TC - Agenda - 08-05-04AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting Call to Order: AUGUST 5, 2004 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairperson Knapp, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla, Commissioner Baffo, Commissioner Benjamin Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Matsdorf Invocation: Chairperson Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 8, 2004 (Deferred to September, 2004) II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS - NONE A. REQUEST FOR MODIFY CURB ZONES AND INSTALL "NO U TURN" SIGNS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON DEL MAR AVENUE B. REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB AT 2482 NEW AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL'S ACTIONS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, September 2, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at: Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. JUL.28 07:46 r.VULJVv Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM:, JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: July 27, 2004 RE: Request to Modify Curb Zones and Install "No U Turn" Signs In Front of Williams Elementary School on Del Mar Avenue REQUEST Ms. Silva, Principal of Williams Elementary School, has request the City to re- evaluate the curb zones in front of the school. Ms. Silva has indicated that the curbs are in need of repainting. Ms. Silva has also requested the installation of "No U Turn" signs for southbound Del Mar Avenue traffic at the driveway entrances to the school. Ms. Silva has indicated that vehicles executing this turn often cause congestion and delay at the driveways. CONDITIONS Williams School is located on the eastside of Del Mar Avenue north of Graves Avenue. Del Mar Avenue is 64 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit on Del Mar Avenue is 35 mph. During school begin(release periods, however, the speed limit is posted at 25 mph with a flashing yellow beacon for both directions of traffic: There is a yellow crosswalk on the south leg of Del Mar Avenue at Highcliff Street. A crossing guard assists pedestrians crossing at this location. Exhibit 1 depicts existing conditions in front of Williams School Field observation of the painted curbs in front of Williams School indicates a need to repaint the entire area. Also, the Traffic Commission had previously made recommendations regarding the curbs in front of Williams School in April of 2002. 'At that time the Commission recommended changing the yellow curb to white to be consistent with other school loading zones in.the.City., Apparently, the curbs were not repainted as recommended since there continues to be yellow . curb. JUL.28 01:46 - - aunny.r.vuaiuvr August 5, 2004 riaftie Commission Meeting Request to Modify Curb Zones and Install "No U Turn" Signs In Front of Williams Elementary SOW on Del Mar Avenue Page 2 of 2 Due to summer school schedule and a lower attendance, field observations of the concern regarding U turns were not observed. However, experience at other school locations would Indicate the possibility of U turns being made at inappropriate times especially during school statt(release times. Parking and loading areas in front of schools is always very difficult to COMM). Parents will park in red zones if that is the most convenient for them. At Williams School, we have provided loading zones to accommodate the most vehicles possible. Due to the lane striping on Del Mar Avenue, additional loading zones are not possible south of the school. The School has requested the yellow zone in front of the parking lot be changed to green with "20 Minute" stenciled on the curb to accommodate visitors to the school. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the curb zones in front of Williams on Del Mar Avenue be repainted with the changes proposed on Exhibit 1. These changes include painting over (or removing) the existing yellow curbs. The yellow curb in front of the school will become white to be consistent with other school loading zones. The yellow curb in front of the school's parking lot will become green with "20 Minute" stenciled on the curb. It is further recommended that "No U Turn" signs be installed for southbound traffic. These signs are to be posted at the driveways to the parking lot of the school. All these recommendations are depicted on Exhibit t Attachment P:W&1 WJ111RSD120D4 Apenane b DOCUMenl9bWtYw1HIMS SChpol Curb mnos 8 No U turn aigm.doe 0 JUL. 28 R � SYJOY I.VVY /VVI �a 0 o- e � N F yy 6 g u J Y J a u. v m � T V N 6 Lo. N U O Z O > 6 c 3 z N m C O GZ � V ZZ W � O O U ¢ W W F W n ¢¢ 6 m ooaoao m =m V � O L.r O J V O V - � F N N N x x R W W W A Staff Revort Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: July 27, 2004 RE: Request to install Red Curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue REQUEST Staff received a request from Mr. Ken Hang of 2482 New Avenue. Mr. Heng is requesting the installation of red curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue. He indicates that vehicles park at this location and block access to his driveway. Mr. Heng has provided pictures of the location. CONDITIONS Exhibit 1 depicts conditions at the driveways of 2482 and 2476 New Avenue. There is approximately 13 feet of curb space between the driveways in question. DISCUSS[ON Field observation of the location was made during the morning period. There were vehicles parked on the east side of New Avenue north and south of the curb in question. In addition, parking on the west side of the street was also occupied. Due to the multi - family residential uses in the area, it's.not unusual to have on- street parking heavily occupied. As Identified in Exhibit 1, the curb space between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue is approximately 13 feet. This is less than the 20 foot minimum length used for parking spaces. The installation of red curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue would not significantly affect the on- street parking on New Avenue. There is parking space available on New Avenue north and south of this location that vehicles associated with the multi-family uses can utilize. JUL.28'2DO4 07:47 - n4bb4 z. uub /vVr August 5, 2004 Traffic CGMM1 Bfon Nearing Request to Install Red Curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue Page 2 Ot 2 RECOMMENDATION The installation of 13 feet of red curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue is recommended. This recommendation is depicted on Exhibit 1. Attachment PAOrs160U111RSM00 Agendas 8 Cocumerft%"•2 &247e New RC reQUSS1 -doc JUL. ZC'ZU U4 Vl:4l Vet Vd m V d Q ` l/d i s Bz ; s �z i CD aF aAV VMAHV W �z m i U i W ¢. W N O CL O' a i Q N W m z W .W 0 O " } ~ O a C11 .. N V fl. 00 Er: X � W i W W �z m i U i W ¢. W N O CL O' a i