TC - Agenda - 05-02-02L AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting MAY 2, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Baffo, Vice - Chairman Quintainilla Commissioners Matsdorf, Knapp, Ruiz Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Ruiz Invocation: Vice- Chairman Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 7, 2002 & April 11, 2002 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3. OLD BUSINESS - NONE 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR OVERNIGHT PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON HART AVENUE FROM MARSHALL STREET TO OLNEY STREET 5. STAFF REPORTS 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 7. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA, 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at: Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 7, 2002 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Baffo at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Baffo, Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Ruiz Absent: - Commissioner Matsdorf & Commissioner Quintanilla Ex Officio: Director of Administrative Services: Bill Crowe _ Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Corrunissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for February 7, 2002. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS A. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC.CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF TANSON SCHOOL - (CONTINUED) Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki went on to say that Commissioner Knapp made a suggestion that the School District meet with the residents to discuss this item, which they did on Monday, March 4, 2002, and which Commissioners Baffo and Knapp and Traffic engineering Deputy Itagaki attended. Traffic Engineer Deputy Itagaki also stated that due to the future changes in traffic patterns, she would like to review the placement of a crossing guard at this location a month or two after the new entrance is open. She would also like to install yellow crosswalks instead of the limit lines across Bartlett and Loftus and another one on Olney (on one leg). In addition, install "No Pedestrian' crossing signs, to direct the pedestrians to go down to Olney or go up to Marshall. RECOMMENDATIONS Install Stop controls with limit line and "STOP" legend at Bartlett Avenue at Olney Street and on Olney Street at Bartlett Avenue (3 -way stop intersection). 2. Install Stop control with limit line and "STOP" legend on Loftus Drive at Bartlett Avenue ( "T" stop intersection). 3. Install 15 feet of red curb from the new Stop controls "back" (against traffic) at each location except at 8648 Olney Street where red curb shall be 10 feet (4 sets of red curb). 4. Install "25 mph" speed limit signs on Olney Street west of Bartlett Avenue and on Olney Street east of the west cul -de -sac (2 signs). 5. Install 50 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the north. , 6. Install 10 feet of red curb on the west side of Bartlett Avenue from the new driveway access to the south. Install "Loftus Drive" and "Bartlett Avenue" street name signs on the existing street light pole on the southeast corner of the intersection. 8. Remove the existing "Not A Through Street" sign on Bartlett Avenue south of Loftus Drive and replace with a "No Outlet' sign. Install "Stop Ahead" symbol signs and "STOP AHEAD" pavement markings on Olney Street east of and west of Bartlett Avenue. Speaking before the Commission was: Veronica Pena 8648 Olney Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Pena asked if all these recommendations tonight are final. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that all recommendations made*at this meeting are forwarded to the City Council for their final approval. Ms. Pena stated that she would like to see if a "No Parking' sign could be installed for the hours of 7:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. instead of red curb. Ms. Pena stated that she would like to be at the City Council meeting when this is going to be discussed, and she stated that she and all her neighbors will be protesting, with a petition. In addition, she is speaking to a lawyer to have this stopped. Director of Administrative Services Bill Crowe stated that the Traffic Commission can handle the items before us that deal the public right -a -way (streets). The School Districts are sovereign entities, they are responsible of school facility planning decisions through the Rosemead School District's Board of Education. The City does not have a say as to how they design their facilities. Therefore, resident concerns about school construction matters need to go back to the School District, and through the Superintendent's office. Mr. Crowe went on to say that if Ms. Pena and the other residents have issues with the signage, crosswalks, markings, etc., those items will be discussed at the Traffic Commission Meeting and then forwarded to the City Council. At which time, the residents are always welcome to attend and voice their concerns. Commissioner Knapp stated that if the School District goes on with their recommendations/ changes, she feels the Traffic Engineer's recommendations will provide many means of safety for the children walking, and feels it necessary to have the stop controls. Speaking before the