CC - Item IV.CC-A - Request For Visbility Of Northbound Traffic At Walnut Grave Ave.staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: TK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: . SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR VISBILITY OF NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC AT 2728 -2734 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE DISCUSSION Ying Lee, Vice - President of the WGG Homeowners Association, is requesting traffic controls in order to provide additional visibility of northbound traffic when exiting 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. Based on a review of the existing conditions, the reported accident history, and field observations, staff recommends the installation of the installation of 65 feet of red curb from the driveway of the subject site (see Exhibit A). At the August 3, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented the findings of the study. At the meeting, the Commission amended this recommendation to include the installation of international "NO PARKING" signs with directional arrows to be located north of the driveway and south of the fire hydrant (see Exhibit A). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of 65 feet of red curb from the driveway of the subject site and the installation of "NO PARKING" signs with directional arrows. EXHIBITS: COUNCIL Exhibit A — Staff report, dated July 18, 2000. v E P 26 2000 Exhibit B — Draft Minutes, dated August 3, 2000 ITEM No. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JULY 18, 2000 RE: REQUEST FOR VISIBILITY OF NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC AT 2728 -2734 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE REQUEST A letter request (attached) has been received from Mr. Ying Lee, vice president of Walnut Grove Gardens Homeowners Association (HOA), at 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Lee, on behalf of the HOA, is requesting some form of traffic control to provide additional visibility of northbound traffic when exiting 2728- 2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. This property is located approximately 250 feet south of Garvey Avenue. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a north -south secondary arterial with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. Parking is allowed on both side of Walnut Grove Avenue. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. Exhibit 1 depicts curbside conditions in front of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. DATA The reported accident history on Walnut Grove Avenue in the vicinity of 2728- 2734 Walnut Grove Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. This review identified one reported accident in this vicinity. This accident occurred on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 6:15 p.m. The accident occurred —226 feet south of Garvey Avenue involving a westbound pedestrian colliding with a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (primary collision factor = pedestrian, violation). DISCUSSION Field observation of the subject location was conducted during the late morning. Walnut Grove Avenue is moderately parked between Klingerman Avenue and EXHIBIT "A" Request for VisibRity of Northbound Traffic Ai 2726 -2734 Alainut Grove Avenue Pace 2 Garvey Avenue. During field observations, two vehicles were parked south of the drivewav of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. Clearly, visibility from all driveways along Walnut Grove Avenue is limited with parking allowed on the street. However, the reported accident history in the vicinity of the subject property does not indicate a constant visibility problem. In this instance, 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue has available parking for residents and guests on site. The removal of on street parking is not anticipated to cause a hardship to the subject property. In addition, an existing fire hydrant already limits parking south of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. RECOMMENDATION Therefore, the installation of 65 feet of red curb is recommended from the driveway of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue southerly. Exhibit 1 depicts this recommendation. (Note: The installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs is an alternative to the red curb.) Attachment RsdR0DD12726273� walnut Grove June 25. 2000 Hon. Mayor Margaret Clark CITY OF ROSEIV AD 8838 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 Re: A potential traffic hazard at 2728 -2730 Walnut Grove, Rosemead Dear Hon. Mayor Clark On behalf of the homeowners and occupants of condominiums located at 2728 -2732 Walnut Grove, I am writing to seek help to alleviate a potential traffic hazard that confronts our complex. The problem is that the south curb of our complex on Walnut Grove is open for parking- That situation completely blocks the visibility of on- coming traffic when vehicles exit from our complex- It is a time bomb for major accidents to happen. For your information, the north curb of our complex on Walnut Grove, which in our opinion has hazard to a much lesser degree, has been red- curbed for close to 20 years. We shall be assisting you in the study of this situation in any way we can. Thant: you for your attention to our concern. Sincerely, 41 k Ymg Lee V. P. of W GG Homeowners Association 2732 : B Walnut Grove Rosemead, California 91770 (909) 860 -3141 Copy Temple Ciro Sheriff Station T To Garvey Avenue Mx ro Scale Q� Q 0 , L V Existing red curb. Install �® on new post. J Q. (�C 191.1 T/ Existing fire hydrant. 