CC - Item 4B - "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign At Various Streetsf { u • staf f epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 74� DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2000 cam/ vv SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" SIGNS AT VALLEY BOULEVARD /GERNERT AVENUE, GARVEY AVENUE/PINE STREET, AND HELLMAN AVENUE /ALANREED AVENUE DISCUSSION Staff has received several requests for "Do Not block Intersection" signs at the aforementioned intersections. Based on a field inspection, staff recommends the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at Valley Boulevard/Gernert Avenue, Garvey Avenue /Pine Street, and Hellman Avenue /Alanreed Avenue. At the September 7, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented the findings of the study. At the meeting, the Commission voted 5 -0 to approve the staff recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at Valley Boulevard/Gemert Avenue, Garvey Avenue/Pine Street, and Hellman Avenue /Alanreed Avenue. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A — Staff report, dated August 28, 2000 Exhibit B — Draft Minutes, dated September 7, 2000 0 CT 10 2000 FEM No. Y . Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: August 28, 2000 RE: Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Signs at Valley /Gernert, Garvey /Pine and Hellman /Allanreed REQUEST Several requests have been received from citizens and City Council regarding intersections experiencing blockage, especially during peak periods. This blockage has resulted in the request for "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at Valley Boulevard /Gernert Avenue,. Garvey Avenue /Pine Street and Hellman Avenue /Al Ian reed Avenue. Exhibit A shows the general location of each of these intersections. CONDITIONS Exhibits B — D indicate the general. striping conditions at each subject intersection. Each intersection is stop controlled on the minor street. The intersections are in the vicinity, within 300 feet, of signalized intersections. DISCUSSION Field review of the intersections was conducted in the early afternoon hours, before peak periods of the roadways. Of course, during this time, no blockage of the intersections was observed. However, due to the proximity of the subject intersections to signalized intersections, blockage through the intersections is definitely conceivable. The intersection of Valley Boulevard /Gernert Avenue was discussed at the November 4, 1999 Traffic Commission meeting. At that time, the discussion was regarding allowing eastbound left turn access from Valley Boulevard to the development directly across Gernert Avenue (on the north side of the street). The Commission approved the removal of the median nose and continuation of the two -way left turn lane. This removal, however, did not occur and appears to have been incorrectly completed at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue. EXAMBIT "A" Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Signs at Valley /Gernert, Garvey /Pine and HeilmanlAllanreed Page 2 Therefore, at the intersection of Valley Boulevard /Gernert Avenue, the removal of the median nose for eastbound Valley Boulevard and the continuation of the two - way left turn lane and the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is recommended. See Exhibit B. The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at the intersections of Garvey Avenue /Pine Street and Hellman Avenue /Allanreed Avenue are also recommended. This recommendation is based on each intersection's proximity to signalized intersections. RECOMMENDATIONS The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is recommended at the following intersections: 1. Westbound Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue (Exhibit B) 2. Eastbound Garvey Avenue at Pine Street (Exhibit C) 3. Eastbound Hellman Avenue at Allanreed Avenue (Exhibit D) It is further recommended that the eastbound median nose on Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue be removed and the existing two -way left turn lane be continued (Exhibit B). The installation of a westbound median nose on Valley Boulevard at Bartlett Avenue is recommended. This requires the removal of part of the existing two - way left turn lane (Exhibit E). Attachments Rsd\2000 Agenda \Valley - Gemert, Garvey -Pine, Hellman - Allanreed — Do Not... M Exhibit A JI \Rsd\Exh FigOo Not Block Intersection - Map Not to Scale n Fe CLEAR" arkings travel In Install "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign on existing street light pole. Remove painted median nose. Install with two - way left turn lane. Paint 12- inch limit line. Exhibit B JI\Rsd\Exh Fig \Valley & Gernert-Do Not Block Intersection GernertAvenue Not to SCa /e n En Paint 12- inch limit line. j R . Q C� Install "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign on existing street light pole. M a Exhibit C JI \Rsd \Ezh Fig \Garvey and Pine -Do Not Block Intersection IM Not to Scale Paint 12- ` inch limit line. Paint "KEEP CLEAR" pavement marking. Paint 