Commission was: Larry Luna 8608 Olney Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Luna stated that their main concern is that they have a traffic problem that is getting worse everyday and feels that Traffic Commission should deal with these kinds of problems. Chairman Baffo stated that the Traffic Commission deals with items pertaining to traffic safety. Commissioner Ruiz stated that the streets are public right -a -way, the School District ha: every right to use the public right -a -way. The Traffic Commission deals with installing signs and curb markings, and these are installed for your protection, and that's why the Traffic Engineer has studied the situation and come up with these recommendations. Commissioner Knapp asked the audience if they would object to loosing 4 parking spots to install red curb or -stop signs, in order to protect the children. Commissioner Ruiz stated that the Commission could drop the item on the red curb, but that the stop signs would still go up. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she would prefer the stop signs be installed along with the red curb, but would not object to the Commissioners' revised recommendation. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki clarified the recommendations made by Commissioner Knapp. Commissioner Ruiz translated the recommendation to the audience in Spanish for the residents that did not speak/ understand English. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she has spoken to the City Engineer regarding the installation of sidewalks. However, at this time there is no money allocated for sidewalks. The City Engineer will research funding options for the installation of sidewalks. After discussion regarding sidewalks, the Commission and Traffic Engineering Deputy agreed to not include the crosswalks or "No Pedestrian' crossing signs. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the following changes: To delete item #3 (do not install the red curb adjacent to stop signs) Commissioner Ruiz translated the recommendation in Spanish to the audience. Commissioner Knapp stated that this item will come before the City Council on Tuesday, March 26, 2002. IV. NEW BUSINESS - None V. STAFF REPORTS - None VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that on Sunday, March 30th (Easter Sunday), from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., there will be an Easter Egg Hunt @ Neighborhood Covenant Church on Graves Avenue, and is open to the whole community. In addition, to the City's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23rd, at Zapopan Park. VII. ADTOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m., with 24 people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for April 11, 2002 (delayed by one week due to vacation by staff). ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 11, 2002 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Baffo at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Baffo, Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Matsdorf Absent: Commissioner Ruiz & Commissioner Quintanilla Ex Officio: Assistant City Manager: Donald J. Wagner Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Matsdorf The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for March 7, 2002, were deferred until May 2, 2002, due to a lack of a quorum. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE 04- 11 -02 /sb IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR INCREASE LOADING ZONE IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: Based on field measurements, the extension of the loading/ unloading zone in front of the school was recommended. This loading/ unloading zone, however, will be changed to white to correspond to other similar zones in front of other schools. In addition, "Loading/ Unloading Zone 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. on School Days" signs are recommended. Due to the travel pattern of the northbound vehicles adjacent to the curb, the addition of a 4 -inch white edge -line is recommended to guide vehicles away from the curb and parked vehicles. A 'Bus Zone" red curb was also recommended. This bus zone will provide an area specifically for bus loading/ unloading. This bus zone will be located adjacent to the existing red curb for the yellow crosswalk. The bus will not be allowed to park in the red curb the crosswalk because that provides visibility of the crosswalk. Speaking before the Commission was: Elizabeth Silva, Principal Williams School Ms. Silva stated that they are pleased with the white lines. She also stated that the parents are concerned with the speed of cars at location, and were wondering if the speed bumps would help. In addition, they would like to see the motorcycle officers in the afternoon to try to slow down traffic. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. 04- 11 -02 /sb V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON MARCH 26, 2002 Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the Janson School item was taken to the City Council on March 26, 2002. At the meeting, the Council decided that a decision could not be made at this time because of the unresolved issues between the residents and Rosemead School District thus requesting the School District to meet again with the residents for further discussion. