CC - Item 9F - Request to Issue for Proposals for an Information Processing Software SystemROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL
AUGUST 24, 2010 9V-
The City has been using the same basic accounting software for almost 20 years. In
that same time, tremendous advances have been made in information processing
software by other larger vendors while the City's provider has struggled to offer a
product with competitive data security, functionality and user friendliness. Because of
these reasons, staff is asking permission to issue a request for proposal (RFP) for a
replacement software system.
Staff Recommendation:
It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to issue requests for proposals
for an information processing system.
For almost 20 years the City has used financial accounting software from Information
Development Consultants, Inc: (IDC) a privately held software company located in
Chicago, IL. The City's data, including payroll and general ledger, is stored on IDC's
server in Chicago and the programs and data are accessed via the internet. When the
cost of hardware and software was highly expensive, using a "service bureau" like IDC
for information processing provided some cost advantages, but with the costs of
hardware, data storage and software much more affordable, the risk associated with
using a small service bureau is no longer a wise business decision. Furthermore, a
small company lacks the resources to provide the level of product development, quality,
and support that a larger better funded company can give.
Due to system integrity concerns, system inefficiency and a system that does not
City Council Meeting
August 24, 2010
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adequately serve the needs of the Rosemead community, the City Council and staff, the
IDC accounting software should be replaced with a more complete information
processing system. The marketplace is full of highly qualified companies that can
provide a complete range of products that will meet Rosemead's needs at competitive
prices. The cost of financing a new information system has been included in the budget
and will not require new General Fund expenditures. The hardware and software will be
kept at City Hall, therefore, staff will not be dependent upon a consultant in Chicago for
data transmission over the internet and information confidentiality and system
maintenance will be managed by City staff.
Analytic Details:
The City's accounting software is limited to basic accounts payable, purchasing, general
ledger and payroll. General ledger lookups are mostly limited to the current fiscal year
and the immediate prior year. Requests for reports of older data are achievable but
often require special programming by IDC technicians at additional cost to the City.
Special programming also leads to delays in City staff's responsiveness to requests
from City Council members, staff, other government agencies and the public. Even with
the most recent upgrade (a major patch three years ago); the system's functionality still
lags significantly behind products offered by competitors.
Continuing the important task of basic accounting with IDC poses unnecessary risks of
data loss and basic business disruption (i.e. payroll preparation) in the event that IDC
should become insolvent or lose key staff members. Staff is aware of only two IDC
technicians and the loss of even one of the two could be detrimental to ongoing
services. Staff is also not aware of any other California IDC customers so programs for
state taxes and CalPERS requirements are basically custom programming for the City.
It is also apparent that IDC's products and service have fallen significantly behind that of
the competition.
Large software firms have a broad range of products that can meet the city's extensive
information processing needs, such as human resources management, cash collections
and document management. With a new system, staff would implement all of the basic
accounting modules, budget preparation, bank reconciliation plus human resources
management, project accounting and cash collections with enhancements planned for
the future as funding and needs arise. Modules, such as purchasing, will be primarily
paperless; purchase requests will flow from person to person (for approvals)
electronically, without anyone ever touching a piece of paper until the final purchase
order is printed. In some cases, even purchase orders can be sent electronically to
vendors. Current software offerings are efficient and user friendly, leading to more
productive use of staff time, and are supported by large product development and
support staffs. The costs of new product developments and upgrades are shared by
substantial customer bases across the country, and, included in the annual
maintenance costs are major upgrades, not just patches and fixes, thus making the
City Council Meeting
August 24, 2010
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products essentially ageless.
Choosing the best information system partner is a very long -term relationship, lasting
five to ten years or more and the selection process must be very thorough. Vendors
that do not have a substantial California presence will not be considered and financial
strength, as well as technical expertise will be a key consideration of every potential
Appropriations for a new system were included in the FY 2010 -11 budget but none of
the cost for hardware and software is appropriated in the General Fund; instead, it is
allocated to the CDBG Fund, Gas Tax Fund, Redevelopment Fund and Street Lighting
Fund. It is proposed that the system be financed over five years. With product prices
very competitive and interest rates low (in the 3 % -4% range) annual payments are
estimated to be approximately $35,000 in the first year and $60,000 per year in the
following four years.
Annual maintenance costs are estimated to be in line with those currently charged by
IDC. However, the products covered under a new maintenance agreement are far more
technically advanced, will cover a broader product offering and the annual maintenance
will include product upgrades.
This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.
Submitted by:
Steve Brisco
Director of Finance
Attachment A: Draft RFP
Attachment A
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Attachment A
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Attachment A
The City of Rosemead is requesting proposals for an Integrated Financial Management System. The
system desired would be a turn -key system to provide electronic solutions for General Ledger,
budget preparation, accounts payable, purchasing, accounts receivable, cash receipting, payroll/
human resources, fixed assets and Project Accounting. The City is also interested in obtaining
additional information on a module for fleet management as well as information on integrating the
proposed system modules with HdL Business License and Permitting software.
The City of Rosemeadwas incorporated August 4, 1959. The City is located in Los Angeles
County, California and is surrounded by the cities of El Monte, Monterey Park, Temple City and
San Gabriel. The City has a population of 57,000 and encompasses apprbximately 4.3 square miles.
There are 59 approved full -time positions in the City for FY 201 04 provided by the City
include, public works maintenance, engineering, parks and relErat'on, planning, building and
general administrative services.1s3,,
• Vendors will be required to submit their I
proposal (RFP) and pricing amounts will be
• Pricing should include all costs related to
data, installation, training, travel, Project M
• Vendors, who choose to submit a join
submit a single UP detailing the respons'b
• Vendors selected by the City shall provi j
interview process.
• The City wants to have rt or I
implementation is initiated central ze con
The City will select the
features as outlined . tK
training and impl tati
final award wil i4ordpeciac
the needs of the i t: as
forms provi d by the request for
conversion of existing
various software packages, must
of programs proposed during the
Manager assigned to the City once the
Fp'ropo al'sed upon several evaluation factors: including
ctive integration of modules; company stability; conversion,
cal support; and price. The selection of finalists and the
t proposal submitted by a qualified Vendor that best meets
by the City. The City reserves the right to reject any or all
The City of Rosemead is looking for an integrated financial system and vendor that will provide:
• full integration between modules
• single entry of information (with use in multiple modules),
• ease of use,
• real -time processing,
• customization of fields,
• ability to view increasing levels of account detail on screen,
• easy export of all data for analysis,
• an ample selection of usable pre - formatted reports,
• customizable reporting,
Page 3
• appropriate security and internal controls ,
• reliable and responsive support.
• excellent user references,
• demonstrated company stability.
Attachment A
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Attachment A
The RFP defines nine required modules. The City under general selection criteria of product,
service, reputation, and pricing will review required modules. The City is also requesting additional
pricing information on possible future modules that could be integrated with the Financial System.
A Vendor's ability to provide the possible future modules will in no way influence the evaluation of
the required financial modules. The City reserves the right to evaluate the potential future modules
more in -depth at a date to be determined in the future.
