or contribute to increase noise in the project vicinity. Therefore, no long-term noise impact is anticipated to result. Construction of the project would, however, generate short-term noise impacts which may exceed existing noise levels. Implementation of the following mitigation measure would reduce the impact of such excess noise to a less than significant level. (See Sources 1, 2, 5) Mitigation Measure TOa - - All construction activities shall be limited to the hours of permitted construction activities and within allowable decibel levels described in the City's Noise Ordinance. :.-._10b).-_-Significant-unless Mitigated=See response to_1 0a above_(See Sources 1, 2, PUBLIC SERVICES - - -11 a)=. No impact -The proposed project woul j'have no effect on tfi demand`fo>r fire= protection.(See Sources 1, 2, 3) 11'bF~N6-Impact = The proposed project-would-have no effect on the demand-for'police-- - --protection-.(See-Sources-1, - 21-3 - - - - 11 c) No Impact - The proposed project would have no effect on the demand for school services.(See Sources 1, 2, 3) 11d) Less tKan Significant Impact- The proposed project would create a minor increase in ~ - - .the=operation,and.maintena nce.services_re-qu red of the Los.Angeles County-Flood_.___F Control Distfict once the storm drain is transferred as a Miscellaneous Transfer Drain to =-the=District after-construction-(See-Source-6,-7 -10) 11 e) No Impact - The proposed project would have no effect on the demand for other - - - -government services.(See Sources-1, 2,-3) UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS 12a) No Impact - The proposed protect would not result in a need for net power or natural gas systems or supplies or substantial alterations to such systems. (See Source 1) 12b) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a need for new communications systems or supplies or substantial alterations to such systems.(See Source 1) - ~ - Ryof Rosemead ~ -19 Negative Declaration 12c) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a need for new local or regional water treatment or_distribution _ facilities or substantial alterations to such facilities. (See Source 1) 12d) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a need for new sewers or septic tanks or substantial alterations to any such existing facilities.(See Source 1) 12e) Less than Significant Impact - The proposed project would extend the existing storm drain system by 1,125 linear feet, a minor extension. Any impact would be beneficial as the project is designed to more effectively channel existing storm water flows into the County's drainage system.(See Sources 1, 6, 7, 10) 12f No-Impact - The proposed project would not result in 'a need for new local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities or substantial alterations to such facilities. (See Sources 1, 2, 3) 12g) No Impact - The proposed project would not result in a need for new local or regional -water supply-facilities or substantial alterations-to-such facilities-(See-Sources-l-2-3)- AESTHETICS 13a) No Impact - There is no scenic vista or scenic highway in the project vicinity. (See = - - - Source-2)--- 13b)No Impact - Once constructed, the storm drain will be buried under Grand Avenue. It would have no aesthetic effect, positive or negative. (See Source. I)-,- 7 - --"13c)` '°No Impaict==°Once.constracfed, hiesform=drairf_will-be°buried~ nder_Grand°A6erioe:lt= _ -T._ r -would not create light or glare. (See Source 1) - - CULTURAL RESOURCES T- - - - 1Sa) - No Impact -There aye no known or suspected p"aleontological'sites in the"projectai=ea-:-- - The project-area is urban in nature and excavation is unlikely to reach _de_pths"at_which paleontological resources might be found. (see Source 3, page 31) 14t.) - Significant unless Mitigated - There are no known or suspected archaeological sites - _ n, the project area (se~ emRosemead General Plan EIR, page 31). However, excavation may expose such sites. The following Mitigation Measure would reduce the project impact on.archaeological_resou_rces.to a_less _than,_significantlev_el_(see Source 3_ 31 and Source 9) Mitioation Measure 14b Monitoring for archaeological/historical resources by the Construction Foreman shall be conducted during the construction (trenching) phase of the project for those areas where surface soils are currently visible. A halt-work condition shall be put in place in the.event - that cultural resources are discovered during construction and a qualified archaeologist shall be retained to evaluate the find(s) in accordance with acceptable professional 14c) Significant unless Mitigated - There are no known or suspected historical sites in the project area (see Rosemead General Plan EIR, page 31). However, excavation may expose such sites. Mitigation Measure 14b above would reduce the project impact on -20- i Neoative Declaration historical resources to a less than significant level (see Source 3, page 31 and Source 9) 14d) No Impact - The proposed project would improve existing public infrastructure within and beneath an existing right-of-way. It would not change the unique ethnic cultural values of the area. (See Source 4) 14e) No Impact - The proposed project would improve existing public infrastructure within an existing right-of-way. It would not restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. (See Source 4) RECREATION _ 15a) No Impact - The proposed project would improve existing public infrastructure within an existing right-of-way. It would not increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities (Source 2, Resource Management Element). ----15b)-No-Impact-- The proposed project would improve-existing public infrastructure within an_ existing right-of-way. It would not affect existing recreational facilities (Source 2, Resource Management Element). MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. 