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Matsdorf congratulated Commissioner Knapp on being awarded the "Woman of the Year" Award. Commissioner Knapp invited everyone to attend the "People for People" Spaghetti Dinner on April 26 at the 1s' Baptist Church for a low cost of $ 6.50. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come. before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. There were three (3) people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for May 2, 2002. 04- 11 -02 /sb A?R.24'2002 09:41 =3552 P.002 c Staff Report Rosemead Tra ff i c Commission i TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSE -MEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY �U DATE: April : 2002 RE: Requi mt for OvernightParking Restrictions on Hart Avenue from Illlarshall.Stroet to biney Street RE UEST A letter, attached, has been received from Stacy M. Abajian of Beacon Property Management. Beacon Property Management is the company that handles "the Rosemead Place Shopping Center::. Ms. Abajian indicates a concern regarding a motor home parking on Hart Avenue, .. She states the apparent owner of the motor home uses lit as their primary place of residence. Ms. Abajian is concerned that this motor home occasionally parks too close to the driveway accesses and blodk visibility. In addition, the motor home remains on the street, except during street sweeping days, and is a primary place of residence. Ms. Abajian is requesting the posting of "No Overnight Parking" on both sides of,Hart Avenue between Marshall Street and Olney Street. CONDITIONS Hart Avenue is a 58 wide north /south.local street. There is a double yellow centerline separating opposing lanes of traffic. The street is posted with "No Parking 10 AM to 2 PM Wednesdays Street Sweeping" on both sides of the street. The east sidi� of Hart Avenue between Marshall Street and Olney Street has no direct frontiri'g uses.. The ;west. side of Hart Avenue is the Rosemead Place Shopping Censer. Exhibit 1 depicts the existing conditions of Hart Avenue between Glendon Way and Olney Street. DATA Parking observation:; of Hart Avenue. occurred on two separate mornings. During each observation, at least 5 vehicles were observed parking on the west side of Hart Avenue ;south of Glendon Way. On both occasions, the same motor home was observed ISarking on the west,side of Hart Avenue. i P.PR.29'2002 09:42 °.3582 e.003 May 2, 2002 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Ovemightl Parking Restrictions oh' Hart Avenue from Mar hall Street to Olney Street Page 2 of 3 1 The reported accident history was reviewed for Hart Avenue between Marshall Street and Olney Street. The.period reviewed was from January 1, 1998 through September 30, 2001. Four accidents,were reported during this period and are summarized below' Location and Descl { i tion PCF' Day, Date & Time 1. Glendon @ Hart Right.& Way Auto. Fri., 9/15/00, 2:30 PM Southbound leffiturning vehicle broadsiaed.north bound vehicle .pi . ° straight. (No injuries). 2. Hart @ Marshalli Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight hit a fixed object. (Nci injuries). Driver Alc. /Drug (Improper Turn) Thurs., 4/1/99, 12:05AM 3. Glendon @ Harti Westbound left turning Vehicle broadsided north- bound vehicle proceeding straight. (No inju;ries). 4. Hart 14' S/O Marshall Eastbound vehicle proceeding straig hit a fixed object. (�lo injuries) Right of Way Auto Wed., 4/7/99, 7:05AM Driver Alc/Drug Fri., 9/18/98, 2:25AM (Improper Turn) PCF' = Primary Collision Factor DISCUSSION It is apparent from field observations that on- street parking on the south end of Hart Avenue is utilized. Most vehicles appear to be associated with the office development and /orlthe health club. During the evening hours, the majority of vehicles parking on I, art Avenue have departed. Some vehicles associated with the health club may still be present,but only for a limited time. The roadway is relatively clean. This suggests vehicles parking illegally do not excessively affect thtie street sweeping activities. This also suggests these vehicles find other anSas to park on Wednesdays. A memorandum from1Milan Mrakich dated January 31, 2002 (attached) indicates what actions have occurred In the nacf cncrifiral6, . 1L 4t :.. ...._a__ hPR.24'2002 09:42 #3482 P.004 May 2, 2002 Traffic 6mmission Meeting Request for Ovemighi Parking Restrictions on Hart Avenue from Marshall Street to Olney Street Page 3 of 3 i The vehicle has b6en cited for various'violations. It has also been impounded for parking on privateproperty without the owner's consent. The City Municipa{ Code (10.12.050) does restrict overnight parking in City park parking lots betw6en 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM. However, there are no other overnight parking restrictions° found in the Municipal Code or restrictions regarding motor hcme parking. Overall, there doe;, appear to be a motor home that remains on Hart Avenue for extended periods. In addition, 'Beacon Property Management has indicated that other motor homes; have parked on 'Hart Avenue on occasion (though this was 1. not observed by stuff). There appears to ISe a need to allow parking during the day on Hart Avenue. However, during th6 evening hours, this need decreases as the office and health club clientele decri �ases. Therefore, it is recommended that "Tow