The needs of the City are broken down into the following system groups:
Required Financial Modules
1. General Ledger
2. Budget Preparation
3. Accounts Payable
4. Purchasing
5. Accounts Receivable
6. Cash Receipting
7. Payroll /Human Resources
8. Fixed Assets
9. Proiect Accounting
The City has an accounti
Development Counsultants
accounts payable, cash e
software does not intent
stem t is developed and supported by Information
N es odules for general ledger, budget preparation,
payroll. The current building permit and business licensing
v's financial modules.
Data Conversion Needs
General Ledger
Budget Preparation
IDC, Excel & Word
Accounts Payable
Vendor File
Cash Receipting
Accounts Receivable
Payroll /Human Resources
Employee master file, YTD payroll
history for mid - calendar
Fixed Assets
Excel .
Current asset lists
Page 5
Attachment A
Data Conversion Needs
Project Accounting
Estimated annual number of AP Checks Issu
Estimated annual payroll checks issued
Potential Modules
Estimated number of W -2 forms iss
Estimated number of 1099 form i e
Full -time employees ff B Ik
Fleet Maintenance
City's Current Annual Activity Level
Rosemead is a built -out City. Limited growth of
increased density. The growth in the number of City
(will b rough housing in -fill or
and cyst ould be minimal.
Estimated number of General Ledger accounts
Estimated annual number of cash receipt transactions
Estimated annual number of AP Checks Issu
Estimated annual payroll checks issued
Estimated number of W -2 forms iss
Estimated number of 1099 form i e
Full -time employees ff B Ik
Part-time employees 120
Estimated Users:
Financial M,a�ple Net rs) 7
DepartmenttYlsers (vie 15
• The City of Rosemead network consists of approximately 75 HP and Dell computers running
Windows XP Pro OS and using Office 2003 or 2007.
• Clients connect via TCP /IP over a 10 /10013aseT via CATS cabling to a host of four servers
running Windows 2003.
• The network architecture consists of Dell serverse, Linksys /Cisco routers and a SonicWall
• The current financial system is hosted by the software provider and is accessed via a web
interface utilizing the internet.
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Attachment A
Network Support and Desktop Services
IT service support and helpdesk are contracted out to Strategic Business Resources (SBR) with
on -site technicians visiting the City Tuesday and Thursday, nine hours per day.
• SBR is also responsible for the physical network and server support for the City.
Desired ComputinE Environment Requirements
• System capable to run in a MS Windows 2003 network
• Must run on current up -to -date technology workstations Wince g P and above
• User - friendly GUI interface
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Attachment A
Tentative Acquisition Timeline
The City intends to complete the selection process using the following schedule. However, the City
reserves the right to adjust or reschedule milestones as necessary. Any changes to the schedule will
be E- mailed to all prospective Vendors.
Release Request for Proposal September 1, 2010
Vendor Questions Due September 16. 20
Answers to RFP Questions E- mailed to Vendors SeptemberY
Vendor Proposal Responses Due Subm' are to be rec by Thursday
Se t er 301t the Rose d City Hall
Finalists Notified /Vendor Short List Released Oct(3ttel�4,72010
Vendor Demonstrations Conducted MR64N.ovembeAlAz 24
User Site Visits Complete
6 ember W0, 2010
Final Selection
cember 9, 2010
Contract Awarded / Council ov 1
Planuary 12, 2011
Implementation / T ' "ns
March 1, 2011
Go Live with PI's 1 Module (G AP)
July 1, 2011
Go Live with Phase 2 Jules 1 Other
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Attachment A
Proposal Responses
The City must receive responses to this RFP no later than the date specified in Section 3. Proposals
received after the due date will not be accepted. No additional time will be granted to any Vendor
unless by addendum to this RFP. Vendors must submit one 1 original with signatures, 3 copies, and
1 electronic version of the Requirements section in MS Word format to the following address:
Steve Brisco, Direcotr of Finance
City of Rosemead
8838 E. Valley Blvd.
Rosemead, CA 91770
Ph: (626) 569-2121
Proposal Format
Title `'
Part 1
Executive Summary
r d overvie e cription of proposed
s t h n dor n rience, and relative
ex -c tiv t n. Please limit to one page.
Part 2
Vendor and So ftw re
Co I Appen ix A. (MS Word document)
locat d 'n Section 7 relating to general
backgr d information for both the Vendor and
s I You may reference attachments as
nece ary.
Part 3
Ven r S st
Complete Appendix B. (MS Word document)
R remen
located in Section 7 relating to the specific
A pendix B)
system requirements for each module. Please
complete the form by using the specific coding
outlined in Appendix B and use the comments
sections to clarify any of your answers as needed.
Part 4
Vendor M4KPricing
Complete Appendix C (MS Word document)
Sheet (Appendix C)
located in Section 7 that summarizes all costs
relating to the implementation and maintenance
fees for subsequen years.
Part 4
A summary of implementation methodology that
includes a proposed implementation plan. (limit
12 pages)
Part 5
Support Strategy
Description of strategy to support ongoing
training and usability of the system after initial
implementation as well as remote support
services available. (limit 4 ages)
Part 6
Other Information
A. Complete Client Listing
B. Copy of Vendor contract to be used for
Page 9
Attachment A
software license, services, and maintenance
C. Exceptions to the City of Rosemead' UP
D. Copy of standard escrow agreement
E. Other information that may provide value to
the evaluation of your software
F. Any other anticipated costs not called out in
cost sheet
Other Submittal Criteria
Format - Vendors that deviate from this format may be deemed nor nsive. Proposals should be
prepared simply, providing a straightforward, concise delineatio o the capabilities necessary to
satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Extensive technical li tur nd elaborate promotional
materials should not be submitted at this time. Emphasis in th oposals should be on
completeness, clarity of content and adherence to the p . sentation structu e equired by this RFP
and not on volume.
Cost Recovery - Costs for developing proposals in re e o the RFP are the obligation of the
Vendor and are not chargeable to the City. II proposa d accompanying documentation will
become the property of Rosemead and will nlL turned.
Pre - Submittal Questions There will be no p i d rs c'f;Wrence. Questions regarding the RFP
may be submitted to Rosemead by e to ber 1 0 (via email) to
The list of submitted question 'th th i respe i e answers will be emailed to all proposers by
September 30, 2010.
RFP Amendments The ity r ry s the right to request clarification on any proposal or to ask
respondents to sup .tio I aterial deemed necessary to assist in the evaluation of the
proposal. The C' . reserves th ight ange the RFP schedule or issue amendments to the RFP
at any time. Ro emead also reses the right to cancel or reissue the RFP.
Rejection of Proposalu Theta reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any
minor informalities or in�k�,,.u��larities contained in any proposal, and to accept any proposal deemed
to be in the best interest of R semead.
Proposal Validity Period Submission of a proposal will signify the Vendors agreement that its
proposal and the content thereof are valid for 180 days following the submission deadline and will
become part of the contract that is negotiated between the City and the successful Vendor.
