CC - Item III.B - Authorizing The Submittal Of Grant Funding Request Under Local Law Enforcement Block GrantTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL �", CITY MANAGER Wei DATE: JUNE 25, 2002 RE: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF GRANT FUNDING REQUEST UNDER LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) PROGRAM Over the past six years, the City of Rosemead has participated in the federal Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program. The LLEBG Program provides units of local government with funds to underwrite projects designed to reduce crime and improve public safety. For FY 2002 -2003, the City is eligible to receive $94,317 (when matched with $10,480 ofcity funds) from the Department of Justice to fund law enforcement activities. The amount of funds a jurisdiction receives is based on the average annual number of Uniform Crime Reporting Part I violent crimes reported to the FBI for the three most recent calendar years. The first step in the application process requires the adoption of a resolution authorizing participation in the program Once approval is received, staff will convene the LLEBG Advisory Board to review the Sheriffs public safety expenditure recommendations. The Board's non - binding recommendations will then be transmitted to the City Council for consideration at a public hearing prior to final review and adoption. In prior years, expenditures have been utilized for equipment, hiring of new non -swom personnel and overtime for special assignment details and extended services. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2002 -26 authorizing application for funding in the amount of $94,317, and approve matching funds of $10,480 from unappropriated reserves. JUN 2 5 2002 ITEM No.— stafl epor RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE_ CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF GRANT FUNDING REQUEST UNDER LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Local Law-Enforcemeut'Block Grant Program was created in May 1996 _ to - provide units of local government with funds to underwrite projects designed to reduce crime and improve public safety; and WHEREAS, ehgibility for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program is restricted-_ to local government agencies =that file crime reports with the Uniform Crime Reportmg Program of the Federal Bureau of and tai L s r ♦ - C. s f'y 1 ,. _._ •,5' 6 ,.... s WHEREAS, based , on. the Umform tatistics -Crone Reporting' Program 's; the City' of q t l Rosemead`is' eligible for a Fiscal Yeaz`20022003 Grant award of $94,317 that must be matched with $1,0,48.0 from local funds; and_ WHEREAS the ad Assistance has been delegated the'respons�bility for c " yJ the - administration of the program and- has established various program requirements and procedures that eligible participants must meet ui order to . <'a r a - receive grant•award; and - - -' :. receive WHEREAS, the Crty of Rosemead possesses the legal authonty to apply for the grant, „ has the required matching 'funds, and will ll coriven'e' the LLEBG Advisory d .. .. _. Board - to- review and approv e` eligible law enforcement.:- 'program - expenditures. -.. _ NOW;-THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemead _ au tho ri zes the Fiscal Year_2002 -2003 submittal of the .Local -Law Enforcement Block• Grarit'Program application; and:approvesmatching funds of $10,480 from unappropriated - :reserves. Further ;'the: Cify,Mariager is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name ,of the City.of Rosemead all necessary, forms, including all understandings and. - assurances contained - The-foregoing resolution was passed by the City Council of-Rosemead this 25 day of-- - - -• - - - -- -June, 2002. CITY CLERK Y ". � k L � • r iv.. : r r y rr �t:T +w.e u a a u. •._t r m- : -r,. r _ -- :. ,=t e v r u