15' \ Paint/Install red curb. 25' Install �® on new post. Exhibit A JI\RsdT=xhQ728 -2734 Walnut Grove ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETIN AUGUST 3, 2000 DR A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:10 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla, Commissioner Ruiz & Commissioner Knapp Absent: Commissioner Herrera & Commissioner Baffo Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for June 1, 2000 & July 6, 2000. II. OR AL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE — NONE III. OLD BUSINESS — NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR VISIBILITY OF NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC AT 2728- 2734 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE A letter request was received from Mr. Ying Lee, Vice - President of Walnut Grove Gardens Homeowners Association (HOA), AT 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Lee, on behalf of the HOA, is requesting some form of traffic control to provide additional visibility of northbound traffic when exiting 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. This property is located approximately 250 feet south of Garvey Avenue. Walnut Grove Avenue is a north -south secondary arterial with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. Parking is allowed on both side of Walnut Grove Avenue. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. EX HIBIT "B" The reported accident history on Walnut Grove Avenue in the vicinity of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. The review identified one reported accident in this vicinity. This accident occurred on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 6:15 p.m. The accident occurred, 226 feet south of Garvey Avenue involving a westbound pedestrian colliding with a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (primary collision factor = pedestrian violation). Field observation of the subject location was conducted during the late morning. Walnut Grove Avenue is moderately parked between Klingerman Avenue and Garvey Avenue. During field observations, two vehicles were parked south of the driveway of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. Clearly, visibility from all driveways along Walnut Grove Avenue is limited with parking allowed on the street. However, the reported accident history in the vicinity of the subject property does not indicate a constant visibility problem. In this instance, 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue has available parking for residents and guests on site. The removal of on- street parking is not anticipated to cause a hardship to the subject property. In addition, an existing fire hydrant already limits parking south of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, the installation of 65 feet of red curb is recommended from the driveway of 2728 -2734 Walnut Grove Avenue southerly. (Note: The installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs is an alternative to the red curb). Commissioner Knapp felt that the red curb would be better than the "No Stopping Anytime" sign. Commissioner Ruiz inquired about the International No Parking sign with the "P" with a slash. He stated that people don't understand red curbs. Red curb means different things in different countries. Therefore, he would like to try it out at this location. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that we have not used this sign in Rosemead before. Mrs. Itagaki stated that we could always include the arrows with it in both directions. Commissioner Ruiz feels this would work a lot better. Commissioner Knapp is afraid of there being too many signs at any one location. Commissioner Ruiz stated that people completely ignore fire hydrants and he doesn't feel our Parking Control Officer do anything about it. Commissioner Knapp feels that the majority of the people see red curb. Chairperson Quintanilla stated that one of our parking control officers pulls a guy over, the guys gets out of the car starts yelling at him, the parking control officer backs off, the guy gets back in his,car and drives away. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that in the past, the parking control officers have been in danger with the public. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, in addition to installing Two (2) International "No Parking Signs ", one at the driveway and one southerly of the fire hydrant. V. STAFF REPORTS — NONE VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that the timing on San Gabriel and Hellman is really long on the red, compared to Del Mar, going east and west. Commissioner Ruiz stated that on the 10 freeway going into Los Angeles. "No Trucks" signs were posted on Pasadena Freeway 3 or 4 times before you reach the entry into the Pasadena Freeway. Commissioner Ruiz stated that in Temple City the streets are marked with "No Truck" signs on each street north of Lower Azusa. Every residential street has a sign that says "No Trucks ". Also, on Las Tunas on the north and south side of the Boulevard on the residential streets, they're all marked "No Trucks ". Chairperson Quintanilla stated that one of our parking control officers pulls a guy over, the guys gets out of the car starts yelling at him, the parking control officer backs off, the guy gets back in his car and drives away. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that in the past, the parking control officers have been in danger with the public. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, in addition to installing Two (2) International "No Parking Signs ", one at the driveway and one southerly of the fire hydrant. V. STAFF REPORTS — NONE VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that the timing on San Gabriel and Hellman is really long on the red, compared to Del Mar, going east and west. Commissioner Ruiz stated that on the 10 freeway going into Los Angeles. "No Trucks" signs were posted on Pasadena Freeway 3 or 4 times before you reach the entry into the Pasadena Freeway. Commissioner Ruiz stated that in Temple City the streets are marked with "No Truck" signs on each street north of Lower Azusa. Every residential street has a sign that says "No Trucks ". Also, on Las Tunas on the north and south side of the Boulevard on the residential streets, they're all marked "No Trucks ". VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.