CC - Item IV.CC-E - Authorization To Reject Claim Against City From Rose Marie CasarezCOUNCIL sDA J U N! 27 2'000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL iU FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK, CMC " DATE: JUNE 21, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST CITY FROM ROSE MARTS CASAREZ The attached claim was received in this office on May 11, 2000. -A copy was sent to the City's claims adjuster, Carl Warren & Company on the same day. Carl Warren & Company sent a notice on May 22, 2000, recommending that the aforementioned claim be rejected by the City. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the rejection of this claim and authorize a letter of rejection be sent to the claimant. Attch. !l. staf epor LAWYERS' GROUP, INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEY S AT LAW 4700 Teller Avenue, Third Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 Telephone (949) 261-7600 Fax (949) 261-7680 May 4, 2000 Rosemead Park 4;41 Encinita Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Re: Incident ofAnril 23. 2000 Our client: Rose Mane Casarez To whom it may concern: "r ."s'rte CI-v r - cr=fi7 MAY 1 1 2000 C! T 1' CL=RK'z OFFICE The above named client has consulted our law firm in regards to an incident which occurred on April 23, 2000 involving your premises. Our client said that while walking towards her vehicle she stepped in to a pathole, which caused her a `racture on her ankle. We are now in the process of nvestigating the matter further. Sometimes there are several versions as to what occurred and- before proceeding further, we would lake to know your account of what happend. Please advise as to whether you feel the incident was your fault or another partv's fault, the reasons for your belief, and also the names and addresses of any other witnesses. Please be certain to indicate the name of your insurance company on the enclosed form so we can deal directly with them and minimize further inconvenience to you .also be certain to give the arnount and type of coverage you have. Thant: -tu for vnur coon-Tation and the courtesv of your prompt attention to this maner. e jitruiv yours, 'L i Sujey Flores for Paul E. Lee L!,VAIVERS GROUP- INC. RE: Date of accident: April 23, 2000 Our client: Rose Marie Casarez I wish to submit the following information in regards to the above referenced matter: 1. I xvas/am insured by: 2. Address of my insurance company: 6. i. S. Policy number: Type of coverage: Liability, Property Damage, etc. .Amount of coverage: I was insured at the time of accident: Yes I accept responsibility for the accident: Yes my version of what occurred: No No The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and is given under penalty of perjury. Date: Signature. LAWYERS' GROUP. Il'qC. A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Date: I .h 1 J-1 I hereby appoint the LAWYERS' GROUP, Inc. (herein referred to as `the Firm') to represent me in proceedings to which I am a party. (CDI Reg. §2695.2 (c)). You are hereby authorized and requested to furnish the firm with any and all information or opinions its attorneys may request. This authorization also includes the release of all medical reports, diagnoses, prognoses, medical history, notes, x-rays, photographs, prescriptions, charts, and other results of testing and bills. This authorization also includes the release of findings, reports, notes, diagrams, surveys, photographs, wage information, and any other information from police, administrative agencies, and any other person or source, whether public or private. This release is not restricted to time or subject matter. You are further requested not to disclose any information concerning me to any insurance adjuster, investigator, law enforcement officer, or any other person without my express written consent or that of my attorney. This release shall act as a revocation of any and all other release or authorization forms, which I have signed prior to the effective date hereof. 1 am willing that a photocopy of this authorization has the same force and effect as the original. J NOTICE TO ALL MED-CAL PROVIDERS Notice is hereby given pursuant to Welfare & Institution Code, Section 14124.791, of your eiigioiiiry to file a lien For all costs for services provided to beneficiary against any judgment, award or settlement obtained by the Beneficiary or director from a liable third party. A lien under this section must be filed with this office within 65 days receipt of this notice. Liens under this section should be sent registered mail. All liens will be subject to off set for attorney fees and costs of litigation expenses. Proof of providers compliance with Medi-cal rules regarding provisions of reimbursement is requisite for payment under this section. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY FROM: rD: Carl Warren & Co. CITY OF ROSE?aAD 1801 Parkcourt.Pl• VIE-2-08 Santa Ana, CA 92701 OU=!JLL I : RLPORT ON 1'U I LNIAL CMAr- L ZU'J''J - REPORT DATE y - ? 3 TIME OF REPORT 7,(-1 2- CAM Z"-PI A. - COMPLETE FOR ALL ACCIDENTS POLICE TO WHOM REPORTF1 DATE 6 TIME OF ACCIDENT I1{I,.L.~/OCA~TyION MDAY Y A R TIMEG CAM P,-PM I✓T.. rV,.LuI~/•r NO. B.- COMPLCTE ONLY IF CITY CAR OR EOUIPMENT 15 INVOLVED PERMISSION YES:.: NUJ C. - COMPLCTE ONLY IF OTHER PROPERTY IS DAMAGED H E- -COMPLETE FOR ALL ACCIDENTS IOESCRIBC INCIDENT - STATE FACTUAL POINTS ONLY- DO NOT GIVE OPINIONS AS TO FAULT, NEGLIGENCE OR LIAbi L1TY K tlin/arCO > o~ IPi Cyr 4*r ~s In ~L,./t CI.s SJ--.~^~c~ r-'1^•.f".,!, 7✓ r l-/l. ✓l ~ lCpr i L r-v LJ ~ 1 t V- G.✓. ~ i . WEATHER CONDI-10:dS CSUNNY =RAINY EI OVERCAST ZLWINDY DESCRIBE - IYI: M;r_55-NAM- I ADDRESS PHONE NO. L~Y~i~ III--S 2, qn -41ziz7 WAS CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR NOTIFIED 7 =YES W40 BY WHOM 7 DATE l REPORT PREPARED BY USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEEDED. TIME O.' COMPLET E ONLY IF SOMEONE 15 INJURED idhat steps were Laren to prevent a sam=iar occurrence? Date of Repo=t: Reviewed by: __me of Report Lirecto=: S; ry--~ct~=e Si:3^!Z^ THIS FDR., TO T, x r;J OFF, C= I,= r:: 2.1 !TOURS OF :,CCs DE7:^ ~I r, Lam. r Date: Date What treatment was Given - describe in detail first-aid administered and by whom. 6 i _ ,SFr J ^9r _ ~C~ 1 r MAYOR: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T IMPERIAL COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT W. BRUESCH GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASOUE2 May 11, 2000 Vi 11' c~ ~ ~ S~2C 8(~ 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA, 911770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-210D FAX (526) 30792118 D,Ai¢ht I. Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Or:mr_e' CA 92665 Rte: ROSE 1v1ARIE CASAREZ - NEW CLAJI ,I Dcar \1r. Kunz: The a_tached claim was received in my o icc today. Enciosed zre the City's Report on Potential Claim and photographs taken by staff of the alleged incident site. Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, ,7/ -7, NANCY VALDEP~ ANNA City Clerk C;:) :OSCnI :i Encl. cc P- DD VI! 7: 7 :7 :7 .-AD MAY 2 2 ZOuD May 14, 2000 C:Ty C_.-RY =i T0: Citv of Rosemead ATTENTION: Nancy Valderrama, Cite Clerk RE: Claim Casarez y. Citv of Rosemead Claimant Rose Marie Casarez D/Event 23-Apr-00 Recd Y/Omce I 1-Mav-00 Our File S-108208-GMQ We have reviewed the above captioned claim and request that you take the action indicated below: • TAKE NO ACTION: Defer any written response to the claimant pending our further advice. if you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Vern truly yours. CARL WARREN' & CO7 P,kNY i Dwieht J. Kunz cc: CJP1A ti/enc Attn.: Executive Director CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT-CLAIMS ADJUSTERS aJ The City Drive . Stems • Orange. CA 92859 rv.ait P.O. Box 2.51 so • Santa Ana, Ca 92799 5180 Phone: (714) 743-7939 • (BDD) 572-e930- Fax: (714) 7414: 2 ED MAY 2 IS 20D0 CITY CLEDW; O-=ICE TO: Carl 'Warren &,Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange. CA 92868 DATE: 05/16/00 CLAIMANT: Rose Marie Casarez FILE NO: S 108208 GJIQ D/EVENT: 4..-23-00 FILING DATE: 5-11-00 SIX MOS.: YES PRINCIPAL/CITY: CJPIA/City of Rosemead RECOMMENDED ACTION ON CLAIM: REJECT in 15 days unless claimant attorney files an amended claim FACTS: Claimant tripped and fell as a result of a hole at Rosemead Park.. POSSIBLE CO-DEFENDANTS: Deferred pending scene inspection. EVALUATION: Deferred pending scene inspection. RESERVES TYPE OF CLAIM AMOUNT 1. Rose Marie Casarez LBI S10-000 COMMENT/VVORK TO BE COMPLETED: InSD°Ct scene and statement from claimant. Interview witness Casillas. Our further reportwill follow shortly. -=cc: City of Rosemead, Attn. Fancy Valderrama. City Clerk cc: CJPI_A - .Attn.: Executive Director CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT-CLAIMS ADJUSTERS 750 The City Drive • Ste 400 • Orange, CA 92858 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 • Santa Ana, Ca 92799-518D