16a) Significant Impact unless Mitigated - The proposed project is a new storm drain extension which will be located beneath an existing street (Grand Avenue) in a fully developed urban setting. During project c_ onstruction,,operation of construction - - equipment may temporarily degrade the quality of the environment it the -areas of traffic- and circulation and noise. -The temporary-riatu~e=of these tmpacts and proposed = mitigation measures would reduce the impacts to a less than significant_level (see_ responses-to-questions 6 and-10 above and Mitidation Measures_6a and 10a).__There,-- are no fish of wildlife.habitats_in_the project-area_so..the-project-would-not-substantially = reduce -the-habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause-a-fish.or-wildlife population to drop - - - - - - below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,_reduce___, =-"the'number orrestrict the range ofa ~are'or endangered plant or animals The proposed- project may_impact important examples of-the-major periods-of_California-history-orpre-= history but implementation of Mitigation Measure 14b would reduce the impact to_a less____ thanaignificant-level=(See-Sources=l; 2;4;=9) - - - 16b) No Impact _The proposed project is consistent with the_C.ity's_GeneraLPlan.and.would- - reduce the potential for flooding in the project area. Its only potential adverse impacts would_be short-term_ It-would.therefore-meet-both, short-term and Jong-term environmental goals. (See Sources 1, 2, 3) . 16c) No Impact - The proposed project would have temporary short-term impacts associated ' with construction. It would have no impacts which would be considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, or the effects of probable future projects. Because it is designed to improve infrastructure in a developed area, it would be considered consistent with the City's General Plan. (See --Sources 1,-2, 1Q)- - - - ,x;. - 16d) No Impact - The project would have temporary, short-term significant adverse effects in the areas of transportation and noise. It would have no substantial advW, 'effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. (See Sources 1, 2, 3, 10) Preparers of the Initial Study City of Rosem ad -21- Negative Declaration 3 Preparers of the Initial Study Willdan 13191 Crossroads Parkway North Suite 405 Industry, CA 91746-3497 Dean Sherer, AICP - Principal Planner Susan O'Carroll, Ph. D. - Principal Planner Roger Kent - Consulting Senior Planner- Persons and Organizations Consulted Citv of Rosemead Ken Rukavina - City Engineer - Adel Freij - Project Engineer Lisa Baker - CDBG Coordinator County of Los Anoeles. Department of Public Works Mo Hossein Kajabaf, Building and Safety/Land_Development Division;.Subdivision.Plan_=_ `Chedking""Section,,"DFalnage and Grading Unit - - Khalil, Building and Safety/Land Development Division;, Subdivision Plan-Checking--_-- -Section,- Drainage and Gfading Unit - - - - - - - - University of California at Los Angeles - - - - _ - -°South°Central°CoastaLlnformation Center UCLA Institute of Archaeology- --J--_~__ ---Fowler Museum of Cultural.History State Office of Historic Preservation - - ucinda_Woodwacd - State Office of Historic-Preservation - P.O. Box 942896 Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 - - - City of Rosemead -22- Negative Declaration CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 2000-29 CLAIMS AND DEMAND LISTING PREPARED FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $807,363.24, NUMBERED 30741 THROUGH 30862 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR HAS CERTIFIED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE ATTACHED LISTING OF DEMANDS AND AS TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, AND WHEREAS THE ATTACHED LISTED CLAIMS AND DEMANDS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AS REQUIRED BY LAW, THE SAME ARE HEREBY ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT SET FORTH ABOVE. In accordance with Section 37202 of the-Government. Code,-the Finance-Director does hereby certify as to the accuracy of the above checks and as to the availability of funds for payment ther f. - FINANC DIRECTOR AS TAN M N A G E R - ---PASSED; APPROVEDAND ADOPTED THIS=13TH DA MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK COUNCIL AGENDA JUN-13 2000 - ITEM No. ~ . ~ CITY OF ROSEMEAD CREDIT CARD RECAP BANKAMERICARD ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4200-6450-P94701 CCCA General Meeting - City Hosted $ 267.41 April 19, 2000, Rosemead 4100-6450-01 $381.00 Asian Organization Crime Conference 1,143.00 4300-6450-01 762.00 April 24-28, 2000, San Francisco Attended by: Mayor Pro Tern Imperial, Deputy Zarate, Deputy Valenzuela 4100-6450-01 $17.80 Annual Chamber Planning Conference 35.60 4110-6450-01 17.80 May 5-6, 2000, Palm Springs Attended by: Mayor Pro Tem Imperial, Donald Wagner 4100-6450-01 Council for Urban Economic Conference 425.00 June 8-9, 2000, Portland, Oregon Attended by: Councilman Vasquez 4100-6450-01 League EENR Meeting 742.00 June 8-11, 2000, Rochester, New York - - - Attended by: Mayor Clark---- 4100-6450-01 $13.37 __City Business Meeting- 40.10 4110-6450-01 26.73 May 4, 2000 Attended by: Mayor Pro Tern Imperial , Frank Tripepi, 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 VOU. DESCRIPTON 1998-99 LA COUNTY/SAFER 53812 LIAB/GENL LAW/APRIL 2000 53813 LIAB/GENL LAW/AB3229/APR 53814 LIAB/GENL LAW/LLEBG/CSO 53815 LIAB/GENL LAW/LLEBG/MAY00 A B CHAMPION TROPHY CO 53535 DEPT SUPPLIES 53536 -DEPT SUPPLIES 53537 DEPT SUPPLIES A WARRENS EDUCATIONAL 53538 DEPT SUPPLIES AIR CONDITIONING CO., INC 53532 BLDG MAINT/ZAPOPAN 53533 BLDG MAINT/RSMD PARK 53534 BLDG MAINT/RCRC--_. ..AIRTOUCH CELLULAR - LA 53517 UTILITY-SERVICE AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE .53570 DENTAL INS/JUNE 2000 53570 -DENTAL`INS/JUNE'2000 53570 DENTAL INS/JUNE 2000 CHARGED 1-4300-06230-FUNDOI 1-4300-06230-P41401 1-4300-06230-P41701 1-4300-06230-P41701 CHECK NO. 30742 1-4820-05010-FUND01 1-4820-05010-FUND01 1-4840-05010-P51201 CHECK NO. 30743 1-4840-05010-P51501 CHECK NO. 30747. 