CC - Item IV.CC-B - Annual Statewide American Planning Association Conferenceyo TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRONITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 SUBJECT: ANNUAL STATEWIDE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE — OCTOBER 6-9,2002 — SAN DIEGO This year's statewide American Planning Association (APA) conference is scheduled for October 6 through October 9 1h and is being hosted by the City of San Diego. Conference topics include a wide range of discussion issues ranging from the latest CEQA updates to OPR's new general plan guidelines. Other zoning and land use issues addressing "smart growth" policies at the local, state and regional levels will be discussed. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of the Planning Director COUNCIL AGU -4DA, SEP 10 2002 ITEM rso. e CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS P r'4r. TATEW EY"S"a'( E _Fm-REN CONF_ October 6 -9, 2002 San Diego_ Community Concourse The San Diego Host Cofnmittee: is working hard to produce the Mother ''of:AII CCAP- State Conferences 2002 -Sa listentn.yalar -[ Offieranlheed this advice: Bring your spouse; you r °other; whomever' you like- Just be sure to - -sign�up - earlyA:Mobile- workshops. have limited space, and sordb� the conference hotels and _• many of the special events 1t's going to be a tetrific conference. Opening RecepttWnW , , � j 4 ' It's at the World Famous San Diego Zoo. We told you it's a zoo out there, and we aim to prove it every which way. Come as early as 4 PM to wander the Zoo, and then stay for dinner and mammals and schmoozing by moonlight. Sunday, October 6th, 6:00 PM — 10:00 PM. CtlX'N'.iAi �]J Y.sYii yr l.^ Denary Session rt' <?; Jerry Hirshberg, former head of Nissan Design International and author of The Creative Priority: Putting Innovation to Work, talks about creative friction, how to untie mental knots, and how to advance - fresh thinking. Mr. Hirshberg will be joined - by the U.S. Navy Marching Band. Monday, - October 7th, 9:00 AM — 10:30 AM. Ken Blanchard, legendary author of The One Minute Manager and much more, shares insights and examples on how to manage in our increasingly complex and _ seemingly unmanageable world. Monday, - .October 7th, 12:00 Noon — 1:30 PM State Senator Steve Peace, the man behind energy deregulation, regional ,governance, standards for red light cameras, and killer tomatoes will talk about what's going on in Sacramento and what he intends to do about it: Following 8enator.Peace, CCAPA award winners for 2002 will be announced. Tuesday, ` October 8th, 12:00 Noon— 1:30 PM - Does Smart Growth Violate the American - Dream? Is it really a ploy to densely pack those who can't afford a single - family detached home? Hear attorneys, witnesses for the prosecution and defense, and Journalist- Turned - Judge- for -a -Day Bill Fulton in a barely- scripted encounter on the consequence of Smart Growth. You, the audience, serve as jury. Wednesday October 9th, 9:00 AM — 11:30 AM. 7 d•. .,o.. �.. X b,�;. ¢ d,} 4T „s. r•.� r � y .Na.0 v N.bv p e kd' .. kC "° sF4✓ "F,o- -::rx vw.we$ u +a,e+.Y4E4 - : x�; WV4, „1 '`.S Little Italy A stable ethnic business and residential community since the 1920's, Little Italy today represents Downtown San Diego's oldest continuous neighborhood business district. Gaslamp Quarter District San Diego's hottest dining and entertainment district features more than 65 restaurants and nightclubs within the historic area. The Gaslamp Ouarter highlights history museums and art galleries as well as shopping boutiques. Jerry Hirshberg is former head of Nissan Design International and author of The Creative Priority: Putting Innovation to Work. Ken Blanchard is author of The One Minute Manager, Raving Fans: A RevolutionairjApproacfi fo Customer Service, and Empowerment Takes More than a Minute. Senator Steve Peace is the man behind energy deregulation, regional governance, standards for red light cameras, and killef tomatoes:. ._ For 72 hours this October, expect to be informed; inspired; entertained and; : _ should you choose, run ragged. - - c IF t o "' nt a. refresher on the basics IF you,want to know what's on the leading edge, -" �of•the profession; IF you warifto be in the right place at the right time, THEN the .choice 'IS: clear:-Make plans right now for San Diego, October 6 -9, 2002. That's the'time and , Al ce for PlanDiego this year's - annual - CCAPA conference. Expect to find more in -house programs, more mobile workshops, and more that's `unusualtnan.attypical annual conferences. Also, expect a really gorgeous environment s ecial _ Y See : P insert _ nce THE CITY Gonfgre PlanDiego is centered in Downtown - ,n 6h15 � San Diego, in the Community Concourse, Mission Bay Park A series of islands, lagoons, waterways, and .. _. peninsulas forrn.this 4,600 -acre public recreational complex located within the City of San Diego, Photo Credit counery of San Diego Convent B visitors bureau... _ - , to City Hall, only blocks from the .water, in the midst of restaurants, - shopping, nightlife, and a building boom.. The Westgate Hotel, the main conference hotel, is a block away from the Community* Concourse, and several other conference."_ hotels are within walking distance °7 The.soul,of,,FlariDiego . will.be foundcin from AICP to Zoning: In between are - updates on CEQA and OPR's new general - plan guidelines;;workshops on effective negotiations, public speaking; and solutions for dealing with..hlgh,density ' opposition, agnclilfurafland c`o`nsumption.- = and - development code obsolescence. --- -- - - - -- .Because discussions of Smart Growth _-:"are.e erywhere ;days ;we'v_e7 decided' to put the idea on trial. On Wednesday ^cmorning; October'9th�there:s•:a'mock tnal with . prosecutmg and defending attorneys, rstar.Witriesses Tand:JournahstTurned PlanDiego starts with a bang, and ends with one too:' Our opening reception - includes dinner and mammals at the San , Diego Zoo. Weconclude- PlanDiegowith a._ picture- perfect.picnic on.San,Diego Bay_. that's replete with -a gourmet :lunch stdtwalkers.-andfire- eaters (really and - truly).•-We've'also organized 13 mobile_ -- workshopsrall. sorts of special events r - — M11 ;" lust:reinember yod can at home you can plan away, but come- October 6 -9, 20027- you definitely =want to PlanDiego. �=- For more information look inside this issue. But for lots . of details on the conference, head directly to our. webpage, PlanDiego.com. July /August 2002