Disclaimer The City reserves the right to share, with any consultant of its choosing, the RFP and
any resultant proposals in order to secure expert opinion.
Non - Obligation Receipt of proposals in response to this RFP does not obligate Rosemead in any
way. The right to accept or reject any proposal shall be exercised solely by Rosemead. The City
shall retain the right to abandon the proposal process at any time prior to the actual execution of a
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Attachment A
contract with a Vendor, and the City shall bear no financial or other responsibility in the event of
such abandonment.
Public Disclosure All materials provided to the City by Vendors are subject to state public
disclosure laws.
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Attachment A
The City's Project Team will evaluate the RFPs. The evaluators will consider how well the
proposed solution meets the City's requirements as described in the RFP. It is important that the
responses be clear and complete to ensure that the evaluators can adequately understand all aspects
of the proposal.
Evaluation Factors - Selection of finalists will be primarily evaluated according to the following
• Quality, clarity, and completeness of the proposal.
• Adherence to requirements for RFP preparation.
• Vendor viability and strength. ®
• Ability to meet City's functional and technical requircfii
• Software scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. & 9
• Compatibility and integration with existing ha Me and
• Vendor's experience on similar projects.
• Software demos.
• Total cost of ownership.
The evaluation factors identified above re . e ran considerations. While cost is
important, other factors are also significant. City ct a vendor other than the lowest cost
solution. The objective is to choose a endor c e f pro ` ing a reliable and integrated solution
within a reasonable budget. ;II 1 will b e aluated using the same criteria.
Notification - Based on the FP he City will select a short list of two to three
Vendors and invite them to ci demonstrations. The selected Vendors will be
notified in writing or em ' by th at indicated in Section 3.
Scripted Demos - i T functio a and hnical product demos will be presented to the City by the
top short listed - endors accord[ to a cript provided by the City. The evaluation criteria for the
demo process wi 'n Vthe vi g the information required by the script as well as the ability to
successfully demonset's ability to meet the functional and t echnical requirements.
The City reserves the st additional information, interviews, follow -up demonstrations,
or any other type of f proposal information it deems necessary to evaluate the final
Post -Demo Technical Evaluation - In addition to scripted functional demonstrations, the City may
request a more extensive technical demo. This demo will be scheduled on an as- needed basis for
the short listed Vendor applications.
Site Visits - The City may choose to conduct site visit(s) to the software Vendor's headquarters
and /or Vendor's clients as part of the evaluation process. The site visits may be used to determine
the successful Vendor, and will be conducted following scheduled software demonstrations of the
short listed Vendors. Evaluation of the Vendor client sites will be based on the following:
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Attachment A
• Assessment of the Vendor's service during system implementation.
• Assessment of the quality of Vendor's ongoing support.
• Overall user satisfaction with the system.
Investigation of References — The City reserves the right to check on any and all available
references and sources of information including sources other than references provided in the
Vendor's proposal. The City may investigate information from any source, including government
bodies and regulatory authorities in evaluating the Vendor's successful performance of similar
projects, compliance with specifications and contractual obligations, its completion or delivery of a
project on schedule and is lawful payment of suppliers, subcontractors and workers.
Contract Award and Execution — The City of Rosemead reserves the ght to negotiate with any
Vendor as necessary to serve the best interests of the City. The City 91 reserves the right to make
an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted. e ity shall not be bound or in
any way obligated until both parties have executed a Vendor ra . The City also reserves the
right to delay contract award and /or not to make a contract r .
Turn -Key Project - The City is seeking a turn-key imp�1,'
this RFP. The Vendor shall provide all labor, rt q
necessary for, or reasonably incidental to, the comple
from this RFP. Vendor must include in its. Drice all
system and application database develop 14W
configurations), integration, delivery, inso, associated with all elements of the proposed pi.
Page 13
t of the soft"'Rre contemplated by
pplies, transportation and services
mance of any agreement resulting
management, design, engineering,
h user interviews for user feature
umng, travel and warranty costs
Attachment A
The following terms and conditions apply to this RFP and are not inclusive of all terms and
conditions in the final contract.
Business License and Taxation - The successful Vendor and all subcontractors must hold valid
business and professional licenses and registrations that may be required by the State of California
and the City of Rosemead.
Insurance Requirements - The Vendor awarded the contract will be subject to the City's
requirements for insurance reflecting the minimum amounts and conditions as defined by the City.
Workers' Compensation - The Vendor shall procure and F am for the life of the
Contract /Agreement Workers' Compensation Insurance coverin ployees with limits meeting
all applicable state and Federal laws. This coverage shall inc E er's Liability with limits
meeting all applicable state and Federal laws. This coveragC� shall exten any subcontractor that
does not have their own Workers' Compensation and Etta er's Liability s ance.
Proposals — Public Information - The City will att to ect legitimate trade secrets of the
Vendor. Any proprietary information contained in the o s proposal must be clearly designated
and shall be labeled with the words "Proprie Informati Marking the entire proposal or any
one or more of the major sections as propriet ther b epted nor honored.
The Vendor should be aware that the City is r q i y a o make certain records available for
public inspection with certain S. to endor, by submission of materials marked
proprietary, acknowledges and rees th t he Cit ill have no obligation or liability to the Vendor
in the event that the City mu disclose es ateri
Copyright and C'onf:dem' - el cted Vendor shall maintain strict privacy of all City records,
data and files (rega s 1. ia), "' luuding any copyrighted material received from the City.
Prime Vendor - t is recognized hat multiple Vendors may wish to combine their resources in
responding to this quest for Proposal. A Proposal with such a combination is acceptable,
provided that the com$te Pr al contains all required information, and indicates which Vendor MW
shall be responsible for each the components that make up the complete system. In addition, one
of the Vendors shall be designated as responsible for the complete definition, delivery, integration,
implementation, maintenance of the system, referred to as the Prime Vendor. The Prime Vendor
will also be responsible for providing a single Project Manager who will be the City's
communication link with the Vendor(s).
Litigation/JurisdictionNenue - Should either party bring any legal or equitable action, the
prevailing party in such action shall recover, in addition to all other relief, its reasonable attorney's
fees and court costs to be fixed by the court. Any and all such court action shall take place in the
State of California.
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Attachment A
Payment - The City will pay invoices submitted by the selected Vendor as progress is made on the
implementation project and agreed upon service stipulated in the final agreement. Prior to payment,
invoices will be reviewed to determine if billing is reflective of actual agreed upon project
progression and performance. Upon acceptance of the billing by the City's Project Manager the
payment will be processed and submitted to the Vendor.
Satisfaction of the City Attorney - The acceptance and subsequent award of a submitted proposal
shall be at the review and satisfaction of the City Attorney and the City's Project Manager.
Choice of Laws - The contact/agreement shall be subject to and interpreted pursuant to the laws of
the State of California.