1-4180-04725-FUND01 1-4180-04725-FUND0I 1-4180-04725-FUND0I--- CHECK NO. 30745 1-4350-06110-FUND01 PRE PAID 30698 I-4800-04112-FUNDOI - =47-00=04112-FUNDOI- 2-0082-02134 PRE PAID - 30728 - ANABELL- RAMIREZ- 53796 FACILITY USE REFUND 1-0081-02300 CHECK NO. 30848 ANGELA SOTO 53798 FACILITY USE REFUND 1-0081-02300 CHECK NO. 30849 APEX FIRE EXTINGUISHER 53571 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 53572 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 53573 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 53574 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE_-1-4810-04725-FUND0I SERVICE 1-4180-04725-FUND01 SERVICE 1-4180-04725-FUND01 SERVICE 1-4180-04725-FUND0I CHECK NO. 30746 PAGE: 1 6/13/00 USER: jim AMOUNT I AMOUNT 18515.02 1425.68 604.52 57.93 703.08 589.96 474.14 38.92 403.00 113.00 - 688..-00 - 26.87 20603.15 1767.18 38.92 1204.00 26.87 36.56 214: 9 6-` 2575.12 J.2826.64 100.00--- - - - 100.00 100.00 284.71 286.50 196.80 157.50 100.00 925.51 06/06/00 14:09 RM704URI PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON 53512 MEMORIAL DAY SUPPLIES 53539 53540 53541 53542 53543 53545 DEPT SUPPLIES DEPT SUPPLIES DEPT SUPPLIES DEPT SUPPLIES CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES AT&T 53526 UTILITY SERVICE 53544 UTILITY SERVICE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICE 53522 UTILITY SERVICE 53522 UTILITY SERVICE "53522. UTILITY-SERVICE- AUNTIE M--- 53575-- - JULY-4TH-ENTERTAINMENT BAKER STREET ASSOCIATES -53576 'UPDATE-REPORT------ BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA 53569 - TRAVEL & MTG EXP - 53569 TRAVEL & MTG EXP _53569 TRAVEL `'&.MTG EXP- - 53569 TRAVEL & MTG EXP BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 53581 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53582 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53583 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53584 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53585 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53586 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53587 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53588 HARDWARE SUPPLIES CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 ACCOUNT CHARGED 01-4200-06310-FUNDOI PRE PAID 30693 01-4820-05010-FUND0I 01-4820-05010-FUND01 01-4200-05010-P94401 01-4820-05010-FUNDOI 01-4200-06310-P94201 01-4200-06310-P94201 CHECK NO. 30744 01-4180-06110-FUND01 PRE PAID 30706 01-4180-06110-FUND0I PRE PAID 30711 01-4350-06110-FUND01 03-4360-06110-FUND03 _01-.,4180-06110-FUND01_ PRE PAID 30702 01-4200-06310-P94001 CHECK NO. 30748 01-4700-04480-FUND01- . CHECK- NO.,_,-.- 30818 PAGE: 2 6/13/00 USER: jim AMOUNT 669.56 AMOUNT 669.56 19.32 12.77 30.82 30.82 12.47 12.40 118.60 29.70 41.62 29.70 41.62 52.76 35.80 _ -_1$2-.55- y1000.00 ~I 271.11 1000.00 - 6150.-00 --1- - - - -01-4.110=06450=FUND01_ . 44.53 01-4100-06450-FUND01 1579.17 01-4300-06450=FUNDOI- ~-"762:00` 01-4200-06450-P94701 267.41 PRE PAID 30736 01-4810-05010-FUND01 01-4810-05010-FUND01 01-4810-05010-FUNDOI 01-4810-05010-FUND0I 01-4200-06310-P94401 01-4810-05010-FUND01 01-4810-05010-FUND01 01-4820-05010-FUND01 30.10 36.17 7.46 44.60 64.32 18.06 0.88 4.35 .--6150 00--„ 2653.11 06/06/00 14:09 RM704URI CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 53589 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53590 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53591 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53592 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53593 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53594 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53595 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53596 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 53597- HARDWARE SUPPLIES BOB HICKS TURF EQUIPMENT 53577 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 53578 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT BRIGHT ENTERTAINMENT 53579 JULY 4TH ENTERTAINMENT BRUCE PEROVICH 53580 JULY 4TH ENTERTAINMENT CA. PARKS. RKS.& REC. --SOCIETY 53550== STAFF=TRAINING= _ CAL'IFORNIkSTREET'MAINT.~ - 53601 STREET SWEEP/MAY 2000 =--CELINDAz CRUZ 53793 EXCURSION REFUND CHARLES E. GIVING 53599 JULY 4TH/ENTERTAINMENT CHRIS PARRY 53598.._.JULY 4TH/ENTERTAINMENT ACCOUNT CHARGED 01-4810-05010-FUNDOI 73.42 01-4810-05010-FUND01 9.36 01-4810-05010-FUND01 23.73 01-4810-05010-FUNDOI 16.31 01-4810-05010-FUND01 27.18 01-4810-05010-FUNDOI 115.30 01-4200-06310-P94201 6.29 01-4200-06310-P94201 19.46 01-4820-05010-FUND01- 3.80 - CHECK NO. 30819 01-4810-04740-FUND01 204.19 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI 365.33 CHECK NO. 30822 01-4200-06310-P94001 125.00 CHECK NO. 30823 01-4200-0.6310-P94.001_ 125.00 30821 CHECK NO:- PAGE: 3 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 500.79 569.52 125.00 125.00 01-4820=05010=FUND01- =---30.00=- - - PRE-PAID -----30716-- 22-4600-04850-FUND22 11950.00 - -CHECK-=NO.- • 307.51. _ 11950.00 01-4840-03944-P51601 CHECK NO. 30850 38.00 38.00 01-4200-06310-P94001 CHECK NO. 3076 01-4200-06310-P94001 CHECK NO. 30791 700.00 800.00... 700.00 800.00 CINTAS 53602 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUND01 167.26 06%06/00 RM704UR1 14`09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED CINTAS 53603 UNIFORM CLEANING 53604 UNIFORM CLEANING 53605 UNIFORM CLEANING CITY OF ROSEMEAD 53506 NET PAYROLL/05-14-2000 53558 NET PAYROLL/05-28-00' - CITY OF SIGNAL HILL 53608 NPDES/POSTING CORRINE CHU YOUNTS 53600 CLASS INSTRUCTION ---COUNTY OF-LOS-ANGELES 53606 -GROUNDS MAINT. 53607 GROUNDS MAINT - DAVE'S TROPHIES -53609---PLAQUES ~DENNIS- OR LIGAYAv NAZARETH 53799- FACILITY. USE REFUND DIVERSIFIED`MAINTENANCE--= 53611 JANITORIAL SERVICE/MAY 0 DON SAKAMOTO 53515 CLASS INSTRUCTION 53612 CLASS INSTRUCTION 53613 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4810-05320-FUND01 01-4810-05320-FUNDOI 01-4810-05320-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30752 95-0095-01002 PRE PAID 30687 95-0095-01002 PRE PAID 30724 01-4720-04260-FUNDOI CHECK NO. 308241 PAGE: 4 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 163.06 163.06 180.91 674.29 61243.90 57615.10-- 61243.90 57615.10 2000.00 2000.00 01-4840-04455-P51501 664.00 CHECK NO. 30817 664.00 01-4810-04720-FUND01 _ 78.23 01-4810-04720-F_UN_D01_ 79.74 - --CHECK NO. - 30775 - - 157.97 01-4200-06310=FUND0P - CHECK -NO.-- - 30753 81-0081-02300 100.00 CHECK NO: 30851 - 01-4180-04710-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30754 01-4840-04455-P51501 PRE PAID 3069 01-4840-04455-P51501 01-4840-04455-P51501 - CHECK-NO.