CC - Item III.D - Amending Part 6 Of the Redevelopment PlanORDINANCE NO. 822 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING PART 6 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NUMBER 1 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.6(e)(2) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The City Council finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority of Health and Safety Code section 33333.6(e)(2) for the purpose of amending the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area 1, as enacted by Ordinance No. 340 on June 27, 1972, and subsequently amended, by eliminating therefrom the Redevelopment Plan's January 1, 2004 time limit on the establishment of loans, advances, and-indebtedness. Section 2 . The Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended by deleting the provisions in Part 6, entitled "FINANCING LIMITATIONS AND DURATION OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN'S EFFECTIVENESS" that were added by Ordinance No. 752 adopted December 20, 1994, and replacing said provisions with the following: DURATION OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN'S EFFECTIVENESS Notwithstanding any provisions of this Plan to the contrary, consistent with section 33333.6 of the California Community Redevelopment Law, the following limitations are imposed on this Plan: This Plan, including the land use and development control provisions, shall be effective until June 27, 2012. After June 27, 2012, the Agency shall have no authority to act pursuant to this Plan except to pay previously incurred indebtedness and to enforce existing covenants, contracts or other obligations, provided, however, that this prohibition shall not limit actions designed to eliminate housing program project deficits or to implement a replacement housing program, as more particularly authorized by section 33333.6(g) of the Community Redevelopment Law. The Agency shall not pay indebtedness or receive p ro p ert y C>`JU IL t ;3}E � ' c, a :A taxes pursuant to section 33670 after June 27, 2022, the dat that is ten years from the termination of the effectiveness of this Plan, provided, however, that this prohibition shall not JAN 2 2 2002 1TEM No. limit allocation of taxes for the purpose of eliminating housing program project deficits or implementing a replacement housing program, as more particularly authorized by section 33333.6(8) of the Community Redevelopment Law, nor shall it limit allocation of taxes to pay indebtedness incurred prior to January 1, 1994, including the indebtedness incurred by Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1993A and Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Taxable Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1993B." Section 3 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be processed in accordance with state law. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this a llay o ,t7/ 2002." Mayor, City of Rosemead ATTEST: gtyC ik RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SETTING TERMS AND COMPENSATION OF COMMUNITY 'DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONERS AND REPEALING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -41, ESTABLISHING A MONTHLY AUTO EXPENSE ALLOWANCE FOR COUNCILMEMBERS . MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002 -05. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: ' Taylor Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Taylor requested that his comments opposing the need for a Community Development Commission as he stated at the Council meeting of January 8, 2002, be included: "So, the only difference that I can see on this particular thing is that we now go from $30 a meeting or $60 for two meetings per month that we have as a Redevelopment Agency and by changing the name, we now go to $1200 a month, or $14,400 a year additional per Councilmember. " In all fairness to the Council, I thought all these years we've participated as a Redevelopment Agency and -we've done the best we can for the community whether they're for something or against something. I think we've operated according to all the State laws and differences in policies or votes is not the issue. But in all fairness to the residents of Rosemead, we're telling them that now we're going from $700 a year for the Redevelopment Agency, and now we're going to say to the residents that they're now going to pay us $14, 000 (per Commissioner) a year or roughly an accumulation of $75, 000 additional salary for the five Councilmembers. After all these years, every one of us have been here and I, in all fairness, cannot and will not vote for that. I'm not ... I think the Council and Agencymembers have done ` their best and have done it for the community. But, I cannot vote for this. ° (1/08/02) %ft,j,D. ORDINANCE NO. 822 — AMENDING PART 6 OF THE ' REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 1 BY ELIDHNATING THE RESTRICTION ON THE ABILITY OF THE AGENCY TO INCUR DEBT - ADOPT The following Ordinance was presented to the Council for adoption: CCMIN:1 -22 -02 Pagc a6 d ORDINANCE NO. 822 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING PART 6 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NUMBER 1 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.6(e)(2) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council waive reading and adopt Ordinance No. 822. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: Taylor Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Taylor stated that his comments from the Council meeting of January 8, 2002, remain the same. Mr. Taylor's comments are as follows: "This law that they're referring to and the pre -1993 legislation that was enacted... one of the things that we run into with the term limits, there were State Legislators, the Senate and Assembly that were well aware of the problems that were created with the Redevelopment Agencies and how the funding took place for a lot of the project areas. Almost all of those Assemblymembers and Senate members have been replaced by people who have no knowledge of that background that went into these laws or why they were put into place. The way it goes now that... it's the best country in the world that we live in, but it's becoming such a bureaucratic condition that those that were involved with the struggles that went on to get those laws, they're no longer in the Legislature. I couldn't say if there is even one... with the six year terms that are put on for the Assembly, and the eight or so years for two terms for the Senate. Because of all the abuses that went on prior to 1993, I can't vote for this one because it's taking away the purpose of the law which was to make the cities and agencies say put your plan out for five years and whatever it takes to get your loans, the debt, whatever it takes, but now by wiping out the time limit, it's just wide open again. I have to vote no on this one. " ( 1/08/02) Mr. Tripepi confirmed for the record that Mr. Taylor does not want Items B, .0 and D . in their entirety, and that his no vote is against the adoption of those items. E. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -06 — ADOPTING THE 2002 SUPPLEMENT TO THE GREENBOOK STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: CCMIN:1 -22 -02 _ Page #7