Away No Parking 2 AM to 4 AM" be installed on both sides of Hart Avenue from Marshall Street to Olney Street. This restriction will allow daytime parking and limit overnight parking. j Attachments PA06- 15M.)MRSM2002 Agerldas 8 DoeumentsWay -Hart Avenue Ovemight Pkg Request. doc v.PR.24'2002 09:52 Not to Scale No Parking \ 10AM to 2PM Wednesdays Street Sweeping _45 -25 ft. i4e altb Gl�tb -265 ft. Gi te mpo , Oa je lop o � Rl� P105.180VI11RStl1Ezh Fig120021May -H9rt #3452 ?.005 -70 ft., -30 ft. �95 ft No Parking 10AM to 2PM Wednesdays Street Sweeping -30 ft. -90 ft. Neighborhood Watch Area 29 ft. 11 29 ft. ECR 9 F1 G Way Parklnq -11fi ft. -90 ft. No Trucks Over 10AM to 2PM Wednesdays street Sweeping Olney 5treet APR.24'2002 09:42 I BEA CIO N PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & First Class Mail February 25, 2002 Ms. Jessica Wilkinson City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Boulev{,�rd Rosemead, CA 917' ?0 =3SF.2 ^.006 California • Oklahoma • Texas 3505 Hart Avenue, Suite 21A Rosemead, CA °1770 Phone 626 -572 -5101 • Fax 626- 572.5157 Re: Motor home Pa�,king/Living on.Hart Avenue; Rosemead Place Shopping Center Dear Ms. Wi 1 am writing in follo *v -up to my recent discussion with Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, regarding 1 silver motor home that has been parking and living on Hart Avenue for over 2 years now. Please see our letter attached dated June 7, 2001, addressed to Mr. Milan Mrackich. Nothing has been done regarding this issue and he has not been able to pro% { ide us with any answers for over one year as to what can be done about this situation. The problem is, as stated in our previous letter, the individual who owns the motor home actually lives in it and continues to park this unsightly vehicle on the south end of Han Avenue near our dm entrance to the shopping cez;ter. In addition to the vehicle being unsightly, our ilist of our issues also concern the several "near accidents" which occur because this mbtor home sits in the very place which blocks visibility coming out of the driveway. Thc: individual who owns the .motor home also uses our restrooms as well as the Bally's Gym to take care of his personal needs. This includes stealing the restroom supplies to'the point we are now adding locks on our restrooms, Our request to the City of Rosemead is to post "No Overnight Parking" on both the easterly and westerly side of Hart Avenue beginning'at Marshall Street and extending south to the 10- freeu block wall. There are rarely other vehicles which park on Hart Avenue overnight except this motor home and now 2 additional motor homes which have .obviously realized th Hart Avenue is a good place to park these vehicles and live within them. I P.PA.24'2002 09:43 - A34E2 P.007 City of Rosemead Motor .home Park.ing Letter Page Two t I With the many changes of the shopping tenter we have tried hard to improve the image of the shopping c6nter. This motor home;,and now the others which are lining up, are distracting to the P;ye as well as a hazard to those who exit the driveway on :dart and cannot see around; the vehicle. ` We ask that this matter be put before.the traffic and engineering council for a final resolution to this t ° natter. If we need to bring it before City Council as well, 1 will be happy to cooperat with the City in order to do so. Please advise us as to when this matter will be resolved and in what manner If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Stacy M. Abajiar�� Beacon Property 1.4anagement As agent for owner, Aespace America, Inc. Rosemead Place Shopping Center _ Cc: Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, City of Rosemead Joanne lta;�,aki, Project Manager, Willdan, Traffic Engineer for City of Rosemead Sgt. Waynt; Wallace, Rosemead Sheriffs' Department Frank Tripepi, City Manager, City of Rosemead Brad John on, Planning Director, City of Rosemead l u.PR..29'2002 09:93 rL15,-./ V[IPrtll1 U9:48 UI'1'Y ROSEM.EAD. ■ February 21, 2002 Mr. Milan Mrakich Code Enforcement City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE. Parking at Rosemead Place Dear Mr, Mrakich: TEL:626-507 -4218 „3932 P.008 P, 002 California ! Oklahoma • Texas 3505 Hart Avenue, Suite 2 14 Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone 626- 572 -5101 • Fax 626 -57- When working after how`s, employees of the 3505 Hart Avenue building are getting tickets from Parking En6rcement. To alleviate this problem, they are now hanging employee tags from the rearview mirror of their cars. Please ask your officers to check the rearview mirrors of the cars in question before issuing a ticket. The Parking Enforcement Officers are doing a tremendous job. We want to do anything possible to help them idyl nt'rfy the cars that are rightfully parking by the office building at 3505 Hart Avenue. If you or your of5cers hale a better way to distinguish these vehicles, please let me Know. I also wanted to advise y of the increasing problem with motor homes parking on Hart. Besides the silver vehicle we discussed in the past, we now have 2 more motor homes parking on Hart Avenue. This is what.we don`t want to continue. The problem will only get worse once Itarget opens on March 10. Would you please get b street to be posted 'No soon. At least once a d The visual clearance is Thank you for your help. Sincerely Lynell Graham