-- 3082 974.88 489.98 348.00 821.82 DURHAM TRANSPORTATION 53610 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 28-4660-04690-P97128 900.36 CHECK NO. 30755 34.64 100.00 974.88 489.98 1169.82_. 900.36 06j06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PACE: 5 RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER 1 00-29 6/13/00 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT EBERHARD EQUIPMENT 53617 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUND01 1177.43 CHECK NO. 30756 1177.43 EL MONTE SIGN COMPANY 53614 JULY 4TH/BANNERS 01-4200-06310-P94001 3450.00 CHECK NO. 30757 3450.00 ELOISA A SALAS 53795 FACILITY USE REFUND ERNEST TORRES 53616 CLASS INSTRUCTION 81-0081-02300 - CHECK NO. 30852 01-4840-04455-P51501 CHECK NO. 30810 -100.-00 197.60 100.00 197.60 ERNIE RIOS 53615 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4830-05010-FUND01 470.00 CHECK NO. 30798 - -EVANS TREE- SERVICE-- 53621 TREE SERVICE/MAY 2000-_- 22-4640-04722-FUND22- - -7667.37 53621 TREE SERVICE/MAY 2000 01-48107047227FUND01_ _3385.81-__ 3621-TREE`S_ERVICE7MAY 2000-- - - 5 01-4180-04720-FUND01 254.10- _ . CHECK NO. 30758 '--EWING- IRRIGATION PRODUCTS--= 53618 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES _01-4810-05030-FUND01 -------71.89 53619 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUND01 115.4,4--. =53620-=IRRIGATION-SUPPLIES 4810=05030_=FUND01 01- - 156:39. - - - _ CHECK NO. 30759 -EXPRESS TEL - - - - -_53518___ UTILITY_,SERVICE_-- . - : 0 1-4 18 0-0 6110-FUND01= = - - 26:-84- - PRE PAID 30699 F&A FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 53508 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-14-0 53560 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-28-0 82-0082-02120 PRE PAID 30689 82-0082-02120 PRE PAID 30726 470.00 11307.28 343.72 26.84 4231.73 4291.73 4231.73 4291.73 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF 53622 FAIR HOUSING SVC/APR 200 02-4750-07610-P96302 1820.00 CHECK NO. 30826 1820.00 06%06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICE 53557 MEETING EXP/05-30-00 53557 MEETING EXP/05-30-00 FLAGTIME USA 53623 DEPT SUPPLIES FOOTHILL ACADEMY OR GYM - 53662 CLASS INSTRUCTION FORTIS BENEFIT INS CO. 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 -53556--LIFE-"INS-PREMIUMS/JUNE-0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556 LIFE INS PREMIUMS/JUNE 0 53556- LIFE INS-PREM.IUMSZJUNE..O GARVEY-.==EQUIPMENT- COMPANY 53629 -SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT_ 53630 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT -53631=. SPECIAL=iEQUIP-MAINT-°`. 53632 "SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 53633 SPECIAL-EQUIP MAINT_ 53634- SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT " GERADO"A. MOTA 53624 MILEAGE REIMB/APR 2000 53625 MILEAGE RIEMB/MAR 2000 GOLDEN ROSE FLORIST 53513 MEETING EXP/CCCA/04-19-0( 53626 FLOWERS/GREEN 53627 FLOWERS/TYLER 53628 FLOWERS/TYLER ACCOUNT CHARGED 01-4100-06450-FUND01 01-4110-06450-FUND01 PRE PAID 30723 01-4110-05010-FUND01 CHECK NO. 307601 01-4840-04455-P51501 CHECK NO. 30750 PAGE: 6 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 225.00 225.00 450.00 451.46 184.40 01-4120-04114-FUND01 01-4130-04114-FUND01 01-4700-04114-FUND01 01-4740-04114-P95501 01-4800-04114-FUND01 01-4810-04114-FUND01 -O1'=4820=04114-FUND OI 01-4.100704114-FUNDOI 02-4750-04114-P95102 01-4110-04114-FUND 01= PRE PAID 30722 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI- 01-4810-04740-FUND01 01=4810L0~4740-FUNDo:C 01-4810-04740-FUND01 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI-- 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI . -:CHECK,. NO:=-- -3 07 61 21.50 86.00 16.62 43.00 64.50 _ 197.80 64.50_ 111.80 21.50.-- - 86 00 - - 46.29 56.55 .28.07 47.52 87c96 47.09 01-4820-05240-FUND01 28.93 01-4820-05240-FUND01 37.05 CHECK NO. 30830 01-4200-06310-P94701 33.06 - - _ PRE PAID ____.__30694 01-4110-05010-FUND01 84.42 01-4110-05010-FUNDOI 86.59 01-4110-05010-FUND01 64.94 CHECK NO. 30827 451.46 184.40 713.22 ---3.13:4 8 65.98 --73.06 235.95 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON HAROLD'S KEY SHOP 53635 KEYS & LOCKS 53636 KEYS 53637 LOCK SERVICE 53638 LOCKS 53639 KEYS & LOCKS HI-TOWERS OFFICE SUPPLY -53640-- DEPT-SUPPLIES- . 53641 DEPT SUPPLIES-. 53642 DEPT SUPPLIES 53643 DEPT SUPPLIES 53644 DEPT SUPPLIES 53645 DEPT SUPPLIES 53810 DEPT SUPPLIES HORTIE VAN RENTALS 53549 MEMORIAL DAY EQUIP - ICMA RETIREMENT-TRUST-40 53509 PAYROLL _WITHHLDG/05=14=-0C -53561 PAYROLL.WITHHLDG/05.-28-0C ACCOUNT CHARGED 01-4300-05010-FUND01 01-4810-05010-FUND0I 01-4810-04725-FUND01 01-4810-04725-FUND01 01-4810-04725-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30764 01-4130-05010-FUNDOI-_ 01-4300-05010-FUND0I 01-4130-05010-FUND01 01-4130-05010-FUND01 01-4130-05010-FUND01 01-4130-05010-FUND0I 01-4130-05010-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30765 01-4200-06310-FUND01 -_-PRE:-PAID--. -----30715 82-~0082=02121_----- - PRE PAID 30690 82-0082-02121- PAGE: 7 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 127.06 7.04 52.50 221.89 21.33 99..01 357.23 -104.16 1362.79 586.47 37.54 49.74 693.73 429.82 2388.62 693.-73-- --2369.58 - - _ _ - 2369.58 2369.58 2369.58= INACOM - WEST AREA 53807" COMPUTER'-EQUIPMENT OL'=4100=08220~FUND01`-~"- -'=389':735' 53807 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 01=4820-08220-FUND0I 389.35 -=CHECK-NO. - 30768 778.70---- =-INLAND EMPIRE; _ 53647 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 28-4660-04690-P97128-.. 427.35 53647 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 01-4840-06464-P51601 930.65 CHECK NO. 30769 IRON MOUNTAIN 53646 RECORD STORAGE 01-4180-06411-FUND01 CHECK NO. 3082 J & D PLUMBING 53648 BLDG MAINT/CITY HALL 01-4180-04725-FUNDOI CHECK NO. 30770 1358.00 64.99 64.99 66.94 66.94 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON J: HAROLD MITCHELL CO. 53649 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES J.M. ATENCIO 53802 EXCURSION REFUND JEAN SHERWOOD-SCOTT -53659 .DEPT_SUPPLIES/RIEMB. JEANETTE CASTANEDA 53656 CLASS INSTRUCTION ACCOUNT CHARGED PAGE: 8 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT N030-FU307711 318.00 I 318.00 I01 CHECK0 01-4840-03944-P51601 36.00 CHECK NO. 30853 36.00 .01-4820-05010-FUND01 - 400.00 -I - - CHECK NO. 308021 400.00 01-4840-04455-P51501 232.00 CHECK NO. 30782 232.00 JIFFY LUBE 53651 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT#32 28-4660-05225-UNIT32 30.08 53652- VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT#36 28-4660-05225-UNIT36 30.08 53653 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT#31 28-4660-05225-UNIT31 30.08 -53654_..VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT#02. 