Source Code Escrow - This Request for Proposal will require that JhVselected Vendor provide to
the City the source code, in its entirety for all purchased so • w e modules, either by direct
possession or via an escrow account.
Warranties - All warranties must be clear, concise and in ting. Warran ies all be specific as to
what is and is not covered along with the exact to in calendar days) each covered item.
Warranties shall cover all individual modules, sup i or �ted interfaces, and any ancillary
product that is purchased from the awarded Vendor. In n, the awarded Vendor will warrant
and guarantee the seamless integration and ' terface of ules proposed herein. Bidders must
warrant to the City that software specificati a ilities, d erformance characteristics are as
stated in the proposal and accompanying do en t'on: b ' sion of a Proposal will represent
your agreement to these conditions.
Software Versions - The City
have been installed and full)
accounting cycle. Furthermoi
available during
Be, ersions of the software. All applications are to
a "liYe,' environment and operational through a full
DD all include all software upgrades that are made
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Attachment A
Appendix A. Vendor And Software Background
Vendor Background - Please Provide the City with responses to all of the following Items:
Company Name:
- - - -. ..
Headquarters Address:
Tax ID#
Representative to contact for further information or amendts to the RFP:
Telephone #:
Fax #
Email Address:
Proposed Implementation Consultant ' address information:
Company Name:
Headquarters Address:
Tax ID#
Provide if different from the software company. These services do not need to be separately provided.
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Attachment A
Vendor Background (continued) Software Vendor
What is your estimated total number of software implementations
for the current fiscal year? What percentage would be considered
government clients?
- - - - -- - ._ - ----- -- ----------- ... ... .. .. -- - --
What was your total number of software implementations for the
previous fiscal year? What percentage would be considered
government clients?
How many current governments clients do you have California?
- - --
Please give population ranges for these entities.
- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - .- _.. - - - --------------- .. -------------------
What percentage of the software implementations covered in
Question 3 were the same product and version you are proposm
for the City of Rosemead?
How many consecutive years has the Company been profit lei
........ ---
What percentage of gross revenue is from software sal s„
What percentage of gross revenue is from hardw les?
--- --
....... ..........
What percentage of gross revenue is from consultin s.
What percentage of gross revenue is inve n produc ?
........ _ - . ...... --
What is the total number of full-time pers e fn o ompa y? r
What is the total number of full -ti e person t gne
software development and in
What is the total number f 11-ti m p rsonnel igned to 1
research and developmen
-.. ...- ...... ... ...... -. -.
What is the total n of e personnel assigned to sales?
What is the to mber 11 -ti e ersonnel assigned to
customer su rt?
What is the toMnamber of f l time personnel assigned to other
functions (admini at on, agement etc.)?
---------'— ------- – ----------- – ----------------- - -_j
Page 17
Attachment A
Company References
Please list at least five (5) references for government implementations of similar size and scope of
functionality that have been completed within the last three (3) years. Please note those references
that include payroll for Police Departments.
Software Background
Clearly define the actual
running on what platform
Page 18
the version they are operating under,
Hardware I Database
Attachment A
Please provide the following information pertaining to software development, maintenance, version
control and disaster recovery. You may reference attachments as required.
1. Does the Company maintain an extensive research and development program and
constant enhancement of the system? Please describe:
2. Does the Company monitor all legislative developments at the Federal, state and local !
levels and coordinate with regulatory agencies to ensure that the product is maintained
in current compliance with these agencies' requirements? Please describe.
...... . - -.. -. ..._ - - -. -. -. - --
�. Has the software undergone a controls review by a public acco tin firm? If so,
which firm and'when?
4. Does the Company support User Group activities at is role of the ser Group
in determining product development or enhancem Is re a User Group in close
proximity to Rosemead?
5. Please describe your maintenance philoso s th past frequency of fixes "?
How do you differentiate "fixes" r m versi ases? ( urther questions on version
control are covered in numbe )
6 How does the Company 5ndHc11 s of` frx ?
7. Does the C pany provi el onic mechanism to receive product updates of
"fixes "? If s at mecham is utilized?
---- ...- ----- ...--- .... ............... .........a . ........... - -- ........ ........- ......
8. What are the Co a quality assurance procedures for "fixes ", functional
enhancements, version leases? Please describe each.
- - - - -- .......... .........
9. Please describe how the Company ensures that all "fixes" are compatible with new
version releases (i.e. are not overwritten or nullified).
........- ...._.. - - ..- ......... .. .. ......... ....... .........
10. In the event of bankruptcy or going out of business, is your firm's source code':
jescrowed such that it would be made available to the client upon the closing of the;
software provider's business?
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Attachment A
.......... ........... . - --.. ........................................... - - - --
11. What has been the frequency of version releases over the past two years?
12. What are the NEXT two planned release dates for versions after the initial version;
proposed for the City of Rosemead?
€ 13. How many versions are currently being actively supported, and what are they?
14. How long are versions actively supported?
15. If versions are released for multiple platforms, i/what r are v s ns released by
16. Does the Company provide upward compatibility wi versions of software?
17. Are there additional costs for new version th over and above the annual:
maintenance costs?
18. Can a test environment to 1 d for separate testing by City staff of
release software prio to pro • ucti n installation? If so, how can the test database be
refreshed with me in _ u to a live information ?_
19. Describe the str e. _c directi for future enhancements and new technology?
'lath, AV
20. Describe the disaster recovery services your firm offers? Please include data''
back -up as well as fully hosted options.
-. -... - - ---- ------ – — – _ ..............
21. Please provide your warranty information on all modules.
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Attachment A
Appendix B. Vendor And System Requirements
This section includes the Vendor, technical, and functional requirements to be evaluated in this
RFP. The Requirements Section will become Section 3 of your RFP response. This is not a
comprehensive list of all of the City's requirements, but includes the key requirements that will be
used to evaluate the RFPs and will be included as part of the signed contracts. Responses to each
line item should be concise and straightforward.
The City expects Vendors to respond in a factual manner, clearly identifying software that is fully
released, in testing, or slated for future release for each functional requirement. Vendors must
provide a rating for every item. If the requirement does not pertain to the proposal being submitted,
enter "N /A ". If a submitted RFP includes blank responses the document may be considered in
violation and rejected. Use the following rating system to complete e RFP and evaluate the
requirements and include a brief description of how the software 11Mts the stated requirement.
Response Code Defid__fereW df Response
Y Unqualified Yes — Meets the r
RW Requirement is satisfied by utili t#t report writer
UM Requirement may be sans ied by a u r odification (screen designer,
user defined field
PM Requirement can only atis ogramming modification—
oi�nclluddestima - st fore ch identified - - -- -.. -._ _ .. - .- . -. -.. ..... -. FUT Featuded i future release (provide date)
DN No — he req i ment
............ OTH Othei
General System Requirements
1. Availability of complete on -line help
function and system documentation that may be
printed when desired
2. Provision for data back -up and disaster
3. Ability to maintain historical financial data
on -line for any user determined number of years
4. Ability to facilitate archival of historical data
5. Ability of multiple -users to work in the same
module simultaneously
Page 21
Attachment A
6. Ability to drill down from reports, queries, or
screens from summary to transactional detail
7. Ability to receive credit card payments and
meets PCI (Payment Card Industry) '
8. Ability to interface with the City's existing
server and workstation platforms
9. Ability to provide customer support services
to City staff 7:OOa.m. to 6:OOp.m. Pacific
Standard Time, Monday through Thursday.
