TC - Agenda - 01-09-03AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 9, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:00 p.m. Chairman Baffo, Vice - Chairman Quintanilla Commissioners: Matsdorf, Knapp, Ruiz Commissioner Matsdorf INVOCATION: Chairman Baffo I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 5, 2002 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR BUS LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE ON LOWER AZUSA ROAD FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL V. STAFF REPORTS A. STATUS OF ROSEMEAD PLACE SHOPPING CENTER TRAFFIC STUDY VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at: Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. 12- 05 -02 /sb ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2002 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Baffo, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Baffo, Commissioners: Knapp, Ruiz, Quintanilla & Matsdorf Absent: None Ex- Officio: Planning Director: Brad Johnson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance: Vice - Chairman Quintanilla Invocation: Commissioner Ruiz I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, to approve the minutes for October 3, 2002. Vote Results: Yes: Commissioner Quintanilla, Commissioner Ruiz & Commissioner Matsdorf Noes: None Abstain: Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Baffo Absent: None Commissioner Knapp and Commissioner Baffo abstained their vote due to the fact they were not present at that meeting. 12- 05-02 /sb It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, to approve the minutes for November 7, 2002. Vote Results: Yes: Commissioner Quintanilla, Commissioner Ruiz, Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Baffo Noes: None Abstain: Commissioner Matsdorf Absent: None II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. ROSEMEAD PLACE SHOPPING CENTER TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY - REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS Joanne Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATIONS: To mitigate the traffic impacts of the "fully leased" Shopping Center, LL & G made six recommendations. These recommendations are provided in the Executive Summary attached for the Traffic Commission's review. The primary objective for the Traffic Commission is to review the conclusion of this report and make recommendations to the City Council. Therefore, we will review and discuss the recommendations of the study point -by- point. The following are the LL & G recommendations and staffs recommendations. A significant impact at one of the five study intersections (Rosemead Boulevard and Marshall Street) is expected to occur with the addition of traffic due to the project. This impact is expected to occur under the existing driveway configurations as well as under the closure of the driveway "A" egress alternative. Incremental, but not significant impacts are forecast at the remaining four study intersections ". 12- 05-02/sb Staff Recommendation: Staff agrees with this assessment of the traffic impacts associated with the "fully leased" Shopping Center. This is based on the traffic analysis presented by LL & G. 2. The westbound approach of Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard should be restriped to provide one exclusive left -turn lane, one shared left turn /through lane and one shared through /right -turn lane. This mitigation measure can be accommodated in the existing roadway width. Further, a signal modification is required to provide for split phasing on Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard. The recommended mitigation measure is expected to reduce the project - related impact to less than significant levels ". Staff Recommendation: Based on the projected traffic volumes for westbound left -turns on Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard (184 AM /Peak. /251 PM Peak), staff agrees additional left turn capacity will be needed with the "fully leased" Shopping Center. With the shared left -turn lane configuration, a split phasing operation on Marshall Street will be required and is also recommended by staff. 3. Based on comparison of the project alternatives, closure of the Driveway "A" egress is recommended. Driveway "A" should be closed in conjunction with full occupancy of the project. Staff Recommendation: Based on conversations with the property management company of the Rosemead Place Shopping Center, the closure of Driveway "A" would not be agreeable with the property management company. The property management company has indicated to City staff that several lease agreements have options to be released from their agreements should any changes be made to the access points of the Center. Therefore, staff recommends this conclusion not be considered feasible at this time. 4. The project is expected to provide 1,681 parking spaces which is in excess of the City Code parking requirements. However, certain areas within the shopping center may be deficient in parking. If a four space deficit is deemed to be unacceptable then area "A" should be reconfigured. Internal site design adjustments to promote pedestrian connectivity between area "A" and areas "B" and "D" should be considered. Areas "F" and "G" are also deficient in parking by three spaces and 40 spaces respectively. The southern -most aisle as well as 40 spaces in the adjoining aisles of the parking structure should be marked for medical and general 12 -05-02/ sb office use only. This would be consistent with the current area F signs and would satisfy the City Code parking requirements for the shopping center. Staff Recommendation This is an on -site improvement. The City agrees that connectivity or reconfiguration of areas A, B and D should be considered. Staff also agrees with the recommendation to mark the parking spaces in areas F and G. 5. For Marshall Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue, the reported traffic accident rate of 2.39 accidents per million vehicle -miles of travel is greater than the average accident rate of 1.55 accidents per million vehicle miles of travel. Recommended