01-4240-05225-UNIT02 29:08 CHECK NO. 30829 119.32. - JOE-A: GONSALVES------ - - - - 53650 JUNE SERVICES 01-4200-04465-FUND0I 2500.00 CHECK NO. 30762 2500.00 JOHN MICHAEL VALDIVIA 53658 JULY 4TH/ENTERTAINMENT 01-4200-06310-P94001 400:00 - . : _ a 08.4,S ...~~.GHEGK"NO3 ~ -JUAN. DE LIRA 53657 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 -448.00 ,_=CHECK_NO.__-..30772 JUAN HERRERA 53800 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100.00 CHECK NO. 30854 100.00 JUDICIAL DATA SYSTEMS 53655 PARKING CIT PROC/APR 00 01-4310-04620-FUND01 1445.29 ' - - CHECK NO. 30788 1445.29 KATIE VICARIO 53666 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 814.05 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 CHECK NO. 30846 814.05 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER 1 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED KELLY PAPER COMPANY 53660 COPYING SUPPLIES 53661 COPYING SUPPLIES 53663 COPYING SUPPLIES -53804 COPYING SUPPLIES KIM PALMER-BORIS 53664 CHANGE/JULY 4 2000 KSI 53665 POOL SUPPLIES 01-4110-05015-FUND01 01-4110-05015-FUND01 01-4110-05015-FUND01 01-4180-05011-FUND0I- CHECK NO. 30773 01-4200-04675-P94001 CHECK NO. 30789 01-4830-05010-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30774 PAGE: 9 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 1557.72 2905.65 119.01 22.57 600.00 49.72 4604.95 600.00 49.72 L & T LABORATORIES 53667 -GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 .459.00 - CHECK NO. 30776 459.00 - LA COUNTY DIST. ATTORNEY-- 53673 LEGAI SERVICES/JUL-DEC 99 01-4150-04320=FUND01 =---938:26--: CHECK NO..-- .30777_ 938.26 0-- - - - - - LA._COUNTY- FIRE DEPT. - - - - 53563 FUEL EXPENSES 01-4240-05225-UNIT11 38.01 - 53563__-FUEL, EXPENSES- _28_-4660-052.25-UNIT31-, 66.31 `53563-FUELEXPENSES - 01=4240=05225=UNIT33= - 49.55 - = 53563 -FUEL EXPENSES--- 01-4240-05225-UNIT12 20.48 53563 FUEL EXPENSES 01 4240-05225-UNIT14 118.74 `53563 -__FUEli -EXPENSES----- _ - _ _ 28=4660=05225=UNIT32" 130.'33- 53563- FUEL EXPENSES 01-4240-05225-UNIT38 42.99 EXPENSES -53563- FUEL= -01-4310-05225-UNIT29-- - 53563 FUEL EXPENSES 28-4660-05225-UNIT36 73.31 - - - _--~.w-------- -----=PRE-PAID- 30730 560.51 LA COUNTY PROBATION DEPT. 53671 JAN-MAR 2000/GAPP SERVICE 03-4360-04525-P40903 11301.00 CHECK NO.. 30778 11301.00 LA COUNTY REGISTRAR/REC 53529 FILING FEE 02-4750-07610-P95302 42.00 - PRE PAID 30709 42.00 LA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT _ 53811 CONTRACT SVC/AB3229/APRI 01-4300-04512-P41401 23761.31 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 01-4300-04516-FUND01 18594.47 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 01-4130-04470-FUND01 1317.44 06/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON LA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 53816 CONTRACT SVC/APRIL 2000 53817 CONTRACT SVC/LLEBG/CSO 53818 CONTRACT SVC/LLEBG/MAY 0 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 53568 MEETING EXP/06-01-00 53568 MEETING EXP/06-01-00 LEXIS LAW PUBLISHING 53676 DEPT SUPPLIES ACCOUNT CHARGED PAGE: 10 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 01-4300-04515-FUND01 37097.75 01-4300-04512-FUND01 169182.68 01-4300-04514-FUND01 67616.43 01-4300-04615-FUND01 14397.33 01-4300-04518-FUND01 24731.83 01-4300-04512-P41701 10075.33 01-4300-04512-P41701 965.45 CHECK NO. 30779 01-4110-06450-FUNDOI 01-4100-06450-FUND01 PRE PAID 30735 1367740.02 50.00 25.00 75.00 01-4110-05010-FUND01 216.53 CHECK NO. - 308311 1 - 216.53 LIA.KATZ _ - - --:i794 - - 53794 EXCURSION=REFUND - - - 01-4840-03944=P51601 -5400 CHECK-NO.- _ 30855 54.00 - LOS ANGELES-TIMES - - 53669 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 01-4110-06460-FUND01 . 49.68 _ CHECK--NO.__. 30780 49.68 M & L-SPORTS- _53530 OEFICIATOR 01-4840-04450-P51401 P51401 - 240.00 _ 535311_°OFFZCIATOR 01=4840-04450=P51401'- " -240:00 - _ PRE PAID 30710 480.00 MAE SUE IBEAS -53668'- * CLASS- INSTRUCTION°° CHECK NO. 30767 280.80 MAP MOBILE COMM. INC. 53519 PAGING SERVICE 53520 PAGING.SERVICE MARCELA KLEMENTICH 5380-1---CLASS-REFUND 01-4180-04730-FUND01 01-4180-04730-FUNDOI PRE PAID 30700 01-4840-03943-P51501- CHECK NO. 30856 121.51 37.20 62.00 158.71 62.00 - MARGARET CLARK 53567 TRAVEL ADV 06/08-11/2000 01-4100-06450-FUND01 100.00 NLC/ROCHESTER NY 06/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 11 RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 6/13/00 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT MARGARET CLARK PRE PAID 30734 100.00 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 22-4640-04723-P92422 3076.00- 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 22-4640-04723-P92522 780.00 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 01-4180-04720-FUND01 960.00 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 22-4640-04723-P92622 405.00 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 01-4870-04720-FUND01 210.00 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 -22-4640-04723=P92722- - 831.00- 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 22-4640-04723-P92122 181.00 53688 LANDSCAPE MAINT/APR 00 22-4640-04723-P92322 390.00 CHECK NO. 30781 6833.00 MFI-TITLE SERVICE 53677 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUND01 65.00 53678 TITLE REPORT 02-4750-07610-P95802 65.00 .53679 TITLE REPORT 02-4750-07610-P95802 _ 65.00 53680 TITLE REPORT- 01-4710-04288-FUND01 -6500 53681 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUND01-. 65.00 -53683- ---UPDATE-REPORT--_`.-- -01-4710-04288-FUND6I - 30.00 53685 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUND0I_. - 65.00 ' CHECK NO. 30862 420.00 MORRI S_ON HEALTH CARE INC 53670 SR LUNCH PROGRAM. 