10. Availability of a user friendly data
dictionary that is used across all applications
within a functional area
11. Ability to import and export data for user
controlled manipulation in formats compatible
with Microsoft Office
12. Utilization of MS SQL; or ODBC
compliant databases; no proprietary database
B. Ability to have unlimited user defined fief
that can be accessed through queries and repo s_
14. Ability to directly link to external
documents such as spreadsheets
processing documents
15. Encrypted database both It ransit an
16. Real time, not batSJWMgessiM
17. Ability to calcul inte t d ]M fees for
billing AIV 1% IV
18. Auditing cap tl'ties that pro , e a history
of who has accesse c ated, or dified each
data entry item
19. Availability of role b e ecurity where
users can be assigned to mu tiple roles of
security access.
20. Ability to identify unauthorized access to
data classified as sensitive (i.e. containing
Social Security, bank account, or driver license
21. Ability to conduct searches, and generate
reports at all levels of the account structure by
fiscal year, month, calendar years, or any user
defined criteria
22. Ability to save queries and make saved
query available to other users
Page 22
Attachment A
23. Availability of report writer (propriety or
licenses for a program such as Crystal Reports)
24. Ability to generate and save custom reports
from queries or system-generated data
25. Ability to customize templates for common
26. Ability to create mailing labels
27. Ability to select report criteria via drop
downs, queries, or pick lists
29. Ability to directly E -mail a report
30. Ability to view reports on -line
31. Ability to print to non - proprietary forms and
32. Utilization a Graphical User Interface for all
Page 23
Attachment A
1. General Ledger
The General Ledger is considered to be the core or foundation upon which all other modules are
Structure and Accounting Principles
1. Flexible chart of accounts that is highly
adaptable to the needs of the City and allows
the user control over the structure. Please
describe your chart of accounts structure and
2. Availability of multi -level hierarchical
account structure that will allow for reporting of
financial numbers on an individual basis as well
as on a multi -level aggregate basis
3. Accommodates General Accounting
Standards Board (GASB) requirements
4. Affords various views of the General Led
(fund, department, project, account, etc.)
5. Built -in- software safeguards insure General
Ledger accounts are always in balanc and
subsidiary ledgers total to control co
6. System verifies that each tr4Ds,tion b7' g
posted has a posting date ac GIM ble to
appropriate fiscal calendar
7. System handles bank en
8. A subsidiary I dger can be i taine or
any General Le account
9. System supports accrual modified
accrual bases of accou in
10. Year -end closing of acsA�n s and generation
of balance forwards and encumbrance forward
is an automatic process
11. Supports unlimited number of funds
12. Allows at least 13 periods per year with
open periods
13. Ability to lock the previous year after year-
end closure to avoid inadvertent changes
14. Ability to view history of who has accessed,
created, or modified each data entry item
15. Automatic journal entry reversals
16. Automatic year -end closing without loss of
Page 24
Attachment A
17. Availability of a mass maintenance feature
that allows mass changes to the data fields in
the chart of accounts such as the account
posting status, or the creation of appropriate
accounts when a new organizational unit is
18. Ability to account for grant reporting on
either a year -to -date or grant -to -date basis
19. End -of- month receipts can be posted after
the last day of the month using an over -ride
20. Rules for year -end closing of accounts can
be defined differently for different types of
21. System handles both encumbrance and pre -
encumbrance (at time of requisitioning)
22. System handles automatic posting of off-
setting journal entries for recording transactions
such as "due from other funds", "due to other
funds ", "operating transfers in" and "operating
transfers out"
23. Business rules can be individualized to
control the validation of the chart of account
values (e.g. which expense categories can be
charged to which prqje cts)
24. System validates that ev<tapf r exe ing
a transaction has the approp ro
aut hority for that action
25. Availability of on- ' aint ce and
control of tables fo iYi th rt of
26. Availability ,,. tensive on query from
27. System accepts jo en from Excel
or files imported from of r lications
28. System verifies that eacfi transaction being
posted balances within each fund and qualifies
as an acceptable entry for the particular source
document and type of account
Page 25
Attachment A
2. Budget Preparation
The City desires a budget module that is integrated to core financial modules. This should include
multi -year budgeting. The module should include: the ability to generate baseline budgets based
on prior year budget less one -time expenditures and adjusted for inflation, ability to track changes,
generate overhead calculations, what -if scenarios, and other forecasting methods.
As with most California municipalities, the budget preparation is the focal point of financial
planning and authorization for the delivery of municipal services. The City prepares the budget at a
detail (object) level, with presentation to City Council and public at varying levels of detail.
1. Ability to generate an annual and biennial
2. Ability to create either global or range
changes under a variety of methods such as
percentages, fixed amounts, and by a user
defined formula
3. Ability to support multiple budget version
(i.e. original, amended, City Manager
approved, adopted, etc.)
4. Ability to directly link to spreadsheet
and /or word processin documen
5. Ability to accommodate a u efine
budget worksheets and budg t roposal
reports with two or more year u
history and actual expenditures, j cted
current year and a lim1 um
projected future ey'ods
6. Adopted bu t umbers sho 1 easily be
rolled into the Gen a edger o oject
ledger when directed he u
7. Budget amendments appro d after the
adoption of the budget shouid be tracked
separately by the system in a budget
adjustments file
8. Availability to create free -form text notes
at the line item level for any scenario that can
be printed with the budget worksheets at the
users discretion
9. Ability for multiple departments to prepare
their budget information simultaneously
10. Integration with Payroll / Human
Resource module to support salary
simulation and benefit budgeting for annual
Page 26
Attachment A
budgeting or Burin * contract negotiations..
11. Ability to have both export and import
capabilities from Excel and Word
12 Ability to access all objects (both
revenues, expenditures and projects)
currently used by the financial system, during
budget formulation
3. Accounts Payable
Departments currently prepare and approve payment requests. Finance processes the payment
requests and warrants are issued for payment. Invoices are presented t ity Council twice a month
for authorization of payment. When approved, warrants are mailed t ' endors.
1. Ability to track aging items and other
2. Supports one -time vendor override
payments. Allow for simplified temporary
vendors directly from transaction input proce
3. Accommodates recurring invoice processin "
4. Supports electronic funds transfe
5. Ability to access vendor histo or
name, vendor number, invoic e, the ate,
and account codes
6. Supports laser check printingilhor
7. Automatically tra rs t ed ants to an
outstanding warra gister llo rs to
process cleared ants, inclu " the ility
to eenerate outsta e warrant r 'ster
8. Identifies duplica nice p ssing and
blocks with ability to o d
9. Accommodates multi 1 � oices per warrant
9a. Accomodates individual warrants per
invoice for a vendor.