12- inch limit line. a Existing street sweeping sign and existing power pole. Install "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign on new post. If this is not possible, locate sign west of intersection shown as location A Allanreed Avenue Exhibit D :1 \� JIV2sdtExh FigWllanreed and Hellman -Do Not Block Intersection Not to Scale �O m Remove two -way left turn lane. Install median nose. Exhibit E JI\Rsd\Exh Fig \Valley & Bartlett - Median Nose Bartlett A venue ROSENTEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valiey Boulevard, Rosemead, ROLL CALL Present Chairman Quintartilla Commissioners: Knapp, Ruiz, Baf c, B Herrera Absent None Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Baffo The Invocation was delivered by Cornmissioner Herrera L APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the August meeting were deferred to October. , U. ORAL COMM UNICATIONS PROM THE .AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE / TV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTTON" SIGNS AT VALLEY /GERNERT, GARVEY /PTNE AND TMLLM.AN /ALLANREED Deputy Traffic Engineer ltagaki stated that several requests were made received from citizens and City Council regarding intersections experiencing blockage, especially during peak periods. This blockage has resulted in the request for "Do Not Block Intersection' signs at Valley Boulevard /Gernert Avenue, Garvey Avenue/Pine Street and Hellman Avenue/.Allanreed Avenue. Each intersection is stop controlled on the minor street. The imersections are in the vicinity, within 300 feet, of signalized intersections. Field review of the intersection was conducted in the early afternoon hours, before peak periods of the roadways. Of course, during this time, no blockage of tite Intersections was observed. However, due to the proximity of the subject intersections to signalized intersections, blockage through the intersections is definitely conceivable. The intersection of Valley Bouelvard /Gernert Avenue was discussed at the November 5, 7999 Traffic Commission meeting: At that time, the discussion was regarding allowing eastbound left turn access from Valley Boulevard to the development directly across Gernen .Avenue (on the north side of the street). The Commission approved the removal of the median nose and continuation of the two -way left turn lane, This removal, however, did not occur and appears to have been incorrectly completed at the intersection o Valley Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue. Therefore, ai the intersection of Valley Boulevard / Gernen Avenue, the removal of the median nose for eastbound Valley Boulevard and the continuation of the two -way left turn lane and the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs was recommended. EXHIBIT "B" The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at the intersection of Garvey Avenue/Pine Street and Hellman AvenuclAJlanreed Avenue are also recommended. This recommendation is based on each intersection's proximity to signalized intersections. RECOMMENDATION The installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs was recommended at the following intersections: I. westbound Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue 21 Eastbound Garvey Avenue a! Pine Street 3. Eastbound Hellmand Avenue at Allanreed Avenue It was further recommended that the eastbound median nose on Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue be removed and the existing two -way left turn lane be continued. The installation of a westbound median nose on Valley Boulevard at Bartlett Avenue was recommended. This requires the removal of pan of the existing two -way left turn lane. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner BaRo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR "RICFIT TURN ONLY" SIGN AT SNY 0P BELLMAN/R'ALNUT GROVE - Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the City. Council has requested staff review the driveway to the development on the southwest comer of Hellman Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. The concern expressed was the vehicles turning left out of the driveway are causing congestion at tine intersection. The development on the southwest comer of Hellman Avenue ad Walnut Grove Avenue has only one access point. This driveway, on Walnut Grove Avenue, is less than 100 feet from Hellman Avenue and accesses northbound Walnut Grove .Avenue within the left turn lane. The reported accident history on Walnut Grove Avenue south of Hellman Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. There were two reported accidents that appear to involve the driveway to the development on the southwest corner, Field observation of the southwest comer of Hellman Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was made in the early afternoon. Parkine within the development was at 85% capacity. Of the 5 vehicles observed exiting the development, 2 vehicles turned left and 3 turned right The three year re accident ftistory does not identify a continuing pattern of accidents associated with the development of the southwest