02=_4750-07610-P95202__ ---_1298.40 __53672 =:SR--LUNCH=PROGRAM=- - = 02=4750-07610=P95202 - - 1224.00 53674 SR-LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07.610-P95202 1288:80 53675- SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202_ _-1252.80,- z='- - - - - _ - CHECK NO - 30833 -5064.00--- NAPA - GENUINE PARTS CO - - - - - - 53 693 3693 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUND01 1.61 _ : . _ - - ----CHECK-NO.` 30832 1-.61 NEILSON PRESS, INC. 53682 PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUNDOI 188.36 53684. PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUND01 131.36 - 53686 PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUND01 664.93 CHECK NO. 30784 984.65 NEW CENTURY FORD 53690 VEHICLE_REPAIRS/UNIT #32 28-4660-05215-UNIT32- 281.09-- - - 53691 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT #31 28-4660-05215-UNIT31 176.33 53692 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT#36 28-4660-05215-UNIT36 162.16 CHECK NO. 30834 619.58 i 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMO NICK'S REMODELING 53527 RESID REHAB/9352 RALPH ST 02-4750-07610-P95302 1250.00 PRE PAID 30707 1250.C 53528 RETENTION/9352 RALPH ST 02-4750-07610-P95302 2356.60 - - - PRE PAID 30708 2356.E NORMAN'S PLUMBING & HEAT 53687 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04725-FUND01 495.95 CHECK NO. 30785 495.9 NORMED - - - 53689 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4830-05010-FUND01 317.61 CHECK NO. 30787 317.6 OSMON PUBLICATIONS, INC 3694 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUND01 24.00 CHECK NO. 30786 24.0 PACIFIC BELI; TELEPHONE 3547 UTILITY SERVICE_ _ 01-4300-06110-P71101- , 231.35__ 3541-=UTILITY--SERVICE- - 01-4180-06110-FUNDOI 234.25 - 3547 UTILITY. SERVICE - 01-4180-06110-P92801 - 52.57 PRE-PAID _.-._30713- - 518. 1 PACIFIC.DUPLICATOR- - - 3701 -COPYING SUPPLIES . 01c4.180-05015-FUND0I-- 142.-75 - 3702='-=COPYING SUPPLIES= 01-4180-05015=FUNDOI 121.64 - CHECK NO. 30790 ' - 264.3 3695 CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES .01-4200-06310-P94201 - - -84.81 - 3.696_-SR=LUNCH- PROGR AM-- - - =-_02_-47:50-05010-P95202- -_----40:15"-- ` _ _ _ _ CHECK NO. 30793 124.9 PC NETWORKS _ - : - - - - - - 3548 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDOI 195.00 PRE PAID 30714 195.0 PEOPLE FOR PEOPLE 3697 FOOD PROGRAM/APR 2000 02-4750-06320-P94102 619.20 CHECK NO. 30836 619.21 PERFECT. WORLD - - - - 3705 JULY 4TH/ENTERTAINMENT 01-4200-06310-P94001 1000.00 CHECK NO. 30835 1000.01 PAGE: 12 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK UNT AMOUNT 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON PERKINS MOBILE AUTO GLASS 53700 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT#33 POOL SUPPLY OF ORANGE _ 53698 POOL MAINT 53699 POOL MAINT _ _ POST ALARM SYSTEMS. 53703 BLDG MAINT/GARVEY-POOL_ POSTMASTER ROSEMEAD 53516 POSTAGE/SPORTS MAILERS ACCOUNT CHARGED PAGE: 13 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 01-4240-05225-UNIT33 291.50 CHECK NO. 30792 01-4830-04726-FUND01 -30.40 01-4830-04725-FUNDOI 687.39 CHECK NO. 30837 01-4810-04725-FUNDO160.00 CHECK NO. 30794 01-4840-05010.-P51401 99.00 PRE PAID 30697 291.50 656.99 60.00 99.00 53554 POSTAGE/SPORTS MAILER 01-4840-05010-P51401 55.00 PRE PAID- 30720 55.00 PROPUB INC. -53805-=SUBSCRIPT-ION RENEWAL:-_ = 01-4.1-30-06460-FUNDOI- 217.95-- ` CHECK NO. 30795 CHECK 217.95 "'PRUDENTIAI:.OVERALL=_SUPPLY- - _53706_ MATS 01-4180-05025-FUNDOI 24.75 - -53707 MATS- 01-4180-05025-FUND01 24.75 53708=_MOPS -&-.MATS '_01=.4810-04725_-~:FUNDO1= - - ' 37. 88 - 53709 MATS 01-4810-04725-FUND01 51.37- 53710 'MOPS 01-4810-04725-FUND01 14.49 53-7.11 "MATS?&_MOPS-- - °`01=4'8'10=04725=FUND01'-' - -73.10 - 53712" MOPS & MATS' 01=4810=04725=FUNDOl 14.69 _,53713-MOPS= 01=4810-04725-FUND0I_ _ 14..-49- 53714 -MOPS-& MATS 01-4810-04725-FUND01 - 68.35 . CHECK: NO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYS 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4820-04120-FUND01 707.56 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4110-04120-FUND01 1881.28 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4700-04120-FUND01 961.58 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4100-04120-FUND01 207.21 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4130-04120-FUND01 846.70 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4810-04120-FUNDOI 1727.70 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 0174740-04120-P95501 330.83 . 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4120-04120-FUND0I 303.03 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 01-4800-04120-FUND01 892.48 53524 RETIREMNT ANNITY/04-30-0 _02-4750-04120-P95102 204.98 PRE PAID 30704 8063.35 O6/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 14 RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 6/13/00 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 'RETIREMENT SYS 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4740-04120-P95501 180.00 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4800-04120-FUND01 478.79 53525 RETIREMNT.ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4150-04120-FUNDOI -146.82 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4810-04120-FUND01 843.76 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4130-04120-FUND01 460.67 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4820-04120-FUND01 384.96 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 02-4750-04120-P95102 111.52 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4120-04120-FUND01 164.87 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4100-04120-FUND01 70.02 - - - 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4700-04120-FUND01 705.67 53525 RETIREMNT ANNITY/05-14-00 01-4110-04120-FUND01 929.26 PRE PAID 30705 4182.70 PYRO-SPECTACULARS - 53704 FIREWORKS/JULY 4TH 01-4200-06310-P94001 6000.00 CHECK NO. 30796 6000.00 QMD ENTERPRISES - - 53808 PRINTING SERVICE 01-4130-04678-FUND01 635.70 53809---PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUND01 636.78 CHECK N0. 30741 1272.48-- _ R.P'.