10. Ability to use laser check/warrant printing
11. Supports 1099 reporting requirements. 1099
management to the invoice line item level; not
just the vendor or the invoice
12. Integrates with other systems such as:
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash receipting (refunds)
Page 27
Attachment A
13. Provides check reconciliation system
14. Ability to generate payment approval list
for City Council approval
15. Ability to make electronic payment to
vendors (ACH, wire, debit)
16. Facilitates sales and use tax tracking and
17. Generates warrant batch reports allowing
users to view reports on -line or by printing
18. Vendor name, address, goods ordered and
received and unit prices can be automatically
retrieved based on purchase order number
19. Ability to process the payment of freight
and miscellaneous charges even if they are not
on the purchase order
20.Encumbrances are automatically released
upon posting of an invoice, allowing for full or
partial liquidation
21. Ability to distribute invoice to multiple
expense accounts
22. Ability to expense individual line items o
purchase order to different expense codes
23. Ability to process invoices for payment
without a purchase order
24. Ability to automatically calcu ent
due date to take advantage of able
25. Provides easy voiding of c e ks
authorized personnel
26. Capability tot ac ven equi °' W -9
(Tax Payer ID #) d to produ bels
those identified
27. Supports proce in of user . med
voucher templates incl ng r ar, one -time,
recurring, employee expe e ebit /credit
memos, etc
28. Supports automated two -way matching of
purchase order and invoice
29. Supports automated three -way matching of
purchase order, receipt and invoice
30. Vendor history on -line with query and
search capabilities
31. Ability to post manual checks
Page 28
Attachment A
4. Purchasing
Primarily, the City uses a de- centralized purchasing system. Small purchases can be made with a
credit card. For all other purchases, requests for goods and services are generated by the various
departments and submitted to Finance. Once the requisition is reviewed and approved by Finance a
purchase order is manually prepared and mailed to the Vendor. Funds are not currently encumbered
for purchase orders. The City wants to update business practices in this area.
Description Response Comments
1. Purchase requisitions can be entered
online by any authorized user
2. System allows authorized user to
terminate and complete purchase orders
3. Purchase order cannot be terminated
without further authorization once a
purchase order has been issued
4. Each requisitioned item is
automatically compared at time of entry
to single or multiple budget accounts
5. System can encumber a single item to
multiple accounts by actual amounts and
6. System uses customizable form
purchase orders
7. Change Orders can be prey ed
against an existing urchase or
8. All open purewl* queried online account, progra
9. User can define s is search riteria
and limits while perfo t o ine
10. Items received and the recording of
goods returned to the vendor can be
11. Items to be capitalized can be
designated with an immediate update to
fixed assets
12. Accounts payable is automatically
updated with the receipt of goods
13. A tolerance for receipt of goods
against a purchase order can be specified
14. An online list of vendors is available
15. System uses the same vendor master
Page 29
Attachment A
file and terms structures as accounts
16. System provides complete online and
hard copy reporting of purchase orders
issued and goods received
17. System can automatically calculate
discounts and payment schedules based
on user defined rules
18. System provides for pre- encumbrance
19. Requisitions may be electronically
routed for prior approval before they are
20. Purchase orders can have multiple
ship to addresses
21. System supports user defined
purchase order templates including
regular, one -time, blanket, release,
contract amendments and quotes
Page 30
Attachment A
5. Accounts Receivable
The City currently operates a centralized accounts receivable system. General accounts receivable
billings are directed to the Finance Department. Upon receipt, City invoices are manually prepared
and appropriate data is entered into the General ledger. The City wants to update its business
practices in this area.
Description Response Comments
1. Provides for either centralized or
decentralized input of accounts receivable
data, recording payments and printing of
receipts _x4t
2. Provides for an interface with cash
receipting to allow cashiers to query and/or
post invoices Ad
3. Supports a single centralized AR Master
record for all receivables
4. Full integration with:
General Ledger,
Cash Receipting and
Accounts Payable
Project Accounting modules
5. Ability to generate invoices w' t rd
party printing software or use ord
processing system
6. Ability to integrate with an e fi' ca
drawer system
7. Ability to hand] n �f
fees and rates
8. Ability to hav ividual late s codes
associate with a rat
9.Ability to have indi '� v rage notices
printed on invoices that c customized
and changed as needed
10. Ability to cancel invoices
11. Ability to age accounts in 30, 60, 90 and
120 day increments and produce aging
12. Ability to process credit card payments
13. Ability to input a payment plan that is
tracked by the system
14. Ability to write -off accounts deemed
uncollectible by user
15. Ability to post payments and adjustments
to accounts that were written off
Page 31
Attachment A
16. Ability to produce an electronic file of
accounts that are being sent to a 3`d party
collection agency
17. Ability to reprint individual bills in the
same format as the original
18. Ability to print corrected bills
19. Ability to import electronic payment files
from other financial institutions
20. Ability to produce refund checks from
accounts receivable through accounts payable
21. Ability to print statements in zip code
22. Ability to produce delinquent bills and
any number of user defined follow-up bills
Page 32
Attachment A
6. Cash Receipting
The City currently has only one centralized cash receipting site although cash is received in several
departments and transactional detail is posted to subsidiary ledger software (Recreation — Class,
Building Permits and Business Licensing — HdL). Summary revenue from these sub - systems is
then manually posted to the current cash receipts program. City revenues are received as currency,
checks, credit card transactions or electronic funds transfers. The software should support:
Description Response Comments
1. Ability to handle unlimited number of
accounts or transaction codes
2. Ability to post to more than one account
code per receipt
3. Ability to distribute appropriate
information to Accounts Receivable,
General Ledger and Project Accounting
4. Provides a daily deposit report for
cash/checks/ electronic deposits and credit
cards for each cashier, same information
should be accessible any time during the
day I<h"
5. Provide options to accept cash, the or
credit card for one transaction
6. Supports multiple electronic jdras
and provides cash out proce tr s fo
balancing each operator
7. Provide security an ing • r ach
defined cashier
8. Availability t p nt a cash r e' t on
9. Availability to tr k 11 paym
including voided recei s
10. Allow more than one e n cash
receipts at one time
11. Complete integration with: General
Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts
Payable, Project Accounting
12. Ability to view reports on -line
13. Availability of a drop -down list look -up
to assist cashier in determining appropriate
revenue code to use
14. Ability for cashier to collect payments
that are not pre - billed in any system (TOT,
copy charges, state payments
Page 33
Attachment A
7. Payroll /Human Resources
The City currently pays wages through a centralized payroll office. Payroll time keeping is
decentralized with varied methods of overtime calculations, pay types, leave types, and benefit
1. Supports direct deposit capabilities to
include preparing an ACH file for transmission
to any central repository bank
2. Prepares employee earnings /check stub for
each employee, including employees on direct
deposit, showing all hours, earnings,
deductions and all year to date totals with the
requirement of printing leave balances
3. Provides an audit trail of on -line file
maintenance to critical fields with operator ID,
workstation ID, date /time, and old /new data. It
will also track changes, date of change, and o
and new rate
4. Provides for multiple methods of calculatin
overtime pay such as time - and -a -half and
premium pay. These calculations e
defined and maintained
5. Provides for non -cash pay ad ustme
as car used for personal use, to e t
and spousal insurance
6. Capability of lAi Mn =l
Ledger months
7. AccommodatMQUrk cycles uM in
determining hours ed in ac ance with
Federal Labor Standar ct
8. Permits entry of inform tt concerning
multiple types of leave. Accrual of leave
amounts should be automatic and should not
require input during the time entry process
9. Provides rollover and accrual abilities at
year -end for deductions, benefits, balances, and
history balances
10. Automatically generates liability accruals
to be posted to the General Ledger along with
liability payments and accrual relief entries
Page 34
Attachment A
11. Ability to designate if a deduction code is
global, union level, group level, or employee
specific for purposes of ongoing maintenance
of deduction codes
12. Ability to assign accounts payable vendors
to each deduction code with flexible
parameters for definition of due dates
13. System must have the ability to provide
global control of what deductions are included
in each payroll process
14. Ability to establish limits for deductions
and employer taxes. The deduction should stop
when a specified limit for the employee is
15. Ability to withhold garnishments
16. System must provide the ability for the user
to change withholding types and number of
dependants at the menu level
17. Provides an unlimited number of
hourly /salary rates and expense distributions
for each employee
18. Ability to maintain multiple s'
vacation codes
19. Ability to enter hours w d, vacatto
and sick time taken, along wit c ge
distribution with defaultsx eac
20. Provides for co e i y
restrictions to ac
21. Automatical gro s ay from
multiple user -denen uch as base
pay, educational a ift
different ial, etc.
