CC - Item III.C - Sheriff's And Planning Department To request The State Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control1� I staf f epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 54r- DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2000 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -52 —A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING THE SHERIFF'S DEPARMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO REQUEST THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS ON THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES BACKGROUND During its 1999 session, the state legislature amended the Business and Professions Code. These new amendments pen cities to request that the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) impose conditions on alcohol license transfers that would mitigate any reported problems at or in the vicinity where that business is located. A copy of ABC's letter detailing the provisions is attached (Exhibit B). The legislation does require that the City request those conditions it believes should be imposed when it receives notice of the application, and it also requires the Council to designate what offices in the organization may be delegated authority by Council to recommend conditions to ABC. Although ABC is not required to accept City - recommended conditions, it must, make specific findings if it chooses not to accept them. In order to comply with this legislation, the City Attorney has drafted the attached resolution allowing the Planning and Sheriff Departments to recommend conditions. The City Attorney, Planning and Sheriff Departments recommend Council approval of the resolution. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2000 -52. .Attachments: Exhibit A; Resolution Exhibit B; ABC Notice Exhibit C: Text of Law COUNCIL F E nt' P'* - q Pe�4'r k'.� OCT 1 2000 EFA N3. l am. s RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING THE SHERIFF'S DEPARMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO REQUEST THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS ON THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES The city council of the City of Rosemead HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the authority of Section §23800 (e) of the Business and Professions Code, the City Council of the City of Rosemead hereby delegates the duty to submit evidence of existing problems with alcoholic beverage control licenses and proposed remedial conditions to the following City agencies: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department City of Rosemead Planning Department Section 2. The city clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall forward a copy to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. APPROVED this 10`'' day of October, 2000, by vote of the city council at Rosemead, California. MARGARET CLARK, Mayor ATTEST:, NANCY VALDERRAMA, Cit.) Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Govemor DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL 3810 Rosin Court, Suite 150 a, Sacramento, CA 95834`x! + - (916) 263 -6900 C 7 .. August 25, 2000 AUG u 8 To: County Board of Supervisors City Councils Mayors Tlaring tho 1999 T Pgislative Session an amendment was made to the Business and Professions Code relating to alcoholic beverage licensing which affects the local governing bodies of cities and counties. V Section 23800(e) was added to the Business and Professions Code to permit a "local governing body or its designated subordinate officer or agency" to request the imposition of conditions be placed upon a license at the time of transfer which would mitigate problems at or in the immediate vicinity of the.premises. The Department is required to either adopt the conditions as requested if supported by substantial evidence or give written notice of "its determination that there is not substantial evidence that the problem exists or that the conditions would not mitigate the problems identified." A buyer of a business dissatisfied with conditions could always back out of the transfer allowing the existing ownership to continue operation without the proposed conditions. A copy of the Chaptered Assembly bill creating Section 23800(e) is enclosed. A request for conditions must be received by the Department within 30 days of the filing of a transfer application which may be extended for an additional 20 days upon. written request to the Department. A request for conditions must include "substantial evidence" documenting existing problems with the premises or in the.immediate vicinity of the premises and specific proposed conditions intended to mitigate the problems. The Department's authority in these circumstances is to either adopt or reject the conditions in their entirety so it is important to address and limit conditions to those which wiii specifically mitigate identified problems. The Department is asking that all evidence of problems and requested conditions be in writing and submitted to the local office of the Department. As the local governing body you may elect to delegate the duties of submitting evidence of existing problems and requested conditions to a subordinate agency or official such as a zoning, planning, or law enforcement agency or official if desired. If this is your decision, please submit a written notice of such delegation to the Department's Headquarters address within 45 days of the date of this notice. If such a delegation is not made within that period we will assume that the local governing body will be making these determinations. Obviously, you may make, amend or rescind such delegations later if that is your wish. Section 23800(e) August 25, 2000 Page 2 Please send all notifications of delegation of these duties to: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Office of the Director 3810 Rosin Court. Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95834 We appreciate your cooperation in these matters and we feel that the changes in the law as outlined above will serve to give local officials the ability to better deal with alcoholic beverage licensing issues. Sincerely, Manuel R. Espinoza Interim Director Assembly Bill No. 1092 . An act to amend Sections 23800 and 23805 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to alcoholic beverages. [Approved by Governor September 27, 1999. Filed with Secretary of State September 27, 1999.] LEGISLATIVE COUNSErS DIGEST AB 1092, Lowenthal. Alcoholic beverages: licenses. Under existing law, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is authorized to place reasonable restrictions upon retail licensees or any licensee in the exercise of retail privileges in various situations. This bill would also permit the department to place reasonable restrictions on these licensees if the department adopts conditions requested by a local governing body. The people of the State of California do enact as follows. SECTION 1. Section 23800 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read: 23800. The department may place reasonable conditions upon retail licensees or upon any licensee in the exercise of retail privileges in the following situations: (a) If grounds exist for the denial of an application for a license or where a protest against the issuance of a license is filed and if the department finds that those grounds may be removed by the imposition of those conditions. (b) Where findings are made by the department which would justify a suspension or revocation . of a license, and where the imposition of a conditidn is reasonably related to *_hose fu.a r gs. In the case of a suspension, the conditions may be in lieu of or in addition to the suspension. (c) Where the department issues an order suspending or revoking only a portion of the privileges to be exercised under the license. (d) Where findings are made by the department that the licensee has failed to correct objectionable conditions within a reasonable time after receipt of notice to make corrections given pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 24200. (e) Upon notice to the licensee from the department adopting conditions requested by the local governing body, or its designated subordinate officer or agency, in whose jurisdiction the license is located. The request for conditions shall be supported by substantial evidence that the problems either on the premises or in the 94 Ch. 499 —2— immediate vicinity identified by the local governing body or its designated subordinate officer or agency will be mitigated by the. conditions. Upon receipt of the request for conditions, the department shall either adopt the conditions requested or notify the local governing body, or its designated subordinate officer or agency, in writing of its determination that there is not substantial evidence that the problem exists or that the conditions would not mitigate the problems identified. The department may adopt conditions requested, pursuant to this paragraph only when the request is filed within the time authorized for a local law enforcement agency to file . a protest or proposed conditions pursuant to Section 23987. SEC. 2. Section 23805 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read: 23805. The pros - - - -! rgs specWed in Sew cn '3800(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) shall be conducted in the same manner as is required for other proceedings involving .petitions; .protests or accusations, and the right of a respondent in the proceedings 'to appeal shall include . the right to appeal from an order imposing conditions upon the licenses involved in the proceedings. If the department gives notice of conditions pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 23800 or denies a petition filed under Section 23803, the licensee or transferee may, within 10 days after the mailing of the denial, make a written request for a hearing., The proceedings at the hearing .shall be conducted as provided in Section 24300, and the respondent shall have the same rights of appeal therefrom as in disciplinary actions. N 94