measures to reduce the traffic accident rate on Marshall Street installing all -way stop control at the Marshall Street/ Hart Avenue intersection, improving the sight distance on Marshall Street by pruning and /or removing a portion of the trees on the existing raised median, and considering the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Marshall Street and Driveway "C ". Staff Recommendation: Staff agrees that an all -way stop should be installed at the intersection of Marshall Street and Hart Avenue. This may better control traffic flow of westbound Marshall Street for vehicles exiting the Shopping Center. Staff agrees that pruning of the median trees 'and bushes will help improve the sight distance on Marshall Street. With regards to the recommendation of installing a traffic signal at Marshall Street and Driveway "C ", staff recommends that when the Shopping Center is fully leased a traffic study warrant be conducted to determine if a signal is needed and considers the installation of the signal premature. When the Center is "fully leased ", traffic flow patterns of the project site as well as on City streets will be more stable and may result in fewer trips using Driveway C at Marshall Street and thus not satisfying the traffic signal warrants. 6. Signalization of the Marshall Street and Driveway "C" intersection is recommended. The intersection should be studied again after the project is fully occupied. If any of the traffic signal warrants are met, the intersection should be signalized. Staff Recommendation: As stated previously, staff recommends that when the Shopping Center is fully leased a traffic signal warrant study be conducted to determine if a signal is needed at that time. 12- 0502 /sb Speaking before the Commission was: Ed Millar 9053 Marshall Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Millar addressed items #5 & #6, who lives across from egress "C ". Mr. Millar stated that he was at the meeting approximately 1 1 /2 year ago, and stated at that time that a left turn signal be installed and also making egress "C" be a right turn only to avoid accidents. There is an accident a week and there has been one fatality. He does not feel that pruning the trees will solve the problem. Mr. Millar feels that if we continue the center divider across the street allowing only a left turn, because people are blocked by the Thai restaurant, causing poor visibility. Speaking before the Commission was: Resident 9232 E. Marshall Street Rosemead, California 91770 The resident stated that he has difficulties pulling out of his driveway and feels that 35 mph is too fast for this location and feels that speed bumps would help, and feels that traffic has increased since Target came in. Speaking before the Commission was: Iris Breen 9255 Marshall Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mrs. Breen stated that she agrees with egress "C ", and had a close call and almost got hit. She inquired if the signal at Marshall and Rosemead would be the same as the one on Walnut Grove, with 2 lanes turning left. Staff stated that it would be very similar, except there would be 1 1 /2 lanes, the signal would be a split phase. 12- 05-02/ sb Speaking before the Commission was: Robert Breen 9255 Marshall Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Breen stated that he feels that hundreds of lawsuits will be filed against the City should speed bumps be installed. Speaking before the Commission was: Ann Harlow 9243 Marshall Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Harlow stated that she feels there should be a right turn only into driveway "C" and access egress only right turn out of driveway "C. She also felt that closing driveway "A" would be counter - productive. Commissioner Knapp agrees with extending the median, and feels that driveway "C" should be a right turn only, with no traffic going out, and feels a signal should be installed at driveway "D ". Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki drew a diagram on the board to show the Commission the situation at this location. At this time there was much discussion from the Commission and the audience, all of which was undistinguishable. After some discussion amongst the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation as written, as it pertains to items #1, #2, #3, #4 & #6. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reviewed item #5 for the audience. Commissioner Matsdorf compared this location with that of the Home Depot on Lower Azusa, and feels that location has worked well with their signalizations at their various driveways. There was further discussion amongst the Commission and the audience. 12- 05 -02 /5h Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that if the closure of driveway "C" occurs, that could warrant a traffic signal. However, at this time, it is hard to predict what will happen at the various driveways, and look closely at the numbers at a later date. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commission Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the following: To bring this item on an emergency basis to the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 10 due to the Christmas shopping time. The motion is to put a right turn only sign on the northbound driveway "C" with a painted arrow on the driveway and also to install a no left turn sign for that same northbound traffic, as an additional reminder to vehicles exiting driveway "C ", so that they may turn right out only, with signage. Commissioner Ruiz also requested that the Sheriffs Department patrol this area giving out citations. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki asked the Commission what they would like to see done on a long -term basis. Commissioner Ruiz made the recommendation to have staff study the previous data regarding the impact on the closure of the left turn pocket on Marshall and Hart Street at driveway "C. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the above recommendation. Commissioner Knapp invited the audience to attend the City Council meeting regarding this item. V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON NOVEMBER 26, 2002 Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the City Council approved the installation of the red curb on Marshall and Ivar and will be done soon. 12- 05 -02 /sb VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp wished everyone a Merry Christmas! Commissioner Quintanilla stated that the sensors at Rio Hondo, Valley and Mission do not seem to work properly. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will have the loops re- checked at all the above intersections. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he would like to move our next regularly scheduled meeting from January 2, 2003 to January 9, 2003. The Commissioners were all in favor of moving the meeting to January 9, 2003. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m., with 17 people in the audience. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2003. 12- 05-02 /sb Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: December 30, 2002 RE: Request for Bus Loading and Unloading Zone on Lower Azusa Road from Rosemead High School REQUEST A letter (attached) has been received from Ms. Diane Bladen, Principal of Rosemead High School. Ms. Bladen has requested the installation of a bus loading zone on Lower Azusa Road for the Mildly Developmentally Delayed that attend the school. The students are picked up and dropped off at this back gate. However, direct access to the gate is often times blocked by vehicles of persons using the school's track and field to exercise. A bus loading zone would remove these vehicles from direct access to the gate. CONDITIONS Lower Azusa Road is a 4 lane roadway with 2 lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. There is parking allowed on the south side, school side, of Lower Azusa Road in the vicinity of the high school track field. The posted speed limit is 40 mph except when children are present then the speed limit is 25 mph. DISCUSSION Staff met with Ms. Bladen to discuss the concerns regarding the bus loading zone. Ms. Bladen indicated that the bus services about 15 — 20 students. Direct access to the gate on Lower Azusa Road is often blocked making direct access difficult. Since these students are developmentally delayed, the bus driver is required to wait until they are in the gate of the school before they can leave. If the bus is required to park far from the gate, there are more distractions for the students to walk to the gate. Ms. Bladen has requested the installation of a red curb bus zone in front of the gate on Lower Azusa Road. Staff agrees this curb marking would best keep vehicles from parking in front of the gate. This red curb marking is also consistent with bus zone parking at other schools (Williams School). January 9, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Bus Loading and Unloading Zone on Lower Azusa Road from Rosemead High School Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION The installation of 40 feet of red curb with 'Bus Zone" markings is recommended. This red curb should begin at the gate to Rosemead High School on Lower Azusa Road and extend westerly. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. Attachment P: \06- 160UI1 \RSD\2003 Agendas & DocumentsUan- Rosemead High School -Bus Zone on Lower Azusa.doc O m m U i ro N � C F > L V E C N O N M m O w m y 3 N a L 3 0 J m U O z T v a Y . V C L W r 0 v V m a N E N N O O F d Y C_ U C_ C 10 w L U O O d s� o�io _y � 4co o N� d E�� �hibif A SEP.- 16'02(MON) 09 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL 626- 307 -9218 P. 002 KATHY FURNALD Superinlendent September 10, 2002 Jessica Wilkensen City of Rosemead City Traffic Commission 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Wilkensen: DIANE BLADEN Principal Rosemead High School has a pressing need for a bus - loading zone on Lower Azusa Road. In the past, the Special Education students were dropped off on Mission Drive, in the staff parking lot. Due to the volume of traffic on Mission Drive in the morning, it makes it impossible for the bus to operate on a timely schedule. The students who are riders on this bus are Mildly Developmentally Delayed. Even though they are chronically 14 -18 years of age, their mental age is from 3 years to 8 years. Without the red curb to reserve the drop -off area, the bus has to frequently park a half block from the gate. The driver must wait.until all of the students are inside the school field. This is for the students' protection. Your careful consideration will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Diane Bladen Principal fd -ME SINCERITY • HONOR • TOLERANCE • SERVICE 9063 E. Mission Drive • Rosemead, California 91770 -4498 • (626) 286 -3141 • Fax: (626) 286 -6396 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 6, 2003 RE: Status of Rosemead Place Shopping Center Traffic Study At it's December 10, 2002, regular meeting, the Rosemead City Council discussed the recommendations of the Rosemead Place Shopping Center traffic impact study and the recommendations of the Traffic Commission. The Council asked staff several questions regarding the Traffic Commission's recommendations as well as the recommendations of the traffic impact study. The City Council approved the following: • The installation of a 3 -way stop at Marshall Avenue and Hart Avenue. This installation has already been completed. • Continued pruning and trimming of the trees and bushes in the median of Marshall Avenue. • Selective enforcement on Marshall Avenue to reduce speeding. • The installation of split phasing for east and west bound Marshall Avenue at Rosemead Boulevard. This includes the restriping to provide additional left turn capacity (one left turn lane and one shared left turn - through lane). • When fully leased, a modified traffic study will be conducted to study impacts on Marshall Avenue between Hart Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. This will include turn restrictions from the driveways and possible installation of a traffic signal. Analysis of reported collisions will also be conducted. PA06- 160 %J11\RSD\2003 Agendas & Documents\Jan- Status Rsd PI Shopping Ctr Study.doc