- BLANDFORD`& SON _ - 53514__MEMORIAL_DAY,_ENTERTAINMN 01-4200-06310-FUND01 -150.00 PRE PAID 30695 RAFAEL HERRERA 53551 PAY ADVANCE/05-28-00- 82-0082-02126 640.45. ? PRE°PAZD- =30717 640. 4-5 _ ' -53720 SPECIAL-EQUIP MAINT- 01-4810-04740-FUND0I 115.83 -CHECK-.NO _30838: RELIABLE LIGHTING SERVICE 53721 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4810-06120-FUND01 53722 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4810-06120-FUND0I 53723 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4810-06120-FUND01 CHECK NO. 30842 RENTOKIL-LOS ANGELES - 53719 -BLDG MAINT 01-4180-04725-FUNDOI CHECK NO. 30841 RICK VASQUEZ 53552 PAY ADVANCE/05-28-00 82-0082-02126 - ==115:83. 239.44 239.44 160.00 638.88 93.50 758.78 06/06/00 14:09 RM704UR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON RICK VASQUEZ ACCOUNT CHARGED PRE PAID 30(118 RON SHOOP 53717 .-HEARING EXAMINER 53718 HEARING EXAMINER ROSA SEPULVEDA 53724--CLASS INSTRUCTION - 01-4310-04620-FUN O1 01-4310-04620-FUN O1 CHECK NO. 3 839 01-4840-04455-P51101 CHECK NO. 3 841 PAGE: 15 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMO T AMOUNT 90. 0 150. 0 758.78 240.00 -192.10 - - 19 - 2.00 _ RSMD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 53715 CONTRACT SVC/JUNE 200 01-4200-06320-P93 O1 3750. 0 -53716 MEETING-EXP/04-27-00 01-4110-06450-FUN O1 16. 0 53716 MEETING EXP/04-27-00 01-4700-06450-FUN O1' 8. 0 53716 MEETING EXP/04-27-00 01-4510-06450-FUN O1 8. 0 53716 - MEETING-EXP/04-27-00 01-4100-06450-FUN O1 8. 0 ="CHECK NO. 3 799 3790:00 _ RUTH_ DAVIS - - = - 53792- - EXCURSION- REFUND-..._._ 01-4840-03944-P5 1 01 10. 0 . _ CHECK NO. 3 857 10.00 S.O.S: SURVIVAL-PRODUCTS _ 53755 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4320-05010UN O1 127. 1- CHECK NO. 3 843-=- T27: 3:_--. _ _SAKAIDA_ NURSERY= `53735 "TREE MAINT" 22=4640-04722_-FUN - 22 -'-227: 3 ~ CHECK NO. 3 800 227.43 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER _ - - - _ - -53511= "UTILITY= SERVICE'-- ===='22-4640-06125-P92 22.-< 53511. UTILITY SERVICE - 01-4810-06125-FUN Ol_ 1177. , 8 53511 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92( 22 870.; 8 53511 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P921 22 364. 7 53511 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06125-P92 Ol _ 818. 6 PRE PAID 3 692 3633.01 SAN GABRIEL VLY TRIBUNE 53756 LEGAL _ADVERTISING _ 01-4120-04680-FUN O1 ' 365.E 2 53758 LEGAL ADVERTISING -01-4120-04680-FUN 01- 144.- 0 53760 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUN O1 51. 8 53762 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUN O1 127. 4 53764 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUN O1 87. 6 CHECK NO. 3C 809 776.10 06/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON SANDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 53751 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES - SANDRA ARMENTA- 53803 EXCURSION REFUND SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC -53743--DEPT SUPPLIES 53744 DEPT SUPPLIES 53745 DEPT SUPPLIES ACCOUNT CHARGED 01-4740-05010-P95501 CHECK NO. 30806 28-4660-07510-P96928 CHECK NO. 30858 .01-4840-05010-P51501- 01-4840-05010-P51501_ 01-4840-05010-P51501 CHECK NO. 30749 PAGE: 16 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 136.28 54.00 136.28 54.00 -60.87 --I - - 84.05 16.20 161.12 SELECT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 53746 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUND01 330.71 CHECK NO. 30801 330.71 SMART AND FINAL IRIS _ 53736 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUND01 136.68 _ 53,737 DEPT- SUPPLIES.___= 01-4820-05010=FUND01 - 43-.22`- - - 53738 _-SR-:LUNCH-PROGRAM -02-4750-05010-P95202 184.65 CHECK NO.: 30803 364.55 SO. CALIF. EDISON-CO _53546-_,.UTILITY SERVICE--..-, - 61-4340-0612.0-FUND61 21330.04 '53546 UTILITY-SERVICE--- -x-_ - X01=4810=06120=FUND01- - - _535467 UTILITY_-SERVICE 22-4630-06120-FUND22 125.85 _PRE_PAID , _ 30712 21475.17 SOUTHEAST..CONSTRUCTION- 53747 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE 01-4740-05010-P95501. _10-._61-., 53748 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUND01 59.82 53749='"'GRAFFITI--REMOVAL 'SUPPLZE °01-4740-05010-P95501- 1- 53750 -GRAFFITI- REMOVAL SUPPLIE - 01-4740-05010-P95501- 10.61 - . CHECK NO. 30804 86.34 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER 53521 UTILITY SERVICE 53521 UTILITY SERVICE 53521 UTILITY SERVICE SPARKLETTS 53523 DEPT SUPPLIES 22-4640-06125-P92522 22-4640-06125-P92422 01-4810-06125-FUND01 PREPAID 30701 01-4130-05010-FUND01 PRE PAID 30703 276.70 269.38 1572.10 77.35 2118.18 77.35 06/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 17 RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 6/13/00 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SPECTRA PAINT CENTERS INC 53752 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 53753 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 53754 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 CHECK NO. 30861 STANDARD 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T 53565 L-T CNSURANCE CO. DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 DISABILITY/JUNE 2000 STANDARD TEL 02-4750-04117-P95102 01-4130-04117-FUND01 01=4740-04117=P95501 01-4820-04117-FUND01 01-4100-04117-FUND01 01-4700-04117-FUND0I 01-4800-04117-FUNDOI 01-4110-04117-FUNDOI 01-4810-04117-FUND01 01-4120-04117-FUND01 PRE PAID 30732 _53766-. -OFFICE EQUIP- MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDOI_' 53768 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT/REPAI -01-4180-04730-FUNDOI 53806 _ OFFICE _ EQUIP MAINT_. _01.-4180-04730-FUND0I- CHECK NO. ' 30805 STAPL ES, INC - - - - , -53742 - -DEPT-SU _ PPLIEST - - -01=4840=05010=FUNDOI STAR-MAINTENANCE SUPPLY.- 53727 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES -53.728 _ JANITORIAL=SUPPLIES 53729 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 53730 JANITORIAL'-SUPPLIES` 53731-- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 53732 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 53733 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 53734 JANITORIAL- SUPPLIES-STATE OF CALIFORNIA 53507 SIT WITHHLDG/05-14=2000 53559 SIT WITHHLDG/05-28-00 CHECK NO. 30766 01-4810-05025-FUNDOl -_01-4810'-05025=FUND01- 01-4810-05025-FUND01 -01=4810=05025-FUND01 -01-4810=05025-FUND0I` 01-4810-05025-FUND01 01-4810-05025-FUND01 01-4810-05025-FUNDOI CHECK NO. 30807 82-0082-02111 - PRE PAID - 82-0082-02111 PRE PAID 485.78 I 1261.12 2897.86 :4644.76- 25.16 99.36 39.68 95.73 34.85 139.81 124.56 247.29 215.61 40.63 1062.68 - - 14 4 0 0 - 144.00 - 144.00 - - 432-.00 . 