Beacon Property Manage c to me on the status of Hart Avenue? We requested for the emight Parking ". Is this feasible? Please do something a car almost has an accident trylnq to exit driveway to Hart. because of the large motor homes. H.PP.24'2002 09:43 04 °2 ?.009 MEMORANDUM TO: DON FROM: MILAN DATE: JAN RE: 3500 HA NER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ZAKICH - ,- CODE;ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISOR 31,20K AVE. In response to your e -n ail regarding parking on 3500 Hart Ave. I am very familiar with the parking restrictions ] that apply to this street. This street is posted for no parking on Wednesday's from 10:(10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, for street sweeping. There are no other posted restrictions for tliis street. Over the past year I hive been contacted numerous times by Lynell and Kim from Beacon Property Manabement who manages the shopping center just West of Hart Ave. I have never talked to nor have:l ever received a message from anyone named Stacy. Lynell and Kim h called and asked that we enforce all applicable parking restrictions on Hart Ave as well as within their shopping center. This is done by our Parking Control OfficeA on a daily basis. Some of the calls I hav( received were in regards to a small motorhome type vehicle that parks on Hart Ave. Complaints have ranged from it being an unsightly vehicle to obstructing the view of rivers leaving the shopping center. Over the past two years this vehicle has been cited i'iumerous times for violations including expired registration and no license plates. This irehicle has also had it's tires marked dozens of times to verify that it is not standing intone location for more than 72 hours. In addition, this vehicle has been impounded tm for parking on private property without the owners consent. Today I went by and checked the 3500 block of Hart Ave. The vehicle that is being questioned has current registration and is parked legally. - If you have any Attachment: (4) please feel free to give me a call. of 3500 Hart Ave. cc: Jessica Wilkinson z.PR.24'2002 09:43 BE A C N PROPERTY MA NAbEMENT tune 7, 2001 Mr. idilan Mrakich C'it� Of Rosemead S838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead. CA 91770 RF: Parkin_- Dear Mr. AL-akich: #3482 P.010 California • Oklahoma • Texas 3505 Hart Avenue, Suite 21 Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone 626 -572 -5101 & Fax 626 - 575 -5157 Per our comersation yes I am going tgive you the details of the parkins situation at Rosemead Place. I 1. Around the 350511 {an office building id 3501 113n. Office Pro, are signs %%ith' OFF PARKING ONLY ". They has the proper codes and phone numbers per the Sheriff's Dept. '_. The first 2 aisles Lndcr the parking struturejust north of the 3505 Hart buildins the signs read ' NZ BALLY'S PAPKw3'. Again, these signs have the proper codes and phone numbers. What we request, of Parkl.ing Enforcement is to patrol the parking lot in these areas before 8:00am Monday — Fridayl and issue tickets to curs parked in these areas. 1 f the Enforcement Officer would speak to our Security Offcer, he would be able to tell him what cars do not belong. Carecr Panncrs in the 355 office building and Office Pro both have vehicles lcti over night in the,parking lot. 1, told these tenants to call you to see what they need to do to prevent these vehicles from eetting tickets. t t I A ?6.29'2002 09:99 _ €3962 P.0ii { J 1 also asked Career Part ners to issue permits or passes to their employees to identify them as tenants. The employes of our office already have tags. We will keep these on our dash or hanging from thL mirror. I also want to let you knw our concern with the man who has beer parking and living in, vehicles on Hart Avenue for over 2 years. He has a large gray motor home and a beige VW camper both of which he lives in, Both vehicles are old and very neglected. (He moves them on Wednesday for street sweeping.) . He drives a red miata convertible and leaves in this vehicle each morning. He comes out of Bally - s every moming after taking a shower, changes in the large vehicle and goes to wo;6 We believe he works for a local school sys because he is always off during the time schools are out for vacation and holidays. s _ 1 need you to do something to get this guy to camp somewhere else. In the fall when the time chances and it gets dark early, women coming and going to our building do not like to park near these vehicles. The fact that this man has been living on the street in these vehicles for over 2 years makes people uneasy about his character and mental stability. I don't want the street tolbc posted for timed parkins during the day; because this is overflow for the shoppin;? center. What I would like you to do is post it "NO OVERNIGHT PARKING". This will get rid of this weirdo for sure. 1 know he will just go somewhere else, but Pcannot do anything about this. %Vhat bothers me, if this 1'.uy works for the school system, what kind of contact does he have with the children athhe school? I don't ware to keep ramt)lins on about him, but this has been a concern of mine for the 2 )'tars I have worked heref Ifyou can do anything p do. I would appreciate any information you can give me. Also feel free to call me i?f you need anything. Sincerely. �L ti LvnelI Gr a Beacon Property