comer. However, the two accidents reported occurred within the past year. This may be an indication that there are more vehicles accessing the development and increasing the potential for accidents. RECO.MAIENDATION Therefore, it is recommended that a "Right Turn Only' sign be installed for vehicles exiting the development on the southwest comer of Hellman Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue, Commissioner Knapp feels this recommendation is needed and feels that we should talk to the developer regarding puring a white arrow in the driveway. It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. C. R E013EST FOR "NO TRUCK" SIGNS ON LA PRESA O BARTLETT Staff received a request from a resident regarding trucks on La Press Avenue and Bartlett Avenue south of Garvey Avenue. The concern was regarding trucks traveling southbound on these.streets after deliveries have, been made to the businesses fronting on Garvey. Avenue. Many trucks park on La Presa or Bartlett Avenue to make their deliveries then travel down the block, traveling through the residential neighborhood to continue on their route. The residents are requesting trucks be prohibited from traveling on La Presa Avenue and Bartlett Avenue south of Garvev Avenue. La Press Avenue and Bartlett Avenue are generally residential streets. However, from Garvey Avenue, to the public alley south of Garvey .Avenue, the land use is business. These businesses front onto Garvey .Avenue with some access on La Presa Avenue, Bartlett Avenue and the public alley. Field observation of the subject area was conducted in the early afternoon hours. During this time, no trucks were observed delivering to the Garvey Avenue businesses. However, there were some vehicles parked on La Press Avenue and Bartlett Avenue between Garvey Avenue and the public alley. Based on the street configuration and the access to the fronting businesses on Garvey Avenue, it is possible that trucks travel on the residential portions of the La Press .Avenue. If trucks are parked on La Presa Avenue or Bartlett .Avenue while deliveries, they may be inclined to travel down the residential portions of these streets to continue on their routes. To prevent the trucks from traveling southbound on La Presa .Avenue and Bartlett Avenue, "No Trucks Over 3 Tons" signs are recommended. The trucks will likely travel on the public alley or perform a U -turn to return to Garvey .Avenue. The tntcks traveling on the public alley may cause some conflict with vehicles traveling in the alley. However, the calls volume of the alley is random and is estimated at less than 500 - vehicles per day. Therefore, it is likely that only one vel icle travels on the public alley at an one time and trucks would experience this as well. A specific concern was also expressed regarding the fire hydrant on the east side of Bartlett Avenue. Residents have indicated that vehicles part. in front of this fire hydrant regularly and have requested the installation of red curb- The location of the fire hydrant generally prohibits parking from the existing driveway south to the public alley. Though the California Vehicle Code (CVC) prolubits parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, the red curb will serve as a reminder to motorists of this regulation. RECOMTfENDATIOT The installation of "No Trucks Over 3 Tons" signs was recommended on La Presa Avenue and Bartlett, Avenue south or Garvey Avenue. It is recommended that red curb be installed on the east side of Bartlett Avenue south of Garvey .Avenue. Contnussimner Ruiz stated that this is the same issue that was brought up before within the boundaries of Temple City/Baldwin and Loftus. .According to the City Manager, he is not going to put deputies out there if the judge is going to iluough them out of court. Commissioner Ruiz feels that until there is a good law by the City Council, then it would be a good idea to continue issues as such and only then will something be done at the Rio Hondo Courthouse. Ii was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commission Herrera to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. Vote results YES: Chairman Quimanilla, Commissioners Knapp, Baffo & Herrera NOES: Commissioner Ruiz ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Ruiz wanted his "No" vote to reflect he feels the judge at Rio Hondo Courthouse will not do anydning to enforce this. He feels it's a waste of Taxpayer's money to put tip a sign that is not going to be enforced. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he asked the City Council to look into changing the Rosemead Municipal Law and to this date, nothing has been done. D.. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SOUTH OF ELLIS LANE Deputy Traffic Engineer ltagaki stated that during the Julv, 2000 Traffic Cotnnvssion meeting, bls. Barbara Larson requested staff review the parking situation on Temple City Boulevard behind her home. Ms. Larson has indicated that large trucks park behind her home with the engines running causing her content for the exhaust fumes drifting into her yard. She has requested that parking be restricted behind her home. Temple City Boulevard is a four lane secondary north /south arterial extending from the San Bernardino Freeway north to the City limits. There are fronting residential uses on Temple City Boulevard. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. On the west side of Temple City Boulevard south of Ellis Lane, there are fronting residential uses. However, there is a portion along Temple City Boulevard that is the back yards to residents with Ellis Lane addresses. As you are aware, the City has been struggling wit the issue of trucks traveling on Temple City Boulevard for some time During the Traffic Commission's last discussion on this issue, Ms. Larson brought up the specific concern regarding trucks parked behind her property with the engines running. Ms. Larson stated she. was concerned with the exhaust from these trucks drLRinc into her yard. Field observation of Temple City Boulevard south of Ellis Lane was made during the early afternoon. One truck, similar in size to a UPS truck, did park at the subject location with its engine running approximately 5 minutes. There were also two vehicles parked on the street that appeared to be associated with the residents of Temple City Boulevard. There is a property fronting on Ellis Lane that has access to Temple City Boulevard. This property has a large block wall along the Temple City Boulevard frontage. This block wall extends to the south then travels in an easterly direction. At that point, the property fronting Temple City Boulevard is evident. There does not appear to be a heavy desire for on -street parking on the west side of Temple City Boulevard. The sueet condition did not reveal a large amount of oil or _ engine fluids dropped on the street that might be evidence of continued or heavy on- street parking, Therefore, it appears that the removal of parking would not significantly. affect parking availability . However, the specific concern was with regards to large trucks parking in the subject area The City has an ordinance regarding parking on large trucks on City- streets. The ordinance reads: "Rosemead Municipal Code Section 3313 A. Whenever the City Council, upon recontmendation of the Traffic Commission, determines that traffic safety requires the prohibition of the parking of wide vehicles, no person shall park or leave standing any vehicle having a maximum width in excess of eighty (80) inches upon any street, except when necessary for the purpose of makin¢ pickups and deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure fronting upon any street,, or for the delivery O building materials to a building site fronting on any street, only while actual loading or unloading operations are in progress ". Therefore, trucks over 80 inches in width are prohibited from parking on City streets. Signs prohibiting this parking are generally posted at the entrances of truck routes in the Cirv. However, because this location has been identified as having large trucks parking on a regular basis, it was recommended that the "No Parking Vehicles Over 80 inches in Width on Any Street" signs be posted. RECOMMENDATION: Tt was recommended that "No Puking Vehicles Over 80 inches in Width on Any Street" signs be installed on the west side of Temple City Boulevard from Ellis Lane to Guess Street. Speal:inc before the Commission was Barbara Larson IvLs. Larson stated if there is going to be no enforcement, than she will conduct her own survey via her video camera. She stated that she had to take out higher propeny insurance since they put a pool in, because he, insurance told her that truck or car could cone through the block wall. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the following amendment: To extend the existing red curb to 20 feet and to add red curb 100' stretch of the block, between the two driveways. V. STAFF REPORTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reminded the Commission of the Traffic Commissioner's Workshop on Saturday, November 4 a' , at Cal -Poly Pomona. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Coounissiona Herrera inquired about weed growth R ordinances /standards Commissioner Knapp inquired about the striping maintenance at Garvey. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will talk with Ken Rukavina regarding the status. Conmtissioner Baffo stated that the exit from the Pomona Freeway going onto San Gabriel Boulevard as you make a right hand turn there are 4 lanes. When the traffic starts to back up coning out-of the freeway, he feels thews going to be a collision at this location. Cotmtissioner Ruiz inquired as to the status of the "Olney Street' sign. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will look into the situation. Commissioner Ruiz stated that at the southeast comer of Brookline and Loftus, there is no handicap wheelchair ramp, one of this neighbors cannot access the street. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to cone before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned in memory o.`Hugh Foutz.