210.51. 210.51 40.59 314.47 - -`687.39 --249.52 30.58 170.49 608.91 30688 3072` 2530.51 2474.66 2234.45 - 2530. 51- - 2474.66 06/06/00 14:09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 18 RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 6/13/00 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK . VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SUCCESS STATIONERS 53739 CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 53.86 53740 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4120-05010-FUND01 72.49 53741 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUND01 19.28 CHECK NO. -30808 145.63 SUSAN J. MARTINEZ 53725 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 388.88 CHECK NO. 30783 388.88 SYLVIA VILLANUEVA 53726 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 559.98 CHECK NO. 30844 559.98 TERESA SCHELLENBERG 53791- EXCURSION REFUND 01-4840-03944-P51601 18.00 CHECK NO. 30859 18.00 TRINITY SOUND COMPANY 53553 CNCO DE MAYO ENTERTAINMN 01-4200-06310-P94201 725.00 - -7 -1- - = - - - - - - - PRE PAID---------- 30719 PRE ----.725_.00:-_ UNITED- WAY -53510 PAYROLL-WITHHLDG/05-14=0 .82-0082-02125 29.00 - - PRE PAID 30691 - - - 29.00 53562 PAYROLL _WITHHLDG/05_-28._0 82-0082 -02125 29-.00__ _ _ w29`00`-T UNOCAL _ _ - : - -53'566 FUEli EXPENSES%APR 20p0=` 01-4310=05225-UNIT30- 24.20= 53566 FUEL EXPENSES/APR_20.00 .01-4310-05225-UNIT29. . -37.75 -_53,566_F-UEL-EXPENSES/APR-2000r- =01-42 4 0-05 2 2 5-UNIT20=. 53566- FUEL EXPENSES/APR 2000 01-4240-05225-UNIT35 48.96 53566--- FUEL- EXPENSES/APR -2000-- "01-4240-05225-UNIT34' - - 48.57 53566--FUEL EXPENSES/APR 2000 28-4660-05225-UNIT31 25.74- 53566 FUEL EXPENSES/APR 2000 28-4660-05225-UNIT32 33.12 53566 FUEL EXPENSES/APR 2000 01-4240-05225-UNIT07 55.59 PRE-PAID- 30733 - 288.74-. USACSA 53797 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100.00 - CHECK NO. 30860 100.00 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS- .53780 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDOI 280.11 53781 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUND01 213.26 CHECK NO. 30811 493.37 06/06/00 14:09 RM704URI CITY OF ROSEMEAD WARRANT REGISTER # 00-29 PAYEE VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED VISION SERVICE PLAN 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4130-04113-FUND01 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4740-04113-P95501 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 02-4750-04113-P95102 53555 VISION-PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4800-04113-FUND01 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4810-04113-FUND01 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4820-04113-FUND01 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4100-04113-FUND01 53555 VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000 01-4110-04113-FUNDOI _-53555 VISION-.PREMIUMS/JUNE 2000_01-4-7.00-04113-FUND0I _53555. VISION PREMIUMS/JUNE-2000 01-4120-04113-FUND01 PRE PAID 30721 WALLIN, KRESS, REISMAN & KRANITZ 53783 RETAINER/JUNE 2000 01-4150-04310-FUND01 53784. REIMB/RET ANNTY/JUNE 200 01-4150-04120-FUND01 53785 REIMB/HEALTH INS/JUNE 00 01-4150-04110-FUND01 CHECK&NO. 30812 PAGE: 19 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK AMOUNT AMOUNT 96.96 48.48 24.24 96.96 218.16 72.72 121.20 96.96 - --48;48- - - - - 24.24 848.40 4600.00 -663.27 - -385.00 3551.73 WE-TIP INC. _ 53789 _ _ MEMBERSHIP JUL 00-JUN OI _ 01=4110-06460-FUND01- _ = _--2788: 00- - - CHECK NO. 30813 2788..00- - -WHITTIER_FERTILIZER _ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - 53786 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUND0I 946.32 53787 GROUNDS "MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUND01 2_11.09__ - 5378'8-=-GROUNDS-MAINT.__--- -:0'1-4810-04720-FUNDOI ="36:81 CHECK NO. 30814 119.4.22- W = - -53757-- DEV"MAP REVIEW/MAR-00_. _53.759---PBLC-WK PRMT_ INSP/MAR=00- 53761 CITY ENG RETAINER/MAR 00 - 53763=.~1998_SPEED-_=ZN-_SURV/MAR_O( 53765_ TRAFFIC_ STUDY/MAR_00___ 53767 TRAFFIC.STUDY/MAR 00 53769 BLDG & SAFETY/MAR 00 53770 CDBG._REHAB_INSP/MAR-00_- 53771 REHAB-INSP/MAR 00-. 53772 COMP & INVEST/MAR 00 53773 FINAL MAP REVIEW/MAR 00 53774 SUPPORTIVE ENG/MAR 00 537 VALLEY BLVD IMP/MAR 00 53776 CITYWIDE HOUSING#/MAR 00 53777 CODE COMPLIANCE/APR 00 53778 RESID REHAB/APR 00 53779 COMM REHAB/APR 00 01=4720-04231-FUND01 1564.00_ 01-4720-04.250-FUND0 1-- ---==119 07=. 00 - - - 01-4720-04210-FUND01 800.00 .01-4720r04232-FUND01- ' - " =`-1050':00-- - - _01-4510-04282-FUND01_-- 180.00 01-4510-04280-FUND01 2030.00 01-4710-04290-FUND01 38484.47 02-4750-07610-P95802 - -7463.00 - 01-4710-04291-FUND01 5170.00 01-4710-04292-FUND01 4920.00 01-4720-04232-FUND01 801.00 01-4720-04220-FUND01 2507.00 22-4500-04225-P76122 - _.3152.00 01-4500-04835-FUND01 165.00 02-4750-07610-P95102 3600.00 02-4750-07610-P95302 4120.00 02-4750-07610-P95402 960.00 r, 1 06/06/00 14:09 RM704URI PAYEE PAGE: 20 4N'DIFEROSEMBA{D9 6/13/00 USER: jim INVOICE CHECK WILLDAN ASSOCIATES WILLIAM CROWE 53564 MTG EXP 05/18-21/2000 CONTRACT CITIES/PALM SPRINGS YOLANDA ESTRADA 53790 CLASS INSTRUCTION 47 01-4110-06450-FUNDOI 92.35 PRE PAID 30731 92.35 01-4840-04455-P51501 741.45 CHECK NO. 30847 - 741.45 GRAND TOTAL 807,363.2 06/06/'00 14:09 PAGE: 21 RM704UR2 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND 6/13/00 USER: jim RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN 'GENERAL FUND 01 26,987.79 544,523.53 CDBG 02 4,036.00 24,001.00 NARCOTICS FORF. & SEIZURE 03 35.80 11,301.00 STATE GAS TAX 22 2,308.80 28,659.80 PROPOSITION A- 28 328.81 2,091.53 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 61 21,330.04 TRUST & AGENCY 81 600.00 PAYROLL REVOLVING FUND 82 22,300.14 -TREASURY -FUND- - CITY 95-- - 118,859.00 - TOTAL 196,186.38 611,176.86 GRAND TOTAL 807,363.24