22. Capability to automatically distribute an
employee's base pay, overtime, leave pay,
employer retirement contribution, and other
employee cost based on a predefined
percentage to multiple funds, departments or
line items within the General Ledger
23. Provides the ability to distribute the City's
share of benefits across multiple funds and
departments in the same percentages that an
employee's pay is distributed
24. Ability to define pay types including
acting, %- based, flat rate, overtime, etc
Page 35
Attachment A
25. Ability to support employees in multiple
job assignments
26. Ability to produce an hourly or salaried
payroll or a combination thereof
27. Ability to produce a supplemental payroll
28. Ability to void or reverse checks and auto-
pays on -line
29. Maintain prior years' detail and totals for a
user-specific period of time
30. Allows for an extra withholding tax
deduction in any amount at the option of the
31. Ability to compute shift and overtime
premium on exception pay
32. Provides capability for time to be entered
for an employee who works temporarily in a
higher pay class or position
33. Ability to adjust pay for "differential"
hours worked at a different rate than the
employee's normal rate
34. Allows the preparation of paychec s at any
time during the pay period for ter,,t`Pat
employees, back pay, and specOdllowaac s
35. Ability for each employ t design t
unlimited bank/savings accoun r c
36. Permits the o an d
other such inco to auto ical
calculate the im come fore ch
37. Provides the capabVtthe* and verify
the labor distribution p actual payroll
check production
38. Ability to facilitate time entry at any point
or points during the pay period, including daily
if desired
39. Allows time entry on an exception basis.
Provides the ability to establish base payrolls
and process time record data for exception pay
employees on an interim, weekly, bi- weekly, or
any user - defined combination thereof
40. Allows the user to override the default
labor distribution to specify multiple accounts
for distribution during the time entry process
Page 36
Attachment A
41. Ability to withhold IRS tax levies
42. Ability to calculate and track City -paid
43. Ability to generate deduction calculations
on any user defined cycle (first pay period,
second pay period, monthly, etc.)
44. Ability to accrue sick and vacation time
and an unlimited number of other user - defined
leave categories for each employee based on
user - defined tables with leave category, length
of service, and /or job classification
45. Each leave category will be tracked on an
annual, fiscal, or employee anniversary basis
46. Ability to limit accrual of leave time and
comp time to the maximum allowed
47. Ability to cash out comp time; sick leave
time and holiday pay -offs
48. Ability to validate availability of leave a
time of payroll input
49. System will not allow leave time to go
negative, but may be overridden when
50. Ability to expense payroll IgMItipl&nds
51. Ability for the user to se! a the to
treatment of earning categor o v s
52. Capability to re ruc evi sL
posted payroll r er, along relat
ayroll check re ' s and dedu ti n registers
53. Prepares W2's uired i 1 ding the
capability to prepare e c on es for
transmission of Federal ding and social
security deductions. File format must meet
Federal requirements
54. Ability to run W2's for prior year after
payrolls for current calendar year have been
Page 37
Attachment A
55. Ability to accurately track workers
compensation and other fringe codes for each
employee, including tracking employees that
change positions resulting in different codes for
various ranges of dates during the year
56. Ability to support state Employment
Development Department electronic filing
57. Ability to print check numbers on a
computer-generated check register
58. Ability to prepare monthly, quarterly, and
year -end reports as required for Workers
Compensation, insurance, tax withholding, and
FICA. etc.
59. Provides for appropriate tax liability reports
60. Provides exception reports that show large
changes in gross
61. Creates both payroll and General Ledger
distribution data from same input
62. Ability to import/export all reports and
inquiry to Excel
63. Availability of a Leave Balance /Usage
Report to provide a listing of accuduflatc
leave and leave taken so that b ' ning
balance, leave taken, and cu e,t balan
reported. Reports should be a e LQIOMMM
both a summary and d ile bast b ed on a
variety of selection , uteri
64. Availability ayroll C atio port
to proof payroll rior to prinfing payroll
65. Availability of vari ent reports
that meet the reporting ts for
Federal & state agenci, a Public
Employees Retirement System (CalPERS),
deferred compensation companies, and
retirement plans in lieu of social security
66. Automatic calculation of retroactive pay
related to delayed union contract settlements or
delayed merit pay adjustments relative to
employee anniversary dates
67. Full integration with: General Ledger,
Budgeting, Project Accounting, Accounts
Payable, Human Resources
68. Ability to automatically calculate
Page 38
Attachment A
retroactive pay related to delayed union
contract settlements or delayed merit pay
adjustments relative to employee anniversary
69. Automatic user notification of employee
anniversary dates
70. Automatic calculation of the of accrued
liability for comp time, sick leave, vacation and
any other accrued time balances
71. Decentralized timekeeping and hours entry
on a user defined time sheet
72. Availability of web or network based time
sheets that compile information into main
payroll module
73. Ability to maintain premium and deduction
amounts on a before /after tax basis for multiple
benefits plans
74. Ability to accommodate sets of benefit
options linked to an employee group
75. Ability to provide tracking of death for
employees, retirees, or dependents
76. Ability to provide for mass u
employee plan designations
77. Ability to update benefit` ividu
as a group online
78. Ability to track cu - ne i 1 ctions for
retirees andspouse
79. Ability to ni e he record e ing
requirements of eX amily Medi .. Leave Act
80. Ability to stop ing leav hen
contracted maximums each
81. Ability to have multi 1 rual maximums
for different classes of emp ogees
82. Ability to determine the coverage for
deduction amount for an employee using the
parameters stored in the benefit plan tables
83. Ability to validate that the employee is
eligible for the plan selected
84. Ability to support pre- and post- tax payroll
85. Ability for group life insurance amounts
and costs to be recalculated for all employees
at any time during the year based on changed
salary coverage and /or plan cost parameters
Page 39
Attachment A
86. Ability to support cafeteria benefits both
taxable and exempt
87. Ability to track imputed income for life
insurance or personal car usage
88. Ability to have benefit premiums formula -
driven, established from salary, set amount,
with or without coverage limits and based on
client - defined eligibility
89. Ability to provide security that is definable
at multiple authority levels
90. Ability for the definition of business rules
that allow logic, processes, or calculations to
be user - defined
91. Ability to handle an unlimited number of
employees including but not limited to
inactive. active, and terminated
92. Ability to comply with state and Federal
laws related to government entities
93. Ability to set user - defined fast data entry
with coding reduction techniques
94. Ability to perform mass change updates
95. Ability to track bilingual spe
writing language skills
96. Ability for an employee otate e
their home address should be COPTIC
97. Automatic assignme a nu ertc
employee number
98. Ability to define ethnicity c t orie
99. Ability to tralUe length of tilhe an
employee has fille sition ffl
100. Ability to track a I o driver's
license expirations and pr vt notice to an
employee and supervisor when an update is
101. Ability to track and report on driver's
license suspensions with associated reason
102. Ability to keep history on property
assigned to the employee
103. Ability to report on an encumbered
position and easily identify when a position is
104. Ability to track employee movement
between positions within the organization and
keep a permanent record of this information
Page 40
Attachment A
within the system
105. Ability to provide a field for holding
miscellaneous textual data of any length on any
personnel - related screen.
106. Ability to record reasons for termination
107. Ability to track and record volunteers
108. Ability to ensure that only budgeted
positions can be filled
109. Ability to automatically calculate new
annual salary for budgeting and pay
calculations based upon changes to pay tables,
110. Ability to accommodate split funded
111. Ability to conduct salary simulations
including but not limited to step driven, flat
dollar or percentage increases and calculate
related budget impacts
112. Ability to analyze any number of salary
simulation scenarios without affecting budget
until finalizing
113. Ability to capture history
changes, position changes, n
salary changes, location cha
changes, benefit changes, sup ,
and organizational chan _
114. Ability to indqg e y to n ed
employee infonVTn for refer ch
115. Ability to pro " or multi 1 salary
116. Ability to accommo "'t +salary table
linked to 'ob/ osition class
117. Ability to accommodate positions
assigned in hierarchical structure and
118. Ability to budget positions for partial
years (3, 6, 9 months or by hours)
119. Ability to set default for budgeting vacant
position at user specified grade & step
120. Ability to generate appropriate EEO
121. Ability to track reclassification of
Page 41
Attachment A
122. Ability to track deleted positions
123. Ability to do analysis with positions,
individually by department and across the City
as a whole
124. Ability to provide position control
tracking of filled and vacant positions
125. Ability to have one employee more than
one position
126. Ability to track funding source(s) to the
Page 42
8. Fired Assets
1. Ability to bar code assets for control
and physical inventory purposes
2. Ability to track an unlimited number
of capitalized and non - capitalized fixed
3. Ability to record detail property
records for all fixed assets including
identification codes, commodity
classification, asset categories,
acquisition data, supplier information,
maintenance data, make, model, and
serial number, disposition data, and asset
useful life, maintenance schedule,
acquisition method, and other user -
defined information
4. Ability to store complete calculation
data, including purchase, replacement,
disposal, renewal, book, and other user -
defined attributes
5. Ability to calculate and maintain AW
depreciation data in accordance
Generally Acceptable Accounti
Principles methods (GAAP rn
6. General Ledger transaction AwAMW
automatically generat o epr 'a on
and usage allowan s et
7. Reports of ca ' 'zed and no
capitalized fixed as are avail e by
user - defined asset
Ability to integrate wi t General
Ledger, purchasing, accoun s payable
and Project Accounting applications
9. An audit trail (including time and user
identification) is maintained
automatically reflecting all activities on
all accounts
10. Ability for fixed assets to be
automatically updated through purchase
order system
11. Ability to assign fixed assets to one
or more funds, users, and /or locations
Page 43
Attachment A
How is reauirement accomplished?
Attachment A
13. Project Accounting
The City has the need to track and separate revenues and expenditures for a variety of municipal
projects including grant and construction Project Accounting. Projects may be construction,
program grants, cost centers or other related tasks.
How is reauirement
1. Ability to maintain independent
hierarchies to support reporting across
funds, cost centers, object code, project,
grant, or task
2. Integration with payroll supporting
both direct and indirect cost allocation
3. Integration with General Ledger,
accounts payable and purchasing
modules Y 0
4. Integration with the GL at the
transaction level such that accounts in
both systems remain in balance at all
5. Historical reporting for any number of It -'MMJh1h.1 1W
user defined years of prior financial data
Page 44
Attachment A
Appendix C. Vendor Bid (Pricing Sheet)
Software and Training and Implementation Conversion Cost
Hardware Consulting Management
Required Modules ' : '• .
Bid Price
Bid Price,
Bid Price
Bid Price
1. General Ledger
2. Budget Preparation
3. Accounts Payable
4. Purchasing
5. Accounts Receivable
6. Cash Receipting
7. Payroll /Human Resources
8. Fixed Assets
9. Project Accounting
Bid for Required Modules
1W, Aff
Bid for Required Hardware
One Time & Miscellaneous Charges
1. Shipping
2. Travel
3. Other
Bid for One Time & M' c. ges
Five Year Annual Mainten c Bi
Annual Maintenance Year 1 (9 } s)
Annual Maintenance Year 2
Annual Maintenance Year 3
Annual Maintenance Year 4
Annual Maintenance Year 5
Five Year Annual Maintenance Bid
Page 45
/:V M. ITITo Toll l
I Software I Training and Implementation
License Consulting Management
Possible Future Modules I Bid Price I Bid Price` Bid Price
10. Building Permits
11. Business Licensi
12. Fleet Manaaemei
I Bid for Required Modules I $ Is is I
Bid for Required Hardware
One Time & Miscellaneous Charges
1. Shipping
2. Travel
3. Other
Bid for One Time & Misc. Charges
Five Year Annual Mainten n e Bid
Annual Maintenance Xaalb" 'NW
Annual Maintena - ear 2
Annual Mainte n e Year 3
Annual Maintena" e ear 4
Annual Maintenance e r 5
Five Year Annual Ma'p _ a nce Bid
Page 46